The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 05, 1900, Image 8

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Letters Written y Our
Carps of Correspondents
Throughout the County.
visitinvr frU iuls in
Mr. Allen Fulti I
H.I. Rornlgof Sunbury spent Bun
duv with lamlly.
Mrs. Poster Rlegle sK iit wveral (toys
-at Kreauier last week.
jK Philip Zong of Milton was nr.-,
in visitor lit this place.
ii,.i.t. WairnerofMcClure toclerking
John Shaffer sold hisofrtoes for 40e.
Henry Witmer has gone to Akron to
The water is In the canal; now Tor
boating I .
Dr. Krt-lis Ims quite a number 01
Eli Campbell has hired out at $7.oo
i .. r month.
Henry Bcholl, our veterinary surgeon,
has many calls.
Sadie Rambo, iir seamstress, is
orowded with work.
Mrs. Dundore has a keen eye on the
turkeys Just now eggs?
I The weather up to date is not favor
able tor farm operations.
Our merchant, N.T. Dundore, wants
rt purebred the &ng TbelHeldrix has erected a mansion
nj? Mfrafton EE l for his son-in-law, John NN itoer.
iv,r i V Smith of TroxelvUle made D. O. Witmer is mproying fast in
,a fflnS Up to! - M Uty. the ..amis of 'mIlg
I , unto nd Kata Shannon and Our expert "Pow yow is
l2Hymlg areon the sick list. , money, 'lie Has a eall from Cahfornla.
,k " ... i. : - ... i..... I. InnklflD lor II lllllll
I 11... . . ti k 1 ' l L I II I I 1 I 1 1 i i . I . MIIIMoiv - r.
i.n'.u.. ii..r bus returned to clean his trees in
Misa Jennie Kiose of hitaw 'llle
n lid ng several weeks with Mrs. Sm.
Dreese. . ,
Isaac PulU of Beavertown intends to
clerk in Kult.V store during the pres
.viii month.
The Lord'M Supper will lie celebrated
iu the Lutheran ehurch Liaater morn
ing, April
:,,,. HwangerundJos. Hackenls-rry
.fif oagertown are visiting friends in
.tins vicinity.
Mr- Uora Hamilton and daughter,
JMj rtle, of Altoonu moved into out
mills) Monday.
John Shlrey, wife and ehiMr.ii oi
U-wisUiwn were entertained b uis
another last week.
Mavne Uearhart and sister, Hannah,
,f Lewistown were visiting In this
place over Sunday.
Mrs. T. Rcitz gave n party Mday
evening in honor of her guests, susses
Smith and Minium.
Thomas Weidensaul, formerly
Danville bul now m route lor Irginta,
v i wl liis mother last week.
The Banquet lield Saturday evening
ras well attended by the Odd bellows.
It was given In eommemomtloti i
iUi eighth annivermiry if their organi
our friends from out
feathers fioai lut pearls
his orcnara ir uu
"( Ihoose not
wnrri hIiow: tli
lie' low."
Maria V. Dundore made a flying trip
to Selinsgrove to see her stater, Minnie
K. Eyer. ,
Store loafers have been swept out or
tht,lr nlalng places by the wave ol
Our farmers are transferring their
manure piles from the barn yard to
their fields.
I ;,. Longacre, our successful auc
tioneer, moved Into the first house west
of the aqueduct.
Rev. Brillharl will have a special
service on Kastcral the Witmer 1 nited
Lvangellcal church.
Meril wins-more Post's come t
thlsoflice than all other papers com
1 hined. so -ays the Post master.
Ulen Hechrlst, ur bachelor ".Justin-
of the Peace," is overcrowded w ith
office work; one wedding aday !
We should not forget thai we write
now D.lOOOand might ask where
will the birds l- thnl Blng a hun
dred years to conic -2000.
This town is a paradise- Drunkards
reformed ! chicken thieves unknown .
0lties in thehandsofChristlanBtates-
nien : Bducatl f a higher order.
( 'hurches enthusiastic !
ii tm
Most of public schools throughout
abu towushlp close tills Week.
I ,.vis Fisher and family of Mclvees
Falls moved to our place, Niturttuy.
Many of our citizens are patnmWng
Cornelius, opvrotur of the Pennj I ho
lographs. (has. W. Bassler has been jh'Vtlng
-the past week to prerlng his lot roi
Oic erection of his new building.
I c Y l?assler and wife are re
Bjainbigat tbetWitral Hotel awaiUng
was t Mlllmont on
of Recdsville is home
( leorso
Malic Stlii
oil a visit.
The Evangelical Sunday school have
elected new officers.
A. H. Ulshof Middleburg was seen
in our town last week.
J. P. Kearns made a business trip t
IiCWistoWII last week.
m,.o i :. ...i-,.,. Pnlk and Mrs. Rosie
i Mutflfl lire mi the sick list.
the completion ottneir i " u,n, . vetlnattom the
Srto Sd Wveral davresuhaiMlona p r tree.
Director II H. Mover of the Musical where he ts employed bj the P. B. R.
on II niadc a busfness trip to Dan- Emma Bpecht, who was visiting her
..1 ' , . v Mso to Trevorton Wed-Ltater, C. Clara, ofMcClure, returned
Fknn hands are hi demand in this
end this spring.
Up to date we bad about twenty
inches of snow fall this winter.
Some of our farmers commenced
plowing for their spring sowing.
Simon Yetter and wife wereguests of
M rs. Aaron Moyer's last Sunday.
Our streets were full of visitors Sun
day making their Unit of April calls.
J. J. Steely's little boy, Quay, has
been on the siek list for the past week.
Mrs. Martha Haines and daughter of
Huntingdon county moved here last
(food Matured Tom Herbster was
seen on our streets last week on his
trolley ear.
Mrs. Wm. Hook of Mfffln county
expects to be a Snyder county visitor
for a few weeks.
Joseph M. Wanner received a new
set of buggy harness from his wife as a
hirthdav nresellt.
Samuel 1ft Phillips has been offered
. . ..!...... ...I. I.. I. 1...
a position in .onn oiinum nu u u
thinks he will accent.
Manv a iMir man will 1h made hap
py this week through the hard earned
donations f Uncle Sam.
Hamnal Itnuminirdiier and wife of
si,rl,.i ille. siH-nd Suudav with the
hitter's father, Levi B. Treaster.
Some of our boys are making p ro
pe rations to go to Hlair eounty, to
work on a stave mill forChas. Wanner.
This week closes most of our schools
for this winter, L. C. Wngner being
hack a few days, on account of sickness.
Doctor Shillerwas in town last week.
ti. c. stuck move into Preeburg
Amnion Gearhart and wife were in
Sellnsgroye Monday.
Lank Bollg of Salem .wasthe guesl
of John Fields, Sunday.
J. R. Heintzebnan and wife visited
friends in Freeburg, Sunday.
Henry Uamer is slowly convales
cing from a seVere attack of sickness,
WcMie Helnttelman visited his
brother Amnion of Lpwuitown last
Thompson Htlblab and family of
Selinsgrove visited relatives in town
Miss Efne Hummel of West Milton
visited the family of Levi Erdley sev
eral days last week.
Thomas Landis, who is working in
Union County, visited his parents and
manv friends last Week,
Win. Iluniinel mid family moved to
Lewistown Monday, where the former
is.workinn in the car shops.
County Auditor, Norman App of
Monroe Township passed through town
Thursday and itoppedajw talked with
some of ids friends.
Jacob Hummel's moved Into Thomas
Derrick's house, and Harvy Pontioua
moved Into his own house vacated by
the former, Thursday.
Mrs. Alice Hepnerand grand-daughter,
Margarite Warner, are visiting
w ill! the family ofSherlfl Row, Mid
alleburgh. s Glass, Esq., who was recently
elected to the offlceof Justice of the
Peace Is erecting a law office near bis
Mary, daughter of Joseph and Mary
Roush, dknl, Tuesday 10 P. M., aged"
rfiionths. The remains were liderrea in
Pair View Cemetery, Rev. DrucKeu
miller olttciatiug.
John Hoftbian and family returned
"Tuesdaj from Mt. Joy, Lancaster
Ountv where they have been living
,iornw years, and will again occupy
the Hoffman hoi nest cad. They are
iarelwmed by many friend-.
( (ther ( 'orrcspondeiiee m page
To I nrr n In Ontt Day
Titk-f I.axAtivk llsasto QUTSnSj Tabi.cts. All
drantsti reruad !! siousy a i mils iu csre
R.W OBoTM'mrniiiirf(ui HTWbox, S.V. iu-6-6
i in tlx
Post, tin
is the re
'When tili- appeal
the nuestion will l
Isaac C. Hwartr., who was on the sick
1int, and winflned tohis house fora few
weeks, is able to he out again.
Rev. Snansler ofSalona will preach a
itrial sermon in the St. Luke's Evan
gelical Lutheran church al thi- place.
The fanners are anxiously waiting
for nice weather to begin their sum
mer's work with plowillg and sowing
Adam A. Wonder, our mail carrier.
Is obliged to gel up early from April
ml on, since he is obliged to make
two trip- with the mail.
linliori M iddleswarth. an old retired
farmer from Spring town-hip, will
mov e into t he house vacated by Geo.
Vn-e, our black-smith, which has been
the viliagti smith's home for al leasl
forty-two year-..
A W. ( Jill and l. c I lackenburg
wen- iii the mountains Saturday to
Hint n lunation for B sluintv. which
tllCy propose to erect SIMIII wlu i
will abiiie during the summer.
Jiavc a Job to cut paper wood.
C f 'lavton Shirk left home Monday
for Altoona. where he has found em-
Sanford Carpenter of Busquehanna
University is home spending his Eas
ter vacation.
Lincoln Freed moved t the S. A.
Wetzel farm, .lames Snook, the form
er K'eunant, moveo 10 taiuuieuurg.
Mi. Dr. j. P. Strobecker has some
very tine Partridge Cochin chickens.
Some of the fowls weigh ten to thir
teen pounds.
W. R. Freed of Siglervllle, formerly
of tills place, who was engaged In the
grocery business, sold his store and
bought a farm near Paintervllle.
Cloyd Herbster and James Stroheck
er, two energetic young men, received
positions from the P. It. It. Cloyd was
appointed to work Iii theofflceat Burn
bam and .lames at Recdsville. They
studied telegraphy under the Instruc
tion of F. K. Specnt. Mr. Bpecht Is a
line operator. He Instructed i e
young men than any operator on the
Lewistown division of tne P. II. R.
Saturday, April 7th.
H-H-H 1 1 1 MM MH4
ALL the new Spring and Summer Suits will then be here and ready for inspection,
nr.. ...:il iin, K moh i,-o,l ti aliow van tlw Linrost nn1 linmlditinnst Iitia nf
ing for Men, Youth and Children we have ever shown, that is quite a large saying as
we have shown sons very pretty good betore. Never before have suits been so stylish,
more like tailor-made than ready -to-wear clothing. But what a difference in Clothing
bought here and elsewhere, a suit from this store among fifty others and you can lay
your han J on it at a glance.
We Invite You to Share These Bargains.
Two hundred different colors
Men's Suits at
tm to t35i
About 50 different colors and
styles Youth's Suits
(31 tot 20.00
More than 300 Childreu'f
Suits, all the newest styles
89 amis to 151
More Hats in This Store Than all
Utner btores uomDinea.
The Most Stylish Hats are $1.00.
Think what this means, any shape, size or color you
may wish at this remarkable price,
Jt .' W" ' m
Tho wont her at present is very pleu-
Henry Bickh&rl liHt i valunble oow
lart week.
1r. .Iiftiiiilmn Rekjhenbncb is on
tbniiek list.
Fiirmer have commenced to plow for
prinir leedlng.
The iron liridtro at Mehwrvllle is near
ly eontpleted. it will ix- a grant Ik-iic-it
to tne people.
The BundlS school t Aline ww or
ganized last Sunday. The ottOHl and
tcackiurn were elected for this glimmer.
Flitting are numerous thin spring.
Quite a Dttmbtf have movel afreaiy
vJ there are some moving yet.
B. H. Meter of Mebtervillc moved to
Selinsgrove last week and Jerome
Kentetter into the Hotel vacated liy it.
MIhh Martlm Hummel siK'iit Satur
day evening in Buubury.
Mr-. Seesholti! entertained a number
of ladles from Hunbury,
An IlluHtmtcd lecture was given In
the school-house, Saturday evening.
.Edwin fwher and wife entertained
friends of Granger's Hollow, Sunday.
Ellas Noll, who has been on the
sick list for some time, i- verytlow m
this writing.
Charles Baasanian, who is working
for Henry Dageli near Chill isquaqUe
spent Builday with his parents.
A number of young folks spent a
very pleasant evening at Amos Gem
berlluK's near Salem, recently.!
Kx-commlssloner Herman must kret
better game than he had last Thurs
dav, hcfoi-e he invites Harvey Moyer
I again.
