The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 29, 1900, Image 3

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Arll I,
ateraatloaal Serlaal
.BOO The mtu
Tomato GrvvrlBK Caa Be Mad the
Molt Profitable Part of the Gai
deaer'a Occupation.
Tomato growing ia one of the most
profituble lines for the gardner and
truck farmer. The yield under ordi
nary ciruumstaaces ranges from 2H
to 500 bushels per acre. The surplus
can be uaed for canning, nuking eat
aup and wine, and the refute may be
profitably fad to poultry.
There are many varieties, but the
beat 1 have ever planted are the Stone
and Canada Victor. The plants may
be grown ia hotbeds cold frames ar oat
of doors. For general crop I prefer t
burn a brush heap where my plant bed
is to be, then dig up with a mat tuck,
WOrldng in all the ashen while Warn,
and lowing the seed in early sp: ing-.
The bed ia well raked, thoroughly
tinned and covered with brush. This
makes an ideal bed where the plants
grow stocky and form pood roots.
Transplanting Is best done with a dib
ble, putting the plants on the west
side of the furrows running north and
south. If young plants are watered too
much they will not grow thrifty and
are more liable to blight. When the
plants get about one foot high they
should be trellised by driving stakes
near each hill or putting them eight to
II feet apart and tying with binding
twine. American Agriculturist.
Many Vegetables and Fralta Are
More Eflctrloai Hruiedlra Than
Dragsters Caaiaaaaai.
We take the following from an ad
dress delivered by L. H. Calloway be
fore the Illinois Horticultural society,
as published in the National Rural.
We can vouch for many of these vege
table remedies as being quite ss effi
cacious and much more pleasant to
take than the prescription often given
by physicians, and some day we may
add others to the list here given:
urifying, healing and' nourishing. 1
ave reference to the kind made by
es not the glucose kind. Persons
flittering from rheumatism, nervous
diseases and nervous dyspepsia should
eat celery and turnips. Unions are nl
most the best nervine known, and will
quickly relieve and tone up a worn-out
system and are beneficial in cases of
coughs, colds, influents, scurvy and
liver complaints. Lettuce eaten by
those who suffer from insomnia is
beneficial. Let those who need iron
for a tonic eat spinach, and let the
drug (:ron) alone. Persons Buffering
from gravel should eat onions and
spinach. Carrots should be eaten by
those who have Usthma. Let those
who need increased perspiration to
relieve overworked kidneys and lungs
tat asparagus. Cranberries are proper
diet for those suffering from erysip
elas. They should also be applied ex
ternally. Lemons satisfy and cool the
thirst in fever. Blackberries are a
tonic. Blackberry cordial is the prop
er remedy for diarrhea. Persons who
are bilious, who have indigestion and
dyspepsia, conditions for which cal
omel is usually prescribed, should let
tin calomel alone and eat freely of
ripe tomatoes. Let those whe have
rkaumatism and need an aperient eat
pie plant. The apple, excelling other
fruits in phosphoric acid, is an excel
lent brain food. It is aperient and
diuretic, and hence obviates indiges
tion and dyspepsia and assists kidney
ecretion and prevents gravel. It
cleans the mouth. Let persons who use
drugs classed as aperients and laxa
tives and cathartics stop their use and
eat freely of apples, figs, bananas, pie
plant, tomatoes, onions, strawberries,
raspberries and blackberries.
Inoculating Soli with Germs.
Dr. Aikman describes some sticcees
ful experiments made at the Alabama
'xperlmental statioh on the inocula
tion of the soil with nitragin, the new
germ preparation for supplying the
oil with nitrifying organisms for fix
ing the free nitrogen of the atmos
phere. Some earth waa taken from a
lawn which for several years previous
ly had grown luxuriant crops of oom
Uon vetch, and which consequently was
rich in nitrogen-fixing baeteria, and of
'his a solution was made in water. In
this solution the seeds of the hairy
fetch were dipped before sowing.
