The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 03, 1900, Image 1

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    TheCrucifixionOf PhilipStrong Will Soon Begin Inthe Post.
VOL. 37. NO. 18.
Editor ana rropneior.
A Week s News lusneu up in
5mall QuantitiesVisitors in
Town During the Past
Week-Other News
of Interest.
Cashier Thompson and Attorney
Weiser were at oelitnwrove Sunday.
Laphenas Walter of K reamer was
-i business caller on Grant's birthday.
Jaoob Philips and Jonathan Wit-
i t i :.. i l...
jmr 01 I'aimaua were in wwu biwu-
A. 15. Marklcy of Aline was at
the oounty Beat Thursday ol last
Isaac Middleswarth of MoClure
was at the county seat Thursday of
last week.
Prof, Blase), chemist of the ex
periment station at Mate College,
Pa., spent Sunday in town.
State College oi Centre Co., Pa.,
has an advertisement in the Post.
Read it. 4-5-1 8t.
.Marsh Lant of W'atsontown dined
..t II.. .1 W Orvitf'u finnnAV. bav
in . " ' " j
inn mailt' the trio on Ins hicvclc.
m."o i
A.I). Kreamer, one ol Middle
Break township's most prosperous
farmers, was at the oounty seat fn-
H. F. Blair, Boyd Miller and
MifBeS Sue Keiser and Anna Zeller
wen Sunday callers at the county
The organ contest begins this
i. i ....i. .. . ... ,.i i ...
irwii ijooi mv uivhmi: v. ."-
Some oioe country ham is wauted
at this office. Those who have ham
ii i l . I I !.
11 SI' 1 Will llH'1-.t' (.111 til Willi (I L
lion. G. Alfred Schoch and wife
.. .: i il : U-1U.. ,.t 1 I.'
Pawlinc and family at Selinsgrovc
Sin 1 1 1 1 i i
For Sale. A new butcher wa-
C I 1 ... I. .(..., .(I... M l lll
sold cheap. Enquire of A. . Bow
ersox, Middleburg, Pa. ti.
Mrs. Joseph Bowcrsox and (laugh-
ti... I ...... . i . i tii I . I i l 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1
II .1 . o . l '.1 i 1
iuf j hiviil m iiu ..-. ..,.
u cunsirrove.
Airs. Samuel Alleinan and grand-
laughter, Anna Allenian, ol Selins-
ernvc are visitunr .M rs. 1 at harinc
Rn... :.. c t.i:..
Edward Erdley and family of
Lcwislnwn spcirf Sunday with his
nrcnts in tins place, lie is cngag-
d at the IjOgail steel Works.
The Indies' Mite Society of the
Atheran church will hold a weigh
ty Social at the home ol Mrs. M.I.
Itltiii' fin fln BlMlli Hi i .it
I will pay market price for good
eal calves and good country made
Ii.,'' I I. V V X t X
N. Third St., LewisburgFa.
EU Is worth Aurand and Martin
ear, two of Shamokin Dam'sland-
i.r.L .1.. i :.. i ii...;,. !.
...., miiii-u in iii (iiiji mi n nwir
irintioiu to t ie i ( bt on liioense
:i v
W. D Bilger of New Berlin wan
I T i.i . ... ... .in. Lm- ,.t iil'I
t R I II I I 11 Kl I 11 tCC ft klllllKll't 1 Willi II1S
T h e annual examination at
ii . ?. , . ..
u oegin rtionoay, .i ii ik ii, ;u
M. The commencement takes
If the members of churches, Sun-
Ol i r- l
V .Xill.i. n ........I.I... W,.,,wil.' IHhn
Nil tha Vi an tltn W na itoi
m 1 1 fu n mi i ir 1 1 u irnnur ii iiu
l ir Mia uii 1 1 mi h nan iiioir nomoa
the lifrf antliaf all frmnlu ma v IrnrkW
Lizzie Herman of New Berlin is
visiting V. H. Beaver.
Wanted. A girl for general
house work. Apply or write to Mrs.
W. A. Mrosius, 142 Market St.Sun
bury, Pa,
Bark Wakted. We can useall
hemlock, oak and chestnut oak bark
we in n get and will pay highest cash
prices fiir the same. We pay cash
weekly. MoNBOE II. KuLI'&Co,,
4-l!l-:!t. Shamokin, Pa.
New advertisements of L. .Mit
chell, Suuhury; Bunkle V Walter,
and George Beaver, Middleburg;
andQraybill, Garmau &Co., Rich
field will be found in this issue. ln
not fail to read them.
V. K. Hill, manager of the Am
erican Publishing Co. ol Sunbury
was at this place Thursilay of lust
week and paid the costs in the caw
against W. M. Wilvert and securctl
the hitter's release from the county
If your church, Sunday school or
public School nee l a nice chapel or
gan, there is a splendid opportunity
to get one free. The POST will give
away a Weaver organ. Cut out the
coupon on last page and vote it. ll
you need one, bt gin now.
Go toA. E. Soles for a smooth
easyshave or up-to-date hair cut
and head cleaned with a refreshing
shampoo or dandrutl removed with
his tonic, clean towel to each patron
in hank building one door east ol
Post Office; satisfaction guaranteed.
We beg to acknowledge the re
ceipt of a catalogue of Susquehanna
University, Seliusgrove. It shows
the institution in a very prosperous
condition. The annual commence
ment begins June '', 1900. There
are 13 students in the graduating
One of Mrs. Sylvester Bowen's
horses was killed by an Mast-hound
freigt train Saturday afternoon near
the Bed Bridge west of this place.
The horse was in pasture along the
railroad and becoming excited at
the approach of the train ran on the
A circular letter has been sent out
from Department headquarters in
Philadelphia calling attention to the
34th annual encampment of the G.
A. B. of Pennsylvania to he held at
Gettysburg during the week of
June 4th. Bail road companies have
agreed to charge one fare for the
round trip
The Hickory Corners correspond
ent of the Herndon Star last week
says: Nevin Engle and Mrs. Aur
aud of Middleburg paid a visit to
Harry Engle, the former's brother,
and Miss Mina Bong on Wednesday.
He also says: Our new milliner,
Mina Long, is doing a brisk business
here at present.
('.!. Fischer, one of Allentown's
enterprising citizens, who is associ
ated with the Krall FurnitureCc. of
Allentown, and Miss Mable F. Hov
er, were the quests of licv. and Mrs.
W. II. I lover over Sunday. The lat
ter is the Kev's Sister. hi Saturday
eveningthev were united in the bonds
of Holy Matrimony and on Monday
returned to Allentown were they w ill
take up their homes at No. 332 N.
l lthSt. They were accompanied by
Master John II. lloyer.
"The Crucifixion of Philip
Strong," another of.Bev. C. M.
Sheldon's most fascinating and in
teresting stories, will soon Iegin in
the Post. We have bought the ex
clusive franchise of this story foi
Snyder County. No other news
paper iu Suyder County dare pub
lish the story. The story is even more
interesting than "Robert Hardy's
Seven Days." The Post always
gets the best. The readers of this
paper always appreciate the best and
we spare no pains or expense to
please them.
The Death List.
of Selinsgrove, died suddenly
heart trouble l'ridav, Apr.
1900. Interment Motidav.
TItOt l
' The ten-year-old son of I,. K.
Troup and wife ot Prank I iu town
ship died Saturday afternoon.
Aii infant child of M. W. Smith
died at S he!!, . Vn. la-l week
and was buried last Wednesday
morning at Adnmshurg.
Mrs, Fannie, wife of John Page,
died at Fremont, Apr. 20th, at the
age of 78 years. Interment took
place in the. St. John's cemetery
Saturday morning. Bev. Solomon
t iraybill olliciated.
Miss 11.11- Crouse, aged TTycars,
died :il Kreainer, Suudav, Apr.
at Kreamer. She was a highly reJ.
pected old lady and died ol dropsy
ii i . hi . . i ..i
aner ueing ikhiusi lor nioiiwi
I ntcrmeiit at Salem,
aii old veteran died al I 'orl Tre-1
verton Friday afternoon, Apr. 22, 1
1900, aged n:! year-. Funeral al
St, John's church at Chapman Sun
day. !
