V The Middleburgh Post. Published Every Thurad-sy. GEO. W. WAOENSELLER, I-ditor and Proprietor. Subscription 1.50 per year. WfclQft must be pftlu in advance wuen Bern out- i i ' i u ''ii RATES OF ADVERTISING. All transient advert:::umont not otherwise xntraetad tor win be charged at the rate of IS cents ikt line (Donpartel measure) tor nrst Inner Uon and 10 oent per Una tor every subsequent insertion. V Dmth notictt publukrd frtt ,- obituary pomy. ettatss SfW e.. trrr trail a lint EepufcUoan Standins Conmitt9e-- Adams C. F- Hlpni ' Sipc-Beavrr--A. W. Musacr, I alvin DlMN Heaver W Fred H GundrUR). TboS BerllBSS', Centre Allen Boy.-r, I.. A. Stinc. chapman- I. A. Troup, '' II. I'lslegrovc. Franklin- St. L Walter. II. K. Holemler. Jackson J. Harvey Mover. ;. A.'Brouse. Middleburg -Edwin Charles. Prank licit. Middlecreek .loliu S. Mciser, lien. Stuck. Monroe w. I, Young, lvter Young, Prim A. u Smith, Geo M. WHmsr. Parry Irwin Boyer, O. Smith Perry W.-T. U. Urayhill, C. S. Sprlgglc SeUnagroveJ A. I.umbard, Geo.A. Livingston. Spring i M. Smith, John N Relgel, union Jaoob Stabl. C. D. Boast Washington John M Mover, W. K. Roach. Thursday, March 22, WOO. This "fictitious" prosperity is lie-t oommg alarming to certain Demo cratic gent leinen. February showed up a neat little surplus of 17,804,205. For the eight months of the fiscal year end ing February :'1 the surplus of re ceipts over expenditures was $37, 674,785. I protection ! ,ii i ! nil expansion am liotli minims such a fiiothold in the South, it may be necessary for the Some months ago the Post called rWimrsli t.i mnaidorahlv niialifvlits readers' attention to the fact that the term "Silid" as heretofore .lit ap plied to that section. How the Democratic "statesmen" would like to see a period of busi ness depression set IU I But there is no fear of this, with protective tariff and a gold-standard-measure upon the statute Imoks. Scarcity of coal in Germany is af fording another opportunity for an American product to supply the needs of a foreign market, and the 'tarifl wall" of protection does not stop our coal from going to Europe. In less than four years the money in circulation in the United States has increased !5; per cent., notwith standing the Democratic assertions of 189G that no increased circulation OOOld occur without the adoption of free silver. Aio.tlw.r iiuililit-tn iiledirp tothe people has been kept in the B.gning of the gold-standard law by the ' . . . President. It fixes the standard of , lw" """"" " value, and the maintaining of a Sunday, Jan. 10th, 1768. Notoon parity with that standard, oi all with tW' inhuman murder, he forms of money issued or coined by w, Mt ,lie Dexl ,la.v 14 ml,ea "P J i l l the Tinted States Altough we can heat the world in manufacturing goods, and in quick ami cheap transportation by land routes, we lack the facilities for transporting our goods by water to foreign buyers. We should he as independent upon the sea as we are on the land, and encourage American shipping. Notwithstanding extraordinary - expenses in connection with the j Philippine insurrection, the public I debt ol the I faited States under Re- publican management is rapidly de creasing. During the piping times of peace of the last Democratic free- J trade administration, the debt in creased in just alsnit the same ratio as it is now being reduced. MAHON'S REPLY TO TILLMAN Huntington (Jtobr. Durioff the debate on the Puerto ey Ivican bill in Congress last Wednes day, Mr. Malum, of this district, in a ten-miuute speech called attention to the bra sen declaration of Senator Tillman regarding the brutal treat ment of negroes in South Carolina. Mr. Mahon was heartily applauded by the Republicans for his vigorous protest. During his remarks iie said : " I have heard it -aid that it is the purpose of the Democratic part to put the Declaration of Indijien dence into their next national plat form, and thus show the peopM of Puerto Rico and the Philippines that the Democratic parly is in favor of liberty, justice and mercy to all under the flair. 'That all men are creaceu iree ami oquau oeiore mci law,' etc. ' What hypocrisy ! What duplic-! ity ! Iet the black-faced Filipino! learn at onoe that the Democracy of I the Smtli has always treated, ami tlo now treat the black man as if lie i had no rights they were bound to : respect. Ben Tillman, one of their j . s j l I r Ifltden In the Senate on last Monday j piotured the Sontheni Democrat! in I the true lilit when he made thebru-1 ud declaration on the floor oi the United State- Senate: " I.et me tell you how we were situated in oat State. We had l'iS.OOt) negroes of voting aaa and wa had in onn white. ow. can you lift yOUrStlf over the fence with your hoot traps and beat that by honest methods. Yet you stood up here and insisted that we must givcthese people "a free .-ote and afair count " They had it for eight years, as long as baronets stood there, ami in 1T) they sent more liayn nct, because we had got the devil in us by that lime, ami we did not care whether we had any government. When that happened we took the government away. We stuffed ballot boie. We shot them. We are not ashamed of it' " "I would surest that this be add ed .v a peroration to the next Na tional Democratic platform. In the presence of this infamous declara tion the Democratic leaders in the lit use pretended to extent! their sympathy to and shed tears for the Mack man of Luzon surely the days of the Pharisee are not ended." MIDDLEBURG'S CENIENNIAL We clip the following from Outre county paper: "The county commissioners and the Mrgess ol Bellefonte have issued a call to the citizens oi the county to assemble in the Arbitration room in the court house this (Wednesday) evening lor the purpose ol du organ ization to prepare tor the proper celebration of Centre county's cen- tennial. This matter should lie en- couraged everywhere and tlie event celebrated in the most fitting manner." is now 100 vcars since the town of j Middleburg was laid out. Thecen j tennial should be celebrated in a litting manner. A tiny should I selected at once. The tacts should ! be collected and a history of the town should lie Written, Any day almost during the entire year would do, but we suggest that July 4th Ik selected, owing to it being a National holiday anil it comes about the mid dle oi the year. We should not forget the memor able deeds of the hardy pioneers who endured a rough ocean voyage of 8000 miles, nor the privation they suffered in this wild forest 100 years ago. The Indian with his tomahawk was a constant menace to xaee-lov-injr citizens. The Stump's Kun Disaster, which occurred within the present limits of the borough, still haunts us. It occurred January 11, 17tis. Frederick Stump, a German of Penn's township, Cumberland (nowSnvder) county,did inhumanly and wicked kill four Indian men ami r J2 i.s. ....... LHs Creek to an Indian cabin where he And is it not due to nervous exhaustion? Things always look so much brighter when wa are in good health. How can you have courage when suffer ing with headache, nervous prostration and great physical weakness ? Would you not like to be rid of this depression of spirits? How? By removing the cause. By taking It gives activity to all parts that carry away useless and poisonous materials from your. body. It removes the cause of your an tiering, because It re moves all Impurities from your blood. Send for our book on Nervousness. ' Ta keep in good health you mutt bave perfect action of the bowels. Ayer's Pills cure con stipation and biliousness. reraape too would ttks to estasM some eaitaent abraletaet about rear rondltlon. The write at ffeelT all Ska particulars la your ease. To. wUl re cetre a prompt reply, without cost. Address. OB. t. C. AVER. Lowell. Haas. Areoo Ever I n Depressed I CARPETS. You can hove a better car pet, a prettier carpet aada cheaper carpet than your aelf fiber by writing for oe ol oar 16-cetored lit ho graphed catalogue, which hows Carpets, Rugs, Art Squares, Portieres, Lace Curtains, and Bod Sets in their real colors, so .that Camels 32c to II IT y looking a tliese COtOftS csrptts, szcto si.17 jyjj -jj cn jjg (XactjT bow a carpet will lock on your floor or a drap ery at your wmuew. We prepay freight, sew car Pets free and furnish wadded lining without charge. Our Oeneral Cats- log ue tells about every thing to cat. wear and use, and will save u money on every thing; yeu use at every sea son el the year. Our Made - to - Order Clot h I n c Catalog ue. with cloth samples at- T . , . m .5 mm tached shows you the 1 "' ,Twm mtu 1 latest styles of suit and overcoat, price rang i log from $5.09 to M, We prepay eipressage. If you have not dealt with ua Before, now m he time to begin. All catalogues are free. J Which do you want T Address this way : , 'JULIUS HINES & SON, BALTIMOKE, )IU. Dapt- Ma. put to death ami burnt an Indian woman, two j;irls and a little child. A. K. (iiK several vcars ago wrote: Die cabin was located a little north of Middleburg ou lands now owned bv I lent v 8. Smitii neat a run. This stream empties into Middlecreek near the town ami up to this day liears the name, 'Munip s Kuu name, 'Mump s nun io perpetuate the disgraceful nnnie of Frederick Stump, the Indian killer as he was familiarly known by the settlersof Middlecreek Valley. Years afterward B school house was built near the place where the tragedy was committed now in tfic borough limits. The old school house is still standing and is converted 'Imj a tl welling house and was, nick named 'Stump's liun Academy.' " There are many other important events. There was a pioneer of every large family now residing in this community. Some of the de scendants have traditional events of that early poriod that should be con signed to paper and made a perma nent record that time can not oblit erate. Time runs its ceaseless course. Those who possess these traditions pass from time to eternity and the record to the living generations lioth present ami future, lieconie a no nenity, This should he a season when not only the people of Middle burg but the entire oounty, should join hands and celebrate the ceoten nial of Middleburg, for 45 years the county seat of Snyder couny. Here stands out a du tor tl present generation to ecoinplisi The local history of a Is past h been already for too long lected and as other towns in this vicinity have been celebrating their centennials, it behooves Middleburg to put on her armor for a day or two and tlo her duty toward collecting local history, making new friend-' ships and cementing old ones into still stronger tics. We call upon the chief burgess, the town council and the citizens of Middleburg consider the duties of the hour. What will they do about it f SKLINSGUOVE. A lady friend of Philadelphia is visiting Mrs. Rev. (Jensyler. L, J. Lamberson sold his grocery store to Thompson llilbish. Roll in Boyer ud Miss Donna Alltert spent a few days at Lewis burg. Dr. Foubt preached an illustrated 1 .sermon which he called the candle sermon, to a very full house. The shoe factory is running most of the nights in the week toil o'clock to get out the orders that they have booked. Mrs. Ira C. Schocli gave ah after noon tea Saturday to a number ofl her lady friends in connection with the D. A. R. Post No. 148 and the W. R Corps and Sons of Veterans were entertained by an address on the United States and its future. Rev. C. E. Front, and wife oflja Grange, Ind., are visitingeast. They were called here by the death of the wife of Dr. H. C. Froutz, a brother of the Rev. Samuel Seibert of Hagerstown, who died recently, lierjiicathed the residue of his estate after some other bequests are paid. The ain't, coming to the University will be from fl2, 000 to $15,000, depending on con tingencies. Rev. S. B. Barnitz,D. D., of Des Moines, Iowa, delivered an address before the students of the University on Thursday evening last. The ad dress was well received and the Dr. was pleased with the appearance of things around the University. Try Oraln-O ! Try lirsia-O. Ask your grocer today to show you a packa.- of OKA IN 0, the new food drink Mutt takes the pltice of coffee j The children limy drink it without injury as well us the adult. All who try It, like it. GRAIN-O has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, I hot it is made from pure grains, and! the umt delicate atoliiHch reo ivex it without di-tress, One fourth of the price of coffee. 15(3, and 25c. per pack age. Sold by all grocers. PORT TKKVEUrON. Mr. Sohney of our barg moved to Mohantongo Tuesday. j II. F. Charles, w ife anil grandson ( spent Saturday and Sunday iii Mid ; dleburg. j Adam Rife was in Sehnsgrove I Saturday for a loatl of coal for V. M. Hoyer. Saturday a great number oi our. j men attended W. (). (ieist's sale, j 1 ( lhapman. Miss Mary Rine of McKees Half Kails was visiting at F. A. Binga- man's Sunday. A. F. Schamhaiiirh and familv of IShamokin were visiting their par- ents a few days last week, There are nine of our hard work- og men working lor thi I (Jo. at present, P. It. K. V.. F. Sohrawder, one of Shamo kin's hustling salesmen, was seen in our tow n Monday. Snow! Snow! Almost one foot of snow fell lastThursday, which made very got si sleighing for a few days. ('. H. Clock, Miss L. E. Aueker and Miss Lera Bingaman enjoyed a sleigh ride Saturday afternoon. B. B. Xeitz returned home Mon thly after being snowed in with his daughter about three miles back of Herndon. A grand surprise party was given in honor of Miss Clara Binganian oi this place at 7:30 o'clock Friday ev ening. Eighteen of the young folks of this place and two of Chapman entered the home of F. A. Hinga man ami occupied the seats which were in readiness for the occasion. Miss Clara called on her friend Linnie to partake of a potato soup. When she arrived, they were all quiet and they certainly surprised her. Many amusing games were played and refreshments were .served viz. tally of two kinds, popcorn. Ctke and lemonade. At 11:60 P. M. they all returned home haying enjoyed the rxnafiion to the utmost. m j M m m fit 9 mmm wwawawf Signals! Do you take cold with every change In the weather? Does your throat feel raw ? And do sharp pains dart through your chest? Don't you know these are danger signals whkh point to pneumonia, bronchitis, or consumption Itself? If you are ailing and have lost flesh lately, they are certainly danger signals. The question for you to decide la, "Have I the vitality to throw off these diseases?" Don't wait to try SCOTT'S EMULSION aa a last re sort." There la no remedy equal to It for fortifying the system. Prevention Is easy. Scott's Emulsion prevents consumption and hosts of other diseases whkh attack the weak and those with poor Mood. SCOTT'S EMULSION la the one standard remedy for inflamed throats and lungs, for colds, bronchitis and con sumption. It la a food medi cine of remarkable power. A food, because It nourishes the body; and a anodic In , be cause It corrects diseased conditions. joe. snd Si.oo, all druggists. SCOTT & DOWSE, Chemists, Mew York This strip is manufactured under a U.S. patent and Is the neatest, strongest and most durable window shade holder on the market, and we guarantee it to be as represented or money re funded. The price, Kxprcss paid, to all points in Pa., Md., Del., N. J. ana N. Y., One Dollar per doa, other states 11.25. Your order solicited. 10HN A. PASSONt S CO. Catawissa, Pa. Tie m w If some money is to be expended for FURNITURE is to take the time and trouble to examine the stock we carry, learn rue prices at which we sell and then compare, if any doubt OS to value can remain, with the offering! of others. I lirmly believe will get yo:ir order, be cause we have done everything to merit the trade of prudent buyers. Call .and Be Convinced.- JOHN C. YARNALL, IVIfvx-lsLOt St.. SjLr"fcvt.T-y, FTt. CASTOR I A For Iufantu and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of MARK1KD. March 15, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Amnion .1. Bcnfcr of K reamer and M. Verdi I Is Row of Salem. March IS, in Freeburg, Pa., by Wm. Moycr J. P., James E. Rick hart and Eva Laura Shaffer, both of Pallas, Pa. March 16, by Rev. Geo. W. (Jensyler, Murray L. Leplev and Com S. Fetter, both of Jackson twp. March 11, by Rev. K. E. Gilbert, Win. Wagner of West Perry twp. to Mary Portzlineof Perry twp. March 11, by Rev. H. H.Spalm, Hanks K. Weiand of lieavertown to Itla Kanawell of Adamsburg. March 15, by Geo. M. Shindel, Clerk O. C, Benjamin Houseworth of Kvandale, Juniata County, and Jane Sierer of Richfield, (West Perry twp). March 15, by Rev. D. E. Mc Lein, James W. Crossgrove ofljime stone twp., Union County, to Cora As Bailey of Centretwp., Snyder Co. March 10, by M. L Potter, J. P., John I. Hommel and Ida E. Fike, Ixith of Paxtonville. March 13, at Middleburg, by Rev. . Shambach, Lank llackeuburg and Miss Agnes S. Walter, lioth of ZiOn'fl church, this .county. A. R. De Fluent, editor of fhe Journal, DoylestOWD, Ohio, suffered for n number of years from rheuma tism in his nebt shoulder and side. He says : "My right arm at times was entirely useless. I tried Cham berlain's Pnin Balm, and was sur prised to receive relief almost imme diately. The Pain Balm has been a constant companion of mine ever since and it never fails." For sale by all Druggists. To f'nrr n Cold In One llsy TakP I.axAtivk IIbomo QvntniB Tablets. AU iIiml-ki-i-r.-tntul tin- money n it lauS lo cure i w iiiu.it - slrnaturpoii ever bos. I5c. 10-s-S LEGAL ADVERSISEMENTS. R1 XJfiCUTOR'B NOTICE. Notioe ia Ciamb ftves tbai letirrsSfsisaiertsi tr mi the estate of Valentine Walter late of corn re IOWBbMPm snjder county. Peuna.. rtt-eeased. have ten Issued In due lorm ol law to the uiiderMglifd, to whom all Indebted to I ..t.i., uhfiiilrt Vniiko Imnii.illnlj' ODilnnnr ' and those having claims against II should pre sent tin m duly authenticated lor settlement. U. M. slloWKRS. Executor, l'ennscreek, 1'a. EXKCI TKIX'S NOTI( K.-Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary upon the the estate of K. C. Williams, late of Chapman Township. Snyder County, I'rnna., deceased, have liern issued in due form sf law to the un dersigned, to whom all indebted to said estate should make immediate tayment and those having claims against it should present them duly uulhcnticnb'd for settlement. ANNIK K. WILLIAMS, Kxeeulrls. Chapman. 1'a, EXKllTOU'S NOTICK.-Nntlco is hereby Kiven that letters testamentary upon the es tate of Sarah Martin, lateof Franklin twp., Snyder county Pa., deceased have been issued in due form of law to the undersigned, to whom all Indebted In said estate should make Imme diate payment and those having claims against it should present them duly authenticated for settlement. SAMl'hL BILOKK, Executor, lacohOilbcrt. Ally. utobe Mills, Pa. nXaCUTOaTS NOTICE.-Notice ia hereby tate't Oeorg Shambach. late of Franklin Township. Snyder ounty, 'a., deceased, have leell Issued in uu lorm ui law k ine umicr- Hiirned to whom all Indebted to aaid state should make Immediate payment and thorn, iiuaillst it mIiiiIiIiI iiraae,.! Sl.. llftVllI - 'lsssn ..p..---- a-'"-' I'on. in .Ill-Ill duly authenticate, lor settlement. Midtllchiirjf, I. tXECfTHIX'S NOTICK Notice is hereby riven tliat letters testamentary upon the es tate of I H Komlg, late of Penn Township, Has flgl Countv, Pa., deased, have been issued l n Hue lorm di taw i ,iK f w moiu all indebted to said estate should make imme diate payment and those having claims against it should present them duly authenticated for settlement. I.ViU A A. HOMIU. Fxecutriz, Kantx, Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Let te ra of Administration i n t b e estate ol lewis Miller, late of Franklin t p Snyder county, Pa., dee'd, kavlng been granted ui the utidersignea, an persons anowiug mem elre; lodebt) tad in aid estate are requested to nake Immediate payment, while those having L.alms will present in em duly authenticated to IBe undsrsigrsa, JOHN H. MILI.K.R, Strodes' Mills. Pa BAKAH IS II LlOlt, Hiddleburgh, Pa. j yuan m9SZ WztzVi r'&c 1 tT bi I 111 I MP nsStTr- Dried Peaches. I bave just received a most elegant lot of Dried Peaches, They are Fresh, Clean and Large. E very body admires them and the customers who taste tliem buy some. They are sweet, rich and delicious. We are going to Sell fheui cheap lie. per pound or live lbs. for fifty cents. We want newCustomers If you buy some of these Peaches you will want more of them. A. H. MOYER. Doodletown, Pa. BE SURE That your eyes and yom Children's eyes are in good condition. They may not complain, and, yon may not know that their eyes are weak, but time will develop many nervous disorders as a result of neg lecting this important imatter. We test the eye with absolute accuracy. No glasses recommendtd unless they are needed. If you netd medical treatment we will tell you so. No one can do more. We have the lat est appliances, the newest ideas and methods in sight testing. T hiscom hined with experience and skill in the use of such instruments. Making mistakes a thing of the past. No drugs used. B. F. SHEIBLEY, Jeweler and Refracting Optician, 21 W. Market St.. Lewistown. Graduate Philadelphia Optical College. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOURIST PARTIES TO California If you are going to California and wish to save expense, yet travel In safety and comfort. Investigate these "once-a-waek parties." They leave every Wednesday from both Chicago and St. Louis, Joining at Denver. Then past the grandest scenery in the world, over the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad. A few hours' stop to see Bait Lake City, and on via Ogden and the Southern Pacific Hallway. 4 tptclol agtnt It In charge of each party, and the cars are comfortable and exquisitely clean. Write tor a folder giving full particulars and send 6 cents In postage for our beautifully Illus trated book on California. Itlsaworkof art. P . S. EUSTIS, Gen'l Past's Agt., C.B.SQ. R. R. CHICAGO, ILL ciea ubd Major's ICfflCDl Remember MAJOR'S RUBBER CEMENT. MAJOR'S LEATHER CEMENT. Dooitra Store BjgaxBaxxaBBBBBBaaaaMBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB Baw To Repair afl RjV Broken ArtI-