The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 29, 1900, Image 2

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    , 'Taking the word honesty In It
fkrroadest meaning, of sincerity, trutJ.
fulness, uurl fail
Iri and
tle.-tliup;, can it b
BMMty. lhat womr
ixe more honest than men? Are the)
tuaore atraiflit forward in their ileal
. InL's, truer to their promises, mop
jjuuPtual in their appointment? Art
'they quicker than men to press thei.
ifarek upon neglectful conductors and
acre zealous in rectifying favorable
errors In change? For a lonjr time,
aa.vs the Chicago Tribune, women hart
-competed with men in business, hare
"'hey earned the reputation of being
"strnifjhter?" Is the woman dress
maker truer to her appointments thaa
-the man tailor and morp reliable la
"the matter of bills? These are the
natur..1. queries that rise in response to
that frequent demand that the pure
StveSTrtt of feminine honesty be turned
into the turbid pools of the liusinesri
world If charity covers a multitude
-of sin. honesty embraces an army ot
virtues, and among these it include!
stneerlty In speech and thought. Are
wuiueu more candid in conversation
than men and more truthful in
thought? Of course, honesty carried
10 mi extreme, to the point where one
'.s too honest to be rich or too truthful
to be polite, Is culled crankiness, yet
this, too, la esteemed a viri ue, Perhaps
.In r xtrcmisl in honesty is more apt to
be woman than a iisnir, but, on the
vholi . i nc is inclined to believe that
this rarer I of all vlrl ties is an individual
mtttter and is not the exclusive pHr-
tllece of either sex.
"A church society in eu Brunswick,
IN .I- the other evening pl up an en
tertal n in cut i n
which the sin e 1 e
L'irls nnil unroar-
".t Marrying?,
It i fur
ried nu n gave rhymed reasons "why
we lime never been married." Speci
men reasons, says a local exchange!
were as follows: Miss Angle Wraj
was waiting for a mission to be re
vealed. Robert Lawrence was slnglt
because he had not met a girl he want
ed. Miss Annie Lyons was Bingle be
cause "you can't count on men." Dan
te Wray hod not married because he
preferred sinple life. Edward Hub
bard Knew ton much about the ways
:f pirls. Paul Btrohauer said It was
because he was not appreciated. As
commentary on the above, a remark of
tather McEnroe, of South Bethlehem,
1'enu., deserves to be quoted. He had
been finding fault with the young men
of his parish because he had heen
called upon to celebrate so few mar
napes of late: "To your indifference
and bashfulness," said he in church on
Sunday, "is due the single state of about
.V)0 young women of the parish, and
the number is increasing."
Altlir-.ip-li charges of wanton QTOtlt)
have been made by ltoer auninsi Ilriton
and by Briton against l'.oer, the contest
thus far, says a reliable authority, has
been mnrhrd by chivalrous humanity
on both sides when the fury of battle
lias left its stricken victims to be SUC
cored by their foes. In Boer operating
cuni)ia nnd hospitals, as in the British,
no discrimination was shown between
friend and foe. Common suffering hat
appealed to common humanity, enmi
ties have been forgotten, and the same
pitying kindness and tender cure ex
tended to one as to the other.
driver can ride, if necessary, and force
Statistics showing the failure of edu- the teeth to their full depth. The
cation of the intellect only) to de- roots of the quack grass collect on
ereaae crime have been published from j these teeth, and at intervals arc re
time to time, and the foci has become I moved by lifting the implement upas
so generally accepted as to induce a J" would an old-fashioned hay rake.
. , , .. A. K. Cross, in Orange Judd Farmer,
wide demand among educators for the
introduction in public sch
i is wf teach-
ng calculated to develop the moral
ieu3f of the pupil --"moral teaching. '
Tb'' figures have usually been such as
. how a large amount of crime in local-
ities where the percentage of illiteracy
is small, or It large pi rcentage of edu-:
bated men among criminals.
