The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 19, 1900, Image 3

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    he conld not help envying these men sisters ami have any self respect left But Mrs. Hardy was r.rt to innvc to j A, ,,, vnr.,j ,,,, ,,.,.., ., ,,.
warn rue nncien irorona i aw 1 1 i inai mrit m t,, T
this morning. "Why," he said, "proba
bly not one of them but has at least
seven weeks to live and most of them
seven month, or years, while I Why
should those men complain because
they are not released from toll? Isn't
toll tweet when iuere are a strong body
and a loving wife and a happy home?
O Ootl," lie continued to think, "1
would Rive all my wealth If I niiirlit
Itbange places with any one of these
men and know that I would probably
have Bore than a week to live."
Mr. Hardy walked back to the office,
leaving the foreman In a condition of
wondering astonishment.
"Something wrong In his works, I
guess," muttered Burns.
Mr. Hardy sat down to his desk and
wrote an order releasing all the men
who desired to attend Seoville's fu
neral in the afternoon. He did not
have It In his power to do more, and
yet he fell that this was the least he
could do under the circumstances. The
more he thought of Seoville's death
the more he felt the cruel Injustice of
It The Injuries were clearly acci
dental, but they might havo been
avoided with proper care for human
life, and Robert Hardy was just be
ginning to understand the value of hu
manity. He worked bard at the routine of bis
office work until noon. He did what
seemed to him the most necessary part
of It all with conscientious, fidelity.
But his mind a good part of the time
was with the men In the shops. He
could not escape the conviction that if
a railroad company had the willing
ness to do so It could make the sur
roundings of these men safer and bap
pier without getting poorer work or
even losing any money by it.
When noon sounded, he went home
resolved to do something as far as lay
In his power to make the men feel that
they were regarded as something more
than machines.
George was down stairs when his fa
ther came In and looked at him with
Tin afraid there'll be trouble, sir. Icon
feel it in the air."
curiosity rather than with any feeling
of shame for the scene of the night be
fore. After lunch was over Mr. Hardy
called his son Into the study for a little
talk with blm before going down to the
"I do not need to tell you, George,"
began bis father quietly, but with feel
ing, "that I felt the disgrace of your
drunkenness last night very bitterly.
You cannot know the feelings of your
father am' mother in that respect. But
I did not cull you in here to reproach
you for your vices. 1 want to know
what you intend to do in the face of
the present conditions."
Mr. Hardy paused, then went on
again: "I am perfectly aware, George,
that you regard my dream as a fancy
and think 1 am probably out of my
mind. Isn't that true?"
Mr. Hardy looked George full In the
face, and the young man stammered:
"Well I ah yes I don't Just un
"At the same time," went on bis fa
ttier, "1 realize that nothing but a con
viction of reality could produce the
liange In me wblcb you and all the I
rest of the family must acknowledge
baa taken place. And you must con
fesa that I am acting far more ration
ally than I did before my dream occur
red. It Is not natural for n father to
neglect his own children, and I have
Hone it It la not rational that be
ihould spend his time and money and
ttrengtb on himself so as to grow In
tensely selfish, and I have done that
Uy son, you may doubt me, but I am
firmly convinced that I shall not be
alive here after next Sunday. I am
trying to live aa I ought to live under
ttiose conditions. My son," Mr. Hardy
poke with dignity and a certain lm
Iresslon which George could not but
feel, "I want you to do as you know
you ought to do under the circum
stances. When I am gone, your moth
er and the girls will look to you for ad
vice and direction. You will probably
have to leave college for a little while.
We will talk that over this evening.
But I want you to promise me that you
Will not touch another glass of liquor
or handle another card as long aa you
George laughed a little uneasily and
then lied outright: "I don't see the
barm of a game once In awhile just for
tin. I don't play for stakes, as some
fellows do."
George," said bis father, looking at
ln steadily, "you have not told the
truth. You were gambling only a few
Wghts ago. It Is useless for you to de
ny It That Is where the very liberal
allowance I have given you has been
George turned deathly pale and sat
lth bowed head while hla father went
almost sternly: "Consider your
pother, George, whose heart almost
you will let drluk and curds aloti
utter this. In the sight of God. my
dear boy, remember what he made
you for. You are young. You have
all of life before you. You cau make
a splendid record If God spares your
"I would gladly give nil I possess to
stand where you do today and live my
life over again. I can't do it. The
past is Irrevocable. But oue can al
ways repent. George, believe tue. your
mother would rather see you in your
coffin than see you come home again as
you did hist night. We love you"
Mr. Hardy, proud mau that he was,
could say no more. He laid his hand
on t lie boy's head as If he were a
young lad again and said simply.
"Don't disappoint God, my boy," and
went out, leaving his son sitting there
almost overcome by his father's pow
erful appeal, but not yet ready to yield
himself to the still small voice that
spoke within even more powerfully
and whispered to him: "My son. give
me thine heart. Cease to do evil; learn
to do well. Cleanse thy ways and fol
low after righteousness."
It was 1 o'clock when Mr. Hardy
came down stairs, and as he came luto
the room where Mrs. Hardy and the
girls were sitting lie happened to think
of some business matters between him
self and his only brother, who lived in
the next town. 20 miles down the road.
lie spoke of the matter to Mrs.
Hardy, and she suggested that Will go
down on the It o'clock train with the
papers Mr. Hardy wanted to have his
brother look over and come back on
the 0 o'clock In time for dinner.
tiara asked If she couldn't go, too.
and Bessie added her request, as sin
had not Been her aunt for some time
Mr. Hardy saw no objection to theli
golntr. only he reminded them (bat In
wanted them all back at 0. Alice vol
iinteeted to amuse deorge at holm
while all tlie rest were gone, and Mr
ami Mrs. Hardy departed for the fu
neral, Mr. Hardy's thoughts still at)
sorlied for the most part with Ins older
boy. Clara bad asked no questions
concerning the Interview with James
nnd her father simply Stated that they
could have a good talk about It lu tin
The tenement at No. "CO was crowd
ed, and In spite of the wintry weather
large numbers of tiifn and women
stoiid outside In the snow. Mr. Hardy
had ordered his sleigh, and he and bis
wife had gone down to the house In
that ready to take some one to the
The simple service, as it began was
exceedingly Impressive to Mr. Hardy
Most of the neighhAis present looked
at blm and his wed dressed wife In
sullen surprise. Sbt noticed the looks
with a heightening ctlor, but Mr. liar
dy was too much absorbed in his
thoughts of what ho bad done and left
undone In this famllr to be Influenced
by the behavior of tbose about him.
Mr. Jones offered a prayer for the
comfort of God to rest on the stricken
family. He then rtad a few words
from John's gospel appropriate to the
occasion and said a few simple words,
mostly addressed to the neighbors
present. The poor widow bad been re
moved to a small room up stairs and
lay there cared for b the faithful sis
ter. The minister had nearly conclud
ed his remarks when a voice was heard
In the room above, voices expostulat
ing In alarm and growing louder, fol
lowed by a rapid movement In the nar
row hall nbove, and with a scream of
frenzy the wife rushed down the stairs
and burst luto the room where the dead
body of her husband lay. She had sud
denly awakened out of the fainting
stupor In which she had been lying
since her husband's death and realized
what was going on In the house with a
quick gathering of passion and
strength, such as even the dying some
times are known to possess. She had
escaped from ber sister and the neigh
bor who were watching with her and,
crazy with grief, flung herself over the
cotlin, moaning and crying out In such
heartbreaking accents that all present
were for a moment flung Into a state of
Inaction and awe.
the wife of the once haughty and pined
man learn the touch of sympathy thai
draw that other poor sister nearer to
her and flually soothed her Into quiet
ness? Certain It Is that suffering in
her own home had marvelously taught
the richly dressed woman, the refined.
cultured hldy, to hold this other one to !
be of the same household of Cod with
her, So it was that she finally succeed
ed In drawing her away into the other
room and there held her, gasping for
breath, now that the brief strength was
spent, and crying feebly: "O God, help
me! Don't keep mo here In this world
any longer!"
If this brief scene thrilled the neigh
bors with pity, what shall be said of
Its effect on Robert Hardy? For a
moment it seemed to him more than he
could bear. He started to his feet and
put ills hands before his face. Then,
calming himself by n great effort, he
sat down, and his face became almost
like n stone in Its rigidity. When his
wife finally succeeded In getting the
woman into the rear room, bis face re-
Kke when you came to last night 1
't ask you to consider me. I have
t been to yon what a father ought to
When baby comes to the home it will
bind the wife closer to the husband, or
it will gradually tend to cut her off from
his companship. A sickly mother loses
in physical charm, and often in temper
and disposition. A fretful child is a
trial, even to loving parents. The use
ot Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
prepares the wife for motherhood. It
strengthens the body, and induces a
healthy condition of mind, free from
anxiety or fear. It makes the baby's
advent practically painless. The mother
being Healthy her child is healthy, and
a healthy child is a happy child, a joy
to the parents, linking them together
with a new bond of affection.
There is no opium, cocaine or other
narcotic in " Favorite Prescription,''
" I read what roar medicine hi done for
other people." write Mra. Ed win H. r.ardner,
of Beechwood, Norfolk Co.. Max., Box 70, "so
thought I would try it, and I fonad it a blesainf
to me and family. I took your medicine a
year when I had a ten pound girl. I had the
eariest time I ever had with any of my three
children, and I hare been rerj well rrer slate.
I took three bottles of ' Favorite Prescription,'
three of 'Golden Medical Discovery,' and three
vials of ' Pellets.' Before I took your medicine
I only weighed 135 pounds, and now I weigh
I pounds."
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure sick
0 God, help mr! Don't .rrp me here in
imi uuriit (iny longer"
laxed. ami he breathed more easily
but as soon as possible he arose and
went out and stood silent there until
the body was brought out and placed
In the hearse. Then ho went In and
spoke n few words to Ills wife and
told Mr. .lones that he could take four
or five to the cemetery If they wished
to go. Mrs. Hardy would stay with
the SUaennf widow until he came
back. Mr. Hardy also whispered some
thing to his minister and gave him 11
large roll of bills to be used for the
family, then went out again.
That ride In the cold gray of the de
dining winter afternoon was a bitter
experience to Robert He roused him
self at the grave as he heard the
words, "Raise us from tbo death of
aln unto the resurrection of righteous
ness," and something like a gleam of
hope shot through bis heart at the
words. Surely there was mercy with
him who had conquered death for the
sake of the human race.
He drove back with more peace of
soul than be bad thought possible. By
the time he had reached the shop tene
ments It was growing dark. He drove
home with his wife and thought with
something of a feeling of pleasure of
the evening before hlin with his fam
ily. This second day had been more
agitating in some ways than his first.
He hud been unnerved at the funeral
and had felt remorse more keenly than
he had once thought possible. As he
reviewed the events of the day with
his wife he felt dissatisfied. And yet
he had truly tried to do his duty in the
light of eternity. What more could he
He felt anxious about George and
told his wife of the conversation he
had with him. Mrs. Hardy felt the
same anxiety with her husband. After
the horses were put up and the father
and mother had gone Into the house
they continued the conversation. Alice
was up stairs with George, and the
other children bad not come back. It
was dark, but husband and wife sat
by the light of the open Are and talked
together until nearly 6 o'clock. Mr.
Hardy had Just said something about
Clara, and Mrs. Hardy replied, "Isn't It
about time they were here?" when the
telephone bell rang In the little ottlce
adjoining the hallway, where Mr.
Hardy did some of the business of
the company, being connected by wire
with the shops. He went In and an
swered the call, and a series of sharp
exclamations and questions was soon
followed by his coming back into the
room where bis wife sat By the light
of the open Are she could see that he
was very pale. His overcoat was lying
on the couch where be had thrown It
as be came In. He hastily put It on
and then said to his wife:
"Mary, there has been an accident
to the 0 o'clock way train between
Baldwin and here, and Burns has tele
phoned me to come down. Don't be
alarmed. We will hope for the best"
Mrs. Hardy started up.
"Why, Will and Bess and Clara were
coming home on that train!"
"Mary" Mr. Hardy's voice trem
bled, but be tried to speak calmly aud
in comfort "let us hope for the best"
"What did Mr. Burns telephone?
Tell me all, Robert I can bear It with
"He telephoned that the train was
derailed and a dozen people killed and
as many Injured. I must go down the
road at once. Oh, my God, spare our
dear ones!"
Mr. Hardy was almost overwhelmed
by this last stroke, and yet be asked
himself bow many accidents bad oc
curred this last year on the road, and
he bad never given much thought to
the Buffering of tbose families nffllcted.
