r A revolution In the fu Id of Industry is gfninp ou so quietly that it is no- ... ticod by very few, Faolni; f Ike ami yet this cen killed Workj.tury wiU s(,(. (be all arm ul thorough mechanic pass out of insistence in many branches. Machinery has taken his place. Skilled labor is less in demand now than it was years ago; it will be still less required as machinery is made to do the work formerly performed by man's trained Angers, A mechanic no longer needs to know every branch of his trade, but be must be able to handle his machine. A mechanic at the beginning of the century was re quired to produce perfect work anil complete the whole product "f his trade, be it a shoe or u watch. At tin end of the century the workman in the factory produces, day in and day out, one single piece multiplied many times by the aid of tin; machine. As to the construction of everything else entering into the finished product, he very seldom has the slightest idea. II i- learns to bundle one machine and there he usually stops, lie can ml uutelydcscrlbetheworklngs of his one machine; of tl Ibera he remains profoundly Ignorant. In this way he gradually degenerates to a machine, a pari of the I .: he works with. ProffTesH on t he field of !u t rv it for htm retrogrei ion. lie has deterior ated as a mechanic, and the machine haH changed skilled Into factory labor. There is a vein of good sense in a cer tain bill now before i he ( olorado legis lature relating t" Miilicnt KarrlnRc the Issue of mar-i-lairc licenses. The Llceneea. measure provides for the creation of a board of medical examiners in ench county, w hose duty it shall he to exam ine all candidates for I he wedded estate and make a report on their health, I he issuance of a license Is made condition al on the production bj the parties of proper medical certificates declaring i hut they sutler from no disease which would be likely to be transmitted to their children. The Importance of such rot fiction has been brought to the attention of the people of Colorado by reason of the circumstance that many consumptives resort to that slate for relief and there contract marriages which result In the propagation of the dread disease. That such marriages are improper is a fuel beyond dispute. Il is a delicate matter with which to deal. No law on the subject would be necessary if all men and women had a proper sense of their obligations, not only to themselves, but to those yet un born. However, this can hardly be ex pected, People will continue giving ifi marriage and taking in marriage, even when they know that their children, if they have any, will in nil probability be born to a heritage of suffering. It is urged by the proponents of the Colo rado bill that this Is where the state should lake a hand. A short time ago a Banger (Me.) pa per hud an interesting write-up of a local character in a Washington coun ty town. Special mention was made of the fact that he believes a fortune of about half a million dollars is coming to him from England in a short time. Now it seems he received a letter a day or two after the article appeared from u Bangor young woman proposing marriage. She took special pains to in form him that it was net his pros pective wealth that Induced her to break through the bars of custom and aak him to wi ll her, but his portrait that was published with the account made her wish and long to possess the original. minister in a Pennsylvania town on o recent Sunday surprised bis audi ence by reading the following an nouncement from the pulpit: "The regular session of the Donkey club will be held as usual after the service. Mem be s will line up just outside the church door, make remarks ami stare at the ladies w bo pass, as i--1 heir custom. Any member known to escort a lady to cbarch like a man ami - it with ber like a gentleman will be promptly expelled from membership." I he effect was ma rvelous. Progressive dinners appear to be popular in some parts of the west. A recent one in Janesville, Wis., is thus de scribed: "At a dinner of six courses, in honor of a bride and groom, one course Wai served at each of six houses. The first house the party of 16 ate .some oysters, put on their wraps and started for the sonp house, half o mile way. After tiny were filled with soup and conversation they went to the fish place, and so on to the end." In the course of an indignant "Per sonal" in the Atchison Globe, Mrs. P says: ".Mr. 1' is mistaken In tatlltg that 1 have left his bed and boatrd, for he never tarnished them. As to hi warning about credit, if he ever had any I never discovered it in the 1.1 .,yvire I lived w ith him." The North Carolina supreme court has sustained n decision rendered in llurko county, imposing $1,000 fine on he Southern railway for giving a free ipass to a doorkeeper of the legislature in 1807. A New York girl jilted a man the other day, and he retaliated by mar rying her mother. Some men will go to ahnost any lengths for revenge. THE AMERICAN FOG. It Baa Already Wrouaht Miracle. Mil Will Accomplish Mr. ny Hoi Ureal Things. Men have performed miracles. In old times it was uot an uncommon thing for richly endowed men to per form wonders. And to-duy men per form wondrous things, but us there ore so many who hare the same faculty the world is uot stirred by their ucts. There are wonder workers In the low er tyjtes of the animal kingdom. The hog has wrought miracles, is now per forming them and ever will accom plish mighty things if his master will stand by him and feed him. The hog has contributed largely to the present commercial supremacy of the United States, Mortgages on thousands of western farms and New England home steads have been banished by the hog. He is st ill in t his laudable business, ami t he success t hat is attending his eflorts is miraculous. His achievements in this direction have only been equaled by his usefulness In the kitchen. Hun gry nations have fvstJ on the swine; la is to-day their stun" of life, to a large extent. Pork eaters arc uot uncivil ized. The llesh of the hog contam inates no man. nor lowers his mental capacity unless man becomes a swine. Temperance in eating is us essential to high moral life as temperance in anything else, hence pork consumption should be regulated by gumption. The hog is a reliable animal. His carcass is ever the coveted object of the pork dealer, who will pay a good price for a first -class article, At three cents per pound the hog has paidlebts and his own keeping. At four cents and over he has built new homes, new fences, new barns, clothed children In destitute fields, contributed to charity, helped the poor, administered to the sick, heightened morality and socia bility and blest abundantly bis cus todian. The hog is well advanced toward the fulfillment of his great destiny. What he has done is a reliable index to the large volume which contains the pro gramme man has planned for his fu ture. The swine has contributed to education by building scboolhouses, churches and subscribing for maga zines and newspapers. His llesh feeds man, bis blood fert ilies our land, his bones help grow poultry. He pays a large per cent, on the feed given him. Man never has lost by treating him well, lie stands ever ready to amel iorate adverse conditions on the farm and if given care and attention will extricate fanners from the pit of debt and misfortune. Mighty is the American hog! runn ers Voice. HANDY FARM BUILDING. It In n i mi hi mi t Ion of Cum Cribs n nil I'lKjicr,, null