3EO. W. WAOEN8ELLEB, Editor and Proprietor. MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO., PA.. THURSDAY, APR. 26. 1900. VOL. 37. NO. 1 i LOCAL NEWS. A Week's News Dished up in Small Quantities Visitors in Town During the Past Week-Other News of Interest. License court meets Friday. Mrs. Curtin Bowersox lias been seriously ill tlie past week. All Notions reduoed on opening lays. L. DtTNKBLBERGEB, Tin1 public schools closed a very successful term Friday lust. I). A. Kern removed the fence in front of the old jail property. MissMarv Hitter is making htr home with Hon. (i. A. Sohoch. B. T. Reiohenbuaoh of Aline was an early caller Monday morning. Mrs. James Row and daughter of Sclinsgrove are visiting at the coun ty jail. State College of Centre Co., I'm., lias an advertisement in the PoBT. Read it. 4-5-1:51. V. B. Winev bought a horse at Seven Points. He now has a splen did match team. Regular preaching services will be resumed next Sunday evening at 7:30 in the U. J I. church. Hundreds of yards of embroid eries and laces at one cent jht yard and upward. L. DCNKELBERGER. W. H. Harder of Hartleton was intown Saturday and took his grand children, Wilmer and Bryce, with him. Rev. John Yoderof Stewartsville, N. J., was called home owing to the illness of his mother, Mrs. Barbara Yoder, A. E. Soles, the burlier, was strick eu with a severe spell of sickness Saturday afternoon, but has again recovered. Does your church, Sunday School or public School need an orgain. if so keep your eye on the Post's or gan contest. Foil Sale. A ne.v butcher va 4011, one of the latest stvles, will be sold cheap. Enquire of A. W. Bow ersox, Middleburg, Pa. li. C. R. Spangler, formerly of this place, has moved from I'pperStras burg, Franklin Co., Pa., to Mc ('onnelsburg, Fulton Co., Pa. Our line of LeTriomphe gloves i complete and are actually worth 1.25 vill go at 90 cents 011 opening days. I,. DOXKELBEBGBB. 1 will pay market price for good veal calves and good country made tallow. J. L. Wl.NKMAN, X. Third St., Lewiaburg, Pa. l-2i;-it. Mrs. H.'Oppenheiuier and Mim Klsic Slattern of Belinagrove were in town Saturday to attend the fun eral of Mrs. A. W. Boweraox. John H. Willis and wife wish to publicly thank the kind friends and neighbors for the assistance and comfort afforded during their recent 1 roubles. Good wages will be paid to a com petent girl, for doing general house work. For further information ap ply to UBS. G. R. Van Alkn, Northumberland, Pa. C. C. Seebold, theSunburv music dealer, was in town Tuesday. He has moved into his new building ou Third street and has one of the nic t business places fn Sunbury. John Kllenberger and family of Harrisburg, L. C Bowersox and family of Shamokin, Fanuie Bower sox of Sunbury and John Bower sox of Harrisburg were in town Saturday attending the funeral of Mrs. A. W. Bowersox and spent Sunday in town. Delegate Conference. The conference to elect National delegates from this congressional dis trict met in Lewistown last Friday. The conferees to represent Dr. Mer man were M. E.' Fi d lev, Dr. E. W. Tool, Jacob H. Airier and Prof. F. C. Bowersox. Dr. Percival Herman of this eountyandCarl Gageol Hun tingdon Count v were elected Nation al delegates, and Jas. (i. Tompson of Juniata county was elected the Presidential elector. Card of Thanks. Editor Post. Please return my heartfelt thanks to all those who in any way ministered so graciously to me and children during the illness and after the death oi my wile. It opportunity would permit 1 would at once answer these kind acts and deeds individually to each and every person who aided us so kindly in our recent sad bereavement. 1 am at a loss of words in expressing my appreciation of the many acts of kindness shown. Trusting at Borne future time 1 may be able to do some kind deeds in return, I remain Yours Sincerely, A. W. Pi KItSOX. IN COMBINATION WITH THE POST. W e give below some clubbing combinations with the Post. The rates quoted are very low. The Farm Journal, monthly, tor almost five years and the Middleburg Post one year, paid in advance, SI."1'. The Farm Journal is dm of thti lit-st agricultural paper iuulUtitU. It con taint from HI to W puttm onch month find treat of every mibjoi't of interest to the farmer, luhorer unit working man. The New York Tri-UVckly Tri bune ami the Middleburg Post, one year, paid in advance, only $175. The Tri-Wroklv h pllblllhed Mnmluy, Wcliie(iiy and i riitay, rwebM ItirK jroporftion of nbMnben on luti of iMiic. and rai-li I'tlltioti in a thoroughly ut-to-dat daily fa m 1 1 y newspaper tor biiny people. The New York Weekly Tribune and the Middleburg Most, one year, paid in advance, only $1.25 Tin Weekly Tribune in published on Thursday, and given all Important new-4 of nation and world, the most reliable market reports, unexcelled aifricidtural department, reliable general informa tion and choice and entertaining tnle eelluny. It in the ' people's paper" for the entire I'nited States, a national fam ily paper for fanner And villager. The New York Tri-Weekly World and the Middleburg Post, one year, paid in advance, ouly $1.65. The Tri-WV.-klv World OORIM three tlmeH ii week, in "lllleil with the lateol newi of the COUOtrr and in well worth the priee ukeil for it. The Practical Farmer, one year, and the Middleburg PosT,one year, paid in advance, $1.50. Both id the above papers and the Practical Parmer Year Book and Agricul tural Almanac lor 1900, paid in advance, only $1.65. The practical ftatjnarltonoottlMtNjal fiirni papata publlanad, i in-l mohthly. ut ll.ini year. The year hook oontalns iIiiii pi-. - in whieli th.'.-r Ii a fiimi of In foriniition that ll useful to the fiirim-r. The priM of thin boob alone in S'l eentn. Yon Ml the PWrTi tin Practical Farmer ami the year hook for only 11.60 court house ohips j AN ORGAN CONTEST Go to A. Soles for a smooth easyshave or up-to-date hair cut :uid heid cleaned with a refreshing shampoo or dandruff removed with his tonic, clean towel to each patron in hank building one door east of Post Office; satisfaction guaranteed. Higgle Perry Book, licing No. 2 of The Biggie Books, is all about terries. A encyclopedia of berry lore, boiled down after the manner of FARM J HJKNAL. Tells about varieties, alxiut planting, growing, mulching, cultivating, picking and marketing. It gives practical point ers from the pens of scores of lead ing berry growers from all parts of the country who have contributed to its columns. It has colored repres entations of berries true to size and color, thirty-three portraits of prac tical berrymen, and thirty-five other illustrations, handsomely bound in cloth. The price is 51 cents, by mail; address the publishers, Wil mer Atkinson Co., Philadelphia. l-i-l. I ill. r ii lor Krcord. Ephraim Howell to Win. R. I lowell, house and lot No. 1", in Beavertown for $500. Miss lora Smith to the Trustees of the Unwed Evangelical church of Smith Grove, lot in Smith (irove, for $115. Ida K noose to A. i. Hornberget real estate in Perry twp., for i?."0. .lane and Robert McClellan to Henry .1. Lepley, 66 acresin Spring twp. fur i? 1 ST."). Dr. II. M. Nip: le and wife to Jefferson Lcnig, 45 acres in Union twp. tin- !?7l'i. George Fisher and w ile to Ida I. Erb, two lots in Monroe township for one dollar. Amanda Srush and husband to Mary. lane Hoffman, 23 acres and lid perches in West Beaver twp. fin- 7. Heirs nl Michael Ewig to Emma I,. Heifer, S'J acres in Adams twp. for $2065. .i list le. s famtnloaloitn, I'lic following Justices "I the Peaci ininissioiis wi re r ived at ilir rlecorder'B offjee, April 20th : J. A. Aigler of Beaver twp.; .1. F. Eetteroli ol Adam- twp.) W illiam Mover and F. S. Glass of Wash ington; A. P. Dahberman of .lack sun; II. 1. Jarretl of Selinsgrovej T. A. Stetler "f Monroe; J. A. Sha de! oi Perry twp. and .las. F. Keller nl Spring. Jtlirrlitice l leense. I Francis Bowar, Centre twp. Salhe Brotichcr, " " f Howard A. Walter, K reamer, I Rosa A. Biokel, Freeburg. Murdered at Lewisburg. The "Post" Will Present a Hand some Chapel irv.au to a Church, Sunday School or Public School in Snyder County. Friends of "The Post" Roll of Bonor. The following persons have paid their subscription tu tln Pout to the dates opposite their names. Should any mistakes occur in these credits or on your pa per please notifv us : Lkwishuho, Pa., April 22. las. Lenhart aged 35 years, and Newton Mutz, aged 30 years, who hail lung been friends, had worked together in a mill here and were almost insepar able when utl duly, quarreled last night uver a woman. Mot later on was stabbed to death, and Lenheart, who is a married man, is in jail charg ed with the crime. As usual thetwo men weretogetb ei on Saturday night. They were in the Cameron House when Lenhart began to tease Mot about a woman, whom, it is alleged, I t 1 1 called upou. Mut became angry and troubleseem i d imminent. They afterwards decid ed to let the matter go and took sev eral drinks together. The two men remained together lor an hour lunger when a reference to the woman again led to hot words. Then they separated, Motz joined a friend Aaron Weidensaul, while Lenharl en tered a nearby restaurant. Mut ami Weidensaul went to the Baker House. Lenharl approached Mut. and, so the authorities allege, stabbed him in the neck. The jugular vein was sev ered ami Mut died within three minutes. Lenhart was arretted by two officers at his home. )nce ineiis tody he begged the officers to shoot him. Iledcclared rejieateilly that he would rather he dead than alive. To dav Lenhart declared that he.did not stah Motz. He says that Mot first struck him and that he brushed him roughly away. The knife cannot be found, and Lenhart's clothing is free freed Mood stains. 9 m m Snyder County Clay. Ner A. Feese of Beavertown was ut this place last week and showed us an analysis of the clay taken from his mines near Beavertown. The analysis was made by M.C. Ihlseug, of Pepartment of EngineeriDgof the Pennsj lvania State College. The analysis shows: Silicia, 63; Alumnia, 22.05; Ferric Oxtd, .94; Lime, 1.2; Alkalies, 3.4; Water, 8.2. The inspection shows that this clay is of a good quality and stand ard alue for tiles and similar ware. I The Winner Shall be Named by the Subscribers of this Popular News paper. The publisher ol the Middleburg Post will present tu some church, Sunday school or public school in Snyder county, one of the most hand some chapel organs manufactured. The organ which the I'n.-r will give away is manufactured by The Wea Ver Organ and I'ianoCo. ol York, Pa. Their agent in Snyder county is Mr. Frank S. b'iegle ut this place, who has Mild many uf the Weaver organs throughout tin inly. The qiluiitv ol the Weaver organs is well known by many of our readers, but for the benefit of thiM- w ho air nul familiar with the line ijualities of the Weaver organ- we w ill av that by the clu-e uf llli- week we w ill have in Middlchuig the very organ that will be given away by t lit PnsT. The, organ will be placed in the music renin of V. S. Ii'iegle adjoin ing th" Washington Hoiim- in llii plaoe, where the ..rgau will remain during the eiinie-t. Am ol the readers the l'i i can feci at libert v to call Oil Mr. liiegle, who will be pleased to show them nut only the organ we propose tu present to sonic chore, Sunday school or public school, but he will alsoexhihit other organs, sew ing machines, etc., and quote the very lowest prices on all kinds of musical instruments. The organ we will give away is the style chapel No.-Ii, of the W ea ver make, has live octaves, '1 lull sets of reed., nctuve couplers, auo is guaranteed by the manufacturers for years. The Post under its present man agement has already conducted three different contests and awarded at dil ferent times a total of six scholarship prises amounting to almost $500. The lirst contest was conducted Jan., Feb. and March 1805und was for free tuition, board, beat, wash ing, furnished room, light and use of gymnasium at Bloomsburg Slate Normal .school for 13 weeks value-1 at (69.50. The prize was awarded Mar. 20, 1805, to Chas. W. Smith of Troxelville. The second contest was conducted through the mimiuer of 1895 and consisted of two prize-, Rrst, tree tuition, etc, as above lor two terms, valued at $139, awarded August 1895 to A. W. Gill and second prize, consisting of one term as above awarded to W. I. Zechman. The third contesl was tor sl weeks, tree tuition, heat, furnished room, etc, at Susquehanna University, divided into three prizes, first, con sisting of 39 weeks or one year awarded to A. C, Bowersoxof Pen us ('reek. Second,'-'" weeks cr two terms to E. F, Snyder of New Berlin and third, 15 weeks or one terra lo J. H, Kreitzer of MoKees J Falls. The details concerning this organ contest will be promulgated later. We will say. however, that the sub scribers of the Post will have the sole power of awarding this elegant Weaver organ to some church, Sun day school or public school in Sny der county. A blank ballot will be published in the Post each week. This can he cut out and sent in and will count as one vole. There will also be premium coupons issued to new subscribers and to old subscrib ers paying in advance which w ill count toward awarding the contest. There will lie no rules or restiic tions except such as ire absolutely necessary for the purpose of making the award honestly. The contest will begin as soon as the details can be arranged, perhaps next week. I J. B. Snyder, Laura liiegel, . j Willet Arbogast, II. I'.. Iteichenbach, Aaron 1 1 . Mussel', II. I'. Hoot. Geo. Kauffman, John A. Bamer, Allen A. Foreman, Samuel Verger, Then. Bow, M. J. Woodling, Mr-. Jos. Waller, .lames A vers, B. K. Shaffer, A. I. Shi rev, U.S. Wenninger, W. . Rhonda, Geo. W. Diehl, J. M. Maurer, John K . Mover, II. B. Golnett, Ellen Wcirick, Roberl I .audenslnger, J. II. App, I . A. Stciuinger, l. W . ( Ironse, ( leo. S. Troutman, P. A. Troup, A. 1 . K reamer, John Howell, Irwin Buyer, W. Smith, .;. Rice, W. H. Herman. W. L. Bassler, 1'. P. Fcssler, Elmer Shambach, Frank Miller, Adam B. Slicmurrv, .liiliu ' '. Slack, ( lias. A. Saner, M. E. Erdley, Jonathan ( Irubb, I Inward Swart.. David Middleswarth, N.r M. Middleswarth, Tobias Mitchell, P, J. Herlister, H. H. Faust, 1 . F. ( 'nb man, W. F. Sunders, John H. Seller, W. A. Kceler. S. W. Trutt, Sylvester Flanders, Allen Sctihrist, II. J. Si rub, ( ieo. Flanders, .I.e. Middleswarth ( '. A. Manbcck, W. It. Freed, III, A. Bowersox, ! A. II. Mover, ' -I. W . Ki-i iihaur, ! F. F. Walter, ! Kev. .1. Shauibacli, Simon Kratxer, . 1 larvcy Shambach, I.I. . Straw.-er, George lienfer, I Jonathan KeichenlN T. RGraybill, Samuel .i. nroiise, John ( i. Shaffer, T. P. Derr, II. .1. Wagner, I). ( i. Wilmer. W. II . ( rordotl, Frank Woodling, Levi S. Gelnett, Wilson Arbogast, Jacob Row, D. H. I iover, Abner Aigler. Percival Row, Elmer V. Row, J. P. Bowersox, Win. Mover, F. P. Walter, P. S. Rlege), S. P. Sampsell, Foster Kratzcr, M. L. Hassinger, Harry L. Meyers. John A. Parsons, Emanuel Yerger, W. A. Fisher, Wm. L. Suflle, Nov. 1, 1899 Ian. I'd, L901 .Ian. 1, 190 July 1, 1899 I ec. I, 1805 Feb. I, 1901 Dec. 1, 1891) June I, 1900 Aug. 1, 1900 Mar. I, 1900 Jan. I, 1901 May 21, 1901 Apr. I I '.Mil Jrn. 1, 1901 Apr. 1, 1900 Feb. 1, 1901 Feb. Mar. K.b. J line Feb. J Apr. Jan. Feb. Mar. Feb. A ug. Feb. I, 1001 I, I '.II II I I, 1901 I, I! 'I Hi f), 1001 1 , 1 000 I, 1 00 1 I. 1001 I, 1000 I. 1001 I, 1000 I, 1001 u. S. Le; lev, I '. II ll I 1887 1 809 1901 I in 1 1 1 1 M l( i Feb. 1, 1901 Feb. I May Sept. Vpr. li Mar. Julv I Feb. I, 1901 Feb. 1, IHOl Feb. I, 190 June 1, 1900 June 1, 1808 Feb. 1, 1901 Feb. I."., 1001 Apr. 1, 1900 Apg. 1, I '.in I Feb. I J, I '.MM do do do Oil do Julv Mar." I Sept. Feb. I- Apr. 1 897 1 899 I 899 1901 1000 looi ! t 1893 1 900 I '.KM i Feb. 19, 1901 .. . . I-cb. 20, Mar. 21, Feb. 15, Mar. I, Anna Fisher, Adam J. Fisher, Isaiah Walter, N. I '. illtelllls, -I . II. II. (oven, L, E. Pawling, N. Wentsel, Anion J. K line, M. J. Vuirtncy, Lincoln Zieber, . P. Hummel, Dr. H. S. Braucht, J. W. Kiester, Wm. Snyder, A. W . 1 lowers , Sarah '. I lobsou, Foster Kratzcr, K. E. Miisscr, II. M. Hassinger, Geo. Stahl, Daniel Knbs, Gi R. C Fiss, ( t iis I kiwersm . James I !eaer, Flias Wcirick, Allied ( 'huhb, ( Seorgc I luuliert, Snvilln Wale-. . . .-ii . v . ,. i isn, o n. S. K line, John II. Miller. A . B. luuhermaii, Mrs. David Reed, s. II. Gruybill, Samuel Bilger, t 'harles Schrey, I'. I.. Row. Thomas Bailer, II. A. Riucli, L. G. Smith, R. F. Sipe, (J. W. Voder, J. H. Troup, F. S. SI roup, A. P.. Wolgemuth, A. II. Rose, F. W. Thomas, ( lyrus ( 'ourtnev, B. F. Row, I lenry I ituidcnslager W in. Hassinger, R. A. Kant, Natiuiial Hotel, l. F. Seip, ( ' 1 1 : i -. I Icimbnch, I 'bares Herman, Kcu ben Benler, J. L. Weiser, Samuel II. Martin, I r. J. ). Wagner. A. K. oil. I hiniel I Iiinl . Jaini - Sliuniuu, Wm. I.i.-s, Mar. 1, I '.Mil Apr. 1, 1901 Mar. I, 1901 Mar. 1, I '.mm i Mar. 1, 1901 Jan. I, 1902 Mar. I, 1901 Feb. 1, 1901 Mar. "J, 1900 Jan. 1, l'.inl Mar. Mar. ( let. Illlie I Mar. 5ent. 1 1901 1000 linn 1 ; m m i 1901 I '. M V I Mar. 1, 1901 .Ian. I, 1901 pr. 1. I '.Mil I '. M M I 1 '. M II 1 l'.MII -I III"." Apr. Mar. Mim pr. I I i e. I Apr. I Jan. I June I Jan. I Apr. I I. I li Mai. Apr. ( I. I. Anr. I, I I, in 1 1 I in in 1 '. M II I 1901 1900 I '. II M I mil! 1901 ii in mill l'.MH I IK II I l'.MII I '.Mill l'.MII I '. M 1 1 1896 l'.MII Mar. I. Apr. I , Mar. "J I, Julv I, Apr. I, May I, 1900 Apr. 1, 1901 do I S'.l'.l ; '. M H i l'.MII) Vug. Mar Apr Vnt 1, 1 , I 901 May I. July I, May I. June I. Apr. I .I one I . IVb. 15 June I. Anr. I" Apr. I, l'.MH Aug. I, 1000 Apr. I, I '.'i 1 1 Jan. I, 1901 l'.MH llli K) I'.M Ml l'.MII I l'.MH 1 1 II II I l'.MII) I '. M II I I'.MMI Mar. Aug. A Free Scholarship for Sny der County. mil 901 901 '.Mil : The Car-ineortHiruted Apr. Mar. l'.MII l'.MII Nov. 1, 1895 Jan. 1."., l'.MH Mar. I, L901 do Sept. 1, 19(1(1 Mar. 1, l'.MH Apr. I, l'.MH I Jan. .), 1901 Feb. I, 1111)1 Apr. 1, 1900 Mar. 16, 1901 Mar. 1, 19(11 do do do do Jan. 1, 1901 Mar. 1, 1901 Sept. 1, 1900 Mar. 14, 1901 Mar. 1, 1901 Jan. 1, 1901 do do Mar. 14, 1001 Jan. 15,1001 May 1. 1000 I Rogers, .. April I i negie ( lollcgc, a new!) I (ml lege a! Rogers, Ohio, mi order to introduce its un thuds nl teaching by correspondence, wdi give one Free Scholarship In Snyder 'oiinty ( !ouu ty. The Free Scholarship gives the i student Iree tuition in tie Normal and Academic Courses, and also in the ( oniniercial nurses un iiiuing Book-keeping and Short-hand. All (he instruction is given by mail at the student's home. Students mak ing application for Free Scholarship write al once to tin- College and mention the Post, and also Snyder 'mint v Pa. Bark Wanted. We can useall the hem luck, oak and chestnut kirk we can get and will pay the highest cash prices for the same. We pay cash weekly. M n r ie H.KxtlpA Co., l-19-.lt. Shamokin, Pa. To the Deaf. A rich lady, cured of her Deafness and Noises in the Head by Dr. Nicholson's Artificial Ear Drums, gave $10,000 to his Institute, so that deal' people unable to procure the Far Drums mav have them free. Address No. 10327 The Nicholson Institute, 780, Eighth Avenue, New York. 1-25-ly