! ( The Middleburgh Post. I'uhllsliesI r.vrry ThunMlay. il0. W. WAOIZNSELLER, P.ditor and Proprietor. BANK STATEMENT. SUBSCRIPTION ltATKS. Hi. on mr rear if paid in advance. Wl..u per year if not paid In advance. Single Copies, Five Cents Keport of tlii Condition or the First Natlqrisl Hunk or Mlddlchurirli. at Mlddloliunrh, In the suite or I'cnnsvlvaida. ai I he dose of business Apr. '.W, HWU : The Crucifixion of Philip Strong. Ikinning with the next issue ot the IWr we will publish the most fascinating story of Rev. (.'has. Si. Sheldon, entitled "The Crucifixion of Philin Strong." The story is a Bplendidsetp.eneeto "Robt. Hardy oynm;, s.'1-.n Dmvs" which weoomn;eteth week. Those of our readers RESOURCES. Loans and discounts. ured MIO.iUT.n n.nnn. IT. . i nuts on lot nit... WHO i iiuntv Bonds ... 1.1 ...It...,. ., U.I IUI . ,. i i i if I 1 1 rstlN'hS, sei in ii LalvarlltiliiK ItiiKH. l.tcenta r line, rum- , ., ! I, ,vctl Hubert llai'dv ill Ills seven iirtiil liiL'-hniise. furniture, and fixtures lft.iaju.,0 narcl meaauremehl fur tint inaartlob ana w , i other real estate ami innritak'i's owned 1 . ... . i. ..it.. i. mi Insertion. Have' . .v I uU'lolli'o nin II lllKHlllC- i v Mit.i.L, i:i l!in.' II-III-IH'I HIM- Mil ' ....... ...... , . HVIII " ... . .Al. lir.ititv Entered at the PnetOffleeal Hiddleburg, I'a-. aa tioll or recommendation to ail (Hilt r !.,?, state Hanks and hanker ecoiwl ciaea man rower. - Rhpldnirs wiitillirs. " I lie nue from appriiveii rcscrse as;eni nl rli -K Niartlie t inmtv Curl House, lie- . , ... . i i , ; ,. ( ... ,,.' . , the First National Bank ao.l the County I UC.II loo ..l . . - h cheeks and otlnr cash Items.. . ... .... Jan. . more interesting than Kouennaray. HlBTOKY. Kstalilwhed in ls!4 ns the 15,th stories were bought by us for Union Demokrot, at New Herun,auer is far Noles of other National Hanks Fractional paper currcw y.iiu kios. aim inn I o i l' imiijci. lit. .k. . " , , i i i . ... d is,. i oldest Etenublican that the readers ot the POST newspaper in Snyder ( 'mint v. LiWnrt Money BBSBBVI in Han VIZ : I siiocie ei,i iorju but Knowing Jtwai-teiider notes in6ir.iw Keileinptlnn tuna WKu I . s treasurer t.'i per cent, of circulation) nih..":i l.N.I.Tl Srt MfcH I.48&.94 MK0Q LCM Republican Standinc Committee. Adams '. K. Pinna, nan, .1. II. Sipe. Beaver--A. W, Musser, Oalrln Dreeaa, Baavar W.- Fred B Qundrum. Tnoe. Herbater. Oanlre Allen Boyer, la. A. BUne. Obapman-P. A. Troup, C. II. updagtova. franklin--M. I.. Waller. II. K. Bo Is nder. Jackeon J. Harvey Moyer, O. A. Brouae. Hiddleburg -Edwin Charlea, Frank Reltt. Middle, reek -John S. Mi iser, tie... ('. Slack. Monroe W, I.. Young, Peter Young. Prim A. It. Smith. Ueo M. Wltmer. Perry Irwin Boyer, W. ' Smith. Perrv W.-T. It. Umyblll, S. Sprlggle. Seliiiicrov'- J A. I .milliard. ien.A. I.ivingltoni Spring O. M. Smith, John N Relgel. roiiiii-.lae.ili Htahl, C, D. Bogar Waabington John M, Moyer, W, I". Rouah. Jo... a. i.i MiiAiio. Cbatrmau. Bl)Wm Co Mo I Secretary. J, FRANK Kill, Treasurer. It I. PI IBL14 !AJI TICKET. Congmw Hon. I'm ah. M. Mahon, Henatok Hon. Benj. k. Focht. Assembly- Hon. A. M. Bmith. Prothonotary Oeo. M. Shindeu Registero. llwonler Jno. ll. Wilms. District Attorney M. I. PoTTEB. JuryConunlMtionor- E. E.8hambach. Thursday, May 10, l'JOO. in enormous pnet liire- Iciate the best literary productions in the land, and the owners of the copy right being willing to give the Post i the exclusive righl to iuhlisli these stories in Snyder county, we paid the price, as large as it was. There is not an author living to- dav whose writings are as widely read those ot Rev. C. M. Sheldon. Filled with pith, righteous, moral Mini religious us the man, woman or child who can read them without feeling a JJJ higher and nobler aspiration in TOT Al LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In Surplus Fund I'nillvlded prollts. less expenses and taxes pakl National Hank notes utiisiandliik Due toother National hanks Due to State Hanks and Hunkers Dividends unpaid Individual deposits suhject to check Demand certificates nf de- is isll . Notes and Hills redlsi-uuiitcd T IT At.. mjumo l.KViKi i.rn ss m- MM ltroln Famous Maryland Men's Clothing n.ilrluliilrr. tipr! PrrpaU ui t.urnlrr M III Th tyltNh kind of Suits, Over coat and TriHisfrv. made by l"t it mm h tut tailon, are male in Mtf VSlltfMMH at atotit one-half whaty.-uhavf topavattftai.. lUf Mem'i Otrthtac Catalog1"". Urge cloth -nil'' - sttachril. li..v thr Uttst tyt atil -on-Cril. and It ,refur1 ttlnstfitrd with the iiir.t fAvhioin th.tt will te worn I i the Ik! 'Itrwd this eaon. We bij' vu 'ur Ch 'thing t .O.D UM w HW anirr m h v;ifmrtit tt fi v-U, mi that na run atoI..ulv M nsk ihink at the large tng you rrtr.i aiivl the at likh gjrmenU we send you 1 Ii SPECIAL SALE OoiiiiUFnlii i . MfMIMMX) . jii.um.iKi in.9ns.i . W.TOn.oo i 10,6TT.50 , I" lie V w,9nn I t aos.T4li.Kfl Mm i 1 Wl ItC. . i..i"--C.- k.,it Ii ftll.x. C.irjvr. Rill'. p.. m ifet, l.i, CMrtuel ... I n .1 . i. rahltaatl attiw Own, "ic . in tl.'-, r t ir, an I Amljnn, tint hy look, leg ths pilaf ptaMI V.MI fin trll r KtW l'" th hlvt Imtf iifA. in , I'm i'li. fi' in HI M buy t mill ptHMti ainl Mive fr..m ill l.iflfl (h-i .nit All CarpoLJ iewed free, linine furnithed without cbarfe. and freight prepaid B.,:ii catakMniM ara fr--e. WMca 'lo yea wantt Ailtlret. thti way I JULIUS BINES A SON, Dept. 909, Baltimore, Md. lltilUCIlt, 1 ii il lit to STATU OF PENNSYLVANIA,! . !,j i SNVHK.lt COUNTY, ss: f W0,StB ss al and bellet ileninly swear that the above !,T rue in the host of my knowlcdce haj .1 V TiniMI'sov Jr rnshler. Callings "I life, a keener resiect tor suhscrllsd and sworn to hefore me Mils 2nd ID right and a loftier impulse toward 01 I.....I:.... ,1.',Pl.s!dlin Un I m. ! t'OKKKCT-Atlest ICHUIIIK lllll S II IOIMM ata-. lined with the most eminent virtues ai 1 welve special m BAR6IAN DATS J.Q.WRISKR, Notary PoMlC. 1 of Christian citizenship, every read er ot Rev. Sheldon turns from the printed page and hows his head in deep thought; The lessons taught W. W. WITTBNM Y Kit. A. KKKKOKH. ;. ALFRED scliocn. Directors. Gray! are practical, char and forceful. BHAMOKIN DAM. MisN Newman is on the sick list. Born to the I'uniilv of Hiram stall l of I a little boy, ' I'll e, ,1 nrli lli, 1 mnmianimniifl nller a friend the nrivilcgeol reading Kev. i J" ; w" vtritor at the gypsy . .. t .iniii . 1 1 . r . in , Sheldon's stories was triveti to well .... . nigh every person in Snyder County. Winn a minister pronounces a 1 man and a woman one, who can tell j 14 .vo" Uobprt i'n ' which the one? I one Wid Va to read 1 h.l.p 'Strong. If j ou have missed Robert The student who is anxious to ae- Hardy, do not miss Thilij) Strong. .11. 1 1 mi. . l .i 1 ... , iture knowledge is never asnamea ine many goon wurua muavc -- to confess liMs ignorance. The sense of touch is so highly develojietl in some men of this town that they know just when to strike you for a loan. Some men think they have as cended to the top of the ladder when they have not even mounted the first round. There are two iveriods in a man's life that he docs not understand a woman. One is In-fore anil the other alter marriage. oeived for Robert Hardy we know will lie doubled in intensity for Philip Strong. Watch for the open ing chapters next week. -; i a iHH Oft to the Wooded Hills. Win. Purely Snyder was a visitor Sunbury Bnnday. Miss Edna Page of Sunbury was seen on our streets Sunday. Ollie Gaugler of Northumberland was sis'ii in our vicinity. Clara Wendt started to work in thil silk mills at Sunbury Monday. Mrs. Catharine ShiH' returned home from a visit to Montgomery Monday. S. 11. Murphv, wife anil son, Khner, were visitors at Montgomery over Sun day. Morris Coryell antl a lady friend of Sunbury were seen on our street Sun day. Miss Edith Dutry started to work in the silk mills at Sunbury one day last week. Benj. Costly, oue of our rafUnieu, was seen among the corn planters last week. Mrs. Sallie Bressler of Sunbury paid a short visit to her sister, Mrs. Cyrus Shits'. Mrs. Harry Wendt, son ami daugh ter and Mrs.' Ketwr of Sunbury were a! ;.. ..! . 1,., visitors at M. S. Wcntlt's Saturday. painting a companion piece to tne yu"w" i '. .H . 1 ... 1 1 1 1 k ! It ('. K ss. wife, daughter anil Mrs. If the citizens of this town talked j first by the same artist, enuucti a Martlr Illirimn were visitors to his religion as constantly as they do Blooming Clematis," which is now daughter, Annie, who is attending politics, the churches wouldn't'hold : being lithographetl in twelve colors, school at New Berlin half o. 'the converts. A which will he given away free J 01l with the Great Outing Number ot;irilllv morning, where he will be un- Some people seem to have great the limes, Sunday, Mav 13. der the treatment of a din-tor for his 1 1 IVI I . " ' 1 ill health. tear ot dying in poverty, Whyueed Sheet music is issued regularly! m m anyone care whether he tlies in -! with the Sunday Timet, On Mav SHADEL. poverty or not '.' It is living in poverty that bothers us most. The statement oi the First Nation al Bank of this place is published in the Post this week, 'fhe state- Several weeks since the Philadel phia Sunday lime$ presented its readers with a magnifiitent lithogra- graph in twelve colors by Le ltoy. The demand fdr the issue exeeded the supply by many thousand copies. ic lunrx nas seem 11 a,uu,u- AT Garni k Go's. Department Store Richfield, Fa. FROM MAY '4-26, 1900. Here are few ot the iiihii) lhlHi GROCERIES. Arbucklea and Levari nn Roaatad Coffee, iKc I ot t.lass (T.iiih Table Svrun. 10a K t t in Fails, sic 1 11, Itakinic Powder, Sc .1 II. ill Ii- Vain Ha. lllc 8 pk Corn Starch, lie 1 Cake ebooolata, lte 1 C'un Cocoa, 10c a h- TolM Snap, la 4 nc t 'nstjle Soap, Ac 8 Hi Kice, 12c U III Soup Beans. . 14c Celery Salt In Olaas Castor Unities. .V TINWARE HARDWARE.! s i Tin i imii ran, .t Tin Pail, ll, t Tin Pail, 1 Tin Spittoon, decorated, 1 S and 10 Iron Pans, Steel Fry Pans, l.iirnc Soup I Jldle. 3 it Agate I'ofTae Pot, 1 A Kate Kettles with Cover. 1 Comenci May, Iy 13th and Lasting One Week. One lot of Men's Suits at 82.7"); well made, good quality gotxlc. They are worth $f) to any person. One lot Men's Suits at 85.00. This lot ol suits are really worth 87 antl 88, but for this week we let them go at 6. One lot Knee Pants at 1'ic a pair. One lot Boy's Washable Suits, from to K years, at 48e. One lot Men's Pants at 98ft This lot of pants is worth from $1.26 to $150. Well made and good quality gtssls. You should see a pair of them. Don't Fall to Attend This Sale. H. Katz, The Clothier, Next Doorto Court House Middleburg, Pa. w I mi m n ttt 1 Tin x fi war J.UU WUiU II UJ I 1 1 Asjt. t. j i m 1 3, "Trippiug O'er the lills," by W.S. Milton, regulation sheet music, Edward Snyder is on the sick list, with beautifully colorcl title page, O. B.M. Rauch sold his timber to mi l' : i, S. O. Hornberger for 2 00. will be given free , iDODnnection with A y WM has 6 wedhta the handsome lithograph. I lace imw. bv putting a new paper cover on your order early and you get an i the root. 11 inch Aate llasius, a oi ruau li TeaBiiooiis, ridiliK Pans, ment shows a remarkable increase of gx jsju. picture- Sheet Music; A Etlward Newman is pealing hark on business. The loans and discounts ! ' Aw s,(,iun. 'A ForuD1 Section; ll""'1 "f ' exceed 210,000 and the amoutiti of ArXiusement Section; A Great ! j'nels Rrataerand wilband Mrs. money on (leposit is almost $20'.),- I Michael Hoflhuui and Mrs. T. T. Belch- noo ' newspaper. enbach were the guests of Ed. Snyder V I l.ir .i cents with t ie t llltllllf Smi.Liv. II y,,i. have an . lliing good to say j Number of the Sunday lima. I all 11 aooiit your iciiow mail, say it wnue he is alive. A man's hearing is better, while lie is living, besides you can do him no good by reiterat ing all his good deeds after he is dead. It w ill not make his chances i lor heaven any belter. (Jod alicady knows of all the good he ever did. In Memory of W- F. Howell, Esq. r AaJam.'-',-'(;ir-J There seems to lie an abundance of caterpillars in this region at present. The attention ol the farmers is called to their duty oi exterminating them, ll miu leave them go, they will overrun evervthing ami destroy much valuable fruit. They breed rapidly that no time should be lost in killing what you can find every lew days. They breed mi wild cherry tic - mi -t rapidly. Whebeas, It has pies sod ; 1 who, - It. I .1 1. ... 1 i p alone Una poww um u,,,,, ,. . . remove by death our iH-ioved brother, I 9 Will. K. lb, well. ' : Resolved, That in the death of our dear brother. Win. P. Howell, the Un ited Evangelical church has lost one of its must loyal, intelligent and useful members; the K. L. C. E., one of its most cherished leaders and counselors, always ready to advise, and with a friendly hand toaasist Long will his memory be cherished by this K. L.C. K. Resolved, That we tender ourdeep esl svnipathy to the sorrowing widow lalHterand all the relatives of th You 4 A it at a i t. need not lose nesn in summer ' if you use the proper means I itj to prevent it. You think 4 ' vou can't take SCOH'S ii "EMULSION in hot weather, J but you can take it and di- :i gest it as well in summer as 4 in winter. K is not like the y ' plain cod-liver oil, which is ., afflictl ? difficult to take at any time. 6 Tabla.Spoonii, ' tic Hutchef Knives, Bolater, 10c KruilSpfavefa, 47c I jidies' Oardcn How, Lon Handle, 10c Bdyl'Vlendlha Picki, 10c qUeeNsWare W'tiltp Put-, 9 inch Be I la tit) le Ottpi ami WMtfl ier set-, :ttc A Inch Nappieft, lSc UtrKt --.irtnn-iit uf Sand 10 cent (ilaHnware. cLotH'Nc. MenN Suit. ;i.ft0 Men's blttfl BerM all wool dtiitn, 4. 37 Mcn'a Working Hnlrti, as Cbf.drcn'i Bulta, 4 loll ym,, up UbllHren! KiMi I'ants, I9eup A fu land OOnptola Mne of Men's and Boy I1 HllttotM iht-np that it will make your vyvn water DRY GOODS. A Muslin. 'ic Ulll hleaclie I Mnalln. sc W indow Cirlrtin screw, 6a Turkey Had Table Danmrk, 14c Laneasier liliiKham. He DreM Oalleo, le up Press Dtpnitar "c up Merc- riz.ed Silk, best arade, Ufa yd Ore-. Qoada, 'all styles and colors, Prices way down- Notions. H If some money is to be i .d iiuni Mil FURNITURE is to take the time and trouble to examine the 11 Slf siock we earry, learn the prices at which we sell and then compare, if any D doubt as to value can remain, with the offerings of W yi tttlmra t tlrmlt- liilim- I will r,.f rnnr or.lur Vo. tfi Wy a. . . . ... i , gene J M. ,, ill vi j tiui vauvia cause we have done everything to merit the trade y of prudent buyers. kj Call and Be Convinced. JOHN C. YARIMALL, 446 Marltot St., Svi.rx1oviry, wiitm 7i & i (Vlluloiil Collartt, OalliUold iTh, jee. Knihroldery. Me n't 1 . lloHe, j n yit Spool i'otton tmntm1 uninier 'oret, MinMet' Kant Hlack HoMe, Uttl.e' li'ililied Vol-, 1 :i Ctirtaliii, Wool Dre-n Hral'l. L dies' Shirt Waint with corded yoke Neodlea, Ilk le up Bo up le up We pr le yu up SHOES. IjiiPcs' Lace Slioea, fine, 73c Ladies' 1-ncc Shoes. Pat. Leather Tip. Ne Ladies' l.aee Shoes. Put. Leather Tip, Cloth Top, ILM Men's I'itiH lres Shoes, 1.H4 Mcii'h Pllic Dress Shoes, Tan Color, LiiV Men's Coalae Hhocs, OMe Latllcs'aod Men's Tennis Shoes. 10, 41c Full line of Misses' and Isidies' Ox ford Shoes. 4, ne in in it ,i;i men i.n le 1.1 1- inuy 11 i-JI few of tba BABOAINS we have. We W have a lino ntock to stdeet from, hut m remember the BABOAINS are only V m oil from Mil) 11 lM and only for '7.1 I'audi r l otuilrv lriMliir. Call IH and samlaa the sio. k whathar you ft buy or not. Youra truly, J. B. SELHEIMER, DEALER IN- Mmn run mm m X1U11III IVSIUU1I ' XX UX1J Leather, Paints, Oils, WALL PAPER, Coach and Saddlery Ware. AND MANUFACTURER OF Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, STOVES AND TINWARE. Market St., Lewlstown, Pi ...... .- . ....... i.i i .. ( ' iiiin. BTATE or oiiio. city or tole- i ss. ,leeea-eil III 1 1 1 1 men inuo m txtaumentling them to tbe loving care I )f . ilK;ni, np;h. i. ,,i Him who mindeth tne sonow or .J? " , : J Hit children and doeth all things welt VOU are losing Wound and l s. II. Klimjlkk, i : n nBOA 5 7 yuu ivvu p Scott's Emulsion i 1 A I !i i le . " M Kit 1. X!- lam lion, nnmia n. ncvion ai!U IIIU31 navt ii nvvj I I . - .l-'llt flat- Hi'-' .'Ull Ii I I MRU I. -I, f , a j , ,11 iltltniMll Ol rH''IIVf 'I i-i7Un '"I'l i ' '.ll. Ii I I ustvt Rra II 1 'If Tr v . G , G. & Co. ss- ssagl Eicfield, Pa. Mens lois Bars Surli ulothiw JKXME KMNOI.EB, Jons if- Baker, Court irTDcJamation, lo, LUCAS COLSTV, S 1'i: nk J. ChKXEI iiiaken out h (bat he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. CirEitBY A ('., loin boei ness in the Oity of Toledo, Count v and State aforesaid, and lbl said firm will pay t he sum of U-i K HI N 111': :, llfir.l.MLS fill- en-'l 1111,1 . . , . .1. ... a I., diile eery case OI I i mat cunnoi ne r t,,e i,i,,,m .,i., tri.l... n-- , in, f .-. - ..... .. 4U t, curedbth. use I Hall's Oatabkh ' ' ";',!...;""' ',v': :: continue until you are tnor- ... if ib Ride the Monarch And Keep Ahead ! ..' .i..',.,.,i iindtorsny- l you have been takini It and 4 der county, hare Itaued their .n cept. hcarlna 1 , t,:i i. . Sata tb' v,v i. i.. i, i u,m" prospenntf on it, con t latl to Hum r ,'il , lenenil Cuutt nl 1 1, Ciller Se,.-lnli5 ill ' .111 I II hefeace, at Mlddleburnh. lor lb, . ol V OUh!' Strong and VCll. Cube. 1 kaxi J. Chesly. Sworn to before me and subscrib- SaVitar. Uta Btri T. (Wsj in. ad in my presenoa. tins nth Jay of "tJoJJJ i'u.ereiore i,ici,- ic.en t..tii0 cor.m' December, A. 1). 18H0. tr, Jaatleaa rtSaPaaca aaa UaaarablM in and i 1 lor the county ol Snnlrr. to apne u lo tti ir v ' -- i -V. . tiii'tsos. , . ii,, ,r rell. record, irniulai- J tfnlMM Pl.l.li I tZZ. M.aln.,1 I. ,1,1 lllller ; I'i"' 'l.ilH'IB a -. jin.tfi.oo, all lira? filats. s ',4 ('.CIJ T M IWNI-, Chemists, New York. J tlier remeuiWi I . .In those thlnu hich ol Inelr office- and In ilioir Is hail ait.iln M be done and wilnesfe taken ill- and p.rMUn- proe.'iiilnc in 1s t, ill ,1 the I'i,,,, cn.nweniu, n,aT an. in-irnuui i'r- hi A I JIuH'n Catnnh Cure is a a S 3 a If at 11. . ternaUT uttu 11C1H mrecuy OU IUO ;.u,ri., ,iK-theiiand 'tliore aiteudliirf and de blooitilllil mticous HUrfnCCS of the p.irtina without leave al their neiil. Jui-tleet Farm For Sale. A nice (arm contnioioii "" nffe) sit utUe in Terry Twp., j mile from Aline, ulioinini' J. P. Nuiiirle'8 (arm. Liootl At $7.50 The Moxaik ii is i model wheel and will wear with any high grade wheel O0 the market. All kinds ol Repairs constantly on band. Sonic At $3.50 to $4-75 Aolxidv can. sell an articlu cheaper tliaiil nerstio u lei icivs iisli tiir who! be A , .. ... - Yon save from to ) tin every Overcoat you buy of US, beoStfM wc nay lor all WC buy. .Men s .olihy r;ii iiiir mls m the 1" three button sack of Oxford mixed lanev worsted all-Woo . steel and irr: sa j j n- - . 1 etc. We have seen no suits at $O.0v i iiiialed these in stvlc of tailorinir. but v'1 -t ... . nr them in as frieod-makerfl for the hi $7.50. Etemember that wecan fit meI IS breast measure in all our lines ol -ul Hoys' Suits of crtj fabric such as St ri.'1'-1 dirvial id.' 1e1tlv leinttxiiil Laaama. :I1 to prevent polling. Colorfully gua Wc invite you all, to call and lie cd yitom. Send for tcHtuuonials, free. ..V;'"'; Muat ,,WJ( second baud wheels now on I'.J.CHENKY i CO., Toledo, O. i oiren ! under u, -hand ' m 'iiat the wieriif be sold soou. For iriceB npd particc-v , T . TlTTPK" yn,ili.f,,i .1 -x ..Jr.-,.., . ilbee in Mlddl.l untb. the sj, day ol Muy 1 ,arg ca1 OD or uddrmi. I I I IU"U- J A t' . Runkle & Walter, Middleburgj line, Pa. 3I1HDLEBUKO, PA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers