RoyAL The absolutely pure BAKING POWDER ROYAL the most celebrated of all the baking powders in the world eel e bra t ed for its great leavening strength and purity. It makes your cakes, biscuit, bread, etc., healthful; it assures you against alum and all forms of adultera tion that go with the cheap brands. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 100 NEW WRINKLE IN EEGGING. n I ccccillnsrli Smooth Individual who I loiis ciilratcu Duilneaa Men Easy I'rey. lie ran in i 'I the ofllec with a atrida that inn' leurna in i'xj i in people ol consequence. It wasi'tiay to infer that lie would imi have t Iptootl into the pres ence o( the president i the United States, i ays the Chicago Inter Ocean. "AJi, M r, .1 ones'.'" he inquired, w iili u Chei I irlicldian bow. "Tliat'8 my name," granted the man jt the desk, li made no pretentjioni id Htyle and whose time was worth mom ) . "lu re is my card," saiil the stranger, laying down a alight fy soiled paste board. "I am i liinking f local ing a publish ing plant here," be remarked, as be helped himself to a chair, "und I want your nih ice on it ." This was the beginning of It, and for ten minutes the distinguished publish er sol with his feel on the register and expounded his plan for investing hun dreds "f i housands of dollars, lie Inci lentall,i smoked one of Ihe editor's 25 eeni cigars. The stnuiger knew all the old-timers in newspnperdom appar ently ami bis reminiHceiiees were nut si Tcry bad. "Wi ll. I mustn't keep you fromyoui work anj longer," the visitor said a'l Inst, as he rose to go. I or Mr. .limes, tin- fact is. I am without small change -nothing loss than a Sini bill have In et1 nut to the South side can von kindly loan ine a dime?" Jones mechanically (ished a dime from his pocket, 'be stranger received il with a bow anil a smile of t hanks, ami hurried out. i ll. must be behind the tim.-s," murmured Jones, as he looked at the card, "This is a new wrinkle in begging." Mr, Jones Infer found that eight of his friends had contributed it dime the same day under precisely similar com l it ions. COAL MINES IN INDIA. No On at n i Of l ire Dump the Principal I' Thai Country. lata of Coal is widely distributed through out India, except in Bombay and siml. the northwest provinces, and Ondh, Bajputana and Mysore, where the product cither scantily distributed or entirely absent. The seams in' Ben gal and Vssatn are freqtientlj from 50 and 80 feel to as much as 180 feel In thickness. The pits are often of eon iderable depth. At present the deep est appears to be about TOO feet. In man eases the Working of the seams leads tnViie escape of little or no tiro dfUnp, SO that the miners are able to work with naked lights. At the pres ent time Bengal produces noire than three-fouTthj of the coal mined in In dia. Indian coal varies much in com position and quality. Most of it is quite .suitable for ordinary purposes, while Mime of the samples, e. g., cer tain of these from Bengal and central India, are of excellent quality, equal tO thai of the best British coals. The fixed carbon of the Bengal coal ranges between 50 and 80 per cent., ana the calorific value exceeds 6,000 calories equal to about ten British thermal units while the ash often does not much exceed and in some instances falls below ten per cent, and the sul phur frequently present in but very small proportion. A great deal of the Bengal coal is serviceable steam coal. Many samples cake well antl contain little sulphur, and the coke is therefore suitable for iron smelting. Alum baking powders are low priced) as alum costs hut two cents .1 pound; liut alum is a corrosive poison and it renders the baking powdei dangerous tu use in food. WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. LITTLE DOLLMAKERS. Germnn Children Tnuuiit the Worh When Uardly More Tlmn Dables. Over in (iermnny there are 8,000 chil dren in one district u lone who are em ployed In dress .lolls ami help in the manufacture of various kinda of