1 Peter Bailey and wife, Dallas Wilt,
wife, and little son muhuci, werajme
guests of J. l. Wort.' in Selinflgrove,
Hon. Kd. Hummel and wife have
., l i Olive SuMiilllilll to I'hilll-
ilalnhla to the liosnitul for treatment.
owing to a lame fKt. We Iioih' Miss
Olive may return greatly.itenenttea.
Don ir- AKrM' With Too T
If not, drink Grain-O from pure
grains. A lady writes: "The first
time I made Grain-O I did not like
it but after using it for one week
nothing would induce me to go back
to coffe," It nourishes and feeds
the system. The children eau drink
it freely with great benefit. It is
the strengthening substance of pure
grains. Get a package today from
your grocer, follow the directions in
making it and you will have a deli
cious and healthtul table beverage
for old and young. l&e. nd 2c.
White Lead, Oils, Paints of m
all kinds, Js'iiris, Glass. Fence
Wire, Poultry Wire, Shovels,
Hoes, Hakes, Garden Seeds, g
Wheelbarrowi. Pruuing Shears, I
Bees Wax. House Furnishing
Goods, Clotlies Washers and m
W..i P.,U i.n.1 VVuult
Boards, Step Ladders, Kitchen
Utensils in Tin, Granite and
"Delft" Wares, Ideal Cream I
Seperatorb. ,
Largest Stock Lowest Prices I
It will pay you to buy at the I
Hardware Store of p
825 Market St.. Sunbury, Pa. I
In mum m m m w m
That your eyes and yoni
Children's eyes are in
ood condition.
"Stop!" crkd Robert Hidy.
my toa"
This it
That ho never did know
just how to buy furniture until
lie found himself in our store.
And you will regret the bar
gains lost if you have not in
spected our liue of furniture,
w hich is the most complete in
the city. We name you few
of our bargains :
Reed Rockers, - $1.25 and up.
Couches, - - . $4.50 and up.
Bed Room Suits, $16.50 and up.
They may not complain, and, you
iniiv not know that tlieir eyes are
weak, but lime will develop many
nervous disorders as a result ol neg
lecting this important matter. We
test the eye with absolute aei iinn y.
No glasses reeommendul unless they
are needed. It you need medical
treatment we will tell you so. No
one can do more. We have the late
st annliiiiu'es, the newest ideas and
methods iu sight testing. Thiseotn
bined with experience and skill in
the use otsttch instruments. Making
mistakes a tiling of the jiast. No
D. Y. SntltfLtY,
Jeweler and ltefractiog OptieiaD,
21 W. Market St.. Lewistown.
. Graduate Philadelphia Optical College.
New Story by the
Author of 44 In His Steps"
Rev. Charles M. Sheldon, whose at
tempt to run a daily newspaper in Topeka
as Jesuit would has attracted worldwide
attention, is an author who has won most
pronounced success. We have purchased
his new story
Robert Hardy's Seven Days!;
It is as fascinating and dramatic as "In
His Steps" and will be read with intense
interest by all who begin it
323 Market St
o Itees uoek around Honey; W
People floek where they save Mon-
0 v. Mure people flock to the Keo- O
o nomical Hhoe House, Sunbury than
to ny other shoe store In this see-
9) tion. Time you join inenocK, wo. o
sells more shoes than any House o
in Sunbury.
& WoPhQwrftYnn flKMwin I
o for the beat and latent style Foot-
wear, that's why we do the 2
$ shoe trade in this section of the state Z
if netr inui .j hub m i
Butter 20
Eegs 14
Lard 6
Tallow 4
Chickens 6
Wheat 68
Rye 60
Corn 36
Oata (old) 26
Potatoes 40
Bran per 100. 90
Middlings" 90
ChoD 90
Flour per bbl 3.50
: . .vs .n
5 C. S. BIGONY & CO.,
j Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
Hardware, Lumber, Etc.
i ! Largest stock in Central Pennsylvania. A full line
e "UnJirHno- Ward warp, . (look Stoves. Ranges. Stand-
VA xfuiiuiug j mm
1 ard Wickles, Oil Stoves, Wall Paper, Window a
t RhndfiH. Readv Mixed Paints. Lead. Oil, &c. Write!
mm i t j w
1 us for prices or call and see us,
i Bell and Surim Tdepfcow Lewutown, Pa.