A bill recently passed by the Ohio i
legislature provides that in the absence I
if a contract agreement women shall
be paid the same wages at, men. In t he
attempt to enforce a similar law iu
Kan-as last year many women lost
sood positions.
ngi-. in the case of
joth men ami women, are regulated
by something more powerful than leg
islation, to-wit, conspicuous effective
in this matter we may in a few years
A Chicago man jeered at a cyclist for R(M. the mud paths which now pass for
riding in t he mud. ami w hen the criti-1 roads breams magnificent highways
-.isin was resented beat the wheelman such as every European country pos
severelv. The justice before whom the lessen.
assailant was arraigned said sagely
thai acylist had a right to ride in mud
if he wished, and 1 he critic had to pay
Bee dollars and costs for his forcible
objections, and got, off easy at that.
A crowd of Missouri politicians broke
thp rule recently and went to church.
Wvn the contribution Ikjx reached
them the one on the end threw a silver
-dollar in it. and, turning to the others,
.. mi . . ... ,., ,
-who were digging in their pockets for
, . ., .... . .
ao me change, he said: Nevermind,
B i
.hoys-thls is all paid for.
-A Boston contemporary reports that
.... . !
- cemetery companv of that city has
J , I
decided to exclude automobiles from ;
it burying ground lest the horseless
vehicles should cause runaways, which
might create havoc among the tomb-
artones and monuments.
. . .. m . . mt tv 1
a. werman in mnsaaie, .i . u, nn
appointed assignee of the local
viae In the Cost of Repairs Pal4
tor Its Cunatructlora La a Vsvf
hart Tlana.
In response to Inquiries made by the
department of state, Consul Washing
ton at Valencia, Spain, has given the
following report of a steel roadway
that has been ia use la that country
for seven years:
"The road between Valencia and
Grao is two miles in length, and aa
average of 1,200 vehicles pass over it
daily. Until 1892, it was constructed of
flint stone. The annual cost of keep
lug it in repair was about pesetas.
At the rate of exchange at thut date,
this amounted to $o,47u.
"The construction of a steel road
way was determined on. and the an
nual cost of keeping in repair the cen
tral one of road thus relieved from
heavy traffic which proceeds over the
steel rails is now only L'.Siaj pesetas,
or about $JbO at the present rate of
"A Belgium firm received the con
tract to furnish the steel work, hav
ing bids less than Spanish (inns at
Uarcelona and Bilbao,
"The length of road so built is o.J
kilometers (1.088 miles). The cost per
kilometer (0.62137 mile) uc; 44,100
pesetas ($6,800.),
"The total cost of the road laid was
60,050 pesetas ($'J,5(i6). The expense
in detail was:
steel construction 44,10018,890
Transportation mid laying
Bteel construction :!,- W7
Bin. in, k stone construction be
tween rails anil lateral Sones.13,000 2,lUt
Total ttl.'.OO JD.50I
"1 he rails, during the seven years
they have been in position, exhibit a
wear of one decimal of a millimeter
yearly, and have not required repair
ing. "Ample room is allowed between
the rails for two horses to walk
abreast. Horses do not appear to slip
on rails of this construction.
"At each side of the rail are layers
of binding stones, the paved road being
higher than the face of the rails.
" The municipality of Valencia is of
opinion thai the saving in cost of re
pairs through a road of this descrip
tion pays for its construction In a
short lime, and other and similar road
ways are in contemplation."
A Perfect Implement for IJIukIok 1
the Itoota of Quack (irui and
Other reals.
A perfect instrument for digging up
the roots of such pests as quack grass
and Canada thistles and the like is not
in existence, but the little implement
hown in the illustration answers very
well on plowed ground. The head (s)
six inches square and six feet long.
Into this head ore inserted steel teelh
ib one inch square at the top, run
ning to a sharp point. They are two
feel long and are placed at an angle of
3(1 degrees with the tongue (c). The
I tongue is lilted to the head, properly
braced, and a seat is so placed that a
Government Aid fur Honds.