l'lissesst's Miinv Ail vniilagi'a. My combined corn cribs und piggery is a very convenient arrangement. This cold w inter weather my 70-gallon feed cooker comes in right handy. We warm or boil all our small potatoes und other vegetables, milk, etc., in it. The kettle is filled at night, u couple of chunks of wood thrown In, the fire place closed tight und in the morning S?ii'l 9 cronttrii f?tTr it ' OUT HDL Pei f OH JCV SlL East Doom -40? yiarOnn PIOQERY AND CORN CRIBS. the feed is nice and warm. Also use the kettle to try lard, heat water to wash harness, etc. The slop barrel is in the recess back from the hogpens, out of the way in driving through the build ing. The building has 14-foot posts, so there is a room over the cooking quar ters as well us over the hogpens, Foi ground feed, f use oats and corn. There is a yard for fattening' hogs at the west door and in it a platform for feeding corn. The building is 20x411 feet and has roller doors. The room over the cooking quarters, besides be ing used for tools and preparing feed, also used for butchering. Hooks for uarness cleaning are bet w ecu t be chim ney place and stairway in the cook ing room. The outside stairs, shown hi the upper left hand corner, go to the ranarv over I be bogpens, w here rround f I is Irtpt. It. L. Flolman, in .'nrtn and Home. HINTS FOR SHEPHERDS. The nge of sheep cannot be told by the teeth after five years, us they then have a full mouth. At one year Old they have two center teeth; at two, four; at three, six; at four, eight; ut five, tea, (live sheep plenty of straw, and they will convert it into the richest kind of food crops. On nny good farm, un der good management, sheep will pay their winter keeping in the manure thry make. Ticks on sheep are very unprofit able customers, and it is better to dip the flock on the first warm day; it will do them no more harm than the occasional soaking from rain which they get. If allowed to remain on lambs all winter, they will greatly re duce the weight of the fleece, or kill, the animal, possibly. J SOW" , ,, . gT-V t f , COR ('t) Reduced Rates to North Manchester, , , Ind., via Pennsylvania narroad For the meeting of German Ilaptint t,i.r..i. i N'ortb ManehMttr. fad.. May 29 to June N. ltWU, tne I eillisyi- ., Hgun mar ha developed: harsh, uneven 33 vailia Railroad ('oillllRllV Will place j features may be softened, renued and remleied L7j a. -iijuisJim tlb,,tu nn ante Mav harmonious, a sallow or muddy completion B SJieciul CX curs on tickets oil sale Maj . JJ .,,,., .brightened ami made clear; , m 129 to June H, 1H00, from stations West of ,, wilhout.iDre.slon may .listen und 1 lialtiniore (not inclusive), and Lail- ... ,,,i ,,,ll,,,, l inlnuivol ,,in caster and Betting (inluslt e), atiu BUUia i ' iuwwui ouuuui;, rate of one flrnt-elass limited fare for the round trip. Tickets will be good re turning until July 1, inclusive. Mtwt An, Epiderric of WIoopirg CoUgh.. Last winter daring an epidemic of whooping cough my children con- traded the disease, having severe coughing spells. We had used Cham lierluin's Italian Remedy very sue cessftllly for croup and naturally turned to it at that time and found it relieved the coueh and effected a complete cure. John K- Clifford, Proprietor Norwood Honse. Nor- wood, N. T. i 'us remedy is for sale by all DruguistH. ItiMliieeil Klc t nuiil' ll I ml leiiu Itnnln Knllroml. ,. i , ... i f i For the meeting of Old Ordei oruer- innii Huptist Brethren at 'niinlcii, Intl., lime o to 5 I'.HHI, the Pennsylvania '.. , i ...:n . it c. ifni, Railroad oni)any will sell, rrom mbj ::l o . I line :l, inclusive, exclusion t li'Ki'ls to Camden lid., from Stations on Its ,, ' .. ,. i,. . , i ,, , :,, hue west ot Halt re, Ma- (not in- elusive), West of und Including Lail- (usterund Keaiting, ana iroin bhiiioiik Mouth of and Including Sunbury, nl rate of one first-class limited fre for the round trip. Tickets will lw good re iurninu until July 5. inclusive. 6-10-2t. I consider it not only a pleasure but n duty I owe to my neighbors to tell about the wouderful cure ef fected iti my case by the timely use of Chamberlaia's Cholera, Colic aud Diarrhoea Remedy. I was taken very badly with flux und procured bottle ol tliis remedy. A few doses effected permanent cure. I take pleasure in recomtrendiug it tooth era Buffering from thai dreadful 'lis ease. j V. Lynch, Dun. W. Va. 'riiis remedy in sotd by all Drug gists Redued Rates to Washington, D Via Pennsylvania Railroad. C, (eeonrtl imi-o i nuncii. em ot Hyalle Nhrlne, V For the Imiierlnl Couiacll, Order the Mystic Hhrinv, nl wuslilngwin, i. (., May UJ5-34, the Pennsylvania linil rond will sell tickets to the general pula lic, from nil stations on its line, t" NVasliiiiarton mid return, nl rate of one lure lor i lie round trij). Tickets t" Ikj wld und n I going May W-21, ri'tiirn- Inc to May 28, inclusive. B-10-2t. 'IM 111 IlllPls'llts I )' lu-vrtl lla: I lo ll i 1 ...... i- , ,t ,i , ol 1 1 in matlSIU WaH the WOIK ! aeiUOO witbin tue anaui. Any on wno uas gn attaok of Ht'iatio or iliflamniatorj ! rbeumatiam willagre-a .bat tut- in till ii.ill IH lll-llllllll:IC tMIOUt'll til Will I'll lit. tin- In In I It. Iihh never peen i olaimed that Ohatuberlalu'a rain Uiilm would cast OUt tlt'liititis, but it ivillntirA rheumatiam. and bundreiia" bpnr toatimouv to the truth of thi tatetueitt. On' application rt'iieyen the ptiin, iiti'i tiiir. quick relief wliicli it affords in alone worth iminv tim.'c iis coat. For cult' by nil DiUBgitB, BE SURE . . . That your eyes and voui Children's eyes are in good condition. i i r They ntay uotcomplain, and, yon may not know that their eytw an weak, luit lime will develop many I. i i. ..i nervous niHoruere as a rtsuinn lecting this imporbtnt matter. V t teal the eye with absolute accuracy. No rrlasses recominendtd unless they arc neeiled. Il you n- i mediaatl tra atment we will tell you sn. N one can 1 i '- We have the lat est appliances, the newest iilt-tis and methods i.- sio-lit testine. Thisconi- liinetl with exjiea ience and skill in ilif use of such instruments. Making I mistakes a tiling ol the past. No alraigs used. B. F. SHIRLEY,, j Jeweler and llcfracting Optician, 21 W. Market St.. Lewistown. Uraduate Philadelphia Optical Uollaga. kJHIUHCSTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS "'We. Slmf.. Alw.iv. reliable .israies. ask Prncirl.it for t'HIl'HKMTKH'SJ KMULIMH In Bed and ...ld metallic boses, sealed with blue ribbon. Take so oilier. He rase, dangerous sun.ll 1. . lions and Imitations. Buyof your DniKKlut, or send te. In stamps for Partlruaar. Te.ll ns.nlnls and -Keller liar Ladle.." inlrtttr, to return Hall. to.aOO Testimonials. Hold by all Umnlsts. CHICHB8TBH CHBMIOAL CO 100 MsMltssMS Squsrr, l-tl I LA., PA. Ms.Uss this s.sr. Dr. Fennel's KIDNEY Backache Gore. For ftll Kidney, BLfaddtr und Urinuj 1 v"-5 fr,'.:''-.'--x womawivt bf.aity r The well known writer, Kvelyn Hunt in her I book entitled "Womanly Beauty" says: "It la my contention that erery woman not only may bat should posses, a charming personality ot ! tomssssl sssssar. ? ISSSIVj I sparkle and unsightly blemishes of every kind or ' may be removed. Facial detects and sliriin ken. , Uaretuth unuev.,ODWl n,ure, ro.y minentiy remedied and womanly beauty ae auired and retained. It la every woman's duty to accomplish these rs.tilts " The Marilla Rum- puny, linruiton mreel, Raw torn, oiler to id a copy of Kvilyu Hunt's book free, ith small site boi of "Osaaandra Cream" and a free cake of CaaModra skin soap, to any lady who sends five two-cant stamps to cover expense of mailing. The regular price of this book is .VI cents and it contains valuable Interesting Infer nation and is fntl of good act vice for ladles who .lte by nir pure preparation and will not injure the mots I ssaaiMesMss t-M-U, purities and discolorations. It is lrrecliy A tiORUEOi'NI.Y Borsn ZZZ'ZXX XXVu Ushers deaire a Manager in this County, alto s gooo Moiicimr; KotMi pay to uirut wny rjaariy Klii fiill-juiufciiKrHviiiKM, siiinpliioiH paier, i 1 1 1 s -initiated cover mid biudim: over V1 golden llllag in the morocco ninilin-. nearly lOOgold ail roses in the cloth binding. Soil at rdght. preaanf running day and night so Kfcut i the sale, flit it i;m men und women nisklng rF ,,., lU,,. r,i,.rH rum promotions, one chiNtmu woman made char Mi in four week taking order among her church acquaintaneea and ft lentil Write u it may lead to a per- ., paying position to man r buii. ; m. und in, k utter the large correapondence, which you can attend to right at your li tdilrewt H, i . Knnwles iiener. o Secretary, 13 th Straat, butwwn Broadway and rifth Ave , New York. IlKUIRTEK'S NOTIt'BS, Nonce iHhereh.t gi - ell llllll tl.e follow Iiil- IIIIInlKI liemollM loll. rt'ed their MuiintsrratniV, faurnfllHn. said K -, , ip il-.-' aeciiuiits In lbs RegtatHi 'sOfaleeel Sn- Ih i uhd tltt ssnte will he preaanted tor I'Di'tlrmuHon und allowance si the Cotarl Uouse in Mlddteburgb, Mm daj-, June ith. m o. I The Ural und Bnal aecounl of Lydls H, Bol. ' letihach and W, I' Hollenbach, Admr's of Daniel llollanbach late of Jackson twp., dee ,l The flrat and final account of Ueo. M Went- al, executor of Bllaa VVftitael, lata of Union . toWtiahlp, dee'd. Tin Rrat and flnal account of Charlci Mower. admr. of ti -t te of Hlratn B agar, luie of ballnagro-e, dt o'd. The Drat and Anal act nl of W. D. Bllger, execuor of the lust w ill and tctaineni ot Auto lla Bilgar, lata ol Jackaoti town-hip, decd. i The Ural and final account of Wllaon Betrotd, executor of the eatat of Chriatiana Uorroldi hue of t hapanan lowasblp, dcod. The Ural and Una' accnunl of Amanda Moyer. executrix of tha aatata of laraal .Mover, lata of Beaver tw p dee'd. ! The first and partial account of Samuel T Hilblah. execulor of the estate of Philip llil bisll, lute of Centi twp , dee'd. The flnal account 'fQ. W. Blernr, executor of the last will and testament of Michael Mongol, lute of Terry twp., decd. 1 The final account of Jacob Cramer, adtn'r. of the eatntes uf Iteulien and Kebect a 'ramer, laic 1 ,,r Heaver twp., doe'd. f Thcflral ountnf Pnvld Womer nnd fleo ' menl of John llepncr, late of Moahlngtoit twp, deceased 'I he Aral und final aecounl of Rliiaheth Kelts atlm'x, of the estate of John Keltx, lute of pankiln townahlp, dee', I. Tilt first nccnunt of John 1 1 nnd II. f. I loco er, executora of the estate uf Ohae, Hoover, late Of Penil tWp , dee d. The llrat and final aocotin' of .1 C. W Basaler, adm'r. of the estate of I'ntharlne Basaler. late of w ashington tn p., doc'tl. The accnunt of John P. Miller, guardl f i ji r nnwvi nun tnnrj niivt "iiicr, i mtrt.oi,rt of Mary Bowa (Imrn Boaaler), Int. nf the eounty of anyder, deo'e The first ami flnalaci ntofB. n (.Walter I executor of the laid w ill and teatatnent of uet Shainliu, h. In'cnf tranklintwp.. dee'd. uiddiebur. Pn.. Mar rtb. iwu. W'llM'WS' AfPRAiaBMKNTfl. Not In- Is hen I bj t'lveti thai the following Widows' Ap. pralBCtnents ttndor tbn ttoo law, hare been ttn-d with the cieru ot the Or ions' court of Baaydcr ' county for conflranatltoo June 4, tuoo. Aipralaranen1 of Maty l. Voyer. widow of Henry Mover, late of I'o.in Township, Hnyder County, Pa . deeaaaad, elected to he taken nn- 1 dor tlie 80ti exemption law. Appraisement ol Ruean Itit'er. widow of Lewi. Hitter, late ol I entre Township, Hnvder County. Pa., deceased, elected to be taken tin der the 1800 exemption law. Appraisement ol Maggie Hunattael, widow of Simon Dummel. late of Monroe Towhship, Snvdcr County, I'a, deeaased. elected to ie taken under the r-'UNi exemption law. 0. H. BHINDBL. Clerk. I'rol liniiar . A ecu n t . The following account has bean Aled In the I'rntbonotary's Oiflce of Snyder County and will he Presented for contirnuitlon Monday, June 4, 1900, The aocoonl of Rev, Peter Horn, deoeaaed, who was a trustee of lane Rush, under the willof John Hill, lateof Uugbasvllle, Pa., do. csaaed, a1 tiled by John B Ko, ht. et. al., exocu tin of naid I'.'ter Born, deoeased, (i. M. SHINOBL, Proth'y. Mlddleburg, Pa., May 5, 1(00. Liaurt irTacJamatian, HBRKAtf tt Haan. Harold H. Medlurt li-iii .1 Maine oi the .luili'-ial I Mm rjt-t , oumpofcd 'i t ha routttlei ol aSnvder, aw Tnlon nnd Peter F. Riegl z. T. Gent" berllniCt AphicI1 Judtfei in .m.i rorSny dercuuoty. hnvolMotd iholr pttotpt. bwiriDR data iie Bib tliy o' My A. iwh). tome t , -tt't t'T ' h' lii.i l 1 1. if i .i ii i tri'iiim-' 'ourt, n ct ut 1 41 1 i 'oluiPoii Plriiri, eotirl t i yer anl Ter miner wi'l i m t t iii Qm rter CScMloni ol .i.-reiifi-, ai I'd ' I'l'iiri! ii, ior ih eonntjr oi m 4 ler. "ii iii '.rt Hoodsijr, (being tbt Itb diijr nl Jane WOO), iod lo oontlnue one weeks . . i ee i tnertore hereby given lo 'he Coron er, J uttleee ol tne Pence nnd Uonetblei lo nnd lor the eoonty ol border, to eppeerln tbtli iiroper pertun wltb Ibelr rolte reeordi, loqulni lon't ennnilnnlloni end nthpr lemerabrnneee todotnoeetnlnni whten ut ttoetr oiUee1 nnd In their beti ell pnrti 'in tn be done ni wltneveei end perpone urowi'ii'inu i ri iiehult ot ih I'tnu loonwenttb nvnlnei inj pereon or pereon ere ie rjatred to be theu nod tbere extending nrxl qe pnrtlnn erlthonl leni nt Ibelr perils Jnrtloee iir- ri-.U"te.l tn hi unctu;il In tlmtr Ril"'iUn-' 1 1 the eppolnted time ejrree "My t notions i liven unair in v henii injU il the MbettlTi ofUee tn Mtlddlet nrnb, the Rib dny ol M ay i. Dm one Ibotumnd nine hundred. 4i. W ROW. ShiTltl. Central Hotel, First-Class Accommodations. Livery ettKttt D. BOLENDER, HROP'R. ttpiMraitr I irsl Naliomil lli.nl.. MIDDLEBUUG, PA. I am Dunccessary id CMlduirtb. I'ain is no longer necessary In childbirth; morning sickness, swollen limbs, and like evils, arc readily controlled, and womb diseases speed ily cured Never known to fail. Physicians pronounce It wonderful, and over ftO.OOO ladies attest its merits. Lady reader, cut this sut; it may save your life; suBer no longer, but send us a two-cent stamp, and receive in sealed en veloped full particulars, and valuable proofs of our wonderful remedy. Address PItANK Tilt iM AS & CO., llaltimore, Md. 8-29-3t. Thl s slrtn Is man u fact u red under s tJ. 8. oaten t and is the nestest, strongest and most durable I window shade holder on tne marnet, ana we guarantee it to be ss represented or money re funded. The price, Bzpress paid, to all points in Pa, Md., Del, N.J.sndN. Y,One Dollsr per dot, other states f 1.2S. Your order solicited. JOHN A. PARSONS a CO. CaUaltia.Pa. rE wiM Siils I . L) Workmanship j o e Guaranteed. ffii MiWm, H 1 1 Hani Tailor, im e n .rim n v n ? mnsieq nihfi SR insomvR n r.'