toya, says the I'hiludelj ' la llecbrd. All the children who ln i his work are under 12 years of nye. i hey lire taught the art of dressing u doll at the tender age ol four. At the sain" time, according Co the compulsory education law, they are obliged to go to kindergarten school for at least one year, and that term is devoted to such things aa making dollt and dressing them- doing everything, in foct except molding the heads, which is dune hy men expert at the business After that the (ierman children have i hree or lour years of study, when i hey are allowed to ir into the doll or toy factories to add to the dally income ol the family to the extent of n few centi a day. The children who go to the kinder garten have lots of fun making clothet for the dollies, and so fond do they pel of the little wnx-fneed creatures that ilio are often sore at In-art when the matron comes around to collect them all to be .-out a brond, Boer Harkantanahlp, The fine marksmanship of the liners is attested by the fact that of the 305 men wounded by them in the battle ol the Tugeln in December, 104, or more than half, were hit inil xt rem! tics. for which soldiers usually aim. All but eight were struck with maimer bullets, t hewounds.uccordingto (he British sur geons, being "humane in the extreme." Twenty-six wen- hit about the head and SO in the body, Doer Electric Alarms, Once armies were guarded tit nighl by sentries pacing their rounds. .Now. in South Africa, the Boers stretch elec tric wins around their ramps, which. when touched, set bells a-ringing at headquarters. In brief, it is a giant system of burglar alarms to guard an nrmv from surprise. There arc few more striking nppllances of science to warfare than this. hut lie Called Himself, First Tourist Are you not going to climb this mountain? Second Tourist So; it is absolutely too steep and rough for a donkey to climb, bo 1 shall not try to ascend. Harlem Life. Great n t ihavajee. Ford Your lawyer made some pret ty .severe charges against the other fellow, didn't he?" Smalhvort Y-e-e-s; but you ought to see how be charged me. Tit-ltits. Sometimes n Known Quantity. "Always let X equal the thing you want to find," softly uttered the wife, as she went through her sleeping hus band's pockets nttd abstracted the needed $iu bill. Chicago Tribune. He Realised It. Wife A man is a fool to have any thing to do with a lottery. Husband Yon hit it, then. I'm still kicking myself for marrying you. Harlem Life. Where, the Crowsl Was. . J "Wan Mrs. Lumpklns' reception a crush?" "The parlors weren't half full, but the dining-room was packed." Chi cago Record. Reversed. "What! 90 years of age, and in love? "Yea; you know he is old enough not to know better." Puek. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. Unon In the laternatloaal flertra far Mar , 1IHM) J ran W.rnlng and liTlllif. Prepared by H. C. LenlnsrtoB.) THE LE8SON TEXT. Matthew U:2u-S0.) 20. Then began He to upbraid the cities wherein most of His mighty works were done, because they repented not. 21. Woe usto thee, Choraaln! we unto tnee, Bethsalda! for If the mighty works, which wera done In you. had bean done tn Tyre and Sldon. they would have ra pented long ago tn sackcloth and ashes. 22. But I say unto you. It shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sldon at the day of judgment, than tor you. 21. And thou, Capernaum, which ara fl atted unto Heaven, be brought down to hell; for If the mighty works, whloh have been done In thee, had iwen done In Sodom, It would have remained until this day. 24. nut I say unto you, That It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom In UU day of Judgment, than for thee. 25. At that time Jesua answered and aid, I thank Thee. O Father, i-oro. oi Heaven and earth, because Thou hast hid these things from the wise anil prudent, and hast revealed them unto babeB. 26. Eves so, Father; for to It seemed good In Thy slain. 27. All things are delivered unto me ol my Father; and no man knoweth the Son. but the Father; licit her knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and He to whomsoever We Son will reveai nss 28 Come unto me. all ye that labor and haaw laden, and 1 will give you rest. '.'! Take my yoke upon you. and learn ol me; ior l am meek ""! lowly In heart; and ve shall llnd rest unto your souls. ;tu. For my yoke Is easy, and my burden Is light ,, Liui.l'KN TEXT. Coma unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and 1 will give you rest Matt. 11 nut BS A N u COatM BUTE This li-s&on follows closely upon tfi last lesson, and indeed the passage ll In relation to the same incident. Mat thew's record of the conversation ot the disciples of John with Jesus closet with Matthew 11:14, but Jesus adds und very appropriately) "He that hath ears to hear, let him hear." it is with t li id verse that the present lesson really begins. But the Master speaks now not so much of the work of John as ol His own. In reading the passage, note: Arraignment f a Generation vs. 15-n Aratgnment oi Galilean t'lties vs. iw-.t Jeaua expresses a Great Truth vs. u-.i The Invitation of Josus ...vs. H Arraignment of a (icucration. "He that hath ears to hear, let him hear:' One might think that such a simple thing need not be said, nm many nines throughout the (iospels the same thing is reiterated. John had done a notabh work; but few were affected. John had preached great sermons; many heard and applauded or criticised, but few heeded. John was the messenger ol the long-promised Messiah, u "voice" in the wilderness and sent to prepare the way of the Lord and to make Hif paths straight; and yet the people had but little prepared their hearts for tin Bedeemer. The people Jesus likens to children. Their attention is fixed upon trifles, and the things of tiotl tire neglected. John's warning and Jesus invitations are unheeded, and they go on piping and fussing. Arraignment of QalileSD Cities. But Jesus was not content with this gen eral warning. He makes it specific, and applies it to the cities, towns and vil lages near which He is at this time. He mentions Choracln, BethsaMda and Capernaum. These three towns are a little group at the head of the lake ol Oalllee. They are not probably picked out because of their special wicked ness, but more likely because his hear ers had their homes in them. ll brought the application of His truth very close to them. What was the fail ing, the sin, of these people? It was, the refusal to repent. "If," JeSUS says, "the mighty works, which were done in you, had been done in Tyre and Sldon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes." "If the mighty works, which have been done in thee, had been done in Sodom, it , would have remained unto this day." ' Verse L'4 clearly teaches that our re sponsibility for right-doing increases with our greater light. We are not told that our responsibility is less if I we refuse to see the great light. Rather we are to seek to ine utmost to linn oui what. God wills, and then to act ac cordingly. We may say that is not so much the light thut actually gets into our hearts, as the light we may have that gauges our responsibility. Jesus Expresses a llrcat Truth. Verses to .'7 do not seem, on a little reflection, to be so much of a prayer as the form of expression would indi cate, but a statement of fact. It la true that in the prayers of JeSUS many a great truth has been uttered. But here we have no indication that He changed His attitude, or turned from addressing the people to speaking with Hod. It was simply an appropriated and Impressive manner of stating a great principle. That principle is that il is not tO the worldy-wise that Ood reveals His trutn. uoa gives aovoruiug to the capacity or tne receiver, ti mc things of this world crowd out all thoughts of eternal matters, then there is no room for greater blessings. l'he things of Qod are revenled "unto babes." This is ifot the snme word as children" In verse 10. There the thought is of the heedless. In the pres ent connection it is the thought of the dependence and Irustfulncss of the i-Ttild nature. Paul says he puts away "childish things," but he does not mean that he puts away those characteris tics of the young heart which the Mas ter has so much praised. The Invitation of Jesus. What a re lief it is to think that though Jesus had begun by uttering "woes" He so resdily turns and concludes with one of the tenderest and most precious invitations ever given to erring man kind. It is for the sin-laden and those striving for the unattainable to rest. The yoke the Saviour offers makes bur dens lighter. Jesus intimates two sav- Snt Tirtues that vvill relieve much of the . . . . . . . trouble, annoyanee and burden of life They are meekness and lowllneaa of heart. Pride and self-aeeklne; are to be banished, then will come peace and aw, WOMANLY BEAUTY. The wall known writer, Kvelyn Hunt in her book entitled "Womanly Beauty" say.: "It is my contention that every woman not only may but should possess a charming personality ot face, figure and manner. To attain and preserve baaut) is the proper study of womankind. A meagre figure may be developed; harsh, uneven features may be softened, refined and renrieieri harmonious, a sallow or muddy complexion maybe fr f he. freshened, brightened and marie clear: dull eyes without ei ea without expression, may glisten ami land unsightly blemishes of ever Iciml mark le may be removed. Facisl defects and shrunken. impoverished, undeveloped figure mHy lie per mMiently remedied -and womanly beauty ac quired and retained. It is every woman'sriuty to accomplish these raanlts " The Marilla Com pany, las Fulton Street, New York, offers In sand a copy of Kvilya Hunt's book free, with a small stae box of "testa .it ra Cream" and a free cake af Cassandra skin soap, to any lady who sends five two-rent stamps to sever expense of mailing The regular price of this book is An rents and it contains valuable interesting infor mation and is foil of good advice lor ladies who desire to ac(ui re and retain loveliness of face auriform. "( asMiidra Crssin" Is a wonderful bcautifier at the eosaphsaion and makes the skin soft, fresh and white by removing all im purities and riiscoloralions. It is a perfectly pure preiaration and will not injure the most sensible skin. 4 19 -l-'t - A GOREOt'NI.Y HOIM worr of art has lut Im-cu ismed in New Y irk lit an outlay of bvar 1100,000 for which the pub Ushers deaf re a Manager in this County, also 1 good solicitor; good iy to rijjlit put ty Nearly list full-nageengrAviiiKM, sumptuous pntier, Illu minated rovers and bindings: over ai golden , lilies in the morocco bindings; nearly lOOgrnld. i en rosea In the cloth bindings. Balls at sight; I p.-esses ruiiiiiiifr day anil night so great is the -ale. Christian men and womeu making for- tunes taking orders. IOiiid promotions. One Christian woman made oil ar js lMii four weeks taking orders among her church acquaintances and fiiends Write us It may to a per- I mnneiit paying bnaltlon 1o numsge our hii-r iiess and look after the large correspondence, which you can attend to right at your home Addresi. s. i '. Rnnwlas General 8ocrolary4 I East Kiftesnth Street, between Broadway and Fifth Ave , New York. Sheriff s Sale of REAL ESTATE! Hy vlrtUfl of ;l MrtaUll writ ol Fieri Ki.r'rt' lev Hiiasil out of thf ('ulirt of t'oiutnon PIOM of Suy- dorcoiiuty. P. and to rae directed! I erlll expoee to public Mle at (tie Court Uoum iu Mlddleburg, I'll., on THURSDAY. MAY 10th. 1900. The fallowing deecribd W teteiotowtt: Ail that certain lot of ground nitttate In the Borough f Mlddleburg. county and etate afore j Haiti. bouii'N'il and ili'HiTi-HMl nt follow- to wit : Hoiimlcfl on the north hy it Public KimvI tin the r.u4t t y lut of il. It. Refgol, on the eouth and i wet hy luinl of John Moyer. eoiiU.iniiiK NK MM'i.'in a it K. more or It"-, on which are I gfoctcdaBBBM BOTTLING B8TABU8HMBNT 1 rontainlug engine and other machinery ne-! oaeeary for bottling bear and en toe Houae. Also t certain Kartn or maaauage of land ilt uate in Waeblngton townehlp, Snyder ounty, I h., adjoining tandi of Peter Krataer on the north, aael by lanri of Pete? aCratser, end Philip Antlgt on the outh hy lande of John Waller and U '. Gray bill, and weet rx lands of Peter Krataer, Jackaon Waller and Nathaniel A r bogs! containing ONK HUNDRED AND NINK (loir) ACKB8, tnoreor lees whereon ere erected a new Dwelling House, known as tin-1 M M M n HOTEL, good BARN and hew nhed , nnd all other outbuildings A I so between nine and ten hundred young peach and other trees on the premises About sixty (00) acres ol the above Ifttid Is clear and In fair state f cultl 1 vatloh, the batanea Is y i timber Belaed taken Into asecutton and to ! sold as tin- property of Rachel J Bnwen Bale to commence at 1 o'clock P AI- ti. W. ROW, SherifT. BbetifTs Office, Mlddleburg, Pa., April 17, iiwu. INVESTORS! $io for Si. There'solenty of gold In Colorado's mining eaniiw. Semlunfi for a wir'n Ntihwription to our I Hlutftrhteil minim nml mil rttt.- vwkty (founaad iMK)and we will send you a block ol en Shares $H) par value) in a new mining p..M v . .;i-i up and noneeseoseble lube uf a miv, or ten ami lOu shares for H.00 I gand todajf and don'l get nothing risl , I nothinrj ffftttttd "ur Dapaf htiue illutration, I hsteMt mining news anil wfH kean you fully I putted. Refer to the editor ol this paptr stamps taken. Keinlt by money order AudfeSS I. MS 4MD KIINBfti Itnnrr.tolo. 1 am Unnecessary in ChUtM Pain is no Iiiiikit naoaaaanr la enlldblrtb; mornlna steknosa, swollen liini.. unit lltteevlls, ara readily trolled, and womh d iseaass speod- II y eared. Nevei known to Ml. Phrslelans,! arononaaa it wonderful, and orsr 50.000 ladtss atSsst its merlla. Lady reader, eat tiii out it i miiy saVS your iifr; sufTrr no longer, but aand tag atwo-oant stamp, and racalTs in saaltd en veloped (nil particulars, and valuable proofs ol our womlorful r in c d y. Aililri'sa PRAM K I TUOMAS A CO,, Baltimore, Md. B-lMt. HOW TO INVEST! a ratuabls manual, stsictlt DiatsvaaawraD. A true aulds for the ineestor in stooka, iiirifi- or small. Ti'lls how to Nprruliltr lllnl Mil l.oK, WORTH A fOBTI NEt anyone. Wrwill nenil ll copy nl tin' nliovi- (tri'rit volume b return mail Iraetogetbar w ith s valuable treaties (lllaatrat edwiu a'wer miiiIhk in Colorado. Hlgblv Instruetlveanil interi'HtiiiK. ,'inl n 'J-i-.-nt Htimip til Mv m silage Semi today I afore tha present cilitiiin is nil spoken for. Address the publish, ars. ji:i i i:hsosi v CO., Box Its, Denver, Ci.lo. 1-lMm. Farm For Sale. IM icrrt level Ireauttfiilly loc tfeil in the Bald Kimi Valley, S mile north of Howard. 't'titn Oounty, Pa Atiaplad for nanaral furm iiiii, tlairy. siooki tnu-ktiiK, iobMOO, etc. Ar- tittle bttfldltlgft. Write for di-m riptioti find Addres. Cj.A.ORUVER, Bowardl S Central Hotel. Firtt-Class Accommodations. LtTttl Attacned. D. BOLENDER, PROP'R iiiosiir riral n 111 ii.iin 1 Bank, MIDDLEBURG, PA. BOX RAIN COAT A ItM.i I. ill S5.00 W AT Kit- 0 ?. I'ltOOr M it I.IMIII IW and M'lid t' u Mtr tietifbl aad wffgtil. alato Bumli r f hirhra ' maipi imhIj al hreaal, talrnuT a. l SSSf riial. SNSHJ ouuitfr araaa, anil We will armi you thitsetsat !? exni e -I'.a.Sj.. aulijevt tn taailn.itoa. I'X amine ami iw it mint nur neareM txjire-- nfliee, al II rnantl fian'J ' a rr".ptrl ami me aaajai tilur )!! SSSV " or in r .1 of, m4 .1 to aa roai jou ran bur for SS.rtO, fnv the expruk"nl "I " 'K ML ttrH-lt I'KUK, $2.75. l iff M hi KINTOII In latssl I ptTlt, rpy nttiptr. made fnm fceaay assifri.r. .1. taa w:or, -.i- laUtert , flolhi t' II length, dnulde breas'eil, Satrer velvet e. liar. fancy plaid lining waterrr.pnf ia? wed spimi. Kuttanie for buh Rata or Oarrroat, and juaraalee-UKRATr-JiT ULU rr offrrel by ua W any other hounc aWFlss Oath anii ls.n'. Mkfkititlicw UD to aVUW, and Made-to-Measure Suit snd t-ver-rnataat fmin fft W t-10 )S, write fr tHVY. SaPLR aoOR S. SoR. a.I ire-. 