There were four experimental plats,
ad all were cut on the same day and
the produce weighed, with the result
that there was a much greater increase
in the inoculated than in the uninoou
bted plat.
Artlflrlal Pralt Coloring.
Various fruits are colored on the
nrf ace or in their substance to suit the
fancy of purchasers in France. For
ample, strawberries that are unripe
' given a red color by means of a
'tchsine preparation, ordinary oranges
t poor quality are made to pass for
Wood oranges by injecting rocelline
to their pulp; and melons are ren-
rred of a ana oranre color bv I elect -
a eolation of tropoeline, and at the
time aromatized with an artll-
SMlta eaanae. Chicago TribneV
Prepared by H. C. Lenlaftea.)
(Matthew 4:256:11.)
IV And there fallowed Htm great mlti
tudea of p apat from Galilee, and from De
capolts, and from Jerusalem, and frost
Judes, and from bryony Jordan.
1. And acting the multitude, Ha want bb
Into a mountain; and when Ha waa est.
Hla dlsciplee came unto Him;
2. And lie opened His mouth, and taught
ih, m. Haying:
J BltsaoJ are the poor In spirit : fur
thelr'a la the Kingdom of Heaven.
4. Blessed are they that mourn, for they
ahall be comforted.
I Blessed ar the metk; for tkey shall la
herlt the earth.
. Blessed are they which do hunger ai d
thlrat afttr rlfjhieouaneea; (or this- ah. .
be fl led.
7 Fiiesatd are the merciful; for they shall
obtain mere,
I. Blessed are the pure In heart: fur th. y
ilia. I ace Qcd.
I. Biassed are the peacemakers; for they
shall be called the chl.dren of (Jod.
10. Blessed are the) which are persecutes
for righteousness bake, fur ihclr'e Is Ike
kr. : of Heaven. ,
11. i:.,--st d are ye. whan men shall revl e
you. ana Dera, . t. you. anJ shall say all
n.anner of evil you false;) , for aiy
12. Rejoice, ard he exceeding glad for
grcai is your rw;ucl in I leaver . fur e
tir.siruird they tha propheta which wert
afore you.
U4JUiaM I t.ST -llicesed are the pure
In heart; for thiy shall aee God Matt. 1:1
A parallel to the leason is found in
I. ukc 8:11-86. In studying the lesson
St) The Night In Prayer Luke I: 12
v.) Chooslm the Twelve Lrke 1:11-11
IS) The vu:d "Blessed" Matt. : i-li
iij The Beatitudes Taken Sing
ly Mutt. I: l-li
li) The Beatitudes as a Whole. Matt. 6: l-li
A Night in Prayer. From Luke wi
It iUM tlmt JeaUS spent the whole nigln.
preceding the choosing of the U
upoaties und the utterance of His great
sermon, in prayer.
The Word "Blessed." This word ia
nine times repeated in nine consecu
tive verses. In paraphrasing the text
the word "happy" has often been
used. But "blessed" is more thau
"huppy." The term is more nearly
expressed if we speak of the "blessed"
as those who enjoy the favor W
The Beatitudes. Of whom does
Jesus speak as enjoying tbe favor of
(jod? (1) rhe poor in spiriti" Those
who realize their unworthineas before
God, and who are uouscious of sin and
spiritual Incompleteness. "Theirs at
the Kingdom of Ueavent" Because
eeily to those who deeply feel their
near! of the highest things can the
highest things bring satisfaction. U
ksaplles Heaven here and now, for a
Christian character la a Heaven oa
(S) They that mourn:" Mourninthe
earthly sense, and more for those who
have to bear heavy burdens for the
sake of Christ; but chiefly, perhaps,
tsVoee who mourn their ignorance and
sis. For all of these the consolation
thai Christ brings is the only com
fort that fills tbe soul. They shall in
deed be comforted.
