010. W. WAQBWSELLBa. dltor ana rropnewr, LOCAL NEWS. A Week's News uisnea up in Small Quantities Visitors in Town During the Past Week Other News of Interest. L. Dunkelberger' sline of shirts waists are beauties. W. A. Smith is the new watch man at the shoe factory. B. H. Custer is building an ad dition to his store in Frauklin. Miss Lula Smith has returned from her visit to Mifflinburg. There are now two mails a day between Troxelville and Beaver Springs. P. S. Rieirle of Freeburg was a visitor at the home of hisson in this place last week. 'Sauire Mitchell of Paxtonville lyfia an early visitor Monday morn ing ai mis piuce. I have a Quantity of choice clov er seed for sale. Amos C. Gember- ling, Salem, Pa. L. Dunkelberger's summer mil linery opening will take place Apr. 26, 27 and 28. State College of Centre Co., Pa., lias an advertisement in the Post. alReadit. 4-5-131. i A. A. Romig of Lowell, West 'Ida.. tH...Makin waa af th niiiiit.V Saturday, Hvry "R. Rlegle speA Bunday his stl-j, trauk It. Kiegie, at infield, Union Co. W. C. Heeter ot Mifflinburg as- listed A. E. Soles with his bar luring tite latter part of last week. W. F. Haines and C. H. Klose of Beaver Springs dropped in to our village Friday of last week. Jot. B. Nesbit, Jr., Jno. Shipe and Harry Seebold of Sunbury were Sunday visitors at this place. Bev. W. H. Bover, twstor of the !U. B. church, was very ill last week with a savage attack of pneumonia. Prof. F. C. Bowersox is the fourth conferee named by Dr. P. Herman, candidate for National Delegate. Jacob Katz of Georgetown spent Monday nicbt with his son. Has - j 0 , . Sinond Katz and wife at this place. W. W. Wittenmyeraud wife were Sin Philadelphia last week, the form er to buy a new supply of merchan dise. Svlvester Bowen has converted the camp meeting tabernacle west of itown into a dwelling ami has moved into it. Sergeant Gutelius was the first man of the season to wear a straw hat. He donned that article last Friday. A new post office has been es tablished ? mile south-cast of Mt. Pleasant Mills with Henry Harding as postmaster. Make yourself an honest man, and then you may be sure tiiat there is one rascal less in the world. . . . ..... Thomas Carlyle. The assessors of the county are busily emrairtrd in doing their work. J o o - o They must make their returns by April 20th. E. M. Greene, a successful tanner of Saltillo, Huntingdon Co., was en joying a vint to friends at this place Sunday. Gordon Klingler has gone to Se insgruve, where he has secured em ployment with J. C. K easier, a bar- at that place. C. H. Dunkelberger, one of Uncle a trusted storekeepers and pent Sunday with his j in Swineford. MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO., Mrs. J. C. Hassinger is listed with the sick. Dr. Herman is kept very busy attending the sick. Quite a large number of Democ rats were at the County seat Monday. The very latest styles in Ladies' Neckwear can In- bought at j. Dun kelberger's. Prof. Chas. K. Fisher of Salem and his sister Mrs. Milton Otwig of Hontzdale, were at the county scat Tuesday. Milton Herman, the new mercan tile appraiser, is attending to his duty and is visiting the businessmen of the county. Win. E. Stahlneoker and wile, the host and hostess ot the Merchants' Hotel, Adamsburg, wen? visiting friends at this place Saturday. Saturday evening Muj.E, I'. Roh baeh delivered a lecture entitled "The Patriotic Women of America," before the G. A. K. of Selinsgrove. FOB SALS, A new butcher wa gon, one of the latest styles, will be sold cheap. Inquire of A. W. Bow ersox, Middleburg, Pa. ll. Frank H. Beigle and wife went t Berrvsbnrg Wednesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Keigle's grand mother who was 94 years of age, Solomon App and wife oi Monroe township and Miss Nettie Gem he r hng of Penn township were visitors at H. E. Bickhart'slast Wednesday. The ladies remark that L. Dun kell)erger's line of goods is the finest SJd most complete she has ever dis pfcryed. Julius Hines fc Son of Baltimore have a new ad. in this issue. The catalogue is free. Send to them for one. Mention the Post when you write. Misses Ijottie and Bertha Grouse and J.Guy Bingainan spent Sunday at Dalmantia at the home of the hit ter's parents, W. O. Bingainan and wife. Mrs. .John G. Kenninger and Mrs. J. Calvin Scbooh have been very sick during the past week. Mrs. Barbara Yoder has also Urn reported worse. Samuel Maurer of Freeburg has bought the Peter Kantz farm in Monroe twp. from It. A. Kantz of Washington, I). C, consisting of 88 acres for $4850. Fandg are l)eiiig collected where with to purchase a public school library. This is u worthy project and i meeting with the generous Support of our citizens. Mrs. E. C. Aurand is in the East em cities this week buying a supply of Spring and summer millinery goods ami watching the latest styles of trimming. Call on her for bar gains. Elias E. Bobner, wife and son of Freeburg, E. G. Laudenslager of Pennscreek, H. J. Howell of Holler and Samuel Maurer of Freeburg were smong the strangers noticed in our villagi Saturday. .). S. Bine and ( i. S. Rifle of Mc Kees Half Kalis, U.S. BJflflof Ma- hontongo, John Hoover of Selins grove and N. I Kebl oi Freeburg were attending to business at this place Thursday oi last week. Amos S. Winey of Evendale, M. G. BbeUenberger t Nekoda, Perry County, Wilson Forry of Mt. Plea sant Mills, H. G. Hornberger of Aline, G. H. Inkrute and Chas. C. Moyer of Selinsgrove and G. Eisen hart of Chapman were seen at the county seat Wednesday of last week. Go to A. E. Soles for a smooth easyshave or up-to-date hair cnt and head cleaned with a refreshing shampoo or dandruff removed with his tonic, clean towel to eaoh patron in bank building one door east of Post Office; satisfaction guaranteed. THE KREAMER THE OLD INDIAN FORTIFICATION ON ACCOUNT OF NEGLECT IS OOINO TO RUIN AND DECAY. For up to date Millinery go to L. Dunkelberger. John p. Wilt ot Holler bought a New Weaver organ of Prank S. Kic gcl ol this place. The next State Bncaropemut will be held Aug. I to II inclusive. The probabilities arc that it will be held at Lewistown. I 'hares Herman, one ol the Ex county Commissioner's while in town Monday attending the meeting ol the Democratic Standing commit tee, dropped in to see us. f you are missing Robert Hardy's Seven Days, you are missing one of the best stories in the English lan guage to-day. The second install ment appears on the inside pages. The Snyder County Sunday School convention will be held iu the Lutheran and Reformed church at Freeburg May 9th and 10th, This is the 30th annual convention ami much good has been accomplis hed since its inception. Grubb's church Sunday school his been organised by electing the following named officers : Superin tendents, Geo. H. Reicbenbacn and B. P. Stroub; Secretary, J. F. Min ium; Treasurer, F. C. Kreitzer; Li brarians, P. H. Shaffer and Mrs. B. P. Stroub; Organists, H. A. Stroub and Miss Gertrude Stroub. Did you read the first installment oi "Robert Hardy's Seven Days" iu the Post last week? If you did not, hunt up the paper and begin the story. The second installment, or chapters three and four appears in this issue. It carries the reader to the end of the first of the seven days, It will be completed in lour more issues. Penn township has now a jtoor house, (ieo. K usier and Win. Luck, the Overseers ot the Poor of that township, have changed the plans of keeping the poor which will in all probability lessen the oor tax at least one-halt in course of time. The old Ulrich property, west of town has Immmi rented for the Poor House, and those the township have to look alter are now being placed there by the proper authority. Twen ty persons had to be eared for by that township in the old way. Now more than half that number refuse to go to the Poor House and will maintain themselves. Selin's Grove 'lime. The Brat In Ihr World. We believe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best in the world. A few weeks ago we suffered with a severe cold and a troublesome cough, and bavin? read tbeir adver tisement in our own and other pap ers we purchased a bottle to see if it would effect us. It cured us before the bottle was more than half emp ty. Ii is the best medicine out for colds and coughs. The Herald, An dersonTille, Ind. For sale by all druggists. Married. Apr. 8, at Troxelville, by Rev. H. H. Spahn, Chas. Hackenburg and Maggie Sipe, both of Adams twp. PA.. THURSDAY, APR. 12. 1900. BLOCK HOUSE. COURT HOUSE CHIPS Itre.1 i:n(rrrri lor Rrconl. Wm. D. Bilger, executor of the last will and testament of Amelia Uilger, to (J. A. Foltx, 80 acres iu Jackson twp., for $11 '20. Same to Catharine Matilda Folts, 130 acres in Jackson twp., for $1720. (i. A. and Catherine Foltz to Wm. D. Bilger, 80 acres in Jackson twp., lor SI 120. Mary C. and D. Y. Crouse to Annie E. Lot, So. half of house and lot on Market St., Selinsgrove, for $21572. J. G. Hornberger, executor oi Michael and Susan Jearhart, to Jane Shrawder, wife of Geo. A. Shrew der, 101 acres ami 118 perches in West Perry twp., for $870. John K. Cordon and wife to Ben nett Kaiitfman, 2 tracts in West Perry twp., oontaning 13") acres, lor $3250. liottie A. Raber, Robert Raber, Clara P. Rogers and Lera M. Kog ers to A. J. Gross, quit claim deed lor house and lot in Selinsgrove, for $860, etc. Martha Bohncr and E. E. Bohncr to Henry J. and Delia M. Howell oO acres in Chapman twp., tor $835. R. A. Kantz and wile to Samuel F. Maurer, 37 acres in Monroe twp., for $4850. Martha and Daniel Harman lo Wm. Snyder, 58 acres iu Centre twp., tbr $ti;o. Frank F. Ncitz and wife t J. Irwin Aucker, 52 seres in Union twp., lor 102."). B. F. Hoffman and wile to Frank Beaver, house and two lots in Beu- vertowu, for $1400. Jacob C. llassinger, adin'r ol John Ua.-singer, to C. L. Wetzel, lots Xos. 1, 2 and lil in Hassinger's addition to Beavcrtown, liir $140, Mrs. Mary Long and Simon Long to J. C. W. Bassler, lot No. 5 in Springman's addition to Freeburg, for $100. Wm. L. Bassler and wife to J. C. W. Bassler, part of lot No. 49 in Freeburg, for $300. Wm. Bohncr and wife to Benne ville Kerstetter, 33 acres in Chap man twp., for $425. Wills Probated. The last will and testament of E-lizaU-th Roush, late of Middlecrcek twp., was probated Monday. Chas. A. Bolig is the executor. arrlffe Lleeaaea. J. O. Zechman, Beaver twp. Ada Walter, Centre twp. f C. E. Hackenburg, Adams twp. Maggie M. Sipe, " " Katie Row Dead. Katie, the. invalid daughter of Harrison and Mary Row, died iu Penn township last week at the age ot 30 years. She has been an in valid from birth and death has given her relief. Should Wealth Have a Limi tation ? C'omimink-atctl. Great individual wealth is an anti-sin ial interest. It is the ascend ancy of individuals over the inter ests of the public. Individuals have, it is true, a certain amount of liberty, but it cannot Ik- denied that society has the right to modify the liberty of the individual where such liberty is but the slavery of the public, the right to live also implies the right to use the things about us which go to make life comfortable and enjoyable, and which have not been already appropriated by others. It is evi dent, however, that the use ol any thing by one must necessarily take from the personal liberty of all those who otherwise would be able to use it, and it is perfectly plain that just in proportion as one's wealth increases, the wealth of others must increase. This to a certain extent is legitimate, and cannot be prevent ed, but when the wealth of one iu increases to such an extent as to de prive others of food, shelter, and even existence itself, it infringes upou the equality of personal liberty larmore than could any law that placed a limit to individual wealth, when men are statving, when paupers are in creasing, when to the misfortune of poverty is added the curse of indus trial slavery, when the great concen tration ot wealth effects the lilt- and liberty oi all, is not a lawjust which takes from a few a position of their wealth and indirectly restores it to the hands of the many? Does not the right to property involve and test the admission ol the right to live? Cardinal Manning startled the world some years ago when he de clared : "The obligation to feed the hungry springs from the natural right of every man to life audio the food necessary to the sustenance of lite, so strict is this natural right that it prevails over all positive laws of property. Necessity iias no law and a starving man has a right to his neighbor's bread.'' Strong words these for Cardinal. Sentimental philosophy, it may lc called, but it is the philosophy of justice. Enormous wealth has al ways been irreconcilable with equal ity. Its growth has caused the downfall ol ma n v democracies. Will it bring about the ruin oi the gn at est democracy in history? Are we. With and with which we regard the institution ol property becoming a nation ot millionaires and mendi cants '.' Property is only absolutely safe when those who hold it arc far more numerous than those who do not. When the middle class disappears from a nation and the propertv fells into the hands of a few over-rich men then property is unsafe. We call such a condition an aristocracy of money, and an aristocracy of money is always the child of a de generated or degenerating demoerae v. Sane people, however, regard the concentration of wealth as an indi cation ol progress. In matters po litical the obstacle is often taken tor the cause. Monopolies, trusts and other forms of concentrated wealth are regarded by some as the bless ings of a prosperous nation. But examined in the light ot history, we find that concentrated wealth has always been a means oi obstructing if not of destroying a nation. Our nation is not an exception. We can not say that the destructive power of concentrated wealth not now felt. 4 11 tlw., tm ' - I . I mi mm in mixnnauy in louimci euu- condition about us. Whenever the people ofa nation beetimesubservient and dependent, and are oppressed and abused because they are so, whenever there is little general pros perity but a great deal of prosperity for a few, we naturally come to the conclusion that the cause of the misery and lack of general prosper ity is the great concentration of VOL. 37. NO. 15. wealth in the bands of the few. It IS this conclusion arrived at by what we are termed the masses, that has caused the many conflicts of recent years, between labor and capital. Such conflicts are natural. Man al ways revolts when he suspects his misery is the consequence of a social order capable of reformation. Puree, of late years, has often been called upon to su lid lie the spirit of resent ment which agitates the breasts of the poorer classes. The militia ot the various states and even govern ment troops have been (Sailed upon iu order to y reserve property and also maintain the suprcinaev ol con centrated wealth. How long this can g before a change comes we do not know. It e a ii u o t be maintained long, unless some ilw is enacted that will stop theeiicroaehing power if wealth, lipids will go on ntil tlie inequal ity becomes so glaring, so depressive, thai the pent-up social waters, gath ering force will break throit jh the wall ol concentrated wealth and al low society once more to regain in natural level. H. A. It. IN COMBINATION WITH THE POST. We give below some clubbing combinations with the Post. The rates quoted are verv low . The Farm Journal, i thly, for almost five years and the Middieburg PoHToneyear, paid in advance si .(io. The Kiirm Journal la one of the in-. urloulluml imprr published It con Mm from 81 lo to poaoa men month and lrenl ill every Mlbjed "f luteretl In the htmier, laborer and working bum. The New York Tri-Weekly Tri bune and the Middleburg uffc em year, paid in advance, only $1.70. The Tri W'eeklv In BObltahed Mnnilny, Wednesday ami Friday, reachee large proportion ( niium t- mi dale ol sue, and eaoh edition i a thoroughly up t ante dually family newtpaper for IniHy Hoile. The New York Weekly Tribune and the Middleburg Post, one year, paid in advance, only $ I. ''" The Weekly Tribune la published on Thursday, and given all Important hewn ofnationand world, the moal reliable market re porta, uneieelletl agricultural department, reliable general informa lion and choice ami entertaining mis cellany. It Ii the ''people' a paper" for the entire Pelted States, a national fam ily mier fur brmera and villagers, The New York Tri-Weekly World and the Middleburg Post, one year, paid in advance, only $1.65. The Tri-Weekly World oomes three It mes a week, fat (Wed with the latest news of the oosintry and t weii worth the price asked for it. ei ii . ii- i ne i radical Farmer, one year, and the Middleburg Port, one year, paid iu advance, $1.50. Both of the above papers and the Practical Parmer Year Book and gricul- tural Almanac for l'.ion, iiaul in advance, only $1.65. The Practical Parmerla ofthebesi farm papers published, i-hh,.,! monthly at 1 1. Ul year Tin year book i tains 6UU pegea in which there laa fund of in formation that is useful tn the farmer. The price of this limit alone is an cents. Vou get the Poet, the i rnttlial farmer ami the year book foronl) It I To the Deaf. A rich lady, cured other Deafness and Noises in the Head by Dr. Nicholson's Artificial Kar Drums; gave $10000 to his Institute, so that dcuf people unable to procure the Kar Drums may have them free. Address No. 10327 The Nicholson Institute, 780, Kighth Avenue, New nri 1-26-1; Mrs. Kuhns Dead. The wife of H. W. Kuhns of Cen tre township died Sunday. Her re mains were interred at the Salem church. Demorrats in Session. The Democratic Standing Com- I 1 I i, , mr i miucc IIICl in HUM oUI'l I lot ISC . 011- day afternoon and efleeted ::n or ganization by electing Jay G, Weiser of this place chairman ol the Com mittee. His opponent was Wm. S. Kuhn. The vote stood Weiser 23 and Kuhn 11. They selected May 19th as the date for the delegate election and Monday May 21, 1900 as the date of the convention to make nominations.