The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 26, 1900, Image 2

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    Absolutely &AJCi&'
Pure -?HJ!f
No inferior or impure ingredients are
used in Royal for the purpose of cheapen
ing its cost; only the most highly refined
and healthful.
Royal Baking Powder imparts that
peculiar sweetness, flavor and delicacy
noticed in the finest cake, biscuit, rolls,
etc., which expert pastry cooks declare is
unobtainable by the use of any other
leavening agent.
Mlchlmin Parmeri rr Not ns l.n.
Ilittalastlu thoul Growing Beets
ns They Wire 11 linr Ago,
The farmers uf Berrien county,
Mich., iu) have for several yean
been prowl ng sugar beeta fur the
Wolverine Sugar company, whose
plant coat $300,000, last year lost
money on their crop, ami lit a farm
ers' Institute recently they 1 i t not
mince words in speaking of the mis
fortune for which the factory seems
io lu- at least in pari responsible.
They claim that the farts relating to
beet culture ami the soils adapted to
: he root won' misrepresented t" them
oy their contract solicitors. The state
Inspector who assisted in making the
contracts believes the loss sustained
by the farmers due to an unfavorable
year and their Inexperience as grow
ers. The fanners, however, are not
satisfied with this explanation, hav
ing lust their time and summer's
work, and demand assurance of a pay
Ing price, else no beets will he fur
nished the factory by them. The
factory has made some concessions,
but the farmers insist upon more lie
fore they will npree to prow more
heel s.
This ease is given to show that rosy
ns Bugar beet growing is represented
by some to be, it ,iu the shady side,
nnil even with a good season, large
yield and convenient transportation
facilities, there is plenty of room for
disappointment. Partners, however,
have the success or failure of a fac
tory in their own hands, for if satis
factory juices are not received, they
can cease prowinp the beets, and the
factory will close. It may be that the
Michigan farmers' loss is a result of
"a bad year and their Inexperience,"
co that, even if alluring prices are of
fered by factories for beets, farmers
inexperienced in growing them should
pr slow and develop gradually
growers, always takinp into account
the uncertainty of seasons. Farmers'
I 'nice.
Good Practice It !
plants a Chance to Grow lo Per
(eel Matnrlty.
A correspondent of the New York
Tribune writes that having been in
formed by one whom he knew to lie
n pood farmer that he had planted
wh at 16 inches between the rows and
three inches apart in the rows, one
: lain in a place, mid had harvested !
bushels to the acre, he planted a small
plot to wheal on September 'j:.. 1898,
oa hard clay soil that was manured
in the spring ami planted to straw
berries. The planting was si inches
apart in the row between the straw
berry rows. Two rows he planted one
grain to the hill; one row two grains
to the hill. He pave the wheat one
cultivation on April 84, The average
number of heads to the hill in tin
rows planted one prain to the hill was
is larpe heads. The largest number
of heads to a sinple prain was 30,
Which gave a yield of L'.UKT pruitis. The
row witli the two grains t the hill
pave an average of IS heads to the hill.
he greatest yield was M heads to the
hill, which pave u yield of prains
fi2 less than the one prnin hill. The
yield was at the rate of 10fi bushels
to the acre, providing the planting wa.
12 by 0 inches. I planted a small plot
to oats on the same kind f soil on
April 24, plantinp six inches apnrt, one
prain to the hill, nnd cultivated four
times. The yield was at the rnte of
ITS bushels to the ncre, providing the
planting wns done 12 by 6 inches.