Representative Graham, in the house
of representatives, and Senator Pen
rose, in the senate, have introduced
bills appropriating (5,000,000 for fix
building of public roads in the several
states of the United States, the appro
priation to be applied to each state in
proportion to the mileage of roads
within the state, to be used exclusively
for the building of permanent roads
tinder the direction of the department
of agriculture. These bills ere fathered
I by the League of American Wheelmen,
'which has dene more to forward the
Interests of blot ele riders t linn all the
organizations put together. It
is not likely that the money will be ap
propriated1 at this session of congress.
but the. leaven will work, and if th-:
national government will aid the states
Mukina the Hume Attractive, '
How lunch brighter and more checrJ
fill many farm homes would be with a
few of these easily grown, easily cared
for shrubs scattered about. These and (
S few of t he hardy, easily grown climb
ers like the Hnlleana and Monthly,
Fragrant honeysuckles would make,
many a farm home .'ii per cent, more'
homelike and attractive than they now,
1 haTe bpt in houaei where par-;
cuts rapturouslv listened to daughter
" 1 , ' , , , . . ;
thump a piano and sing about the
... ' ,,., , . , , ,. . .
"lovelv little home where the climbing-
rogt,8 j)Ioom.d nn(, swet.t honeysuckles J
m'.ercd " while their premises wen
as bare of climbing roses and honey-
, , ., , . . i
suckles as the desert of Sahara. Why
no p,ant a few of hMe ,utle thinf.g
an(j make horae moTe homelike? Dol
it this spring. Fred Grundy, in Form !
and Fireside. j
We cannot generalize in dairying j
I.V...T, 1 1,. W.,t ,1,,,. t n ttia Iwewwf ..If
.-"v i
tne mxiat be recognlsen aa moi
the Casolved Twea tlelh Oaa
Praaleai Get Has late
The man with a face like an Interre
gttton point bit off a huge piece of
mince pie (cold), washed It down wit a
a g sip of eold milk, and turned to the
men standing alongside of aim in the
lunch room.
"8ey, my friend, " he inquired, "da
you know whea the twent "
"No, you don't, stranger," ssld the
man addressed. "Not this time. I'm
is here to partske of a modest lunch
eon consisting of buttermilk and choc
olate eclairs, and no man's going to
get me on that subject while I'm eat
ing downtown. I've got to stand it
st my boarding house table; there's
nothing else at that table. But. I can't
be drawn Into the argument down
town. What's more, I don't care a
dam when It. begins."
The man with the face like a ques
tion mark looked pUXTOBd, but he
niisn't easily squelched.
"I don't think you understand what
I was going to ask you," he said. "I
wanted to know if the twent "
But the man with the buttermilk
snil the chocolate eclair moved off.
The man with the question pulled
down a large piece of gingerbread
from the counter, grabbed a cup of
coffee, and tackled another man along
side of him.
"Excuse me," he began, "but I want
to inquire when you think the
twent "
The man addressed smilingly inter
rupted "Nix, old man; not to-day," he said,
amiably. "Too much brain fag about
it. I'd be glad to accommodate you by
going out and lighting a dog for you,
or sawing a couple of cord of wood
for you, or any little chore like that
1 ut, nay, nay, when it comes to that
question. I've passed that problem
along to my two boys in school, any
how. They've got lots of time and en
thusiasm, and it'll expand t.heir minds
- that is, if it doesn't land them in
the lunatic asylum. The question
doesn't make much difference to me
anyhow. I'll live just as long, any
how, won't 1 ?"
"Hut." expostulated the mnn with
the questioning eye, "what I was go
in "
The man he was addressing looked
at his watch hurriedly anil ran to pav
his check) however, nnd the man wi'h
the interrogatory physiognomy had
no recourse but to turn to another
man near by.
"Look here, my dear sir," he started,
"I want to ask you when the twent "'
"I don't, know, and what's more, I
don't care," was the testy reply. "I've
got something else to do with my
time than to fritter away on such
idiotic calculations as that."
"Vou are in error," was the interro
gatory man'- hasty interruption, "as
to what I was "
Again he found that he was ad
dressing no one In particular, for the
testy man had moved away.
"I wonder what ails all these peo
j le around here?" mused the man
with the inquisitive countenance:
"When I try to ask them a simple
question they either get"
Just then he. caught sight of a
friend coming away from the counter
with a big slab of pie and a cupful of
coffee. He elbowed through the
crowd and corralled his friend.
"Ha, old man, you're Just the one
I'm looking for," he said, joyfully. "I
wanted to ask you when the twent. "
His friend's face lengthened imme
diately. "Iwk here, Jorkins," he said, ex
postulatingly, "that's a great fault
oi yours picking up these confound
ed fads anil asking questions about
them. How the dickens, now, shoul 1
1, a man who sells hardware for u live
lihood, know when the twentieth cen
tury begins? And what the deuce Is
the difference to me. so long as I get
three square meals "
"Just wait a minute," interrupted
the man with the inquiring mug. "I
wasn't attempting tn ask you anything
about the beginning of the twentieth
century. I don't care a hurrah about
that question, one way or the other.
What 1 wanted ta ask you is, when
was the L'0-cent piece withdrawn from
circulation? I've got a bet on the date
with a friend." Washington Star.
A Fiction About I'anlhers.
One of the time-honored attributes
of the panther is his scream. One
could not take $4,000,000 tuul there
with disabuse the American public
of its fond belief in the womanlike
wail of the panther. Vet many scien
tists to-day affirm that the panther is
a mute animal, anil does not scream
nl all. This latter I believe to be ac
i urate, for my friend, "Old Bill" Ham
ilton, one of the few reliable and pen
nine old-timers of the Itoeky moun
tain's, tells me the note of the pan
ther is sort, of hoarse, roarinp noise,
and lie i onipares it rather to the. roar
ing howl of the pray wolf than the
voice of any other wild animal. He
laughs lit the "womanlike-wail" no
tion. Once when in camp in the Jicn
rilla mountains of New Mexico I heard
tit night the cry of what I supposed
to be a mountain lion or panther. It
wns answered from beyond our camp,
and the first animal passed within a
few hundred yards. It might have
been a wildcat, but the teamster who
wns with me said he thought it was
a mountain lion. Chicago Record.
An Eligible Topic.
Mrs. Sttibb John, I expect to attend
the sewing circle to-night.
Mr. Stubb Well, Maria, what is the
"We are going to discuss this maa
"Absurd! What has he to do with
"A good deal. Don't the pspers say
he is hemmed in and his temper is ruf
fled ?H N. Y. World.
A Motel flsikua.
Wife I saw the loveliest lace
spreads to-day, only two dollars and
a half, and 1 wanted them awfully,
but I knew you wished to eooaomlce,
sad so I didn't get them.
Husband That's too bad, my dear;
you shonld have got them. Anything
which adds to your happiness and
brings gladness to your eyes, anv
ahng which lightens your domestic
ceres and gilds the lowering aloud,
anything which borders with sweet
flowers the thorny paths of duty snd
sppeals pleasantly to your aesthetic
nature, making life more worth liv
ing, home a paradise, you are wel
come, doubly welcome to, my angel,
If It doesn't cost more than two dol
ls rs and a half. N. Y. Weekly.
Another Invention Kreded.
As she paused tor breath he reached
for his hat and started for the door.
wnere are you going: sne bskcii
"I am going to telegraph to Mar
I coni," he replied, "and tell him that
after lee has perfected his wireless
i telegraphy there is another field of
j much the same nature for him to in
vede." 1 "What is it?" the demanded.
"I want him to devote his intellect
to the invention of a voiceless curtain
, lecture." Chicago Post.
Xoi llunllna Trouble.
Popleigh Say, old man, come up to
the house to-night; we are going to
have a little time going to name the
baby. My mother-in-law and baby's
uncles and aunts are going to be there.
I wish you would come.
Ben there Yon must excuse me, Pop
leigh; 1 never nux in family quarrels.
He Marry me, darling, and life will
be one grand, sweet song.
She 1 am not quite sure about the
sweetness. On ten per week it could
only be a rag-time song. Chicago
Daily News.
A nihiieai Reason,
Jeweler- Why do you refer to
watch casce without movements us
PiotlS Clerk Well, you sec, they
don't amount to very much without
good works. Jewelers' Weekly.
Very Had.
Jimmie How's business?
Cracker Had. very bad.
Jimmie What yer been doln'
Cracker Bobbin' safes. N. Y.
T1IK HKNT OF A 1. 1..
Slot over Arty ear Mrs Wnrstow's Booth
ura Svsrr lia- bean used by mothers fu their
shildren while teething. Are you disturbed at
nlglit and litoken of your rent by a sick child
fuiflcrinu unit crying with pain of sawing teeth?
If so se ml at ottOS and Ret a bottle of "Mrn. Win
slew's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teethinjj
Hh value in Incalculable. It will relieve the poor
little nulTerer Immediately, lepend upon it.
mothers, there ih no iniHtakr nhoitt it It cures
diarrhica, rcgulutei the stomach and Howels,
cures Wind Colic, softens the (linns, reduces
InnamuiAtinti, ami give tone and energy to the
whole system. "Mm. Winslow's Soothing rty.
rup" for children teething Is pieasAiit SO the
lasts and in the prescription of one of the old
est and bent female phynicianft and nurses tn the
I'niteil Stale" and in for sale hy all druggists
throughout the world. Prioa, twenty-live cents
a bottle. He mire and get "Mas, Winslow's
Soot also Sraur, vs-iy
Suubury & Lewistown Division.
In effoct Nov. 1!, 18i'..
P at AH am I'M
2 03 DS" Slinhliry 9 20I it ,10
IIS id"" BsUnsgrove Junction 'jou s 20
2 19 111 Vi Sclumgrovc ' U 04 5 IS
2 2 10 21 I'awling S.M SOS
2 31 to 54 Kreamer sin 501
2 34 Itp 27 Melner 4 16 4 58
2 40 I0:U Miililleburg 18 4" 4 52
i to ions' Banter 834 4 tn
255 104 DeSVSrtOWB 825 4 V
1100 luM Ailaomhurir 8 20 4 32
3 97 IU57 Itaiibn Mills 8 13 4 25
3 13 ill IB' M. l'lure 8(17 4 19
3 22 1113 Wagner 7 57 4 09
ii M Bhtndle 7M 4 on
330 ii2i. Paintsrville 7 if ion
3 36 11 27 iUaltlaml 17 53 3 54
345 II Lcwintown 7.15j 3 45
8 47 11 ST Iawistown (stela Olreet.) TW 848
3 50 1140 Lewietown Junction. 7 10 3 40
Train loaves Suubury 5 26 n ru, ar-
rives nt Selumgrove 5 45 p in
Teiiins leave LewistowD Junction :
I it m. 111 13 a III. 1 10 l 111,130 p in 5 22 7 07
II 58 ii in, for AltOOBa, t'ittHhurg ami the Watt.
Kur Kiiltminre and War.!tigtiin 6 .'.S a in 102.
I "8 4 33 8 It ill For 1'hlla.lclphia ami New
York u :s Ma in, 1 01 1 33 4 33 and 1118 pui For
Harristiurg 1 10 p :n
Philadelphia & Erie R R Division.
Trslns leave Suubury dully exeept Sunday :
1 21 a in for Brie and I'anaiiilalvua
b 10 a in for Hellelnnte Krla and t'linanilalguu
912am tor Uick Haven, Tyrone andtlie West.
I 10 p nt for Helleluuie Kane Tyrone and I'anac
dattfiiH .
5 45p m for keniivound Klmlra
25 p m lor WlUtatttsnorl
Sunday 5 10 a m lor Krlu and Canandaiictm
45 a m f-.r I k Haven sod 25 D ui fur Wit
HMam, 11 IB a m 2 0Q and 548pm. lor Wllkeii
berrs and llazelton
7 10 a in. 1" 20 a in, 2 05 r in. 5 45 p in for Sbamo
kln snd Mount GSTSMl
Sunday 9 55 a lor Wllkeabarre
Trains leave Scllnngrove Junction
10 00 a BL week daTI arrlvlnv at Phll idelphla
:U0pm New York 5 53 p ui Baltimore. 3 11 p ui
Washington 410 pin
534 p m dally arriving at Philadelphia
.0 20 p m New York 3 53 a m, Haliluiore 9 45 p m
WuslilnKton 10 5b n m.
s 42 p iii, week days arriving at Philadelphia
4 30a in, New York 713 a in, Haltiiuore 2 30 a m
w anhtnitton 4 05 a in
Trains alsu leave Sunlmry
2 a ni dally arriving at I'hitadelclhla 9 52 a in
Halt i mere 6 3 i a in Washington 7 45 a New
York v 3.1 a m Weekdays, 10 38 a m Sundays,
T50 am weak days arming at Philadelphia
ills am. New York 2 13 p in, Baltimore. 115a
a 111, Washington l 00 p m.
IK pur, week days arriving at Philadelphia
a 23 11 m. New Yore 30 p m, Baltimore IlKjpm
Washington 7 16 n in
Trains also leave Sunhury at 50 a and 5 25
ana n p m, lor imrnsixirg, rnuaaeiunia and
J . K. WOOD, Oen'l Pass Agent
I.D.UU ivuinsun it en i manager.
furnishes reliable information on any sub
ject pertaining to i.oioraoo mines. Frail uar
den and (Irazlnir Lands. Live Stock. Poultry
Been, Irrigation. Railroads, Scenery, Health
Rosorta, Sanitariums. Country Homes for Inva
lids, etc., etc. Fee Sl-08. Special reports on
mining properties at reasonable rates. Sand 25
centa and got three finely Illustrated books on
Colorado resources. Address :
dee. J. Bhakeiy, Beaver, Cele.
for Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Boupht has borne the sifrna
ture of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been made under his
personal supervision for over SO years. Allow no one
to deceive you In this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
Just-as-good" are but Experiments, and endanger the
health of Children Experience against Experiment.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
In Use For
aW aW .mmwaaaamaaaaaaaaSl
ThiB Lnilies' Donpola Kid Boot, Lace or Button, aole leather
roilDter, inner, outer sole and lied, fancy top stay, Patent Leather
Tip, Opera Toe. 2 to 8, D, E, or EES, nent postpnid on receipt of $1.
Equals any S3 bcot Hold. Oui inukx. Money refunded if unsatis
factory. We guataotee lit, style, wear
FBEF. Our catalogue witn Illustrations of ISO bargalDs in shot's; also u Subsorit)
el's Ticket wliloli Becureou MIhtuI Cali Kunua on your year's trading.
TTrCPTTWAIfirT A T G Bquala anylt.oo staoe ; artfe went barefooV ratiicr than
X XUO X WLWJH aUBUUO buy anytntarbat tne DKXTKitti.uusnue.
DszTKn Baoa ! i
licar Mn'I'lie slim-H are proving sallsfsctory. This pair that 1 now have make live
different styles or shoes that I Save bought of you and they are mi good. I showed our
merchant a pair of ft no sboes that i baa lust received from you and be took iii knife sad
cut into the heel and essratnea them thoroughly and pronounced theni cheap at moo.
You will And an order with this letter for two more pair of shoes.