Now perhaps It had come to him, and,
bidding hla wife pray and hope, he
rushed out of the house and down to
the station with the energy and rapidi
ty of the youth who in college days
bad taken prises for athletic superb
scene of the ae
cldent. It consisted of a rrec':ln car,
a caboose and one coach with tender
and engine, lie mounted the engine
with a feeling thai It was a little near
er the fatal spot and would reach there
first At the last minute no more defi
nite news concerning the particular
persons hilled and injured had been re
ceived. Mr. Hardy felt almost glad of the un
certainty ns the engine pulled out and
started ou Its run of 15 miles, soon at
taining n speed of ,Vi miles an hour.
The snow was falling In large, moist
flakes. It was growing warmer and
would rain before morning. He gazed
at the narrow band of light on the
track ahead and leaned forward as If
to help the engine go faster. He did
not speak, and so the train rushed
through the nlgbt.
And so the second of Robert Hardy's
seven days drew to a close.
TO UK iiivil KUKJ),
1 U- tl, in Hi, World.
We belieVi Chuiulloi lulu's ('ougll
Re mi il.i is the be t hi the woi Id, A
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w l Sfii i)i:ir,:n cmitd iv.vr nsnn R"-r rriirT u.n
ajft;" - iiiuiitinii u . n in
aa.'r. 'J ' ma-til itukauwd a .i hi 1
rJSriTiil tii. a. i. , l'n with full IftiBth ami hrail In i -r
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iso.oo. and thtn If -,iiTlnceil tint u sir ntviinf l
Wl T UTIKS nil K Sit. is If stsnr tlmi. lln.'p
uua i nmi.a y . i nvs. k . ,. i , . . ,t co.
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hpm. positive four notion rroal. a 'ir thrcadliia vu,rniinr .11111111'. nil snstbl
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vbatt, MjusUblstHotsurafii -t. 11 ttnivuii simitl earlier, paieni itsadtithan,
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baaalftsl anrqaatr? afslra i tm - anl .
and nraaaafnla. assklaj; ll thf VKRf LATSS1 Wttl
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EM lea feet hiKh.ti iDebsa lont,M Inrhee wiileaiii .... u U irt9r V.. . ''1
Iflana, IfMil, I, Iri m ni. Haasl nunli r, In lilr I'mi :-.
Dtaaaana Wmrir anJ Vol Huaiaaa) - Ortat l'nunri a, I Taa RwnH
I Uraa Unrftft Bwall, nlt ar Urrhfstrall unr K- '..r- t" f
Qaalllr krnl., 1 Srt ut 13 I'ara S-t H i . ILWa. i ii I t, ..
ChsrahiBlt Brilliant OI-mI Rn4a, 1 af 21 IM-ti Vt-llnn Hm h
uiapaaos Kfraa, I Mai or t'lraaln hufl Btii.M., ui r imiiiti fc
flrl.ratd SrwaM Ke-rda, whlchftru Olll r tisi'it I n til" u.; ftfy ff jQ-JW'
flit irrftdAinatrunieiiU: HtlfHl wUh M jmniiiiiil ralr-r an l ', i-.t ' ' ' ' ' ' --"i7 " r-t:
Toi Humana, ft! to l..'t Hut ire frltn. leathern. i'U.. Lrlluw. '' JVTf-- . '
of the bMt ru titter Huth, 'A Die btllowi Rtoch jii-J Ittii In j ,v . i T
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ep.l OUR PRICE S35.SO. I iipl'iJ..ii,'r 1W .i ' f" ; .. . 'r ' 'k''T.A "J
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ADO HiraKTKMT TUNkD Isillsmsll i ii ei 1 1 From the ll.n . ; '
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r in . 1 '-l!i. feral.Iailluft
t tliO-l.. af"n 11H ciorf at fas t
Tfltt I' . .9(, 10M ihi..
-.:... . uui.Ma Iftddnulrla
ini-a, tanni-r, JhmH or banh.
:- i .. i .-h, soooiba.,
Pr ln Hi,, for MMisatu.;
k rou rkBi NAaVic
S I AllllUI I II III! llkaaaatl at' A I. ,
leather In tiItm, THE PALLOR CFM lafunil-1
with a 10x14 hoveled plate Krench nitrmr, nickel Dial
pedal framen, and every modern Iminnvctiif nt, i
ftralab frae ft ham hiftl ant an alool and Ut bral unt ie iMtsM
ws aaea puMi.iw d.
a your money tf ynu nrc nut iicriTtlv k' im: ' I. .V
ItMMOMMMWllI he MM nt -A.-IS.SO. 4)111.1 It
UUn ntLIAHILIIT la t I AHLIoi' 1 1 ' 1 rTO
not puhlMnd. , ,J" l-
RANTEED 25 YEARS. ES'.??'"". -r":V .
awiittrn tilnillnar i. xmr (rum ram. i li tl - 1 J' NV I'mJ(
isnrl cunilltinne ufwhlfh Iruny m;i,i.i . i. . ,1 1 .. J. , V- il,
r It frr f rhtree. Try It Mill Hint. Ill . '1,1 ,'. "!, .1',
tf !' V
. 3.. . ' V,
Eagle Hotel,
Middleburg, - - - Penna.
First Class Accommudatiou,
Ijow Hates and Careful Attention
Given to all Guests.
Livery Attached.-
Good Horses and Careful Drivers.
Itwlthuesek tiiirii..iitlil,,,ral...iil i,-.iin'" " I L.-'". ' JK.-. V 'fWl.
puullaher of thle liein-r or Mm li i)R'..H I i' i I iV , ' llftUb
lonal Hank, or ('..rnViat. Dank, ..f In l I "..::' , - V - jJa.VV' VBH
lertnan Kit-hsnireDauk, Niw York i or snv 1 ll V '.'-r - I- " " M b-W
Irnail or exireee roniliana in i l. . ... w'., "'..; Kir .Xawxl
eeaplul of e.rr (Wetip .tillri- 1 - Jib1"' ti
of thelsxtreat buplne.e klorkeln liitrefn. Him 11
I emplnj m arly f one pent. is In our oivt ' Sp
Idlnica TI al.l. IIHIIAIIH AT SSr.OO tn Un
keae a ri
one of the Isxtfeat bu.lne.e blot-keln hieat1
and employ nearly f (inn penMo In our on
building. wi mi I tim.att it ssr.oo ,n
rusim, tlli.lHIantl apt sIko everything lii mn n ul liiatntmrnta et Inyrfii l,i,;, aali' purea Writ,, for frro ivii1
organ, piano end mll,lcal Inatnimentratalnirue. Aililura. tbeert, i. ... . j. 1. I o. an tliommrfcl; rpllahlp. -a.dlta"
BARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.), Fulton. Dnplaines and Waiman St... CHICACO. ILL.
t ut tkla ad vst aad sand to an, hUtte whether you wrh UiS' uB
auiftn nu iii aio ooioraoa ftmr wanted.
SaKaaJBg RApg 1900 "MEL
nayaaiioB. You nao examine al yourexp
inm-. nu 11 iouna parraniiT
natly aarapmaatett, l
yea ever tea er beerS ef. equal to blcvlee tUaa
retail at hlvh aa 4.oo, if you think yoa
can erll It at Sin.llO sees, sat 4a.. nay I ha
t .rr. -a,-. , tOUl SPECIAL rttCI, SI3.7S.
lesethe II .00 eont with order, or lx.:iaa
expreterhanree. While aae Kpaelal Blryela
I'elelesei.'i'tllail f raai for the aaklnM-.eai.ea
-" -- -- . .... . i i, .a
btcyeleeat ei.aa, M.W, lt.00 a.e ,.,, la, are ltaMOarlaaatla. ca.a,l.p tl yet ACME itWD.
e the ajreateet htarttala eiee eVereal at the price. It la n.Trml by a BIINIS 111 liuanut.
aaeae Din
it iwiinih
ST SI3.7B lakl hrl
atnetly atsk eraatt. laipalaf tawtiette.
erade Sad tile. Pedal a. Ilajtdiaihsr, Toole i
haraala erer eSeeed at the price. Itla
raxaoas Delden Hen ire r, ens eonlpment.
tola aad Tnolhac. knanteled btark, ere,
nitaataa.e ia aia an i
are ea nrrtv tSuilltal la Ua tat, ee at ley eeeaattae, trill ee eeS e al tart jes i
But If you love your mother .and headache.
It CO., cmeaas,!.