m THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. V ik lafsvaaf IamiI )UHm fM Hay ST, teotl Parables of the Kloaoont. Prepared by H. C. Lrsntncton.) THE LESSON TEXT. (Matthew 13:24-31.) Another parable put He forth unto . ( 1 - I . a IT .. mi ... . i in hi n u i n H. But while men slept, nil enemr came . n-a. , turn nmnnff ru wm&l ana it his way. I But when the blade was sprues up. , brought forth fruit, then appeared the IT. So the servants or ine nousenoiaer i and said unto mm: sir, mast no sow good seed In thy field? From . .... tVt4n rmth It urix.' . He said unto them: An enemy nam fti! I ne servants sum unto nira. t thou then tnul we go ana gamer n up? Hut he said: Nay: lest while ft ...... .... fnnxj vrt ruin 11TI H ISll nil ........ unli them SO Let both irrow tngether until trio ...... ami in the time of harvest I will to tnu ri-ii'irM. ,4i,v,i,- j mi i ii' ..,..,, i .. tl,..ni- hut L-iil UT I It) Wtlvat lilt' n Aimther paralile put ne ronn unu ' . M.. .1 .... ... II. ... them, saying: ih tuiiiuuuj .i like to a grain 01 ngnun ooou, tr.in- man tooa, ana sowva mi umn .1 Which Indeed Is the leRsl or nn seeds; but when it is grown, n is in sisatsst ami ag h. rbs, Hiid becoraeth a .... i ,... Km pmhi 4 thereof. iiiniif ii hi. Another parmDlc space ne nine them: The wingaum "i ih-im" up,. unto leaven, which a woman took, ami bid vrnn leavened. GOl . I K N TEXT. i ne nem is tne worm. Hatt. u: NOTES AND COMMENTS. This lesson properly includes; the .even parables spoken at the tame time ., 1.1.. ,1... MMwnr wliii.h MrOS S3 I " p" - - narab.es to be Milium lire mvrucu " Matthew 13:24-52 and Mark 4:26-35. 1UOC fJ "I',' f O Of I be Tares. Of the Mustard Seed. 01 the Leaven. Of the Hid Treasure. Of the Pearl of Great Price. Of the Fishing Net. Of ine Fruitful Field. The Parable of (be Tares. In the ...i:., ,, ,.t ifs iit iiu I ii tin tares ji-41 i.i... l t tin. wneai. n to uwi ......... i ,1 t. .1... ..I. .,..! that It i... .-,f..li- t letl niit. This is an 'All i" n ' ... ... .. I. ........ ..f t Ii.. ih liri'li With. L i.. 4-..1.1.. n.. ,,.l ,,,l I,.,, I nllkn. i,l oil tvVin I, five tskon llliilll themselves vows of service to Christ are Ills iliclplea. On the other hand it may be Utclplei of our Lord. Church fellow ship, truly, is better, because of the '.'II il....ll IHIHIIIU till.' .... . ' oentive to do Cbriatiaa work; but the wheat and which the tun'.' . , ,, ,t. e .. UTI ...... . . l r ILa 1 .... I H l l l l KVUU 44 VIII in,. It is well to note thut there is notli- of the lust les.Miii concerning in oi us ami mit'it u iirnm muai irv ... 11 J 41 !..!. 1... l 1.1 1... ilocked at once. The parables of the nBgulahed) The seed in tha latter 1 1 . . 1 1 C ,1 i t. . . , laiuoie is iiol ine wiim ui tiuu, nut field is the world rather than the IKU I . 4THI III Ulllll IEWU 111' m i ., .... o .sower frave us one aspect or ine, jiuijr doai of Qod, the parable of the tures (fives us another and entirely different aspect. Parable of the Mustard Seed. This parable indicates the growth ill ex tent of the kingdom. From the small est beginnings the greatest things often come. The Christian fnitli lias spread abroad in a marvelous degree since this paralile was spoken. But ucsuies tins oroaii u j ij u it -u inn nir Stable has an individual application, iv little faith muv irrow to be a stronR !...:.) ,i.t I , t: u.. Stalwart faith. More than this the Im portance of all little things is shown. -No one knows what may result from a single thought or word. Vast good or harm mav eventually come about. Parable of tin' Leaven. Another freat tnith is inculcated here. It Is paoeerning the manner in which the kingdom is to grow. In another place (Luke 17:30) .lesus says: "The king ilin of Qod cometh not w ith observa tion." The growth of the kingdom is laiel and unostentatious, but none the Ms powerful and effective. 1 arable of the Hid Treasure. e will touch upon one other of these para bles. .Jesus likens the Kingdom ol Heaven to a treasure that has been lost in a field. A Stranger happen? done; ami finds it. He hides it in an other place in the same field for fear that another knows of it s w hereabouts. Then be goes to the ow ner of t he field and buys it. It is needless to say that his does not teach that we aru to bide our light under a bushel, but, it does how how a very valuable thing can im part value to a comparatively worth less thing. Any number of field were valuable, in themselves considereil. M this, but they contained no extraor dinary treasure. So a human life may he comparatively worthless, but the light of God iu the heart transforms the life, and it becomes of inestimable value. The Home. In the home is found the strength of nation. If all is well In the home Ji is well In the community. If we "ad in our homes that the marriage hond is lightly considered, there is n bidden spring of evil which cannot '11 to undermine society. Bev. P. C. Torke. The Mind. Fill tho mlnrl wifti .Tonrl i rintttrrita. ........ r, d the beet books. Be so much oc nPled with Christlike serrlce that sin nnot be entertained. Her. D. C. rett MAKING AN ORCHARD. Sweat nan (or Ileglnaers Is to Select Varieties That Have lie en Tried with Sure i'e. son was hunp; for murder, vihile ole Aa an orchard, especially the apple mM JtokiOB waji fcimplv hhed. and pear orchard, wilL. after it haa jujge made agood growth and become eatab- lished. last an ordinary lifetime. It I Vaiversai Rule, given proper care, the selection of va- j "Be quietl" said Uncle Allen Sparks, rietles should be made very carefully. who was pstiently endeavoring to re To set out and care for an orchard 1 move a woodtick from the hide of hii until It cornea into bearing requlrea considerable labor and expense, and to find ont after working four or five years to secure good growth that a mistake in the selection of varieties haa been made will prove a costiy ex perience. Of course there Is always a chance of being imposed upon by the nursery man. The fn niter may make a good i selection nnd order them, and re ' ceive them properly labeled according ' to his onler only to find out that be ' has been swindled when the commence to bear too late to evoid the loss. The only safe plan is to buy only from responsible nurserymen) who I will not substitute after accepting the I order. There arc plenty such so that i there is not much excuse for buying 1 f Irresponsible dealers. The best plan is to select for the: principal dependence varieties that already have been tried and proved. There is an abundance of these with out risking too much on untried or unknown sorts. Because some trav ' eling agent who is Interested in sell I ing some high-sounding variety at u I big price recommends them is not n Sufficient reason for investing. Difference In soil and cultivation of i growth make a difference In the j growth and quality of the fruit, and ! the only safe guide is to take old and tried varieties for the main crop and j then If desired a few trees tif fancy ' sorts of unknown quality may be se lected to try. On the farm plan first to have a full supply all through the year. Then if more is wanted plant good wintct varieties that are strong in appear ance, as in a market apple appear ance is nn Important factor. X. J, Shepherd, In Farmer's Voice. THE SAN JOSE SCALE. Hprii? inu vii'i Crude Petroleum Hm Hern PoonU USflTectlVO lu De nim., inir the Peat. Prof, John II. Smith reports to the association for the advancement "f science that he has found spraying with etude petroleum to be n sure method of destroying the S:m Jose scale. He flrsl tried it on a Duchess pear tree, which was badly Infested. In the early part, of January, 1898, he painted the tree thoroughly from the tons of the twius to the ''round. Lons before spring opened it was easy to j see mat tlicre was not, a nunc- scale remainiiiL' on the tree. As it started .,..11 l,i ilin ciii-lni, i.). nt u itnean Iran, I ' I were sprayed with a nozzle to cover tl-.em us MMmletefar as DOaslble. Aj ' , - , . , , m 4. ! they bad begun to make leaf prmvtn, he found in some eases folliiire In- . , 1, ....... j iiireti, auu iien nn c.miu. ne.i of oil was put on the fruit buds were mothers, tliete is nuinistiP r alum! it It cures Parosis, Locomotor Ataxia, Norvntis Pmstra . .,. , m . . , i i 4 illarrhtea, regulates the Btomteh and Bowels, , tion, Hysteria, Fits, Insanttjf, Purnlysis and tho killed. lle tree trentetl m winter ,.,,.. u .f,,.,,, ,he o rsduceii HwhuIIs of Kicnmivo Oss of Tobaooo, Opium or not only hlossunieil and bore well, but i .i it made a rank and rigorous growth, nnd the foliage had a color that en- , , j , ...ii... -4 . . aided anyone to identify it us far as thev eouhl see it. It was as if an application of nitrate of soda had been made around it. I his increase in vigor and growth continues tip to the present time. The) next winter many trees were treated, Including apple, peach, plum and cherry, anil by his advice many others tested it. so that probably 2,000 to 3,00(1 'rees were treated that win ter. In no ease lias any tree been injured, and in nil cases the scale was destroyed and the tree appeared vlg optnis and healthy during the slimmer. In nil" case where tlicre were three rows of apple trees .'HI to 40 years old, the middle row alone wjs sprayed, and in .lime it was a sight to behold. The other rows looked sleklv bv the silk of that, and on that the fruit set! full and fair. American Cultivator. HANDY LITTLE HOTBED. on- ran i! Const roc ted Aiin Ihfl SIU of the lions.- or Stahlr fit Trilling Expense, A small lnitiiri! may in- censtructed I alore? the siile of the bouse or a stable, 1 os tJiou n in the illustration, and partly heated through a window, Excavate A HANDY 1IOT1IED. to the required depth, going below the frost Hue, nnil build up :i wall topping it with brick uml sloping it about six i nelies to the front. A erop of lettuce or violets may le grown in such a bed with only Ihe heat derived from the cellar. Farm ami II tune. Sodlnni Kltrnte for (ardens. Sodium nitrale is especially valuable for intensive culture in gardens snd fields tributary to large cities where quickness aud abundance of growth are factors of prime necessity. The ready formed nitrate is an indispensable fer tilizer for flowers nnd gardens as well as for fields. It performs a function which cannot be easily replaced by any other form of nitrogenous material among field crops. The sugar beet is especially susceptible to the Influence of nitrate of soda nnd this is the most economic form of nitrogenous fertilizer that can be secured. Dr. H. W. Wiley, In Farm and Dome. A Nice niitlnrtloa. Mrs. Washout Wo de Johnsons claim i to come ob better stock dan de Jack I sons? i Mrs. Wringer Yais; ole man John dog. "Don t you know, you ungrate ful beast, that nothing worth having Id this world can be got without digging for it?" Chicago Tribune. Jail occupants don't csre, they saya If measUs come about; They're pretty middling sure that they Aren't likely to break out. Elliott's Magazine. WHAT Hi: UOliiD DO. tea A vs. l;a Jn ' 9 Professor of Anntnmy This subject, in addition to having his jugular vein i severed, was sbol twice through the heart, In const quence of Inch be died, .Now. wbal would you do in a ease like this? Student I'd die loo. ChicngoChron icle. liuiniin Nature. Bunie fo'.kn take llilncs as they come, Hut 'ti a fact, you know. That pickpockets and shoplifters Take things at tin go. C'litcug" l.itly N ki Toechlna" Death, Firsl Boer Poor Schmidt! lie met s death during that lat rngagwnenti Second Doer How did it happen? Klrsl Doer lie had hi whiskersshot sway and died of n broker, heart. Town Topics. The Are Kxpeptlans. " There seems to be n general inipres idnn thai fat men ure ulwiivs content- "It can'l be true. Some fat men arc married." Clevelnnd Plain Dealer. Considerate. "Thev snv he is u very careful. coir scientinus husband." "He is. Whenever he is going to be home to dinner he always lets his 1'n""' beforehand -I'tick. Till lit: VI OK A IX. fat over flftV vo.in MlSa WtSSLOW1! POOTH" nm Hvhim lmm tisan 11 II,, ttt.illu.rH fin their elilldesn while tssthlns'. Are ymi iliniuriie.'. si atatrtandbtoki m ofyoui rent by ,i Mk Sblld HiitTeriiiic mill erving ivitli plln ot euttlnif teetll. , ,.,.,i t ,.,. nmlget n li.,ttle.,f "Mrs Win. slow's 3oothlne Syrnn r for Children Teething Its value Is inoalouleb li viiln li Inottlcului'tr. It will n lti vt tli pMr .,,:T,.r,,r , , .,it,. , . D.-niiul nn.iii it ou im VVfnd OoMC) loftens Ihfl OuniSi rcwucM itii:uiniiiti(ti, utui r;Ivm lone nnd enoivy t tin I n'mmniation, and Rives lone and energy to the itiinir.v-ii'iii, .ir'. VTiniiow R rw'iiinH ny ,,, ,, 0hdren leelhlna is .eaM.nl tc the laateand Is the prescription of one of tin old- est nnd best female physicians nnd nurses in the , ,,,;,,.,.,,, (, fr , ,,v , ,.,.i. throua-hoiit the world. Price, twenly-llve cnnls s.im'-.i.-.vcM''''' K ' ""v'V",-. Farm For Sale. A nice fin' i ii oontuiuing 3S aors it- ante iu Perry Twp., mile from Aline ndjoiningJ. I'. Nnnjjle's farm. (I mil huilllui;s and excellent water. Musi lie -old soon. For prices nnd partlcm lars cull on or nddress ; 5-10 41. SAItAH 1IKIM, Aline, Pa. A. 1 PollicHOts VtTERlNARY sUrgeoN. SELINSGROVE. PA. slonsl business entrusted to my run t,' reeeive preiiipt uml can nn attention. " ', t;. CROU8E, AITOliXKY AT 1,AW, MmpbScsi pa. All business entrusted to his cure will ret eivo orotupl attention 5R o J8 SStOOasatfttar ' i ''' :-'!. ui il w. i r .i i 1 isnrerepraWMli i .i.o i'.. nubjd . ti ' ' . rastiMilsi 'ill..",! .11.111 ji 1 , 'i i ' i . I i.i any m .In n In t ii ' i is and luii. '" ' " ' ,' nir. il I , ' ' .1.1 ." .11 . I, ' ' -.I.I affaal nur ' ... Hri Hud e ', . li'i" tllO SN.tii I IU1 oitrrnse II I'll. .' i I"!.: '. ri ' i'i i4i r. ,,f,., . ,-l.Hj; ISSS II'.., lUl .'il.l Jr aiiilili'iil'l. , HIT, ji ..Irj or bask, :-. . I.i. li. SMS lit., ' I In,, for ilHIallf.i i W III I'I . i.' KfCFF. SAVl W4 Vl SPflt Willi O) and wo v.-. irk ntt.t r i! III. nti IK1 lis. ' 1 .lit- imt in lnrli.4 I'I. i' Mats. I r, I IM M" 'or IIIIIO mM, .. ,n I II', X I AI.IH.l SEARS, KOliucK a. go. Chicago. lit) ii i mi o. it. ,'ir, ,. i HAIR SWITCH 65 CENTS. UK HKLL HI MAM HllH NttIK II fe.fi to n nth nv b;ilr at frons 65c 1" S3.25, Ibe il ilrbr thai rtlsjl ml t3.l0 lu tn.OO. OUR OFFER Cut thu 0(1 out Ar"i ' ' MUnplii nf tlif rttrft iMit wtntcil. and cut It llurrlprrl.HIC.r I'rlr. fnllnwii 2 o. .wlt.-li Kiln, long-, long- stein, 6Sc tbort stem, OCI -i.ftm. lon(,(tinrtstn, SI. 25 j 3-oi. r- ui. Iimir.fthort tern, SI. 50; s oi. lnn iknrtiLm mm in.ionir.piioriBMttn.az.ZSI :l i m ain 29. ws srsauTii mum wiws uie msltwt sra.lp os the i tnarkeu lirkrilmulpiawipMil 1 1"'.m-"' ''.? ! 'RalrOoods. AddrMs. pi ira-iwirt. (..taiogu. ol SEASS. ROEBUCK k CO. (Inc.) Chiriaa VHBHt MIHWIW. f PARKER'S HAIR BAL8AM ast sad. MM JtaJ"- M S lomrlmnt (TtrSUt. r Vails to MMIJ Oraj sir to 1U Youthful Color. iw msIb dippHM a bslr tiim, nl 11 " M I'Drfllap sc . 7n ; ri i r"M',125 ::dV:;;:TS I If. workinirat the Hrirnoss busi- 2 niail,p,,tpi,i,aniliryouiTnitiwrfi-tiy i UnH built UP a nice tmdt'. MG Mll.llrt.rituriiltodwowillrmuidUUl7 f. ,7 .., ltl,,4,.4u nti.l fTr,l.n . irrundyourmoner. sells IIIOI B narutiaH 1111(1 IIO) SO BBtSBMlsiaSSprrlMaAfillftm -nm. awltrh 1 amm Munuiin mm mm CONTAGIOUS BLOOD POISON Coertagious Bleod Poison is tha snest dearrading aud destructive of all diseases, as it vitiates and comitits the entire svsteui. KmT.Wtse.KoiT. aMfw ia, writes asuekUSjwUh pr"ST. at er sto tee years I safered satoltf misery. Uy CURE YOURSELF AT HOME. hrtdy wes eoverea wilt eras sad idecr Sev eral Hawses treated dose study of blood me, Del an to no yitr- pose. Taeaieronrvaad otasa tliey fare tne lessees to add fut to the Swfnl flsnie which was davotirias. me Friends sdvicu mt to try. S e I began tak ing it and imprnnvd fiom the atsrt. nnd s C'tnplete and perfect CMS was the reruU." IFYUUWiSH TO Bl A Ou-nmt, A Teacher, An Engineer, A Lawyer, An Electrician, A Physician, A Scientific Farmer, A Journalist, or if you wili to smirti n training thai will lii you inr nny honora ble pursuit in lib'. Offers Exceptional Advaiitaiics. For Special Ivxainination I'npcrs or for Catalogue ivinji ful! infor mation respecting ctnii'si'M id stuily, cxpenHea, etc.( unl wliowiiij; ni tions lieltl bv p;raluates, uililrc.'s, The Registrar, State College, Centre (.'oiinty, I'a. NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality. Lost Vigor sad Manhood Cum Isipotency, Night Emissions, Lush of Mem ory, nil wasting diseases, nil elTects of leif-abnso or 60 PILLS 50 Mi' ituu inn 1st I IH 11,11. '7 HA nerve tonic ind 'Dioua Duuaer. linngti the pink alow to on In elienks and restores the .fni of youth. Hy m.iil loOo per l"t. 6 humg for CTS. $2 50, with our bankable gaurantee to cure o refund the money paid. Seinl for circular .i''l copy of our bankable guarantee boud. Nervita Tablets EXTRA STWENOTH Immediate Results (TBI.LOW LABEL) Poflitivoly ffnamntrnvl mm for Loss of Pownr, titncticolo, Uim0vnlop4'd or Hliniiiknn Oruaiirt, Laiiunr. uy mail la plain package. $1.00 a LI 1 oui bankable a-uar- antee bond to cure In 30 days or refund money paid. Ad. lie - NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICACO, ILV m id b) MtDDLbBt'UU inct u . Mldaleburg : V .:. .- y .'. ! V MIFFLIINBIRG MARBLE WORKS. I -soc- -:o:- -:o5 K. H. LANCE, Henlti In Wnrlile mill si nn h f.rAnlle . . . MONUMENTS, HEAD STOKES & CEMETERY LOT ENCLOSURtS. i (J Id Sfones Cleaned nnd Repa red !-'rio-s as Low as the Lowest. Satisfaction Guarantee -i J. A. JENKINS, Age, Crctcrr:v:, I'a, MiddlBburb, Pa, V FtiniifihingGfiotlH every weiinon. Give Him a Call y y , , ,,; Hint lit ket'DH ' ', ftnl ' ( 0,1 VIUPOll ' Urtt hi t l , I ho lament stock in )' Hiii im-sh a j 1 Zm t- ... Snv. uf j ( County and that you not ; ; Your Honey 's Worth ! $ every time you buy of him. x tesr, .y.x -usyPu fV4.V'' ; v NEURALGIA cured by Dr Milopf Pais ' Plus. "On cent a dose." At all drumls! Mm State Com m f&gpz to Repair DTI fl A AT C ; '"f ' In ( u ire for . . f m' IF im i mnmws , r 1JUUO u iu 14,4 14 u a s i-r . - 11)1 I L 1 , i i ! , JA '1 r ine nrst sere or ulcer is followed by little red plapleeea the bov, ssouth auu throat become sore, the glaads enlarge and inflame, copper colored splotches appear, and hair and evebrews fall out. These are ssae of the milder symptoms ; they lucre ass in severity, finally attacking tne vital organs ; the body is tortured with rheumatic pains and covered with offensive eating sores. It to a peculiar poisoa, and so highly contagious that aa hsnecent person handling the same articles used hy sae infected with this loathsome disease, nay be inoculated with the virus. It can tic transmitted from paxsat t child, appearing as the same disease or It a modified form like Kczema or Scrofula. Many aa eld sore or stubborn skin trouble appearing in middle life, is due aud traceable to blood poisoa contracted in early life. Ten may have taken potash and mercury faithfully for two or three years and thought you were eured, but you were not, for these poisonous minerals never cure tills disease ; they drive ft from the outside, but it is doing its work on the inside, and will show up again sooner or later. Yost may not reoosralte it as the same old taint, but it is. 6. 8. 8. has cured thousands of cases of CoetagtMs Blood Poison, and it will cure yeu. It is the oalT purely vegetable blood purifier known, and the only antidote for this poison. S. S. S. drinisi the blood thoroughly of every particle of tbe poison there to never any return of the disease. poison and actual experience in treat ing it. Yoa can cure yourself perfectly and permanently at home, and your secret ia your own. Should you need any information or medical advice at any time, write to our physicians. They have mailt- u life study of bleod diseases, and will give your letter prompt and careful attention. Consult tlieui as often as you please ; we make no charge whatever for this sen ice. All correspondence is conducted in the strictest coufidcuce. I I Read This ! 7. O slarirer than ev-r before-my $ ejKo ior 1 1 e SAiuri UUUJJ. My prices on 4; rolls i-t cin iipi I ,) wish to clone out will Huit tho pocket book ol inae.A uml kiivh others uioiiHy, )i tint think of buying your full mi pit imtil O you give my stock of cnip -ts your attention anil ;. . , 2 of some of my baattnius 1 am olTering. i See Mr Display of Cnrtains, Goitain P0I6S& Fixtares. i t'ncesjusl iil'IiI One Word About Pictures. r am offering my presi-nl stock of pictures : p TH.N COJST Htnl koiiic lor (be pi ice of tbc glu 1 1 t ' Don't miss ilns sale, J have sotim prettv things to offer i'i Furnittu La ci will surprise yon in Sty Ips ami 'rices. ?. UNDERTAKING ! tj In tins lirniicli nt my business I nm prepnn I to iivi y public the bus! serbice thai can lie secured li uionci liuie n pprsonnl alt cm ion. My cquippiiue in this branch of busim 0 one of the finest in tl, slate. IIEAK.sKiS, ( AHUIAdK.S is o ii I I UNDEHTAK1NG L'AllI.OHS me up to ibitc. One wr rd nhniil i report Ih it my utletitlon Iihh bo enlliil to Ini l I i-i no pi I '! UIANTKK lnf'iriilsh limiM- iii 1 1 i i.i ii. 1 1 i i First- Livery Coiuicctcil W. H. I.i In it ii ' 'oiinccl i n. LO000O0O0000OOO0OOC Liberal Adjustments sssssBSBBBSssffiT'jnsxxrrzn MriUawnr w: H. HRRVEYBEHDGH, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY BBIilZfBOBOYKIe PA, Only tLe Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies, Fire, Life, Accident and Tornado. No Asrer.oments No Premium Note;?. i il ii l itwW- i SV i4laaar. j .. . imhS the Aetna Founded A. !., lsi!) AssetH 18511,055,513.88 " Home 41 ' " 1853 M 1),853,(28.51 " American M M " 1810 " 2,400,584.53 The Standard Accident Insurance C . The New York Life Insurance Co. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association.! Your Patronage SViieited. ank S. in j i r. iti i i j. r , v-m ?yfMtftiTftaafi -W MaVltTsWAIIIIIItMimiBfiMn sflhaf You Need So Knowi is ta A iMf.k t!:ntwlll met t rou unilfrfitiin'l thft wnfti incy rr iriu. u. i.,,ii in1 i-'.u i.rmury OaQiur. A sriat bnnU nl a liitir irirr. WDprirr wmmw oq -inr Triumphs end Carles M to any nindlna, 8.&0; Jr. il IHBSSu rail Slnporro, ss.OO. Ir not staltofkctsrv rstsra awok and aonry will be refSndrd. I Sddpsu S I HOI MAN S CO. 1999 Arrk Send for our Home Treatment hook, which rives a historv of the disease in all stages, and is the result of many years of Addrrsa. SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA . GA. Read This ! 0 .wj I. i v t :iw PHIC' S L0WKI1 Dihii DTH i on these ynoiis. 8 8 DEETA ' no ami Is ami HI In the i-allie uisMlli Hi l.KSS i;i n Hr .Mill el n PAYMI 1 il iithcrs. with lliidertalvinf; ! FELIX, I'tlueut. LEM ! Prompt Vnvrr H . . - '-'K'xii. Tnrvt'l(iu tliin w live In. how thcr mnip N)tit. tml 1 wni itiiiiiiii iv uski : in in lammnmm at mm man 7U a. HOv UHUirmUODB. IS.i fauiuun 9 anthnra, among w.joiu an: m Adml M-1t1II, who write, em Th Cra(rj Nt1 I'ni-rfM," flm. Jnm. S Wf m oi inr innnri. n. -. na, A. Ml.. I II.. I wri. -i -ii uNiiimni i.nviririij." i' roi. iui ti, -;- ,.' ' ! r..n- nm DlHlf th . sitiir." I'mf. IlsrTrj W. W :! , CXirf (Vsiul A ffrtrytw I ' '-" "-(op,. It. .,n " i be I c ti ' i r I'v-r, In 4 h(-Utrr pr. Krnrt K. Jobaaen, tf l trti I:hmlnn f"n.if C-ymmiiyn. m 'Tu Cra larj f .'l-irrv ri .' I'r.frn." Y.orf tlrn'-. ' ., . -.,, f m.as Sts ' ir,i nt . . ... vrite rn "Tarl nirt.iel ouira Wltkla 111.-' Ccatury.1 Tha Ulie of this rrrat work la Wsndsrs cv ft 3 1Mb. Canary i ai'.ilrrnn prrpolil-rinth I Halt Loalferr, MOt SI Phll.A.l.kl. P. lilawiiLV7ii(in:.w,;