SWINEFORD. ' II. P. Beaver of Hunihaiu mt Sun n with his family. A. H. I'lsh ami wife an- suendina; iivvral days among friends at Middle reek. , The Franklin grammar Mbool will old an entertainment tNiturday even g. 7th, Mrs. l'hilip SSong, who had been vis ing H. P. Heaver's for some time, re- I7rj i i :.. Milt,.,. MB PI Her u'uiie 111 sanisw.i Isaac Sliamlmeh, who had lieen vis ing among friends here for some time, turned to his home in Indiana. bALEM. Lewis GemWrllng purchased a trot- lig horsi' again. I. E. Maurer is drilling weua on hestnut ridge. John Fisher is digging out for the lundation of his house. Our Boring farmers are already plow liu; for their outs and corn. The nauiK-rs of I'enn township were loved to the or house, Tuesday. Katie Thomas, of Phila. cattle home see her mother, Mrs. Hackenburg. FPamucI Hover and wife ol selina ove, were the guests of.) . W. Uow's. Miss Katie Winner is spending some- me with her grand-mother at lM-if- urg. Misses Daisy and I'.iiiniii Usher, eiv mendlna Sunday with Zora lomig. (ieo. M. Witnierand daughter, k:itu iid Elmer, took a drive to Freebur unday afternoon. Mrs. Joe Hackenburg, who had been for nearly a year, passed to her eter al rest Sunday night. ALINE. The Sunday school wai organized list Sunday. The ncoide have commenced their iii uig work. H. K. llornlHTger made a business tip to Port Treverton. Francis Swineford has a broad I mild lecause it in a baby girl. H. K. Hornbergcr sold his nine linber to H. A. Ebright. (ieo. 8. (ielnett will move to Turkey alley. We are worry to lose him. T. K. HornlHTger and wife were the hii '.its of J. H. UnderkolHer h Sunday. Mr. Forrev will move into L H. Si'Inett'8 house instead of J. H. Undcr-Intfler'a. L 8. Gelnett moved Tuesday to his k w store at Ktrouptown. In attempt ig to taste the contents ora jug, lie got he wrong one and got a mouthful of tine poisonous liquid. Fortunately went only an far as his mouth. None it was swallowed, but lie burned his outh very severely. GLOBE MILLS. J no. Kratzer has-moved to Heavcr- wn. Mrs. Bamiel Stuck is on the sick list. Antes Ulrich made a buiness trip to tonville. I The Sunday School at this place was rganized. N. P. Han of Middleburg made a leasant call at this place. I (ieo. Stuck and wife spent Sunday ill his father, Samuel Stuck. fohn Landis of Hullalo Valley is iting his sister Mrs. Anion Yerger. 'Iiarles Stuck and wife were to Sun ty and purchased a lot of nice furni- 1B. I Charles Smith and wife of Mc Vey WO are spending a few days with Iiarles' father, Y. A. Smith. SELINSGKOVE. KANTZ. moving was done in Allen Neitz. is moving to Stnoketown. farmer Henry Homig is busy plow- Milton this J, o. Holtaapple is building a carpeiw ter shop. John is a man of many trades. Considerable town bust week Kev. Fronts will leave for his ficldrt ing. labor ( Laginnge, Ind.) .j. (Poster Dock went t Miss Marv Hotiseworth of Wilson week. College is home with her parents. William Miissehimn is working on Miss Mabel Moyer of Hlooinsburg is John K. Hughes' lower farm as tenant. visiting her Aunt Mr. Ninth Miller. Missi-s Carrie 1 lend ricks and Marii Snyder spend sumlay m Miamokin. John K. Romig is doing a good daily Mrs. Lank Kreeger will leave for a I business. John canvasses Selinsgrove. trio west to visit her mother who is j p( Dock has moved on J. C. W. Bassler's farm near flint Valley. Frank Miss Fannie Lore of Pine Summit is i is a hustler. spending some time with lieraunt .Mrs. Apple juice is getting scare. hoiR. I Community, savs the Jester Mix. Newland and daughter Helen I Funnel Gang, of Lewistown si'iit several days last j g, k. Dauberl and family moved lo week among friends In town. j Milton Monday, where he expects to Rev. Warner and Prof. Woodruff work in the Iron works, wer.' on a trip to Lewisburgon business i peter Mengel has moved to North oonnected with the I Diversity, Batur- umberland eountv, on the John F. Heir day. tarin. We wish h ;'n aitnnmfa Dr. W . II. Rohbaok left on Monday i Rlmer jjaugle is building a brick a.'-1 for Sirasburg Lane. Co., were ihe wUl anion to Aug. Bpringman'a house, open a dentist office we wish bun sue-1 Wm Ebenhauer is lo b,. the occupant, ! cess. m am m L. P. Young, a student who was call ed home on account of the sickness of his father, returned to school again last week. in of the the PAXTONVILLE M, L. Wagehseller left for Phila. Monday morning. He expeets to I'elll- maui there during April to wait on hi trade as it is come In, Wm. M. Bchnure and Jai the former from state College and the taller from Bwarthmore are spending the spring vacation with their parents. Mrs. Julia Bobb of Mechanclsbuig Is visiting her sister. Mrs. Kate Wagen seflerand Mi Lizzie Chrltaman. She wa. called here by the serious illness of the latter. In almost every neighborhood there is some one whoso life has been saved by Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, or who has been cured of chronic dl rrhoea by the use of that medicine. Such persons make a point of telling of it whenever opportunity oilers, hoping that it may be the moans of savings other lives. For sale by all druggists. Ila vis C. I. Joi L. Derr made a lleavertown Saturday. Win, Romlg spent a Mellds at t his place. Mark Hofftiagle naii business trip to j few days with I M r Saturday. leiz of Harrtsbunr ort visit to made ghort McCLUHE. Our school will close this week, Bome of Women made garden Mon day. H. D. Hower of Shamokin spent Mon day in town. Amos Snook and daughter. Laura, of Lewistown spent Saturday in town. J. H. Dreeso bought Hurley Koluig's property on Kail mad street. Geo. Wagner is again running his slave mill day and night to till his orders. Mrs. Isaac Shirey left for Philadel phia to buy her spring and summer goods. Merchant J. B. Spanglcr and son, Jay, of Adamsbiirg were in town on business Saturday. The West Heaver district Sunday school convention will be in the (i. H. church in liannerville, April 14, 1900. Benedict Arnold, M. U. M., of Free burg was in town Tuesday night to install the new officers for the 1. (). (). F. The following persons have changed Iiluees in our village this Spring : James nlilev moved in with Jonas Linn; Rev. Enlbish to Buokhorn, Columbia Co,:Ner. Benfer into the house vacated by Rev. Efilbiah; Amos Wagner into J. B, Spangler's house; Ed. Mitclu II into the house vacated by Wagner; Lester Wetcel to Middleburg and Mr. Dreese into the house vacated by Wet zel; John S. Snyder to Ston ylonesome. pent Sunday with in. wiicneii, i . ps, Hover anil c . . Hweng a trip to K reamer Sunday. John Hover of Kreeburg paid viail to thi place last week. J, W. Swartz ami wife of Bwlncford vlsetiKl John Ernest's Sunday. Adam I lei low-of Mays, Juniata Co., visited his uncle, Samuel Troup. Miss Kate Arnold of Aline of spend ing a few days at llarvey Mitchell's, II. W. Felty, wife, daughter and An nie stout visited Jacob Gilbert's Sun day. ISphralm Howell of Beavertown vis ited hi grandmother Saturday and Sunday. Christian Gravblll gpenl Saturday and Kunday with his daughter, Mrs. I I r in Graybill, Mrs. Austin Glfl is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. John sterner, at Bunbury. Mn, H. A. Howell, son Joe and daughter Winfred, left for Lewistown where they intend to make their future home. The following persons moved Tues day: Howard Bhambach on Charles Hover's farm vacated by Ira Smith;!). I). Howell on his own farm, vacated by Harvey Shambach, and John Docb ler into the house vacated by O. I). Howell. Additional County News on last page. as. STATE OF OHIO, CITY OF TOLE DO, LUCAS CODJiTY, Fhank J. Cbkney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of P. J. CHBNKT & Co., doing btisi uess in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that saiil linn will pay the sum of ONE HUN DRED DOLLARS for oach and every case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by the use of Ham.'s Gatabbh Cuke. Fkank J. Ciienky. Sworn to before me and suhscrib ed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 18stl. A. W. Gleakon, sval Notary Public. s I sifAl, )ooocxooooooooooooocxxxxxxx;. 1877. Established IB'S. When You See a Man or Boy Ex tra Well Dresses Give Loebs The Credit. OEB'S Stylets, Loeb's Qualities and Loeb's Prices are a great iufluencc with people wbo know a I'Jood Tbing Wben they See It, and do not want to pay Itoo mnce for it. There is a wonderful sale in progress Ihere now. You may never again be able to clothe yourself at such money-making figures. m IS A FASHION CEM1 ! A FINANCIAL SCHOOL TOO. A EW SUIT.! tilllllll III 111 A NEW HAT. A NEW SHIRT. -M m m m in Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in temallv and acts directly ou the blood and mucous surfaces of the systei.i. Send for testimonials, free F.J.CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, 0 Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Poivoor Finger on Your Pulse Yen feel the blood ruthim along. But what kind or Blood? That la tho e;eatUn. Is It euro blood or impure blood? If the blood lo impure then you arc week and languid; your appetite hj poor and your digoarion la Mk. Too can not sloop veil aad tho awn ing Undo yea anproaarod for tho work of ate day. Your chooka are polo and year com plexion U sallow. You are troubled with ataiploa, boils J or ooaoe oruptiea of the okia. Why Mt purify yew bleed ? W will da U Taba If f... and then put your finger on your pulse again. You can feci the difference. It is troagcr and your circulation bener. Send for eur beck on Impure Bleed. If you are bilious, take Ayer'a Pills. Tbey greatly aid the Saraaparilla, They cure constipation alao. ITrlulkaa frMl I rw W4 1 l rail Ik aarMMlan Taa v'll raaalT a HOW TO SAVEIWOSY. It wil miles i pay yu to conic ntanv to deal with us. and !' Complefcer Tl)c Lardeg Line of Crockery, ( Jhina, I ilas ware, Lamps, Silver, NielJ, Enameled, Tin, Woodwnrc, ( ut cry, isirtincr rjnods and a kinds of House Furnisliings in Central Pennsylvania nn L i ( ? ii At Prices that Defy Competition. : A cordial III Vllllt loll i nvtumliw be convinced thai we nr.- THK LK AND BEAUTIFUL (i( KJDS. ill uoous packed and delivered FHKK I Wltliin KM) miles (in piii'clmscs alsiv Sec our Name and Number mi nil t" visil our store and IKS ( IF L V HH 'KS iiiote prices in ncxl is-ue. my Ivnilrond Stutimi nn. Hill IK i V, FURMAN S CASH FAIR. 317 Market St., Sunbnry, Pa ooa)ooaoooo)ooojooo0)o OOOO0JCOOOOOuS,. O o o BM AaaraM, N. 4. c ATaa, BM IF YUD WISH TO BECOME A Chemist, A Teacher, An Engineer, A Lawyer, An Electrician, A Physician, A Scientific Farmer, A Journalist or ii you wish to secure a training that will fit you tor any honora ble pursuit in life, State College A NEW TIE. hese are some of tbe new Spring Goods here for you to see. Mces no higher than last jear, bnt better Goods. one and ses them, whether you buy now or later. We will tell you weat will be worn. M. LOEB & SON, BELIABLE ONE-PRICE CLOTHIERS AND GENT'S FURNISHERS, 318 E. MARKET T-. SUNBUrtf. PA. MARRIED. April 1, by Kev. W. K. Brillhardt, John roltz and Cora M. Sc!hrist, isith of Dundore. March lb, by J. E. Shmkcl, J, V., AllKirt H. Kiiliiis and Clara 8 Shinkcl, l it h of Center twp. March II, by J. E. Shinkcl. J. P.. John A. Walter and Mollic F. Fesslcr, IkiIIi of I'ciinscrcck. March 1, by J. J. Steely, J. P., Wm. II. Pheasant and Maggie 10. Brcininger, both u McClure. March 31, by IJcv. W. A. Haas, lieulx'ti Wr. Auckcrof Verdilla and to Ml betl D. Wise of Port Treverton. March 81, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Arthur E. Auckei of Verdilla and FiannaE. Krown of Pallas. CASTOR I A Tor Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of Offers Exceptional Advantages. For Special Examination Papers or for Catalogue giving fid! infor mation respecting courses of study, expenses, etc., and showing posi tions held by graduates, address, The Registrar, State College. Centre County, I':i. l4-r'H-M-M-H-I"I"l-I"K'H"r-'H-rtl Shoes-Odd Sizes. I have a lot of Shoes, odd T sizes, that 1 wish to Close out. :i 1 Shoes 1! Be Sold j: I and if they must gobelow cost. T T I do not intend to keep shoes T r in stock, and J GO TflEY MUST, t T I Would rather accept less than J T cost and get the money than to j. T 1 ,L OL ".T ! kcci) mc onocs. io reason- j. I offer will be refused. S. B. SIM0NT0N. o o o o o o o REAin PA! 7 awrJ A Have You Been o see lis CO. 9 a 1 1 rut, von have micil n jrcen sj)ul in your lile, for there is nothing thai makes one feel better tbnn to know thai he has had Value lor the money lie has left at the Htore where he made his purchases. We Carry a Large Line ut Dry Goods and no one bus a better selec tion of Die Goods, Our Notion Stuck com prises uvi iv Inner kept iii a first-class Notion store. Our (ii iicery Department is up to date atil the goods are priced to suit the times. We Never Blow Our Own Horn Our customers do dial by telling others of Values they get :it our store. We are selling Hill Bleached Muslin at 7 eta.; Blue Prints that don't fade at 5 ets.; Granulated ami Soft A Siitr at 5 cts.; Coffee at KM cts. a ll. or '2 lbs for 20 cts, and myriads ol other goods equally as low thai we have not spat to men tion. We have added to our line a complete Carpet Assortment Vim the latest Minn rial axmin- lUHl are III a pnlllnl tn show patterns ami bcsl weaves in ........ . i i . 1 1 i i i i , . mcis, ex itu ikhiv nruHseis, 1111 ikniv nrtissei, ami IhiiIv Brussels, Wilton Velvets, Lnnsdune Velvets, plain Tapestry, lies! Tapestry, ami extra Tapestry, with a lull Ii t Ingrains from 25c. a yard up in hot quality. i Carpets, Linings, Stair Posts, Japanese Mattings, &c. There are so many grades of Carpets of the same name that it Would pay yon to si c our line and post your self before making your purchase. Carpets Sewed and Steamed If desired, They will go on the floor without a wrinkle by this process. OIL CLOTH AND LIN0LIUMS. I READY PAY CO., I C. H. SNIVELY, PROP'R, 417 Market St., Sunbury, Pa. 2 a)oojoa)oa)oooo)oo)ooa)oooo e Z Public Sales. notices of 8akwlll be inserted free underthls IjOallna when tho bills are piloted at t bis offlce. Wben Hie bills are not primed at this offlco so cent will be cbaived. Pereons expecttnir to have Hate should select a date and have It losertt ed In this column. SATURDAY, April 7. 1000, In the town of On trsvllle. 0, M. Showen, executor uf tbe laat will and tentament of Valentine Walter, will cell '2 horses, 2 rows, farming imple ments and household foods. SATURDAY, April U. on half mile east of Orubh's chuicli In Chapman township, A. II. Stroub and Levi M. Reamer, administra tors of the estate of Toblaa Keamer. deeeu ed.wiil sell 1 colt, lot chickens and house hold goods. Eagle Hotel, C. W. GEAYBILL, PEOPRIETOR. NEAf. THE DEPOT, Middleburg, - - - Penna. First Class Accommodation, Ijow Rates and Careful Attention Given to all Guests. --Livery Attached.: Good Horses and Careful Drivers. 1-M-M' I 1 1 l-H I I hill 1 1 1 h H4 DOTLIEFPEE! I Send Us a 2ent T stamp with Tour ' ' nam and address ' and ws will send ' you copy of the ' ' laaMtoditlonofthe' ' New Idea fashion 1 ' Review and on of ' ' these handsome' J fl I n a h Hammnt f Doylies free. W do this to Introduce tb f T New Idea nxwnl rspir Patterns. I RUBLE'S DRY GOODS STORE, i i , 1 . & TirMjitSij I j M Workmanship m Lr 0 T Guaranteed. I I'M ILIUM JJ Merchant Tailor, 1 SlpositsPostOlce, Seliiispye, Pi I e o 0) o a o o tt o 9 o 9 o o o 0) o o O o o o o o o o o o. o unrasTOWK. pa. iiiMiiiiiiiiiiinimii woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo