The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 10, 1900, Image 2

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    .TTiP'TravHitionof butter makers that
. i... .1a law ,. T Initnln V .V,
1.1111, HI PCOOIl'll Q V ,.m ".. I
flatter in thr
t nitc States.
tht i raited States.
represents one of
the most important
classes of men in
The extent of t heir
nr.. ijsiii vas shown iy tbe sttendaoei
of 4.U1 J delegates. Each year the con
rem inn baa grown In sum and Influence,
largely through the belief thai united
flora tin the pnrt of the butter makers
is T)i"-of.'nry to check tbe increased pro
Hsoston of oleomargarine, it may lie
joosulered doubtful whether the ef
forts against the imitation of liutter
products haw luul effect. Certainly, it
in irue that the production of oleomar-
g inr is Increasing largely. At the
mi. lie time, the ilniry Interests train in
prosperity. In lSfl the dairy prod-ui-ts
tit tbe United States bad an annual
toIii- of 170,000,000; last year the pro
duction was not far from $50(1.(10(1.(1(10.
The farmers in isoti owned 1S.9S0.11S
miV i ci . and. although this is Irss
thru, iring boine previous years, their
value wns $474,233,925, which is much
gtiaali i than ever before in the hlstorj
gf Che I nlted States. In fact, the lust
tri. years litis seen a steady annual in
ere. . e In value. In spite nf the eompeti'
tic? mi imitation dairy products. The
).-ir . interests of the rest of the world
do oof ci mjiuri itb those of the Unit
ed s Mulhnll i stlmates thai the
Aor rlcun production is nboul one
fossrth thai of the world. The Ameri
ca: eows produce 20.tl00.000 tmis of
milk annually, which is used in lite
Bftjamcries and butter factories that
nowaday- do most of their work by ma-
eMttery, tbe old-fnsliioned churn be
ing nearly n - urchuie av t h
Lesson In thr International Series for
Mni l.'t, limn J i at the
I'barlsrr'a House.
Reduced Rate:; to North Manchester
Ind., via Pennsylvania Rat road
Tbe wall known writer, Evelyn Hunt in lier
book entitled "Womanly Beauty" says: "It la
. my contention tnai every wnmaii nu wiiy mar
v . a,,, ....w.tlnwof OcrillUli BnaUat SsassW PSSSa a charming personality ol
For the liiM'tlngo! Utniiaii "J" facflgure and manner To attain and preserve
mm .,,, ,,,tl,n nf (h-ntiuii liaMISl bulsnouia paaeeaa a ciiwiinoa !"
For the meeting OI W""" ' , f"i face. flgure and manner To attain ami preserve
Brethren, at North Manchester, Intl., , Jj ,i, ihe proper study of womankind A
Mav la to JUne n, imw, ' i W " roiafi" uu, .. jr 7 j i
v ;i Ha ln-Mi bompany will Elce .r
An, Epidertlc of Whoopirig CoUgh..
t . 4,uirt0 an pnidAffiue of
LillM yiun-i v. -iv
whooping cough my children cod
trnfltad the (Unease, navuiK ne yore t ami mm. taami. im
irav-iru mo . nmmA (Iham. beautiHcr of the complejlon i
aousthina spells. We naa useu uaui- .. Mud white iv re
lici lnin'- Cornel) rveme-dy very sue- puritie ami iicoinratiina. It is s parfeotiy
. ., ,,tiirnlle run, nreiuiration slid will not injure the moat
mmtout w "3 TirrS ssssMtsskii. 4-is-iM.
turned to it at mat nine ami 'vjawu ,mmm
it relieved tbe coueD ana enecieu a
complete cure. John E- Clifford,
I rupriPior sjorwDuv uiwwi
wood, N. Y. This remedy in for sale
by all Druggist".
Bedstead khh-h i is., '
PeMMrltraaia BelleesML
For the meeting of Old Order of Ger
man Baptist Brethren at Camden. Ind.,
I.,,,., t ,. I'khi. the Pennsylvania.
The Ronton Transcript prows elo
quent as it discusses the future, and
prophesies that the nexl century "ill
1m- an age of peace and rest. The one
significant, ubiquitous thing now in
eviden'ci everywhere, excepl the tomb,
im useless, brain-wearying, nerve-dis-
tract in? noise, flotl intended this to
be u world of rhythm, instead it is a
world of dissonance. Noise is discord,
adit I ells on the nerves, Itbelongsto
the dark apes, and to boyhood and
POurth of duly. The pneumatic tire
-a.i not the Invention of a philnn
thrnii i it was brought Into use to
enable the rider of o wheel toclingta
Mir- sides of n bill. But what ol first
wn seen as a necessity is now recog
nized as an Indispensable virtue- u ne
cessity of our being. Planets bigger
than 'I uses and moving more rapidly
malic no noise. The wild duck moving
a mile per minute darkens the sun in
lissom: lint no noise. Fish dart
through the seas, hut inuke no noise,
loni alone is the noise inventor; buths
is coming, though it be but slowly,
from the dark ages, Let us now enter
uHtn crusade against ear-splitting,
nerve-destroy Ing noises. The automo
bile is a prophi cj .
Not long npo a report was printed
that Prof, Sumner, of Vole, had said in
an address to students that nine mar
riages in ten are unhappy. So much
eommcnl was excited by this proposi
tion that Prof. Sumner states his posi
tion ain w: "In the strictest sense,
marriage is an ideal thing that has
never been realized. Vicissitude act
on the couple and change them, and
not more t han ten per cent, realize their
uioula." The professor falls to say how
many ideals are realized in oilier re
spects than matrimony, and whether
they ould have proved superior to uct
ual results, lie has backed off into the
region uf the Imaginative and knows
thai be cannot be surrounded there.
iv,...i...i a ....mum, .nt cure. 1 laKc
i-iin.iru i. i It i I
pleasure ill refoiuil't-ndlntr it to dill
era Buffering from that dreadful ma
, use. J NV. Lynch, Dorr, W. a.
This remedy ia ""id by all Drug
gists, Rudued Rdtes 1o Washington, D. C,
Via Pennsylvania Railroad.
An in Imperial ! "
HjraUe Mlirlne.
For the Imperial Council. Order of
the Mystic Bhrine, al Washington, I
c May 22-24, the Pennsyh"anla liaii
roa.i will nil lieketsto the general pub
lie. from all stations on Ita line, to
Wasliingtoii iiiul return, at rat t one
(are for (he round trip, i icneut i
.,1,1 l,m, ting May llMHi reiurii-
Ins to May 28, inclusive. a-iu-.
New Vork exchange tells about :i
man employed on the street cars in
that city walking into a stal Ion house
and Inquiring if a losl child had been
brought lucre He was shown into a
back roi m, where three wail's had
been collected from the streets. After
Inspecting them in a ierplexed way, be
i si. eii one: "Are you Johnny?" Tbe
dhtld DS too sleepy t o answer. "I must
Ki nd f. p my wife," said the puzzled ap
plica t. '1 he woman came ami pick
BUI ant tlu r child as lu r own. "You
RIU '. excuse me." said the man to the
polioe officials. "1 work on the snr-
lai . road and never sec the children
except a ben In bed."
Ihe following notice appeared re
cently In tbe Gardiner (Me.) Independ
ent: "To Those Whom It .May Inter
eat: Mr. and Mrs. William H. Kcnnis
ton, of Chelsea, wish that tbe people ol
Cheli a and vicinity would look after
their own affairs and leave ours slone,
a svi can take care of them ourselves.
II r. and Mrs. William Senniston.
Belmont, Mass., which supports a
ar ell -organized lire department, went
tin m i last year without even an
Jarin. The citieiis are so well pleased
that tl By have bought a new hook and
ladder 'ruck and ltuilt a new hose
house. They appreciate a good thing
and understand real economy.
Tennyson Jones ami Byron Brown
are two worthy citizens of a Ceorgia
IllllSJISlt Uecently, on a wager,
Tennyson devoured two haked 'pos
iims nt a sitting. Uyron is distin
guished hy having consumed seven
boi of sardines in as many minutes.
Tbe value of the egg crop of the
state ol Missouri exceeds in amount
tbe value of the cereal crops of that
agate sold on t ha ms-ket
vnma ruii innu uuiuiwj ..... rr
Prepared by H. C l.enington.J . niKH-ial excursion tickets on sale May
THE LBSSON TBXT, to june g loot), from stations west of
(Luke 7-JWO .) Baltimore (not Inclusive), and Lan-
3 Anrtonei.r the I'har . sees desired Him and' (illluslve), and
that He would eat with lilm And Mo astt r aim ivcn i K Sunhurv at
went into the Pharisee's house, and eat south of and amSktSmSSl9t
down to meat. ! rate of one nrstH-lnss limited fare Tortlu
n And. behold, a woman In the city, round trip. Tickets will be good re-
Whli h was u sinner, when she knew that turning until July 1, inclusive. o-iv-M.
IfSUS sat at meal in tna rnarMrsa
brought an alabaster box of ointment.
38. And stood at UlS feet behind lllm
WBOpllfg and began to wash Ills test with
tears and cl 1. 1 wipa them with the hairs
f her head, and kissed His feet, and an
nulled Hu m with the ointment.
3;i. Now when the Pharisee which had
bidden Him saw It. he spake within him
self, say lna: This Man. If He were a
prophet, would have known who and what
manner of woman this Is that touched)
Him; tor she is a sinner.
40. And JesUI answering said unto him:
Simon, 1 have somewhat to say unto thee.
And he saith: .Master, say on.
41. There was a certain creditor which
had two debtors; the one owed &)0 pence,
and the other K.
iJ. And when tiny had BOthlng to pay,
be frankly forgave them both. Tell me,
therefore, which of them will love him
Blmon answered and said: I suppose
that la to whom he forgave most. And
lie i i il unto him: Thou hast rightly
judged. . .
ii. And He turned to the woman, and
taiil unto SI n : Bei t thou this woman?
I uitti ri 'i Into thine house, thou gavesl me
no wati r tor my feet; but she hath
washed my feet with tears, and wiped
them With the halts of ber head.
45, Thou gavest me no kiss; but this
woman since the time 1 came in hath not
cased to kiss my feet
4t. My head with oil thou didst not an-
nolnt; but this woman hath annolnted my
tei t Ith ointment,
iT Wherefon I say unto thee, Hit sins,
which are many, are forgiven; tor she
loved much; but to whom little is lorgiv-
en, the same lovetll little.
is. And lie Bald unto her: my sins are
forgiven. , , ,,,
4'J. And they that sat at meat With lllm
b.-nan to say within themselves: Who Is
this Unit forglveth sins also?
W). And He said to the woman: Thy
faith hath saved tine; go la peace.
QOLDKN TEXT. Thy faith hath saved
thee. Lake 7:50.
Jesus at Pharisee's House. It was
against the pharisees that Jesus
burled His bitterest denunciations. As
a class they stood for strict and punc
tilious observance n' the Mosaie law.
But this observance had become large
ly outward and formal, Christ called
them hypocrites. Hut the love of the
Master was for the whole world just
as lie found it. and however bitter His
public denunciations seemed, He was
always kindly and courteous in bear
ing. We have no reason to believe the
pharisee of the lesson other than one
..f thnl tene often denounced I V
Jesus. His attitude toward the wom
an with the alabaster box of ointment
shows thai his religion had but little
..iv....i..,l Ills heart and life. It was
with this kind of a man that Jesus,
went to dinner. Surely lie is no re
specter of persons!
Woman with liox o4" Ointment.
The name of this woman is not given,
but we have in the text enough to tell
us considerable concerning her char
acter. What the pharisee said with
in himself shows us that she was out
wardly had, an outcast and disrepu
table sinner. But, evidently, the
pharisee did not see in the woman
what Jesus saw. The picture of this
sinful woman attracted to Jesus, and
weeping as t-lie lircaks on His feet a
box of precious ointment indicates a
soft spot In her heart and BOtnething
within her to which the divine could
Parable of the Bebtors. Jesus per
ceived what was going on In the mind
of the pharisee. So He spoke the par
able Of the debtors. One of the debt
ors owed just ten times tbe amount
....;..l. l, i- nun I That the one
in, ii i in
to whom most was forgiven should
love most is perhaps the general rule.
There are exceptions. Ingratitude is
a burning sin. and it so happens some
times thai one to whom little is for
gjven sin. old love more than the one
i ..I,,,,,, iiineh more has been for
given. But the general rule is prob-
nlilv otherwise,
Application of Parable. However
ill this may be, the application ucim
parable is clear and pointed. The
..i :..... ,,,rn- have licen as great a
- ... tl,.'. woman. Outward and
si 1 1 1 ii i .-.
righteousness avails a man Ol
woman little. Sin is sin, and poison
iii small loes will eventually Will as
well as one greater dose, i tic pnan-
m'c was a sinner as well as the wom
an. The degree of sinfulness Is of lit
tle consequence. The point Is that
the pharisee did not view the matter
i this light. The woman he knew
was a great sinner, and he could not
himself but admit that lfc was grave
ly at fault when Jesus pointed out hii
discourteousness and hick, of respect
in failing to give his guest a friendly
kiss and to provide water for that
guest's duhty feet.
Tbe woman knew that she had much
. . . , ,1..,,
to be forgiven, ami in me van" ;-
the Master would rorgive BU m r
she loved Him much. The- pharisee
i l.w sclf-r'iL'liteonsncss tlinngni
had Little to be forgiven, consequently
he could not he forgiven, am '
a samaaiiinslsTtsllri' SlTIUil.
was eu...-,.. r. .
In connection with me paru.-.e .-
interesting to note however oiscou.
,esy or lack of respect for another re
veals the barrenness of one's char
acter. ,
harmonious, a sallow nr muaay caiiuiiriiiui
mar be freshened, brightrned and made clear; , fJJ
dull eyes without expreseion. may glisten and fctl
may be ren oved. Facial defect and shrunken,
impoverished, undeveloped flgures may be per
manently remedied and womanly beauty iw
iuired and retained. ltf every woman'sduty
ta accomplish these re.ulls " The Manila Com
pany. JW Fulton Street, New York, offers to
send a copy of Keilyn Hunt' book free, with a
mall siae box of "Cassandra Cream" and a free
cake of Cassandra skin soap, to any lady who
end IWe. two-cent skunueto Mrrr eipeirw of
mailing The restitar price Of this book is SO
cent and It contains valuable interesting Infor
mation and is full of good adViee tor ladies who
.1...1... ......... ,,i n. unit rAlftin I ,,,,' 1 1 III1,, 1 1 f I I.I 'I
and form " assandra Cream" is a wonderful
, ana mages me
romneinir all im-
(f VsB5 A U11VS 1IXUH v a"w rj
1 01 Post Office,
worV of art has just Is-en issmnl In New York
ut an outlay of over (100,(00 for whiefa the BUB
Habere desire a Manager la this County, alto
nod aolleMort goad pay to riKht party .Nearly
100 full pass snSTiTlnr i lamptuous paper. Ilia
ininnted rovers end Wnalagst over SOfl golden
lilies In the mum bladings; nearly 100 Bold-
SB rases la the oloth blitdlnes. Bells at nght;
presses running dsy and nightso great ! the
sale. Ohristian nu n nd women makliiK "or
tunes taking orders. Rapid promotion One
Christian woman made clear (sOin four weeks
tnktnir oraera amvng tier cnurvn avquainvau
Merchant Tailor,
SelinsgrovB, Pa
and ftlanda W rite
It mav le ul In a tier-
manenl payinir nnsition to mansui r hum
neaa and look after Hie large correspondence,
will, h von can SWesd to rillt at Mini BOBie
AddresaS. c. Kaowles Uenoral Secretary, 1-
Kast I ift th Street, hetween llroiulway nod
I'iftll Ave , New York.
Sheriffs Sale of
if,.iir,Mi,i f!nmnanv will sell, from May
:;i to June8, inclusive, excursion tickets
to Camden, ind., from sta-.i.Mis on its
line west of Baltimore, Md. (nqj in
clusive), west of it 1 1 1 Including Lan
caster and Reading, and from stations
south of and Including Bunbury, al
rate of one liist -class limited ftre for the
round trip. Ticket- will he good re-
t ."all R i .,..1 1 t-i . :t-llr-''l
turning unwt-u., - ,
bmp mad out of the Court of Oommon Pleas of Bny-
. I der county, Pa. and to me directed 1 will expose
I Consider it not only n riletaoro lopubllosaleattheOourtUouselnillddleburg,
Imt a (lutv I owe to inv neiaht'Ota Pa., on
to tell about tbe wonderful cure ef THURSDAY. MAY 10th. 1900,
fected in nij ease lv tbe timwj use The following deacrtbi-d Real Bstatetowlt:
off Ohambariaia'a Cholera, Colli! ni i Alltliateertoln lot of ground situate Ih the
.It intuitu inn.! a j 1101 , Borough of Mid burg county and tsteafora.
Diarrboea Hemady. l w8 fmrra d. bounded and desert I as follow- to wit
varv Imiih wil h flux ami procured a i,,llmied on the north by a Public Road on the
k!uha nf thia rmsdv. A few dOBOB east by a lot of H. R IMgel.on the south and
.1 t'.v iitmi .,f .litiii, Miivit mntalnliw (INiJ
I (li lt i ll ackK. more or le- on which arc
cnntalniug an engine and other BiaahlBery ne-i-e-Hiiry
for bottling beef and an Ice House.
.Mho a certain iarni or messuage of land -it-
iiatc iii Washington township, Snyder county,
Ha., adtoining landi of Peter Krataar on Ina
north, en-t by lanCs of 1'eter ralzer, and
I'hillp Allllg, mi the sooth by land- of John
Wei lei and K, c. Urnyblll. and west by lands ol
Peter Kratser, -tai-khmi weller and llalbanlel
ArbogSSt containing ONK lll'NI)l(l'.l) AND
KiNtTilvB) ACHR8, niorcor les whereon are
erected a new Dwaillns House, known as Ihe
BUM MIT I Ii UK I., a goml BARN and a new ihed
and nil other outbuildings Also between nine
ami ten hundred young peaeb and ether treei
mi the premises- About sixty (60) acres of the
above land taolearBSd in a fair state of ctllti
vatioli, the batanca is young limber.
Seised taken Into iteration and to be sold as
the properly of Rachel ' Bowbb.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P, M,
. W. hOW, Sheriff.
Sheriffs Office, Mlddleburg, Pa., April 17, IM0,
That be never did know
just bow to buy furniture until
he found himself in our store.
And you will regret the bar
gains lost if you have not in
spected our Hue of furniture,
which is the most complete in
the city. We name you few
of our bargains:
$1.25 and up.
$4.50 and up.
INVESTORS! S o fur $ -
There's plenty of gold in Colorado's mining
im si.,, i, l ii. Ii in, I, ,i':ir'. suhaerl i it ion to
1 our hig illu-trhted minim; and mil ;. imlhi
. ., , jt,i .i,,,, I (founded 18W) and we will send you a block ol
The al lOientS DUlavfO "J111 tuw j ,n .hares if iii car value) In a new mining
iiatiuin was the Wlllk til II tlelllOIl conipany. paid up and noll-aeaaaastlie. inns
. .? , .l V a.... ...... id, ii lnmlof a gin or ton and lot bares for fs.oo
witbin ibe man. Any on'; w aa i Bni (lnii,t ,eft. ,, rShi .
i . - M . A 11,1 Iii Mill I i I 1 . -- I t I el . i I ... t ......... .
till tilltH'K ('I M' li U H Ul I u im im is. a. s.-. flori f (JO mi U- ur JHIkt unn line uiiintiaiiuiis,
ri.iitiiatisiu wiu acree nisi nw z - i
. . . 1 i.. ...... llllMIfll. in Iff H tnvi tatiim i sin-s '
HittioD IS fleiUOIIISC eOOaRII I" -j stainii- taken. Hcniit hy money older Address
vans Mia Relief, it liHH never nt'en !
- . - fa ' .
olaimed that unarnoariaiu s s-ani
i, l. ....,,,1.1 ,,ui rii.tnotlS. 1)111 II
Dttllll SCUIU inr. ---- .
will cure rheumatism, and liunUretit
bear testimony to tbe truth of tins
statement. One sppHcation relieves
the pain, and tins quick relief w inch
it affords is slone worin waii.t
its cost. Tor sale by an uruKKn-ia,
Reed Rockers,
Couches, -
Bed Room Suitr, $16.50 and up.
I 439 me::et ST. sunbury, pa.
BE SURE . . .
rl hat your eye and yam
Oblldren'fl eyoa are m
ootid condition.
They mav notcomplaio, :mi, you
may not know that their eyes are
weak, but time will develop many
nervous disorders as a result of neg
lecting this important matter. We
test the eye with absolute aoouraey.
So trlasses recommentltd tinl !-s they
B . . .. i i;....i
are needed. n y u
treatment we will tell you so. N
in i .it.
one can 1 more. 6 nave Uie ia'-
est aDDliances. the newest ideal and
methods in sight testing. Thisoom-
i, I .. lil, ..viini ii'tii'i- anil skill in
I II 11. , 1 ,, llll . mm.
the use otsuch instruments. Making
stakesa thine ol thi past No 2-f V tWAKAIW V1
lrngs used.
Jeweler ami Refracting Optician,
21 W. Market St.. lewistown.
lirndnate I'hiladcllihio I iptieal College-
The troubles under which we strup
i.. ,.i f . ii t lines onlv a refininfrproc
MS through which we are nia.le more
valuable to (Jort. Kct. ut. j.i....u...
, k.i.iuu.. character.
The Bible exhorts us to that patient
! - , .., t,ii,i rr that i ncces-
EOMiBuaiiw 11 d
gary to the biiildinfr of Christlike char-
octer. I;ev. -lonn n. niiouuvu.
n ,i-.i (-hrlattaa Bellaloo.
Practical Christian rellgrloa means
pltv to the poor, sympathy for the
sufferer. It mesns a splendid philan
thropyRev. Dr. Northrof).
IJIIlip ilSKfii. im-iiih try in'"",,
IHH iVD laBM, Beorrr. VnU:
hniUmiPcessaiy in CfiillWrft,
Pais is no loBger necessary In chlldhirth;
morning icktieae, airolten llaiba, sad llkaavlui,
ale rcadili controlled, and womb dlaaaaaa S d-
ily cured Never known to rail Phrt'olatU
pron. once it wonderful, and over W.i tH) ladies
attest its merits. Lady reader, cut this oat) it
may aave vour life: suffer no longer, hut send
us a two-cent stump, iind receive in settled en
relopcd full perttoulata. and raloaWe proofs ol
inir wonderful reniedv. Address PRANK
THOMAS S ' Baltimore, Md. a-J'.i-:tt.
A valimlilc niunniil, btrKtly UHiNTKRKvrKn,
a true guide for Ilia Inventor In ntookti Inrffa
or ironlit TbIIi how to upoonlata nnd wot mm,
WOltTH A KtHtTI NKt fttiyoUl'. WOWllI Wttd H
copy ol kha nbova htmI volume by return until
free together with u mlunble Irentiea (lUaatrnt
id on 'oM'r M In I ii u in olonulo. llmlilv
Inetructlvecind Intereetlngt Bend naVcentetnnip
to pey poatege. Bend todny before the preeent
nlitiou ii nil HpnktMi for. A(hlrtriM the puhi-ih-H
Jhl l l KMt t M CO., Box Denvn.
Farm For Sale.
I'JO Arri'M level hcautifiilly located in the
Bald Kiilc Valley miles north of Howard,
Centre County, l it .viopteu lor general iarni
ing. dairy, stock, trucking, tobacco, ate, Ar
tlaSB bafldlBgS, Wrlla for description anil
terras. , tr.rf,rrtr-i P.O. Box M
Address U. A. VttU V rVC,Howatd fa '
Central Hotel,
rint-Qm accnuurtJtiaii. ttwi itttdei.
4sile lirst ntioiiot Itiillk.
BaaaBBaBBBaBaBBaaB a at I - aaaai
The attention of Snyder County's farmers is called
to uij utook offarm implements. I handle
Farmer's Friend Grain Drill,
Manufactured in New York, Hay Rakes, Con; Plant
ers Plows, Harrows, Plow Shares, Threshing Machine",
Boiler and Ball Bearing all the way through, easy run
ning and noiseless. I also keep Biuder rl wine and Oil.
"T.TTTTTiTT... 'I. "' sssss-i.tma-
Cl A book lhatwni makt you BBdeBtond the marvelous tlmcs wellvr J pSSP&A
4-s whAl the i re I tuVnc to. I..tI UaC IVUI jmniur wen imyigaai YHPTJaT""" " ara-irn ;
mJi pitas
"EB? seku
a -
T-7 1 "
Dr. Fanner's KIDNEY
Backache cure.
K Tl'"! Al (
NV IHVUBIs ," , i j ,
Inrhrs ' ruajntl Lmm'j al brri-.i. l.-tLnn.
t if iifl ' foil Hp MMM U ma. i I
wr a ill i 1 1 ! 'in i.ii l' sspre
l.i'.l.. satj-tl ! ttir. I nii-'i. t
aiuiio aitd l. - it onut .oriipau f
L iim.'!-.' fi.1l - , tad U (t-ii1 ti j !
tiltir J-u tiff aW Sf sfsM P
I la dm rii .
tl'Tt,"- rnainr.
.11. M Al kIN'lOrall i U frt.:n iii
Tlnlki I'll U'Pttii. "
Haver ftlvctc liar, fane lwl l"1
waWMUlifii Huitablrl.ti I
both Msln nr lltrrt, ami -larfat'i j
URKatKKT f UK fr arTt-rH by U or i
other hoiiPe. tor r re i im mmmWS
and Mavie-to-Meii-ureHiiiU and Over- -f.atr.
at from 00 t-tflO 00. write fm
asuarar y.aniv sUUlK Mat. WV.
I : '
' x it
I, MMOIlgwtloui are;
ASarl Jl lvllle. .t.owrll..''TheCentorTV NaTDl ri..." MM,
n.i.r ; ,ii "The Wars sMIie fentarj." Ji. P. Iloja. A. a, I. .. 3)
2 rV . r, -r l.K .etrlellT." reel, t'ol&a, ft. " - ."Astroa- 3
lurln I! " tVatarT." QC llarrcj W. V ,1.T. OIMm
1 ,i.. l. f.. at Tar a? orv's Prorrs ta neialst jv ' -
I mnrr B .'otl n. it lit Ateamwis .Hs's ril-s. ,n "Tlie
1 1 lie Uile t f tlila great work la
AUC laSM CI ;rcsl4.wra aai
?.Sur,;phs and Wonders of ins gXji Century
X .
I Cujiiea aunt to any ai!i2rea prepaid t loth
ETM Blading. SS.SOl llalf Lcnthfr, 93.00,
Kit I Full Sleroeeo, S5.O0. If not satlsfartory
rJi I rrturi book and loary will Pe retnnie.-i.
I H .riniM ggal gjaiaaaai Hftnll Cstj Uramt AywU.
dilresi . J. H0LMAN k CO.. 1222 Arch St.. PtilUdslphla, Pa.
1. iaarsatltlttiliii.f. Hi t mill 1 1 1 II lliMnilaaaaaaMMganil
n.i. to IU Youthful uolor.
This atrip la maaafactared aader a tl. 8. patent
and is the neatest, strongest and moat durable
window shade holder cm the nuirket. an d we
. . . , tT nwinev re-
gnaraaiec ii w oc mm ik" , . . ,rVJll.. i.
funded. Theprice,Baprea.patoall Pfjataia
P. id net N. Land N. Y, One Dollar per doa.
ana is. i.vk i
i nf. Vnm nrder solicited.
lOHN A. PAJM0M S CO. Cataatsaa. ra.
When you buy a carriage, buggy or harness. Choose from
J . . . . . . . 1 M nnl. the
the bieeest stock ana luiiesi asaoTimcui, aw yj J -
cost ol making, wim dui one nnn.K r"""" . 7 " .
plan of selling direct from the factory insures satisfaction
dissatisfied with a
Vua Aiawuv; J
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your purcnasc onu cxusuw
save the dealer's proffl
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Oar complete llluetrated catalogs, abowidj many aiaa o.
grade vehicle, harnaaa, robaa. Waikau horaa nPmnUj
with detailed descrlpMona ol SSmmmmmt.
learn how cheaply you can buy when the Jobbafa ana aeaisra
proflU are cut off.
THE C01UIIW8 CAJHHA8E k HARK8S P. 0. Ifi 772, tm9l JSmVZ'Z?
Ifa.MMBaftr. PriMpa.N
1H WmWmm laewssM wp.
IgajSa. j
WaWlllliiii Lin