aiv.' ROYAL The Absolutely Pure Baling Powder is the baking powder 'of general use, its sale exceeding that of all other baking powders combined. Royal Baking Powder has not its counterpart at home or abroad. Its qualities, which make the bread more healthful and the cake of finer appearance and flavor, are peculiar to itself and are not constituent in other leavening HOYAL BAKING POWDER CO., OUTDOOR ROUND SILO. Keaiiv Bad Cueanlj 'nn 'acted ui a Deelsrned That II n Da Moved ISaally. We recommend tli because it i.- easily structed. Tluibt i I, nut, the sil;i;'r will ! d, urrd ; he Kilo round stave silo uuil clieuply eon- the sila will dry . be perfi etly pre- j ,n be lnk n down i in an hotii be be t up nd moved tiny distance and i : u i it. 1 1 is no i necessary to takt any extra prccntitioti in this cli mate to keep siluye front freezing. Sil ttjee is not Injured by the frosl when only d two-inch Btave protects it from the weal her, A silo constructed in the manner shown in cut is ddinu good service on the bluffs above. Cayuga lake, in Tomp kin., county, X. V. We visited 1 his silo during the extremely cold weather of the w inter of 1808-1809, after the ther mometer bad bet n 20 degrees below zero. The silage w as frozen to a depth of 12 to i i Inches around the outside. Biach day, when throwing out the feed, the froen silage around the edge was mi 'I with the warm silage fromthu center, and at feeding time it was nil iu good condition, The silage was mot all Inl out until June, ami that which hud been frozen around the outre edge was as good in everj way us the rest, With the stave silo no sills are necessary. The foundation may be Bonstructed as follows: An exenvation should be made to a depth "C three or four inches, or to the bottom of the loose surface soil, and with a diameter at h ast two feet greater than the proposed diameter of the situ, and drainage should be pro rided if the conditions seem to war rant. Fill in with stones, large ones twiner placed at the bottom and small er ones being worked in and pounded down toward the top. Gravel, if well rtopmled down, may senr as tilling be tween the stones, it is important that the pounding be thoroughly done, oth erwise settling will take place later on and i he cement Bnish be made to crack. The finishing should be dime with eemcnt. First a thin mortar made of one part of Portland or Rosendale ce ment and four parts of good sharp sand should be poured over the entire stone OUT-DOOU ROUNOVIIX). work. This mortar should be made so thin that it Will run down into the in terstice between the stones. After this first coat was thoroughly set a liuisliinj,' coat made of one part cement and three parts of sand should be put on and worked down with a trowel. Finish oil before thoroughly dry by dustiujj over the top some cleur ce ment and working' it in with a trowel. This will give a hard finish, and will secure a foundation that is cheap and efficient. While the cement is still soft it is frequently convenient to strike the circle which will mark the line upon which the staves nre to be set. A spike driven in the center will serve as a pivot. Attach to this a bit of string or twine, the length of w hich shall be one-half that of the proposed diameter of the silo and to the free end. of the string fasten some pointed instrument with which to mark the circle. Now strike a circle the radius of which shall e equal to the length of the string. . h - Mb. V&Mk i ... i cs. OreM ofTnrls are made to sell alum baking powderi under ihe plea that they ire so many tents a pound chespertbsn Roysl, Theatlmis ston that they are cheaper made is an admis sion that they are Inferior. Hilt alum pow ders contain a corrosive poison and should out be used tu iood, uo matter bow cheap. 