The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 10, 1900, Image 5

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H. S. Htahl ln the sick list,
qajte it number attended church at
SiiU iii Sunday.
Vnothcr witldinn is expected to take
ptaee ben before long.
The show at Sunburv was well at
tended fromthli place.
jack ttnA peaed thrnogfr Kant.
Kriday and Saturday nijrht.
John Soever and wife penl Sunday
with Win. Auiuillcrand wife.
The people all say we ouRlit to have
,iii which I think is very true.
Mrs. James How of BeUUHIOVe vis
ited Miss Carrie Krdley Sunday.
Hoover's ehureb is Bearing oornnie-
tlon and is nearly ready for dedieation.
Charles Sane and wife were visiting
friends at Chestnut Ridge Saturday
ami Sunday.
Wilson Hoffand Win. Seelaild went
to Lewiaburg Monday morning to sek
lohn Yeager will move to Plutton-
ville Monday where he will le employ
til in tlu- frrist OUU'
Wilson Son and Wm. Beebold had
been to Reading for employment but
did not succeed and returned home.
Quite a number of our people will at
tend Sunday school at Hoovers this
summer as there will not be any Sun
day school at Rants.
Many of our people attended the
Mias Alvada Lenig went to Selins
provfe? Mrs. Sjirah Shatter is very ill at this
Miss Annie Secsholtz is visiting her the guest of Miss Clara Specht
("has. shirk was in Bunbury recently.
W. A. Hiekel was at MiHIinhurg last
Karl Wlney of
town last week.
Miss ( lertrude weader of MeClure
Middleburg was in
for shad
John Bprenkle is busy burning lime.
Mrs. Henry Walboro is on the sick
Geo, W. Paige was to Fremont Sun-
Levi llerrold went fishing
Mrs. Nathan Dlehl was visiting at
Qeo. Paige's Sunday.
J. 0. Soltsapple is building a new
pigsty for Wm. M. Mease.
Henry Bomlgeold bis black team of
horses to Wm. F. Rousb Friday.
Rev. Bordman will preach at this
place Sunday, May 20th at 2 p. in.
Mrs. James How- of Sellnsgrove paid
Philip Dreeae and family a visit Sun
day. Win. Haines and wife of BeUnsgroVe
visited his sister, Mrs. John Soltsap
ple, Sr.
James Mover and wife of Heaver
town were visiting at George I Kline's
Charley and Arthur Serrold of Coun
ty Line are visiting relatives at this
Senry Sufl'el and Jacob Leach (em
ployed on the P. R. B.) were home
J. B. Moyer was employed Wednes
day as night clerk at the City Sotel,
Levi Moyer, who Is employed at the
Danville Iron Works, visited his pa
rents at this place Saturday.
Miss Carrie Geist and Arrle Reiehen
haeh, from the Port Trevertou Sotel,
were seen on our streets Sunday.
While cutting timber for A.B. Mark
ley Friday, Levi Kerlin Was severely
injured by cutting himself In the leg.
Time gently draws our boys to the
stream, where they swear to love. Af
ter the ceremony is over and they Ik
tdii to sail up the stream they love to
Mrs. Jennie Attinger and Miss Ame
lia Serrold have been selected to repre
sent our Sunday school in convention
at Port Treverton. Both are consistent
Christians and good speakers and will
no doubt have a great many interest
ing things to say before the convention.
parents at Hotter.
Thomas Mullner of Bunbury oaUed
oil friends Sunday.
George, the butcher, is now known
as George, the fisherman.
Miss Linuie Aucker sH'nt several
days at Sunburv last week.
Hanks Ralohenbaoh of Bhamokln
sH'iit Sunday with Ids sistirs.
John Hogar and son, Thomas, went
to SpeeCevule on a Bahmg tour.
J. C. Neil., our uii-to-date plasterer,
la working for Merchant Aucker.
Master George llerrold of Bhamokln
Dam is visiting his grandparents.
A. 11. Troutman, wire and son, Geo.,
and wife spent Sunday al Melservllle.
William Aucker an I family of Ver
dilla called on Dr. Krcbs arid wife Bun
day. Adam Relf and Wife spent a day at 1
Liverpool, the guests of the latier's
H. E. Enders, one of York's enter-
terprising salesmen, spentaoouia ween
in our town.
