The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 24, 1900, Image 1

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MIDDLEBUR6H, SNYDER CO., 1A., THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1900. VOL. 37. NO. 21,
Editor ana rropneior.
A Week s News uisnca up in
Small QuantitiesVisitors in
Town During the Past
Week Other News
of Interest.
P. S. Kiegle ami wife were out of
' CI I
tow n mi a visiiriiiiuay.
Hon. Q. Alfred Sohooh Is nurs
. if -i i
.m: B Icloii on ins uiuniu.
Erwin Buok went to Lewistown
to get a jtositioii on tin- railroad.
Large frogs wanted at SI. no per
dozen. A.C Smith, Kreamer, Pa,
Calvin 8. Dunn of Richfield was
a pleasant caller at this office Mon
day. A great deal of bark is being
loaded at the railroad station at this
Number 9 plain fence wire at 3$
cents per pound. A. ('. Smith,
Kreamer, Pa.
Cliarles Roush, olerk at the i'ack
er House, Sunbury, spent Sunday
with his family,
Stvartz and Graybill have a new
ailvertisemeul in this issue of the
POST. Head it.
Miss Alice Haines and mother of
Beavertown spent several days at
tliis place last week.
Goodrick's maniinoth shows will
exniMl in tins piace inursuuy oi
this week. See large billsaod post
Rev. E. E. Gilbert of Mt. Pleas
tit Mills damped in itf this -fbm
Imtrriday and ordered some sta
Several hail storms passed over
this place and quite a quantity of
hail tell Sunday noon and in the
Gaugler A- McFall, the enter
prising marble lir:n of Sclinsgrovc,
were at the county scat Friday of
la-it week.
James A vers and wife spent one
day last week at Miffiiuburg, the
guests of their daughter, Mrs. JI.
H. Leitxel.
J.Calvin Schocb proposes to join
the ranks of progressive citizens in
putting down a pavement of Cleve
land flag stone.
L. Dunkelberger is spending part
ill this week in Philadelphia viewing
the newest summer effects in Ladies'
and Children's hats.
The Middleburg Centeunial meet
ing has lccn postponed to Friday
evening oi this week in the court
house at 7:30 I'. M.
For SALE, A ncv butcher wa
gon, one of the latest st vies, will lie
sold cheap. Inquire of A. W. Bow
ersox, Middleburg, Pa. ti.
Our Mid-summer opening will
lake place May 29 to 31. Come
whether you expect to purchase or
A beautiful line of silks suitable
for ladies' fancy waists and dresses.
No two patterns alike, 15") cents per
yard and up at M. Millner's, Kant,
Pa. f)-lO-:5t.
Attorney .las (J. Crouse of this
place spent Tuesday and Wednes
day of this week in New Berlin,
" infield and other Union county
Q, Milton Moat and Mrs. Lizzie
Smith are putting down flag stone
pavements in front ol their Sugar
Street residences. S. 8. Kchoch has
repaired his brick side walk.
Go to A. E. Soles for a smooth
fcasyshave or up-to-date hair cut
and head cleaned with a refreshing
shampoo or dandruff removed with
his tonic, clean towel to each patron
m bank buildinc one door east of
Post Office; satisfaction guaranteed.
Wm. Rotoig closed his summer
school Tuesday of this week.
Geo. J. Schoch of Monroe town
ship wasat the county seat Monday.
Win. K. Miller, Ksip, of Salem
spent several daysiu town this week.
The flag stone for the French
Flats walk is being put down this
State College of Centre Co., Pa.,
has an advertisement in the Post.
Read it. 4-1 :it.
(). R McCool of Driftwood is the
assistant barber at A. E. Soles' toii
sorial rooms,
Mrs. Chas Roush has been visit
ing her parents at Freeburg lor the
past ten days.
The mother of County Treasurer,
Benneville Smith, is visiting friends
I at Adamsburir,
Editor G. W. Burns of the State
College Times was at tin1 county
seat over Sunday.
This is growing weather and the
crops arc responding admirably to
the encouragement ol Nature.
Mrs. Dr. J. C. Amig t Lewis
town ha? been visiting her parents
in Franklin for the past ten days.
M. Millner, Kantz, has a large
selection of clothing fiir all ages at
rock bottom prices. 5-l0-3t.
C. C. Seebold has had a cistern
dug on the tenant property occupied
by F. S. Riegle and Howard Folk.
The regular June term of court
will convene Monday a week, being
June 4th. There ure 1 1 cases on the
trial list. MMm r i
r Pawlmg and wife of
8V linsgrove siieut several days with
Hon. (i. Alfred Schoch and wife
last week.
Prof. Edwiu Charles and family
and Miss Bessie Smith spent Sunday
with the professor's parents at Port
Clem Spaugler, who has been at
Harrisburg lor the past year, is
spending several weeks with relatives
at thie place.
Miss Ada Hosterman and brother
ol Woodward, Centre County, are
visiting their brother, Thomas HoS
termau and w ife.
Wednesday, May 9, Bruce, son of
Thomas ( '. jandis, o( Freeburg,
broke his arm tor the second time
since last winter.
D. A. Kern lias torn away one of
the old buildings on his lot and will
erect a modern structure suited to
his need- in its -lead.
lames E, Magee, the postmaster
and one ot the merchants of Krea
mer, was at the county -eat on busi
ness Friday of last week.
May occurs the yearly event
eagerly awaited by all lovers of
beautiful hats, our mid-summer
Howard A. Walter of Milll t,
Union county, was at the county
seat Monday morning. He spent
Sundav with his brother west of
Our stock in Dress (ioods was
never so large as at present ill the
latest fabrics. CoOM to sec and
learn the prices. M. MlLLNER,
5-10-:Jt. Kantz. Pa.
The Post prise organ is one of
the l)est ebapd organs made. It is
manufactured by the Weaver Organ
and Piano Co. and is sold in Snyder
county by their agent, F. S. Riegel.
A. It. Gilbert, a member of the
graduating class of Franklin and
Marshall College, Lancaster, Pa.,
is at home enjoying bis senior vaca
tion. We observe by the daily pa
pers, he is one of the ten chosen to
deliver orations at commencement,
which means that he is one of the
upper ten in his class.
Grandfather's Clock fob
Sale. A grandfather's dock is of. i
fered for sale by Jonathan Musser
oi ivreainei, i n.
Rev. .1. M. Uearich of ( ientra i
I Hall was a visitor at this place. The!
parson is wen ukcu hi lis imrisii in
our sister county which we Hfe
j pleased to note.
It mhi waul to see a good live
J cirrus, do nut tail to Bee Goodrich's
great shows which exhibit near the
I depot in this place Thursday,
May 24th. Conic one, come all.
On account o the rain last Friday
night the meeting for making ar
rangements to hold the Middleburg
centennial lia Kirn uofltuoned one
week. Do not toiget the meeting
i i
Fi iday night.
John It. Kreeger, who has been
at Belleville acting as cashier ol the
new bank of that place, will return
to his place as Assistant Cashier of
the First National Bank of this
place this week.
liemember that a subscriber who
pays in advance one vear gets 2."
votes in the organ contest, A new
subscriber who pay- one year in ad
vance gets ."(i vote-. Come in now
or scud in your dollar.
The rain I:'-! Friday night w:
cne of the most welcome visitor
thai have come to this section lor
some lime. It was very much need
ed not only to moisten the soil, hut
to reduce the caterpillar crop which
seems to he raging as a regular
A new schedule will gnintoehVct
on the Pennsylvania Railroad o!jrW ht
imuio . t in" on me oim-
bory A Lewistown will Ik slight.
The afternoon train leaving Lewis
town, we are told, will leave half an
hour earlier. This is the ouly change
Send in your coupons in the or
gan contest, Ina week or two we
will begin to count them. The pre
mium con;. ons issued from this of
fice are good until thi! close id the
contest. The coupon- cut from the
Post arc good only five weeks from
date of the paper from which it Is
The county jail
oner attain. Tlii-
has another play
time ii is a resi
dent ol Middleburg and w hen court
conns he will loilow in the foot
step- "I Magdalcnn Shirk. The
jail is not the proper place lor such
a character, lint i:
to an institution
should he taken
or wtnk-minded
pc, (pic.
Scud in your votes fn the organ
contest. We will soon begin to
count the votes every week and an
nounce the result so that all may
know how the contest is moving.
The contest is not yet (airly -tai led
and those who wish the organ lor
their church or school can i-iill enter
the contest. Chances are still as
good as ever.
Last Sat unlay evening, May
E. M. Gearhart, theentertainer,gave
an excellent entertainment at the
Hassioger church. A large audi
ence was present and Mr. Gearharf
was enthusiastically received. Mr.
Gearhart ranks high as an elocu
tionist and as an impersonator and
reader he excel Is,
Last Thursday afternoon the pas
sengers on Mail train west were
startled on account of the train stop
ping very suddenly on the trestling
at J'awling station. The cause of
the sudden stopping was on account
of the trestling being on fire. The
train had already gone over the fire
which was at the east end and
the engineer was unable to stop the
train lefore running through the
fire. Fortunately the fire had not
gone so far as to weaken the trest
ling, else the entire train with its
load ot human freight would have
been a tale of the past.
Htt Successful (lathering in
..n , . . . .
tie United Brethren Church
Port Treverton.
'he Saohath School ( 'otivcntion
hcldin ihe C 15. church, commenc
ing Iriditv eveninir, May I S, and
ending Sundav evening, was a de
cided succc-s and an occa-ion of
interett to all in attendance. The
cliurel was well tilled Friday even
ing titoear Rev. II. S. Calde, I're
sidintf Kldt-r of lvi-li n ( mlcrciicc.
Thisrl ijcct was an able discussion
!i IlC'ngs i;t I J.
AlRIAY Mil:M . ssn.
The invention proper opened on
! SatiU"0sy morning, although it was
ratnrng npidl v, iputea nnmlier were
present The exercises w ere opened
by Pfen ling Kldcr CaMc at S-.:'A).
Alter tie singing ot several hvinns
and thr-c ' short prayer.-, he made
some 'Itiurks in regard to the dif
ferent Conventions and their interest
as welf as their importance. The
folloWUg oflicers Wile then elected:
Rev. 11.S. A .! Ml. ( armel,
chairmai: Hcv. II. M. Trantman,
seereta.-; Kev. .1. I'.. I'rauci-, tiea
urer. .v. M. Shaller t Ic the wel
come adf s and all m re made to
lei'l lit, home. T''c re-pun-e WHS
as.-:gnt to Rev. II. M l i.iu'. man
w i io i ia ie an a. 'i ! i ,- . : i i i :a i I
ol the Obligate,. in inn : ,,-.
sung afk! winch ti.,- -ui.jc.-i
sol! Help " t he'll U-e- ;:- aUv
discusetel ii lo v. i;. Arndt.
liev.:?K Miller added a lew very
intereafiu: remarks on the same.
Hev.'H. Gable talked very inter
TiT ' lii
The iii-xt topic discussed was
' I he Xi-i-d of a Broad Horiitou."
Rev. Charles Bauer of Siuihiu v read
a very interesting paper on this all
important topic. His words were
highly appreciated hv all present.
Uevs. H. S. Gable, .Wilier and
Francis followed with interesting re
marks. The tonic, "The Teaching Worthy
of Our Time," was then talon up
by Ri v. II. M. Trantman. This
addrc-s was interesting and full ol
intelligent thought in which all re
ceived instruction. ;, v. ( . Bauer
also added appropriate remarks
, ..I a. . ..
lali'iiLT the line ol ti : u 1 1 1 r i in the
Sundav school. It was then decid
ed to hold the next convention at
The convention was opened at
l:30a The devotional exerciser
were conduct i d by the chairiniin
alter whionthe regular program was
again taken up, A well nrennred
j.aper full of interest and instruction
u;i then read by M. S. Hendricks,
Siiperinteanenf ol the primary de
partment of tin- United Brethren
church at Shamokin. This subject
was "The Primary Department."
f i i i ii
in ins remarks in- especially cm-.
piiasie(i tin- linporianecoi tliestini'
ot child inline and its surroundings.
H. S. MeKs of Middleburg also
spoke interestingly on this subject.
The next topic taken up was
'How to Hold that Boy." This
subject was opened by Rev. B. F.
ioodman of Shamokin. In his re
marks he referred to several wavs
by which they may lie held. Mr.
Mover of Clark's Grove, Shamokin
Circuit, and Rev. R. S. Arndt also
added ways which the boys maybe
held in the Sunday school. Rev.
Bauer, M. S. Hendricks and Rev. J.
E. Francis spoke on this most inter
esting topic.
The topic "Helps of Hindrances"
was the opened by Rev. C. S. Mil
ler. Rev. C. Bauer interested all
present by his able talk on the sul
jeet. He referral to the hindrances
D. L. Moody had and the help they
were to him. A collection was then
taken to defray the expense of print
ing programs after which the eon
vention adjourned.
I ' ;oU the church was filled to
its utmost capacity in witness the
i.. 1. 1 : ... m- . 1 1 i I,
inn i c.-iiii i nunc IIIIKS ov IVCV.
Clint 8. Miller ol Tower City. He
did well and all were delighted.
An experience or testimony meet-;
ing was ( ducted by liev. J. W.
A. Kelly of Shamokin. Itev. B, F.
Goodman then preuchednii excellent I
sermon in which all were made to
feel he presence of Holy Spirit.
The L nil'- Supp, r was then cele
brated and many partook of the
emblems ol His broken body and
shed blood in remembrance of His!
sutlering and death. This was a
season of refreshing on account ol '
the presence ot the Master. In the
evening K v. J. V. A. Kelly con-
I .11
till tile . I'. t . I . meeting.
Bev. ( '. S. Miller delivered an able
discourse on John I '29, Thus
ended one ol the most interesting
gathering- ever held at this place.
Teachers Association.
To Teachers, Director- and Friends
of Education in Pennsylvania:
I de-ire to call y tiii- specia I at
tention to the next meeting ol the
Pennsylvania State Teacher.-' Asso
ciation, which will he held thi year
in the city of William-port, I'a.,
July 3d to Oth inclusive.
Kvery enrolled member of this
association will receive a copy of
the addres-e- and other proceedings
not only oi the State Teachers' As
sociation but of the City, Borttugtl
and 1 ownship Superintendents' Con
vention and of the State DrrecwnT
Aasoctation, thus getting the very
lust thought along these different
lines in the Slate.
I appeal to the friends ol educa
tion in Pennsylvania to enroll in
large numbers. There an- over
'JI'., (Mill teachers iii the State ill the
public schools alone and the lllim
l er of superintendents, teacher-, di
rectors and other friends ol educa
tion enrolled should not he less than
10,01 n K
I lie 11 lli to u iliiain-port a j
pleasant one, it i- an ideal place t
meet line hotels, its citizen- note
lor their hospitality, elegant drive:
ami the excursion to Ivaglesinere I
will In-a "Tent attraction. Tin urn- I
grain i- excellent ; turn out in large
niitnliers and -how your interest in
I the great educational association of
! your State.
1 1 you find it utterly impo ihle
In attend the meeting send your en
i oilmen! fee of 91.00 to Prof. David
S, Kick, Treasurer, Kutztown, Pa.,
who will promptly -end you a cer
tificate of mem Is rshin.
I jet me not plead in vain lor our
dear old Commonwealth to inakcl
this meeting ii record-breaker,
.Ii iin A. M. Passmoue,
I resident, j
Next S lay at 10 A. M.. May
27th a special sermon will be de
livered in "Daniel's" church in ln
halfof the (i. A. R. by the under
signed pastor. A cordial welcome
to all. James M. Boyer,
May '21, 1900. Pastor.
W'c call Special attention to our
new and well selected line of Mill
inery or ready-to-wear head goods
for Ladies, Misses and Children in
the latest fashions. As usual prices
are the lowest. ( Jive us a call. We
are sure to please you.
,r,-10-:it. St MlLLKEB, Kantz, Pa.
Register & Recorder Willis John
H.Willis and Architect John F.
Stetler are at Wilkesbarre this week
attending the Knights of Templar
Conclave in session at that place
Several secial trains of Pullman
Palace tars pissed over the Sunbury
A Lewistown division Monday.
Democrats in Session.
1 he Democrats o the various dis
tricts ot Snyder county met at their
respective voting place- and elected
delegates to the ( omity convention
w hich met in the 'uni t House in
tins place iUonday of thi
I teleirate!
present Were a
Adams J. ( . G088( ; m
Heaver J. (i. Snyder, .lames II.
1 Biugutnan.
Beaver W
( 't'ntre J,
-t Isaac Shirey.
F. Kanawell.
' I- Mark-, H. I Jar-
- ris i tower,
Middleburg A. F. Gilbert II
D. Stahlnecker.
Middlccrcck- -X. p. Hummel.
John Field-..
Monroe Wm.KiihnJ ;. M.Gross
1 T. A. Stetlt r.
Fcnii Rolmrl Coleman, Milton
Herinaii, W. .. ICrdlev.
I 1 errv Levi ( itlwell. . I
I NV. II Wendt.
.St lie
, Perry w,'l ' Homberger,
! II. NV. Kerstetter, .1. W. (Jarman.
Selinsgrovc JoeG. Lesher.John
Spring C. ( . (Jrwnhoe, NVilson
Dree-e, J. ( Schiiinljaeh.
1 'nion Thus. H. Nerrold, ( !.W.
Knight-, Ii. F. ( harles.
i iisiiingtnti ( has. IriH'se, 1 1
ry Kessler, A. II. KHnK
elleelui"- an orimio-xntinii
the lollowing nominations wen
made : Congress, Joe '. Lesher, Se
linsgrovc; Senator, John V. Leaher,
Monroe twp., Assembly, H. Harris
Rower, Franklin twp"; Prothouo-
Agister & Recorder, W. A. Erdley,
i ciiu uvp; insinct Attorney, b, s.
Glass, Freeburg; Jury Commission
er, Roliert M. Coleman, Penn twp.
We give below some clubbing
nbinatious with the I '( wr. The
rates ipioti-d are very low.
I he Farm Journal, monthly, lor
almost live years the Middleburg
l st one year, paid in advance, $1.01
The Parm Juiiriinl in one of tin- ImmI
nurii'iiiiiirni imiiem i.ii.lil., , n .....
hiiiI h. .ii- nf e
ii..- riniiMT, iiiix
tilii.N Ir.Mii ''
in lumen envll month
try ubjsel ..f lutercml to
rt-ruml wurkinu man.
The New Vork Tri-Weekly Tri
bune ami the Middleburg Pist, one
year, paid in advance, only S 1.75.
I'll .- To-i-.-Uv i Ii-h.-.l Mdmlsv
. .-uiii'-iiiy :iini i ri.iuy. ri-tiehei
i'ro i r KUbiierUierH on nnta ..(
imiii', ami oni-h dlllluti la a UinrniiKlily
1'iwy Ml
iii.o-naie nniiy i.-inni n,, -i..iih i .,i
The New Vork Weekly Tri
ind the Middh burg I ' ist, one
aid in advance, only 8 I
The Weekly Triliune i- publ tailed on
Thurnlay, anil lvo all lniiortanl new
ol nation ami world, llic mo-i reliable
inarkel reiHirta, on, !l.-. ;o.
department, reliable iconeral informa.
lion and eliolee and i-ntertalninK hum.
i . l.nny. It is the peopli ' paper" for
the i-iiiin- United States, .1 national
ilv paier fr tarrneraand eillagcra.
The New York Tri-Weekly World
ami the Middleburg Post, one year,
paid in advance, only S I .(io.
The Tri Weakly World comes three
time-n weak, la Mled with the latent
newa of the country and i- well worth
tin- prli i- naked for it.
The Practical Farmer, one vear,
and the Middleburg Post, one vear,
paid in advance, 91.50. Both of
the above papers and the Practical
Farmer Year Book and Agricu!-
. I 4 1 1 ....... 1 .
iiirai .vimaiiac tor r.iuo, pani in
advance, only 9 1
The Praetli ni Parmer Ii one of the hrt
farm i;iM-r- puhllabed, aeued tnnnthlx-.
at II. Oil year. Tin-year book eontaina
irfu ii'ieH in wliii-h there i- a fund of in
f.irinntion tlmt i n-fnl to the farmer,
''in- price of lull book alone in flu cents.
Von eel tlm Potr, tin- fraction! Farmer
on. I Uu- n-ar book fur only $1.0.
J. 3. Weodt of Belinsgrova was
in town Saturday. Mr. Wendtiswell
known in Snyder Co., having !een
in the sewing machine businss for
'21 years and for the past three years
has been engaged in the picture busi
ness. He is taking orders for cray
on work, pastel, water color and in
dia ink. Any one in need of any
thing in his line will do well by giv
ing him a call.