B&kincf Powder Absolutely Pure KANTZ. Wm. Gilbert is working at Mt. Car- I mel. The sick of this place are Improving slowly. Mre. William Holtzapple Is on the -ii k list. -Inuh Walltorn and wife visited at Kantz Hunday. Conrad Fetter is complaining from I an attach of asthma. Mre. Wm. Bullck of Kelinsgrove call ed on her mother recently. J. Willow and wife left Kantz Yr FREEBURO. J. 8. Pawling, wife, son and nephew of West Milton returned home after spending a week with Prof. William Mover and wife. 'lirU If. Miller, a student of Ruck- nell IJniVf rsity, accompanied by a clash . , i i i in nirtle, AianoiM amnger w .iH,riuii m , sin-nt sundav with parents and friends. The work at the Musical College has moved along vcrv nicely tin-past week The director is one of the busiest men in town, carefully seeing to the inter ests of his pupils. m.tiukAMiwl ... - ,i J. mow aiki w lit n-iv nmnmm i. iin-.nnii uuuuai . . miihuh v. dav and returned home to his patents, j Snyder County Sunday Bohool Aaso- ... r .n fi.iiiiiiiul in tin. 1. -ilul 1? Katie Aumiller is woiKing ai j. w. "'"" " : ..ii..r'a in Hrtlnsim.ve for a few weeks, church. Y iv.-l.urg, W edncsday e cuing ,. . .. a n..w. n and Thursday. I he convent ua. open- j. i. niiciii.,,1, ...... BA ui,i. all Irjantrlnff song service con were to BellMsrrove nararaay e venm g. , , ,,.., Hu ,lf si..im- Hill K M M HI) VJIH Quit' a number attended Sunday ; my Apart of the 16th chapter of j m Ihmu aim niuivimi nuuvn " oww' Komnns WM rVttU, IDUOWea nv a niv- t Lewfc Herrold rc'turned from bin ! tr from IUv. Or. Chaw. Khoiul, Qen- l MnnrtoH a mod dm! stntv Rafivaftarv of sundav achoo Makes hot breakfast-breads wholesome no yeast germs, no alum. Makes cake, biscuit and pastry of superior fineness, flavor and deli cacy. Makes food that will keep moist and sweet. Is most economical, because it is the purest and greatest in leavening strength. In the easy, expeditious preparation of the finer cakes and pastries, Royal is indispensable. t are must be taken to avoid txikinn powden made from alum. Such Mjwdurs are sold cheap, because they cost but a lew cents per iouiid. Not only will they (poll the cake, but alum is a corro sive acid, which taken ill lood means injury to ticalla. ROYAL BAKING POWDCR CO., 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. COUNTY NtiWS. Breezy Letters Written by Our Corps of Correspondents ughout the County. WEST BEAVER, I inn James Hanes and son did some car penter w.rk t'r Merchant MlUner last week. Oco. Daubert and wife of Milton are visiting relatives and friends at this place. Lydia A. Romlgand Violet Mltman were t. the Freeburg S. S. convention Tuesdny. Quite :i few of this place attended R. s. convention at Freeburg Thursday evening. Iteulien Autnlller and wife ofSellns grove paid visit to I Charles Hain nnd wife Sunday. Mrs. VV. Hnln, nfter spending n few .lays nl Chestnut Itldge, returned home Wednesday. J. R. Hniitli, the great piano and or gan dealer of Milton, passed through this place to Freeburg Tuesday. B, Rentier and leo. Roush had a runaway Friday evening on their way home fiom Rohner's mill. Ko accident occurred. Work. The irreetinif was tendered by Prof. Walborn. responded to by Rriiin Teats. Mrs. J. W. Barnes spoke on tin advancement of theS. 8. Work f th. iiat iliiiiv years, The lecture by Ir. Rnads on Christian Clthsenshin enter tained the audience for one hour. Dur ini.' Thursday the time was oecupie. by Dr. Roads and Mrs. Barnes in eon nection with the pastors and other 8 H. workers of the county, rimrsdaj pvenlna Mrs. Barnes devoted an hout in speaking to a large audience. Well selected music was rendered by mem bers of both Lutheran and Reformed choirs. rOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fllEB' 41111111 R Maq is Uiell OrEssad W HEN HE WEARS- 0 CLOTHING W E never ict u garment go out of our stow unless ii looks us if it was DBciallv desifrned and made for the bnver. Von can nick out a Loeb Suit. H8 a or look. It'll wear : it 11 hold Its s i:ll)o : It II save you money. Our pes Keep 1 pule Coming Men's Suits, from up Men's Hlaek worsted Suits. .?").(() Men's Blue Serge Suits, $8.00 Then our Ik-Hit grades Iron) $6.50 to 912.00. Boy's Suits Boy's Black Chil Cl.il irotll ?.j.llll tin ind Blue Seme Suits In in to .Slo. Iren's Suits, 7"c and up Iren's Is-tter grades from $1.75 to jf.").oo. PALLAS NEWS. Aut hi ' rani :ik 1 1 I ll'.r ADAMSHUUU. Hor left for Philadelphia ivu was1 endiiiu several .f Mi. lleburi A. M ,honi Wm. K lnt week. prof. Keller of Lewi town Monday. M I Bessie Klose Is s Wei ks in Belinsgrove. Mr, hiannnh Hllllth vi-itinir nl J. F. Keller -. Wesley 81100k iurehased I i Smith's'lol on Mark 1 street. 11 1 lloi.ilu had 11 Splilll nlnci I In his resilience lasl wwk. rSainuel BachmauaiidMrs.Joiiathaii HnniiglcrsiM!nl Katurday In MeL'lurc. J. D. Haines, wife and children sik-hI Saturday ami Sunday in Mlddleburg. Miss hostel Iti RonilgsK!iit several days t Freeburg and Mldilleburg recently. Miss Gertie Knepp bas returned trHi ;i two months' sojourn In Berwick. Mrs. listraight of Harrlsbura wif theguosl of Siiiniiel Klinepetera last week. , . , , Miss Esther Erhart t Lewistown was the guest of Miss F.lsi. Riegle Bat- wrday. 1 Van Middieswarth "i McOlure is vis ItiiiK his nuinenniH friends in this vicinity. H.....W. villi- Smii 1 anil ilaiigincr lies sic am Fd. ( 'harles, wife and children Bient Sunday In town. WEAVER CHAPEL OROAN. lo Be (liven Away to Sonic Church, Sunday School or Public School. The publisher of the Post will give n hands u Wkavkh I'h mm i Owia.n to some 'hurch, Sunday schisil or iul- I in Snyder County and he ;i-k the Nitrons of this paper to selecl the place here ii shall The highcsl numlsr of votes -will detcrnilne tin choice. Sewsjsijs'r eouiions and pie miuui coupons will nil as follows : NEWSPAPER t'OFPONS: The1 voting couisjii printed in each Issue of, I ll e P H T I- ft i "uv Vb-' " filled i.hi and sen; or brought i" ihi-1 office. PREMIUM COUPONS : All sul serlbcrs who pay for the Pout In ad- incc will receive Premium ' ou j .,.111 tin- office, thai entitles them to rwo votes for each month paid u acl mv anil 25 for a full year, ror 11 NEW ':i-h sultmTlptloii FOUR pre mium e.ni s will Is- Issutsl for each month and "'i for 11 full year. No cou pon will be Issued for less than six months subscription. Changing t h e name from one mcmlicr of a family i" another will not he considered new subscriber. For every dollar's worth ol job printing or new advertisements thai are brought or sent to ihi office, :i pre mium coupon will lie Issued for 2) votes, cur THIS out. '"'' s Si adfftd41ttMvat1i JPnt;! K il.zle Knei.p i- home from Sunbury ou account of sickness. The grip bos tnki 11 hold of quite a number of folks at this end fol the past few Week. Howard Fish, family nnd mother spent Sunday vi-itini: friends at the hack mountain. Henry Knepp of Slglervllle made a business trip n. this side of the moun tain lasl Saturday. ReHrt says Ed. I!"iui, who had heel I one of 1 nil' township's 1', Is HOW located in Hilo farming. The few rains we had lasl week wi re iliankfully received and made everything In nature smile. James Stcelv was home from Lewis I, iosK-n( pari of Satunlay and Sundiiy l u re mid purl of the time else where.' Soitj we did nut get to see ( i. W. WugeiiscP.er, editor nl' the PohT, when on a visit hen-las! week. Call again, ( let ii :re. Ex-Judge (.'rouse was seen on our streets last week. Jerry looksallo. k. with the exception of being a little thin in flesh. T. F. Swinefi.nl, neither has jaw or an arm broken as was reported in last week - i i' '. The eorreet report is he had only n few slight bruises and is able to attend n business. The services In 1 lie German Baptist Brethren church at Bannerville, Pa., on the following evenings, viz, May l!o. subject, Repentance; May -J7, ul ect, liaptlsin; June 3rd, Feel Washing. Lord's Supper and Communion. All an- welcome. J.B.Shellenberger, Pastor. 1 1 1 r MMJEL' H WHARF. Ulan ar i plentiful in this vi- 'ater cinlty. l.evi Herrold returned from his lish iiiLr trip and reported a good catch. ( '. A. Shemorry and Banks Benner wen- tn Seliusgrove Saturday evening. A. '. ( Hose and family were visiting hi father-in-law, George Kuhn's Sun day. Mr. Wilson of Williainspurt bought a carloud of horses at this place lasl week. 1111 ..I' U I.. . I. la mi. uiiinn in niui'nwnii nloved in Ml. ( arm. I and Wilson ll.itl' "" "I l. aen 1 t . ...... . . 'iii nu iiiul , ami m. I. heeoold at Lewisourg ALINE. nl' damaei Communion services were well at-1 tendwl Sunday. Amos Gemberllng is balling hay at ii-tus Stroub's. It had the misfortune to i liar bone. Hon. G. M. Shlndel and wife were the guests of II. P. Stroub's over Sun-1 day. Charles and Francis paid a viit to I their Is-st friends at Pallas Satunlay evening. The new huckster ritr which starts mil from Pallas Saturdays and Mon days i fully up to date. Sunday evening Daniel Bower lost a valuable horse as the result of an acci dent while in the stable. Fanners who delayed planting corn on account of the dry weather, have resumed and are finishing up. An.v one deslrlnii to purchase a line hiillld eall and Bee the farm owned by Mrs. M. A. Bailey. Monday David Blckhart sold one of , his horses for one hundred dollars and the next day he purchased another for 1 W. t A A A A A A AJ.AA kAAAAAAA'VilA : iint Men' Men' e up MHO Pants, better grade Panti to $1.00. Men's finedrees Pants, 14.50 Children's knee Funis, 15e up Children's knee pants, 50c aod 7") cents. -Stiff. Fedora, all styles and colors 60c Our Dlllllap Black am! I It-own Stiff, 12.50. Siill Hatsas low as $1.00 Fedora Hats as low 88 50o Your Presence always Welcome-buy op not. M. LOEB & SON, RELIABLE ONC-PREE CLOTHIERS AND GENT'S FURNISHERS, 318 E. MARKET ST-, sUNbUrY, pa. ESTABLISHED 1877. JJEB'So S, N N N " N . N "A i. ICS. BIGQNT & CO. 323 MapketSt,, i SUNBURY, FA. reooverlng from the Bjliest hor Mr. ami Mrs. Hamilton of Liverpool were the guests of Augustus Htrauh and wife. They also called on Mrs. Bailey in t he ttfternoou. The much needed and wished for ruin earnest lust lust Tuesday evening, i but we etiiilil heller have done without I It than to endure the disaster which followed. KKEAMEit. 1 i in The Sumltiy s.-l I of thl n llourishiuu eoiulitiou. Chns. Trutl and wife ofHunbury vis iteil friends in tills pliu-e Sunday. Mr-. Janii VVertx of Bellnsgrove vis ited her daughter, Mrs. Dallas Wilt, Sunday. Mrs. Snmuel Stniuh entertained her nu rents, Mr. Htnhland wife of Verdllla Satunlay. h"nmk Rnlley nnd family Bjienl Sun day v i'h huvl'd Moycr and family near New I tori in. cha-. Hussaniun of m ar N'orthum-I In rlaiui ient Sunday with his parents in tills pin Weare well pleased thai T. P. liuni mcl wiiHiipixiint ii eciisuH enumerator for MonrK' i ;.. I. N. Julius and s'.ns Prank and Carl of Sunbury attended Hunday school In (his place Hunday. j l,r-.i Dressier and family attendedj church til Hoover h mill Hunday after-1 iiiMin. on their wa.v Levi took sick wit'; -1 it! and fever. The storm did n great lai Tuesday. s. ;. Martin i- four w eeks' sickness. M i- Mamdet lelnetl wa Effle Honiberger Hunday. Iiihn Knotwe linUL-ht a till from Henry Kerstetter last week. Sundav seh.Mil at Aline and Thomas every Sunday at '.) a. m. Praver-meetlmr at the .Mine church next Sunday evening at 7:.'tU p. m. J. B. Underkoftler and wife were the Plsher Walter spent Sunday with mu sts of II. A. Knit, uf Kuousetown. friends in Belinsgrove. Rev. lieonold preached an exoellenl Mrs. Adam Fields of Johnstown vis sermon in tin- Aline church Sunday. ited friends in this vicinity. Mr. Kerstetter had bod luck. When he J.E.Mageeis confined to his Led wanted to commence sawing he broke with a severe attack of sickness, his engine. i Hamuel Herman is erecting a new John Bhetteriy is dmgging logs from dwelling house on his premises east of II. A. Ebright's timber land to supply town. the saw mill. Wm. Gemberllng and wife of Salem Christian Knousebought a farm for spent Hunday with the family of .1. V. hi uewly married sm from H. i. Walter. Hornberger. Prank Thomas and w ife of Sunburj- T. s. Herrold and I". J. Tint t are visited friends In town the early part of .hauling hark from Hornberger and last week. Weaver's tracts to Millerstown. a. d. Krcamer's fine driving horse T. K. Honiberger is working at the is down with sickness. Dr. Potteiger saw mill for Minium .V- Co. Be careful attends him. ami don't saw your fingers, Tommy. Mrs. Jackson Miller and children of One of Fred Wogely's children died Paxlnos are visiting friends and rela of scarlet fever and was interred at Ar- lives in town at present, bogost's church last Monday. Hewas Mrs. Geo. Fagley of Bhamokln was aged aliout 3 years. the ucst of the family of her brother. Frank, one of Peter Foltz's hoys, had W. A. Keeler, Thursday, a severe fall one day last week. He Thomas Hauer, one of our energetic fell from the barn door and bnUc his successful young business nu n, collar hone. I le la improving. i purchased the farm owned by Thomp- i Our township assessor was around son Hilbish of Sellnsgrove. taking assessment of the bicycles last Mrs. J. E. Mi quite a uuuilier in think the lux iiusi- I ! i iieveiEi AS SUGMDES, 1 1 MTS GOODS, NQMIMP H8, J IA1E1AS SB SlimJEB, I iFlgfflKg TABKLE, EILF G00D8, 33 FBBE ARMS. ! ys , x x -s x xxx x x x x x x:x x . X 1 i ! V i F.G. FRANC1SCUS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Hardware, Lumber, Etc. 1 Largest stuck in Central Pennsylvania. A rail line of Building Hardware, Cook Stoves. Ranges, Stand- i v;.L?..fl Oil Stoves. Wall Paper, Window I Shades, Heady Mixed Paints, Lend, Oil, Are. Write S ns for prices or can ana see us, i i Bell and SpriM Telephones Lewistown, pa. J : MJtitmtitttttt f ff""""TTT" jippjMMiiMSMSMaiMSliSMaWSSMSWMSMMSSWSWMSSMSSMSJJJJSJSJSasjSSSJSSSJJ -M .11. Jl HI 111 Bl Bl 111 ltl(CtC9l) any prosiiects of a week. 1 here are tlii- section luit w ne-s is void before i rack are visible. We read an account of a big Ureal Hepner, in the Dalmatia "Jteiu". last Monday. A store, hotel ami eighteen other outbuildings were totally destroy ed. All the livestock was saved with the exception of a calf and a few chick ens. The loss is estliiuueti ai sis,oou, aaee ana mis. nam. r.oi- linger were delegates t the Bnyder count V Sin a lay school convent ion from the union school of this place. Miss I .ora Walter and l. V. Row were de Irrates of the 1 1 lobe Mills school. MoCLURE. B- -r- W 13. Mayiy VVi. urn sorrv In state thai an old clti 7.en of Sliuinnkin Dam, In the person of j Insurance 8,000 Peter Trexler, committed suicide byj hiiiitrln! Satunlay morning. Mrs. .1 nines Ki-ssli-r. la-l week while i white-wa.hi..;. the wiling In her h..n.e was to Freeburg one da; h.-ii I the misfortu i falling from a . ,. o . step ladder aiid breaking hor left arm. I '' . ck. -I'l r,.i,Li,riliuiil. nirniiiiliiii- Thud Hi se ura. 'lealllix lark Bin Rollback of KelinsKrove for hauled II horn.-. i he onlv applicant, for census C. T. Hhaffer and wife were tlieguesl FLINTSTOU E V ALLEY. IHW X Maj. V S I hcin'r ' ft 1 cnllllieraloi ouestioli I tnumbe This coupon to one vote tul ntitles the holder he handsome WEAVER CHAPEL ORGAN I fMada i.v Mm Wwrar Organ 1 PtonoCo. T .v...i. I'.. .....I -..I.I I.v K. S. llli'u'l-l. MUl v in lor... i. t - - ... . .mi,,,. 1-.. i In li.. irivi'll to Holllf . Illlrcll fci .... . ---. ..; .7 . . who answered - correctly in Bnyuer land counties. SEId NSGROVE. all tin :iinl Nop of .1. I laities anil wifi James Haines is employed in in:ik ing posts for Philip Dreese. Q. O. Moyer and C E. Haines made a heavy blast Inst week with dynamite. ' It liroii-'hl down -VHI bushels Of stones. ' Harry Holshue Is attending school at Herudon. I erberl Dins i- spending a few week at home. Henry Kahley received hi mill Monday. Borne of our farmers still have some corn to plant. James Hughes of Newton Hamilton called among friends last week. ('. W. Decker, wife and son spent Sunday at Lewistown. Mrs. K. V. I'lsh and children of Con nelllvllle are spending s few weeks among Mends here. Job. Gobs is treatlna his house to a ECONOMICAL 700 Pairs Shoes Sold last Saturday at DoldShoeStoracIasinj imirs i 1 I Over 2,000 is 1 hey must Ik.- c n had t lock tin m times Siitimliiv La crowds out. r- salc. yet. i wi ll,. out to sell ie:n whel il s twenty to keen the unity. I'ou i .' - ; m summer and winter shoes now. 1 " a 322 flarket St., Sunbury, la. m ie bi a v it; in1 t r o e o c o 0 2 9 Tables filled up 1 S 9 if BARMAN'S : : sunt stsrf. Wliwsa w mm m m m MIDDLEBU2G, PA Is the place in find o f ull and complete line of Ladies' Shoe Mrs. E. K. Schro.ver is in Phlladel-I rTheeditor wishes to inform thli phiaspendlngajfew wei-ks with friends, j (.om.SMIll(.,t that it is necessary for Miss Annie (itt of Ma.cppu, Union I him to sign his name properly here- at home with lier parents for a after, not tor DUOUcauon, DDI mr our , iruidiince. Ivlltor 1'osr.J r (iK'.i.iri;. . 1 1 W Hands. Schna (Vxinty, hy HK 1 ni I'nlilii- Bat I In SnydM 1 lie I'ost, Mlddltburgbi rs. This vote is cast for ml.. I. ..... hJ Hvii wn'i. aftiT . . in .1..... ....I I... i imiiti-il. alHivr ilir Biiu win mvh " . Srisl ly mil orlrl.iKo Ihia olBce kod hve It ileiMwiK-'i is Co., i few days. A number of our Sunday school work ers attended the convention at Free hurjr last week. Hev. W. S. I'lrich and bride left last Thursdav for liis Held of labors at Scenery Hill, Pa. V K. Itiistiun of Muncv. formerlva student of Susquehanna I'niversity, is being eateraunea ny inenus. Inf It (. Shields 1111(1 wife of Phila delphia are spending a week with Mrs. S s parents, jonu .iiaritaaim wire. Reduced Rates to Wilkcsbarre. Tlioalum fnetorv is t lirilillir out (500 pairs of shoes a day and the outlook is for a lawr number being turned out. Itev. (i. W. Genadtf of the 1st Luth. church will preach the memorial ser mon to tbeO. A. IL, Sons of Veterans and Women's Kelief Corps on Sunday evening, the 27th. An on.. i KnlthUTrmplar of Pennsjrl Vitnlit. lT.r l..r.i,l.. IlHV lMv L'-'l of the Knitthts Templar of Pennsylvania Forty-seventh Annual Conclave, at Wilkes barre, Pa., May 21 to 23, 10U, the Penn sylvania Railroad will sell round-trip tickets from all stations in Pennsyl-i-nnia in YVilki-shiirre and return May 21 and 22, limited to return until May 23,lncluslve, at rate of one limited flrst elass fare for the round trip (minimum of twenty-five cents). Tickets will not lie rood for nasaage on New York and Chicago Limited Express, and are good V. 1 for continuous passage only in eac rectlon. coutofpuiiit which makes quite an Improvement. s. Weidenmyer and son Hurry spent Sunday at Lock's Hank. NEW BERLIN. L.C. Reiehley, K. A. Fugle and Ed. j Wilson are erecting a new Iwrn for Fnil Reiehley near Kratzcrviiie. Uriah Fessler of Pennscreek iKiugbt the John Solomon property on the corner of Vine and Water sts. for$2l. F. H. Maurer moved his portable saw mill from Fred Reiehley's to a tract of timber land ou Buffalo mountain north of town. Mrs. Howard Folk and daughter who had been visiting at her brother, H. H. Wetzel's, returned to her home in Mid- dlehurg. Samuel Oelse, who was attending lectures at the Medico Chirurglcal Col lege at Philadelphia, returned home having completed one year's course. Eagle Hotel, W. GSAYBILL, PEOPRIETOS. NEAR THE DEPOT. Middleburg, - - - Penna. First Class Accommodation, Low llatcs and Careful Attention Given to all Guests. -Livery Attached.r Good Horses and Careful Drivers. There are Russets, Black and Patent Leather Shoes .... We ke. DXMUTOVII NOTICK. .Notice a- i in hereby . I. . I..,,,,.. iMitAinelltHrV uuonttie e Ute of Caroline Moyer. of Bver two.. Snyder county. P , deceMed hve been Itoued In flue form of lw to tbe underined to whom II lndeltel to Mid entate should ;nke Imme diate payment and thoee haylnK claim acaintt It hould prevent them duly authenticated for ettlement. HARVEY MUim mk, Beavertown, la., may (, iw. i. I in hi- quality of SHOES :ind when you buy I our best you can rest J aasurwl the qualitv right I We have them as low as 90o, and all other grades up to m the vcrylx'st for$4. Give Us a Trial- W. I. Garman. OO0OOOOOO0O0i CASTOR I A Jor Infuts and Cltildr en. The Kind You Have Always Boars the Signature of 1