Bespeotfully yours, MBS. j. M. wim.iams,
Wlllt-tz, .Medacluo Co., Cal.
p. s. use mytDamelf youllke.
Pkxtkh Saoa Co.:
ii. his please find ftnciofted, herewith, sxpress money ordsr. Please send the shoos
out without dolsj I am needing them. Mv wife Isalmosi haretoot.d and 1 don't wish to
lniy slim s at any oiIht housi- because 1 have used the Peztet and llnd them the best for
the money, Yours trulv,
Newoka, III.
Established 1880.
Doctors find
A Good
Ibr mankind
Tea for fiyj Dni(trln Gracert, RMtanraata.
haloom, Newi-Sunds, General Start, and Barbara
shop,. Thfy banlih pain, induct alttp, and proloot lift
Una giTta rthtil Na matttr what'a tht matttr. ont will
T? S00"- 'n aamplta and ont thouaand lead
nanlal, aent by mail to any addrtu oa rectlpt af price.
7 UM.Kipani Chemical Cu., 10 Sprue St., New York City
ii- '.. i oil '.ti eintiillit.' ll :tl your -1 - Itritcni ut'pot
p-rf.rt n .aiihisdnri.i suTi i v .i v pprw ' 'n (CI , eusi lo fsirh
u hUh t fii'.(iu ami inr. iiin vii-i iui
kXXirZ Special Offer Price $15.50 .
ami freitftit charges, iiat'iiinf uciKhn im I 'liitxiHutK, thefretfht w
.,, i I ..." !.-l-.i 'U, u nil,, . (3IVF It TMirf Mf.MTUC THAI
your own home, svnd we will return ynurilS.'o any day you are nut
i ' 1. -"H .liiT.'renl rn.t.n ami (raaaM tf fwfa r I, iiea at 0,
I10.UO, All. (K, (UtM ntl Mi all luin If itilm in hit rrtw Hlg
Varhii.r t atalogur. but tils for thin DKOP tJr.fa liBIKKT Bl Kill Civ Is
the rtreateat value ever uirerMi y aay uouae.
tirtp. iita.orlefinft' aakaawa aatltum umirr various nanien. with aaalaaa la.
.-ni.. WrlUMticfrifMl la Masai aad laM wfea are rawawSf aa afja ar am.
Hiua aaiHiM
uaraiTr or aoic.
cloaad i
raaa, the
H.I F. m a
whatl. adioatabl
paten, area, gaara,
UTactloa Boon
IT rnT Villi
aaaaa. aad thaa If eoayfaead that yoa are eaylna-
I I i hi w
y'savr ,al-aSJ
ws TO SSTtrss TOTS If ala ue within three raonlha rou aar 700 are ae unaSla, wwSSB
SCOTT BBIwST. I aware, Boebaek Oa.are thoroaeblr reliable -Idftot.l
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To introduce to every family in the
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avl. outkUiil aenu to Uft and
wwlll aenil rOOHM HlfiH
riht. - . u. ..ji-n -e
unu ll lasnu
laes oiner
auva, with Till
Made fey taa.
IV nttrlA 1 7i
" tiW?i "- ' '
aaakcra la Aattrlta.
baae Btrll
head druDinnir from alahti tn h n.l a. . .
otaeroptn with rail lana-tta Ubla and head la Place '
Aw, dt..M. 1.1m, I.M Mnu nu.U.1 '
treadle enulneSinrth Iron aland timt lara, Bkra
praaaara rooa, Imtrro.adahuttlf aairttr. Daunt navdlt
l, Inipro
luaiiy t
D Owl
ataa n mm
SaearaaMl aai i
ink. Seeet ianl 1 M 'rMfce and our Irn
una Jort no anyone tan ma It aad So elwaarplala or
MATHIfan ataaeaaeeiala.iMai i will i , aaaiaara It
SH.M to aao.eo. nay roar fiwUrkt aawat tka SIB
; nOKRUCK k vo, unci cnioago,
aaavings bank.