The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 19, 1900, Image 1

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Editor and Proprietor.
A Week's News Dished up in
Small Quantities-Visitors in
Town During the Past
Week-Other News
of Interest.
Miss Bertha Erfaart of Lewistown
was at our county seat Saturday.
Phares Troup of Pallas was i
caller at this ofliccMonday morning.
Wm. N. Bolig is the happy father
of a nine jtound boy. He was born
April 9th.
Prof. A. A. KilBan will open a
Spring Normal school next Monday
Children's Hats, all colors at twen
ty live cents. It.' Dunkelberger'a
Ralph (Jift of Paxtonville spent
Sunday with his parents on West
Market Street.
The jury commissioners met on
Saturday and drew a jury for the
May term of court.
It will pay you to come and buy
of the new firm. Bargains tor an
at Swartz & (Jraybill's.
B. F. Heimbach of New Berlin
and Cyrus Bowersox ot Penuscrcek
were cash callers at this office.
Joe Runkle of Bellefonte is spend
ing a few days in town the guest of
his uncles James and John Runkle.
Owing to a freight wreck near
.veiling train was alwut two hours
The trout season opened Monday
and the anglers arose bright and
early in order to be the first pebbles
on the beach.
Mrs. I. C. Hart man and son of
Pen ns Creek were in the village Sun
day visiting her parent", Henry R.
Reigle and wife.
Frank S. Reigel, the music dealer,
has had a Penu 'phone placed into
his residence. Frank wants to talk
to the outside world.
F. P. Custer and family of Pen II
township were in this place over
Sunday visiting Mrs. C.'a mother,
Mrs. J. C. Hassinger.
1 will have a special line of La
dies' and Misses' sailor hats and out
ing hats on opening days.
Mis. II. II. Hassinger, one of the
operators at the Middleburg ex
change, spent Sunday with her broth
er and sister, A. II. and Laura
Mr. Nicholar, wife and grandson,
nt Minneapolis, Minn., and"AIrs. J.
R. VanHoru of the Summit Hotel,
spent Thursday afternoon with Mi s.
W. IL Ripka.
l he snyder t oumy D&eaicai
eietjr had a slim attendance last
Thursday. It seems the doctors
have too many patients to look titer
to devote any time to medical dis
cissions. Rakk Wantki. We can useall
the hem lock, oak and chestnut bark we
'"in get and will pay the highest cash
prices for the same. We pay cash
weekly. Monkok 1 1. KOXPA Co.,
1-19-3L Sliamokin, Pa.
At the Snyder county capital
Wednesday of last week : John 8.
Foster, Selinsgrove, J. J. Mitchell
Kreamer, Chas. N. Brosius, P.
It of Mt Pleasant Mills, and Mer
cantile appraiser, M. P. Herman of
There are a great many sick in
tin's vicinity. To attempt to name
them would be impossible. The
Host seriously ill are a son of Reg
ister and Recorder Willis; Mrs. A.
W. Bowersox with typhoid pneu
monia; Harrison Mover with ery-"pehw.
500 lbs. Lard wanted at the store
of Swartz A (iraybill at 7c in trade.
Mrs. Geo. M. Steininger has been
visiting her sister near Danville, Pa.
State College of Centre Co., Pa.,
has an advertisement in the Post,
Read it. 4-54 3t,
Rev. Nanford Carpenter of Rea
Vertown has accepted a call from
L. Dnnkelberger's Summer Milli
nery opening will take place April
20, 27 and 28.
Gordon K linger of Selinsgrove
was at the county seat Sunday and
Monday morning.
Mrs. S. A. Bowersox of Paxton
ville was the iuest of hereon, Supt
F. C. Bowersox Sunday.
Miss Rhoda Baohman, who had
been Staying at Paxtonville, has re
turned to her parental roof.
We want chickens at Scand coun
try Bacon at 7c.
W. D. Gift moved from Paxton
ville into his residence in this bor
ough on West Market Street.
Mrs. Dr. Deckard and Mrs. Syl
vester Trostle of Richfield visited
the family of W. U. Ripka recently.
LeTromphe glove the best $1.00
glove that can he Inmlit anywhere,
iii all the summer shades. L. Dun
William Shindel, a student of
Susquehanna University, spent Fas
ter with his parents, Prothouolary
Shindel and wife.
Fob Balk. A new butcher wa
gon, one of the latest styles, w ill he
Isold cheap. Inquire of A..W. Bow
ersox, Middleburg, Pa. It.
William DenillS and family of
Middlecreek township spent Sunday
with Attorney .las. (J. Croiisc and
family on Market Street.
Misses Hva and Ruth Ho well, who
are working in the silk mill at Sun
bury, Spent several davs of the past
week at their home on Sugar Street.
John L. Weiscr of Mahantongo,
the only candidate for the demo
cratic nomination for sherifl of Ju
niata county, was in town Tuesday
of last week.
Mrs. Anna EUenberger and Luel-
la Bowersox of Harrisburg were
called home by telegram owing to
the illness of their mother, Mis. A.
V. Bowersox.
Henry R. Reigle was called to
Sunbury Tuesday evening to gee his
sister, Mrs. I t Hovis, wife of
Henry Hovis who is lying at the
point of death.
(io to A. K. Soles for a smooth
casvshavc or up-to-date hair cut
and head cleaned with a refreshing
shampoo or dandruff removed with
his tonic, clean towel to each patron
in bank building one door east of
Post Office; satisfaction guaranteed.
At Middleburg Thursday of last
week: John Perk, Jr.. and B. F.
Herman of FCratxerville, H. H.
Faust of Bcavertown, X. P. Krater
and Dr. A. A. Yoder of Selinsgrove,
J. M. Mover of Freeburg, and Dr.
J. (). Wagner of Adatnsburg.
Elmer Naugle of Kantz, A. S.
Shr.'.wder of Richfield and Dr. F.
W. Toole of Freeburg were in town
Friday and Henry HornlxTger of
Aline: J. R. V anllorn Summit; V .
H. Grimm, Freeburg, and A. W.
Weaver of Aline were in town Sat
urday. The Physical Lalniratory of the
lichigh University ot South Bethle
hem, Pa., which was recently de
stroyed by fire, will be immediately
rebuilt, and will be ready for occu
pancy, fully equipped in the depart
ments of Physics and Electrical
Engineering, at the opening of the
college year next September.
Dr. C, B. Mct'bire, who practiced
medicine at Grata and Berryaburg,
has located at MoAlisterville,
Charles Walter, dcrk at the Cen
tral Hotel, was confined to his lied
Several days during the past week.
Benneville Smith, county Treas
urer, went to Northumberland Mon
day morning to attend the funeral
Anion Erdley. Deceased died ot con
sumption, was a cousin of Theodore
Erdley who was buried at this
place Sunday and was about 24
years ot age.
K. ('. Walter of the BrmoJ Run
kle A Walter is in Philadelphia this
week buying up a supply of Spring
and Summer goods. They will
have sonic rare bargains which the
readers of the Post will learn about
br looking through the oolutna of
the POST when Mr. Walter returns.
There arc filly million herd of
cattle in the United States, of which
number from tittecii to twenty mil
lion are dairy COWS. If everyone
of our readers would gel Biggie Cow
Book, published at 50 cents by the
Wiluier Atkinson 'o., Philadelphia,
they could greatly increase the pro
duct from every cow in their herd.
Increases of pension were granted
to Hiram P. Jarrett, Selinsgrove,
from 18 to 810; Joseph M. Bowes,
Middleburg, from $10 to 112; Levi
Decker, Beavertown, $8 to It); Da
vid Mover, New Berlin, to 6;
Henry Wagner, Beaver Springs, $6
to N; John S. Meiser, Globe Mills,
$8 to 81; Wm. S. Sholly, New
Berlin, 80 to $10.
Among the illustrations in that
excellent work, the Horse Book,
writted by Judge Biggie, is General
George Washington's stable at Mt.
Vernon. The chapter on stables
contains many helpful hints, and has
the plans and elevation of an attrac
tive village stable. The price is 50
cents, by mail; address the publish
ers, Wilmer Atkinson Co., Philadel
phia. Jailed for Larreny.
Friday W. M. Wilverl of Sun
bnry was arrested for larceny as
bailee on a warrant sworn out by
Jonathan Newman of Shamokin Dam.
He was offered a hearing Friday
evening which he waived and plead
guilty. In default of $500 bail
Justice M. I. Potter committed him
to jail.
The story of the crime runs thus:
Thursday Wilwert hired a horse
and buggy from Newman anil after
ward took another fellow in with
him, drove to this place and got on
a l'oihI Bizedsoree. Friday thev went
to J. R. VanHorn and offered the
horse, buggy ami robe for (25, Mr.
Van I lorn accepted the oiler and paid
the moneV. W. C. Snyder and F.
M. Speoht told Mr. VanHorn that
the outfit belonged to Mr. Newman
and Wilvcrt was detained until Mr.
Newman arrived. Wilvcrt return
ed Mr. VanHorn's money all except
So.OO. For this amount Wilvcrt
gave a check on the Sunbury Trust
and Sife Deposit Co., but upon in-
quiry by 'phone it was learned that
the check was no good.
Cyril Haas on Robert Hardy.
New York City, April 0, 1000.
Editor Post: The "Post" with
chapters of "Robert Hardy's Seven
Days" received. Bless the Lotdl
Let the good work go on until the
kingdom of journalism baotMBH the
kingdom of the IxmiandHisChrist.
1 know it will do immeasurable
good. My congratulations to you
in choosing such for the food for
your readers. May the Pint's in
creasing influence he wielded for
righteousness and truth, is the desire
and prayer of your constant triend
and brother, Cyrii. Haas.
Ii'-l Dnlrml lor Rrronl.
John S. Aucker and wife to Dan
iel and J. L. Maueval, 1 I H acres
in Perry twp. for $2500.
('has. Rover and wife to Dr. W.
W . Longacre, house and lot in Fre
mont for $992,25.
David Womer and Geo. K. Hep
ner, Executors of John Hepner de
ceased, to ('has. W. Bassler, 95 acres
in Washington twp. for $4019.
J. W. Gloverand wife, Mary M.
and Edith Glover and W.A.Lepley
and wife to Mary K. Snyder, house
and lot in Selinsgrove for $1300.
(ieo. V. Brosius, Executor of Na
poleon Brosius, deceased to Dr. Mar
aud Roth rock, '.' tracts in Perry twp,
tor $2575.
f James G. Knousc, Juniata Co.
I Lydia L, Buyer, "
I ('.Stewart Hall.McKecs J Fills.
Alice M. Rothermel
I Herbert F. Mtisser
I Mary F. Swartz,
Port Tre'n,
The Great Show.
Not only have the newspapers of
New York City recently and again
emphasized the tact, but it is gen
erally known throughout the breadth
of the whole land, as well, that the
Adam Forepaugh and Sells Brothers,
great consolidated .-hows, which are
to exhibit at Sunbury on May 3,
1900, far surpass any other similar
organization in the number of wild
leasts, amphitia, elephants, horses,
nerforminganimals, riders, aerialists,
aorobate, downs, leupers, charioteers,
jo-keys, great artists anil glorious
acts, ami in the quantity and quality
of entertainment furnished tor the
ordinary price of admission. Among
the most notable new prodigies in
troduced will be found Hassan AM,
the Egyptian giant, said to be the
tallest man on earth, and for the past
two years a big feature with tin1
Barnum and Bailey show in London
and Great Britain, The number of
principal male and female bareback
riders has been increased to nineteen;
that of the clowns to t wentv-tive,
and in the aerial and acrobatic de
partments the additions are propor
tionally large and brilliant, file
grand double street parade has been
made still richly and uniquely at
tractive, and in every direction till
greater effort ha- been made and
greater out lav incurred to more than
meet the popular demand lor cheap,
wholesome, gtirriujj
i:irii in-
Forest Fires.
The Commissioners of SuyderCo.
have appointed seven constables ot
this county as special fire detectives.
It is their duty to ferret out the
cause of such tires and the person
or persons who are responsible tor
them and report them to the county
commissioners whose duty it is to
bring action against the offending
parties. The constables appointed
are as fellows : Washington, Mid
dlecreek and Jackson, Lavinus Kee
ler; Perry and West Perry, P. A.
Brosius; Franklin and Beaver, P. J.
Herbster; Spring and West Beaver,
Jesse B. Ewing; Centre and Adams,
Daniel Hackenburg; Union and
Chapman, V. W. Arnold; Pennand
Monroe, I). B. Heiser.
Card of Thanks.
The undersigned hereby return
their heartfelt thanks to the many
friends who so kindly assisted them
during the illness and after the death
of the late Theodore Erdley. Theynl
so wish to express their gratitude to
the trustees of the Evan. Lutheran
church ot Middleburg for placing
their church at their disposal.
FA MIT. V AlfP Frikxik.
The Great Reaper Cu'.s a Wide S wath
and Secures Many Vict. ins
wii.i.nn 1. ii.
Tuesday's mail informed us of the
death ot William S. Leach of Chap
man twp. a well known resident
near Hotter. He died Sunday morn
ing and was buried at Paradise
church Wednesday morning at io
A. M.
Mrs. Ida Hummel, wife of John
J. Hummel, of Franklin township,
died Thursday morning, April 12,
1900 at s o'clock, aged 33 years.
She was the daughter of David Wea
ver of Pallas this itv. She
leaves a husband and seven children
to mourn her early demise. The
funeral took place at Hummel'
church Saturday morning.
Kl'lllt aim HOWELL,
Ejihraim Howell of Beavertown
was born April I, 1822 and died
Friday April 13, 1900 at I P. M
aged 78 years and !t days. He was
a soldier in the t'ivil war, having
served firsl Iii Co. G, 72nd Regt,
and second in ( o. F. 1 7 I Regt He
was married to Kate Riegel of Lew
istown, who preceded him to t hespir
it world some 12 years aim. The fu
neral was held Sunday.
lif t WILLI.
Ira Willis, son of Register A: Re
corder John Willis and wife died
Tuesday morning at 9:30. He was
born June 5, 1895, hence he was I
years, lo mouth and 12 days old.
No sustenance was taken for several
lavs and the child seemed to wither
and dry up. The funeral will take
place Friday morning at 10 o'clock
in the Reformed church. Interment
in the Middleburg eemetry.
Mrs. Sassaman died at New Ber
lin last Thursday, April 12. 1900
at o'clock P. M. She was af
flicted with paralysis and was about
77 years of age, She was buriedat
K ratervi
one o clod
Ic Monday afternoon at
She was oreccded to
the spirit world be her husband and
is survived by four children: John,
who resides at home and i single :
Henry Sassaman, who resides below
K raterville ; Amelia, married to
U m. ( ieist of New Berlin, and Wil
liam, w ho resides at LewistoWII,
Simon Hummel, one ol Monroe
Township's most reputable citizens,
was born May 23, lsii"J and died
April. 12, 1900, aged years 8
months anl 19 days. In 1 880 he
was wedded to Maggie, daughter
ot Daniel Sassaman. The widow
and five children survive, ol which!
three are daughters and two are
' sous. He was in the employ ot the
Johnson Harvester Manufacturing
Co. as their General Agent and was
getting a very good salary. He was
buried at K raterville Monday morn
ing of' this week at ten o'clock. The
funeral was very largely attended.
9 e
Theodore Erdley, a well-known
and highly respected citien of Frank
lin township, ditsl Thursday, April
12th at his home on Absalom 8ny
der's farm near Paxtonville. He
was born June 5, 1855, the .son of
Morris and Elisabeth (Stetler) Frd-
hy in Penn township, Snyder coun
ty, Pa. He was confirmed April
23, 1870 by Kev. J. H. Yenrick
and btOMM a member t theUeform
ed church. March 18, 1885) he
was married by J. H. Bachman, J.
P. to Savilla Hartman, then of t Vn
tre township. He is survived by a
11 year old son, a small daughter
VOL. 37. NO. 16.
and the widow, all who have the
warmest sympathy of the entire com
munity in their sore affliction of the
loss ot a lather and a husband. He
was I 1 years, 8 months and 8 davs
'flic futicial took place Sunday
morning in this place, flic interment
took place in Middleburg cemetery.
Ow ing to the sickness of the pastor,
Rev. S. S. Kohler of New Berlin,
Revs, Mi Lai:; and Boughter offici
ated at the obsequies. The former
preached in English and the latter
in German. The attendance was so
huge that it was impossible to admit
all of those who had assembled ami
the funeral orocession nrooeeded to
.1.1 i i t.
i ne uuiiierau nurcn comet
the services were conducted.
Who Was Shot ?
A duel was ouce fought by two men
named Shot! and Nott Nott was
shot and Shott was not In this case
it is Better to lie Shott than Nott.
There was a rumor that Nott was
not shot, but that Shott was shot
notwithstanding. ( 'ircumstaucial
evidence i- not always good. On
trial it might aptcai that the shot
Shott shot shot shott himself, when
the w hole affair would be as at first,
and Shott would be diot and Nott
would be not. We think, how
ever, that the shot Shott shot shot
not Shott, but Nott; any way, it is
hard to tell who was shot.
Snyder County Assessment.
As far as heard from the total
number of mills assessed in the vat
rious districts are as follows: Ad
ams, I5j ; Beaver, 15J ; Beaver
West, 18 ; Centre, 15 ; "t'hapman,
18 j
Franklin, ; Middleburg,
Monroe, 13 ; I Vim. IP- IVrrv,
Selinsgrove, 18 ; Spring, 13
To the Deaf.
A rich lady, cured of her Deafness
and Nois,s in the Head bv Dr.
Nicholson's Artificial Far Drums,
gave $10,000 to his Institute, so
that deaf' people unable to procure
the Ear Drums may have them free.
Addles- No. ln:;-J7 The Nicholson
Institute. 780, Eighth Avenue, New
York. l-Jo-Iv.
- -
e give below some clubbing
combinations with the PoHT. The
rates uilotixl are very low.
The Farm Journal, monthly, for
almost 'live years and the Middleburg
Pi ist one year, paid inadvunce, $1.01 .
Tin' Fjirm Journal n one nf Mm I'.-st
Mrrisultural iuiikt published, It eon
Mm from S3 i" t.u.. men montfl
jii I tn-.iis ,,f ibjecl .f luternri to
ibe former, lobori ronil wurklug moo.
The Svw Vork Tri-Weekly Tri
buneand t..'- Middleburg Piast, one
year, paid in advance. on!v $1.75.
TheTHWeeklv k pnbltflied Mondf.
hIucm luy -i f r lay, rw hoi x lam
proportion obKritvn on iav of
iMiie. tnd ouch edition I a Iboruugbly
np-tonlole doily tatnil) n r paper for
buoy peoploi
The New York Weekly Tribune
and the Middleburg Post, one vear,
paid in advuim, only $1.25
Tbo Weekly THbono It pniiiinhetl on
Ttmriitiy, inni irJvi - all important now
of notion ond ororld, Ibc mo-t raliablo
markot loporte, unotoollod no ilimllMial
departOMOt, roltablo sfncrui lnforao
Hon nnd ohoteo himI t'titiTtainiiik' tin
ooliOAjr, It m ilir ' pooplo! iM'r" for
UMoniln Dojliod Rdiom, a no&onoJ tmn
llj ; i r fur lamori ftnd : .m- -
The New York Tri-Weekly World
and the Middleburg Post, one vcar,
jiaid in advance, only 91.65.
Tile Tri-W.sjkly World OOtMa tfcfM
Homo o wook, ! illioi wllb ili- inU'st
nrw of Ilir coiuitrv ond if. well orlli
Itle Ofloi nskfsl lot it.
The Practical Farmer, one vcar,
and the Middleburg Post, one vcar,
paid in advance, $1.50. Bon of
the above papare and the Practice
Karnicr Year 15mk and Agrleul
Utral Alinanac lor 1900, paid in
advaiuv, only $1.0").
The i'r., KKrnit'riii i,m of the I'.-t
form .ii. is iitilinhl, innueil monthly,
h1 tl ..' i-Hr The yer hook contain
i!k. In whlrh Ihrre i- o fund of in
formal inn tlufct in uneful t. the former.
The price of thin book alone It 80 eent.
You rret the Parr, the Hroftlrol former
ond tin' yeor book for only ll.U
1 1
1 1