He has raised as many ns 45 lnrpe
heads from a single grain, when
planted six by six inches apart' one
grain in a hill, and in 1997 he bad two
hills of rye, one of which yielded 126
heads nnd the other 127 heads, each
frown from a single grain. The plants
Alum is used in making cheap baking powders I'
you want in know the effect ol alum uihi the
tender lining! t tile Stomach, touch a piece 1
your tongue, Vou can raise biscuit with alum
bilking powder, but at what a coal to health
have more room ror ttieir roots nmt
are abundantly and constantly fed at
such distances while in close seeding
they have periods of starvation,
On Host Parma n la Worth While to
'.dil This Convenient arrange
men t to the Barn,
It has always been a pooil deal if
trouble to close the end door to a
barn where hay is taken in with
horse hayfork, Ke prefer to drive
In the barn to unload the hay. but
will admit that a barn will hold more
when it is taken in at the end. The
rut explains itself. The uper pari
of the door is litm to the lower part
and folds in when open, and will open
clear back under the cornice, and can
be easily (dosed by closing the lower
part first and raising the upper part
from the inside This doses the open
ing sufficient to Leeji out all storms,
provided the barn has a hood to ac
commodate the hayfork, mid all barns
should have a hood to keep the hay
from rubbing against the barn so
hard. The hood is not shown in the
sketch. a it would hide the view of
the door. A. s Foreman, in Ohio
(farm r.
An Bdneatloaal Progjrasaate.
"la your boy's education nenrly
complete?" asked the friend,
"Yes," answered the man who is
nothing if not sarcastic. "He knows
the classics ami the higher mathe
matics and logic and philosophy pret
ty thoroughly. I'm going to sec if
I can't put the finishing touches on
tiis culture and tret him so he can
calculate the interest on a 30-day
note withAI getting brain-fop and
read the daily news without yawn
ing." Washington Star.
Read fr Finishing;,
Caller So you have just graduated
at Mi-s Teachem's private academy?
Fair Graduate Yes. I am now po
inp to a tii'ishinp school to study draw
ing, music, language, sculpture, re
pOUSSce work, embroidery, etiquette,
"To what finishing school will you
"Oh, any of the public schools." N.
Y. Weekly.
The Only Way Ont.
Chemist's Assistant Good pracious!
I have kept that woman waiting three
quarters of an hour. Uforpot all about
her prescription.
Chemist Yon will have toeharpe her
a pood tall price in order to make her
think you had a lot of trouble in mix
ing it up. Tit-Hits.
Viol Tory MVer Forget It.
Shank And, so, Skooper has organ
ized a class in mnemonics. He claims
to be able to tench an unfailing meth
od of never-forpettinp.
O'Shawe What is his scheme?
Shank Why, he induces each mem
ber of his class to loan him five dol
lars. That's all! Puek.
rircamatantlal Evidence.
"Isn't your neighbor, Hlinkinoff, a
drinking man?"
"I wouldn't like to give an expert
opinion on the subject. I II admit, how
ever, that I sow him the other night
trying to drive a spiggot into an ash
barrel, thinking that it was cider."
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Imioi In the International Serle (at
April m. 1BOO Joans and John
the Baptlat.
Prepared by H. C. Lenlngton.
(Luke 7:1-B.
11 And the disciples of John shewed bin
of all these things.
IS. And John calling unto him two o
hla disciples sent them to Jesus, aaylog
Art Thou He that should comet or look
for another?
20. When the men were come unto htm.
they aald: John Baptlat bath sect ua unit
Tbee, saying: Art Thou Ha tbst should
come? or look we for another?
21. And In that nmt hour He cured many
of their Infirmities and plaguea, and ol
evil spirits; and unto many that were
blind He gave sight.
22. Then Jesus answering said unto them:
Go your way. and tell John what things ye
have seen and heard; how that the blind
see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed,
the deaf hear, the dead art raised, lo the
poor the Gospel Is preached.
23. And blessed Is he, whosoever shall
not bo offended In Me.'
24. And when the messengers of John
were departed. He began to speak unto
the people concerning John. What went
ye out Into the wilderness for to see? A
reed shaken with the wind?
2i. Hut what went ye out for to see? A
man clothed In soft raiment? Behold, they
which are gorgeously apparelled, and Uve
delicately, nre In kings' courts.
26. But what went ye out for to see? A
prophet? Yea, I say unto you. and much
more than a prophet.
27 This Is he, of whom It Is written. Be
hold, 1 send my messenger before thy face,
which shall prepare thy way before thee
2V For 1 say unto you: Atnoi.; those that
are born of women there Is not a greater
prophet than John the Baptist; but he that
Is least In the Kiiigdom of God la greater
than he.
GOLDEN TEXT. - He hath done all
things well. Mark 7:37
The lesson should include oil the
Gospel narrative concerning the mes
sape of John and what Jesus said on
receiving it. This is told in substan
tially the same language ill Mat
thew 11 :2-19andLake7: 18-38, Thestory
of the raising of the widow's son (heinp
the connection with last Sunday's les
son) should also be read. The follow
Ing analysis of the Scripture section
can then be made, all from the seventh
chapter of I, like:
BalslriK of the Widow's Son vs. 11-17
John's Message to Jesus vs. 18-20
The Answer of Jesus vs. 21-23
Jtrus Preaches to th People vs. 24-35
Raising the Widow's Son. This is
the first one of the lliree instances
which we have Jesus recorded as rais
inp one from the dead. The other two
cases are the raising of the daughter
of Jairus, and the bringing forth of
Lazarus, It emphasizes anew the power
of Jesus over the forces of nature, and
the promise (dear to the Christian
heart) of a life after death.
John's Message to Jesus. The ac
count of t he miracles of Jesus und pos
sibly of the sermon on the mount,
reached John the Baptist in h is prison.
He had been Imprisoned at Muehcrus
since the March before. It wns now
midsummer in the year A. D. 28. He
had pointed Jesus out as "the Lamb of
God," but sitting Idly in the prison wns
a discouraging occupation. Uc became
gloomy nnd wondered, perhaps, if after
all he had not missed his calling when
he had pone out to preach that "the
kingdom of Heaven is at hand." He
had seen, and with his own hand hap
tired, the one he expected was to be
the head of this kingdom, yet this
king was only going about and prciich
ing, So he sent two of his disciples
to Jesus to ask) "Art thou He that
should come'.' or look we for an
other?" The Answer of Jesus. How like
Jesus it was to make the answer He
did! It wns after Hod's own method.
Out of all the count less eons of silence
God has spoken to mortal innii but
a few times. Hut lie has not been idle.
By the wonders of nature, and in the
world around and about men He has
been trying to reveal His purpose. Man
thinks he can learn by precept, but
history shows that experience is the
only instructor man will follow. So
God has been silently working. Now,
when the disciples of John came to
Jesus, He said nothing directly, but
we are told that "in t ha t same hour lie
cured many of their infirmities and
plaguea, and of evil spirits; and unto
many that were blind He pave Bipht."
This vas the answer of Jesus. Then
Jesus said: "Ho your way, and tell
John what things ye have seen and
Following the translation of the re
vised version, the twenty-third verse
may be paraphrased: "Happy is he
who shall not find in Me nn occasion
of stumbling."
Jesus Preaches to the People. This
sermon of Jesus Is 1 1 I a tribute to John,
and (2) an arraignment of the Phari
sees. He calls the people's attention
to the fact that it was the simple
preaching Of John which attracted
multitudes to the wilderness to hear
him. He speaks of John as a prophet
and the greatest of prophets. He is
more than a prophet: he is the one
who, ns it had been foretold, was to
prepare the way of the Lord. Those
who had been baptized by John ugrecel
to this, or us the text says. "Justified
(iod." But the pharisees and lawyers
scoffed. Jesus turns upon them, am'
shows them their inconsistency. They
had evidently said: "John hnth u
devil," because he neither ate bread
nor drnnk wine. Hut Jesus conformed
more to the customs of the day, and
they said: "Hehold a pluttonous man,
and n winebibber, a friend of publicans
and sinners."
Gema of Tboaght.