100 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. and there la marked out tlie circle upoa which the staves are to be set. Somewhat full directions (or the con struction uf the round stave silo nre (riven in Cornell University Bulletin No. ibT. This will be Benl on request to the director !' the experiment sta tion at Ithaca, N. Y.L. A. Clinton, in Rural New Vorker. WASHING THE UDDERS. it is the First step Toward Seoarlaa; un ibsolntelj L'aeontamlBMeJ Milk Supply. To secure the milk without contami nation is u problem which is practical ly solved by washing the cows' udder before milking them. If clean, pun-, sweet dairy products are desired one of the lirst and most essential consid erations iu the process is to gat the milk without contamination. Of course many w ill quest ion the sanity of a farmer-dairyman who i seen with buckets of water and neces sary cloths cleaning the udders of his cows. This is to be expected. But let it be reported, if anyone finds pleasure in circulating the rumor, that the udder-washing farmer is slightly "off1 and has "cranky ideas." .lust keep an eye on him and ii will be learned that bis butter and cream are bringing fancy prices and (,ro Into the kitchens of the well-to do town and city people, Moreover, if investigation is made it will be discovered that the excellence of his dairy products is due largely to cleanliness, 1 f cleanliness is practical w hile milk ing, the uilders of the cows washed be forehand, it is very probable that it will be observed in the subsequent handling of the milk. It is right ul ways to begin at the beginning, and to wash the udders is the first step to ward securing uncontamlnated milk. This is done with milk-warm water, and the udders are dried with absorp tion towels or cloths. The milk drawn first should be rejected as it contains bacteria which have developed in the milk at the orifice of the teat since the last milking. This is "extra work," but it pays.- Farmers' Voice. In lino, I Hands. Consumptive (at health resort) So you make a specialty of earing for in valids. Landlady Yes, indeed. I let out fur nished rooms, my husband is a doctor, and l have a brother here in the un dertaking business. Chicago Inter Ocean. Cold Day. Mrs. Da Silki I wish to give a memorial of some kind to the church, in memory of a relative. What would you suggest? Struggling Pastor A er an ap propriately decorated er new church furnace, madam, and a a few tons of coal. N. V. Weekly. Tin- ; n 1 1 1 y I'nrtnrr. Tom Here's a paper oiTering'a $25 prize for the best answer to the ques tion: "Why have I failed iu busi ness?" That's dead easy. Dick Well, why did you fail? Tom Uecause I had a partner. Town Topics. Kelmttal Testimony. The Guest Isn't your little boy rather nervous, Mrs. llimm? Mrs. Bimm No; I think not. Little Hov Yes. I am, ma; when people who come here stay too long- It makes me wriggle around ana rc my chair. Chicago Becord. Obeying- the Serlptnree. Evelvn (who has just been robbed of a kiss) Mr. Kurate, how dare you? it U....I. mllvl T herr as r - . - ss.. -5T other, as you would have others do jrom.-Judge. m agents r THE SUNDAY SCHOOL Uuaa la the lateraatloaal Serlca for April aa, 1900 The Ccataloa's Servant Healed. Prepared by H. C L nine ton. THE LEMON TEXT. (Luke 7:1-10.) 1. Now when he had ended all His ear tag la the audience of the people, he en tered Into Capernaum. 1 And a certain centurion's servant, whe waa dear unto Him. was sick, and ready i die. 1 And when he heard of Jesus, he sent unto Him the eldere of me Jews, beseech ing Him that He would come and heal hit errant. 