111'iiv aAVaLBR,
one of the familiar characters about -Selinsgrove,
died Monday, aged 73
ytars. Henry never married and
for Ms entire lili1 kepi Ituchelor's
hall on the old homestead.
We give lielow some ulubbinu
combinations u ith the I ih i . The
rati s i uoti d are verv low .
The .harm Journal, montlilv, lor
alniosl five years and the Muhllehurt'
! PosToiieyeur, paid in advance, ! 1 .00.
Tin Kiinn Jotiriwl In nuo ot tin' IhmI
HUl Irnllillill pttMrn IUbllnllll it urn
Ulliia rrniii St! in ii pattiM pnvli iiiiiiith
nil in-ill- ..I ertry iilijcvl nl mi. n i in
il termer, InlMiruriiiul working imin.
The New York Tri-Weekly Tri
bune and the Midillebltlg 1 ' 1ST, one
year, paid in advance, olih If 1 .7 ".
The Trl Weekly i , . . 1 . 1 1 I .. , I y,
W.-ilii.-Hiiay iiimI r'rltlay, rencliM -i lurgt.
iiroporllun nl NUlMcrflerM on ilntu nl
mue, nd . Mi ll edition i-.1 tlinrmiKlily
lll l. lllll.' llill iV f.llllllx In U vii.iii. 1 I . 1
biws 1 10.
The New York Vitkly TrihuiH
untl tlio .MitldlflnipM IN ist, tnu car,
I ill 11 1 in atlvaiMH1, mil v I
The Wri'k 1 y Tributifl h iiihlUhtl on
Thill -i lay, aim! ivr till hittnrtuiil itcwn
nf u ii Inn iiinl H'nrlil, l!n mol reliiiltlt'
inm kol reMirtfi, unuxct llnl uirricnttiiral
tlepnrttiiritt, rvllnhlu u tnr;tl I u forum
Uoti aii'l iiiii atil I'litrrtAinihM huh
ti'tluuy, It i- ilia 1 tin pnper' for
I ho eiitlrr rnlttl Huitm, .1 niitlmuil fatii
ily itiier f r fiirnuN iiimI villnic i -
The New Vork Tri-Weekly World
and the Middleburfj I '1 is r, 0111 veur,
paid in advance, milv I ..
"The above Picture Represents the Hanesome Weaver Chapel or
gan that Will be Qiven Away hy the "Post."
Tlio TH-Wiukly World ninii' llime
limes n week, in llllnl will. Hie luti-ni
new of the 1 iitrynml In weil ninth
iiu- price linked tot it.
I lie Practical
iner, our vear,
PnsT,one vear.
Jacob Cramci
died Ann I -J.
I'luireL, agiil 40 ytiirs,
1 :! dafs. She was the
Suinla morning, Apr. 22, al
Krutzerville, Mrs (ieo. Kliugler
breathed her last. A husband and 3
children survive her. The sons are:
Allen of Jackson township; Peter,
a druggist well known iu this place,
and Joseph, a student ol' the New
Berlin college.
Theodore tredenck Goy, son of
Levi and Elletl (Joy, died l iidav
morning, aged 21 years, 1 month
and I days. He had lieen a suffer
er from typhoid lever for twenty
three days. The funeral took place
Sum i v, 'J P. M., Itev. Druokeumil
ler officiating. The interment took
place in Evergreeri cemetery.
mum. HITN4N not. IR.
Mrs. Susan, relict ol' Daniel l!o
gar, died at Shamokin last Friday
and was taken through thi place to
(Jentrevi He Monday, where her re
mains were interred in the I,, and
Ii, cemetery, aged 7t years, :! mo.-.
and 1 days. Kev. Si u Aurand
officiated. The husband died 8 or
!l yean a.i and the widow is sur
vived liv a son Paul residing near
Freeburg and a daughter Hattie,
married to Kobt. Bilgcrol Shamokin.
Deceased was a sister ol Hopnai
Sainpscll of Pcnnscicek.
WH. r. now i i i ESQ,
lorn in Met lure Mav 22,
1860 and died Monday, Apr. 150,
1900, aged ;'.'.i yean, 1 1 months and
8 days. He was married Nov. 23,
1882, by Rev. W. HL Stover to
Lizzie I a daughter ot Lewis W.
Manbeck. He was a son ot Jacob
II. and Sophia (Wagner) Howell.
'Sjuire Howell was an extensive
dealer in luinlx r, was twice elected
Justice of the Peace and served a
short time as Deputy Internal Re
venue Collector. He was a mem
ber of the Evangelical church, the
Odd Fellows and Sons of Veterans.
The funeral will take place at Me
Clure Thursday at 12:30 P. M.
Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth, wife of
I I ruukliii to - usliip,
l',K.)U, lieui' Zion's
mouth mill
mother of II
children, 2 daughters having preceu-
eu in m to the spirit worm, tier
husband, 7 children, :i gruiulclul
ren and a host of friends mourn her
departure. The cause of the death
was consumption. She was born in
lhapman township, I liiuni ( tow
Snyder) county, her maiden name
havinur lieen Shell v. She was mar
ried Mar. 7, I87"i to Jacob B. ting an attorney," he siiys, "they'll
( Iramer. She was buried lasl Pri- : !mnK anyway."
day at the U. Ii. Zion's church, His wife does not take this pessi
Revs. Aurand and Gramley : mistic view of the mutter. Shesuv-
Wife'a Touching Devoton tn a Man Who
Says He Will Hang
The wife of .lames Leli'iai'l. ot
I Lewishurg, charged with the mur-
II . m. I.
uer oi Newton ivioiz, evidently i"urcs
more lor lier husband's life then he
himself doe .
Kvi r since his arrest Lerharl has
declared, although he is innocent he
will he hung. "It- no use in get-
uiitl the Mitltllebiiri
I paid iu advance, l.iO. Loth ol
' the above papers and the Practical
I i.i . i . i i . .
i ai on i i ear 1 11 h u ami ;grien;
turn I Almanac lor P. 100, paid in
advance, mil v 8 1 .ti.".
ing, the former in Seriuau and
latter in I )nglish.
the i etl enough money
! bllV a hnii-c and
luring her life to
ot. Thursday she
lllhti rdl
at tills
Win. Martin was seen here Sunday.
8t?ward (Jelnetl of Htrouptown,
formerly of this iilaee, was the ituesl ol
Fred and John Bhettvrly Sumliij ,
A. EiorulH'rger and Weaver vvill
ctuunience pealhiK hark this week.
S. ( ;. Martin i- Improving a little
from his sickness.
Next Bunduy Itev, V. K. H
w ill preach at thctinicc eluirel
place al 10 A. M.
S. It. Mart it ide a llylug
l,iverpiil Haturday.
Miss Annie Martin returned t
after visiting hn lor a week.
Mis 8hull Is on the sick li-t.
P, M. Hhnc via- Hold out at the eon-
stnlile sale Saliinlav .
suppose a great many people fnim
this place will attend the iVlth annual
ii, 8. convention al Kreehurg, May H
and in. 1000
Tin- PrAOtii nl I'ai tin r If nno of tin bnl
fin in pitpara puhliiiliml, InueJ inonttily,
nt Ii.ihi ynir. The yeai I k nntiilna
min i:ii-- in ivlm-ii ihera i-.ii funil t Ii
fin mail. in thllt III net ful tu tli farniri .
I iu- prim of IImk I Ii iiIimic in SO r. ni-
Voll urt III.- POKT. Uir I mi t i . :ll l-'uri
mill ttir year I ..... Ic rurunly $1,011
Pallas, Pa., Apr. 20, 1000.
ICrUToK P(WT :- -Pleusi publish
the following:
A lew days before Easier a cer
tain old man said that Faster had
nut been so late lor forty years. I
will show him that he knew nothing;
about it. I will licirin Iroin 1 8H2.
Sunday Rev. I ruckeniiilller i"
his t'arewell KeriUOIl al ihi- plaw
Irvin Pottellii r i- lilanlilii; a
orchard on the farm owned liy Jaeoh
Uaugler, to be tended on slittres.
We are sorry to learn that Monday
i leorgc Willi's house was destroyed ly
lire with all its tents, nothing being
The I'allas hoy are surely desiring a
g I education or so many of them
would not be seeft walking four miles
every dny to attend the nigh scl I.
Thai Is right, plod on, hoys; someday
you will reap your reward.
It' we vote in the organ eontesf which
is soon to oiM'ii iu the "Tost" let u
take into consideration a lew things:
t, the orgllH is lo Ik- given either to :i
church, Sunday school or public school.
Of these three the church seems to lay
the Mrst claim. 2nd, our Sunday
ehooto are nearly nil held iu the
churches, mid if a church has an organ
the Sunday school held iu that church
can also use the organ if it sees lit. ;trd,
let us as renders of the "Post," pick out
a church having no organ, but wish
ing to have one and then vote accord
ingly. For my part let us consider the
Klie'nezer or Piwe's church on the
Freeburg circuit.
mortgaged these lor 1500 with w hich
tn employ counsel for her husband.
The hesl legal talent iu this section
j has been secured. The authorities
claim to have fount! a blood-covered
1 knife near the scene of the tragedy,
: h Inch thev sa heloi)i!(d lo the
1 murderer,
Li nhart was ien a pf limiuary j
I hearing on Friday at Lew i-lmrg and
la niimlie;- of witnesses were heard
trip t I who nave damaging; testimony
; against him. In t he face of all t hi- j
i l'lilln. I testimony liciihurl claimeil thai he
never committed the deed and he does
not wire il they hung hunor not.
ii .i . .i i . I
i le was taken irmu I lie piai
hearing to the licwisburg jail to h
kept there until the 1 1 1 ' term u
I nioti I utility court, I he reports i
now being circulated in the effect
that he will he taken to Sun bur or
illiams)ort lor safe keeping nruull
iitcorrtvl as he will be kept in
In 1882 Faster came
I H8I1 "
" 188") " "
SI.S7 "
1888 "
188! "
1800 " "
" 1891
1802 "
" 1803 "
IS'.ll "
" 1896 '
1896 "
" is'.iT "
1899 '
1900 "
In tiiese 19 vi ar
aster later than
t'tlle-. ftCSI).
siibscrilicr of
W. 11
Mar. Ii
. S AM'.
Cleaning Fine Lace.
eh the Lewishurg jail and guarded
and ni;.
Card of Thanks.
ret urn
I wi.-h to
thanks to the Kind lieiglioors am
friends for theirassistttnee duringthe
sickness, death and burial ol my
Jacoii Crameb.
mi - ev
Iccasionallv a oieceol laiu'v-work
on the lace order doe- not show soil
enough to justify sacrificing it- lacy
newness to the process of washiuir. It
mv heartfelt such w ork is laid away for a week in
The mountain (ires are raging and
unless rain conies shortly, a great
deal of damage will be done to the
Rev. W. A. Leapoltl of Williams
port District, Hast Penna. Confer
ence, Evangelical Association will
preach end conduct the Lord's Sup
per at the following appointment-:
Port Trevetion, May 5th, 7:H() p. m.;
Winner's, Sunday May 6th, 10 a.
m.; Aline, 2:30 p. m., and Daniel's
at 7:30 p. m. The Lord's Supper
will Ik? obeerved at Witnier's ami
Daniel's after the sermon. A hearty
invitation is extended to all
a heavy book between blue tissue
paper, having had rubber into the
soiled place calcined magnesia or
pipeclay, ii will come out cleaned
and brightened by the process. This
i s a good w ay to treat Battenbcrg and
point lace work which has become
dingy or yellow. May Ironutn's
Home t bfftpantofl,
f Arthur F.Noll, Hummers Wharf,
(Jennie May Beaver, Oriental,
I Geo. E. Cramer, Shamokin,
Theresa J. Wetzel, Shrciner,
( Win. S. Ulrioh, Scenery Hill,
SaraJ. Philips, Selinsgrove.
( Frank V. Mitchell, Kreainer,
Jennie E. Walter,
fGea W. Walter, Middleburg,
J. L. Boykk, Pastor, i Ada F. Walter,