.t UHMWMik ' a umi vtuut Reed Rockers, Couches, - -Bed Room Suit WiU. A. 8 439 MAEKET ST. XCrOOCOOCrlXrOOOCX5CrOC.OCK ' ait- j' - -':fjfa FARMING IMPLEMENTS. The attention of Snyder County's fanners is called to mj stock of farm implements. I handle Farmer's Friend Grain Drill, Manufactured in New York, Hay Hakes, Corn Plant ers, Plows, Harrows, Plow Shares, Threshing Machines, DEERINGBINDER, Roller and Ball Bearing all the way through, easy run ning and noiseless. I also Leep Binder Twine anal Oil. GEO. W. BEAVER, jkfYgai ':; A book that will miiiioyou understand the marvelous tlmi we live In, how they enmo wh At they nreteedlnato. End tne lvtn centnij t i't irtaSMf, rn'iirtajtrn, jj. J I 'miirv It. Johnnn. f i....t sn ...t.. 1 I Aaafl HKrd of rmriun, ftiia't tn I i tltlo of i: i sreaiwork Triumphs and t'oplea sent to any atli!rcnH prepaid t'lnlh Hindina, S2.AO; Half l.rnih. r, iSlt.aKIt full Morocco, HI5.O0. If not nalUlaetorr return Bonk and nonry m-III hi" refnnde-d. I, i.rl. o.r. 1 Rnnk I . r- W.-l.rt S. I oioil Address A. J. HOLMAN ft CO., 1222 Arch IrsWeVlwisAarwW 9iO. 7 5 BOXRAiyiCOAT IBkitUa S.00 WATEK. M TK 52.75 IMilHIt' HAl I'OSII SEWD N0M0NY. SS '!.'," la u. t.t ju.r 1.,'lrfl.. .ed sel,hl. .111. SMb,rol Isrbr. i n,snu wmij .. , ... ssdrr r..sl, Sa usrr aria., IUM wewlllsetiriynuthlsrimt tirelpre-.. C.O.U.. ssbjr.1 1 oi ulnallif.: B4 amine sn.l try It on st your SSSnSn and II f.msd P'.rl ) .. r.swrsid .sit IfcS Sisst wosfl.rlsl sIim ,os s..r w. sr S.sr4 of, .s4 sssl lu ss, ! )s s St.OO, lv the elJ.I,-P.ent Ot B srnuL nil IK I'Ull k, 92.79. an. ssprssf ehftnrrs. . , . . tann TSUaMAI UtNTO.il I' lalsst ixw stTlsTMSJ flttltiK, nd from ''I .l,r,r.f. Iss f..lr. fr.sk.. U.llo.rl e, h. ...11 Lnirth. .tllUtl . I.T,' o- lo. iMMrsrwlTstcoliM-, fsjicj sVgrW witrDrofs euesnis. ulubl. f or both isls sr flMlllli aPg5 essiTtsT tali s ;tiJLyJJl any other house. r.r tn CtsaMkJB ssss rauaESRWagix HAM). ROI9UCK Co. jtnc.i CHICACO. as.sas.avs. 1 L ft m m m ,1 Q C IXSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC 101 1 KNOWS That he never did know just how to boy furniture until lie found himself in our store. And you will regret the bar gains lost if yon have not in spected our liue of furniture, which is the most complete in the city. We name you few of our bargains : o 8 n O fj b o 0 r Q I 6 $1.25 and up. $4.50 and up. $16.50 and up. SHIPMAIN, SUNBURY, PA SlIDDLEBURG. PA Need to Know nhoiTt, un I weu equipped to nute pen m crjennniriQi wtwui author!, biuuugwnum .irt: w A aim I Melville, wrlic.oo "Thr Crntnrrn NTsl Prrrp. lnn. J". J Whc'I' t write. iu "1 he Warts oftuc i catnrr." Ju. T. li-ajtl. A. 31., '.. , r mil - . " uii.it r of MfM-trit iij.' Ptefc OeJbfcjeysArint QUf. m AMrea ,) omy Uur; - the rtury." lVof. Bnre W, Wilfy, VhUti-ktmUt ipi'ViU'ii' v., en nft i tn! nrv j rofTC in ni'Miti r v i r"- . Ihf Nltarnivan h'hmitn 0smI (,mff'tfit va The K ... v... i ire Kii'i r ...... ; r.;v,.,,,(rfii rl "1 u t i . . i . - t.i Vt tjwra Vlth!a I .. a Ceil I U. ). , J la Wondsrs o? i!.s Wh (Mi AGENTS ayfrlK8,T",. , l.o-ril IfrnM, St., PhlUdelpMe. Pa. r.i isneif 1.98 BUYS A $3.50 SUIT TTTT"7"T . , ,r."Ci . ik, , 1 mil 1 " 11,11 Hit hut AiDius, wcuasa. Vw t: I1HI .NIK I'AMS SlltS t $1. A HEW SUIT 'SFE ICR AM Of THM WW ,WHICH Ctrl T nlt SJTISFAtTMT JS S..lekSie. U.'.UBV. ..IlkUsS. SSlSBS leVtu tl. U.I. . ol b,7 .ted miSS 'amlnstUm. 1 .n r.a n.mliic It si j'- -o 1 1 f ...IPS ' . SSPress ollleesint r. touno iierie.iv f setorv slid rsssl Is .sit. " Is rl"'5 as. la. nsv voiireiurert saent .r sser Sr I'rlee. St. SSL sn,l espress ensni aflln... i.Jlswrs. neat, hsruinora. p.'"? ItsJlan lining, .tessts. (lr.jjs Isl.rilslBS.. f3 Z.ZZ. . i.f.,. L.rillw.M.lM BsltneTi Ua.Mh.st.as.lt anr hor or p.rv.l woolS B. e.s roi Vis? t u.ni tASr,ajusw,.-CMiaSwkajJ IS TtA as, .hi. isr s. pt: B "t,rofo Dial, waw aiawsaiaeaini .u...u... rr- av Mch'i ftalt mu4t t ar-Jer Tfm t.v -.- fr An t r,t,tl.-f Int. AddrtMaV. IfcAHS, KUtoutn et vv. nenfc y gegLi THtst salt rssi sans m. 1.1 j ki ot site .s sr. rsllM swrr"?! si.'iu. Minlo ith not sua sut m w, .ir.i f. 1,11 .1,1. ItlMtrsUS, sum ras Sn. I
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