The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 05, 1900, Image 1

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    Robert Hardy's Seven Days" begins in the Post This Week.
Editor and Proprietor.
A Week's News Dished up in
Small QuantitiesVisitors in
Town During the Past
Week-Other News
of Interest.
Editor Lumbard made a mil
this office Monday.
Wm. Hassinger of Franklin twj.
dropped in to see us Tuesday.
8wartJ and (iravhill arc in tin
city this week laying in a now supply
of goods.
State College of Centre Co., Pa.,
has an advertisement in the Post.
Read it. 4-5-1 3t.
Don't forget Swartz and Graybill's
Opening day next Tuesday. Look
outtfor bargains.
Henrv Laudenshurer of Salem
called by letter. Tuesday enclosing
a one dollar hill.
Maud Moatz and Mrs. Adam
Showers are on the sick list. We
hope tor their speedy recovery.
Easter comes next Sunday a week,
being April 16th. It is about time
for toe small boy to begin to hide
A. H. Klose, of Franklin town
ship dropped in to ay his annual
dues for the POSI Saturday after
noon. F. W. Thomas, former proprietor
of the Krcamer Hotel, but now of
Sunbury, was in town Saturday
Ii ! 12.. ..... .lin.irriirii
last Thursday paid a short visit to
.las. G. Grousers family on Market
Levi Qelnett, the new Stroup
towu merchant, called Tuesday at
this offioe to get his business sta
tionery. Mrs. .las. Diemer of Franklin Sat
urday went to Globe Mills to spend
a few days with her parents, John
S. Meiser's.
J. Guy Bingeman ol Daltnatia
has been added to the force of coin
ositors on the Post, having begun
work Monday.
John (i. Shaffer ol Aline was at
the county seat Monday and dropp
ed in to order some bills for the
Spanish Jack.
Wilson St roup, formerly ofFrank-
iiu township, has gone to South Da-
kotato east his fortunes with the set
tlers ol that region.
Martin Slcar and wife and D. P.
Hitter and wife of Shamokin Dam
enjoyed the hospitality oi Editor
Uitter and wile Sunday.
Cyrus Courtney of New Berlin
and B. Frank Row of Union Coun
ty called by letter Monday with one
year's advance payment.
We want every man, woman and
child in Snyder county to read
"Robert llardv's Seven Days." It
begin in this week's Post.
Irwin Ruck of Ashland was in
town over Sunday paying a visit to
his father, D. (i. Ruck, on West
I Market St., this borough.
John A. Barner of Richfield was
t in towD Thursday of last week and
I and Monday of this week. John is
an extensive dealer in lumber.
A teachers' normal school will
open iu Middleburg Monday, April
23rd. For particulars, address A.
A. Killian, Middleburgh, Pa. tf .
H. M. Howe and wife sjent a few
days with Azariah Kreeger in Frank
in. Mr. Rowe went home Monday
and Mrs. will spend a few weeks
with her parents.
Miss Libbie Dunkelberger went
to Philadelphia Monday morning to
purchase a new supply of Spring and
Summer goods and take a careful
look. (ho 1 ulnar anrinar sIvIas
Mrs. A. S. Reaver will make her
home with her father-in-law, Wil
liam Beaver, until she recovers from
her illness.
Wanted. Good veal calves will
be bought at highest market prices.
3t. North 3rd St., Lewisburg, Pa.
Swartz and Graybill's grain! open
ing will be Tuesday. Apr. 10, 1900.
The public is invited to the cash
store for bargains.
FOR SALE. A new butcher wa
gon, one of the latest st vies, Will be
sold cheap. Inquire of A. W. Bow
ersox, Middleburg, Pa. tl.
We have added quite a lot ol new
correspondents for the past few
weeks. Where we do not have any
correspondent, we desire to have
Chaa, Roush, clerk at the Packer
House, Sunbury, spent Sunday witJi
his family in town. Charley caged
a pair of squirrels and took them
Mrs. W. I. Garman, the wife of
uUI enterprising shoe dealer, has
been sick in bed several days ot the
past week. We hope she may have
a speedy recovery.
S. P. Warner moved his house
hold goods to Reedsville and Lester
Wetzel, the new R. R. agent, has
moved his goods to the house v.ieat-
eu iy Mr. w arner.
( I rant Yoder of Paxtonville drop
ped in to see us Wednesday of last
week. Grant is a wide awake (el
low and knows a good thing when
he sees it.
The Luth. Sunday school will have
appropriate exercises in the church
Easter Sunday morning and Sunday
evening the members will partake of
1 loly ( 'ommunion.
Editor Lesher of the Selinsgrove
7 tmeg called "t this office last Thurs
day to get some books trimmed.
There arc times when big men call
at small print shops.
All goods in cur store will be sold
at the lowest cash prices. We take
in exchange all kinds of produce.
railroad or mining ties.
SWABTZ iVi GuAYltll.l..
J. II. Troup of Aline and William
Good of the same place were callers
at this office Friday of last week.
Mr. Troup paid up all his arrear
ages and one year in advance for
the Post.
Merchant J. W. Runkle last week
assisted taking an inventory of the
stock of merchandise of Manbeok &
Manbeck at Adaoisburg prepara
tory to Allen Fultz taking charge of
the store.
Mrs. M. . Potter is entertaining
Mrs. Jos. K. S harf and daughter of
Selinsgrove. Mrs. Potter is noted for
hospitality in entertaining quests
and her guests always find a ready
The Democratic Standing Com
mittee of Snyder County met in the
court house Tuesday and elected W.
II. Wendt of Perry twp. as delegate
to the State Convention, w hich meets
at Harrisburg to-day.
Our readers will find an interest
ing line of bargains by scanning the
new advertisement)! in the Pen this
week. Merchants who are wide
awake enough to advertise always
have some interesting bargains
Adam Howell moved into the old
school house; John Arbogast into
the house vacated by Howell and
Allen Hassinger moved into the
house vHcated by Arlx)gast; Boyd
Stetler moved into the house with
John Moyer.
Go to A. E. Seles for a smooth
easy shave or up-to-date hair cut
and head cleaned with a refreshing
shampoo or dandruff removed with
his tonic, clean towel to each patron,
in bank building one door east ot
Post Office; satisfaction guaranteed.
Every advertisement in this issue,
. .. nil'
contains something new. Read them.
L. I)unkellerger's summer mil i
linery opening will take place Apr.
''(!, - and 28.
An original widow s pension was !
granted to Matilda E. ForiOM ftf
Troxelville. lor 88.
John Soles and w ife oi .Milllinburg
spent Sundav with Barber A. E.
Soles of this place.
Mrs. S. B. Walter moved into
the house vacated by A. L. Spnng
ler on Sugar Street.
N. S. Bachman and II. R. Tobfa
are wainscoa'.ing the commissioners'
office in the court house.
We received another article on the
"Limitation of Wealth," but we
have been unable to gel it into type
this week.
John M. Steiniugcr, fin- many
years the foreman of the Post, came
in Tuesday to give usu lift ontyjie
Chas. P. I'lii.-h. Esq., of Selins
grove, dropped ill to sec us Tuesdiv
while in town attending the meet
ing of the Democratic Standing
( ommittee.
Mrs. .1. I.. Marks was at Lewis
town several days assisting her son-in-law,
Dr. J. '. Anng, to move.
The Doctor crossed Market street
with his flitting. ,
M. Millncr "f Kantz is in the
Eastern cities this week purchasing
a new supply of goods for his store
The people who will give him a call
will find some rare bargains.
'I he P.O. S. of A. camp of this
place held a banquetSaturday even
ing at their hall, lee cream, cakes,
oysters, etc. made up the bill of fare.
A pleasant time was spent.
Spring here anil our new goods
arc here, millinery, shirt waists, kid
gloves, pulley belts, linen collars,
summer hosiery, Swiss goods and
goods too numerous to mention.
saac C. Burns, aged 68 years,
dieil ai hi- home in Selinsgrove
Monday. Deceased was a descend
ant of one of the oldest and most
prominent families in this section,
lie held the office of Justice ot the
Peace in that borough since 1 S7S.
It. A. Kantz of Washington, I).
('., who holds a responsible position
in the War Department, was at the
court house Tuesday of this week.
Mr. Kantz is interested in local his
tory and genealogy and purchased a
copy of "Snyder t 'ounty Marriages."
The town council met Monday
evcuini: and elected G. F. Hassin
ger to fill the vacancy on the coun
cil caused by the resignation of.I
. Swartz. J. . urwig was
elected President ami Henry Rick
hart was elected High Constable.
Sarah A. Ilornbcrger, daughter
of Jacob and Mary E. Sheniory of
Franklin Township, was born Nov.
28th, 1876 and died March 90th,
1000 in West Perry twp., Snyder
County, aged 2:! years, 1 months, 2
days. She was married to H. S.
HornlK-rger, of Perry Township.
Their union was blessed with three
children, the youngest of which pre
cceded her. Mrs. Hornberger was a
Christian and has left the testimony
that she has going to be forever with
the Ird. The funeral service? were
com! octal by Revs. J. Fenster
aiachcr and Win. H. Boyer in the
Daniel's Church, April 2nd, 1900.
Nnrrlncr Uee
fL-CArter, Kushtwp.,North'dCo.
Anna V. Troup, Mt. PIVt Mills.
Arthur E. Aucker, Verdilla,
Fianna E. Brown, Pallas.
JJohnFoltz, Dundore,
Cora Sechrist, -f
Daniel L. Bailey, Centre twp.,
EdieE. Loss, " "
PA.. THURSDAY, APR. 5. 1900.
'm. i i.i v .i i
1 be emplovees ot the .Nortliuniher-
i ... '. ... .. ..:i
land cap factory are on a strike.
The Middleburg shoe factory has
all the order- they can till. They
are running full time.
Those who arc not familiar with
the remarkable career of Rev. Chan.
M. Sheldon, the author of "Holier!
Hardy's Seven Days" can find a
Complete sketch and portrait of' the
author on the inside pages of this
Dr. C. W. Heisler, President of
Susquehanna University, was in
town Thursday oflasl week. He
He made a pleasant call at this office
and took a copy of "Snyder ('ounty
Marriages" along fur the University
A. IV Wolgemuth, a master me
chanic of Selinsgrove, was at the
county seat Saturday. Mr. Wol
gemuth has been employed in Har
risburg since last July and his friends
here were glad to see his smilinj;
face among us.
Mrs. Adam Gordon oi Mt. Plcas
sant Mills was at the county seal
Monday morning. She formerly re
sided in this place ami conducted a
millinery business, Her friendsarc
always glad to welcome her when
ever she calls.
F. S. Stroup of Strouptown, hav
ing sold out his farm and store to
Levi Gel net t. has moved to Swine-
lord info the house he built there
several years ago. One of bis sons
has gone to Lew isburg ami another
to South Dakota.
Sec the insids pages ol flic Post
for "Robert Hanlv's Seven Days."
It is an interesting serial and w ill be
concluded in ix weeks. It begins
this week. Preserve voiir papers.
Get your neighbors to read it. No
one should miss it.
Mrs. Julia Deininger, who has
been spending some time with Mrs.
A. S. Beaver and very philnnthrop
ically taking care of the sick, has
(rone to her home in Millheim. Mrs.
Deininger is a devoted Christian
lauy whose rrienusiups nere are
The new Post office at "Kissim-
nice will iiei'in operations I htirsdav
of this week. The papers have all
been approved ami filed. The mail
will be carried by John Walter and
will leave Kissimmee at 1.30 P.
M. for Middleburg and returning
will leave Middleburg at 5 o'clock
P. M. or after thearrival of the train
from the west.
"Robert Hardy's Seven Days,"
Sheldon's great story, begins in thi
issue of the Post. Rev. Sheldon
has won fame on his storv, "In His
Steps," a story that has been trans
lated into at least eight different
languages and several dialects. Those
readers o! the Post, who read "In
His Steps," will not fail to read
"Robert Hardy's Seven Days."
Charles F. Mensch, foreman o! the
mechanical department of the Belle
fonte (tuzrtt?, spent a few days in
town with John M. Steiiiinger and
wife and other friends in town. Un
der the ownership ot his uncle,
Thomas H. Barter, Mr. Mensch
was a compositor on the Post and
Charlie has many warm friends here
who are always glad to see him.
The new Catalogue of the Penn
sylvania State College which has just
appeared shows not only the largest
attendance in the history of the Col
lege, but many improvementsinother
respects. The steady and sulwtantial
growth of the College is clue to the
fact that, with an exceptionally able
Faculty, it insists upon maintaining
a high standard of scholarship and
conduct, and the unusually fine
record of its graduates is becoming
known and appreciated, not only
throughout Pennsylvania, but in the
whole country.
ll. c.U I no i . (1 lor II. i
Sephares 8. Walter and wife to
Dexter B. Wei ler, house and lot in I
Fraukliu, tor .77".
David V. Bn ind wife toWni.
A. Breon, 111! acres and 8-1 perches
in ( 'entiv twp., for J 1200.
Dr. J. S. Krcbs and wife to Geo.
N. Wentzel, lOSacrcs undo perches
iu I Inion twp.. for $3055.
Geo. N. Wentzel, executorol Elias
Wentzel, deceased, to Dr. J. S.
K rel iv, same as above.
Heirs ol S. 15. W alter to Wilson
Walter, 70 acres iu Franklin twp.,
fur 7t
Same to Sephares S. Walter, 42
acrces in Franklin twp., lor $1700,
Mollie Troup and Isaac Troupto
Catherine Troup, "J."i acres iu Perry
twd., for $333.32.
Heirsol S. B. Walter to Henry
II. and Geo. B. Walter, two lots in
Franklin twp., for I 200.
Sarah W. Neifzand hushaud to
( . G. Kiee, lot iu Port Tivvcrton,
I nit ii twp., lor ? 1 Si I.
Theodore Erdley and wife to Al
len Hassinger, bouse and lot in Mid-
uiemirir. tor iuu.
(ieo. N. Welltel, executor ol
Elias Wentzel, to David II. Snyder,
35 acres in Union tup., for $725.
Heirs of S 15. Walter to G. Alfred
Scl h, 115 acres in Franklin twp.,
lor I7M).
Win. II. Bickel and wife ami
('has. K. Bickel and wifi' to John
Fields ami Banks W. Voder, 150
. , . I I i I. i A .1
acres iii lUiuuiecreeK iwp., ior
Mary Ann Miller, Lewis Ycager
and wife and Lewis Ycager, atty-in-laet
liir Hannah Boyd, to Newton
S. (iravhill, 13 acres and 1 perches
iu Perry twp., Snyder county, and
Greenwood twp., Juniata county,
tor 81300.
Barbara A Zong and Philip Zong
to Mary Searhart, lol No. 1 in
Marklcy's addition to Adamsburg,
for $400.
Ken lien Zechmnn and wife to
Jacob A. Treed, 33 acres ami 37
perches in Beaver twp., lor $1100.
Thomas Kohicr and wile to Al
fred Smith, house and lot in Beaver
town, lor 8G0J .
Heirs of' Caroline Uearhart to
Reuben Hook, I acre in Spring twp.
h.r $390.
( lalvin Shotzberger to .1. '. W.
Bassler, I acre and 90 percees in
Washington twp., for $307.
Will L. Bassler, el al. to ( tolviu
Shotzberger, same a- aliove, lor
Same to B. F. Harley, duelling
bouse and stole room in l'Yecblirg,
lor $3005.
David II. Snyder ami wife to
Kate M. Snyder, 35 acres in Union
twp., for S?7--
Sarah and F. M. Montelius to
John A. Barner, agent tor Eliza
beth Barner, 74 ai res and 109 per
ches in West Perry tup., for $200.
Elisabeth Reita, executrix ofJohn
Reita, to Gabriel Reaver. 12 acres
and 110 perches in Fraukliu twp.,
fi.r $1166.
W. Peed Jones and wife to James
II. Diemer, house and lot iu Frank
lin, for $1326.
K. C. Walter, attorney-in-fact
for the heirs of Joseph Walter, to
G. Alfred Schoch, 90 acres and 80
perches in Franklin twp., for $4660.
E. S. Troup and wife to Levi S.
Qelnett, 01 acres and store projKirty
in West Perry twp., for $1625.
Nathan Fctterolf and wife to
Mary S. Berge, lot in Troxelville,
for $50.
Wills Probated.
The last will and testament of
Joshua M. Roush, late of West
Perry twp., was probated Mar. 29.
There is no executor. The widow
is the sole heir.
VOL. 37. NO. 14.
We give below some clubbing
combinations with the Post. 'The
rates quoted are very low .
'I he Farm Journal, monthly, lor
almost live years and tin' Middleburg
I 'i WToneyear, paid in advance,. 1 ,00.
The K.irm Jnurnnl n one "f ttiu l"--t
Agricultural panera iulilllicU 11 con
tain! from 112 in U Migea cncli mouth
iinil treat ol every miltjecl ul Intercut ti
U fr r, laborer anil working man.
'The New York Tri-Weekly Tri
bune ami the Middleburg I'ijht, one
year, pail in atlvatuv, only $1.75.
The To Weekly i pililinhed Monday,
Wcilnewlay and rrlilay, reaches latKi-
irnuortli f nulMcrl era on date "f
Inue, and each edition i n tnoroiighly
up-to-date daily family newipaper for
bitiy people .
The New York Weekly 'Tribune
and the .Middleburg Ptwr, one vear,
paiil in advance, only $ I .-
Tin- Weekly Tribune l pulilinhcd on
Thurmlay, and give all luiHrtnui ner
of nntlon and world, tlic moal reliable
market rcmrta, unexcelled agricultural
department, reliable gnnernl iiiforuia-
tion and chnice and cuterta u iniH-
" t i nny. It Is the "people' paper" for
tin- entire (Tailed State, n national fam
ily p iper fc.r f.n rauml villager.
'The cw York Tri-Wifklv World
and the Middleburg Post, one vear,
paid in advance, only 9 1 .(55.
The Tri-Weekly World come three
lime a week, la MM with On- lateet
newii of the country and m well worth
tin- price akoil for it.
I he I'laetieal Farmer, one year,
and the Middleburg I'iist, year,
paid in advance, SI. ."ill. Koth 0f
the above paper- and the Practical
Farmer Year Bool, ami Agricul
tural Almanac lor 15(00,
adv ance, only $ I ,(;"),
The Practical Karnicrianncofthebcal
farm papcra punlhdicd, luei monthly,
nt ll.iNi yoer The year hook contain,
nun p igea in which tlicre ii h fund nf in-
f nt Ilial 11 uacful tn tin- farmer,
The prii r of thie hook alone i-i cente.
Vou get tile Pom, the I'ractleal Parmer
and the year book forouly$1.65
To the Deaf.
A rich lady, cured of her Neatness
ami uiscs in the Head Kv l)r,
Nicholson's Artificial Ear Drums,
gave 000 u hi- Institute, si
that ileal people unable to procure
the Ear Drums may have them tree.
Address No. H:'.-J7 The Nicholson
Institute, 780, Eighth Av nuc, New
York. 1 -'."-lv.
Lumber Wanted.
Wu are in the market for all kind
ol lumber including pirn', hemlock,
ash, etc. We can use a lot of paper
u I ami we will pay the highest
cash price-. Write for prices and
sicci fictitious. M, IL Kt m & Co.,
l-22-3t. Shamokin, Pa.
The Beat in lite World.
We believe Chamberlain's Pougb
Remedy is the beaf in the world, A
few weeks ago we suffered with a
severe cold and n troublesome
eough, and bavins read their adver
tisement in our own and other pap
ers we purchased a but tie to see if it
would effect us. It cured us before
the bottle u m- more than half emp
ty, It, is the besl Medicine ut for
colds and coughs, The Herald, An
ilersonville, Ind. For sale by all
Primary School Department.
'The undersigned wUI open n
primary school in the primary de
partment on Monday, Apr. 30th.
Pupil- from the intermediate and
primary departments are invited to
come. The minimum tuition ol
seventy live cents for six weeks will
admit any and all pupils from the
primary and intermediate grades.
3-22-4t William Romio,
Will Run the Paper.
The editor of the Western Spirit,
published at Paola, Kansas, has
tendered his paper lor a month to
Brigham R, Roberts, who waselcct
cd to Congress from Utah but was
not allowed to take his seat, "to be
edited as a Mormon would run it."
It is said Mr. Roberta will likely ac
cept, and that he will rip the United
States Congress up the back in a
way to make the ghosts of Brigham
Young and Joseph Smith crack a
smile that can be heard a mile.