Example Is more forcible than pre
cept. People look at my six days la
the week to find what I mean on the
seventh. Cecil.
Unselfishness Is the only salt that
preserves soundness; unselfishness is
the only Are that purifies and refines
snd betters and makes perfect. H. S.
Many favors which God ffiveth us
ravel out for want of hemming,
through our own unthankfulness, for,
though prayer purcbaaeth blessings,
giving praise doth keep the quiet pos
session erf them. Thomas Fuller.
The wall known writer. Kvelyn Hunt in her
book entitled "Womanly Beauty" aaya: "II la
my cantentian that every woman not only may
batahould poises charming personality ot
fae, figure and manner To attain and preaerve
beaut lathe proper study f womankind. A
meagre figure may tie developed: harsh, uneven
I features may be softened, refined aad rendeied ,
harmonious, a sallow or muddy complexion
maybe freshened, urtghlened ana mane clear;
dull eyes without eipreaaion. may glisten and
sparkle and unsightly blemishes of every kind
may be rent oved. Facial defects and shrunken.
Impoverished, undeveloped figures may be per
manently remedied and womanly beauty ac
quired and retained. Ills every woman's duty
to accomplish these results " The Marilla Com-
pany. He Hulton Htreet, New York, offers to
send a copy ol Kvilyn Hunt's book free, w lib a
small sise box of "Cassandra Cream" and a free
cake of Cassandra akin soap, to any lady who!
sends five two-cent stamps to .-over expense ol
mailing The regular price of this book is So
cents and it contains valuable interesting infer
Station and is full of good advice tor ladies who
desire to acquire nnd retain loveliness of face
and form, "t asaandra Cream" is a wonderful
beautiller of the complexion and makes the
skin soft, fresh and white by removing all im
purities am! discoloratlnns. It is a perftctly
pure preparation and will not injure the most i
sensible skin. BVlas.
A lillKlif.ol Sl,l nisi m
j work of art has just Im'cii issuiMl In New York
I nt an outlay of f,,r which the pub
Ushers desire a Manager in this Cnuiitv, also a
good Solicitor; good pay to right party Nearly
nn full nags sngrsTinsai sumptuous paiier, it i u
1 mlnateil rovers and bindings; over '31 golden
lilies in the morocco bindings; m arly lOOgotd
ril roses ill the cloth MndlngS. Sells at siifht.
p,esses running day and night so great is tin'
'sale. Christian mes and women making for
j tunes taking orders Itapiil proinot'ons. One
j Christian woman made char j-i'Hiii four weeks
i taking orders among her church sequel nlancca
andftisnds w rite us It may lead ' " per-
1 manent paying position to iiisueire our bus!-
I naaa and look after the large corraapondenoe,
which you can attend to right at your home
i Address s. i. Knowles Secretary, I
lat r ifteeutll Street, between llroadivay niel
- Fifth Ave . New York.
