ROYAL The Absolutely Pure Baling Powder is the baking powder "of general use, its sale exceeding that of all other baking powders combined. Royal Baking Powder has not its counterpart at home or abroad. Its qualities, which make the bread more healthful and the cake of finer appearance and flavor, are peculiar to itself and are not constituent in other leavening agents. r m m 2 is 1 1 2 31 Dr. C. O. Smith, of Lewtitown, spent Friday in town. John Beaver, wife and son, of Lock Haven, and Mrs. F. 8. Bingaman and son, from White Deer, were entertain ed by H. I. Bomig's last week. Dr. Rooke and wile, of Wlnfleld, Hpent several days at this place recently- Isaac Mat torn and.two daughters, of ! 2 84 McClure, were mm. 11 011 our streets 8at-, J JJ urday. !S 8 00 897 113 8U The darfleld Cornet Band of this sao place, went to Liverpool on Memorial I J JJ I 8 41 Wm. Meaat and wife, of Kantz, were ilM in town buimuy. A. H. Yerger and Maizy P. Stephen were the giH-nla of B. L. Stephen's at Paxtouville, over Saturday and Suu- aay. C.N PENNSYLVANIA KAILROA0. Sunbnry & La wis town Division. In effect Mar 38, 1900. d. I rrinons. MT. PIJ: AS ANT MILLS. " I tST: 10 071 10 12 101 10M lor! toss 'iosh; 10 46 10 11! ItOSTl 1103! II 13; 111 ill 27! II . Sun bury Bellnegrove Junction belinsgrove Pawling K re 1 iter MHerr Mitldleburg Ilenfer Beavertown Adamsburit Kaubs Mills McClure Wagner BaiaiS Fsiutrrville Alaitland Lewistown H 87 Laerlstown (.Main Street ) 11 40 Lewistown Junction. A U, 90 904 sn 8 49 ! 4 46 I S40 I 884 ' 82S - -II 818 H 07 ! 7 87 Vol 7 49 j 743 rw 783 7 K IIIMIIIIfc pa SOU 450 45 488 4 81 4 28 4 22 4 18 407 4 12 :136 849 3 39 1 338 880 3 24 8 IS 8 18 ; 10 ' , Traiu loaveB Huubury 5 25 n m, ar rives at Selmsgrove 5 45 p in , Trains leave Lewistown Junction : i 1 4 M a tn. 10 IS 1 m. 1 10 m.inn n m I n m ?ir Brosius and MableShull atten-1 "J&.XiT'S'i . !. . . . . . --" :. rss"!"S"r i eu oonunenoemeni nt mickneii Ltn- p w rsnsanpnis n.i ni 1 t Great efforU are made to sell ilum battle powders under the plea that they ire so many cents a pound cheaper than Royal. The admia tiou that they are cheaper muile is an admis sion that thev are inferior. But alum pow ders contain a corrosiye poison and should nut be used in loud, uo matter huw cheap. versity, Lewiaburg, several .lays last SSuSSitwpa I David Hoover had a force of men em i ployed laat week peeling Imrk. John Moyer and wife, of Freeburg, I were in town on Sunday. Rev. stealer preached in the St. John's church Sunday p. m. Rev. ('. K. Qllbert delivered an Inter esting sermon in the Interest! of the Young People's Luther League Sunday evening. Miss Maggie Roth rock spent several days in Sliauiokiu last week. Some of our people are attending court this week. Calvin Steffen, of Paxtonville, was in town Monday. The auditors met Monday and audit ed the finances of the school board for the year 18110. Benton Rothermel, ofMandata, spent Sunday at his home. York : 6a m. 1 (18 1 33 4 83and 1118 i in Fn Philadelphia & Erie R R Division. jOVAL BAKING POWDER CO., 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW Y0K. COUNTY NEWS. Breezy Letters Written by Our Corps of Correspondents j'hr ughout the County. RICHFIELD. I". H. Basom. of this place, stiivti d out to transact business for the Menu r ;ai Association Monday. P. I . Hhadel, oi i his plait, i- paint ing his house red, with green shutters, white window frames and sashes, also a white porch. In tJiis Dart of the county th ire ar better prospects for a good potato bug Crop than lor me potatoes tn mseivea David Zeii!L:-s and M.- were the guests of Henry Wise, of this place, Sunday. Mrs. John McKinney, of Bunbury, atarted on her homeward journey Mon day morning. KANT.. to Freeburg Monday laturduy home WEAVER CHAPEL ORGAN. To Be Given Away to Some Church, Sunday School or Public School. The publisher of the Poht will give u handsome VVkavkr I'hai'KI, m ;. n to some Ihuri'h, Sunday hi'IiiniI or pub lie school in Snyder t 'ounty and he asks the patrons of this iiaper to select the place w here it shall go. The highest number of votes will determine the choice. Newsjmiier coupons ami pre mium coupons will enmit as follow- NEWSPAPER COUPONS: T h e Voting coupon printed in inch Issue of the PosT i good for one vote if Ailed out and sent or brought to this ofticc. PREMIUM COUPONS : All sut acribcrs who pay for the Post In ad vance will receive n Premium ('ouhiii from this office, thai entitle- them to TW O votes, for each month paid 111 ad vance and 25 lor :i full year. For a NEW t'lwli sulwcription FOUR pre mium counnns will Is Issued for each month and 50 for a full year. So cou pon will lie Issued for less than six mouths suliscriptioii, Changing t h e name from otic inenilier of a family to another will not be considered n new subscriber. i'r every dollar's worth of joi printing or new advert Isements tliat arc brought or senl to this office, a pre mium coupon will be Issued for 25 votes. CUT THIS OtT. II. S. Stahl wa on business. Kate Aumiller cihih to stay a few weeks. Lydia A. Hughes intend-to make a trip to Florida this fall. The Kantz Cornel Hand was to Se lin's Orove on Memorial Day. Henry Sassaman and Hoyt Paige were visitors at this place .Sunday. Merlin Olase and M. L. Paige, of Nanticoke, were home Saturday and Sunday. Jacob Holta-ipplc. of Northumber land, was under the parental roof Sun day. Florence Kline Is spending a week with friends and relatives at the upper cud. A verv Interesting: sermon preached' by Hev. Hordinan at this place on Sunday. Text: Matt. xlii:!, "Who hath car's to hear, let him hear." Miss Bessie Nlcte, of Smoketown, was a welcome visitor in our place over Sundav. H. W. N'augle and U. A. were to MlddTeburif Sunday Moses Batetuttn and wife, of Selin's Orove, visited 1). Uingaman and fam ily Sunday. Quite a number of our people attend ed Hoover's Sunday school Sunday. Wilson Holt' left this morning for Sunburv, where he Is employed In a grist mill. Milton Miller, of Milton, visited his friend- in this place Sunday. The Kantz Bund festival was well at tended Saturday evening. Mrs. Ir. Bayer and mother-in-law, of Seliu's Orove, were visitors in our place Tuesday. Kim nk s. Riegleand Calvin Rchoch, of Mindleburg passed through this place Saturday ui their way home and gave us a pleasant smile. John K.Hughes and wife, of Free burg, were visiting at this place Satu r day evening. Lvdia A. Itnmig is now looking for her brother William and family, of Missoula, Molilalia, to come to spend the summer with her. Mrs. Thomas Hon", of Freeburg, spent a lew days at Kant, last week.. Mrs. Hoffj of Kant, was visiting her daughter, Mrs. Kuliek, at Selin's Orove, last week. Goshen, III. Genes-en Pure Pood Co., Le Hoy, N. Y. Dim: Sirs : Soma data since a package of your QRAIN O prepara tion was left at roy oftic, i took it Lome and give it a trial, and I havn to say I was very much pleased with it, as a substitute for coffee, We have always used the best Java and Mocha i'i our family, but I am free I to say I like the ORAINO as well as the lies; coffee I rv.-r drank. Respectfully yours, A. (.,. Jackson, M. I). AND NORTH UN riNTKAL RAILWAY WESTWARD, Train .ve B-lltigroTe Junction attiy fori Sn 11 ' "i and Wot. a in, is! ,vt p in, .1 ;i) p m S indav 9 n in 1 8 4;i p in. Trains leave Baobnn dally erppt Itiadari 1 .1 m Tit II IT . Iii. Krlo and 'unan.lutiruii 6 :n h m tor Billtlnnta Kile and Uansndslicu 1 ii in lor Iok lUvnn. Tyrone nnd t)n WSS1 1 10 pm toriaUatunt&ai! Tyrona and UanaD-1 dslsna t4Bp m lor asaovoand Klmlrii s 4n p m lor Wlllliiiiiaimit simdny !i in n in (r Krle unit Oannndalirnn w - u in f.irlK!k Huvcn an! H i.1 u D lur . lirattpori SMaui, 1 9t a m 1 00 and 5 48pm lor Wllkaa. ii it r- nnd Haaatton r, i.'i a in I" in a 10, 1 00 p id, B ' p m lur SIimuw- alio iicmiih arint-l Suoday 'J a m fur M itke-'lmrrf KASTWAR1). Train' leave SellM(TOVa JaootlOD to on a in, daily srrlvlDK rn PblUdelphtM ! 1 1 1 p in New York j SO p iu H.iltlmore ii 11 p iu ! WitKhlmtton 4 M p m Mi4 i m daily arrlvlni at Phlladalpbla .0 .'ii p in NW Y"rk 3 U a in. llitlilmore 9 ISp in ' WiiKlilnit'tuli in M) . in. 1 40 p in. ii ally arrlvltiv at Phlladalphia I t Ma in, N'ir .irk ;io a in, BalHmora ou m WMbingtton I Oft n m Tra'ns aim) iMVa Smiliiiry : 2 a in dally arrlvlnu at PhlladaldblS 9 M A iii ' Haltttnora 6 01 a m Waalil"jrtnn T4: am Nci York BOS a m Waekdaya, 10 :w n in HUDdayi, 7 mi a tn weak daya arnvlOK nl Pblladelpbia ii is i m. No- York i io p m, Baltimore 115., a in, Waablngton 1 on p m. i 1 W' 'k dayi urriviinr at Pblladelpbia - p in. New York 00 p tn, Baltimore ti u.' p u Wajninaton 1 lopni Tralno alto lesre Hnnburv at 950 a m and I tiolSOl p 11., lor Hnniabttrg, Pblladelpbia and altliaore 1 it. Wui III, iir-n'1 Paaa Aaenl 1 R. If ItTOII lSOM Uan'l Manaeer a B Mh K' 4 1 1 1 1 1 i. A Man is Well Dressad WHEN HE WEARS 1 nwm mm CLOTHIN a m e ' a rn 1 . (1 1 1 1 1 j il looks as if it was specially designed and mm for the buyer. You can pick out a Leeb Bait. Haaj tailor look. It'll wear ; it'll bold its shape ; it'll save you money. Our prices Keep lie people Co g. T I 1 uu anil 111, 1 froi Men s Suit. in, III S' .",1 I m. A I'.,.. ' ,.:,.. 1 r. Men's Black worsted Suits, $6.00l lJuy's Black nml Blue Sergl Men's Blue Serge Suits, $6.00 Z Suits trm ?G to 10. 1 hen hi r in'tter grades Iroru Children s Suits. 4,6.50 to $12.00. 9 Children's better grades 91.75 to $5.00. 4444444444444KHr4'r444Z 4404r coo ooo o OOO 1. : Hilts Still". Fedorn. nil Ktvl.. ami colors 50c I TY....I.... Ill I. 1 n 'in l'uiiiiiii uHim ami Drowfl Stiff, $2.50. Stitl Hat -, is low as $.00 Fedora Hats as low as "iOc Men's Pants, Men's better grade Pant to $3.00. Men's tinelre; s Pants, Children's knee Punts, Children s knee pant i cents. .)(! lip $100 $4.50 I 'll' up 50c and o I o o o O ? i M A Ut KT), SCIINEE. May29,atMt. Pleasant Mills, I iv Urv. K. E. Gilbert. II. J. Gear- wiablng furl hart and Annie Hnckcnburir, Imili : ot 1 enn township, iersnl is place, Nearly every rain at present, Benton Btroub ami 'win were in town W ednetiday, William A. rlardlnfr, of tin wna 111 ruinus 1 liut'silav. Jennie Btroub ami Katie Troup, of Pallas, passed through town Thursday. Rev. (iiliiert preached In the Ht. Jnlin's church at this place Sunday ev- waa ening. Reuben is. Meiser, ofSeltaoMt'om was In town one day this week. The Garfield Cornet Band, of this place, was to Liverpool on Memorial Hay. I W. H, VVendt, U this place, got new Bhcmory shutters this week, which will linprove 1 the appeanuice of hi house. Ia iii I tinn er had some men tn help to peel hark. While they were peeling, a log fell on Mr. Bchnee's hand, which injured it very badly. Rev. Htettler preached erau church at this ulace Hundav aft ernoon. David Homer ami wife were to Kant Monday. 1 lur Sunday school I Children's Day. Peter VVendt, of Allni atonuay iat. David Hoover will begin to saw Wed nesday. Z. z. Buchanan, Mich., May 22. QetiPHsee Pure Food Co., Rot. NY. 1 1 1 nti.kmkn : My inn:, ins baa been a great coffee drinker and has found it verj injurious. Having used several packages of your ORAJN (). the drink that takes' the place of coffee, she found it much better for bereelf and for uschildren to drink. She has siyen up coffee drinking entirely. We use a pack age every wiwk, I am ten vetrs od Kesoeol full vours. Fannie U ii.mams if Pallas, A Frew Scholarship to Each County or Pennsylyauia. The Soliissler Col lege" of Biisinaas, an (uoorpo rated institution at Xorris town, Montgomery (.'ounty, Penn sylvania, in order to Introduce its advantages for securing a thorough business education, will give one Free Scholarship to each County in tin State. The Free Scholarship grants to the student free tuition cither in tin Shorthand or the Com mercial Department. Students de- niriug in tn ae aa vantage 01 cue op In the I.tith- nortiiuitv will make annlination at ....i r. i ..ii once, mentioning this paper, as the first application for each County only will be considered, upon re ceipt ot which conditions will be forwarded. Youp Presence always Welcome-buy op not. M. L0EB & SON, RELIABLE ONE-PRICE CLOTHIERS AND GENT'S FURNISHERS, 318 e. MARKET ST., sUNbUrY, pa. ESTABLISHED 187. Jgg : v:v x 323 MarketSt., , SUNBURY, PA. mm ULbig . N V V' N V ! C n o TiTnnnTV o nn I K I I I I l! T AT I II I. IV H i i I 0 nmm km IPNT1IR GOODS, Al UQ)5 I FSSHfflE TACKLE, GOaTCMDS ireparibg fur were In town ADAMSBUUU. ,, EB Ltfl i, ill elm roll ?Prtct V .iv .iimuni mii c, $ NO. 6. 1 Jn 7. K n g This i H tn one v iiiiihui -i 1 1 nit me noiuer nte fur the bandsome WEAVER CHAPEL ORGAN N i Mini I iv tlic WVftvrr Oriuaii A Piano Co V ,.( "l ,.rk. I 'ii.. and will liy f. !. Uivicvl. Mid Ij illrtinrK- la. Itn It irivi-n to boiiip Cliiirrh. n Sunday Si'liool or Public School in Snyder County, liy the Post, inlilleiiiruii. l a. This vote Is cast fori ALINE. The jMiiple nre buny cultivating their corn and potatoes at present. Albert A. Boyer of Oriental knows now what it la to jump a freight train. He was caught by the police in Ilarris biirir siuiic time ago and was put in the lock-up for sunn' time. Wm. Knouse and wife of Bonker town were the quests of bis brother, i 'luist, Saturday laat. J. M. Underkoffiur was the guest of J. VV. ii. Mover at Oriental Sunday. H. A. Poltzand wile were the guests of J. it. I'ndcrkofHcr's Sunday. Jam s Beaver and Miss Laura Shotz berger were at Aline Sunday evening. if Jb . vi. r Kills LIoL U o, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Hardware, Lumber, Etc. Largest stock in Central Pennsylvania. A full line of Building Hardware, Cook Stoves. Ranges, Stand ard Wiekles, Oil Stoves, Wnll Paper, Window Shades. Ready Mixed Paints, Lead, Oil, &o: Write us for prices or call and ee us. Lewistown, Pa. Bell anft SnrloiL TelepUones KltKKlUUH. Misses Bertha Beebold and Mabel Moyer upent Sundav at the Merchant's Hotel. Jas. O. Crouae, Esq, if Middlcburg, pawed through town Saturday. Mi-s Itemie Mechtley, of Lewistown, is upending a week with her parents. Mrs. Hurley Romig and daughter, Marie, sient Saturday In McClure. Miss va Cathernuui, of Lewistown, is visiting friends In town. J. A. Kearns and wire have returned from a trip to Philadelphia and Atlan-I was given Kriday evening in the audi ECONOMICAL Plow $ Shoe,: Eagle Hotel, C W. GEAYEILL, PSOPRIETOE. IMEAR THE DEPOT. Middleburg, - - - Penna. First Class Accommodation, Low Htitcs and Careful Attention (liven to all Guests. -Liv;ry Attached. (iuoil Horses and Careful Drivers. oSoanar,anaoan.-iania,-,n n ! BARMAN'S I SHOE STORE, 0. The l ami I!. Sunday school will ob serve Children's Hay next Sunday. Galen Shotcberger of the Falrmounl Unti l, visited bis parents one day last week. Wm. K. Brown, one of our musicians, , is at present teacher of a large class of pupusm ..ur v, unity, several inm- - Siinlmrv. 20,000 paira oi shoes i tuins as teacher have been offered bun!" , ,, ' . I " siiois m adjoining pliici-sduring the suiiiincr. ij " " cheajier th; 11.00 Pair, Word,, si Arnold s Closing Out Shoe Sale. a ( ur Shoe Hall,:-J-2 Market St., v i i an niev m Central Hole!, Is j Ftnt-Qta iaWMMildllt, Livery IfflUL D. B0LENDER, PROP'R., i ir.i ajatianal iinnk, MIDDLEBURG, l'A. tic I itv. A verv entcr- Maater Joe Kloae spent the past week tainlng programme was rendered. The Thin coupon la notciiwl fle weeknaffc-r alxivr lateand will tben not be counted. u.l I..- mall ,.r I r I iiL to tllil. Illtlcc ftllil bttaare It depoaltetl In the ballot boa. with ids grandparents in Selin's Orove. Jiihn McKlrath is employed in Qreensburg at present. The festival given by the ladles of the Ueformed eliurch Wednesday even ing was well patronized. Children's Day exercises will tie held in the Lutheran church Sunday even ing, June In. Edward Hmith and Miss Myra Rom ig left for Keller's Husiness College, Lewisburg, where they both contem plate taking a course in stenography. Mrs. Hiram Siegfried, of Belin's Omve, is spending a week with her parents, J. W. Specht's. We are pleased to note the convales cence of Grandfather Aurand, who has been seriously ill for a number of weeks. Milton Smith, who is employed in Yeagerstown, siient Memorial Day with his family. The second recital by the college cluss n cost. The Arnold Son's fuetorv i ay, Otore Stock im goo agents' samples, damped tables. -ECONOMICAL- toriUm of the college. consists of aide trip faculty of the college instructors. Will L. Baasler made a business to Sunburv Saturday. Sadie Witiner of Selinsgrove accom panied by her friend. Bessie Fry, H,ent several days with her uncle, J. K. Moyer. Edward Moyer and wife of Liverpool visited among friends several days lust week. Director H. B. Moyer of the Musical College sjient a day in Kunbury last week. Prof. B. F. Apple and wife of Hun bury spent Decoration Day with Geo. K. Moyer's family. John Miller, employed at Bunbury, spent Sunday at home. Master Ralph Roush of Middleburgh is visiting with h i s grandparents, Henry Roush and wife. A DMINI8TRATOR8' NOTICE, bet- Itri f AHminNtrtition in the .-ui.- of m Lucy Ann K.iMiU, luiuf -'"'-I lt 'iavcrtarn.. 8nv- I i rter Comity, l a., dMMNdt halving Ween irrnnted to tin iitiil' Miguel, nil jM-r-nu" knowing them wlvm imlrbteU to Maid t'Stikte are retieHtel to nuikt iinniedintf pMvnient, while thow hazing -.1..;.... at,.. aamM . ..i .t.. , II at I 322 flarket St., Sunbury, Pa. 1 1 d",f S iSjK June inon. Admiuli.trator, "What is the jirice ot Dobbins' Electric Soap?" "Five cents a bar. full size, just reduced from teu and your choice of 139 25-cent books sent free, for each 3 wrappers and 7 cents for postage. Hasn't been less than ten cents for 33 years. "Why that's the price of common brown soap. I can't afford to buy any other soap than this. Send me a box of Dobbins' Electric" 3 at XKCfTOK'S KOTK1R. Notice v tate of Caroline Moyer, late of Heaver twp.. ran that 1,11,-r- t' -l uin'iitiir to hercby upon the ea- Mnviler countv. Ia.. ilccfani'd have been laaued in due form of law to the underniffned. to whom all Indebted to aaid estate ahoulil make Imme diate payment and those having claim! against It should preaent them duly authenticated for settlement. UAKVRV MOYEK, Executor, Beavertown, Pa., May 7, 1900. EXBCUTKirS NOTICBNotlca la hereby given that letters testamentary upon the the estate of Wm. K. Unwell, late of West Bea ver Twp., Snyder County, Penna., deceased, hare been Issued In due form of law to the un dersigned, to whom all Indebted to said estate should make Immediate payment and thoaa having claims against it should preaent them duly authenticated for settlement. liuuc uuwio, aa-ecutrtx. Me acClure. Pa. liffTTTT TiTiT- . st aaa a to fiml complete Is the plan a 1 : 1 1 1 am line of . t-UUIUU wiiuuti There art Ruasets, Biaok and Patent Leather Shoes .... e keep the DB1 quality of SHOH and when you ba our best you canre-t assured the qualio is right We have them as low as 90c, and all other grades up to the very best for $4. Give Us a Trial- W. I. Gar man. .efeW am ,aaatw aMHmi A. aw m CASTOR I For Infants and Childr an. Thi Kind Yoi Have Alwip Bears the Signature of