(3) "The meek:" Thia has come to
be a despised term, as signifying
those who aro without stamina or
character. On the eontrary, it Is a
chief trait lu every noble character,
for meekness is mildness of temper,
and patience tinder injuries. "For
they shall inherit the earth:" An old
proverb has it that "all things come
to bim who waits." Patience and hu
mility are cardinal virtues.
(t) "They which do hunger and
thirst after righteousness:" It has
beea said that hunger and thirst are
the strongest spurs to action. Ho it
ia not so much a promise as u law of
nature that "they shall be filled."
(5) "The merciful:' Those disposed
to pity and spnre; unwilling to give
pain. These find mercy, for Love ia
the law of the kingdom of (Jod, and
those who pity and spare others are
lalfiJling the law of that kingdom.
(0) "The pure In heart:" A man sees
ta others that which is within bins
self. If be is selfish, he cannot real
ise that others can be unselfish. If
he is Impure, all the world is impure;
bat if he is pure in heart and mind.
he begins to realize something of the
character o the Uoly Ood.
(f) "The peacemakers:" If God is
love, then He desires peace among Bis
children. Bow natural that tbe
peacemakers should bo called the) ehll
dren of Ood.
() "They which are persecuted for
righteousness' sake:" Two conditions
are neeeseary for this "blessed." One
Is that the persecution is for right
eousness' sake, and the other la that
the evil spoken against you Is nttered
"falsely." There is strength in the
consciousness of being I ight, and
heaven manifests approval, no mat
ter what is the attitude of the world.
The Beatitudes as a Whole It has
been pointed out that three of the
beatitudes, the second, fourth and
sixth, represent the inner life toward
Ood. Curiously dovetailed with these,
the third, fifth and seventh represent
the outward manifestation of that In
ner life toward men. The first b
atltude concerning "the poor in
spirit," is the condition out of which
all the ethera grow, and "the perse
cuted" of the last beatitude are those
who try to live the beatitudes out In
this evil world. They will be perse
cuted end must stand ready to sub
mlt to the test
est Thonfktl.
His hesrt was as great as the world,
but there was no room in it to hold
the memory of wrong. Emerson.
Our grand business in life is not t
see what lies dimly at a distance, but
to do what lies clearly at hand. Oar
lyle. Let faith postpone and trust awhile.
It is no reason sons should take of
fense that the father giveth thesn
not twice a year hire, as ho doth to
hired servants! bettor that God's hello
ttve upon hop than upon hire, leal
"l ';'"' A ff I
Tevy Ably Defended.
T)o you think your sister likes Ska.
"Yes. She stood up for you at eanv
ner." "Stood up for me I Was anybody
saying anything against mc?"
"No; nothing much Father said
he thought you Wl re rather H donkey,
but sis got up and said you weren't,
and told father he ought to know bet
ter than judge a man by his looks.""
Sweet butter can't le made in a sour
churn. The stomach is a churn. A foul
tomnch fouls the food put into it. When
the food is fouled the blood made from
it is fouled also. Foul blood means dis
ase. Cleanse the chum and you have
tweet butter. Cleanse the stomach ami
VOU have pure blood. The far reaching
action of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
I tisCOVOf is due to its effect on the
stomach and organs of diget-tiou and
nutrition. Diseases that begin in the
stomach are cured through the stomach.
"Dr rierre s Golden Medical Discovery hae
rroved a great blessing to me,- writes Mrs.
I Men K Bacon, of Sh'ltesbury, Franklin Co..
Uses. "Prior to September, ila7, I had doctored
for my stomach trouble for several years, going
through a course of treatment without any real
benefit In Septeinlter. 1K0, I had very sick
sielU and grew worse ; could eat but little, t
Commenced to take Dr. Pierce's medicine aad
la .1 short time I could eat and work. I save
gained twenty pounds In two months."
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser sent free on receipt of stamps
to pay ex use ot mailing only. Send
Parental iMpinniHcy.
"But what are your objections to the
young man?" asked the nun her.
"None," answered the other half o'
the management of the young woman
"Then wh y do you refuse his request
for Ethel's hand'."'
"Only for the deur child's good. If
he have any spirit at nil be will go
ahead and marry her anyhow, unci if he
don't she Is well rid of bim." Indian
apolis I'ress.
Two Vowi,
I've made but two great vows Id all ss?
First, at the altar, when I took a wife:
The second, when death eased uur msttsal
That I w.iuld never do the like agate.
J udge.
DRAWING uisI.itiki.
21 one -cent stamps: for paper - hound
Dr. R. V. Pierce, 063 Main Street, Bat
volume, or 11 cents for cloth binding, to
Dr R. V.
falo, N. Y.
It'a Ileal Pub Kove.
"Bobby is attending to his piano
forte lessons very faithfully of late,"
said the youth's uncle.
"Yes." replied his mother. "I don't
havo sny trouble with him about that
"How did you manage it?"
"Some of the neighbors complained
of the noise his exercises made, and I
told him about It. Now he thinks It's
fun to praetioe." Tit-l'.its.
True to Himself.
"Do you Intend to spend the balance
of the century in this same idle, shift
less way, my friend?" asked the phil
anthropist, who had given Mm a
meager handful of sold victuals.
"I don't like that word 'balance,'"
answered TulTold Knittt, looking at
hhn with a coldly critical eye. " Best'
is a blamed sight better word." Chi
sago Tribune.
Rot fer Htaa.
"Are yon en advocate of spelling re
form?" "No, by Jinks! I'm taking a dic
tionary that costs threa dollars a
number, and I've got 84 numbers of
it bound aud pisid for." Chicago
Times Herald.
A Wesaaa'a Discovery.
Isabelle I used to sus-rtlc mystdf
for ot her people.
Belinda -Don't you do It now?
isabelle No. I've quit It; people
seem to like me just ns well, and
I know I'm more amiable ami better
looking. Detroit Free Press.
Qaantlty Not Haalltr.
"Why, you stiff!" cried the firs
heeler, "when it comes to usefulness
to the party I'm worth two of youl"
"Oh! I don't know," replied he
other, "I can vote Jest as often as
you, M necessary." PlaiUidelpeae
Mr. Uglymugg Do yon know, Miss
Hopp.-r, I used to draw pretty well
myself when 1 was a boy.
Miss Slopper You'd draw pretty
well now, La a inuauuiu. Chicago la
ter Paean.
$ A Pan
t rrl No. ,
j) The I
Mhrary of unequalled value Practical.
. onciseand Oimprchenslve Hand
I 1 1 uitcd and buiuiilully illustrated.
liv Jacob bigglc
Ml it lloi ea .i l "iiiinon Sense Treatise, witti oeer
71 1 . in 11 moils , a standard work. Price, so Cents.
,1 ml p rowing Small 1 ruit-i-read nnd learn How ;
' lorea Hlc-like reproductionsoi sit leidiog
v.uu.its indiuooihei Illustrations price, so Cem..
ut 1 01 liiy ; the be?-t Poulti v Hook In existence ,
uniK : vitliaj cvloiel life llkercprodui 1 loas
the 1 rii i, al breeds; with lojewci illusion ions.
I'rive, 5 v'i nta.
No. v.,il.E COW BOOK
' Ci wa ami tie !. y Bui i,ef : hnvinR aarest
ntniue Beolorei lifc-ltkerepraducHonsorea h
on 131 ottier illusustiona. Price, y Ceols
Ml utkiul Itccs Breeding, Bredlne, Bute)-
., , u Ci IllalnS ovt: So te.nutltul USifa
1: tlier engravings, Price, 50 Grata
. t'm's are urn e,orifrInal, useful you neT
11 them- soptactlcst,aoseiisiDle ikv
iiormoua sale- l-'u t West. North !
1 , , wtiii Kn i n Horse, Cor, Hon "f
all l-'rutts, ought to send rtsht
1 ISIUULti bOtiKS. The
Any ONE of tb-
g VBARS (ieri .
to so .ulilri I 1
bamplc 01 I'Ak
Hr you f.n-1 uoi tnifit. II a? v rw
1 ! 1 wn, hittbr-naH-onthc-hed,-1,
I mm an! Houiehold !' i in
: i ipci f ,tii it mi Ihc United S'Ufi
1 .1 1 uttanUo .i.i!(rtk;ular tcatitx
! !l : and Ihc FAKM JOURNA!.
1 1, 1 1 and 1" l) ill li.' Mill by mail
t cin uliir di
Mil .IiSLl'Hl
rat: imTsivrxsis: iz:.
1 1
Fead I ruaiiu.u. as.
"Joslar," said Mrs. Corntosnel, "I'm
sure you cau't find no fault with Josh
sence we've been to town."
"I cisn'tl He didn't get home till
aur o'clock this mornin'."
"I noticed it. 1 on know, you told
him you wanted him to be sure an' bo
out ot bed every morning before flee
"Well, the poor boy's so sheered e
7011 that he's been etayin' up ejf
night, so'a to be able to keep Ma
vrotxl." Washlnffton Stnr.
Wholesale Pi
to Users.
ef t
The Tallest Mercsatile Building In the Won J.
owned ona uorupied Exclusively Uy us.
Our General Catalogue quotes
thctn. Send 15c to partly pay
postage or expressage ami we'll
semi you one. It lias 1100 pages,
17,000 illustrations and quotes
prices on nearly 70,000 things
that you eat and use ami wear.
We constantly carry in stock all
articles quoted,
sUaBlees a?. m.ii.m , 1 Mr...
Of the Saaae Mia.
The Artist My deur fellowl I paint
a pieture in two days, and think noth
ing of it.
The Friend I am of your opinion.
Brooklyn Life
o ee,l Mates.
Mr. De Loud 1 hnve or called, sir,
about er about your daughter, air.
Will yoa er listen to my suit?
Old flentletnan Huh! I could heae
that aoU a block off! H. V. tVeeady
50,000 Words
This Dictionary'!
Dr. Feoncr's Golden Relief.!
A THt'K sen ill'1 IN am,
1 ' . l s. ;. WuuiKlt, It It iinittim, iii-i.- t I
"folds." A SURE CURE grin.
For in PAIN Inside or out.
T asalars. ti.U iij Stall ear.Kreoins '
Ia real
war J
iin iin'TiTi:::'-:iTT:ii;-i:r:Tii
A strongly constructed Graph- j ,,
ophonc, with simple median- sr.
Iim, made to meet the de- H
first-class t..l: my.
a low price.
:r::Tiiiiiuiiniir- HH
n sw s r7s m rf0JAi oc"orit
1 ! HWPirjnarvM M
a wurk of 'iLrm".r"liurv hit rrsi ti ;tll i Imm.h (f iTovrrivr
pemtlr. Ill qualll It Is uneir lit l,irn h) thf urrat 11iMllttl n
ofto-deiy In i iiui iiiy it cofiUslM rifsUl) svei) w1,1 commoii
nun. Mid 1u Mwwcri h rarpote t hwi Ibrw nui "f rry
TZZt i,. vi m e-sti DiMiniiaU hu i 'i w i ,i . t . 1. 1 m v 2::."M
Mit) 8teMitlerd MtiOM. TbeM ol from &n i )?-u pirh. Our" Mh
50,000 wnli ma) Hon Matadutioii termi buretoforo utititAri-ot
a new (it-tM-t- ibrwa thf iluii fitims f nil t Ronnii
Aliotlifr imlirs will MMH) -- i kill tlWIW lilI vtnidit; 'mt
ilit- uttsMsWl i'f all arli o t i tnrnb In nioderii ln I n nui inak wr Ul ttm
tdilltHiflof -ft(3pt'rilUtbl(iillrtlneW) lj nieeiuiol ltigl pttftFi
CAlied tlM " uluiitliiitu Witl-lluiltl'!."
