jpr ' ' 1 " " ' ' 1 ' '. ..'IJJ. l-.a 1 .wwj.- um - "mm! ,.!."JH " " '!.' ' . MH"1'"1 -'..OTU'l'1 I The Middleburgh Post. IMil.lllul Kverjr Thnradny. GEO. W. WAGENSELLERi Editor and Proprietor. SUBSCRIPTION KATKH. SI .00 prr if iti'l In advance. 01. "hp pel year if not i1 i advance Single ( iopies. Five Cents. Aslvarttatnt ateles, I Scents iht Una, non pareil mMtanmml r llrst 'iiertim. MM 1" 'fiit!. par Una f.r each iibwuiMU inm-Mion- Kntercit unlit- 1'n.l niBti-al, I "a . a' second lean mull matter. OFPIOK Hveen lbs Jail. -Near the County ( ourl lliii be list National Bank the County Hibtoky. Established In 1844 asthe Union Demokrut, at New Berlin, aGer man Whig wiper. Changed name u, the Post in IHBl. Oldest Republican newspaper in Suyder County. Republican Standine Committee. Adatni r. K. Bingatnan, J. D. glpe. Beaver . W. aimer, ralvln Dreeea, Baaver W Fred S Uundrum, Thoa Herbeter, Centre Alien Hover, I. A Btlne. Chapman P. A Troup, V. H UpdetTOTe. Fm Mm- M. L. Walter, H. B. Bolonder. Jackson--J. Harvey Moyer, A. Arouse. Iflddlebiira -Edwin Charles, Prank Belts. Middle) reek John . Meieer, Geo. C siuolt. Monroe W. I, Young, Peter iung. Penn A. R. Smith, Ueo M. Wltmer, Perry Irwin Itoyer, w O. Smith Perry W. T. K. Hrayblll, O, s. Spriggle Selinflgrnve J A. l.umbnrd,Geo.A. Livingston Boring D W. Smith. Juhn N. Kalgel. Uiilon Jacob Htahl, C. I' Bogar Washington John M Mnyer, W. F. Rousn. Jo. A LttntABP, I iltalrrnan, butt in CltASI.1 - He lury ,i. Kba! Kbits, Treasurer ltt.l-l Itl.M t Til HI T. Congrtwi Hon. Til i. M. M UION. Senatok Hon. I'.i n.i. K. Kocht. Assembly Hox. A. M. Smith. Prothonotary Oko. M. ShindeIj. Register & Recorder .In". H. Wilms. District Attorney M. I. Potteii. Jury Commissioner K. E.ShaMhai h. matter to fill "p the columns of the POST, but we pet the best. The leaders of the FoCT are an intelligent class of people and we have had plenty of evidence oi their high ap preciation of every article of merit or story that has been published in lb) Column. for tins reason m contracted for the purchased Shel don's story, "Robert liardys oeveni Days" at an enormous price. We did this, because our readers ap preciate the Ix-st writings in the language. In our purchase of this story, which is copyrighted, we bar gained for and secured the condition that the PosTshall bethe only newt paper in Snyder ( 'nty that dare publish this most popular story. At the aame time we contracted for and bought on the same conditions, Rev. Sheldon's story 'The Crucifixion of Philip Strong." This story is also copyrighted and the PoST has the exclusive use of the story lorSnyder County. When we find something good, we always get it, because our readers appreciate the best. Read "Robert Hardy's Seven Dajs." Thursday, April 5, l!H)0. As vet the Easter hatissomewhal nebulous, bul in u little while it may he cxnecteu t" conn: to a head There are quite a lot ol conflict ing stories about the abandonment ol the lVnna. Canal. First comes the story that the canal is to Ire abandoned, next the story is that there are repairs in progress. To Snyder Comity this year be longs the position of National Dele gate and although we were defeated by Dr. Herman, we shall leave no stone unturned to assist Dr. Herman to get the place. He has named Dr. E. W. Tool, M. E. Erdley and Jerome A. Aiph r as his conferees. Tin1 Democrats of Snyder County are engaging in a lively scrimmage tor the County Chairmanship. There must he some great "pull" coiniii'r from the position f Countv Chairman of both there would not 1 for the places. ( If course there are tlioe who do not know who will be elected president and that may ac count for the contest now on hand. Remarkable Cmrt orRhrumniinni. Kknna, Jackson Co., V. Vu. About three years ago my wife had an attack of rheumatism which confined her to her bed for over a month and rendered her unable to walk a step without assistance, her limbs bciiiL' swollen to double their normal size. Mr. S. Maddux insisted on my usinj; Chamberlain's Pain Balm, f purchased a tift.v cent bot tle and used it according tothedi rections and the next morning she walked to breakfast without ussis tanoe ii any manner, and she has not had a similar attack niiice. A. B. Parsons. For sale by all drug gists. Names of Talking Machines. They Are Called "Grapho phones" by the United States Patent Office. A small company of men was gathered about a talking machine the other evening enjoying the latest popular song, when one of them, who is, as the reporter subsequently learned, a prominent patent lawyer, made the following contribution to the scientific knowledge ol the day: 'In the popular mind there is considerable misapprehension and confusion regarding the correct de signation of talking machines. The words 'Graphophone' and 'Phono- craoh are ordinarily misused as having the same meaning. I he name 'Phonograph' which was given to the first crude model constructed bv Edison, has clung in large mea sure to the perfected talking machine parties, or else ;, i8 known to-day iii men a scram oi According to our neighbor con temporary, Dr. Herman was not running lor himself, but to please Hummel. That is certainly not very complimentary for an opponent to lend himself as a tool to the iolitic al enemies oi those who gave the doctor a very lucrative position on the pension board. Either our con temporary tails to tell the truth or else he puts Dr. Herman in an un enviable position. There is beginning to be a little discussion on the nlans and some other preliminary arrangements for satisfactory) Middlehurg s Centennial w h l C Ii should lc held this year. Many favor the 1th of July while still others favor alxnit two months later in the season, say September, wedo not know what time ofthevear 1800 the tow n was laid out, but we can at least make a precedent and name a dav r-o that these '-'(KM) fellows com ing on KXI years from now w ill have something by which to go. Robert Hardy's Seven Days. In this issue of the PoOT, we lie gin the new serial under the above title written by Rev. Charles M. Sheldon of Topeka, Kansas. Rev. Sheldon won his reputation by the story "In His Steps," and those of our readers who have read this serial will not miss an Opportunity to read Robert Hardy. Those of oar readers who are not familiar with Sheldon's writings, we ask that you read "Roliert Hardy's Seven Days." It liegins on the inside pages of this week's Post and will le completed in six weeks. Sheldon's writings are more widely read to-day than any other living author's. If the reader is not familiar with the career of this author, he will find a double column portrait and sketch on the inside pages. We could have bought cheap plate "It is the news, thefore, to many people to learn that all the talking machines ef the present day are of ficially termed '(iraphophones' by the U.S. Patent Office. "lu 1877 the attention of the world was riveted to a new invention bv Thomas Edison of a machine that would talk, to which he applied the name 'Phonograph.' Imaginative people at once legan extravagant speculations as to the many uses to w hich it could lie put. The me chanical methods employed in it, however, were incapable of practical use. It employed tin-toil 88 the me dium for receiving ami reproducing the sound waves and a record made on this material was not permanent, was far from lieing perfect or even uid it could not be re moved from the particular instru ment on which it was made without destroying the record. The phono graph Served to demonstrate that sound waves could be recorded and reproduced, but it could render no practical service to mankind and dis appointed expectations, nthe course of a few years it was forgotten. The Graphophone appeared ten years after the phonograph. It was invented in the Vblta I-alwratory, Washington, D. C, as the result of experiments conducted bv Alexander Graham Bell of telephone fame, and his associates, Dr. Chichester Hell and Prof. Sumner Tainter. Its groat Improvement over the phono graph, and the feature which is re vived interest in the talking machine and made it of practical value, was in providing a method of cutting or engraving a record upon a wax-like tablet or cylinder. This discovery makes nossiblc lieriuanent records i that can be taken from the machine on which they were made and re produced on the same or other instruments. "The Patent Office put into the (iraphophone Class all similar in ventions, including Edison's; and technically speakiug, every practical talking machine sold in the United States to-day is a Uraphophone.' SCEWEFFELBBENNEE LETTS? From Maucli Chunk Democrat. SCHUFFBLTOWN, Martz 14(1. Misteb Dbookrr: Wann Id net mistaken bin don shtaits oinano in der shrift 08 was nier drawmi ooomd ebmohls wohr, un want) sell so is ci don gook atnohl ous for u ferdeiheokerter grosser rumpus ini unser ivver ous gootc, grosse patri otishe un airliche shtawtsmeiincr in party bossa os de monopoly fun di haigshta offissa eujoya un thman ganunb ous yeadam dausend dawfu office lohn nel wennicher os taaii dausend in era shpawr bexlin n shlippa ! Well, anyhow ioh hob div letshl nauchl gadrawmed os jch aw galam waer on meim hoonershta gaborti dawg, in yohr 1920. Ollas os mei denka con war ferennert, un heitiel dawgs rutsnawsa waura oos g'woxni grokeppioha menner un dc fashiom -in meraruoraicn coryoee loreoooma De law bisness, according tzu meim draw in, is tzusawga gons sunnershl seversht, got nimmy we im yohi 1900. De leit sin now, im yohr Iii20 Ruiohl ufgaweoked. Accord. ing tzu de offishel reports sin olhv wcil tinf United Shtates Senators finf un tswansich Congressmenner, drei ex-Governalrs, on alnuit finf un foofteich onnera tx-lniss emliesslers un offishel deeb in tier penitentiary. Un now haird mer tzu sawga nix mai fun rascality un shtailerei in dt hodie ofTissa. Awer mind, now, des war yushi 'n drawm un du consht denka, Wf icli uf gaweckt bin war ich a wen nich terhootled. Awer 'sedate micl net orrich ferwiMinera wan ich'sniK'l' arlaiva date os de grosse falsh pre tenders deeb un embesslers de leng shta terms in der penitentiary enjoyti mista. Anyhow ich glawb dc com mona un fershtenidicha leit sin aw longs om ufweoka, un os 's nimm longgai con bis sc tzu de CODclusioi i . . t ciMima os tier riK-iu piotz lor ih grossa professional boss emlx-sslcr- deeh, party grose-mciler un falsi pretendersis, net in der Senate. ihIc ennicha onnery office, awer yuslu for longwindiche terms in de peni tentiarv. Un wann 's uf nich av OOOma date don mista sc aw about a mold olla dawg 'n frishy operatioi Bufiera om whipping pushta. Pit Schw kkfki.iirenneb. CARPETS. You can have a better car pet, a prettier carpet and a cheaper csipet than your neighbor by writing tor one ol aur 16-ceiored lithe graphed catalogues, which hews Carpels. Rugs. Art Squares, Portieres, Lac a Curtains, and Bed 5ets In their real colors, no that Car., m 1. 11.17 g5f ZX X bow a carpet will lock on your Hoar or a drap ery at your window. We prepay freight, sexv car Pets free and furnish wadded 'lining without charge. Our 0 e n e r a I Cata logue tells a boat every Uung to eat, wear and use, aad will save y u aunty an every thing yea) ana at every sea son at the year. Our Made -te Order Clat ta I ac Catalogue. JSSX& This Iron Bed $2.M. latest styles ot suits and overcoats, prices raagf Ing front Sg.o te Sal. We prrpay eipresaage. if you have not dealt with uh bt'torf. now i the time to beKln. All catalogues. rc free. Which do you want 7 Addrt us luib way : JULIUS WIVES & S0N,r BALTIMOKK, Mil. Dept. . Dooilinwe HOMINY Easter Clothing. iim m Mothers, Do you wish a nice 1 Up-to-Date Suit for yoior boy for Easter? We Have Them. The Nobbiest You Gan Find Anywhere at Prices bo Suit AW. WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION BEFORE PURCHASING. 1H. TT A TTZ, Next Door'to Court House, Middle burg, Pa. If von want a good deli cious ilish for breakfast) ilin ncr or supper you cannot timl anything better than hominy. We have sonic of the linest on the market, oc. a lh.; four lbs. for 10 cents. Frank S. Riegle, DEALER IN FISH cooa)ofyoo)oooooon BARMAN'S 1 SHOE STORE, I MIDDLEBURG. FA. 1 Try Urnla-O ! Try Urnln-). Ask your grocer today to show yon a package of GltAIN-O, the ucw foot) drink that takes the place of coffee The cliililren tuay ilriuk it withou injury us well an the aiiolt. All wilt trv it. like it. QRAIN-0 has thai riclt seat brown of Mocha or Java hut it is made from pure grains, aim the most delicate stomach receives i without distress, One-fourth of tie tirice of coffee. 15c. and 2.1o. per pack age. Sold by all grocers. A fine brand of selected Family White Fish. Von want something of a change for breakfast ami you will find this a desirable change. ic per lb. or 65o. for a ten pound pail. The pail itself is worth almost half what we ask for the fish. A. H. MOYER. Doodletown, Pa. PIANOS Ib the place to find a full anil complete line of Men's Shoes. There are Russets, Black ami Patent Leather Shoes .... W'n keep the best quality of SIIOKS ami wltcn you buy our best you can rest assured the quality is right We treat our Cus tomers right anil they conic again. Give TJs a Trial- W. I. Garman. ORGANS AND- SEWING MACHINES, Middleburg, - Pa. Inquire for . . Prices and Terms. LI il aw Jan II BBgHPHSiV L " ' Fjs gggggi BkccccccB I mi! safe war oooooooooooo)o wm scorn EMULSION OF COD-LIVER OIL WITH HYP0PH0SPHITES should always be kept In the house for the fol lowing reasons: FIRST Because, If any member of the family has a hard cold, it will cure it. SECOND Because. If the chil dren are delicate and sickly, it will make them strong and well. THIRD Because, if the father or mother is losing flesh and becom ing thin and emaciated, it will bulla them up and give them flesh and strength. FOURTH Because it Is the standard remedy in all throat ana lung affections. No household should be without It. It can be taken in summer as wall as In winter. r- tot. and it oo, til rfruggtiit. . SCOTT 4 BOWNE, Charalsta, Maw Yarfc, . Bicycles -AJID- Sundries REPAIRING. Only exclusivi Bicyelc Store ii Snvder Countv. W. Pine St. AT RAILROAD, SELWEOVEB T n j 1 1 80II1C 111 (HI cy 18 to D6 expenaeu lor FURNITURE is to take the time and trouble to ex tm line the stock we carry, learn the , prices at which we sell and then compare, it any m doubt as to value can remain, with the offerings of y others. I firmly believe I will get your order, be-r-M ruise wnluiTA dmiA flvrvthin to merit the trade of prudent buyers. Call and Be Convinced. JOHN G. YARNALL, atr L J s vgaaaP - eneaaWN,ar r m Middlebtirgb) Pa, it t kj . ii... lJAMnav,,,o SB WOrnlUK l lur iim ncno uuni - m . , nr. . .1 at s nesft lor me pant .v yew, nnu . I ban built up a nice trade. He A cells more Hnrtn-HH and Horse & 9 Furnishing Goods every season. ? A.. HIM ai rll Ulr t in as van gj and be convinced that be keeps jt B the largest stock in ttoe Harness 5 Line of any party in Snyder B 1 County and that you get Your Money 's Worth i 2 every time you buy of him. S H--HH I IM 11 11 11 Ml M M Ml 1 I'H'M 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 M 1 If J. B. SELHEIMER, DEALER IN Mm In I s mrri ii aiwvaj j I 11 UU XIU1IHJ Leather, Paints, Oils, WALL PAPER, Coach and Saddlery Ware, i AND MANUFACTURER OF Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, i STOVES AND TINWARE. 1 1 Market St., Lewlstown, Pa. In iimiin ii mill mi Central Hotel, nirt-oasi iccouolatioii. linn imcM D. B0LENDER, PROPR. OppMltc rtrat Matlannl MIDDLE BURG, PA, Fail DDflecessarr in CkiUDirti Pain Is no longer nrcemary In childbirth: morning alcknaas. swollen limbs, and ilka atrils. are readily controlled, and womb diseases spead ily cured. known to Ml. Pbraiclaaa pronounce It wonderful, and over 80.000 ladles attaet Ita merits. Lady reader, eat this out: It mar tare your life; Buffer no longer, bat send us a two-cent stamp, and recetra In esnJed en veloped tail particulars, and valuable proof lo ... ZZ.Artu renedv. Address FBAN' THOMAS M CO Baltimore. Md. MMO