m THJ SUNDAY SCHOOL. GEN. BULLBR AND THE TUGELA Tha Engrltsh General Was Balls Sandwiches Where tha Fir Was attest. Roy "Absolutely Pure For the third of a century the standard for strength and purity. It makes the hot bread, hot biscuit, cake and other pastry light, sweet and excellent in every quality. No other baking powder is "just as good as Royal," either in strength, purity or wholesomeness. Royal baking powder co., DOG IN THE SCHOOLROOM. A I'ourilKcoiia Tencher Who f ound TUnt Her Paplia Were Hotter Imp iiu Prcsenoa, Sine" lr. Hale promulgated bis plan tbout jci iii the public schools, I bave heard from several teachera who have made experiments of this sort vitli uci it . says the Ltoston Transcript. One excellent teacher bad an experi ence iili a dog which was instructive. Oil'' t her pupils, a slum boy with a bad imputation, had a very "ornery" Iml I terrier which was sure to go every, uli. r i he boy diil. mid followed him to school iii' dny. Tlir boy arrived a little late with the dog; iiir other children knew that the pair were coming, and t hey were n t hi; alert for n scene. In came Hie boy with tin- liir hull terrier at his heels. The pupiUheld their ha Sls to their mouths. The teacher showed no sign of surprise, imt said: "Ah. I see we hnve n now scholar. What's his name, Michael?" IDchaeJ said his name was titip, or something like that I am not quite sure what it' was. "Ah, Grip, here. Grip!" said the teacher, hospitably and sympathetically, and the dog came opto her and let her pat his head. Then she told him, gently hut firmly, to lie down by her desk, and he did. There in remained, sleeping peacefully or inletly watching the proceedings of he Bchool, until the'intermission, The children weri' all over their snickering and wondering in a few minutes ami seemed pleased and cheer ful because the dog was in the room. Hp was adopted as a regular attendant mil from that time on spent most of Mis time by the teacher's desk, though often he accompanied his master into tberecitation-room, where his behavior was always excellent, The teacher avers that her pupils ar 'ess disorderly and troublesome when the dog is present than w hen he is nli seni FATHER OF KINDERGARTEN. jHanebel Looked to Wemaa Ilia Ifataral Ally in Make n u Bneeeai, After spending years wrestling with the problems of education, friedrich I i H m l. founder of the kindergarten, arrived at the conclusion that the school could never he a success until the homo performed its function as an educational institution also, writes Patterson DuBols, in the March Ladies' Home Journal. Thenceforth his domi nant interest was focused on the cradle rather than on the schoolhouse, lie became the tfroat apostle of the home, lie looked to woman as his natural ally, yet he was not oblivious to the father's part in bomemaking. His proposition for a general educational union was addressed to fathers. Ho firmly believed, however, that woman was to in the world's great education al force. She was to regenerate the race. Vet lie realized that this meant, 'ha', she must suffer even as he Buf fered. "Whoever will go with me," he laid, "must undertake a great deal, must, suffer ridicule and blame, and let themselves be burned or torn In pieces." He wanted a mother to be something more than a "beloved mother." He iys: "In order to render the com mand of Christ effective, education in t lie family must first be reformed, otherwise there will be no solid foun dation for subsequent education to stand on." SWIFT FLIRTATION BY 'PHONE The Couple Got Mixed on (be Names, and Central Quickly Ended the Mailer. "Hello! "-said a man's voice over the telephone. "Hello," answered a wom an's soprano, "are you Swift?" "Er well, I don't know," he an swered; "my aunt sometimes says I am." "Oh, pshaw, you know what I mean. Are you Mr. Swift?" "Honest lv. I am not." in iilHin the market. These are maJe with alum, and care should be taken to avoid them, aselum is a poison, never to bo taken in the toed ioo william st new York. "Well, why don't you rinir off, then?" "You're t lie one that's dipping in, though of course I hate to insinuate it," he answered. "Why. the idea of such a thingl I thought you wanted to speak to me." "I do." "Then, you must he Swift." Chuckles at the other end of the 'phone. "Well, all riu-ht ; if you w ill take that I view uf it ! " "What are we going to do about?" ! rejoined a half-tearful voice. "1 want to speak to Swift." "But you said yourself that, I'm swift, and as for talking -" When the heartless frirl in Central cut them both off, says the Chicago j Inter Ocean, as she reflected on thai peculiarity in human nature, which makes even a hinir-dislance flirtation fascinating to so many people. An Exhibit of llnmnri, An Interesting and odd exhibit in the Paris exposition will be a hull de voted to the hussars of the world. Paintings, showing the, great deeds c.f men of this arm of the service will form a large part of the exhibit. Ger many and Austria-Hungary will be rep resented particularly well, for the nini ple reason that the hussars of these two armies always have been men who did really wonderful acts of bravery ami daring. Spain will have on inter esting group, showing her famous f'rai eesa hussars, and Italy will show her Ncapoli bourbons. Dreaklas h itorortl. Dr. Conatl Doyle is a very quick writer. It is recorded of him that on one occasion, when returning home with a friend in the evening after a splendid day of cricket, ho remarked that a certain incident would make n good story. After dinner the friend said: "You'd better do that story." To which recommendation Dr. Doyle replied: "I've done it." Wanted I lie (all Repeated. Employer (to collector) See Mr. Owen '' Collector ), yes. Employer Was lie annoyed at your calling upon him'.' Collector- Not a bit. He asked me to call again. Ohio State Journal. Modern Hospitality, Mr. Potwell -Now do look after the dinner yourself, my dear. You know the Guttletons are coming. Mrs. Potwll But if 1 do, they'll be sure to want to come again I Hrook lyn Life. u6W Mil-: Kiai ui-fii it out. Jimmy (with the peanuts) A little girl choked to death eating peanuts the other day. Jane Well, she'd been livin' yet if she'd known youl X. V. World. Hot a Olrenmatanee. The chilliness of liquid air Seams more like warmth, 'tis found. To those who meet tiiat frigid star Where Boston girls abound. -E::ii"'i Magazine. The Way It Came Aboat. He The woman was the first temptress, you know. She Oh, yea. But if the man hadn't had more stomach than con science or heart he wouldn't have suc cumbed Philadelphia North. Ameri- Many low priced, imitation baiting powders I uiKin the market. These are made with alu W ikW ffl - Btlfm I LOW M JOT Leuos la ale International Series fa April IB, IBOO-Tae Danchter mi Jalras Raised. Prepared by H. C. Lenlngtoa THE LESSON TEXT. Mark 6:M; fen 22. And, behold, there comath ena of th rulers of tht synagogue, Jatros by nsme and when he saw Him, he fell at His feat. 21. And besought Him greatly, saying My little daughter lleth at th point o death; I pray thee, come and lay thy hand on her, that aha may be healed; and sb hall live. 14. And Jesus want with htm; and muel people followed htm, and thronged htm. 35. While be yet spake, there came fron the rater of lb synagogue's house eartati which asld: Thy daughter la dead: wh: troubleat thou the Master any further? M. As soon as Jesus hesrd the word tha was spoken. He satth unto the ruler o the synagogue: Be not afraid, only believe 17. And He suffered no man to folio Him. aave Peter, and Jamaa, and John th brother of James. 38. And He cometh to the house of th ruler of the synagogue, and seeth th' tumuU, and them that wept and wallet greatly. S9. And when He was come In, He salt! u,to them: Why mak ye this ado, am weep? the damsel Is not dead, but sleep ota. 40. And they laughed Him to scorn. Bis when fie had put them all out, He takeLl the father and the mother of the damsel and them that were with Him. and enter eth In where the damsel was lying. 41. And He took the damsel by the hand and said unto her, Talltha cuml; which Is being Interpreted, Damsel, 1 say unti thee, arise. 42. And straightway the damsel arose and walked; for she was uf the age of t years. And they were astonished with i great astonishment. GOLDEN TEXT. He Is risen, as He said Matt. .. NOTES AND COMMENTS. At this point the order of the les sons slightly varies from the chrono logical order of the events recorded probably to admit of this as an Eastei lesson. It will be well to recall th chronological order. After the ser mon on the mount, in the summer ol A. D. 28, Jesus heals the centurion's servant and raises the widow's son It is about this time that John the Baptist sends to Jesus to know If He is renlly the Messiah. July to Septem ber is spent by Jsub in His secono tour of Galilee. In the autumn the demoniac is healed at Capernaum, then follows eight purables by the seaside (including that of the rich fool, of the sower, of the leaven, of the poarl ot great price and others), then the stilling- of the tempest, on (inliloe, and here, in November, come in the two miracles of Mark 5:22-43, one of which we Study t-o-day as a story suitable for the Kaxt ertide. Instances of Lives Restored by .Testis. In the four Gospels we have re corded Just three instances of the Sa viour bringing back the dead to life. One is the story of .bums' daughter. Another is where the son of the widow of Nain was raised (Luke 7:11-17). The third was the restoring of Lazarus, recorded in the eleventh chapter of John's Gospel. These are the only in stances we know of, yet they help to show the power of .Testis. Sometimes it is what we call the human side of Jesus' nature that is revealed raost strongly, but it Is only God who can give life, so we have new proof that Jesus "is a teacher come from God." The Daughter of Jalrus Raised. Two points stand out prominently in this story: (1) the faith of Jairus. and (S) the fact that Jesus has not only the power to heal disease, but to raise up even after the hand of death has done Its awful work. The faitli of Jairus is illustrated by the one lit tle sentence In the text: "Thy daugh ter is dead: why troublest thou the Muster any further?" It seems that even after he had heard that his daugh ter was dead he continued to "trouble the Master." It can hardly be said tbat It was a faith strong enough to believe that Jesus would raise his loved one even from the grave, yet it needed only the kindly touch of Jesus, and His word "He not afraid, only believe," to mnke it such a faith. And Jesus did put forth His hand to raise from the dead. Ever since It has been the com fort of the sorrowing to believe thai beyond and after death they .may yet again meet their loved ones, for they are not dead, but only asleep. .The Resurrection of Jesus. This raising of Jairus' daughter is typical. almost prophetical, of Jesus' own res urrection, Already lie hud met the nrrpositioii of the Pharisees, and al ready He had said to the Jews: "I atroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up." And John in his record makes note that "Ho spake of the temple of His body." The story of the resurrection gives the world its own proof of Jesus' authority and that He WBB what He claimed to be, the Messiah and Saviour: for Luke tells tis that "the rulers also with them de rided Him, SOylng, He saved others; let Him save Himself, if He be Christ, the chosen of Cod." The sequel shows that H( not only raised others from the dead, but could Himself come forth from the 1o;nb after Buffering one of t he most horrible deaths thnt the cruel Romans could devise. Does Death Knd All? After all is said, there is only one answer to this question. Life is more than body, and the spirit is more than flesh. The res urrection of Jesus is the pledge Uint we shall live again, n better, a brighter and more glorious life beyond the grave, where the limitations of earth Fhall be no longer binding, when we shall see no longer as through a glass darkly, but eye to eye. EASTER THOUGHTS. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesos will God bring with Him 1 Tbes. 4:14. Therefore we are buried with Him by baptism into death; that like aa Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. Romans 6:4. Jesus said unto her, I am the resur rection and the life; he that belleveth in Me, though'he were dead, yet shall ha live. Joha lt:2. It was during the advance of the Devons and the Queens tbat the aeries of brilliant attempts to rescue the guns (at the Tugela) began, says a Colenso correspondent of the Manchester Guardian. A little earlier about ten o'clock Sir Redvers Buller had left the position he had appointed for him self at the naval battery the situation on the right was too serious for a man of Buller'a spirit to atay there now and had ridden off toward the guns with all bis staff and the escort of the Natal police. "Out of this, please," he said he was down among the naval 12 pounders behind Long's guns now. The Boers had perhaps recognized the staff; the whistling in the air trebled. "You oughtn't to be here, sir," gasped Ogilvy. "I'm all right, my boy," said the general. The staff lingered about the place; Sir Redvers Duller was eat ing sandwiches, aud from the scat tered groups of men emerged one of the most gallant trios that over tried to win the Victoria cross. Off the three went for the guns T saw them go Sehofield. Congrcve, who had been leisurely giving me notes out of his pocket book an hour before up near the naval battery, and young Roberts. It was all no good; a general retirement was ordered, ten guns were left on the field. Sir Redvers Buller ami his staff came by me on their return, The general climbed down limply and wearily from his horse like an old. old man. I thought he was wounded with vexation; 1 did not know then that he was wounded though slightly with a bullet, which had been passed round his ribs. The horse of Lord Gerard, one of his nids-de-camp, had been shot in the neck; Capt. Hughes, the doctor of his staff, had been killed hnlf blown to pieces by a shell; one of the Natal police (the gen eral's escort) had had his horse grazed in the fetlock, In the belly, and In the mouth, and two bullets had passed through his holsters. That is the sort of fire the general had been under eat ing sandwiches. THE OSTRICH AS FOOD. Bald to Make Splendid Steak and Sonp, llut the Huer Will Hnve Aiunr of It. There arc two dishes an ostrich farm er in South Africa wHl not tolerate on his table, though both are considered delicacies. One is ostrich soup, an other ostrich steak, says the London Mail. There is not much eatable meal about an ostrich, for his body is nearly all bone. His long, delicate legs are, however, supported upon remarkably massive thighs, and these provide joints which are utilized by the house wife on un ostrich farm, when an unto ward accident has ended the bird's lite and he is fit for nothing except the larder. The thighs are so extraordinarily muscular that steaks cut from them are not very appetizing, but they make splendid soup, which may even be com pared with the renowned turtle for richness and delicacy. Its strengthen ing proport ies arc also great, and if the ostrich wore cultivated for food, in stead of for feathers, it would very likely prove a formidable rival in the sickroom to the most expensive turtle soup. Hut no furmcr has the larder in view when he rears an ostrich chick, and when the birds grow up it goes seriously against the grain with him to hand a carcass over to the cook, when it alive would have brought him 15 if sold to unotlier farmer. Ostriches are dreadfully prone to suicide, however, and are determined fighters, unci as they don't know how to conduct their battles wisely they are usually victims to broken limbs, and must be put out of their misery by their owners, who cannot operate surgically on such delicate members as an ostrich's fragile legs. DRAWS SPARKS FROM SNOW. Kllr thaws Thai llli..nrd Coatala a Miioii Bleotrleltr as iiu Thunderstorms. William A. Eddy, at I'ayonne, on n re cent occasion made his first electric test in a blizzard, by sending aloft a six-foot single plane kite during the heavy gale and dense imowf all, sustain ing In this way a steel wire at a consid erable height. So severe was the gale that the kite was repeatedly borne down to within about 50 feet of the earth, but it always recovered its posi tion aloft. The tailing snow dimmed the kite, but dil not overweigh it. At live p. m. the electric connection with the steel wire Was severed from the grounding rod, when the hissing sound of the brush discharge could be plainly heard, followed by a one-inch spurn. Mr. Eddy says that the electrical activ ity with the kite at so moderate an al titude was the greatest he has ever ex perienced. It was as powerful as if a thunderstorm were ncur by. At the time the steel wire was paid out it was made to run through an iron snap- hook tethered by a chain to a rod driv en into the ground. This was done by Mr. Kddy to lessen the danger from se vere electric shocks. Dial Not Want to Be the Emperor. At the time when the war with Spain had been brought to a successful close a number of statesmen were discussing the future of the country over their cigars in Washington. At last one en thusiast exclaimed, addressing himself to the most prominent member of the group: "In my opinion we are (Trifl ing directly toward imperialism, and you. air, should be the first emperor. "Not If I know It," drawled the great man: "I am not fool enough to want to be the first emperor of a nation of such good shots." . for Infant! and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought has borne the signa ture of Chaa. H. Fletcher, and has been made tinder his personal supervision for over 80 Tears. Allow no one to deceive you In this. Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-asg-ood " are but Experiment a, and endanger the health of Children Experience ngainst Experiment. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bean the M .owaaasanaSBaVa swa- In Use For Over 30 Years. TMf CINTluB COKNNV, TT MUftMV mtlT. HfW VQHW CITf. BE SURE That your e ef and youi Jliildr'n'H eyei are in good condition. They may not complain, and, you may not know that their eves are weak, hut lime will develop many nervous disorders as a result ol tug lecting this important matter. We teat the eye with absolute accuracy. No glasses rccommcialtti unless they are needed, ll you netd medical treatment we will tell you so. No oiu' can do more, We have the lat est appliances, the newest ideas and methods in sight testing, Thisooni bined with experience and skill in the use olstich instruments. Making mistake-; a thing of the past. No drugs used. B. F. SHEIBLEY, Jeweler and Refracting Optician, 21 W. Market St., Lewistown. liraduate Philadelphia Optical College. ftiO. 7 5 BOX RAIN COAT L7Tr m 1. 1- a- B """"XjsTaa i-mmr- a WkTntobii n. JAD SEND NO MONEY. uu , Mr sMfM in j wHrfct. KM. ssnssrW ish ,fmh Mf u swesn r BI4M- Mat, tin,, udr hh, and we will send you loHcoat by vsprwM, f.O.B., .kjKt I. !! tW. St- snilne snd try it on st your nwrwl eilireM, ottlce. d If tom.i viMllr rr,rM.lf4 lk WMt wonferfal ffShM y. fr uf or SMTd of. Hot oaool to ut ml to. raa bw tor 1.00, ma the exprwn ftrnt Ol'S srn ul oris rank, $2.73, ud t'lpreo cnarrrn. TSlIS M ACklNTASII Is latent 1M0 strls, sary fitting-, Made fnim koary watarraof. taa anlor, rraular Uo.uCotort Clott) full length, double breasted. Karer olret rollax, fancy plaid llnlnir, waterproof sewed Beams. Suitable f or both Sola or Oraraaat, and (earonlee SSS1TSST Tilts tm afrred by us or any other houas. For Sto. clota Saaiphi or Men macainoDanon, up tu w w, and Made t.vMeasure Suite and Over coats at f rom oo to 111) oo, write for rUVI SASP1.K BOOK So. Sot. ildreoa. SIARS.ROBSUCK A Co. Inc.) CHICACO. (swan, iil.si a to. an ssnesnwa sesnsss oinam I am Duoecessary id Childbirtta. 'niii is no Itinirer iirccdHnrv in childhirth: morninjl soklHM, Hwollen inMi and likecviln, Are rCMlty controlled, mid WOnbdisMjVMIpMd llycun'U rsever Known H mil rvrnvwiM nronoiiiu'e It wonderful, und over It-diei attett itn inerttn. Usdy reader, cut thU out; it rimy nave- your nfe; Hiiffer no longer, but neml un h two-eent ntftHip. nnl receive in nea'ed en velopd full purticularN. and Vkluab'e proofii 3 our wonderful remedy. Ad drew KHAN 1 UVUMmm M, Italtitnore. .uu. W JI I II I HK.STOF A la lie For over flflv veam Mrm Wimow'H Hooth- IM. Svki'I' Iihh breti ued bv niotbem foi their children while teething. Are yu dinturbed at WniAlM tMOmi Of your rent by a hick 0D1H m . line and crviiiar with Mill of euttinir teeth? If MMnd at once ami get a bottle of Mrn. Win- low .notbinur vrup for t liiltlren leeithni;. ItH value M ucati ulablo. It will n-lieve the poor little Miffeier iniutediatel y. I)epentl upon it, inotlierH, there ll no mistake aboul it It cureH li;irrhoa, reuiilate- the Stomach and ItoweU, Ottm Wind Colie, rtoftetifl the (itiniH, redueew I n ITa initiation, ami given tone ami energy to the u hole oyMeiu ' iiim1owh Soollnng y- i up" for eliildren teethintr in inea-ant lc thu tate and in the preMeriptiou of one of h old est ami bent fernitle phvsh tttlMttbd DUfMI in the l tntod late-. ami U for vriie v all itruifi-ift throughout the world. 1'iH-e, twi nty ti ve ceutN a bottlOs Te lire and get "Mitw. WtJtVLOW'l atooranra Btkcp ww. PARKER'S U&il RAIL KM ClntiMi sjaI U'itit'cj Uie hair. Never rwls to lb sUrc Gray TT.Iw. t i ta Vmithfi.l I'flnr. Cart Mn!p dlffsWM & Lair talliiigs A. 1. Pottiesei, Veterinary sUrceoN. SELINSGROVE, PA. All professional business entrusted to tny cart rill recelc pronipt and careful attention. The Tallest Mercantile SulMlsa Is Urt rM, Owaes an I Octoslss ticlnsasfi Wf Us. 19 r .m -J"-' aj ' Signature of LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. E XKCITOR'S NOTICE.-Notlce iJ lieu I v i. 't'U Uibi let 1 1 ii- ti Mini i rli n ii on UM t'Btutti of vuletitlun Wuller lat or Cen're township.. Niiydpr county, Peiina.l utTi'nst n, iiiim- t'cn issut ti in one loim of law to tin' tiiitttTMKiird, to whom all Indebted to witltl ,'SInl sliolilrt mnki Inimi'dtnto nvmom stnl thoxt' having tlalmx spalnst u should prr- -'iii im in uun ttuiniMiiu'tiir-n lor sen lenient. O. M SHOWERS Exct-utor. Pennsotwk. Ps. pXKCCTKIX'S NOTICK. Notice Is hereby sw iriveti that U tters ti't-taim-ntai v unon the the estate of K. 0. Williams, late of Chapman I I i W iiftln t, NnviliT I'nuiilt I'wnne J - I have Ix'i-n isnued in doc form nf law to the un daeslaner, to whom all indebted to Haiti estate should make immediate lavmrut and those havinir elainta SKaiust it should present them tuny atmif iiitcHieii ror settlement. ANN1K E. WILLIAMS, Ksecutrlx. Chapman. Pa. DXMUTOira NOTICK.-Notiee is herel.v S- given thnt it -tiers testamentary uhil the title ..I .Ntr.ih Martin, lateof Kranklin tw-p , Snyder Bounty Pa., tleveused have len Issued In tine fiirm of law to the undersiicned, to whom till Indebted to snitl estate should make imme diate payment anil those having1 claims against It si,, mill present them duly authenticated for settlement. rAMl KL rUl.UK!, Executor, Jacob tiiibert. Atty. Olobe .Mills, Pa, If XWTTOH'S NOTlCK.-JJotlce Is hereby siren that tatters leetAssamtaurw uaasai SNa 1 tutc of George Sihnmhach. lute ol Pranklln I , inwnsiiip, Miytlcr onnty, I'n , deceased, have 1 in-. -ii iaeitetl in tlue form of law to the nndar. I signed, to whom till indebted to aaki state I I slntiiltl make linmeiltute iMiymcnt and thusi- lliivln.' claims nuaiust it Nhoald nrt-e-nl them I ii,nv utmienitt'ttic'i lorsetnement. E, D. II. WALTER. Execntor, Middlehurg;, Pa. 17 XKCITHI.VS NOTTCE.-Notice la kesah.1 - given that letters tt-Htattrcratary upon the e I i,,it iii i i iiouiiii, late ol rena Township Snyder County, Ha., deceased, have been rattned in '!-,,- iui in wfi h.w mj met iintimiKnccr. to wiinm I all indebted to said estate should make imme-l diate pavmuut and tluc having claims again' I it should present theia duly nothenlicated fori settlement. 1. till A A. HUM Hi, Executrix Kants, Pa. DMLNlSTHATtlK'8 NOTICE. Let- XX tor a of Adiuinistratiou n l. hsl i estate ol Lewis Miller. lute ol Franklin Iff A I .tiyerer ovunty, r., tice u, H.-ivins necn granted I ' to the undersigned, all parses knowing them-1 selves Indebted to said estate are requested tol -iiua. luimeuiaie payment, wane tnose navlD( Claires will present thorn duly authenticated tol uu unue'-stsneti. JOHN H. MIIXEH, strides' Mills, Pa. hAUaH MILLEK, MltMleburgU.Pa. A DMINlSTHATOItS' XOTime loll V. ters of Administration in the estate ofl t in nas itaincr, laieot i-napman Township, Sny-I der County, Pa., deceased, leaving been graitiedl to the un. li-rsiKii.il all persons knowing thein-l aoloaa t.wlal.tu.1 kU . ... . . . I nmir aire retitesTeu um make Immediate payment, while those ha.intl i-iniin iiKitinsi ioe aiti estaie win present IbesBJ 'un, siuiiieiiiicaieu ,ti ine imtlersigned A(ILTTUfi 8TKOUB. LEVI KAMRR, Administrators j as. a, cROUSf:, ATTOHNKT AT LAW, MlDDLKBURS, PA.I All uuHinens entrusted to his cartj will receive ttrompt attentiou. WANTKn-HEVEKAl. PEKSON9 KOK Hid iii it Offlce Managers in this slate to repreS ent me in their own and stirr untlinir 08 Untie v llling to pay yearly 10011, puyame weekly. I sit-ablc employment with tmusiial oppttrtj ties. Uefereuces cxclianicetl. Enclose self-;t dressed stamped onvelopa, s. a. PAItl b2U Caxton liiiilding, ( IiIciiko. 1 I Agents Wanted Dr. Scott's Electric Unbre.iVal CorseU, Electric Hair llmshes, Met Belts, fc. 5, So : fcleculc Its Electric Insoies. Nature's own ret ftir backache, nervousness, in.lii: headache, liver and kidney trouM' valuable bock ret. Ke. 1 Coroet, ft. Port paid, 1 10. Stats watit uo GEO. A. SCOTT, 8(4 Broadway, Hew Ta To Rpn,r Broken Artl cles use Itemeinb m a tons BUBBEty C EM !.. MAJOR'S LKATllElt CME1 Wholesale Prices to Users. Our General Catalogue quotes them. Send 15c to partly pay postage or expressage and - we'll send you one. It has 1100 pages, 17.000 illustrations and quotes prices ' on nearly 70,000 thing that you eat and use ana wear. We constantly carry in stock all articles quoted. MONTGOMKJIY WARD CrOi A v. I