Sheriffs Sale of
I.V viri II' el I efriaiil ivrn ,,, rirn r.,-,- n-
sued out of the Court off non Pleas f Sny
der county. Pa. ami to i
u public sale ut the t House iii MiiidieburK,
... .. i
THURSDAY. MAY 10th. 1900,
I The foil owl t'K d-wicribd Real Butetc to wit-
All tliM cartel 11 lot of ground Rituals In the
. iioru.ita?h of Mlddloburg- oounlytMid iBBte kforu
i nail, htmn'it'il utitl ilfmrilMMl u follow to wit :
uiiiiii(i n t lie north by a Public Rood on lha
! - u-t y u lot or tl. It. I.VikH. n tin Mouth ftnd
w'-t by liuxl of John Mover, containing ONlv
j rol'lti'ii A-'hK. mora or lot, on which ore
' oontatnmu on angina ami other ntochlnery no
MMMry Tor hotlliiiK h-ir Bod an IOC HottM
Ako cortoin Korn of tiMMUMO of lanti
nittt in Wooliinoton townahlo, Bnydor countyt
ro.,odjolnlng londi of Peter Kratser on the
north, eoai by lonHi of Peter Krotser, and
ff 'lit i if AihIb. on lbs south iv londu of John
Waller end . .. . Uroyblll. und wow by lends of
Paler Krotser, Joekaon Woller ami notboniel
Arbqgaal containing ON R HI NDRBU AM
NINB(luif) ACHRB. more or leaa whereon era
erected o new Dwelling House, known aa lhe
BUMMI1 HOTEL, a Rood BAKN ami n new
utnl all other outbulldlnga Alan between nine ,
ami ten hundred young peach and other treei
on the premlsee About sixty (W) ocrea of tint
above land leolearaud In a fair state of uultl
vatlob, toe balance la yaung ttmberi
Belaed taken Into seeution and t !' sohl an
the property of Raohot J, Bowen. to k rommence at l o'clock (' M
i. W, ROW, Bherlff,
Mheriff a Office, Middleware?, Pa.,ApirlI 17, lima
INVESTORS! $io for $ I.
There's plentjr ot gold In Colorado's mining
camps. Sciolu-flforinenr,,
i .in 1 1 -- iiin.ii-iitcl tinniii'i miii rrai man wrmv
lloilnitcil IH'.juini we will send youn 1.1,-cK ol
! en shares (flu par value) in u new mining
I ooaipanr, paid up noil nonsssaasbl. iut,s
of :l 7 or ti n and 100 slum s fur 18-00
Sand lodar andi don't net left - ncdAinp ritAs.,
aotjfclnj naiimrt i ur paper haaAaa illuairatlona,
latest iiiiniiiK news ami will keep you fully
I posted. ReiH t" the editor of this paper.
I Stamps taken. Iteinit by inoliev order Address
I. A IIS A l N I S. Ileny er. ol.
I am Uiniecessary 111 CnHMftt.
Psln is no longer necessary in chihlbirth;
Baornlng aiekueaa, awollen limbs, and llkssvlls,
arc readily i trolled, iiml wmub 'I iscascs speed
ily cured. Never know n to fail I'hys ernes
pronoanoe it aronderful, snd overWjOOO ladles
attest its merits. I.ady leader, cut this nut; it
may save ynur life; suffer no I, oiKcr, but send
us litwiecent stamp, and receive in SSSlsd en
reloped foil particulars, ami raluabls irc,fs ,,f
our wonderful remedy. Address PRANK
THOMAS S t'i., Baltimore, Md. a ."wt.
A ealuable manual, btbictlt uiaiNTSSSsTsn
a true guide for I tie investor In stocks, Largs
orsmull. Tel ts Imw to speculate and not X)K,
woim h a loitTi NKt . anyone. We will send a
copy of the shore graal VoludlS by return mail
free' together with a valnalile treatise (lllu-trut-ed)ou
oiier vilnliiu in olorado. HIkIiIv
instructive ami intereating, Send accent stamp
to pay postage Bendtodsjrbsfots the present
edition is all spoken for. Address lbs publish
eis .h i I I liso ' it 0., Box tot, Denver,
t' l-lMm.
Farm For Sale.
! iio t' lerel beovMfotly loeated in tin'
lliilil Kiiti'i VuUi'V. A4 inil'-i imrtli ol HoeOTd,
Centre Oouotjr, Pa Adopted fr neoerol turm j
itiif, Hftirv. ttitt'k, trucking. lotMMOO, etc. Ar
titic bipldinaja. Writ fW deaeriptlon and
iddreaaO.A.GRU VEJE,Howrd Po
Central Hotel,
First-niass Accoismo4jtion. Liver? Attacbed.
oppi.sii. I ir-l sMSsrtHs) lliuik.
sssi i is ss.oo w M'ttt- fro 7:
HIKtr MAt'SklNTOMlt 'sr $lilJ
thii ul.
I 111 -I !.'!
lo tin aad ttrigM. slair nunbrrnf
. .nr. i i,. .it at i - ..i. tstra mir
ii a urtikr rl, flwr Miuudrr rg, aim
tPt wtU iwnsjMU thini'oai bv expra .
CaOetVi . m tikalaalksgv. HO
aiuln and wi it on at yeOf BOafael
fniv-H nflit f. lad K faad ralh
ai r ,.--'" i aad (lir r."-t 1- n.n
'aln )"u rr aaw mr Bard t. aad
. ,-i I lo mmj tmmi you ru hu for
j.lMt. iiriv ihe f 1 1'renrt aif nt M H
HPKIUL OrU I'ltKh, $2.75, ntJ
i.rt-a- fliarv'i-'
1 III- MA KINTOH1I Ik latpt 1900
ittlt. ew-T, niHilf fr-nn hpy
iatrfrir. taa t'or. gpaali.- laUtawr1
riathf lafl Irnirth, doulile BfOMaad,
Kacrprrt-lvet collar, fant-y plaid lining
atrTirof aewfdeams. Hultablc for
both Kala mr OtetOMi nrl ((aaraa.. rd
UBKITKNT TaU'K rr afrrfO by US or
any other aaaae IWfwlMI bbobIM
of Mpti's Mafkilit.fhf up to VnM.
and Mas1vto-MajiureMuiUnd Over
roataatfromafiim ttt0.00, write fot
ra. a.aput mmik m. ana,
JfSm mSm Maoai aaaoaalalej ninm Maaal
Br 4
ClaaasM ant besutiflss th hair.
Premiss s lororlASl frawlh.
(fever Kails to Bestorej gssy
Batr to Its Touthful Oelor.
Cans stalp dietasM a hslr tslUag.
rjt.fwnit'i KIDNEY
Backache Cure.
twe7ss7aaaiallai, ss1WeUag.eai.
araslTs.aMsas ay asatt aa.Treanals.MT
Only exclusive
Bicyrle Store in
Snyder County.
W. Pine St.
; v
Middleburgb, Fa,
Is working fit the HiinieKS busi-
' tn'HP for the print .i-i YMIY ,
Inih built an a niee trade.
m'IIh more Hiiniess nml Horse
l''iirnishitiir txouilr, evel'V Settnou.
Give Him a Call
f, and be convinced that lie keeps
the largest stoek in the Harness1
y I line of any parly in Snyder
I County and that you yet Sj
' MM 9 llfAk
V () 11 T ITl O Hi? V S VvOrlll .
, ,1 '
e very 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 you buy of lillll. .
Our brush should be used daily
r .4 i( C -1-
in p'ace oi tne oroinary nair
i brush, hair washes, or hair grow
, ers. If you do not find, after
! six months' trial, thai
Dr. Scott's
TT - T 4
T 4f 4V sl4C!ll
(L I J I 1 -iQ 1 I
, will do all we claim for it send it
j back and your money
1 will be refunded. You
) can buy the number
i one size for
Jt Is Guaranteed to Cure
rvou3 HcaJ.icIiO in live minutesl
liou.i i iwttijclio In flvg minutes I
u,,! in .Ac tnlnutc !
undruf and tiistases of the scalp!
r rove tit. i falling l:alr and baldness!
i faltM tit 2 hair long and glossy !
; rors::!i ;t rj Ooois store.-. c-J Dronxlsts
1 o- : arproegl, postpaid, on receipt
ur . .-. . a CCtlM i .r Kiaiage
1 cent
rteeh, '
" VH'TII '.-; :"r'."l ." nmt frr
, .. , . . l, '.. ,iicl ll Cf.-rtesg (,.rl. SI.
i t 1 n. 1-rtrif fin Bessag, St
HsWr'S M-it. i-issrs, St A'.r-'ne 1rtrT., " cfJ.
1 JElietFic ZiiisuJ .... 1.. Ltastio rmssM, S3. w
CF.O. A SCOTT. 8u Br. stlwsv, I .V
Veterinary sUrceoN.
All profewilonal buHlncss entrusted to my cart
w II ri celve prompt und careful attention.
Wicn you buy a
the liiirL'est stock
your money back if
i m
9 . x. p
. I
vv. x rs
y !
iiml ' !
asniii-n-ruLsu '' 'i' 's al n
i Use It
your purchase and enables you to
save Ihe dealer's profit
go. SOU Baser. I' "'')
with Islthrr , jirler top.
Our complete illustrated catalog-tie, showing many atyleaof hlith
grade vehicles, liarneaa, robes, blanketa, and home equipments,
with detailed descriptions of each, mailed free. Write for It and
learn how cheaply you cun buy when the Jobber's and dealer's
nroflta are cut off.
- .... ...
I Just IMIm
book that will make TOO understand the m&rveloas times wolWe In, how tbey come about,
aattiut ihav n-.. 1, n ' . r t, I I'. ;: h( fii tn rv
On to 17. A srt.: I ;m':. at a ilttln price.
A(td'1 Mel Tills, b
Wiicclcr writ aa "7hr
'.i. : 1. iimuDx wluid
omj Durtar: the Ccotsry."
wrii or.iit-ra oi lAerxnc::. - i-poi. i oiua, or i.nwiit lo.igag, on jm,'
Kmo-j R.
afehiastftn. rf
laps', I ' n m ...liil
si u. anl or cHitu, wiim
The title ef this great
Triumphs and
Capias seat t say address prepaid Clalb
BlatUag, aa-oOi Half Leather, 93.00;
Fall HTee, go.OO. If aol satlafartary
k.i. HOUaUUI 4 CO., Iff! feh
BE SURE . . .
Thai your eyes and yoni
Children's eyes are
good condition.
They may not complain, and, you
may not know that their eyes are
weak, hut lime will develop many
nervous disorders as a result of ne
leVting this important matter. We
test the eye with absolute accuracy.
No glueee recommended unless they
:ire needed. It you netd medical
treatment we will tell you so. No
one can do more. We have the lat
est applianoefl, ihe newest ideas and
methods i:; sijrht testing. Thiscom
bined with expeiience and skill in
the use ot such instruments. Making
mistakes I thing of the past. No
drugs used.
Jeweler and Refracting Optician,
21 W. Market St.. LewistowD.
OraduatS Philadelphia Optical ollce.
I MlH I Rfaf Ufa IhaVlsa?
Nafe. Alwavs reliable. Lasjlaa. asit Drogslst nr
I III! lilM I ll s ;).I.IMI in Ked ami
aold meliillic buxes, sealcl with blue ribbon.
Take no other. Kefuse dana-erous sulistl
tnlionsand inillallons. Buy of yniir Druggist,
or send te. in stamps for Particulars, le.ll
111, minis ami "Keller for Ladles." bl
by return Nail. lO.OOO Testiuiuuinls. Mold by
all LirucKists.
S100 . Square. I'll ..., PA.
Slsntion this psser.
WR HKLL 111 DAN II A I It sniMIUS lomairh
n tislr tit from 65C " 53.25, Hot
wiisTM inn mui mi vz.ou n . mr.
HIIR nCCSD Cut UUl al out and urn
tuut, Incloriea u ni i
.1 itiflf of tin finri htd wunti'fl, ami ('lit 1L
uutas near thu i au -- i . i n-i
our iprrlal prlrr iUtrd and b rrnlt mn t
pay pogtatfe, ami we will ih Hrh t
Mslca jruar hair cttfi, ana tobd toyout
mat), pout pa id, anil i" you an- not perfect t;
sntlHfltHl, n-tui n it ami vu mil luiuiediatt.
rt'iiiinl your nionev.
' frtirSiH'rI.IOfTrrrrlr-iiar'.llnwgi 2-o-. awltrti
20in. l -. lonu Htt'iu, 65c: ohort stfii:,
- VOC; jMn. tn. in... kiioi i Hlctn. 01,25;
usOt, ggvut iont?fanon titfin, 51.50; 101
lit in. lonir.iooi tatetn. S2.2SI 31 1 01 26 m
fclonir. bli'irt i.tfi;t. S3. 23. OK l AUAMIK
m woRa ua asobaat araoa on
market. rdrr mi MK mmi efi llirge sp-risl
prifrt Tour ta Mr rrliirncit If ynn arc mmi
plraanl. Writo for Krte Catalogue ul
llnir trtxxlH. AtMrfus,
' SEARS. ROEBUCK A CO.flnc) Chicaqa
(Star. OMbark Co an thuroitfUj rtli.iie.ttiHor. j
niw un unuru until vou tt thi wtch
rI RU raUHl I ...wi pay kxrgsss charcei
Bend oa your name, address and
. nearest ezprear office and we will
1 .n ml w.,11 hu nvnM.a It Ik all
llcbarmsnrepaidj for examinat ion,
' our urns 1 BARUSis id a une ik
FACS WATCH, laities' or irrnt's
size, wnn a rina americsn
MOVEMENT. YOU extunln,
it, and if found exactly an
represented, and per
fectly aatlafaotorr. payI
BS VOURSt Ot hern is,-,
antee this watch to be a
sallabla time-niece orl
money retunueil within
dan. The nioveineiit
la nickel, has 7 Jewels, Is i.m-wisd and 1
lever-set. IT IS A PERFECT BEAUTY and
Is worth from 110 to 115. In appearaDi-e,
and aa a time-piece It Is eiiual to a ftOD
we will send you free with the watch a
eat shown Is one-third size nf watch. SEND
POSTAL CARD Isr our Bis Whslsssls Csisloou.
Jewelrv, Diamonds, silver and Plated - Ware . Th
world sclllngr direct to consumers at wholl
prices. Our prlc. csnnot bs dusllcat.d .liewh.s tlm.-...plno SILVERINE WATCHES, lor M'l
SSe u
Eraieuuoa tins paper wnen vr,u r
LL a CO. 30-334 Dearborn St. ChirjJ
Agents WantedJ
Dr. Scott's Klectric Unbre:,
Corsets, tlectric Hair Urushes, 1
Mcltj, $3, fs, $io ; tlectric K
Klectric Insoles. Nature's own r
for backache, nervousness, indis';
headache, liver and kidney trou: !
Yaluablc book free.
Un. I ft.
rSsll SAM, $1 ID.
btAUl WSi.t r.-- -
Ji:0. A. SCOTT,
111 Broadwar, Hsw v.:U
carriaRe, bttggy or harness. . Choose from
and fullest assortment, and pay only the
1. 1
cost of making, with but one moderate profit added. Our
plan of selling direct from the factory insures satisfaction
you 're dissatisfied wtU
a, si sa , , a w. .as Sln.l. Sir.p
r. U. HOI lit, bOiumDUS, u. '.,,-. p, i t
Ked .0 Know
wi 11 er:'' to tiikn nart In Llio&Cjun of titt JB
7U) paces. 350 illuaimilons, 33 faieaf
nr': s
ritea oa Tha (Vntnry'a Naval pHpFe CeR. J!
V.nn af tlic 1 rBlarj." Jim. F. Hoy!, A. M.. I '
Qh lUrrcy W. Wile, OMaf Caaaai. djmfmm
if" netwitmmn r-hnn t'timnl C mmifirm. on The
.... In-. rI.Mhf, Fm. Ietldrnt !..
,si "Thel'rectess sfWsan Wltala the CesisrJ.
wrk Is
Wanders of the XSXth Cantor
aaa saaaag will a renaaea.
tl. 1