The Middleburgh Post. l Kvory Tlnirwly. GEO. W. WAQENSELLER, Editor and Proprietor. SIBSCUICTION KATKS. HI ,M DM war l( pnld In .dvnnce. pcf 'iir if not paid I" ndv.nee. Single ( topics, Five Cents. Aatvertlalna ltul'. H Pe Una, liareil nien-ureuictit. for Hrt Miaertln;. and 1" 'nil i .t Una fr each uliseUenl inaertion. Entered at the Port ofllceat Middlebutf, -hut'oii.l niiill matter. nOBtrtB . v,.nr ti.i . innntv Court House. I tweea the Firal National Hank and IhaOnanty j Jan. History. Established In 1844 asthi Union Demokrat, at New Berlin, aOer mnn Whin naner. Chanaed name t. the Post fn 1801. Oldest Republican newspaier in Bnyder Count v. Republican Standinc Committee. Adanx C. i Blasamaa, J. 1- Blpe. Baavar A. W. Mii"wr. Calvin l)ri-.-p. Ib-aver W .- Kn-I H (iumlriim. Thou Herbster. Otatra Alias Bayer, a. Stlaa. Ohapnn-P. A. Troup, C. H. Updaftove. Praoklln M. L Walter, H. K. Boleadar. Jackaon J. Harvey Moyer, 8. A. Brouaa. Mlddlebara Edwin Charlsa, frank li. it. Miilillecn-i-k-lolin S. Mt lurr, C. Stuck. Moiirix W. I Young, Palef Young. Pana A. R. Smith, Gaa M. Wllroar. J'rrrv-lrwlti Boyer, W 0. Smilli Perry W. T. K. Orayhlll, 0. s. Sprlnle Battnagrova" 'J. A. Lumbard,Oeo.A. Living ton spriiiK-n. M. Smith, John N. Relgel. Union Jacob Stahl. C. 1 Bogar Waahiagton John M. Moyer, W. P. Rouan. Jos. a. Luhbabd, Ohalrtnan. Bnwia Ciiablch, Secretary. J. Kbask Rbts, Treaaurer, REPUBLICAN TICKET. Congress Hon. Thad. M. Mahon. Senator Hon. Benj. K. Fociit. Assembly Hon. a. M. Smith. Prothonotary Geo. M. Shinuei.. Register & Recorder Jno. H. Wit. lis District Attorney M. I. Potter. Jury Commissioner- E. E.8hambach Tbnrsday, May 17, 1900. f personal comforl is not para mount to duty Congress will remain in session loiijr enough to pass the shipping bill. Free Trade (Jreat Britain imports eggs worth $25,000,000 a year. In the United States the protected A merican hen supplies the market. 777 ni '1 ,1. si I iSilireWll nepu Oilcans 111 tongress should seize the present division among the Democrats on the ship ping hill to put it upon the statues before adjournment. Soap and starch not having ad vanecd in juice, there has been no increase in the cost of the farmer's laundry hill. But he has lieen get ting a good deal mere money for his hogs, steers anil corn than ke did a few years ago, and for the materials Which enter these verv articles. Porto Kil n has been importing $2,000,000 worth of cotton goods every year, butonly f7o,000wortli from the United States. The new conditions will now give us this trade and so benefit our cotton grow ers and manufacturers, and inci dentally our whole population. The most forceful argument in tin hands of the Democrats this year is "that the Republican Senate will not permit us to destroy the mone tary standard and precipitate a panic and so we ought to be given a chance." The people will not be convinced by an argument of this sort. The Democracy is so devoted to free trade that the small temporary duty imposed on imports from Porto Rico is denounced as a national dis grace. Were the party to gain con trol of the Government, it would at tempt to establish free trade between flic United States and KurojK', so that everything we lxnight with the cheap money it promises us would "be made in Germany, England or any other old place" rather than in the United States. Don't forget this fact during the campaign : Senator Jones, chair man ol the Democratic National Committee, offered an amendment to the Porto Rican tariff bill to re turn the duties on sugar imported from that island "to the persons from whom they were collected." The sugar trust had paid ?li;'7,-Vi 1 of these duties and if the amendment of the Democratic Senator had not lieen opjMisiil by the Republicans, han he would have caused the re turn of that sum to the trust. Doe. ColTe Agree Itn Yon T If not, drink Grain-O from pure grains. A lady writes: "The first time I made Grain-O I did not like it but after usinp: it for one week nothing; would induce me to co back to coffe," It nourishes and feeds the system. Tbe children can drink it freely with p;ru?t benefit. It in theatrenetheninp; nilbntanee of pure grains. Got a package today from your grocer, follow the direct ions in making it nnd you will have a deli cious and healthful table beverage for old and young. 15c. and 25c. COURT HOUSE CHIPS lfHl Kntcrefl lor Record. James Tharp and wife to John Shaft- r, 40 acres in Washington township, for fcMJO. Harriet Hllbish, ;s. K. Moyer and wife. F. K. Hilbiahand wife t ('has. Holts, 124 acres in Washington town ship, for $800. Robert Hackenburg, et. al. to Milton ami Lank Hackenburg. 1-M acres in ( ientre township, for $800. John Hepner and wife t Reuben Philips, H7 acres ami 61 perches in wasningion vowwuuy, I BVnnlr H Hi. Ill eveflltor Of (IlilS. Qeni u. i t.i.t.. deed., t" Reuben rnuips, oi aores in Washington twp tor fizrjz. Letters .rmiK'i. Letters of administration In the es- tote if Win. K. Howell, late i esi Beaver township, were granted to uvtr lule Howe) of McClure. wins ProkatMl. The last will and testament of John 1 Price, late of Chapman township, was probated by Register Willis Tuesday. His children, Mary, wife f Henry Will, Rebecca, wife of Henry Swart., and Jeremiah Price are the lifirs and I the last named the executor. Hnrrlm:r UtlSMti Oliver K. Hummel, Globe Mills, Clara K. Buyer, Kivanu r. i hamokin Iun. Meiserville, ' Hnrrv G. Gau t'r, i Emma Eoltz, i Henry L. Hhaffer, i larrie Walker, Port Treverton, Bellnsgrove, i ammlaslonrra' Tli.- fullowinir ..r.l. r- ,-r.- uriiuti-.l l.y Hit- nnimnlulnnan lrnni Pel). 1 li. IIWO 1" date .Incob llolner, road damagei, ur r 88 It '"S 10 M 9:, M :tii sm 5l ID) al 7 1K1 :il in 24 H J M ;m M '29 JS 40 30 !.' 25 Id 31 10 U M l M 8 7u Ml KJ n :m M II 31 1" 74 30 .10 73 3 75 20 (Ml 'JsM 4 00 Vt 83 Qeo n banfer.eurveyor Win u Johtmton K Co., rtatlonery Mi Holly Itg Co, nlecllon nupuiiea, . Uutteiger - Mengel, plank (ur M; I ride i A M Aurand.i . y utatement, etc, i .1 N itro-ni", Mtlary on aceouut, N A Bowee, removing aahee. C W Knilit". aalary on aect, Wm BV) lliiik'. Keb elec Spring, , ll RToblaa, Feb elec Mlddleburg, ! Qeo Roueh, Pebelcc Mlddleareek, ! Robert Heaver, Peb elec Heaver, I II P Barley, Keb election Washington, ! ,lohn Seller, Peb election Dliapman, .1 ll Hbaffor, Peb election Perry. Noah Brouee, Keb election Jaokaon, ' a w Troxel Peb election Adama, ll f cbarlea, Keb election i nion Hen Smith, . in mileage for return judgea, N H Hilier.fPeb election Sellnagrove, H i Biuitb. Peb election Penn, W s Kuhn, Keb election Monroe, K A Wagner, Peb election W Beaver, ll A WoTfley, Keb election Centre, a DSheary, call rtlflcate, QeoPStetler. Fen election Franklin, I' s Hitter, printing, Ben StnlthJMalp certlficatei I I Wetsel. -lry on h .nut. P OOarman, Keb election Wert Parry Lewii Walter, road dataagaa, .1 a Lnmbard, printing. i u Leeber, printing, lli.wnr.l lnn-. Iiri.l(e Initpectlen, i Kohlrr Peek, asalp certlfloatea, 20 SS I , 00 4 50 1W2S 17 73 1 !5 33 70 h'15 0 41) 3 HO (101 3 00 21 2 mi a B P Holiliiu k, el al, grand Jury, Ben Smith, aoalo carttfloala. x A Stetler, aealp oarMflealea J M llaker elal roida Mag Shirk, S II Qraybill, aculp certlllcatea. I roller, lull of A ,1 l'iogrove, .1 u Snadar. road view, W J Price, poor tax unacated laudfl, .1 M llaker, coin VI K Oerk, II I Peters, jionrtax unacaied land, II 11 Moyer, printing, Win Wray, tax on unacated landa, Henry Maurer, tax on unaeated landa, I)r A J Herman, medical acrviee, A M Anrand. printing SherllTa sale bill, 051 27 HJ 650 400 SOU M 0s to 7 19 0 2 J r Kearna, bridge inaectlon. Oeo w Wagenaeller, prlnlng Joa K nendrlcka, Jury com, J 4' Sehoch, Hiove rri.ftir". II O Hornbcrirer. iurv com T B Derr and H S abellengar, bal due on iniiann work. 132 53 W 11 Shelley, (error) amount re funded, I1 M Taata, bridge review, O W Drury, half ami Iticbfleld bringe, Amos Sletler, .-olll va K O lilaaa, II. 'ii Smith, ai'ulp . ertillcatea, 14 50 in ao 1C73 50 3 16 H.O 1 .15 4 i' 4 2 0U VI l"0 80 08 50 LO 831 76 a 74 22 80 5 40 I. ut. hut. ,'XJ r.'s-uiie, I ll li..v eraos, i-mi oil Ueo V Milirr. salary .,11 ne.'t, W H Partes, court reporter, It II If, ...... I ..,,1 .,.,i,.t,.ll,-t r.'tnriiH J sawing. at ai.wp uive. W Smith. t ul. i,.'lit iilmra. W A Swnrtx, etal, Keb election, I N A tlowea, lanitor, j K i) 11 ft alter, bridge inspection, : C W Knlglita. aalary on a. rl, John 1 lietxe . falary on acct. 1 .1 N Broatua, aalary on aocotint, I Klen Snook, taxee on unacated lamia, i W O Stetler. 50 W .11 ii dl, oi m :i I JI 19 1110,1 i iM s5 8 89 I Benj Ulricb, r,,n.l damagea, Wm n Pariaa, Irani teatiinuny, N A BoWee, labor, 0 K Haetinger, poataga, C'baa 1. Wetzel, et al. iu. Klmer Troxel, Benj Smith, acalp certiti Wm 0 Johnaon j, Co, stationery, Mci'lrlluti Wanrloh, Sellnagrove bridge, Wm F ,liirpby, atntionery, Diiuvill., Atvlum. 4 iiimnt, .1 U Welser.el al, Mag shirk, Kaetern Penitentiary, eonvicta. lsim, Irwin Boyer, tux on unaeated Iau.i, 1 lum Hower, aalary on aecouDt, Ps l.itt.-r. printing, .1 A Lumbard, printing appeal nottaaa, Jut Boweraoz. labor. i s Sprlggte, hauling, Boeder rty Co, aaeeaameni lappllea, Ben Smith, acalp eartlf, W II Ulegel, tax paid to State, Spring Telephone Co. phone rent. I N Broiiua, salary on aooount, c w Knlghta, Cliiw I. Wataai, surveyor, Alfred Ctelan, labor. Dreeae Uroa.. lumber. U' II r.;i: . lul.or. 0 15 111 .'"5 1 Vi 3D -'4 l ll 'J.5 ll is 6(1 is"" 3 no 4 ts ',1 u w 1 III! 3 00 50 00 Z5IK) ; ho 3 0H iwm; en 1!'.I3 2 (in i A .1 Croaegrove. palnUna;, N S liii. liiuiiti. litl,,r. A M Sbanibach and ll l Btablneeker, HxitlK ulook, Wm 13 Johnaona ''. stationery, lien Smith. Meiilp eertif, .) (. Leaner, printing, Penn Telephone Co, rent. ,ln ll I'r.ui.,-. t.uriai of II Treaster. T '1' Relcbenbach, plank for .Meiaerville bridge, .i Oar man, aeecaament West Parry, w it Gordon, Perry, N I' Hummel, " Mldalaeraak, ll li Maurer,- " Jaokaon, Pranda Olaaa, ' Waeblngton, Geo li Haneval, elerk Jury com, II .1 Leplay, aaaaaaniant Spring. Iniiac Middleewartb, " Wc.t Heaver. A II Swnrlx, " .liiint .1 S Kern. " Heaver, casampeell, " Centre, (i I IlllsHtnger, pntt.lKe, 11 K Tobias, labor. 200 1 u ta ! .Ml I (XI v:: no l.t oo eus 34 a 05 3M !VI 1 SO 33 (W 33 Oil jsm 29 11 3.1 (III 3 IM IM 31 4 3 111 4(1(0 1 to 1 00 os n :n ta :i7 oo 20 o s oo 13 3S 00 SO on .lolui W W alter, ut-eH.ment Franklin, w D Jftrrett, ' Penn, Gao P Miller, nlary on aceouut, Hen Smith, tealpf,, i i ( ' 1 1 ute I in., eapraaaaM. 'nl Bolig, eeeeeament Sellnagrove, A W Aueker, " I'ulon twp., s li Bart man, MotircM", WO Snyder, ' Mlddleburg, -I N Broalaa. aalary on account, I) X tliirman.aasewamcnt Cbnpman, M S Schroyer, burial el Kliaa Noll, i' W Knigata, aalary on aaeoant. Hen Smith aali. W M Boyer, burial of M H Shaffer, 11 J Sebindler, bleyeli blanks. Wm G Johnaon & Co, atatfonery, I' S Hitter, printing, ii a :u ihi A 41 20 .10 11 00 RKnt''En Kti Ki rw run. a VIA I'KNNSYl.VANIA KAII.UOAI), AO OOtnXT K8PTJBLICAM national con- VKNTION. On account of the RepobHean N'a tionul Convention at i'liiladelnhia, Jane 19, the Pennsylvania Itailroinl Company will sell excursion tickets to Philadelphia from all stations n its line at rate of one fare for the round trip i minimum rate M cents). Tickets will lie sold ami g(Hi(i going June to 11), inclusive, and returning to .lime i'l, inclusive. 5-17-Gt. List of Cases for Trial at June Term, 1900. No. 1. The Commonwealth nt tR relation of Mary A. Beachel vs. Paul Walter No. 70, Feby, Term. 1000. No. 2. Eichenberger ami WoH vs Aucker and Knights No. 1, June term, 1H!.S. No. 3. John 1). Marks vs. Henry j Blessing jggo No. "o, Feby. lerm, No. 4. James G. Crouse vs. C. , . . i 1 , , . n. waiter, ei. ai., mini rs., cu No. 90, Oct term, IS'.iO. No. 5. James (i. ("rouse vs. ( has. land Nora Walter No. 89, Oct. term, 1899. , No.ii. W. K. F. Weimer & ( . I vs. Noah J. Livingstone No. 114, Oct term, 1898. No. 7. Use oi Joseph Helm vs. David S. Sholly, et. al. No. I, Feby. term, 1899. No. 8. William H. H. Shafferl vs. Marv A. Kathfoii No. 69. Oct term, 1899. No. 9. Albert E. Hunter vs. Elijah Roush No. 1 .... : , , .1 line lerm. 1899. No. 10. Runkle & Walter v W. Bowersox and i I No. -. Dee. term, 1899. No. 1 1. .lames Ettinger vs. Han nah Bingaman, et. al. No. tii!, Dee. term, 1899. (J. M. Shixdei., Protli'y. May 5. 1900. STATE OP OHIO, CITS OF TOLE- t ss T l-.'.U I'fll'VTV I Frank j. Crknky. makes oath that H be is the senior partner of Ui firm I IN nl V .1 CiiiNKv A ( . dnirja busi.iIBi ness in the City of Toledo, Count v and State aforesaid, and thnt ssid ...;n .. ,., mm nl l !" H II V 111 ill v. , i j i in . tii. r.. ...i'. v.-.. iaw.. i DBED DOLLARS for each and every ease of Catarrh that cannot he cured by the use of Hau.'h Catabbh (Jtjbi. FitANK J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and aubserib ed in my presence, this Uh day of I December, A. 1). 18H6. j A. . (jleason, sfai. Notary Public j Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally aad sets directly on the' blood and mucous surfaces of the systeti'. Send for testimonials, fre. F.J.CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 7.rc. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Mrs. Catharine Dunkelberger. Catharine, wife of the late Mi chael Dunkelberger, died at the re sidence of Mrs. Jones near Summit Hotel, Washington township, May 6. 1!)00. aired about 80 years. Her , lias), aged aixmi ou years, nvriw fxacl age was not known. She was II the mother of three children, one ' ton and two daughters. The son I M i I...1 i... t.AW. exat the mi it In Bon and two daught and one daughter preceded her to the spirit world, leaving onedaugh i .... i..t.:i.i..... l .. ter, ten gruuuvjiiiiuiii. ...... great grandchildren to mourn her o n ... loss. Her remains were laid to rest in the U. B. church cemetery at Freehurg, Mav S. ! , . MARR1KD. Mav 10th, at the Reformed I'ar- -7sonage, Fremont, Pa., by Rev. C. ty s Correll, Harry (i. Uaugler ol Slia - mokin Dam to Miss Emma Foltz of Meiserville May 2, by Dr. John Focht, Wm. S. Ulrich and Sara J. Phillips, Ixith i(t Selmserove, I B Apr. '28, by Rev. D. E. Mi Lain, VTal- Geo. W. Waller and Ada E ; er. both of this place . April 30th, 1900, at the residence of the bride's parents in New Ber lin, by Rev. J. F. Shultz, Walter Mete of Milton, Pa , to Miss M. tha Walker of New Berlin Pa. 1 is robbed of its terrors by the fact that the best med ical authorities state that it is a curable disease; and one of the happy things about it is, that its victims rarely ever lose hope. ( ! You know there are all sorts of , secret nostrums advertised to cure I ) consumpti'v Some make absurd claims. only say that ii tanen in time and the laws of health are properly observed. SCOTT'S EMULSION f will heal the inflammation of the J throat and lungs and nourish and Uaidlua !h hnrtv an that it can J.l VHl, 'VI, ' --j - -- - throw off the disease. We have thousands of tesii- S moniab where people claim (hey d have been permanently cureo oi this malady. Saoc. and $, all dniKg' SCOTT & BOWNK, Cfeaaakaa, Nrw York. V Gonsyipfson Famous Maryland Men's Clothing !lai. U OieW. T. MMI I'rrpat.i i.t. tranterd to r It Th- Mfttl. kind f St.irt. OMU ut and Troupers, made ly it itv PMfi ti mi tallorv arr made fn ur murkr. um at alwut one-half u ha ta fay at tnu tur i . !. I .iti.iv1'". wlM1 IIOM nr'i. ir m1 run- HE VV -1 . ! f, , i .i s, . lluatratxc Itlr": f 't'i I I'tei f-hl-.n thai XBSa I mini ly the lt ilfrwil ( ,, .J1 fc ,-.i.n Wf von our HH Js ant-'p eaih .irmr-.t t. ht yn. . that v 'U run al- luatW n ma: Sink of the larijr Mvtaf vu Hbcl an.l the fctylUh WHH e wnd you! fmmm mi, iu..jk.i. V' rrkJfM Pl.n. I . r-. rl, . It .'- f -j,El lliir na.! .'it ' V riMlmt. tq thv bv I.hA- Llr i i.iil. flTK iTn i,.;;. ;-; . . ::(f : ,rrt y- 'i an t! th- ft'r' 1 n l bulft buy .11 will in tlv h f tpprar. 'tl i . no) to t AH t-rr rent. All Csrp. U .if wed free, lining furnilhed without charge, and freight prepaid R.'tl. cnt.liirurs frrr. WM, h d yuu want. Addnai thK way: JULIUS HINE3 A SON, Dept. 909. Baltimore, Md. ' : ,TO.y.G., G, & Oo.i-'Si ni . m n Twelve Special BAR6IAN DAYS V. I AT I .1111 111 o. jj Department Store Richfield. Fa. FRCM MAY '4-26, 1900. V Here nrr S' ll.liifcs: r. w of ihf ninny j m K I IK GROCERIES. Arbucklet And Lov6ring RoMted l 1 1 (iltiftw OaoI Tftblfl Syrup, ' 1 I 111 lull-. 1 ll 1'nki ul; INindt-r, i ll. aal ....ill- ' tik Corn SUircli, l itko choooIattBi 1 itn i ttcon. :i pc Toilet map. 4 DC 1 'untile Moup, a in mi.', li Hi Soup Henn. i aierf bmi in tifM CMtor itoitipf, sc tiNware hardware. - it rin i n.ii ran, Hie A t Tin I'ail, c 10 qt Tin Pail, lso Tin Spittoon, decorated, 10c n and 10 Iron I'ana, V steel Fry 1'ana, lile i. trite soup Ladle, sc 3 qt Agate Coffee l'ot, 2e I t Annie Kettle- with Cover. 10c II itieb Agat Kaaina, 10c 3 qt PuddiiiK Tana, 10c 6 Tea Spoong, 4c 6 Table StKiona, Ho llutclier Knivea, Bolater, 10c Fruit Sprayera, 47c iAdlea' Oarden lloea, Ixng Handle, Ilk; Boya' Klondike I'icka, 10c qUeeNsWare white PiHt.-i. in. ii Bo HAIldla Onpfl and Saucerg per net., .'Ptc ft inch Nappie. '3c Vttn ANHortnient of 5 and 10 cent (itHKnware. cLotHiNc. ,a. Men's Suita. Mn . f men - nine serkre, an wool .iiiih, Men'- blue Serk'e, nil w, K Men a orkl , Chlldren'i 81 iu sitirtH, Suilt, 4 to 14 vra.. I llllflren I Knee I lint. .: . . .,., , , )Miplitt Hnfl "f Vrn'm nnil H Bore1 suitai . si voureveaw no cheap thai it will make a'er I DRY GOODS. Hualln, Bill Bleaohed Mnelln, imlow ( urtiiiii acrew, Turkey Red Table Uauiark, I.twi.asier Qlngliam, Ilren. ( 'alie... ilresa Dimity Mere, ri'.l Silk. bSat grade, Oreaa Gooda, fall siyiea mid Prieea way down. t B yd colors, B j a Notions. Celluloid Collars, 'etlulold Utifft Laos, Kmliroidcry , Meni 1 1 l loMa 100 yd spool Cotton LMlea1 BuniMf 'trtt, IHtSM1 FmI Blftok Hose, Ladisa1 Hlbbod VentH, 1 106 i 'urtaVnt, Wool Dreu hraxl. Ilk lc up 8o up lc up 4 80o pr y.l up ij-ilicH siurt Wtftltl with corded yoke SS Needles. fa SHOES. Ladles' Lane siioea. tine. Ladies' Laos Bhoea, Pat, Leather mi lie. A Ladle. Loee Bboaa. l'nt. Leather Y I lp, ' IOIII 1 op, 11.20 1.34 ...i Men Pin. lres Shoes, Men's Pine Oreae Bboaa, Tan Oolor, I.S9 Men's Coarae Bhoaa. iimc Ladle.' and Men'. Tannla Bboaa. M. 44c i.-,, ii.... ,.r hImJ .....i i ...,... ... ffinl Bnoaa. v. The above named article, are only h l few of the BARGAINS wa have. Ve Wl havaa tine itock lo aelect from, i.ut ?l remember the BAROAIM8 are only Jtf Ki o.l froBI Mm 14 lo'JH nnil only for V l'.ili nr 4'nii.ilra r.Mln,f. f'nll ih nnd ssfttnins fA buy or not. tin htock wlictlier i i .in i t ruly. Ricfield, Pa. ! ap m "B-v is ik m.M : m m i SPRING HARDWARE. s Wliite L'ad, Oils, Paints of nil kind-, Nuile, Glass. Fence Wne, Poultry Wire, Shovels, i lines. Kakes, Garden Seeds, Wheelbarrows, PruningSbears, S Bees Wax, Housn Furnishing aj Goods, Clothes Washers and Wringers. Tubs and Wash I Boards, Step Ladders, Kitchen Utei'sils in Tin, Granite and I "Delft" Warts, Ideal Creum , - Sepeiators. a Larccst Stcck Lowest Prices It will pay you to buy at the I H Hardware Store of it n ttt tt a nTrfinn ULU. W. MnUnfiTl. I 315 Market St., Sunbury, Pa. in sr t .i! x m z x. m x 1 WSSBWWLWBl SPECIAL SALE -OF ClotliM ani Gents' FnrnisliiDff CoQMBDCiiig Saturday, May 11 and Lasting: One Week. One lot of Mep's Suits at $2.75; well made, good (iiiality goode. They are worth $5 to any person. One lot Men's Suits at $5.00. This lot of suits are really worth $7 and $8, hut for this week we let them go at 6. ( toe lot Knee Pants at 16o a pair.f One lot Hoy's Washable Suits, from W to 8 years, at 48c, One lot Men's Pants at 98c. This lot of pants is worth from $1.25 to .1"0. Well made and good quality goods. You should see u pair (,f them. Don't Fail to Attend This Sale. H. Katz, The Clothier, Next Doorto Court House. Mlddleburtr. Pa. 1 m m way r'-'M -i am rm an ttt h If some money is to bo expended for FURNITURE is to take the time and (rouble to examine tbe si ( ck we carry, learn the prices at which we sell doubt as to value can remain, with the offerings of others. I firmly believe I will get your order, be cause we have done everything to merit the trade of prudent buyers. Call and Be Convinced. JOHN G. YARNALL, 446 Marltot St.. Sunbury, ZA. J. R. SELHEIMER. 4 DEALER IN- Hanwarc, Inn, Ni, ml Leather, Paints, Oils, WALL PAPER, Coach and Saddlery Ware, AND MANUFACTURER OF I Refrigerators, STOVES AND TINWARE. Market St., l-H-I-M-H-H-H-H- 1 i Nobody : l! s P a I 9 I H I i)erson You save At $7.50 Men's fancy etc. We equaled them in $7.60. 48 breast At $3.50 to $4 I 3 3 - Runkle & Walter, & Mi mm mi Sirii Hi fm and then compare, if any t 1 hJ t..U-t... TtTtTP Ice Cream Freezers, Lewlstown, Pa. tun sell an articln cheaper than tM who pays cash for what he buy- from $2 to $. on every Suit Oi Overcoat you buy of us, because we pay 0BS for all we buy. Nobby Spring Suits in the popular three button sack of Oxford mixed Cheviot worsted all-wool, steel and grav serfrts have seen no suits at $ 10.00 thai these in style of tailoring, but wepn as friend-makers for the house a1 Remember that we can fit men up 10 measure in all our lines of suits. - 75 Boys' Suits of exoelle fabric, such as Serge, On viots, etc. Neatly trimmed scams, aH to nrevent iHllini?. Color fullv cuaran'.w' , r 0 - ID We invife vim nil. to cjill nnd la mnviiieWl. j 1 MiHHlAhnrrr Pfl. 1 , iiuuiviui at