1 1. 11 1 SHEIGGH HI MM H. t Career of the Author of "Robert Hardy's Seven Days," "In HUStepi" and "The Cru elflxlon of PhlUp Stron" His Attempt to Run a Newspaper m Jesus Would. 1 -iajEf,- " ! CANCER IMPROVED COW STALL tt Keep the Animal. ( linn, Saret Prril and Can lie Hull I u ny I ii 1 1 Ik I n I Man. Rev. Charles M. Sheldon, whose at tempt to run a Topcku newspaper ns Christ would, has attructed widespread attention and is a most interesting per sonality. He might be preaching to great audiences in a rich church, he might be making an Immense fortune simply by collecting royalties on books whose editions ruu into the millions of copies, or he might be on the lecture platform receiving the plaudits of the people of great cities, but he is content to remain pastor of a modest church In Topeka and do his work as he did it before his name became known in oiauy lands. Here Is the story of his career: He was born In Wellsvllle, N. Y., In IN.". While he was still a very small boy bis parents removed to Dakota. Ills father was a minister who fanned weekdays and preached in a little church on Sunday. The Sheldon farm was just outside of Yankton, and there the man who was to write "Robert Hardy's Seven Days," "In His Steps" and "The Crucifixion of Philip Strong" spent most of his boyhood. It was farm work which built tip the broad shoulders and developed the muscular limbs of the man who has become the foremost of religious authors. As a boy Mr. Sheldon went to school In Yankton. lCvcn at that time lie had lng. It was characteristic of the man. He was "getting acquainted." Topeka is the headquarters of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Ft- rail road. Hundreds of men are employed In the railroad shops, and hundred of trainmen make their headquarters there. It was amot'g these that Mr. Sheldon spent much of his time. He obtained an employee's pass from toe railroad company! and. dressed as an employee, he made trips tip and ; down the road in company with the trainmen, learning their ways mid drawing out their Ideas on every con ceivable subject, especially on religion. Alter that he spent a week or two with the physiciani of Topeka, study" lng them. He read their books and visited their patients with them. An other week was spent with the law yers in their offices and in court. In the hard times of 1893 Mr. Shel don received many applications for aid from persons who were out of employ ment He determined to Hud out for himself whether or not employment could be secured by a common laborer, and. putting on a suit of clothes, lie started out In search of It. Every one who ever employed labor received a call from him, but he was invariably turned away with the Information that no laborers were needed. On the fol lowing Sunday he related his experi ences, and the people of Topeka awoke 1 had found some difficulty in making a cow stall that would give satisfaction in keeping the cow clean and save the feed. 1 bad four kinds ami 1 did not like any of them. I saw a description of the Hoard cow stall, concluded thai j 1 would change all my cow stalls anil make them after that plan. A1 Ural I made two for t rial, but I found t lie v dii ' not give satisfaction. The rack, if made j large enough, is loo high for putting in i feed. The eow would step forward about two feel from her position at the ; rack to cat out of the feed box, which. in case of one milking at the time, I Cannot be Cut Out or Removed with Piasters Surgical operations and flesh destroying plasters are useless, painful and dangerous, and beside, never cure Cancer. No matter how often a cancerous sore ts removed another conies at or near the same point, and alwavs in a worse form Does not this prove conclusively that Cancer is a blood disease, and that it is foil v to attempt to cure this deep-seated dangerous Wood trouble by cutting or burning out the sqre, which, after all, is only an outward sign of the disease-a place of exit for the poison ? 1 Cancer runs in families through many generations, and those whose ancestors have been afflicted with it are liable at anv time to lie stricken with the deadly malady. ' Only Blood Diseasos can be Transmitted from One Generation to Another further proof that Cancer is a disease of the blood. To cure a blood disease like this you must cure the entire blood System remove every trace of the poison Nothing cure Cancer effectually and permanently but S. S. S. B. 8. S. enters the Circulation, searches out and removes all taint, and stops the formation of cancerous cells No mere tonic or ordinary blood medicine can do this. S. S. S. goes down to the very roots of the disease, and forces out the deadly poison allowing the sore to heal naturally and permanently. S. S, S. at the same time purities the blood and bttild Up the general health' ....... o. o urn iwuKiug iT.m oi mine, a lump in uie nreast, a cut or bruise that refuses to hel under ordinary treatment, should all be looked upon with suspicion, as this is oftru the beginning of a bad form of cancer. Mrs. Surah M. KiT.litiR. )i Windsor Are. TltUtol Trim., writes "I am 41 years old, and for three years had raftered with .1 severe form of Cancer on my Jaw, which tlir doctors in this city said was Incurable and that I could nut live more ilian six months I accepted theh statement as Sine, and had given up all hope of vet being well again, when my dm gist, knowing of my condition, recomaiended 8. 8 s. aftertakina a few pottles the sore tirgan t.. heal, much to the surprise of the physii Uins and In a short lime made a complete cure, 1 he gained in flesh my sppcUte Is splendid, sleep is refreshing in fact, um enjoj mK perfect health " Our medical department is In ciiarere of nhvsicians of lono experience, who are csm-ciallv skilled in ln.ul inn r ,.,I .,11,..,. I.I.-..I sir-:... e. . or iaformaUon wanted, we make no charge whatever for this service. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY. ATLANTA a JLr lEC'T i.N 1 row Sl'.M.l.. would not work well, and it would be difficult to plaee a seaniling so that pari of the droppings would not be in bedding. the HOW TO INVEST ! A vnltlill-lt IIMMttiali Mlltll. lilMNIBREMRtn ! A .rut Biildc foi lliv ftivtt1 tm-k, It in I sii ml I Tel In horn lo fwcuintt nut) sum m-r. w tM 11 A l uKTI m l it 1 1 in-. W e will MMI it ropy nf the above great volutin i return mini 1 tn c together with n nluithle tieuttue (UluMrnt ed on iivr HI lit UK lu i) turn tin Highly Inntrilettve anil IntereMltitf. Semi iiv-wntNttviiji la pay postage Kemltotlaylefore the ireenl iMlttiun la all upokeu for, Atldrtw Dm- piililii. ere JKrFKHftOK 4 M t ()., Box tlH, IH over. Ct4o. 11 Mm. 1 pwwfr I have now made all Stalls by u dlfferenl model, not altogether unlike the Hoard stall, but which 1 consider quite an improvement on it, described us follows: First divide the entire space for stalls into spaces of two stalls each, I'ul up studding for par titions fl feet long, Partly board) up each partition. Across these unfin ished partitions place a 2x8 piece (P) not nearer th floor than 21 inches, with edge on stall side feet from teed way. (W), Finish the partitions to a hi Ighl of about i feel 0 inches. Across the top pla :'s i pi (II i. bo that the alata i I'.i naiii d to it and the 2x9 piece will be pi rpendiciilar, The front side of the ruck (O) is boarded up at an angle; making ii lower than the other side, so that the bottom can In- reunited in cli nuing out, Nei make u bos with partition for two eow-; each side should bp llnred at the siile where feed ii put about six Inches, the other side two or three inches. Place the Iws In position un der the rack, which is made for two cows; raise four inches from the floor by putting short pieces of two by four ( Ii I undi rneath, The rack is much bet ter for feeding whole corn fodder if the space for t w o cow s is made in one rack, The two stall pieces may now be di vided by short partitions not running through the feed rack. The Mantling to prevent the cow from stepping back to lie down. isplacpcl si feet from the tack, or same as in (he Hoard stall just in rear of the cow's hind feet as i he stands at the rack. In the diagram, A is the rack; I' is the feed box. mid C Is the scantling to prevent the cow from stepping back lo lie down. I. ditch: Y, fecdway.- Wm. F. Overman, in Ohio Farmer. Thititrip it manufactured under a U. 8 patent nd Ii the neatc i, itrongi nt ind most durable I window sshaae holder on the market) and we guarantee it to be it- represented r money re Funded The prii e, Kxpreas paid, to all points la Pb . Mdi, Del., N f.and v VM One Dollai pi r dor,, i other states $.-. Vourordei solicited, JOHN A. PAKSONS A CO. Catawlssa, Pa. SEND CI l i ais ,n. in I m. l SSMi tn ii-. itsts Jriiur rlclit Sllll li-oihl mlu iiuiiilwr Iwiim i l IXHly t mill Htfi, nml r ulil n, ml tn.. 1 . . 1 I I'R i lB. tl Ii 1 1 O, D. . wlMllWI, . l i .in sxaralns .ir.ii try , , n in jri il i" i,i, -t ssprvw til' mi l If launil pet irnit i''A .-1 i 1 1 ... i Ln ik- t..USI WirjDMFUl VAUl y pte. mam spfiAL or PRtCc la.wti ft r-1 f ) r r t'lltl i . - enprrs rlisrvr will Itfrit ftO l Yl traUlWr I. nun mil. trj Uirol itfU fr Fall Si't's s.at Hush, ill full BP, ll 'llifhout Hh Itrr. rln.1 Mil. in Marl, MiiMrrrI. erf IsiborettN imbroititired iiu mbIMIm wut nni k bcrk ii'iif Mlllattrated. Trimmed ii rnand Ith sxtra tltii'it'iek TfciUet fmw, nMTil ititerlititMl tiu wadding tl'l tiln-r rliHtiiiiis Write 'or free t Inak lalfi(ne. .ldrms, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO'CHICACO iS.m, K..i.ork X lo. an lboriuhlf ralialilr.-XSlUK) lllnI..HllIi.M'l"I"I"i"I"I"l-I"l"I"I"l"t"I"H-B MIFFLIN BURG MAR3LF. WORKS, i o:- -:o- DEATH IN THE MILK. Infants li Itie Seure re Miiriltmt l&very Vcar Thronicli tlie I'se of "I'rt'ni'n ii 1 1 i'n." Iteccnl reports on the use of pre servatives in foods tell of a ca.se of an infant whose chief food was milk, .ays the New York Farmer. The infant was sick, and the physicians, after investi gating everything clt.c connected with it, turned to its food. At once t hey dis covered thut the milk fed to the unfor- K. H. LANCE Itrulce In l tt rtilt nml SfMich Granite; . . . MONUMENTS, HEAD STONES & CEMETEHY LOT ENCLOSURES. Old Stones Cleaned and Repaired Prices as Low as the Lowest Satisfaction Guaranteed. J. A. JENKINS. Agt., Crosscjovc, Pa. 'M"1"I"W-M"M"1"1"1"!"1"I"1"1"1"I11"H- TUE REV. 0HABLB8 M. SHELDON. bofrun to write stories. They were printed in the local paper, some of them. "And they were Just as good," says his father, "as those he writes now." As his father was nnxious for him to become a minister, the young man went east and entered Phillips acade my, Andover, Mass., where thousands of theological students are trained. Later he took a course nt Brown uni versity ami then retained to the Au Jover Theological seminary. After n summer in Europe he entered the ministry and began preaching in Waterbnry, vt. But the spirit of the vest was In him, so when he received i call to become the pastor of the new ly established Central Congregational Church, in Topeka. in 188S, he gladly accepted it us the oiieuliiK he had been waiting for. Most men would not have thought the outlook an Inviting one. The little 'ongregatlon of 00 hud no-chureh build ing, but held services In a dingy little hall over u grocery store. But he went to work with a will. As a result of hla energetic methods the little hall was soon abandoned and a substantial stone 'hurch erected. The congregation was increased to 300. it was not a rich or fashionable congregation, nor Is It to day, but It Is very much alive. Early In his pastorate Mr. Sheldon hegan to employ strikingly original methods. lie was not satisfied with the kind of work usually done by min isters, lie wanted to know what Ideas the masses of the people had on the subject of Christianity, and he wanted to find out about their dally lives and occupations. With this desire in bis heart he asked his congregation to excuse him from Pastoral work for three months, and his congregation saw little of him ex cept during church services. He was t home scarcely any of the time, but very few people knew what be was do- to the fact that an unusual sort of preacher was among them. Then be wrote his stories those whieh preceded "Iu His Steps" and ' read them from the pulpit, one install I men! at a time. Instead of delivering sermons. He interested his congrega- ' tlon in his plan to regenerate 'Telines- eetown," one of the squalid suburbs of Topeka. Such is the outline of the career which has brought him fame. He Is a hard worker and lives modestly, He has a wife and one child, u hoy of -years. His father also lives near him in ' Topeka and helps him with his work. Although Mr. (Sheldon has written a dozen hooks, he Is known best as the author of "In His Steps." The work was not copyrighted In England, and L!0 publishing houses there are still Is suing editions. It has been translated into French, German, Russian, Italian, j Armenian, Swedish, Norwegian, Span ish and dialects of western Africa. .Mr. Sheldon Is by nature n retiring man ; and almost dreads notoriety. When ! told that the people who reatl his books , would like to know about the author, he said: "That is mere Idle curiosity. I do not wish to be talked about or to I have my church work talked about. The message I have for these people : among whom I live I give ln my ser mons. The message I have for the world at large I give In my books. 1 have nothing more to say." Although be avoids notoriety, he is willing to speak when an opportunity presents Itself to further the cause of religion or humanity. He believes in municipal ownership of public utilities and has studied the subject at home and abroad. He affiliates with no po litical party, but in local campaigns has made speeches in favor of public ownership. He believes tbat water, heat and light plants, together with street car Uses, should be operated by cities. tunatechild was "preserved" milk, that ' is to say, milk in which an unscrupu lous dealer had p it Doractc acid to "keep it sweet." The adulterant made the milk unfermentable, of course, and it iiImi made it absolutely indigestible, Phe milk could not sour. Neither could it be digested by the unfortunate infant. This is a typical ease of the danger ons effects t preservafivei in food. That infant was being murdered by de grees, The man who placed the "pre" servatrve" in t be milk was committing murder, and committing it for the basest of ad base motives, the motive of gain. How should the public rc gard a dealer who would t bus endanger I he lives of his pal ro ns' children? Could any punishment be too revere for a crime of that kind It is to be feared that a thorough Investigation In the towns and lilies would show that very many deaths of infants are directly due to the use of adulterated or "pre served" milk, doctored cream, and other monstrosities. riiniiK'nic IlrreiJ nml Craps. The farmer who is continually changing his breeds of stock or his fa vorite crops is very seldom B money maker. He is apt to find out that he made the change just a little too late. Be sees some one muUiiig money on beef cattle, nnd he abandons dairy farming to breed fat cattle, only to learn that he ought to have bred hogs. He tries hogs, and becomes convinced that sheep ure more profitable. He gives up a crop he knows how to grow to take up some specialty that his neighbor has found a profitable one, and a few years' experience teacheihim how to grow it. but it also teaches him that he could have bought his experi ence much cheaper. We do not mean that n man should not change his breeds of stock, his crops or his meth ods of farming, but he will do well to make his changes gradually, and not part with a good thing every time he thinks anyone else has a better thing. American Cultivator. rn fl,9ftBUYSAS3,S0 SUITi S.iitHi 1 1 l.l KM i lli ii'i kl i hi l m 1 1 l.l K But ami n. i , id i.i i. tit M.iu " ' ' m.i i ii mi Plata huts i SU90. A NTW SUIT FRU KH ANY 0? THESE S' 'TS WHICH CCH T HVC SMTif.rV'CTORI WElft. IINO NC MONEY, i iw vi. .. i ni; i to ii imt uc t biy niwJ my iwiliW i.ii, or i nin i ! raw mi i u h i.i fttnd yuii Mum um lo : , ii. l, 1 1" ex Mil.': i t mii MM riVMltlt It 't yoUf ,Mpn M irti''i'ii'l tt funnel pcrfwth mtU imiory anueiiji tu intts in jmm lotta i'r MsM, pa) jrouren rnt our Vt rlul tlfft r Frfrr. iH.Iim, em i i Imritf . TfiESf IHEJ MH1 SUITS ' boiaU tUtmrtioi ii. i niti rrulfH nrryofcwal fXlaO. Hi .'If v H b IHH 1 t-l -I U n.lkMl IjI. I lllllt) sl.tle . illi t.i 1. M frun a pfflal In-air Hvlfltli i .riiM llafs nit-Mil btatti' ii Cawltrr. u-in. Imli Iconic iMttern. flnr Ifallan llnlniri avMtaa Hr)4)i lali i 1mU . MMMIagi la- in : al relsif.irriii.-, silk lasj Him m l . fssWlalW trMl m. Mt -nil mm koj nr piirriit uu d be pr I af I-OK I'KCK 4 M I II sill l I s ,,t ' l I W f r hfji I lo If Tl IMs rlitftr laiapl Hk la. BIKi ci ntatnn fanhioa jlatc-x, tupp meaHiirc ,-nitl illiii-itiicti ii. I w htordffM 11 i'n'- sulta miiili to ardcr IVom .'.oo up. uu-plc-4 Mnt free on hiII iium i-m. SEflHV. ROEtSUCK & CO. Unci. Chicago, HI. '' "i" lo. arc (hurt. uglily ri llkliif. I lilr. t INVESTORS! Siofoi Si. There! plnnty of void In Colortvlo'll miinn- cninpH. Hepd ua$l for a t-eer'a nubecrlplfoii Ui ' our ln illuHtrlitoI minin an I n U - ' wi K't ffoanded tm) and we will send you a block of ' ten eheree (ji'i per value) in it new ttttntnff I company, paid up end nontuiaeiiaftlile, (luba of U $-'.70, or ten end li sharca for the ' Bend tode end don'1 got left nothing risked nothing atmud. Our peper heaflne lltuatretlons, liitet ininiriif iiuwm find will keep von ftilh I puetetl. Kefer u the editor f thla paper I stump inkeo. Item it by money order Addreai I.4VDM Alt HIKH. Ileiiver. Tolo. OBTAINED. DATCMT5 "T I lali 1 1 TEEMS EASY. r nsiilt nr communicate With the Kililor of this paper, who will ge all needed Information. 41 nub flMIIRAlMMMUIIHtllllV III KS; W fiirnluhA. .nlii.KI.. .1 - i.n.,1 m 1 1 1 i.ii any mill . Mil IH.rU It In I 'nl.....l..'. UI .1 .iw'-'iiiir.. i miii ,ar- : den anil Orsclns; I.nn.l-, Live Stock. Poultry. Been, Irrigation. Railrimd., Hcenery, Health Heort. Sanitariums. Country Ilninen for Inva lids, etc., eto. Fee $1.00. Special reports on I mining properties at reasonahle rates. Send i'i cents and gat three finely illustrated books on Colorado rsourien. Address: tie. J. Blakelv. Deorrr, Colo. SJ I PARKER'S , HAIR BALSAM IBM sad besuUnea tha hi PmnotM a luxuriant rrovth. n rails to ucatoro uraj Slavi 1 Rale to it Youthful Oc Curt. Katp dieue. A hair tailing. J0CjaadJUBsMrujlj I Read This! Read This ! 1 8 MY PRESENT STOCK OF CARPETS $ ts larRer tLan t-ver before : my PIUC S LOWEH limn OTH- 8 O EKSfor l t- iSAME GOODS, &'y prices (u 45 rolls of carpet I X Q wish lo elosi-oul will mil tliu 1 1 ,l.t hocik ol many nml nave 8 5 others in. ii, .v. hi no) think of buying your fall nil pets until 5 p you trivp my stock of eurpets ymu ittteiitiou and uel the prices ?, ? of some ol my laiiKains 1 am offering. 6 pes Mr Display of Cnrtsms, GortalD PoMHx! V Pi ices jus! riglil on i In Roods, 8 One Word About Pictures. 6 .. I mn offt riiur my present stock of pictures at cost, LESS X inMuuai nun some ior t lie price ot the KlaHB in tho frames o 8 I Ion i miss i lii sale, o ,s t have Home pretty IhitiRH to offer in Furniture, Dew , ! Ln'er will surprise you in Styles ami Prices. ' UNDERTAKING ! Ui DERTAKING ! V Intliis In ,'itu'li i .1 hi v hiiHim.HH I um in, i I l. ll... K . ....l.l... . 1. . 1. ... .1 .'i , i (. f ' . X ,-) pui. in-um uesihciini-e nun, ciin oe seem en im money, tunc unit O personal attentiou, My qtiipptiin in this branch of hiisiness is $ one of the lines! in the stale, HEAKsES, ( AHHIAGKS nod & -) l .PI'.lil.ll.(l I'.i;i.ks ,, , iluie. oiih word hInuii irepert thut my iittuntlon lias i. .-..ti.-.i to Intel' In rtrard t . . , .i..,. i.r. nr ii 'mi i ne mi i nr .in i:- ui i .1 ,s n i ( y , 1 1 . rf Inv III ; In nine In till) coil lily, I tU'AHANTKIi loglvt' vou caslci ) MKNT thun nil ... I Kilvt-CltiHfl Livery Connected with llndcrtuking l)eitiitiiient, 8 H. FELIX, . : uleiilionc t onnccl LKWISTOWv PA , ... q t 00OOOOO000XJC)CXXXXXX)O0 B 8 t 3 oooooooooooooooooooo. Liberal Adjustments Prompt Payments. REMEMBER H. HARVEY SCHDCH, GENERAL INSURANCE ArCENGY raUNBGBOTEy PA, Only fhf OliifHt, Btronfjesl (,':isli Oompanies, Fire, Life, Accident and Tornado. No Premium Notes. No sspRrr-ents TheAetnti Founded A.P..1819J Assets $ 11,055,513.88 " Home ' 1 " 1853 " !),853,628.54 " American " " " 1810 " 2,409,584.53 The Standard Accident Insurance Co. The New York Life Insurance Co, The Fidelitu Nl n t ni 1 Life Association. Your Patronage Solicited. RIPAN'S TABUIES Doctors find A Good Prescription For mankind 12J2B. &B& Dr"it, Orossrs, RtiUoruts Shops. Thr y huiah paio, induce slp, and prolssi 1U. 7 lat.Klpass Cbeancal Co., lo.Spruc St., N w Yoro5J'