1 And when they came to Jesus, they be sought Him Inatsntljr, aaytng: That b was worthy for whom He should do this; (. For be lovath our nattdn, and be hath built us a synsgogue. t Then Jesui went with them. Andwhem He waa now not far from the house, thi centurion aent friends to Him, saying untc Him: Lord, trouble not Thyself, fori am not worthy that Tbou shouldest enter un der my roof; 7. Wherefore neither thought I myaell I wort by to come unto Thee; but say In a word, and my servant shal be healed. a For I also am a man aet under author- , Ity, having under me soldiers, and 1 sa unto one: Go, and he goeth: and to another: I Come, and he comeih; and to my servant lo Ibis, and he doeth It. 3. When Jesus heard these things, H. j marveled at htm, and turned b I ni about. : und said unto the people that followed Htm: 1 say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not In Israel. 10. And they that were sent, returning u the house, found the servant whole that had bien sick. GOLJJKN TEXT. - I.Ike as a fathei pltkth his children, so the Lord p'ltleth them that fiar Ulni.-I'sa. lo3;13. NOTES AND COMMENTS. The healing- of the centurion's serv unt was one of the muny miracles which Jesus performed immediately after the sermon on the mount. It has been noted that the three chapters 1 which Matthew gives to the sermon ate followed by two chanters of' miracles. The event of the lesson took place at Capernaum, which we remem ber is the city where Jesus made llis home after the rejection at Nazareth. Study not onlv the lesson text but its parallel in Matthew 6:5-13, and the teaching may be presented under four heads: (I) Character of the Centurion. (II) Emphasis Jesus Lays on Faith. (3) l'ronilse to the Gentiles. i.i Healing of the Bervant. Character of the Centurion. The centurion is an Interesting Object lor u character Study. What l.uke and Matthew say of him occupies few verses, but is decidedly to me pout. From what we are told of the man we can picture him as one ol quiet ana unassuming dignity. We ure told that he was worthy." And the fact that he could get the elders of the Jews to go for him to Jesus shows that he imiuandcd the honor and respect of others, lie was a man in uuthority. being as u centurion iu command of about n hundred men; but he was also under authority, and knew how to Obey. In spite of the good opinion of others and the position he held in the Roman army, he counted himself not worthy that Jesus should enter under his roof, lie was a kindly man, for we nre told his servant was "dear unto him," and beside the elders referred to him as one who "loveth our na- ! tion." We know he was u religious man, for he had founded a synagogue. Chief of all his good qualities was that of faith, and Jesus especially com mended it. Kmphasis Jesus Lays on Faith. It is in just such a man that we would look for faith, faith in Uod and faith in men. Faith is the foundation upon which all strong character is built. Jesus had performed many wonderful miracles in Capernaum, and when the centurion heard of Him he sent for the help He alone could give. The servant was near to death. Jesus had helped others, and he believed that He could help him. Jesus canni, and when lie was near the house the cen turion came out. He had not meant that Jesus should go to the trouble of coining to him. He reasoned that as he could send one of his soldiers to do a certain thing, so Jesus. In com mand not only of material things, but of things spiritual, could have but spoken, and his servant would In healed. Marvelous faith) Ho won der Jesus exclaimed; "I have not found so great faith, no, not in Is rael." We may note that Jesus certainly knew as much about this centurion 'as we can know from the story we have. Perhaps He knew more, living iu the same town wliere tins omcer nao ins headquarters. He knew the man had the good qualities that we have men tioned, but He pointed out not his evi dent humility, not the kindness of heart he exhibited, not his benevo lence, but his faith. Faith is the chief of all the qualities of the heart save that of love, and faith and love go together. "Now abideth faith, hope, love." Promise to the Gentiles.- Matthew (S:ll, 12) records what Luke omits, the remark of Jesus which may be construed into a promise to the Gen tile world. He says: "Many shall come from the east and west (outside of the chosen people), nnd shall sit down with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, in the kingdom of Heaven. Healing of the Servant. "And Jesus said unto the centurion. Go thy way: and as thou has believed, so be it done, unto thee. And his servant wns healed in the selfsame hour." Mat thew 8:13. Rellalooa Thought. Like the needles to the north pole the Bible points to Heaven. B. B. Mchol. Some glances of real beauty may be seen In their faces who dwell in true meekness. There is a harmony in the sound of that voice to which Divine love gives utterance. John Woolman. The one thing needful is to look up. to revere something above us, to de sire something better, to hunger for i . hi.her ,-ood. He who love, the high 'aas r vdr of'cod'-i h22 '. loTer of GodJ' FreemaD Facts for Women Any article, whatever its merit, must be made known to the public by means of advertising. Advertising, however, though it can do much for a thing, cannot do everything. It may create a sale for a time, but in order to Insure a lasting demand the thing advertised must hare solid worth. This is the case with Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. It has solid worth. Women everywhere have learned this fact, and the result is that there is a lasting and absolutely unequaled demand for it. It has the largest sale of any remedy for female ills in the world, and this has been the case for years. The reason for this is that Mrs. i'inkham claims not lung that she is not ent itled to claim. She can do all tiiat she says she can do, and her twenty years of experience make her advice invaluable. Herexpericnee has been not only long but world-wide, and she has helped more women back to health than any one else in the world. These facts should, and do, have immense weight w ith all sensible women. Ucuiemncr these arc not wild statements but solid facts. Facts About the Good Being Done by Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound in Cases of Change of Life, Bearing Down Pains, Etc. " I had falling, inflammation and ulceration of the womb; backache, bearing-down pains: was so weak and nervous that 1 could not do my own work ; had sick headache, no appetite, numb spells, hands aud feet cold all the time. 1 had pood doctors, but none of them did me any g I, Through the advice of a lady friend 1 began the use of Lydia K. l'iiikhum's Vegetable Compound, and after taking one bottle 1 felt greatly relieved, and by the time I had used several bottles -was completely cured, so that 1 could do my work again. I am now passing through the change of life and using TOUT Compound. It helps me wonderfully. 1 wantevery suffer ing woman to lnov what your medi cine has done for me." Mas. W. M. Bull, New Palestine, Mv " Lydia E. Pinkham 's Vegetable Compound saved my life and gave back a loving mother to eleven children, which was more than any doctor could have done or any other medicine in the wideworld. My trouble was child bed fever. The third day after my babe was born I took a -chill, which was followed by a high fever. I would perspire until my clothes were as wet us though dipped in a tub of water. The chills and fever kept np for three days. My daughter got me a bottle of your Compound. The fourth dose stopped the chills, and the fever also disappeared. My life was oaved. My age at this critical time was forty nine." Lydia k. Bouobkb, Etna, Pa. Facts About Two Cases of Falling of the Uterus Recovered by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. ' 1 suffered for fifteen years without finding any relief. I trieddoctors. but nothing seemed to do nie any good. I had falling of the womb, leucorrluea. pain in the back and head, and those bearing-down pains. One bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound did me so much good that I sent for four more, also two boxes of Liver Pills and one package of Sanative Wash After using these I felt like a new woman. "Mas. U. A. WOfTKB, (Hidden, la., Box TM. ' I was suffering with falling of the womb, painful menstruation, head ache, backache, pain in groins, ex tending into the limbs ; also a terrible pain at left of womb. The pain in my back was dreadful during menstrua tion, and my head would nche until I would be nearly crazy. Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has given me great relief. 1 sutler no pain now. and I give your medicine all the praise." MliS.J. P. McSPASBI, Rosenberg, Tex. A Grateful Woman Recom mends Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to Every Wife and Mother. " I have taken eight bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound with most gratifying results. I had been married four years and had two Children. 1 was all rundown, had fall ing of womb with all its distressing symptoms. 1 had doctored with a good physician, but 1 derived very little good from his treatment. After takiug a few bottles of vour medicine, 1 was able to do my work and nurse my seven-months'-old babe. I recommend your medicine to every wife and mother. Had I time. I could write i much more in its praise. I bid you j Godspeed in your good work. " MRS. Li. A. MOBB18, tteiaua, ruinam Co., El a. " Dear Mrs. Pinkham When I com menced the use of your remedies I was very badly off. Every two weeks I was troubled with flowing spells which made me very weak. I had two of the best doctors, but they did not seem to help me. They said my trouble was caused from weakness and was noth ing to worry about- I felt tired all the time; had no ambition. I was growing worse all the time until I began the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I am now able to help about the house, and am much im proved in health "Mrs. A. Walks, Callicoon Depot, It, Y. Water Bicycles -ABB- Sundries REPAIRING. Only exclueiv Bicyrle Store ii Snyder Cotiuty. W. Pine St AT RAILROAD. SELlNSflROVE.Pi V-V v:-V.X sV. Middletmrgb, Fa. Is working at the Barnoaa busi ppaa for tl c past a ears, Mini I litis built up ii tlice ttaile. He sella note Tnrrrfis ntm rlorc" Furnishing Goods every season, Give Him a Call ftlld bt convinced that bfl keeps the largest stock in the Harness ine of any patty in Snyder County and that you get i Your Money 's Worth ! every time you buy of hitu. X V V V V Central Hotel, Flrst-Class Accoimofl3iloiiS, Livery Mattel D. BOLENDER, PROP'R. 0xiilt- I'lritt nlloiinl llnnli. MIDDLEBTJBO, PA. HAIR SWITCH 65 CENTS, UK SEE HI! All H int Httllt'HKfe lo sstaf rk bv hnlr l from 65C ' $3.25. tin tw il wf wktNMlhnt retail at f .l.u t MaM OUR OFFFR r,,t tlllR ucl ootaMid tftwd uun vrrcn. to u-. Im lor a poiKi i . namjile ul tlie '-n euaue vij.t ftil, nnd ct.t tl out an near r i rnptd us i. ,..) hit-, iiir; osjr m prlrt qutlJ nnl S rrnls ritrn t pny itotttai', unu of mil lurks' the tm:r in nlrh yur fc.ilr r'txt. Mid aWtld Co yoi l mail. Posrt Paid. and n vourn i-t ihtii '.! MilKiiud, n tun. i l unu c will iuiiuetiiatt-i ri'futnl J'nuri mi'iT, DwWMUlUIIVr l'tlet,tf 1 1 win Z-or. sn It.-ti ao-i n. loaf, Kong itvi ., 6801 ihort ittm, ' 00c; 2-oz. af-lD, lonijr, s t stem, 1 1,?5; Lnx. it. la. long tliort Main. 04 in. l-JfiLT,hl:..rtrti ni,f,2.1:ij: ' " V- in Monu'. M,20 H Ot'AKlBTII , ol li WultK thw WgbMt irrudn on the lilitrktt. Order ni unci nr. 1 r't (Iisp tMf ill prlr- Vimr n 1 fftllfM II J"u rc not pi-Mii WflM for rrM CuuogM ol J HuirtiocxiM. At! !m -. 1 SEAKS.R0ERUCK fit CQ.(lnc) Chicago (Mart, aMtbuek to. a,e i :ior .t : ( rcUaOi. ur. oi ii aw erTs.ft WlLiV.U EvERYnPTc TWICE m Unnecessary m CDildDirtb. I'nin is no limner nrcesnary In childbirth morning sickness, iwollen limbs, sad likestrlls, are readily controlled, and womli diiieuws immm1 lly eared (Carer known to tall. Phjrslelani pronoonee it wonderful, sad aver 50,000 iwlio uttuit itn N erit. Lady reader, eat tin out; it may nvr your Ufa) suffer no longer, but send us atwo-eent stamp, aad rstieiee In staled en vi'loprd full particulars and vkluuh'c proof" ol our wonderful remedjr. Aililn-Bn PRANK rUOMAd .v r., Baltimore, MO. 3-.'.i-:it. Till: I i KM OK Al.l.. For over fifty yvarn If Bfl WlHSLOW! South ing HTRUF heU bMtl lUMMa hy BOtbOfM foi thi-ir ohlldrcn while tMthlnff ire mi dltturbedal n1rtitsnd bioken of jfouf ret by n nick child Mincring nml vryltiff with pstin of oottlnR lorth? If aoiend Rl once ftid tr bottle ot "iMr Win ilow i Soothing 85 run for t'hHdren T- ethlnx. Its vAiue N nc i'i uiaiiin. if will rein vr the poor ttle MilT-rer tin.iu'niiitel v. If ml 11 ii 11 it. Mother, there 1 imin -la- nlwiiil 't ltenree tllarrluMe regnlte the m nnncli and .tow.), onrei itil OoHc, nftrm I ho titnnt relii(e ltri:itnniutiiii, a ti I glvitof and energy loint wliOlf -vMrm ' Vi. Win-Um'f Ho iinx Bjf ui T . i .. lilreti tifilii. in n;i it t. t'ifl it6And la the prMcrlpllon of one f the oM--1 iiimI hoot ff ma la phyali ktioAod nunwi in the Unltod state- nml ( for mIo by h'I drttggttsi ihrouarhout thi world Price, t ttyfl vacant . boltl I'.e Mil". W IXM.OW rt 01 BIKG j Y I I'. VS-lv. HOW TO MEST! A vlabla manual, hthhtlv iHF.tTKBiKt. A true snido for tin- inv'tor in utocfca, imuu r -mi.,1 I 1 now 10 1 1 i 1 1 ii.ii' a iiu ' ' 1 1 1 1 Uiilttll A liH.TtNKt infOtW Wt will aooal eopy "f lb ftbova win v liinic by n-tiirii mail t.urftrH'r with a valiialilf trfiitiM (illu-tral- ad on iH-r YUtitiiK Inl olorndo. H'kI'Iv itatraotiveaml intt rr-tnm nl a -'-t iit Mtanip i0 jmy pMsjajge. Bcod tocUajr bolnra Ina prerr , (lititi in all -Ktken for. Alln - the Mlbllah- ata JK.rt 'sUWOB 4 i bx US, Dtoror. Colo, l-U-lin. Farm For Sale. Ian ,lrmi level Imiutifully locnteil in the WaaSsrleYslMt.M mUae north of llonanl. sntie oiinty, l AOapa lor K'neri iarin- iiK, iiairv, iwsk, troak'na;, awWB. elc. Ar itic SSHlelagS, Write for letTiiition and INVESTORS! $iofor$i. There's plenty of gold In Colorado's mlninic camps. Send us$l for a year's subscription to oiirbiK llluslrliteil minim; nnd rtal eitatt weekly (founded wrt) and we will send you a block of en sliaiea (110 par value) in a new ininiiiK compune, paid up and non-assessable, t'lubs of 3 S2 70 or ten and 100 shares for $9.00 Send today and don't set left-notAinj Hilted, nothing gained. Vui paper has tine Uluatrations, latest SSUlae news and will keep you fully ousted. liefer to the editor of this paper, sum us taken. Kemlt by uioney order. Address 1 . 4 VlM A M W I RN. IX-oy e. Cola. veterinary sUroeoN. SILINSOROVt, PA. All ptnftaslnnsl business entrusted to my am win receive prompt snd careful attention. & V T,' . jam. st. satnisa .(FTrf Mis. BE SURE . . . That your eves and yoni Children's eyes are inl good condition. They may not complain, and, you uiuv not know that their eves are weak, hut lime will develop manv nervous disorders us a result of nep, lectinn this imtiortant (matter. We test the eye with alsolute accuracy No glasses rtt'omineiidul unless theyl ure needed. It you netd medica treatment we will tell vou so. Nd OM can do more. Wo have the lat eat BDDllances, the newest ideal am methods i:i sitrht testino-. Thiseom liined with oxpui it'iuc and skill the use otauch inatnimenta, Making mistakes a thiuir ot the imst. No ilnis used. B. F. SHclBLEY, Jew eler and Refracting Optician, 21 W. Market St., Lewistown it raduate Philadelphia College. Useltl Daily. Our brush should be used daily in place of the ordinary hair brush, hair washes, or hair grow ers. If you do not find, after six months' trial, that Dr. Scott s ELECTRIC Hair Brush , will do all we claim for it send it back and your money will be retunded. You can buy the number one size for One Dollar. It Is Guaranteed to Cure Nervous Headache in five minute. l ( Bilious Hecdtciio In iivc minutes I Neuralgia i.i i i c cilmtcs I DanJru'.f and cisrascs-off tlie scalp! Prevents f.-illir.;: balr nil kaMoesol riaxtis tlie hair long glesay I Foriulc st B.-y Goodi c tores tod Crsgsisis or sent on spprovol, p il, on rccei of ice and ten cents for postage. iiTtwolr. "Til DOCWrS BTOKY," gtjf"' 1 "lwst. 011. f"ll informiiti m i un.'i ii'ii' Pr. Bei N Elcftria HriiH. $3, atUt M. F.trrtrie (rl-. D : k 25 11 VI. ' rw. cirtr- r :,n urMii m pqsra ..i:.wt., . PI . iYk' 11nstrri, Insult, fit via. 1-1 BO. A. SCOTT 84 1 Hnrndway, OUR LEASER i PAY NO MONEY UNTIL YCO ar.C TME VAT ..Wt PAT HPHis utir. Ci Si-rrl n your DSTSa, sddrSI 1 ;oi-g H v ii'.i, 1 - -.;'!? "..ih'c 1111 v. 1 v ur x4hla,,i1 ',,u ''n"'". c. o. d.. (X TUlllllthiiri'.-.' iir..-!'l.l. ti.-i x;u. ut.-u , , i V7T' .mr cncaT darim i a line CO'.C-l'HTrn NSMTINC Crf lM. FACE watch, lames' or r !!h 1 rt-.r. M"n Il l.iCL ' rtef. i' Ul il r r. S$ : '.1.1 ' . mt vc ; 'iTrii SI Oil i .'. j Ml. Wu KVtt-t I Wlll.'h lit i.' i. I 3 jf.y,' i i .1 vrttHnli jy.'-'vi, ;n(. m t.t I Is nickel, li.'s 7 Jewel . '- ai,.v.tnS huiI1' leTer-set. IT IS A PKK "AC t UJU'JTt A.)il Jfi. . la lvc.rth from '. t.' i. In aii'e:irauret. ' anil as a tlne-plecs ii eiius to n $fjiyf S4 watch, roe oAsm in fuli with order v. ,' we will sand vou pace wi b the watch n rias la oolp-p'".tc j chain tici ciunr. cut shown in one-third slas r untcli. sr." POSTAL CAKO .V- ei r Bi Vulil 0 I Jeaelrv, I'i -t, on-Is. 'IIvi r nl HJalc! ,. . onlv rvli.ioie wnotsssLS jf.riiLy iicusi: n warn aeiilnH- dir-'ct to consumers at wh- Iiriees. Ovr pries - I-- dunllcato :od Hnie 1.--.. m SILVIRIHC WATCHIS, SSo an. i.-"Mi'iHe,n this i: ner wrn-n vou - ' 9. E. ENCLU & CO. a;)-334 Utarborn St. t!:"tl gflaTB BOX RAIN CPA A him i n S5.00 W VTKK- frO 1'lflHtV Tl i K I .)" V pgrng i-v Ulld hvw rrun unanucv I Ut ft i- Ul 7r ktftl 4 -rifrr,'. si i - ' " inr id s rntaaa smmij tm bs vrsl ssi'rr r ii s I . close k i sjBtlfr s m we will send you tbtacoat by as ( .o.n., ui irrt I, aaatata sutilnt ami tt it on nt VOUm" eIDrt) ofliftt. ! If toA r,'W ss refrf si. 4 sr-1 Ike ssmsI ut yam tts-r mw or lwrl fm fs-aal to si.y jh a Sit. Ml MS tl,. t I F t"" 1 liar saj r ' " a( atjlc, rsT nttlnf, asMle sjolf-ratwof. fa rolor, atjaU aa"'' CMat full lenath, Uoubla hrrj wavafea. W a a SLT VTASU le Ifct' Rarer v vt cuiiar. isuic ui E waterproof K wed SSSS both Sals ar o 4, and r""' sbutiist hil l awe assies aj any other houM. f ae ra OaUj aj of Men's lUektntoabaa up " and JUde-to-Meajur e Sulta ana easiest from to SUA "JM, nn StSPU BOOS la. Set fMlf, SSAMS. ltOIUCK a Co. mc.i yni.. aj H... .tin' 1 ' , Agents Wsntel iu aii.,i'. RWtiie UabnB rw essMa Flatctrte vaa i. Electric cTnioks! vi ej-i- fcsjssAaa. aSBjSal far badsacka, ataiuasassi. hTK haadacha. Ilrar aad kjdney ucum, rahiablbeokr. OBO. A. iCOTT, na mui i m mm nt 4c .1 it le 11 Si al tr Tli a a st. er all By M Q