8E ARB, ROEBUCK ColncHICAGO. pBS mm is. ar mm nuH-iL4ui PARKER S NAIR BALSAM m mi IClesuea and beartiflss ths hate I - - Innriavnt BTOWlll. Kfsrar Palls to Hestors Ory I Hair to Its Touthrul vpior- leans seal disesws balr tsui m. . .n,,rctnrer1 under a V. S. oatent ; tna i, (he neatest, strongest and most durable i , -u-j - hnMr n ihe market, and we guarantee It to be as represented or money re r a. A Th. mU Wmress nsid. to all DOlntS In Pa M A Tlel other sUtes H3L Your order solicited. is. j. ana n. r.,uur iuhi y I0HN a. PUSMS CO. Calawlm. Pa. ataif OMer Bicycles AND Sundries Only exclusive ISicvcle store m Snyder County W.Pine St. AT RAILROAD, ISELINSGROVE.PA. N N , 1. STEMtH Middleburgb, Pa, Is win king nt the Harness busi neaa for tbe oast 85 veins, and I liMs built up ii nice trade He sells mora Marc s" an I Morse Furnishing Grot ds every season. Give Him a Call and bo roDvinofld thai 1"' keeps the largest slock in ttta Harnnai t ine uf any parly in Snyder County and that you et YourMoney's Worth j every time vou bu v of him. . V V VN Our brush should be used daily in place of the ordinary hair brush, hair washes, or hair grow ers. If you do not find, after six months' trial, that Dr. Scott's ELECTRIC Hair Brush . will do all we claim for it send it j brick and your money ' will be refunded. You j can buy the number ( one size for o ne It U Guaranteed to Cure llKJfTUlia I H.I.U.1V"' ass mvw ..-. '.ions 1 IcctSucha in fic minutes ! . :i t i:i live minutes 1 Ltattdruff and diseases of thescr.ip: "events'in?: hair nnd b.-ildni . rukes the hair Ion?: ant E lossy 1 Fcrsf.Ie at Dry Goods stores sri! Druji? n -n npp'rovsl, postpaid, on rcct i i ol rKc a:i ten cc cnta It poatag r p.r bsbk, " 1 asaj owsi t ;.:.. ( DOCTOVf sTOHl. sfK 1 fsrensitrfHi icsssrsattf Pr ... 1 Sis. Kl'rtri.- Cnrmi ...I S. H. . T,. hlrnk rV,'"i fctr.-tr'.- tfftil ''I fl Ml, . $i. metric Ptmtr, Vmttio ii ssisii $3. ?42 r.r rkaawa, . ! f fc I F.lrCtric fsSulsS. &)CW. C.F.O. A SCOTT. a. A'. Pottiegei, Veterinary sUrgeoN. SEL I N SGROVE. PA. All profoiiKloiiul DailTII hs euirusioil to my rare sill rei i'lve prouipl anil careful atlentlon. with the your money back your purchase save the u -it-c" prir aa wltb IMthrr unarler Uii TV- -!" Use It Daily. Dollar Deal Our complete lllnstrnted cataloKiie, showlnfrmany stylesof high lcte lllnstrnted cntaloene, showlne mnny stylssornign r )t craila vehicles, harness, robes, hlankeU, and liorss MUiproenva ... , .i ,,n 1 . 1 ., .Ah ... .. 1 iml free Write for It nnc learn howrheaplv yoti can buy when profits are cut oil". THE COLUMBUS CARRIAGE & HARNESS CO., J.ww MasaaMSSSaSSS Jus! What You Need to Know i A bonk that wl'.l make vou understand the marvelous times we live In, how they rams aeon, i$ZXuE?J?& Et&vsS&XB Century. A area aalhors, amongwuuiu St fi RMrl me rniii. vrltsa Tks title sftkla great Trlunast aid Paaryvwria"WB Adss'l Mel villa, was iniaa "I m utiiair anv"1 TS' T. W asuraavssa. wh,"r' VTtS Wars .f ike t est-rr-" LV,4' A' ". I Lt CbIsss Mat ta may address rs.ali OisiB Dladla., a.0O Half Leather, M.OOl Fell Marweess M.OO. U sst satlskctary iiwi asaak mm asassar will h. rafaadasL asMraaa . J. HOtaVHI a CO1.. Ittt tws BE SURE . . . That your eyes and yom Children s eyes are good condition. 10 They may not complain, and, you may not know that their eyes are weak, hut time will develop many nervous disorders as a result of neg lecting this important matter. We test the eye with absolute acc uracy. No glasses recommendtd unless they are Deeded. It you netd medical treatment we will tell you so. No one oan do more. We have the lat est appliances, the newest ideas and methods in tight testing. Thiaoom bined with expeiience and skill in the use ot such instruments. .Making mistakes a thing ot the pant No drugs used. B. F. SHclBLEY, Jeweler and Refracting Optician, 21 W. Market St.. Lewistown. (iindliate Phlladalphta Ontloa College. CHICHESTER'S EK&LESH aryyynnVAl Dll I C iTLIlH I HU I ML W BLL9 "tsf.: r"e,. Safe. Alwsvsrrllable. Ijsdles. ak nriiKitist fbr l II ll HIM t it s KX.I.IMI iii Ked anil Ould DMSaUlO Ikixi's. wali'ii with blue ribbon Tskr no other. Refuse dangerous suball lutlonsnnd imllallnns. Hiiynf your Imiimist, ir wml le. in stumpi fur kartlrulara. Testi monials anil "Keller far Ladles." in by return Mall. lO.OoOTesllmoiiiiils. Mulil by ail hnntimti CH1CHFSTEB CHEMICAL CO. 8100 Madlscn Nquare. PIIILA., PA. M'nllon tbls paper. HAIR SWITCH 65 CENTS. VIS SH.L HI HA 1UIK NHIM1US t ... - tUV hair at from 65C $3.25, tht rv af arlirh that mall at 2 . UO lo s. 1 10. 41IIR flPFFR" r"' thin ad outanr wun vrrcn. tou. lncioea ko.kI at. J sample of the esari ahade wanted, nnd cut it out an near the roots as potuiiMe, inclt" our ipoflal prlro ajuolfd aud & fnta rilra t l pay postuKO. anil w win aiis.r in iwHfh m ateh jour hair atari, unn .tend to you hy niatl.nostital'I.and If ran an- nnl perfect If utistled, return It ntm wS wilt immediate y i refund your nicnev. I arHnet?lalOSrrl'rlaBrtllowa: '.'r7,flr ' in. i"!i-, long ittnii 65C "rt Blent, V ooc; js-oa H-i8s lontj short issid. si. 25; t3-oit. lit. onm. ahort stSSB. SI. SO: mot ffi in. lonrT.ahortBtern, 52.251 - W - loiMfSBonBwsm. $3.29. fivwaaas.H , Ultt TTUKk tut? uiatiicHi crane on .no 1 market. Ordfratoacv andael lliear spsttli Iriirra. Yur monfj rrlnrnpi If jnai ar re' pltaard. Write for Free Cataloans ol Hairllood... Addreaa, SEARS. ROEBUCK & C0.( Inc.) Chicago (SIS. kooback to. aro Uoroafalj roiiabto. -ivdiwr. , our leader: CBCC a Bs B s. niu ua nnuru until rou sit THt wstch rAI nU WIUriLI ...arc eav gxeaiaa eaaacn Send ns your name, address and , nearest express omce anu we win , fUl.i.nrl von l,v ..Yi,r.-HM O II II all CM Dchanres nreliald, forexamlnatlon, our CRIST a.RCaiSJ in a tine Ilk OOLD-PLATIO HUNTING OR OPIN- FACK WATCH. laclle.H' or ire II 1 H 02 ksiie, with a FIHI amemican , . MOVEMENT. You exailulu- it, snd If foand exaetly as AwawaSs rsprsssntaq. snn pit tei tlv satislartorj'. earl EXPRESS aCINT a. 151 snd THt watch will! be Otherwise, pav nothinc. Weiruar-t antee this wateh to be al rellalile time piece orl monev refunded within I so davs. The movement I Is nickel, has 7 Jewels, is ssssvwla. and1 lever-set. IT ia A PtartCT BEAUTY and Is worth (rum 110 to (IS. In appearance! snd as a time-piece it is equal to a tS0 watch, sor cash in full with order. w. will nenil von free with the wntch a FINE 14k COLO-PLATED CHAIN and CHARM. Tbl cut shown Is one-third size of watch, send 1 POSTAL CAPO Isr our Blf Whslsssls Cstslogur S Jewelry, Diamonds, Silver and Plated-Wore. 'It .,nl v rellnhli. WHOLESALE JEWELRY HOUSE in Ibt world selline direct to consumers at who. prices. Our prices esses! be dupllcsltf slsswhvr fcooS IISM-ksselss SILVERINE WATCHES, tsr MM eas Dp. tkrMentlon thin paper when you wrnj LL a CO. 330-334 4 uear arnorn M. LBirar' a . a - n t a..,J nrrnrc vv i il i ill Dr. Scott's FIrciric Uabrn Corsets, Electric Hair Itrushes, 1 Belts, i, ft. $10 ; Klectric 1 1 ElacOK Insoles. Nature's own r 1 for backache, nervousness. lndii;o headache, liver and kidney troi valuable booU free. OBO. A. SCOTT, E2X Mil sit Btssdasr. Hs. To uuitt; s - Makers 1 In m aw w , ar . j I I. ENCE V1icn you buy a CaffiagB, baggy or harness. Choose fit n the Mggeat stock and fullest assortment, and pay only tin cost of making, with but one moderate profit added. Our plan of scllin"; direct from the factory insures satisfaction- if you're dissatisfied Willi and enables you to dealer's profit (1 liorsv WUI uncut. ij I VI I th Jobber's aud dealer'a P. 0. B01 772, Columhat, 0. Q...S I I S I Hour llaroen. Prlcr I-1 H. SS Slnt Strtr . I are: OS 1 wsrk Is Wondart off ttve XlXth Cwiury AGENTS WAMTED at, ...Dsriu tk. Cratarv." Prst Hmrytj W.WUtJ, ''"TjClvit "ri"Z,Jr', D i.. - "Tk. Cswt.ry's rrre- la ke-tsrT- fr Frrn-T n Jskasa.. 't " Mesrsrssa tutmiem Cssal Oisisilillia. on "TH '1 l7r ,rTpVsirr" Msrr Ellssbn kinase. ertdew "
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers