The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 24, 1900, Image 4

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    The Middleburgh Post.
ulllhel i:ery I'liiirwlBj.
Editor and Proprietor.
HI .Of) -r vnr it pui'l In ii.lvmu'O
M..v per year i( " paid In advanca.
Single Copies, Five Cents
t.ivi-riikliiic Natssula cants it Una, non-,
,i t.,r iirt mwrtioi. ami
cento ht llncjor vat h milMequcnl Insertion-
-nU-r.-.l at tli.' I'.-t oimcM.l ni.i.ii. nurK, ..,"
OFFICE. Scar tne County Court rlouae, be
tween tha Kiral Nun.. mil lUnk and tut County
Histoky. Established In 1844 as the
Union IK'inokrat, at New Berlin, aGer
man Whig pawr. Changed name to
the Pout In IHUl. Oldest Itepubllcau
newspaper In Snyder 'ounty.
Republican Standins Cornmitteo-
Adams' C. F. Bingatnan, .). D. Sipe.
Beaver- . W, Muaaer, Calvin Dreeae.
Beaver W.- PredS Uundrum. Thoa. Herbater.
(' -Allan Bayer, b, A. stim-.
Cbapman-P. A. Troup, C. II. Ujriejrrove.
Franklin- M. L. Walter, H. B. Bolender.
Jackaon-J. Harvey Mover, a. Broun.
Mlddleburs -Edwin Charlea, Frank Helta.
Mlddlec reek John S. Meiaer, ("". 0. Stuck.
Monroe W. I. Young, Peter Young-.
Penn A. R. Smith, Oeo M, Wltmer.
Perry Irwin Boyer, W.O, Smith.
Perry W. T. H. Oraynlll, C. s. Bprlrale.
Bellnajrrova J. A. l.umbard.Geo.A. Livingston.
Sirini-(i. M. Smith, John N. Relgel.
I'liimi Jacob Stahl. C. D, Hogar
Washington -John M. Moyer, W, F. Rouah.
J.. A. Li'MBAan, Chairman.
Ki.wis ciiMii.i -. Secretary.
J. Fbahk Kkitx, Treasurer.
ConjfresH Hon. Thau. M. Mahon.
HKNATOH Hon. Kim. K. Pot'HT.
Assembly Hon. A. M. Smith.
Prothonotary fino, M. Shindei..
ftegisterA Iteeonler- .1"- H. Wilms
District Attorney M. I. Potter.
JuryCommlrwIoner K. E. Hhambach
Thursday, May 24, 11)00.
of i
Some of the Kentucky hraix
harmony ha? slopped over into Ten
nessee. The Republican party in
Tennessee is split into factions.
The question of expansion is not
pending now. We have already
expanded, and it is now only a ques
tion ol retention or contraction.
If the"UuBpeakable Turk" should
fail to pay up, Uncle Sam will "take
it poke" at him that will make him
say "ouch" and speak up quick.
Recent events in Kentucky lead
to the conclusion that there will lie
an extra hot time in Hades every
time Kentucky day mes round.
The Democratic notary has sue
(1111111 in getting Dewey's oath that
he will support the Kansas t uy
nominee, lias Bryan been sworn
vet ?
Dewey's democracy should be I
branded so the country would know
whether it is the Jeftersonian, .lack
soman, Bryanian or the McLeanian
Since 1883 the country has spent
over 9160,000,000 on the new navy,
and those two little jobs at Manila
and Santiago amply repaid all that
There is not much likelihood that
the dinner pail will figure in Demo-
.ratiecamoaiLMi soceches this year,
Tl.v nr.. not so full of wind asthev
1 ' "
were four years ago.
In all his speeches since 1896
Bryan has never said anything the
people remembered like the "cross
of gold" and every Democrat is sor
rv now fhat he said that.
Thirtv-one locomotives and ten
ders were shipped to Russia from
Philadelphia last week. The con
quests of Uncle Sam in peace are
fully as glorious as those in war.
Even live stock is benefitted by
Republican prosjrcrity. The value
ol livestock on farm Feb. 1 was
12,558,000,000 an increase of $698,
000,000 over the same date of 1895.
Under the Cleveland-Wilson re
gime the lactory chimneys were
smokeless. Undir the Mckinley
.1 .- - At .1,,. autM.tii In nitiikc
i... KuJ --..U. i
are ii yinir mj auive wr "M
A. mIH
mmmmm. mmm
It is calculated that 400 "acres of
,l..r...wl tn rJu TTnKarl
Suiti's every day in the year. It
would take a good many million ar-
l Mill" I ail. llVflliyw v waa.
lwrdaysto repair the' damage al -
rcady done.
Five years ago, when Joe Leaker
was the chairman of the Democratic
party of Snyder county, he was read
out of the party thrusting upon him
all the yilest epithets the English
language could supply. Since that
time he has beenjactive for a Repub
lican candidate for State Senator, he
.sune breath and Monday at the love
teat the Editor ot the Jllllf was
t the Editor ol the luiu was
endorsed tor IJOUSTPMS, .Joe prom-
ised us a position at Washington ii
the P06T Would support Dim.
The Democrats ol Snyder county
showed a liberal supply of horse
sense when they endorsed .John .
. . .. S(
Kesder lol ."Man
Senator and nomi-
nnnfl H. J Ian is lioWlT for AssetU-
J,) vn);u) J ,.V UIV lioth DTlgnt, IU
telligent young men, graduates of
Bueknell I mversity and
and in laei
1 are well-fitted for the positions for
! which they have been nominated,
i and if it were not for the fact that
they are on the wrong political wa
' gon, could be elected. We feel sor
ry for our talented young friends
that their political propensities are
at variance with the belief ol the
majority. This is a Republican year
anil while these candidates arc amply
ualtned to till tne positions, me re-
the re-
publican platform will
ie endorsed
and the whole Republican ticket
The blank schedules to be used
in the next census are now being
distributed by the( ensus Office to
the enumerators, who will start to
work .in June I. The schedules
contain questions which some per
sons may think prying, purposeless,
or excessive in number. Bui their
umber and character have beeu de
termined by Congress, not by the
Census Office, and all ot them have
been asked in previous censuses,
The only important change since
1890 is that some questions have
been abandoned.
People are often oflended at the
luestion, "How old are you? " and
ire apt to wonder what use the Gov
ernment can make of their replies.
Taken as a whole the replies are as
important as any class ot informa
tion the Census Office collects. Age
returns penetrate and elucidate ev
ery other branch of statistical know
ledge. They show where child labor
is prevalent, and where the propor
tion of persons able to support them
selves is large or small. They re
veal the great number of colored
children and the short life of the
negroes under present conditions.
They make it possihle to ascertain
whether the average lengt h of life is
increasing or decreasing, how many
men the nation contains who are
capable of voting or of liearingams, I
and whether the relative number of j
children is increasing or decreasing,
In Mohammedan orsemi-oivilired
countries like India householders are i
often unwilling to answer the ones-
tion regarding the sex of persons in j
the house, but in civilised countries
where the sexes arc regarded as on ;
an equality, such unwillingness does
not apnea r. The answers to the
questions show that in nearly all
cities the females outnumber the
males and that the same is true of
most of the states along the Atlantic
coast. The belief is widespread that
biking the world in general there
are more females alive at any given
"me than males, and tliat it it were
not for immigration there would be
more females in the United States
1 1 1 : 1 1 1 mules. Hut census statistics
show that we cannot explain the I May 1 K, at Port Treverton, Sarah
great excess of males (over one and Brubaker, aged about 40 years, ln
a half million) in the United StaU-s ferment Sunday,
by immigration alone, for when the I Sarah Brubaker oi Union twp.
j the foreign-born are left out of ao'
count, there are still above 600,0001
more males than females.
Few would dispute the necessity ;
for asking questions regarding race, i
All arguments regarding the future
of any jmrticular race in this coun
try, like the Indian, the negro, or
the Chinaman, must hinge upon the
returns in the census. With the
Indians, moreover, it is of the high
est importance to learn what success
the policy of the Government has
met with in establishing them apart
from their tribes and reservations,
and whether such Indians are in-
creasing or decreasing.
a , , ,,
Some mothers may shrink from
i stating the iiuiiiber of children they
havt' had 11,1(1 tlu' number who arc
living. But from the answers to
these questions, the country will
learn whether the native American
1 population w liultling its own, or
wuciner, us some nave eiuiuicu, 11 in
j being gradually supplanted and dis-
iP1"" the children of recent iai
; migrams.
In the light of such explanations,
and only a few of the most import
ant questions have been touched up
on, it may jierhaps be clear to the
public that no question has been or
dered by Congress, or has been ask
properly and correctly answered,
wm mil icau id suggestive uuttr-1
wiuuwi irau u suggestive uuor
I .1... i .. L.
entwi regaruing uiv .mieiicuu paanaiv
and their work.
Memorial Day Orators,..
The following are the memorial
day orators in Snyder County us far
as we have learned :
M;i,,l.(r iri,i a mill
Mm A Snyder.
Pennscreek, Sunt. F. C. Howersox.
Manbeck's Cemetery.
Rev. A. 1). (jramlev.
Ilea vert own,
St. Paul's,
lv. r . bnuth.
Rev. A. D. Grandey.
Rev. Zimmerman,
C. W. Oldt.
Rev. Lawyer.
A. B. Dieffeobach.
W in. lleetcr.
L. ('. Wagner.
Ner B. Middleswarth.
( '. W. Oldt.
Rev. II. G. Snable.
st. .loim's,
Union ( femetery, Selinsgrove,
J. W. Weeter.
Lutheran Cemeterv, Sclinsirrove,
K ratzervilh
First Lutheran, Selinsjrrove,
.John Schodi.
Middleburg, Rev. S. S. Kohlcr.
Selinsgrove, Rev. G. W, (jensler.
I consider it not only a pleasure
but a ilnt.v I owe to my nefchbors
to tell about th( wonderful cure ef
tected in my case ov the timely use
Diarrhoea Kemodv. I was taken :
very badbwith fh.x and procured H
I bottle of this remedy. A lew doses
effected a permanent cure. I lake
m .. m...i..-.. 'i; 1
pleasure m recomtceodiug it to oth
ers Bufferins from that dreadful dis
f ase. J. V. JjTNOB. IJorr,
W. Va.
this remedy is soul by
all Druc-
Weighing Social.
All who wish to spend an enjoy
able evening should not fail to at
tend the "Weighing Social" to be
held under the auspices ot the Ladies'
Mite Society of the Lutheran church
Wednesday evening, May 30th, at
the home of Mrs. M. I. Potter.
This is not a festival. While
the usual festival refreshments will
be sold, consisting ot ice cream,
sandwiches, eoliee, etc., there is a so
cial feature connected with the
"Weighing Social' which a festival
,l,H.s uot have.
Together with t h e weighing,
wni0h ig always an occasion of a
j,rc,lt deal of merriment and fun the
evening will le spent in playing
games. Two prizes will le given;
a handsome first prize to the heaviest
couple and a booby prize to the
lightest couple,
Come one, come all, and spend a
pleasant evening.
Dissolution of Partnership
Notice is hereby given that the
sawyer and thresher firm known as
Swarm A: Zeehman have by mutual
consent dissolved partnership and
all accounts due the said firm must
be iaid to K. G. Zeehman to whom
the accounts have been transferred.
Swarm & Zschman.
died Friday, buried at Port Tre-
verton Sunday, aged about 4U yrs.
Does the
Baby Thrive
If not, something must be
wrong with its food. If the
i mother's milk doesn't nour-
ish it, she needs SCOTTS
EMULSION. It supplies the J
I elements of fat required for 2
f the baby. If baby U not
nourished by its artificial i
I food, then it requires I
Scott's Emulsion j
Half a teaspoonful three
or four times a day in its J
bottle will have the desired i
effect It seems to have a
l magical eneci upon oaom
I and children. A fifty-cent
bottle will prove the truth 1
of our statements. 2
Should be tmkea I maimer as f
(mi mm mmmmmmm
. - M..ndk.o&allaruaxaa. Ti
I a iJ7ni iili. hTIL.Vt. A
Wrl ,r ,,., r,.ini baa
i i. tr ,. f. : i.i .,. ithom
mi r ttk..i ur towery akwii
cu.loni.r. lurrrj.-( art .'..
Sllufuot seek M Ha joii-rl fur
uf w
: of
I!. :
ri.r -""
. mmfjimmi
rrpeti, bum, Art
qatrtti PorUtrtt.
I. ace Curtalni 1 l - I
f en In their rtal ci.
or. that hv t,,thlng
at tlMM o- l'T 'd :tefl
on your floor or a i1r
irrr at tout window.
Cup. 'ts ranee in pi Ice
I from 3ic tl IT- Wr
a-w earpeta fre, fur-
tilh 1 t- I lltlltlg
i it hint charge, and
prepay rrelit.
lur Sol prtc rata
f go of ever , ililnc to
I It. l's and W. ar la
ratjrl for the aiklnr.
4)trt(iOirrCcat. MffW
on " rrthlni! .
Win ii boot do yon want T All are free. AddttH Ihai wy
JullUS HinCStl Son. Dcpt.909,Baltimor9,Md-
Ms Grail
ors t. David Wetzel.
Near Midtlielmrg H. B. Station.
Mcadqitartcrs to
We Mention a few Prices :
Ltnvns as low as oc per yard.
Dimities, fine at 8o per vanl.
1 1
Organdies as low as 5c ;i yd.
We have Mercerized Silk
In 8 different shades ; also in
wash silks for waists.
Misses Shoes (55 and 85 cts.
Ladies, a good on for $1.00.
Full line of Men's and Boys'
in Russets and Vici Kid.
Fishing Rods
12 to 18 feet long, 10 and 15c.
We kindly invite yon to
come and see us.
May 10th, 1900, at the home of
the bride, by Rev. 11. G. Snable,
Oliver F. Hummel and Clara E.
Hover, Ixitli of Krcamcr.
Mav 12, at the home of Henry
and Amelia Wetzel, the bride's ja
rcnts, 8hreiner, Pa., by Key. J.
Sham bach, George Ii. Cramer of
Shamokin and Miss Theresa J. Wet
zel of Shreiner, Pa.
May 17, by Wells (). Holmes, J.
P., Norton L. Bower of Monroe
twp., Snyder Co., to Daisy M. Fulk-
rod of Oriental, .Juniata Co., Pa.
Mav 10, J. (i. Hornberger, J. P.,
James Arnold of Greenwood twp.,
Juniata Co., to Minnie M. Smith of
Perry twp., this county.
Food is Repulsive
to tb otomavca that fa irritated
and awnsiaNM. Nervous disor
ders al the brain irritate the
Btomadb, narw making it wsak
and etas)a daraaaatl. Tkafa
why ao many peopla who suffer
from headache have weak sioev
achs. all Bervoua troubles, "
whether ef the brain, stomach
or heart yield most readily to
Dr. Miles' Nervine-
"Starttag Irani a aauO ipot ia mr braia
tha aa aiM ateadilf inoreaaa amtfl rj
eemed thai my ha4 would ayill epaa. I
would ba drathlr tick al tba alomach, wauld
vomii iarribly and many timca kava gea
(ram 24 to tf aoura wkaout food or drtnk.
Ahar inf anna rom thcaa tpalla far 13 raaM ,
waa oatnriHtry sued by lia baMkaa of
MUca' Nerviat Mm. . M. Wxira,
di Mnw Mwrta. W iUi
The Father Is Near.
A wee little child in ita dreaming one night
Wan atartled by some awful ogre of fright.
And called for ita father, who quickly aroae
And haatened to quiet the little one'awoe.
Ah, wall! and bow often we cry in the dark,
Tho' Uod in Ilia love ia so near to u ' llark '
God la here in the world an your father and
Ever watching and ready for love wordadivlne.
The illustrated souvenir, entitled,
"Paris and the Exposition Illustrat
ed," can be seen at the office of this
Dtper. The publishers have aspecial
corpsof photographic artists in Paris
who will secure all that is worth re
printing of the great Exposition
See their advertisement in this issue,
explaining the trifling expense for
which these beautiful works can be
uwvm Liz n
S T.Vr ffi l.M.htfr rrm pill. V V)
lA9m m '"'"' '.,
iwi-aMiniTMT'",'u'''""""","- JLl
St y i'rvir.. in oo.i. tn4 rri
. . uStSh0 ri&,traaiaja aaaayrlai i jVvv
iniiw orercw.i.. 1 iX
ujar 1 1
Swartz & Gray Dili
Is Depended Upon Easi
ness of Mind and Body.
Causes ill-humor. To Eliminate the
latter, purchase one of our comfortable
' m
Crash Suits
Linen Suits -Extra
Crash Coats,
Extra Serge Coats,
Latest Straw Hats.
Madras Shirts, -Good
Bicycle Pants.
Good Bicycle Suits,
Bicycle Hose and Belts 25c up
H. Katz, The Clothier, i
ii Next Doorto Court House,
If some money is to be
expended for
is to take the time and
tviiiiltlA fit I'ViniiiHi fliu
. . - - w I . . I llu
. . .
si k'K we earrv, learn tne
priees at which we sell
. . .. a in i 1 1 ii ii in v -v. a
doubt as to value can remain, with the offerings of
others. I firmly believe I will get your order, be-
c.anso we 1i:iv dnnn AvnrvrVnnff fit niorif tlifl trailo
v- . v mmwm v iiiv v v j av U m iig av' iiiv;i a. v vuv v
of prudent buyers.
Call and Be Convinced.
lH - H - W - ! - H - I - l"I - l - M - M"H - H - H"l -
TniirlnTniin Tunn ATniln Ctnn
inn nd n u akk
7. UUl U It Ul u
i JLeatner,
Coach and Saddlery Ware,
Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers,
! 4-
I Market St., Lewistown, Pa.
l - I - l - H - H - I - .' - I - W - H - I - l - l - l - H - H - H -
Bramble llow did llcnptck tome to
loie his voloe?
Thorns I suppose he never (rot a
chance to use ft, and it just tftded away.
V. V. Journal.
The Safest Way.
Askim How do you pronounce
Tellum The same ns yon So. 1
pell it. K. Y. Journal.
fitubb It's stranpe how temptations
will come before a drinking man.
Tenn Of whom do you speak?
Stubb Why, Kenwood. He wa sit
ting at the parlor window when an old
lady passed with corkscrew curls. I'll
be hanged af Fenwood didn't go right
down in the cellar and bring up a bottle
of French brandy. -Chicago Reoord.
Dam Colle Agree with Ton ?
If not, drink Grain-O from pure
grains. A lady writes: "The first
time I made Grain-O I did not like
it but after uaing it for one week
nothing would induce me to eo back
to coffe," It nourishes and feeds
the system. The children can drink
it freely with great benefit. It is
the strengthening substance of pure
grains. Get a package today from
your grocer, follow the directions in
making it and you will have a deli-
cions and haaJthtui table beverage
at S2.50
at $2.50
- at 50c
- $1.25
25c up
50c up
- $1.50
Middleburg, Pa.
m m
. V'. 1
wi UejJiya
and then compare, if any
"M"I"l"l"I"l I i I l-l M I I H44M41
1 1
faints, (Jus,
l - M I III Ml I III I I I I MM I H-ffl
White Lead, Oils, Paints of I
an Kinas, iNailB, Ulass. Fence
wue, foultry Wire, Shovels. I
lines. Rakes, Garden Seeds,
Bees Wax,. House Furnishing
(roods, Clothes Washers aod
Wringers, Tubs and Wash
Boards, Step Ladders, Kitchen
Utensils in Tin. Omnito and
"Delft" Wares, Ideal Cream
Largest Stock Lowest Prices
It will pay you to buy at tbel
Hardware store ol
325 Market St., Sunbury, Fa
ANTED. Christian roan or womsj!
qualify for permanent Doattion ol 1
in your noma i ounty. sow yearly, r..-
mm I .1 1( 1 i'i . 1 1 1( 1t.m11.fl .n.alnn. tit R. S.
Waahlngion, D. C, opposite Treasury DeP4,
lnaMl H...i.'.v rVw.kMn nuildi
I Dr. Fame's KIDNEY
Backache Cart.
rar all Eldaayx MaMar aaUrlaarr
. i .
1J I..UJ k flw,