r PhUln Ne had the experience of Imovlng twice last Tuesday. Mines Minnie and Katie rrutt visit- , friends in HuiiDury MHiumu.v. Ml Carrie Clark ofGloho Mills vis ited frienda In this place, Sunday. , John tSchoeh and wife spent Mnutay at Joseph Leilya near Knit.crville. r..rri. Kchoch is siH'intintr some f,.nii vacatei I ime at at Dr. Sheets' at Northumber-1 moved on tin Ham. Shilling on Hob. (Crabs' Hum Iteai McClure; Calvin Snook onC. O. Qtssn hoe'sfarm; Allen Peter on the farm vacated by Snook; Jacob Etlsgle on his own farm' vacated by Amnion Smith, who moved to Aoaniflburg; EL A. Warner on l lsh & M iddleawmrth'l farm vacated by Harden Ulsli who moved to Blair County; L. c. wagner on H. A'a farm; James (Joss in J. A. WumHi liouse; Forrv Snook on the by Jerome iteiiz won tanu vacated hy who on the Kline farm near Logan. Il.nrl I m ww i ....nl.. uiiU. nt tuune ! whiter atndea Monday. Applet bring In almost every ueigbborhood .i'lrnriee th is some oue 0086 hie ia afairpnee. ... , 1 k- .'1 Co h .,r.l. HJ....,wi i.rnIM' SL' ovi'is imi n mum, ... . MISS 11m . . .. ,v...l..l I'lw.l. iHoimr some needle worn ai iwua oaw W. EL Knepp expects to build a lie. blacksmith shop shortly, Howard Pet'r is nwfug another hii of lumber for JoaBpta Wagner. Jamefl Steely has now MUbtirkt l i the Hah DUaineM for the amaon. Our weather prophet litlms one an v to till his quota for tlto . 1. Wm. Peter and wife 'en t'i" rues! of Adam EtaUmgard ner last Sunday. J. J. Steclv Spent a few days in Mif flin county iasl week, visiting his si ter, Mrs. Howard Qlbboney, John Laab and family oiLew,lstowii sM'iit a few days here last week visit Ins some of their Snyder oounty friends. John H. Hciiister and Warren Mc- Unolera and Diarrhoea Remedy., or Qaughlta start this week for Blair t , 1 .4 Ji I . ...1 4.1. 4 1 I" TLtm hU wMtk wuo uas nceu euren luriiiuuirui- cnuniv, wncrc incv nave sccuicn clu bman a uns wre- .),. w th naw nt that medicine, nlmranant. A I- : 'J I - '.' -------- . . 4 . .....I l.'l....,,. Harvey weicnenuw ' V ' Sl,i. nrM,v ,,l-,. ,. ,,,,,..1 f tellim: Jacob Krb was verv nonrlv last Sat tof near frenioi 1 are wuw , . ,.no,in,.it v ofleis. urdav nla-ht. Thev did not eneet l.im ll n in u vwi ". 1 , 1 I hopiiifi that it nmt 'e tin- menus ot to live througl the niirht. Monday be savinifs other liv. s. Pot sale by all was W'tter. 1I1 UL'-'ists Wecannot give all tlie exehangea of hone ham 4. Oooner and Levi Dressier. The members of the Sunday school e making anmngenmuw ... Hnnlalln the school house on the Evening of the lst Inst All are in vited to attena. While Dr. H. li- Boraner t tsnamo- rw, ws drivimr to Hellnagrove 4,iiwlav his horse took sick. was put Into Daniel Sassaman s Ml the doctor made th' trip by foot. A nentleinan of Maryliiml is inter viewing the farmers 111 onler togei iw ores of land 10 raise ,..,,.... ... kweetcorn. He tnteiiusio -.an l' apple's canntnir lacwrj ai DunB-" this summer, xnua iar u w rith success. The funeral of EliasNoU, which took .lace Sunday morning, was largely ItUmded. He Is survived in w u tnd one son. We deeply sympythbw with the family, rne oeccas,-.. veteran of the Civil war Quite a num- er of the members 01 uie v.. . ... elinscrove inowea uiei le.-j...... ... kurning out in a tKly. in us one u one they pass awav. idOOLBOBBEK Very little oats is yet sown thil spring. H. 11. tierosier uutuna 4, ....... ...... , Middleburg last v euncsuaj . Rev. Gramley anrt wue were u Wests of Wm. Bilger's Saturday. Reuben Knepp of Snook visited his riends In our section last week. Reports are that peaches will be few g the blossoms are nearly all frozen. Ambrose Peter and family of Mait nd were the guests of H. 8. bwart. s My- .... OHM. Helfrich ana wue 01 tvamaw were vlaiting nis parenia u-w iinday. W. H. Heimbach and family were be gueata of Oeo. Kheam near v agoer kindav. Mrs. Aaron Wagner and children of Huntingdon county are at present vis ting their friends. Chaa. Frock and family came back om Huntingdon oouiuy anu uuw unv Chaa. KUngler's farm. Calvin Maurer and John Oldt, Jr., ft Monday ror leagenown wue ey eem'rad work a MrarmUL John Herbster and wife of Huuting- on county are spenamg a snoix ume 1th their eastern friends preparatory 1 their moving to Blair uouiuy. A quiet wedding took place last week t tne resiaenee 01 vnx-i du. ontractlng parties were Miss Maud hultn and Mr. McUora of ijewwown. Now that flittings are over you will nd Adam Thomas on win. agner s 4 ur, Ui.nvdp. Cli.iu A P ITIuh irm 111 ni ifw,i, v... ... - -1 the house vacated by Thomas; David rebs on Reuben Smith's larm near innerville; Wm. Rice on the farm ted by Krebs; Amaon awauser on he farm vacated by l'ricc; r.tiwani (itchell in his house In McClure; H. I. rUunmt in the Mitchell house; i lias. WW Tl. f- TOOpm on n. 1 s ianu; mr. SALKM. Oeo. Gemberllng is iporting new buggy. Wm. Pnycr is repairing his house ai Mlddlecreek. Hcv. Haas preached a good sermon OH Palm Sunday. Maurer ami I'isher are drilling a well for Ucv. Schuable. The schools of Penn township have all closed lhis week. I FisherWaher.it' Kreainer was seen in this village Sunday evening. N. B. Bteuerand II. A. Oemberling took aspin to Northumberland Sunday . It. M. Coleman moved his saw mill to Mlddlecreek mountains again last wiH-k. John Oearhart, by nn accidental fall while breaking a colt, sprained his ankle. Mrs. Milton Orwig and children of ' Houtzdale are visiting her mother, Mrs, Matilda Fisher at this place. Prof. J. 1. Woodruff, Prof. T. C. Houtl and son Johnnie were callers at lrs. Woodruff1! Sunday afteruoon. Quite a number of the people are complaining with colds thinking it is ilue to the warm sunshine these last few days. Garden digging, white washing and residence made by our citizens th) spring aa they oome under the head, too numerous to mention. Our fox hunters had poor luck in t rapping the fox last winter. They have now turned their attention to musk rat t rapping with better success. Mason Knepp had some corn stolen j last Sunday In day light The party is I considered a hold gentleman. Mason I snvs, "Call again, but not when I am ubsent" Prank Swing and family passed through our town Sunday to attend ' the funeral of Perry I lassiiiger's father !m was burned to death last Friday afternoon. Of course the illegal Habere have com menced already to deplete our troul streams so that when the fellow who 1 ries to conform to the law comes along lie finds the best of the fishing is gone. POUT HE R ON. The water is again ill the canal. J, H. Shaffer went toShatnokln. Our public schools closed this week. MUs Charles went to Shamoklu Mon day evening. Miss Toledo Houti is spendlnga week under the parental roof. Clarence Leilig is working for the P. It. li. at South Danville. E. c. Shaffer and wife of Sharaokin are vi-iting parents at this place. 'Markle the farmers and their companions at the present The death records are apparent in our community at present Three fu nerals were held at the Salem church since our last writing, viz: Mrs. Hack euburg, wife of Joe Hiiekenhurg, aged about 43: Katie Ellen, daughter of Oeo. Mull and wife, aged ti months, Katie Ellen, daughter of H. W. How and wife, aged 30 years. STATE OF OHIO, CIT7 OF TOLB- ( BS. oataaowing Mtne.omei oooupauon 01 Mrs Andrew Elerrold visited her sick husband at Shamokin Sunday. Miss Mary Bine of McKecs J Falls Is visiting her gnindmother at this place. Russel Knights returned Sunday evening from a ten days' visit at Sun bury. Irwin Rj'ichenbach, who is employed at Shamokin, spent Sunday with 'bis family. Miss Laurie Charles was the substi tute teacher in the grammar school Mondav. Mr. Hall of McKeesand Miss Roth ermel of this place called on the "Uaily Bros." Sunday. J. C. Ncitz and C. H. Herrold exect to attend the Freeburg Academy. 1 hey will start Monday. Mrs. Reuben Aucker spent last week with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Hiram Uauglcr in the country. We were glad to see Mrs. Herrold of Silver Run 011 our streets again after u long spell of sickness. Ucv. Boyef, Dr. Krebbs, Butoher Trout man, Farmer Shollcy and Land lord Oeist moved to our town recently. T. (!. Herrold and A. B. Moyer, two of Snyder County's prominent pedago gues, made a business trip to Snyder County's capital Monday. Frank J. Chunky makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Chink? k Go., doing busi ness in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will nay the sum of ONE HUN DRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and aubscrib ed in my presenoe, this 6th day of December, A. D. 18H6. i A. W. Gleason, st' ai. Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternallv ami acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F.J.CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 7fe. Hall's Family Pills are the best. K HE A 11 Kit Established I f l?U K 1877. When You See a Man or Boy Ex tra Well Dresses Give Loeb's The Credit. LOEB'S 8tylet, Loeb's Qualities and Loeb's Prices are a great influence wilb people who know a Hood Thing When they See It, and do not want to pay too muoe for it. There is a wonderful sale in progress here now. Sou may never again be able to clothe yourself at such money-making figures. LOEB'S IS A FASHION CENTRE ! A FINANCIAL SCHOOL TOO. A NEW A. ('. Smith drove to Fremont .Mon day morning, Frank Mitchell and friend spent Sun day in Sunbury. i'rof. F. ('. Fisher Of Salem called on friends in our vicinity Saturday eve. The school closed Tnesdav and th hoys and tfirls are enjoying tlieojienair once more. Mrs. W. A. Gordon and Mrs. J. E. LVfksee attended church at Salem Sun day afternoon. .Sirs, (iabriel Snyder of Shamokin was the truest of John Landis and fam ily over Sunday. Unite ii numficr of Democrats from this place attended the convention at MiddlehurK Monday. The Item in last week's Post which stated that G. 0, stuck moved to Free- hurK was a mistake. It should have read that G. C. Stuck drove to Frec-Imrir. McCLUKE. Easily? Are you frequently hoarse? Do you have that annoying tickling in your throat? Would you feel relieved if you could raise something? Does your couh annoy you at night, and do you raise more mucus in the morning? Then you should always keep on hand a bottle of Cherry Pectoral If you have a weak throat you cannot be too careful. You cannot begin treatment too early. Each cold makes you more liable to another, and the last one is always harder to cure than the one before it. lr. aik r's cierr j prcuril lister protects (be tuts fria tins. HOW TO save mo' It will pay von to . miles to deal with m ri i nd I l)c LarcSet Musi-' ( Line of Crocker! "are, Lttmpft. Silver, Xiokle, Enameled, Tin. Woodwaiv, n Icrv, Sporting Goods mikI nil Rinaaol Mouse Fiirnishiiii Central IVnnsvlvaiiia oi))n i-! i 'i ' 'liiilil, ( II am. s in ) AM ,V I , I mm If At Prices that Defy Competition. ill to yi l!S OF it . 1 1 r A Cordial IllVltlltlnll i ml I... I i beronvinoed that wenrrTHK I.I' HI M ll i le lil'l... ii ii,. vl I : i i i , , ,. i " 1 '"""i' i.icued am i e iv. i-.ii . : , ..... .Minn, on mircilinses a I mi 8fi nn Oee our Name tuiil NiiiiiIkt on Railroad MUD BEAUTU tacki within lull mil,.- ti rye Show Window. FURMAN'S CASH FAIR, 1 Market St., Sunbury, tol'e lil I'HK ICS sllc. Statu n I e o e 0 o Help at Hand. If you have any complaint whatever and desire the best medical advice you can pos sibly obtain, write the doctor freely. You will receive a prompt reply. Addreti, DR. J. C. AYER, Lowell, Maaa A NEW SUIT.? 1 H"M 1 1 1 IM'H-t-r THE SHIRT. 4-H-M-t-M-l"l"l"I"M"l' A JNEW TIE. . A NEW HAT. iThese are some of the new Spring Goods here for I you to see. Prices no higher than last year, but better Goods. .Come and ses them, whether you buy now or later. We will tell you weat will be worn, M. LOEB & SON, BELIABLE. ONE-PRICE CLOTHIERS AND GENT'S FURNISHERS, 318 E. MARKET 8T-. 8UNBURY, PA- Katie Benfer left for Lewistown Mon day. Chaa, Klinglcr is again working on the railroad. Some of the farmem have commenced tO W OIltM. .lames 1 1 inches moved to New Hamil ton last Thursday. Janus Wagner ia apending this week at home with IiIh mother. John Stuck is home from Lewmtown being afflicted with the mumps, Mrs. Hurley itomig und child arc visiting fricnilK at thin place at present, Mrs. Warren Maurer and child of Lewiltown Hicnt Snnduy with her parents. Itev. Spangler of Salome preached a trial Hcrmon in t lie m. uuh h cnurcn Sunday evening. Itev. Zweier cclehratcil the Lord's Supper Sunday forenoon in the St. Matthew's church. The St. Luke's and St. Matthew's Sunday schools will hold their Easter entertainments Sunday. Sonic of our people attended the fun oral of Henry Hassinger, nt Alfarnta, w ho was burned to death Friday after noon, while burning brush. ! j i y i . NEff GOODS I m We urc just receiving the largi'stituil finest line ot Spring und Summer goinls ever brought to I this place, which we have m oeen oiiying in tne east- ern cities this week Come and see oar stock. We are sure we can save v you money. Ixiok for our prices in this space 3 next week. I .1 We are having a big trade on these goods. Sil ver I hip Syrup, (Jc. per (jt., 2'lc. per gal, It is n very fine, light sug.ir ... i i ii J Dyrup wmcn is usually sold at 10c. a ijt. Golden 1 loney Syrup, 8c. jkt jt., 80o per gal. This is an extra fine qual ity Vanilla flavor and usually miIi l at 12c. Making Molasses, 10c and I Sc. per t. Our 10c. goods is the best you ever saw lor the price; the 1. Sc. is an extra fancy ipiality. No bet- y ter goods sold. 0OSJOSJOSJOCSJOS)OB) OOSJO0 o e I READY PAY CO. Have You Been I o see Us ? von have a green spot If DOt. nnim I.A. C .... I ! . . . 1 .1 ,,ie, mi mere is Doming mat makes one feel better than to know that he has had Value for the money he lias left at the store where he made his purchases, We Carry a Large Line o of Dry Goods and no one has a better seJec- o tion of Dress (ihk1.s. )nr Notion Stock eom- o prises everything kept In a first-class Notion 0 store. ( )ui Uroitery Department is up to date and the goods are priced to suit the times. 1 We Never Blow Cur Own Horn o Our customers do thai by telling others of g Values they get nt our store. We are selling o Hill Bleached Muslin at 7 cU.; Mite Prints ? that don't fade at Tu ts.; (Jramilated and Soft A Sugar at 5 ots.j Coffee ' l"i ots. a lb. or 2 lbs for 20 cts , and myriads of other goods equally as low thai we have not Bpace to men tion, vt e naye added to our hm j Carpet AsBnrtmEnt a complete and arc iii a position to show you the latest patterns ami hesl weaves in imperial axinin sters, extra body Brussels, hesl body Rrussel, ami body Brussels, Wilton Velvets, Lnusdniie Velvets, plain Tape-try, hesf Tapestry, and extra I iipestry, with a lull line of Irom 25c. a yard up to best quality. LngraiuN Carpets, Linings, Stair Posts, J. E. Magee, Kreamer, Pa. MCKEES HALF FALLS. Hon. Bill Kelley was here on a visit Sunday. Wm. Helntnelman moved to Lewis burg Tuesday. Henry Suffel left for Sunbury Mon day morning. Harry Hummel moved to North umberland Friday. Miss Minnie Suffel is working at the silk mill at Sunbury, Pa. The people of t h is place have been digging garden for the past few days. If you want to buy a good pony, come to Jacob O. Martz's office, Hotel Independence. Eagle Hotel, C W. GEAYBILL, PROPRIETOR. NEAR THE depot, Middleburg, - - - Penna. First Class Accommodation, Low Kates and Careful Attention Given to all Guests. -Llvery Attached.- Good Horses and Careful Drivers. H-l-M I I"H-H-H-1-H-H-1"M-I-H WLIEFPEE! I Send an n 2-cent lamp wilb your nam and add rest and w will tend frou a copy of the ato0taditionof Itie New Idea Paahlon Keriew and one of tbeee banflaome a. I n h Stamped Doylien frrc. W do Ibiato Introduce Ibe New Idea ID-cent Paper Patterna. RUBLE'S DRY GOODS STORE, LKWI8TOWN, PA. II 1 1 11 1 11 1 1 1 1 111 Ml 111 1 1 Japanese Mattings, &c. There are aomapv grades of Carpets of the same name that it would pay yon to see our Hue and post your self before making your purchase. Carpets Sewed and Steamed If desired. They will go on the floor without a wrinkle by this process, OIL CLOTH AND LINOLIUMS. READY PAY CO., C. H. SNIVELY, PROP'R, Sunbury, Pa. 417 Market St., oooooS)oooooooo oSoo;S t 0 X twi i1 ia in n 11 1. 1 r . Central Hotel, First-Class AccommodatioDs. LiTtrr AttacMM D. BOLENDER, PROP'R. Oppoalte rirat Hatlanal Bash, MIDDLEBURG, FA, I n 1 : . ML I . I Opposite Post Office TilorMafle Mi ! Workmanship Guaranteed. It I. HilW, Merchant Tailor, 1 Sfilinspye, Pa. o i ) vl 1 I) o it a v o O o o J o o J o o