Bmttla Mi' Dlctlonari n alao ni.tal!i ivr fTi
tlt-ictt UMfiitR, tw rultowa: 1. A ltr-
Uonatl I'rotiiiuiH-iiiK Die lHnri ! i j . Nnmi h
QsteWttsBsM1 of tlit- W oHdT j '' I .Hi" iff IH it : B I hi haiiie-n I nry
1 : ii It ' . 7 I'.u tin I iint riH-tm : m tit I ISUqnef ftH !
I . tl.T v t ite-r IV. I m- of CetptUaVlnt H. J'imt timiioii ; II
I'oittJtl t.ui'lr.
It t-iMiutiii fi j .', . 1 ' ! ''iin.'iy ixiutiii Ui Imitation i itut r coi is.
tlnn of .rO.O0
taken, make tt
L: 1xf tnrhert.
To Introdnre Farm HiWsiit our nation-
i'itiI nmtJtliiv imiitrii aireait) na tirctu
Into honiatirtii of hom where li I- i "' "
followlnn Remai Unlle Offer: Thi n ilai
rlr.-i.f Partli artti Home 1- Wi r -nts :t t ;it . run ' wiii-rnn n i
tti"f menttnnlnu tt-per, hii niontnaon irltl f"i mil) '! eenM
Mn illver r wtafwr), and without further rharse wihI "Thf
ritmirrheeil'f Wcbitcr IUrl lontai y. M ilMive u m rlned.M
man. jMt-iimitt. ati aereptlorl 'tif- olt r w ill receive "nr maunti-
linilli Itttia.t Ifttaxsl stAalalM II It ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ll-l. PUhfttltlll O CI .'
ii-ffnl artkHt tod Mint oFtha iim.sI ri-iM.'irhal'le siffere t er int'le
If vftur Rittt'eiTTiiitiini latent Immediately we ill alu inriii'ie i rneknr
A ' l.i . ' I U . 1 ifi1 illilfiL' dial's hi eolol s. u hii h uinil'l
'it-t 'I If i m ft .-' ! ' ' - it ' iff tit. nn Iim! t y w lir.
I. literal f.tiitinH imi it tcini wrv. Ailtlit an -uteri v
tiau a u n uauc rt c,r ,.4..,i rui-ar- rhi--.r, in. "
y a- r wn a-- nvmi uua W ofi iiifi hivi, nut . , ; vmu i at ' ' , '-. .
H"" .
im Tlie pleasure of a Oraphophonc is largely increased tiy making ana reproaai m m
HJ your own records. We furnish this machine with recorder for 17.50.
jjjj Orapkephaaea ofeTarj Searrtptloa. Call ee write. A
143-14-) A I1W110 Hroadwav, M. I Jity. Hiimn
(,,( (hi. aS. eat aau ..aS to aa wl.a, aad a aUJ Jm aMa SKn
lapamt n PABlaB SBS SfaSaB. bt fralaSt r. O. p.. ta eaaalaa
tlaa. eaaexaanlHe ISalyevr aeaeeat rretast ar pat. aim u
" lad It eiaetlr a eeprraenlea. tSa ireale aslaa jas aw aaa
aeSfar b.tlarthaa anmaa aa.arllaaS ky alkaea al aiora aaSSf, pat lha fitbt
aieat OUR PRICE S39.50. '- " " ' '"' .' aal
JS SWIk-TS-T ItlSk kntraaieaU a,r mhdr. rom the 1 1 1 u -1 rmt I . ,n
-h a. wblch Is " 1 1 '1 dlreet f r-im a uli'trrspb aoucajt am
.-..i...,.f If. taaajtatfail a . . i ... , r.i : . . tlnir rVsaaaallS aeartee
aawed U e alnotMalealreil. sarlaraleS ktf illp, fall paael aa.
aaaaMtal siaraaetrT aeeara paaata aaS aiaa. alk.r haaaaaavt aeapatl,iaa
, .., ..kla, U Ik. TkKt LAriSTSrlLK. lUKI'AKItlt
OKMIsereet hlirll, is Incites Inntr, a-i im-aen ariaenuii "'m
seasae, Oesaiaiaa 1 eaSassja, 11 tayst, aa foUesre 1 mmmm rriofisai.
halrlaaa. S.laola, I aaMSS, Oaauaas, Baaalaaplrr, Teelaleaale, Part aaa Tai Haaaaasi a tlru.a I oapipra, I loea naaii.
I i.rand Ofltaa h.ll, 4 SaU a Ih-t heal raj Taaaa Seaaasur) I'lpe
jualllt SVeSa, I K.ta II Para ft.l S.loaia 0a, I n-i ,,f 17
SmSbS SriMlaatCaleata BaaJa, I , t of 1 1 Kkk SHIaa SaiHalh
a.a. t si .,r P Mahtr srt a. aIi"Ua rriariuai
araala. TUB PARLOR OEM aetlon tasr tns
l alaaealaa Saaatl Kara., wlileh are only uaeil I n tun llluli
eftr"ilelnltniinenM: fitted with aaaaaaaa' t'aaplafa aait
Vai Huaiaaa. also besc I '"I e felts, leathers, etc., bellow.
oftheieatriibberel'll! S-plr bellows atuck and Hneat
leather In Talres. THL PARLOR CEM U furnl-lie.1
with a lost buaeled plate Fntneb mirror, nleltel plal'l
naa al franien. ami fiy inu'lerii nnfi ,iv,.ii-iii.
'.iralak fesa a haaaaowa aefaa atsal aaa tfca beat aefaa laatra-
n. bat aaU .h.d.
r.niRiNTFFr. ?r years. ?'rr!r.r'?M,
SkB Ok l, as
'" aaSBaaSiMSaaZawaai?
laaim k wilttfii tiinfliiiif 2u far irtmt miter, l.v the
terniand ondltlnnfi of which If any prt nlvtHoulwe
repair A trt f rbarre. Try II one month and we will
. i funfl vtmr money tr Tm are noi f nrriiF Ntiriien, tw
of thcae nnrana will be aold at S39.50. OUUKIt
iaalt with naaak Y, mi r m-urlltior ftlx'llt U,. write
IDS ptlDllsner OI tnta paper or aa-n paweaaaaaai
National Bank. orCnrnNat. Hank, of fbieapo:
or German Ksrhanm Bank, New Vorkj or any
railroad or esprau eompany la rhlrsao. Wa
asasasaattalaf aree, occupy entire
one of the larireat bufineas blocks in t'blcago,
aad amp' " nearly I.OOO people In oar ar n
eoiiail'B f) iaaai waaaaaa TTL '1 .. , ,
flsmnti a. a.ow aaa apt aiao araryanaiia 1 anuaicax innnimwiw - ...". wawama I'nir,. .. rua- iw iiwaumai
ertan. piano and raualoal Inatrumant cataloaua. Addreas. iSWaea. SaajasakSOa. awe akaaaaayawy nSiMl Still, I
Am, ROEBUCK OO. (lac.). Fsttoo. Oeaptaloe. a Wars $ta.. CHICAGO, ILL.
"Star" tin tas (aliowinii; nniftll Htur.i priutoil on ander sido
of tag), "HorHeShoe," "J. T.," "Oood Lnck," " Crosn B r,"
aud "Drummontl " Naturnl Leaf Tin Tags nro of equal vul u- ia
8tcBrinff presentn meutioneJ below, and uiuy lo asHorttvl.
Every man, woman and child can tind sotnethillg on the list
that LLej would liko to bave, nnd can havo
1 Match Hoi
J Sfi fe, nrva Waite. bo,1 1eel
5 Hclasors. Inrlies S'
4 Chilli'- Kef. Knife, r,,rk Sll.l Spoon Jj
6 halt and i . i i - Bet, oneeAch, quad-
mpo plate i, ti white inelal fto
I WaSlll Hnar IV ood Ple s
1 Jtari r. boltu (VDHBd, One BngUatl
steel fjO
t? Ilntler Klitfe. triple plale. lien
gttallfy ao
9 KunsrHhell triple plse, Itos, quel . SU
to Ktainp H.,x. e'erllnp silver TO
11 Knife. "Keen Ktlfter." tw, t,ad" . 76
Vi ltutcher Knife. "Keen Kiitier," s-ln
Made n
ill Shear", "Keen Kntter " s lnrii .. . 70
it Hat Bat, Oiseksr smt Piin., etiver
plated so
16 Bsae Hall, "Asooclatloti," best qual.tisi
16 Alurm t'lN-k. nli'kel. .. ... .'lou
17 Hi Ui'linltie H tiers' Teaspouua, IwhI
, in-.- i artHMia trio
IS tVarch. nickel, atetn wtiul arol ant -Jiai
19 Caryers, K 'od steel, bui'khoril
hmi'llea . 'i,ai
50 HI i Uennlne Uotrers' Table Bpooss,
tsssl plated (..oils 260
51 Bli each. Kiilveeand Forks, buck-
horn hsfollfaa SSal
S3 Bli each, (ieniilue K .-r Knlyes
SUd forks, tiest luted (-onds 600
Taos. I -am.
. 16 Cluck. ,lsy, ra.Mlar, Thi nnoui
... atsr, BarotDeter . ..
... 2'i It linn n. I. mi her. no ttotter 'im.le. i-si
- Ike t niter, utoluatl. . ,l"ille u, i
aaorwcatibur iaw
as tool Bet, Dol iattialtii, i.ic ntl
to. is tits
I 7 Toilet sf deooasted poiwelain,
yery lian'Some
2 Beauagtoe itnie n... t tt ,.r sj si . '-i
k Vtat.-h. teriniK otltrer.rall lewsje i li kaS
30 Dresa Bail t a... leather. Iismt- i .
sod darabte , mo
31 Sowitiu Hseblae, p-' (Iras, with
ait ettaea nteata . . irasi
H Bsvolvar, Oolt's, aa-a-aiiu-, bhaid
"'eel 16.10
M BiSe, Colfa, IS-ahot, tt-tHber, ..isoo
at liultsr i Washhiiriii. ksawwood. In
laid jouo
;t5 Msiulolln, very handsome ....iwo
3 Winch ler Ue-utlug Bitot Olln,
l. n i aas
37 Keintnift..u. dotlhle barrel, ttiiiu-
taerBaot Baa, leor lagsage 'jooo
38 Blcychv stau lard make, ladieai or
tents im
ss stint Qaa, Heiniutiton, Sottl I, hes
rel. haiuiUMrloH- ...Has)
to Keijlns Haak ll,n, lie inch Due. aViw
Special Notice !
buridrnd. if r
Plain " Ktar " Tin Tair (that Is. Srar tin tair irith no amtll
stsrs prlnte-1 on nnder side of tan', ar,- mil o.wef for nrco.ra
BOl will paid for in CASH oa tuttlusla ut twenty ciiUUisjr
1 by in on or tasforf Ma-ch lt. !'.
WBKAK IN 1 1 Ml i nit a dlmt-N tsonh of
will last longer aad afford mrr pleatauro than dime's i ortb ei any
other bt and. MAKE THE TE8TI
Send ton lo CO TIVK T Al, TOBACCO CO., SI. Louis, Mo.
et .