Baking Powder Economy The manufacturers of Royal Baking Powder have always declined to produce a cheap baking powder at the sacrifice of quality. The Royal is made from the most highly refined and wholesome ingredients, and is the embodiment of all the excellence possible to be attained in the highest class baking powde r. Royal Baking a fair price, and is cheaper at price than any similar article. Samples of mixtures made in imitation of hiking powders, but containing alum, are frequently dis tributed from door to door, or given away in Grocery stores. Such mixtures are dangerous ROYAl BAKING POWDER CO., 100 WFST BEAVER. Dr. Shlve is improving from his late sjk'II of sickness. Heniy Baumgardner and wife were th gUflata of your scribe Inst Sunday. Dandelion hunters were out in full force on the hills around Met 'lure last Saturday. There were eighteen or twenty opoa auma killed last week by the Lowell fox hunters. Miss Viola Steely h iw with her sister. na exchanged plae Mollie, at David Kreb's home. Howard Kline is n man in John B. Shi an IJannervllle, Jaek I taker cxpecti iw assistant 'tlenberger'a fore store to I invi k v bis stave tli Amos mill in operation t h i- w Wagner as foreman. The report last Saturday was that Win. Howell is growing weaker and not able t' sHnk above n whiaper. Tl Id citizens of McClurc -ay a- soan na the wind iiuita blowing, that wUI stop the railmtitl talk in their town. John Snyder of Met 'lure has the con racl for cutting the stave ttmlier and Prank Wagner the li:niliiiLr for Jack Baker. Harrison Brininger paid 'Squire Htee ly a bitsineaa call Saturday nigh) last tin Jockey ( Jcorge's Manila coach, of Met lure! i. t . w agner moved 10 juuuiecrecit It- Nltuniav on ine larm vaeaieo hj Harden l.Msh. The latter moved to Huntingdon county. 1 1 tin Knepp of LeM'iatown is taking out luuilier here for three double houaea which he intends to put up In Lewia i. ii this summer. Fhinela Weader is doing the Hawing. The sale of Jamc dav was well atten a fair uriee. M r. llu die- la-t Satm UhI. Things brought Hughes expei-t- to tv in a few weeks lea n Snyder eounty and locate In New tn Hamilton, the plat f Ilia birth. John P. Fisher's chickens are too fat togctoul of the way of the paaaitig teams. The result Is a broken legor a broken back. The aceidenl causes him to live on nothing but chicken it pie. John, if ymi can not gel rid of them all they would be thankfully received by mine of your neighbors who do not have such fat chickens UNION TWP. Daniel s. shoiiv, a retired farmer, will move to town. William Reigleof Selinsiirovc spent .Sunday with his parents here. Granl Deitrick and wife of Deibler were visitiuii friends here lust week. We are expecting to have the water in the canal turtiin some day this week. A. K. Aucker and Miss Kate Aueker Were calling on friends at Pallas over Sundav. We are dad to learn that Dr. H. M. Krebs w ill locate in our tlotirishiiur lit tle village. It. F. BehoU left for Dunville last Mopday where he cxeetn to work daring the summer. Henjiunin BenHW ami wife of Sha mokin were visitiiig at the residence f Levi Stab I over Sunday. J. B. Aucker made a trip to Waynes boro, Pa. last week and purchased a new Frick traction engine. Powder costs only its to use in tOOd, anil in many ernes uieir s.ue is prohibited by law. Alum is a corrosive poison, and all physicians condemn baking powders containing it. WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK. GLOBE MILLS. Anion Verger moved on the B. W. Yoder farm. Jacob Banner made a business trip to New Berlin. s. a. Smith of McVeytown la moving back on his own farm. triP Antes A. I'lrich made a husiiu to Middleburg Friday. Sallie Fagely and Hen Koch have gone into the poultry business. Amoa Bolig, w ife and daughter, An-i nle, aaaiated at Mary M. Wagner's tlit-l ting. George Reich moveato White Top on I the George I!. Moyer farm. Born on Wednesday night to Samuel Hummel ami wife a son. The people of Globe Mills areaorry to learn of the serious illness of M i . S. II. Voder. William Schroyer Sunday with Mr-. S Stuck. Mis. Foster Biegel visiting her mother and wife spent brother, George if Adamsburg is Mrs. Mary M. Wagner. Misses Corn Row and Katie Freed of Kreniner aH'lll Sunday with Miss Ma bel Beaver. Calvin Reich leaveaon Saturday fttr Chillisiuaipie where lieexpeetaa pu sition ui the P. R. R. Antes (Tlrieh and granddaughter, yH1 -tueii, -pent Thursday with Mrs. .;. v. Snyder at Selinagrove. Mra. George Roush died Thuraday morning of dropsy. The people of GIoIk' Mills mourn the loss of a kind friend and neiirhbor. IKLIN8OB0VE. We liolici iiitor"on our st reets last week. lev. D. E. Mel.ain of Middleburg was a Selinsgrove visitor Saturday. Mrs. J. E. Honeycutt of Chambera burg Is iit itio- friends in this place. Miss Annie Hess of Rockford, Ills., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Dr. Vutzy. Prof. (.. II. Albertof Bloomsburg was in town between trains one day last week. Mrs. A. A. Conrad and Mi. George Fenatermacher spent several days at Danville last week. The snow we had disappeared nearly as fast as it came, although there was about two days of sleighing. Itev. Frank ('. Buyers and wife are visiting his parents, ('apt. Buyers and wife. He has been transferred from York to Liverpool, I'erry county. Jos. Beistle of Buchanan, Mich (u former Selinagrove boy) hi apenulng a few days with his sister, Mrs. George VonN'eida. He will Is' accompanied home bv one of bis nieces, Miss Mary VonNeida. The (Sice and Mandolin Club gave concerts last week at Berwick and Ultsiinsliurg, also at Northumberland and Snydertown. Theboya are mak - ing tiui'te a reputation for themselves in the musical line. A very liad tvrifk occurred on the railroad in the yard at this jdace at al s u 1 1 o o'clock Sunday morning. It took all day to clear the tracks so trains could get through. Several logs run almoHt through the engine. A great many people witnessed the wreck. ADAMSBUKO. Harry Kempfer Ih on the sick ltot E. B. Smith made a burinew trip to MlddleburR Monday. MeMtrtt. Stetler and Wetzel of Middle burg spent .Sunday in town Mi;Ma,neWhirlevof hMh .sales' family at Mlddieburgh this tin- guest of Mrs. Mairtiif Wetel. Misw-H Nettie Smith and Kffle Min ium of Fremont are visitinif T. Reitr.'s. Miss Ivn ("Htlu-nnnn of Lewlstown is visiting be grand parents, Hnmuel Au j rand's. i Jacob Btablaeoker, wife and ehild f I Middleburg spent Sunday with his brother, William. John DeLougand and Miss (tusw of ' Ealntervlle were (be quests of Win. Helfrlch'fl Sunday. Hiram Siegfried and wife of Selln's grove were the tjueata Of the hitter's pa ' rents over Suiuiny. Mrs. Swing and Mm. Turner of New ton Hamilton were entertained by the family of ('lurries Wetzel recently. Mrs. Amelia (Jundrum was called to 1 (ilcilic Mills bv the illness and sul (iicnt death if her father. II. . Romig) contractor for sevenil buildings- In Sunbury, accompanied by James Benfer, K. E. Shannon and Knmk Benfer, left for Sunbury Thurs day. Isaac Saltman's carriage shop caught Are last week. The tire wan extinguished by the combined eflbrta lof D. F. Spald and Hayden Kurtz Ih fore much damage was done. The Odd Fellows c.f this place will hold an Anniversary Banquet Satur day evening, March 81. The Beaver i tow n Junior Orchestra will furnish the I music. Good addresses will be given by the members. Mi'. PI.EAUANT MILLS. T. V.. Belt Tuesday. Dun Hoover moved t'i Adamaburj tneni several davs at Halifax .lame- to town ). N. near Sa Arbel W. Mee Sol lie last week. . Fisher of Bellnagrove moved Thursday. and I 'har'lcs Kaltriter will work cm this summer, ila Kaltriter will work for . k at Heilnagrove. of our people attended the sale w. Bossier at Freeburg Satur- Of J. t day. W. A. Erdley and wife of Kntx spent part of Saturday and Sunday in town. a. W. Reiehenbach will move to near Troxelvl 1 1 win re he litis secured work in a mill. J. A. Mengel will work for T. S. Ar hognat and A. J. Kaltriter will work for II.. I. Sw artlauder this summer. Rev. G. D. Druckenmillef will leave for Freemanaburg, Pa., in the near future, w here be baa accepted a call. The following are the names of those that change place of alaale to-day i March L"!Mh ) : Samuel Wagner to John Shatter; H. J. Swartelanaer on the farm vacated by Wagner; Jonathan Troup to where Swartzander lived; P. A. Stuck oil t he farm vacated by Troup; Allen Valentine on the MM vacated by Stuck. Dim ToH Aurrr V Ilia Yon T If not, drink Grain O from pure ... . . i - . I to coflfe. It iiourisheH aud leeilH !the system. The children can drink j lit finelv with ereat benefit. It is! theatrenffthening substance of pure Kriiins. 4et a package today from your grocer, follow the directions In luakitiK it and you will have a deli- oious and healthtn table baverafe for old and youmr. b'c. and 2oc. SHADEL. urttiiiH. A lady wrues: j.ue mm i time I made Grain O I did not like Mrs Ira Atthf, after spending uIn.u it but after using it for one Week J?Wmth with Mend In Uiwii u rcturnwl notbiim would induce me to go back ! " her home at Johnsonburg Monday. ...... . Quite a number of people are onthelAinig lick lit vet and iniiny died this winter, while I J. F. Reiehenbach la still on the alck John Smith and w ife viaited rela ist. He has been conllned to his U-d lives in New Hcrlill Sunday. forelghl week Miss Alice Ueichenbach, who worked at Bellnsgrove, came home tostay with In r parents for tin umiuer. The sale at John Shatters near Pal las Tuesday was well attended and the things sold brought fair prices. John Shaffer and wife of Pallas and George Musser and wife of near Summit Hotel visited. I. F. Reichenbach'i over Sunday. The public schools of Perry township will close on the 9th of April. The scholars are glad to have a summer vacation. The United Evangelicada held their communion Sunday at Aline. Services were held Saturday evening; Sunday forenoon and evening. I John Fields of (Creamer, who pur I chaaed the timber land of Miss Emma 1 Botts, commenced cutting logs last week and will saw them berajn long. I Some of our young folks went to the western states' to work. There they ireiicrallv L'ct higher wages than in Pennsylvania. We Wish them success. We have saved many doctor bills i since we began usiug Chamberlain's (Innarh Itemed v in our home. We I keep a bottle open all the time and whenever a iy of uiy family or my- 1 self begin to catch cold we begin to use the Couch Remedy, and as a re - i suit we never have to send away for a doctor and incur a large doctor bill, for Chamberlain's Cough Eem- i edy never fails to cure It is cer tainly a medicine of great merit and ; worth. D.S. Mfakkle, General Mer chant and Farmer, Matt u, Bedford county, fa. Foa sale by all Drug gists. PORT TREVERTON. Kdwin Arnold of this place moved to Shaniokin Monday. , (). K. Kefta and orotner, u. a. oi I simhtirv. nant Sundav to town. 1 j Shaffer moved his funiiture i ,.vo housi-s farther north Tuesday. Miss lora ningaiiutn rasrsjiw u start for Washington, D. C. in the near future The largest salmon of the season was caught in the Susquehanna, It weigh ed 11 pounds and measured 30 inches In length. For fresh fish call on the flah-ermen. FKEEBURO. H. B. Moyer, Enq., made a business trip to Harrisburg uwt week. I. F. Guyer, of the Central Hotel, Sunburv. was in town Saturday. i a it tl ...... V. ;.. ,,lultlnM li..r..ii I week. P. M. Teat, Em-, of Hummel's Wharf made a biwiness trip to town Monday. Mrs. Win. F. Boush acalded herself 1 severely while attending to her house- I hold duties Tueariay. Mrs. K W. Tool and son, Clarence, i ! have iMt ii visiting friends at North-' ' Umberland for the past week. T. K. Arboaaat the BeniaJ clerk at I the Neff House, Sunbury, was home Saturday to attend the Basslcr sale. David Biddinger of Stonington. ' North'd Co., a former townsman, j mingled among ins many friends Kfon- day Miss Ida Mcrtz of WllHamsport, who baa is-en visiting men da for the past f(.w weeka among us, has returned home. John A. Hllblah.a former tow nsman, I of Northumberland, was here Sunday, vlalttog his sick brother, Samuel i. Hllbtoh. Mrs. Maggie Leonhart, daughter, Hut h, ami Miss Livingaton of Selina grove vudted the family of F. E. 1 1 i I hish Saturday. Charles Gearbart, teacher at Red Rank school, gave a very Interesting entertainment last Friday evenlug to a crowded house. Rev. O. D. DruekenmiUer haa receiv ed and accepted a call from the Luther an Congregation at Freemanaburg, Northampton t So., Pa. B. F. Harley, our enterpriaing mer chant, moved into the llasslcr block i Tuesday w hich property he purchased i from the Busier heirs. Charles w. Battler and wife of MIU- 1 heini, Centre Co., spent the pa-t week with their many friends, taking in the : Battler heirs' sale Saturday. J. r. W. Baaaler and w ife are board ing at the National Hotel during the i summer till their mansion is completed which will be the lineal In the county. The old blacksmith shop of Bhotz bergeron Market street was torn down I last week, the lot having been purchas ed by t iiaiies w. Baaaler who will creel a line dwelling on said lot this summer. This will bea great Improvement to the w est end of our town. PAXTONVILLE (Too tote for hut week.) Amnion liowersox, w ife and daugh ter of Ht'uvi'rtown visited Davis (lift's last Tuesday. Miss Kate Wcideninycr of Met 'hire viaited hi town Wednesday. Mrs. Eve Gill's sale was well attend ed Friday and the articles sold at a reasonable price. Miss Kate Dcrr, who had been spend ing several weeks with her sister, Mrs. J, i). Winters at New Berlin, returned home Satunlay. Prof. Charles Dcrr of C. P. C. amnl Saturday and Sunday with his parents. llarrv Howell of LtWiatOWn OHM home Saturday to sjieiul u few days null ii- i.iiiiii . ((iihi1 a nuinncr 01 iH-opic in ami around town are sick at present. Win. Ileiinbaeh and wife of lleaver- town visitiil Austin (lift's Sunday. T. K. Dcrr visited his brother, L. E., hist week. lvt),r vlt i- ami son of Xew Berlin I tranaacted business in town last Friday, . f()ks enJoyed sleighing party Saturday to the home . Milton Andg near Freeburg'. They re turn uianv thanks to .Mr. and Mrs, for the kindness shown them there. William Mover of Freeburg passed througn town Monday evening, 1 Irwin GraybiU and son, Frank, went to Hamlileloii, . a., last w eel; where they have secured employment with the Webster I.umiicrt o, Mrs. Chaa, Hare and daughter Mai of Wilkeabarre were visiting in tow n a few days last week. After spending a week In Philadel phia, Miss Annie Swengle returned home Saturday. Mrs. Annie Erdley and daughter, Florence, viaited Mrs. Erdley 'a mother, Mra. Mary Howell, Saturday and Sun day. Win. Zimmerman's sale was well at tended Saturday and things were sold for reasonable prices. Miss llaitie Howell of Bcavertown K spending a few days with her grand mother here at prOMOt. Prof. F. ('. liowersox of Mlddieburgh visited his mother, Mrs. Sallie liower sox, Saturday evening. Mrs. Preston Erdley of Burnhaih is visiting relatives in town at present. Mrs. John llout. and daughter of I Swtneford apent a tew dayi at ('. 1 i Swenglc's this week. Till, nan Utunig of Fremont . town Monthly, 1 KKEAMErt. Win. Freyman drove to Freeburg ettnesttay. Philip Roush was at the county seat Wednesday of last week. ( 'harles Snook of near Danville vis ited frienils in town several days last week. J. F. Walter and wife were in Mid- dleburg last Wednesday. N. P. Hummel was in Helinsgrove i Thurstlay of last weea. Quite a number of stalwart republi cans were at the county seat Saturday attending the meeting of the Standing Committe. Master Tommy Outelius is visiting ills uncle, N. C. Outelius, at present. A. C. Smith and family and Mrs. W. H. Oordon and son are spending the w eek taking in the sights of Phila. and the former buying his spring supplies j Mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooi fill I KNOWS s .mx, s vi w N mm 8 ma in s mm. TO n nasav s I V Reed Rockers, Couches, - - . Bed Room Suits, $16.50 and up. WM. A. SHIPMAN, 439 MARKET ST. SUNBURY, PA oooooooooooooooooooooooooo Dyspepsia Since 063, immediate lasting HOITKK The sick arc Improving. Ml Snyder has gone to her home at r I'eniont The quilting pari v given bv Mis. J. 1 1 ih- w as a success. , T. w. Newman of Herndon rail.' his father's Sunday. Elmer Ramsey passed throng! here en route to Sunbury on business. Chaa. Bohner of Danville is visiting his sick father and relatives here. We are pleased to hear that Mr. Howell's ot Fremont are moving here. Callers here were Mrs, Michael Ker stetter, Bertha Hile, Little Herb and Amelia Burgy. 1). B. Arnold is busily engaged saw ing lumber for his new barn which he intends to erect as soon as the weather permits. The Edison Projeetoscope Company have rented a room ut W. B. Bine s for a short time w hile they intend showing in this community. $100 REWARD $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least oue dreaded disease that science haa been able to cure in all its stages, and that is catarrh. Hall'h Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical traternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, re quiret a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter uallv, acting directly upon the mu cous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation ot the dis ease.and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution a:id assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that thev of fer Oue Hundred Dollais fur any case that it fails to cure. Seud for testamonials. Address, P.J.0HENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold bv druggists, 7.'c. Hall's Family Pills are the beat. 1 Robert Hardy's Seven Days Rev. Charles M. Shel don's Latest Story WILL APPEAR IN THIS PAPER IT IS ANOTHER BIG HIT, AS FASCINATING AND DRAMATIC AS :, 4jl "IN HIS ST-PS." Robert Hardy, a wealthy church member, who is a Christian in name only, is rebuked by his wife for his selfish and unchristian attitude to ward several employees who have been injured and falls asleep upon a sofa. In his dream he sees everything that is going on in the town about him; his minister discouraged because of the worltUiness of people in the church, and particularly because of Hardy's unchristianlike conduct; his son gambling and drinking in a saloon; one of his injured employees whom he had refused to visit awaiting the amputation of both feet; and his lonely wife mourning be cause of his neglect. He then dreams that he is carried high above the earth into the pres ence oi the Pace of Eternity. The Face accuses him of his lack of Christianity and warns him tba. ha haa bat seven more days upon earth "seven days to help redeem your soul from ev artist ins- shame and death." Mr. Hardy awak ana greatly impressed by his terrible dream and believes that it is actually a warning. He tells hi wife and children of his dream, admits that haa not lived aa he should, and declares that he has bet seven more days to live. The etoe strikes the hour of midnight and the first ef ftaesart Hardv's seven davs begins. In tai as I am days Mr. Hardy does all ha can to better th aaWiaai and anirtatal condition of those I all Ii in and exactly at the stroke of mid- nejajt of the seventh day he- But tt Is unfair te are away the whole plot The reader is swat ia suspense thromgboet the etory and does aothaw whether the seventh day of Robert Hardy u ws last until the end. WATCH FOR THE BEGINNING That he never did know jnst how to bay furniture until he found himself in onr store. And yon will regret the bar gains lost if you bare not in spected our Hue of furniture, which is the most complete in the city. We name you few of our bargains : $1.25 and up. $4.50 and up. Q TRY The Weal French Tonic FOR BODY AND BRAIN Endorsed by Medical Faculty efficacious agreeable LEGAL ADVERSISEMENTS. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. -Notice is hereto) ftrra Uiit letteri lettsn i isrj up mi the estute of Vstenttoe Walter laie of Ceil' re tOWMBlp., Snjrter C'ouM.v, Peuna., deceased, hete beentMuedln dnetorm of law in Hie iui(lersl;iir(l, In whom nil liali'tiird to Mid cstiitc BtlOUld niiikc in ii, i ii,. iii tnivnient I tllOHC llllVtllR Clalm.S ;it;itl,sl It phoillit pre- sent (lit m duly unthi'iitlcufed lor SMI It nient. C. M. SHOWERS Executor, 1'cnnscreek. I'a. EXKl't 'lHlX'S MITICK.-N.itice is hereby jiivcti that U-ttcrH tt'tnuientary upon thr tbe oHtiitr of B. 0. WillinniH, lute ot Clmpinan township, Snyilrr County, l't'nn, tlrccMed, have been inxueil in iuu form of law to the tin derfifcneil, to whom nil iutlehted to Miici entate should mnkf linmediale paynenl and thorn havtaa clatma aninit it tdiouid pn m ut theni duly iiuthfiitii'iitetl for Kettlement. ANNIE E. WILLIAMS, Kxecutrl. Chapman. Pa, CXKI bj uivt'ii that Irttrra tcsUtuientarv UDon the e. late of Sarah Martin, lateof Kranklin twp . Snyder county lJa., decenaed have i een iaaueti in due form of law to the underaigned, to whom all indebted to aaid estate itbould make imme diate payment and those having; claims against it should present them duly authenticated- Joi settlement. SA.Mt'KI. BILOER, Executor. Jacob Uilbert. Attv. Globe Mills. 1 - Jej ......... , v. . , - - . fi late ot Ueorgtj Hbambacn. late of Frank). i Townsh d. snyder County. Pa., deceased, havi been issued in due form of law to the under sicned, to whom all indebted to said stab should make Immediate payment, and those havinir claims against itSsnould present them duly authenticated for settlement. E. D. H. WALTER. Executor, Middleburg, Pa. pXKCITKIX'H NOTICE -Notice is hereby 1 ' given that letters testamentary upon the e tateofl li Romlif, late of Penn Township. Snyder County, I'a., deceased, have been issut'il in tine form of law to the undersigned, to whom all indebted to said estate should make Imme diate pavmi'iit mid those having claims again it should present them duly authenticated for settlement. LtiillA A. ROMIO, Executrix, Kantz, Pa. A !)MI t te r r DMLNISTRATOR'H NOTICE. Let- of Ailmiiiiritration i n t h e mate nl Lewis .Miller, lute of trunk II n twji., iiiyder enunty, H., dee'd, liaving been granteil to the undersigned, all persons knowing then elves Indebted tu said estate are requested to nuke immediate payment, while those havlmt i l.ilins will present thum duly authenticated i tha undnrsiened. JOHN H. MlLf.RK. Strodes' Mills, Pa. lABAH MM LKR, Miiltllcburgli, I'a. ADMINISTRATORS1 NOTICE. Let ter of AiIminiMtrntioii in the ' -t.itf f i'ni.ia- imt-r, lute of (-Impinuii TowiiMhip, 0np iler t'ountv, Kft., dMSMMd. Iiavinu been fzrnnlt 'l to the ii ti'l' i -iL'ti.'il nil iMrf)ii knowing then lvt'w iniU'hUxJ to wnitl catatp art- rtuentecl to mitl: iimiii'iti.-nV f mv n ii-nt tvhiln tlm.,. (..(.. laini- ;iL';ii'it the -a hi i-aitatc will tri mill tlx till' tt 'r m ' i , i T i 1 1 to Ihr M . i ) i r i 1 1 1 ! AUWn .SMTKOUB. LSVJ BAf ItAV Kit, Adiiiiniitrntorpi. Public Sales. Notices of H:ih'n win W Itiwrted Irw underfill ht'.nllnir w hi ti ti.fhLis up' pr? tiled at nitsoni'1 hfii Hit mils nip ihm prtnn-n al ililn office ' 1 la this eoiutiiii. ii i mi sen ii n (ii nit- email- i uiit. iri SA KMX 1 . Alii 1 1 7. l'fOO l.i ip town nf I c treville i . M. MmwiT", exeetitor ot the I win urn iiiTrTi, HrWI iiariiuiihi iiiij' .. ii 1 1 .i i t ; i..... IIietltH in i' I IlollMllOl(l jjiup!-.. SA1TKIAY. April II. one half mile ea-t (truhh ehureh in t liapman tow nahip. i i n i ;tini i.rv .Ti . nrMiniT. n i u'i wi ll i roil . hi i i i kr mm iiini noil hold Koods. MlDDLEBURQH MARKET. Butter 20 Eegs 14 Wheat Rye Corn Oato (old) Potatoes Bran per 10(1. Middlings " Chop Onions Lard 6 Tallow 4 Chickens. 6 Turkeys Shoulder Ham Finite nor Mil 3. ram Dnnecessary in CbUiHirtk. Pain is no longer necessary In ch morning sickness, swollen limbs, and I are readily controlled, end womb dlsoM 7 l. ....! j nnrt i """"- - ----- t .ki. . - ....... II fa.. anWA HA InHMT. hilt ... .-.n ud ' In sealed veloped fall particulars, enu nuaws m n..wnnflj.pftll r S B d V. AddR 1 THOMAS 00,, BalMmore, Md. - wmm i