Mrs. Jacob I )ut ivy ami daughters of1 Central Hold
tiames enronecaer oi Keedsvule visit
cil his patents over Sunday.
Mrs. Abel wlney and daughter are
visiting among Mends al Mlflllnburg,
i Mr. Albright and wife of Mlflllnburg
were the guests of Miss Louisa Lepley.
Communion services were held in the
Reformed church, Rev. Bpahn officlat-
I ing.
Miss Jennie Tobias of hflddleburgh
spent Sunday w ith John Tobias and
Rev. Gramley is teaching the Ger
man language to a large class ot boys
and gilds.
Edward Hiekel, who is employed at
Mlflllnburg, speni n, few days under the
parental rimf.
The Evan. Lutheran church of this
place ai i1 beautifying their building by
giving it a coal of paint.
Wlney Bros, sola their store to a Mr
Kline of Mi Kees Half Falls, who will
take possession of it in the near future,
Messrs. Mater, Gutelius, Bchell and
Welser of Mlfllinburg wheeled to this
place Sunday, and retrlstercd at the
Your heart bests over one hun
dred thousand times etch day.
One hundred thousand supplies of
good or bad blood to your brain.
Which Is it?
If bad, impure blood, then your
brain aches. You are troubled
with drowsiness yet cannot sleep.
You are as tired in the morning
as at night. You have no nerve
fiower. Your food does you but
inle good.
Stimulants, tonics, headache
powders, cannot cure you ; but
Bhamokln are the welcome guests oi
Mrs. Levi Bohner.
Misses Jennie ( harles and Sue Bogar
drove to the dock for flowers Sunday
and returned well laden.
The men of thte place, who are em
ployed at Mlllersnurg and Dauphin,
spent Sunday al home.
Two of ( 'hapman's noted cyclists are
takings pleasure trip thte week. They
passed through our town Monday.
Emanuel Nelts and wife, Charles
Neil, w ife and daughter and William
Neil and family spent Sunday w ith
Morris Hovel 's of Milton.
l earns carriage -imp is riiiin-
Inir on full time and has quite a di I
play of fine work in his repository, the
iliiest we have seen for some time,
miss Annie atnermau oi Micuiirnii
is staying at Louisa Lenley's. Mis
Cathermun Is an accomplished seam
stress and has quite a lot of work at
To Cure it Cold In One liny
Take I.axAtivk Dromo Qcisink Tam.kth. All
(lriiK(tiHi.refund the money It it IuIIh to ours
K. W.Orove'b alrnature ou every box. 15o. 10-&-6
Our Sunday schools are all in a nour
ishing condll Ion.
Enoch Aucker made a business trip
to Richfield Saturday.
A. H. Markley of Aline was here on
business monday mom Ing.
Frank Bcholl of Rlversldecamc home
on account of rheumatism.
Geo. Long started Saturday morning
for Jack's Mountain. We do not know
When he intends to return.
Mrs. Jeremiah Hoover and two sons
ofHerndon spent Sunday under her
father's roof, Emanuel Hordncr's.
Lost Early Sunday morning while
riding between Littletown and Pallas,
the handle bar from a btcyole. Finder
will please leave at post otllce.
Daniel Krobs, Jr. and family of Ber
wick were visiting among their many
friends here over Sunday. Mr. Krebs
works In the large iron works there.
J. W. Sornberger Is under the par
ental roof over Sunday.
The Kerstetter saw mill will oome In
B. A. Ebright's woods this week.
Mr. Ktroup and son are nealing lark
in the Poplar Spring woods, li! men
are at work getting ten Oents an hour.
In almost every neighborhood
there is some one wuose life has
been saved by Chamberlain's Colic
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, or
who has been cured of chronic di
arrhoea by the use of that medicine.
Such persous make a point of telling
of it whenever opportunity oflers,
hoping that it may be the means of
savings other lives. For sale by all
Everybody i- wishing for rain.
Jacob Gaugler has finished remodel
ing his residence.
Mrs. Ellas Hclntzelman is on the
sick list with erysipelias.
William Good of Aline and Mrs. s.
Herrold were the guests of Mrs. Bailej
The air is full of smoke from morning
till night, caused by forest fires to th
west of us.
The Bailey Bros. View Co, have
finished and placed on the road their
new picture wagon. It Is a beauty.
Our correspondent is constantly on
the lookout for every possible orpin
vote he can K't for the Dreeae church.
The Show at Sunburv had caused
partial suspension of farming opera
tion as nearly all of our young people
went to see the show.
The Mennonltes of this plaoi
communion, services Sunday.
John and Jacob Rusom of this
are in Sarrisburg and vicinity.
The farmers of this community are
busy planting corn and stutoes.
Last week the people of Riehtlelil
were excited by the fire which occurred
at the eastern ' end of the town and
ended in reducing to ashes the
house of John Miller.
Try MralBwO ! Try Urnln-O.
Ask your grooer today to show you
a package of GKAIN-O, the new food
drink that takes the place of coffee
The children may driuk it without
injurv us wel I as the Hilnlt. All win
try it. like It WHA1N-0 has that
rich mhiiI drown of Mocha or Java,
hut it is made from pure grains, ami
the most delicate stomach receives ii
without distress. One fourth of tin
nrioe of coffee, lc. and 90o. per pack
age. Sold by all grocers.
A Man is lAeil Oressad
WE never let a garment go out of out store unless
it looks as if it was specially designed and made
for the buyer. You can pick out a Locb Suit. Has a
tailor look. It'll wear ; it'll hold its shape ; it'll save
vou money.
Boy's Suits from 111.00 up
Soy's Slack and Blue Serge
Suits fp in $6 to $10.
Children Suite, 75c and up
Children's better grades from
11.76 to $6.00.
Our prices Keep the m w
Men's Suits, from $3.50 up.1
Men's BIok worsted Suits, $6.00
Men's I'.Iue Senre Suits. S-i.UO 4
Then our better grades Irons
0.60 to 12.00.
Men's Pants, !. up
Men's better grade Panto, $100
to $8.00.
Men's Bnedre a Pants, $ 1.50
Children's knee Paito, 15o np
Children's knee pants, 50c end
7." cents.
Hats stiiv. Fedora, all
end colors 50c
Our Dunlnp Black and Brown
Still, $2.60.
Still Hals as low as $1.00
Fedora Hats as low as 50c
DKCHSTKK'S NOTICKH -Nonce lihereby k i v.
" en iimi the following named persona bare
Wed I lieir AdniuilHtratorH', ;uniiiln. tintl V, .
eoutortl' aecDiinlH tut In- K"irlter'soni'e nt Sny
der County, arid tilt" siitne will Im' presented fur
eonnnnatfon and uiiowiint'e at tin- oourt House
in 1 1 1 m i i 1 1 1 1 1 . Monday, Juno ttb. imo.
I I'm Itrnt ami final MOonnl of f.vitia H. llol-
I li'iiliarli mil W, K. Ilo'li'iilutcli. Vilmr'H t
j lluiiit'l lliilleiiliui'li. Itf of .lucksiin lwi., (Ice d.
The flrtt and flnttl Account of Ueo m Wenl
el, eXMiitor of Kii Wtntsol, lute uf Union
towiithip, dee'd.
TtteflrtlandSnnlnceonntof ('IijuIoh Ifowor.
j Hilmr. uf the eutfttc uf liirum MinKor, lute uf
belinfgTovo, dre'd.
The flwl ami Rnftl aocouM of w. D. Btlifsr,
I exeeuor uf tlie Innt will nnd teKtmncnt of Atno
: liii Bllcor, late ot Jnokton towntnlp, doo'd.
The firwt ami final aecciunt nf Wllwin llerrold,
executor of the uf i IhriltUtM llerrold,
! lute of t hapinufi townnhii, dMd
TIN llrnt ami flimt MOAOQl of Ainnmla Muyer.
executrix of tho t'-tate of Nrael Moyor, late nf
Denver twl. . dee d.
Tbaflrtl and unrtial MOOUnl uf Snmtiel T.
Hitblsh, executor of the rotate of I'hilip llil-hi-h.
late nf I'enn Iwp., dee'd.
The filial account of (J. W. Sierfr. executor of
the Inst will and testament of Michael .Mendel,
j late of Perry twp, dee'd.
I The final eccounl of Jacob Cramer, adnt'r. ol
ti itateeol Beobennnd Kebeoca Ummer, late
; ,f Beaver two , dee'd.
The first account of Itnvid Woiner and f.eo
K. Bepnor, exeeutore ol the last will and teauv
' nient of John llepaer, latent Waehlngton Iwp.
! The first and final account of BHaabeth Keitz.
adm'z, ol the eatate ol John Helta, late of
(rrankilntownibip. dee'd. j
Xbe Bret aecoonl ol John H. and If. '. Boo.
! it, execlltnrs nf the estate uf Chan. Hoover, late
J nf I'enn Iwp., dee d.
The llrst ami Until nccnunf ofJ.C W. Bawler
adtn'r. of She eatate ol Catharine Baaaler, lata
.,f Waablngton i" p.. uec u.
Xhe aceaunt of John P. Miller, auardlan of
Mary Mice Howe, now Mary Alice Miller, a
minor child of Mary Rowe (born Baaaler), late
,,f the county of Snyder, dee'e.
j The first and final account of ft. It. J. Walter
executorof the laid will ami leetament of tirn'
Bhambach, late ol Prankllntwp., dee'd.
J, II. WILMS, Bedtter
Middleburg, P.. VayTth. IMM,
will. It makes the liver, kidneys,
skin' and bowels perform their
proper work. It removes all im
purities from the hlood. And it
makes the blood rich in Its life-
giving properties.
To Hamton
You will be more rapidly cured
if you will take a laxative dose of
Ayer's pills each night. They
arouse the sluggish liver and Uius
euro biliousness.
Mrffa tm ma
W htta thai MclutlTta aenliXMl of
om of tbfj most lumint phytlclftni In
the Cn!U4 lUUi. Wrlto fravlr all tho
navrtir. atlaara In ffourcaM,
ABirill, f.
0. ATEft,
( 'sail
Fur credit are in theSoup.
master and credit i slave.
is master and credit i slave. S
Headquarters tir House Fur-M
nisliinir (iuiids, Crockery, Lanm-l
mid Sporting Goods in Central
Pennsylvania. It will nay you
4.. 1 I I A 1
mj ctiiuc ami iook ;u our biuck.
. U;
L VI '
r y, :
Oup Prices and Goods Dely Competition.
"-lie: Vu-e l.iillljw. l.'lipe
iret'luln Toilet Set, fil.Olt;
et, $2.75; 100-piece I i 1 1 -I
liiuier s.-t, lieautlfuih
Niplit LanipH, braiw or (law, lOt; Hnnd lduniM
ana beautifullv decorated, iisc; 10-pkre white I'
10-plett! beautffAilly dmirated, I'oreeluln Toilel ;
ner Set, white Iron atone china, $U.00; lOO-pim!
aecoratea roreeiaiU) )o.ou.
Kistiing Tackle & Sporting Goods.
Split Bamboo Jointed KoriR, nickel Iriinmcd, J1.00; Fine LnnccrwwHl
Jointetl liials, nickel trinuuetl, $1.-5; Jnintetl UimIh, 10c, L''"ie, 50c; Nickel
plated click Itcels, l5c t" $2.50; Itrawi Itivls, Ilk' to U5e. Kluclluuof
Troul ami llass Flies, Leiuleni, HiMiku, HiwIcm, &e.
( In cur "i unil 10c counter are UioumiiuiIh of irreul haruain-.
All are cordially lu Itcd w betber you buy or net.
317 Market St., Sunburv, Pa.
mm im kik
' uunlify for iirritiieiit'iit imMition
Ohriritlnn man or wnmnn to
f t! Il-t
In vnur h(ine '.ntntv fHNI url KnclnHc
0lTMdtMMd rtlllllH'il, ftl vtliipc to K. H. Wl'
toco, Ctentnl Seoretary, OochraMI HuililiiiK.
Vannli)Kon, 1. C, tippuNit 1 1 n-urv iVpt.
Butter It'. Wheal 70 T
Emrs 12 Itye 50 H'
( Inions ( lorn 3(5.1
Liml (i I ( )nts (old) 20 "
Tallow 4 Potatoes 30 I '.'
Chickens ti j Bran per 100. 1)0 '.,
Turkeys I Middlings " '.to r;
Hhouldcr I Chop 90 1
ii-""" - jFloiir (lerlilil ;!..")(! v
M-M-H1 1 i'l'M-M-M-M-l1 f
think vnnwpp nl
llllllUU 1 UU 11UUJJ
I wish to call voitr attention
to 111 v line of Ivuralls, 1 Io';,
Tics, 8ii8Knders, A-c.
lict inatcriiil, w ith or without
apron, I .", ,r)(lc, (lllc,
"Whnl i the trie
Electric SoHii?''
"!' ivc et tits a har. lull -ic.
rii 1 1 it ed from tenant) your
of 139 25-cenl lok sent
lor each 3 wrappers and 7
for uostaire. Ila-n't
than ten cents for 33 vcai.-.
"W liv t lint's the price of common
brown soap. I can't afford tn
buy any other soap than this.
Semi me a box of Dobbius'
Elect He"
I Dolibina' I
hoicc v
free, t
edit- I
' r he.
i i .1.
I I I '.s Ktiur-iii-haiid,
string, bow,ct('., at prices rang
ing from 5c to 'J.V.
lit I8E Men's half hose li.r
every day wear, 8c and I0c, !'
pair 25p.; Men's Hose, better
tjiiality, 15c a pair, 'J pair lor
Ladies and Misses lone
ribbed hore, 10c and 16c.
drip Li ings weakness, exhaustion, nerveao
prualratiim Dr. Milt:.' Nervine cures tlicm.
oooooooooooofjo..t) 9 '"'co(. 'M0nfiooS i
We want to Impress Upon
You Is This: Ours is a
Conducted on progressive plans. We sell our
Clothing on the smallest possible margin of pro
fit depending upon a large volume of business.
Another great feature, and one that no other
store can afford, is that our clothing is made by
the largest and best manufacturers in the coun
try, of the most stylish perfect fitting and wear
resisting material.
These are facts that cannot be disputed, and
that's why, with our superior advantages, we
give more real, solid merit for your money than
any other store. No better demonstration of
great value giving has ever been shown than the
Stylish, Correctly Tailored, Perfect Fitting
fit tlml tlie tiillim
,.ri ni nn nts under tho S3 no law, turn
rtttithe lerk "t t in-or urns' oonr
I Ready-to-Wear Suits we offer at $7.
. I . I !H I' ' f s. . v KTS. -Multi.,. Is I...-.,
V by Blven thai the following Widows' An-l 2
Your Presence always Welcome-buy or not.
M. L0EB & SON,
wen fllt'il
i, . i ,. I , I ; hi i in ... mil. ,ini i, i, f.r
coUtit tot ooBuruMwwi .lunc ., iaw
vnraiacman1 M Kjjfy Hojfar, widow of
Henry Mover, late ol Penn Township, fnyder
County, la., deeeaaeo, elected to be taken un
der the ;.:o aaemntlon law.
kperataaniMt ol Buaan Bitter, widow ..f
Lewli liitti r, lata of Centre Townanlp, Snyder
County, Pa.. ''" ' ,l to be taken un-
dar lb. tKO eaaroptioo law.
Apprais. tm ni ol Maggie trammel, widow of
gimon Hummel, late ol Monroe Towbehlp
Bnyder County, doceaaed, elected to be
taken un(er the M00 exemption law.
&. M. SBINDRt Clerk
rolliinolir.vN aiatMl.
The following aceOfuit haj been filed in tin
Prettbono4atTe Office of Bnyder County ami
will In' prescntctt for cotnrtiiatluti .Monday,
June i, IWi.
The aOOOUnl of Bey. I'ctcr Horn, tlrccaaed,
who wan a trtiNtco of lane ltiisli. under tin?
will of John Hill. Intro! Uogbeerille, Pa., d
cciisiil. in likil by .lohn H. Koi lit, ct. til., fit'cu
'' tors of aaid l'ctor Horn, deceaeed.
nnrn nin niTH nnnn
KKUUSLrj uflL-rnibfj ULUimii:n) mu u
318 E. MARKET st-, sUNbUY, pa.
Ibese suits arc absolutely till wool. The efficient tailoring, uniform finish and
perfect fitting qualities f every detail in these suits will commend your admira
tion. Remember, our guarautee keeps yon sale.
We carry a handsome line of up-to-date
Hats and Furnisliincr Goods.
Trade with us and you practice true economy,
kept in repair one year free of charge.
Clothing purchased of us
I Harrison Buiiding,
Sunbury, Pa.