' COUNTY NEWS. Letters Written by Our jCorps of Correspondents Thr UfhoUt the County. SKLlNSiiKOYF. Bailor Lumbard is again eut and :a fluties in theofflee. I c. Hchochand wife were entertain by friend hi Wilkes Hai r.'. Mr- M L. Bnyder of Mmiln-itu is ritlHrig her parents, lr- !! P. Wagen fIUt nii-l wife. Wni 8. Arbogast proprietor "f the Jacob House, aiffllntowiwpentaday n uih-k last week. He lks well. heavy frost was visible Filday and flaturdav i "nlng of last week, we ,w beard that much damage was ariit-. i. .I.., I Wairenseller and wife ol Suinliiv with liu toother and family Dr. i$. F. Wageii' titer. , v ijriiit many vehicles passed thro . , ,, to Hunbury Thursday to see fore puugh and Sells Urns, shows which ex hibited there. ii viiu.if u ititirttiiiiluir his sister, Mi.' i i- .1 Waters Mill. ". also i ..-ink Alliert i iiIm and child Mr- of UarrUburg. I I.llmr ,if UlV. W. 8. I''"'' .., . y i mini i "mm" i'"" ... . . .. i .i. ll : . ... u.hu .1 ,11' wilh- m ur. They s l iJa'iU'lpliin and if.. i . vera nave i" will leave for lii of this week. The ,., nrirc i nunwinj I k ndly w Ish C 1 1. htcriiM follow nun. Simon l (bulgier of Bellevue, un o, . caiicn jetith of I'i to ii native paira k hrother, Henry, who was nrled I Intrsi i,,v iiMt. Kurt oi Harris- turn ami .ewum ., phews of the iiIhiv 'umial. I rcuzaoeuiviiw . were also at tli HUMMKL'S WHARF. Mi- Katie Trutt last week at Sunbury. Mrs. Siinitlel Strolll ill a lew layi t In- sick liat w itli chills and fever. Andrew Trutt's house Is still vacant and he would 1 i U - to rent It. Quite ii number ot our people attenil ,i the circus at Hunbury Thursday. Daniel Hceslioltz has secured employ n ,,i al Hunbury and has moved to bat place. . . . I , vi llerndd pass d through this ,la.v Sunday, tie is spending, the week hi i In- Juniata river. John Jarrctl and family of Mcelian esburg, Tenn Twp., were entertained hv I lanlel Hassamah's Hurtday. lluiti :, uunilsT "I people ironi i il ace attend ,1 Hi,- funeral mi mi-, rrui- near iiieivecs nan rm ...... Floyd Hassaman and Misses Olive assanian and Kmma Htimellng visited friends al Northumberland Sunday. Arthur Noll did not want to liecome hachelor so In- took unto himsell a . II .' I . M i l i . . I . .' wife. We wish ' young Louini : &Sfft& f Oriental iraiiK i ruii 3 , We wish the young coupie a : oiirt iner n ii i 'inn. i . i :,si Wedlli-dav le on their way W Hmihiirv to attend the clrco 'I'll.- iin liiliel's of till Sunday hiMil and .1. I Mi es Katie SeesholtZ '-Cain Trutl delegate! to the Sunday Freeburg. School 'oiiM-ntion at J. H. Wert ot Hellnsgrove came hi R 1 I liu-e Saturdav anernoon to iook after his real Bailey to put -tale ami BeCUrCO I eiei out hi summer's crop. WEAVER CHAPEL ORGAN. To Be (liven Away to Some Church, Sunday School or Public School. J'hi nulillsher of the Pusi w ill give ii i&udsome Wkavkh Ciiai HI. I IU! S il m-iiii I 'hurt'h. Sunday Iiihii or iim- ,i school iii Snyder t ouniy tin imtnino of l his miner n iinl lie ask seliet the place here it shall outnhcr of vote- wi i . The hiirhesl determine the Solce. Newsiaiier coupons and pre latn coinsms will eounl as follows : , EWHPAPEH t'OUPOXH:- T ll e ..inn; con ii hi printd in each issue ol 1 , Post is gissl for one vote If Mill i out and sent or limuglll to this ce. 1 UEMII'M t'OUPOXH : All sub-u-i ilirn who nay for the Post In ad- :.i ei will receive a I'reiiiiiiin "ii "I i n this olnce, that entitles them t' ' " 1 1 ,!.. for eaeh month paid ill ad i. ii and 23 for a full year, vn i i (msIi HiilKterintion FOUR ore ll mlnm . . oi t ii l is will lie illeil Wt inch I mouth and Mi tor a lull year, oo cou- ... i I .' .. I fl... n alv a IHtll u 111 oe nwueii I " ""' .1 I -I ..!.. I Ii ! III'llll.l- SUIMCrilll"M. IIUIIHiiig . i , iu(i rrom one men i mi a nuiuy mi ! tr will not be winsldered a new ,ul ribcr. For every dollar's worth ol ).ii itrintiMg or new advertisement thai ire brought or son to this office, a pre , Imu coupon will la; issued for 2a vote. i r this oi r. 2 ioe This coupon entitles the holder to one vote for the handsome : WEAVER CHAPEL ORGAN Iii ,Miid.-lvl Wof York. I'll.. ( Jjdlrl.iiric. I'n.l m . . till- Wravr-r llrifiii I'lllnn I e Rod told ay e . i.u-KiM. mm- i I tlt'-Miri;. I H. I In III" KIVI-ll m mini.- pi Sdii.Uv Si Iiim.I or I'ulilU- School in Snyder r I . . . . ...... i 1. 1 1 .. ; , , , . 1 1 I'm. mmjt oy me if-. , M...-I 'his vote is cast for : Thin coupon in nnlitool Hvi- week after M Jxeno l.y mail orlrlnto tliiofBce and .1. .... . nlu&ml Will TIU'TI Iiril m- lo'ioi'", Have K MpOfllPja in me miimm. Si E 1 2 J May 10. . B u m V DUN DOBS. Quay admirer are reticent J. K Wagntr sold a tine heifer. 1). W. Staid of VerdiHa wm seen in i our town. I lilt- villi, ir iumiIc look iii lh xhowl at Sllllbiuy. Adam AMmorry of Kant, was In town on business. There is a rush at the ist office on the arrival of the Ptwr. Ham Nelta made successful busi nm trin to RcMMM and Verdilla. I,i.ie Shrey and Sadie Bambo took I a walk through to wd Saturday. Ella Fisher of "Sprankletpwn" sH-nt ( j a few hours with Catherine Winner. Harry Nelta 1 driving the delivery wagon for our merchant, N.T.Dundore. Samuel and Harry Wagner MB watching the cow In the pasture Held. H. C. Hoover sold horse and drove! to the PobI Office with a colt two yean old. Help le scarce and all are at work ami our taxpayers are hoping for a light poor tax. ;. W. Nelta while splitting wooa cut his hand and called Oil lr. Krehs to draw the wound. Frank Bitner, Daniel Krehs and Ira Hoover got oft! golden beauty" seed corn from N. T. D uidore. few farmer have finished plant ing corn, a few are not willing to plant yet and a few are not ready. H. . Romlg of Adamsburg called on N. T. Dundore In behalf of the Sunday school Interest In the county. Ueorge Kamblemadcu flying trip to Watsontowm Milton and Northum-I heil I to visit his children. Iliiv. Portlier of Selin-irrove and II. O. Herrold of Milton visited Catherine) Witmer who is convalescent, Catherine Winner i- being nursed by her daughters, Maria W. Dundore and Minnie K. Kyerand her grand daugh ter, Sadie ( '. Kver. ' i )ur enterprising young men arc tak ing coal out of the Husquehanna river at a llvelv rate ami are expecting al brisk market nest fall for it. The Mahanoy mountain has been biirning for several day-, obscuring the sun during the day but presenting a beautiful view during the night. What eti'ect would it have ujion the world if a colored waiter would enter, the dining room ith a turkey mi al liter ami leave it tall V ll woiun menu t he throw of I 'hina am Clin l.'lee. Imh nfall of Turkey, tl ver- (Jre , the destruction of the humiliation of the Afri- FltEEUURM. Several of our farmer have begun i plaiitinu corn. Many of our citizen are afflicted with In grippe The Noruuil student in the Academy have organized a literarv society. ', iii.u- hnnies whieh are heiliL' imit m, mpidly uearlng completion. WlllL. Ba'ler and ...o,.,,, .'has., snent Thursday and Friday In Harrla- Mrs. Jonathan Grimm, who has been luffering with rheuniatism for sonic time, I slowly recovering. The horse sale held Mav 4 was well attended. Howe averaged 1110.98. Mrs. Foster Smith of Troxelvllle va Another sale is expected very soon. , it)l( s s I1W,.,1X Sunday. A six week-' i.rm of the Mulca! i.-,,,,,). Relgle waa the gueal of P. ('. College opened Monday eveiiiiur with iartian one dnv last week, a verv Interesting program, rendered .,, ,, , i , , bv the teachers and other talent of the ..AUm Boyer tmnaacbulne al college Ii is Mm- ,,r the largesl classes the county seal last rhunday. that has been here for some Ume. I riah Wdlrlck, who had been on the II. I. Komig of Adanwburg, secretary 8lek list- babletobeoul again. of the Knvder County Sunday Sel I1 Mrs. W. F. Sechri! and baby ol Assoeiaiion. hkiiI ii day liist week Beaver Spring are vialting her parent, among us looking aft t the interests of 1 Pnt, Keller, of Keller's Bualneaa Sol the H. H. Convention to be held herelicge, Lewiaburg, waa in town last week. Maylith and loth. Al this writing Mr. P. C. Hartman and aon, Colfax, (Hir people are anticipating an enjoya- visi,.,i i..... narenta al Mlddleburar 8uu- I'M '''II till I ' 1 1 . TBOXELVILLE J. K. Fettcmlf was to Vork, Pa., on buainess last week. W. s. Shemorry and Francis Blee were hi Lcwlstown Monday for a job, s. i '. 1 lore, a CentrevUle mer chant, was in town Monday evening. Frank savs he could irel llcenst and I keep it seer t k'cause J. K. Fetterolf J. o. ( loss and David Mattern attend eil a horse sale last week when- David Imttght a horse. The farmers are ail wishing for rain which is much needed to increase tin- I II. I aill harvest crop. Prudie !;. Mlddle-warth. oi f our mosl resiieetable young Indies, w ent to liutialo Cross ISoads wliere she is em ployed. Lasi Hnturday evening Jas. Mlddles waitli did hi last buslnes asJ. P. Till i- the end of his ttfth term or twenty live years in succession. .lin k's Mountain Lumber Co. etiu guished the lire after it had burned the paper wood for Uackenburg A '. The shallty Which they have erected for the iiuroosc is for rent now and they Bay the rate mid In itial OLOBE MILLS Communion ser'i ea were well at- tended. Chsrle Hcrhst has Ik-cii on the sick list for some tlnu . hllsiness trip Will Hummel made a to I.ewistown I ui silay. A number f nur people attended the show at Sunbury Thursday. ( lenient Smith of McVcytown fall itin; his father, J. A. Smith. Henry Fisher and Valentine Boligj made a'pleasant call on Ant-s Ulrlch. Calvin Krdley and family of Mimin borg sis-tit Sunday w itb Frank How. John Kratzer and family of Adains DOg visited relatives and friends here. Miss Ma ria iilbert of Banbury spent Sunday with her parents, John (jiilWrt and wife. Mrs. FA Stuck of I.ewistown re turned borne after a week's visit with her father. Charles Landk and wife of Kreamer spent Sunday with Charles' sister, Mrs. Anion Yerger. J. I. Bingaman of Sunbury i Wedneaday In town. spent K. E. Shannon and wife visited friends in McClure, recently. Milton Hmith of Yeaaertown Isspend- ingsome time with his family. llohert Middli-Hwartb and wife of McClure spent Humlay In town. Foster Iticitle, wife and child were visitors in Centre ville over Sunday. Mis- Mvra Romur vWted friends In Croaegrove anu McClure recently. Mrs. Nathan Mauery and children of Lewiatown arc visiting in this vicinity. Solomon Humniel of Globe Mills made a business trip to this place Sat urday. Mrs. Amelia Oundrum has returned fnim a week' visit to her son, Fred., in Bannervllle. Win. Warden, repreeentiM Keller's Business College at Ix-wisburg, was in town Tuesday. A number of cyclers from Middle burg took dinner at the Mereluuit's Hotel Sunday. Miss Hessie Mi-ehtley and Dr. Derr of I.ewistown spent Sunday with Wil lard Meehl ley's. Misses Minnie Mechtleyand Florence Keiley of Harrisburgare the gueata of t he former's parents. Mr. Smith and wife ami Mr. Valen tine and wife of Fremont are beiiin en tertained by I . Keit.'s. II. I. Etoiulg, secretary of the Snyder county Sunday school Association, is making his round securing the reports of the various school of the county. WF8T BIS AVER. L. '. Wagner ( farmer ) sH'iit part of Sunday at thlaeud vialting trlend. Howard Merbsterhasa force of men at work putting up Joseph Wagner' barn. Win. Peter was honu county to upend Sunday rents. wiii. h s", ! i'. ('. 8, Peter started Monday morn ing with a force of hands to do a Job of painting. The births al this end for the past! week come under the heading of "too numerous to mention." Wm. I Ish of Hhamokin was here last week visiting friends and attended the funeral of W. K Howell. Jockey (Jeorge and Robiaon Middles warth of McClure passed through our town lasi Sunday on the former' tally ho. Then- are three candidates in the field to till theofll f Justice, made vacant by the death of W. V. Howell, viz: W. Herbster, J. I). Dish and Amo Howell. .Misses Lhnsie Kneppand Hattle Pe ter of Crossgrove were o fibred positions at the I. ). O. K. Orphan'.- Home at Sunburyand started tor their Held of labor last Thursday. The funeral of W. F. Howell last Thursday was lanrolv attended. Prof. Bnweraox, Bennevllle Smith, Geo. M Hhlndel and P. 8. Ititter of Middle burg, E. M. Hummel of Selinsgrove; J. M, Baker, A. M. Smith and Peter F. Reigleof Heaver Sprina. paM their re ; Bwota to the deoeaaed by fctMmdlmrthe tuueral in a IhiiIv. CENTKEV1LLK. day Merchant inc-s trip to s. ( '. I londore mado a bua MifHlnburg one day last week. lilissell Hover left take a course iii Prof for Lewlsburg to Keller's llllsilless i 'ollege. Mis Marv Mover of Troxi was I II i I V I theguesl of 8. C. Dundore ami last week. .1. ll. Hartman is bavins i" store treat room oeeiiiiied hv S. '. Doinloii ed OH Coat ol ialllt. Henry Stahinecker' pension was In creased from s to ij per month. Mr. Stahinecker Is a poor man, worthy of the increase, ami in our opinion has not yet been given the justice he de serves. MIDDLECRBEK Andrew Ulsh made a trip to I.ew is town Sunday. Allen Frant was visilinj,' with Win. Bilger' over Sunday. Jesse Knepp made a hllsiness trip to Mlddleburg last Wednesday. Mrs. H, ll. Herbster spent a few days in Helinsgrove last week. Herbert Manbeek and family were the guests of A. A. Fish Sunday. II. II. Herbster made a flying trip to CentrevUle on his wheel Saturday. T. A. Ewlug moved to I.ewistown Monday. Sorry to see you go, 'I'licde. Andrew Baer spent a few days last week with hi father in Juniata county. After a brief stay in Michigan, James I 'Ish lias again returned to bis parental r m if. Jack Frost paid us a visit on llieoth, 1 6th and 7th Dipping som of the early vegetables. Ami now joilll Miiiimgarnuer anu I'erry Hassinger wear their hats on one silic on account of the arrival of two bouncing Isiys. Cbas. A. P. Ulsh wears his straight, because It 1 a girl. iii. v m If not, drink Grain-O from pure orrainn. a iaay writes: iue urai. ume luttuu vjriniu-w x uiu uvi .un it but after using it for one week nothing would indues me to go back to coffe," It nourishes and feeds the system. Tbe children oau drink it freely with great benefit. It is the strengthening substance of pure grains. Oet a package today, from yonr grocer, follow ton directions in making it and you will have a deli cious and healthful table beverage for old and youno. 16c and 25c. (51 i -A WONDERFUL OFFERS "Which Means at tlie Ver Least Calculation A TICKET TO THE BIG SHOW FREE. Wo will pay each ami every pencil's oar fare to Sunbury whose purchase at this store amounts to ten dollars or more at the same time we welcome you to see the larg est anil handsomest line of Clothing for .Men, Boys and Children in Central Pennsylva nia. This is no idle talk, but a positive fact. Let us tell you about some very inter esting; suit, prices. FOR MEN. I'st ye r wo sold more than three hundred $4.98 Suits this rear we have 500 to sell, all sizes and all col ors others at $7.50, $8.50, $12 dim mi' m mm. m m m m a m : ECONOMICAL. ii Wo bought the Uig Arnold Shoo Store I and this h'is stock ! bf shoes will lie sold I ! A1 AUCTION PRICES. Vot a pair will be 1 m le kept for our new B a Store. Watch for I g fur Opening Day, II -ECONOMICAL- Harket St., Sunbury, Pa. p m m m a m m m m. w.- m & s V N Prices Gut on SHOES AT- A A Kreamer, P. i. We have about 150 pair oi shoes ol Inst years goods, which we arc going to close out cheap. These arc not ail l! goods that are worthless as must of them have not been in the store a year. We give ii lew prices : Men's line shoos, ''.'. to Sl.fiO " 1.85 to 1.10 " " " 1.26 to .So Boys fine shoes, 1.20 to .90 Boys heavy shoes, 1.00 to .80 Ladies fine shoes, 2.25 t 1.50 " " l.7" to 1.25 " . " " 1.25 to .80 " heavy shoes, 1.25 to .80 Also a lot of Misses, Cliil ilren anil Baby Shoes. Our Spring and Summer stock of Shoes is about as large as you will find in this section, and can give you almost any kind oi shoe you want Coarse or Fine, black or tan color, and can fit almost anv foot and i 'S 'i: please you m style and price. ! H r J J 1 3 a J. E. Magee, DXKCUTOR'8 NOT1UK. Notice It hereby MJi riven (bat letter teatamenury up upon the tale of Caroline Mover, late of Beaver two Snyder county. Pa., deceased have been lasued In due form of law to tbe undermined, to whom all Indebted to eald estate ehould make imme diate payment and those baying claim! against It should present them duly authenticated for settlement. HARVEY MOYKR, Executor, Baarertown, Pa., May 7, WOO. I '"nTJ a I IMS STORE Free ! Free ! Free ! WE WILL MY YOUR -TO- SUNBURY. MAY 3 To Attend The Big Show. FOR YOUNG MEN. We offer more than two hundred suits to select from $4.50 a handsome, well made suit at this remarkable price others at $0.50 to $12.00. MORE HATS IN THIS STORE To Select from than all the Other Stores Combined. Any Style hat only One Dollar. BROSIOUS BROS., The Most Reliable Clothing Store in SUNBURY, PENNA. v . . s v miEflNT&ffl., IIEYSL mTIK GOOD GAMERA8 TAIKLE y i i F. G. FRANCISCUS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Hardware, Lumber, Etc. Largest stock in Central Pennsylvania. A full line of Building Hardware, Cook Stoves. Ranges, Stand ard Wiokles, Oil Stoves, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Ready Mixed Paints, Lead, Oil, feo. Write us for prices or call and Bell Baa SiTiniE TCHPflOUBS ,f in ii: m n ii a in in ss 1 1 SPRING Ilk -'fci HARDWARE. White Lead, Oiln, Paints of a nil kinds, Xiiils. (i:lt,h. Fence s V11e. Poultry Wire, SbovelH, I does, Rakes, Garden Seed8, m rVheel barrows, PrauingSbaara, Bees Wax. House I'm nisLiuK S m (loodK, (,'lotlies WaslieiH and m 1 Wringers, Tubs and Wash I Hoards, Step Ladderi.. Kitchen I sj UteDsilH in Tin, Granite and jjji "Delft" War h. Ideal Cream oeperatorh. I Larctest Stock Lowest Prices 1 P It will pay you to buy at the j Hardware Store of GEO. 1. HACKETT. I 325 Market St., Sunbury, Pa. DOTUBFBEE! :: Send us a 2-cent stamp with your ' ' name and address ' and we will send ' ' you a copy of tbe ' latesteditionofthe' New Idea Fashion ' ' Review and one of ' theae handsome ' ' T ' Je-ltJo h Stamped T Doylies free. We do this to Introduce tbe T T New Idea lOnsent Paper Patterns. I RUBLE'S DRY GOObS STORE, X LEWISTOWN, PA. tm 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FARE FOR CHILDREN. Of these we have an iin niense variety 89c is the first price, then and up to $6.00, all from 3 to 8 years. 1.50 sizes V x , 323 MarketSt,. ! SliNBURY, PA. !i v:n; v: v : vl see up, Lewistown, Pa. 0 0 9 0 0 O 0 .:;9 . i MM: iSHOE STOBS MIDDLEBUH6. FA. i s the a full place to find and complete line of . Ladies' Shoes There are Russets, Black and Patent Leather Shoes .... We keep the 11 quality of SHOW 0 and when you ourbe8tyou cam assured the qiiulit is right We have them as 0 low asiiOc., and all 0 other grades up to the very best for $4. Give Us a Trial W. I. Garrnafl oooottooooooo 1 1 E8 AMD 8UNDDEES. , MLF GOODS, BE AIMS. i
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