I I! II line uae i for Arm jtttc ooee bar. Mir vx line, with to .BO. Ml. I mum. HANDY CONTRIVANCE. re A Ohio Farmer Explalaa How II Draw Water and airings It lata the Ilonar. With a Tiew to having good water and plenty of it, the past summer, 1 built two cistern of about IM barrels capacity each one for general house use, the other for dnukiiig alone. The accompanying' cut will explain itself. We huve used this plan for about eight weeks and it has proved very satisfactory. We use a good suction pump, so constructed that you can (by uing a set screw) turn the handle any .AW., DRAWING WATER FROM CISTERNS. way you want. By means of a turn cock in the nozzle of the pump you a. j: Mk. (tti ,can stop the dripping immediately, when you stop pumping, which is very fessential where you have a, pump in tin kitchen, us it saves the use of a jar or Irasta pipe. When you want to draw water from Ine cistern, all you have to do is to open be brass globe valve that is on line of lipe leading to that cistern and close he other one, and vice versa. We used l'i-ineh galvanized iron pipe. By this lrs"fc,m you can locate your cisterns luywhere you wish, then bring the pipes underground, as shown in cut (so Is to be out of reach of frost ) to a point nrler the kitchen floor, then up. and lonnect to pump. 0. G. Cross, in Ohio Farmer. GOOD ROADS PROBLEM. May Find Ita Solution In a Manner Surprising and Certainly Un locked For. I The good roads problem, a subject of terest to almost every man, woman hd child in the whole country, seems i be about to And a solution in a man- fcr that is certainly surprising and un- oked for. And, as is usually the case fth such discoveries, it was accidental, has been found that if a road be grnd- up and put in good shape to shed Ster and then have a liberal applica nt of oil made to it, that it will soon Ick solid and remain so, not becoming Iher muddy in wet weather or dusty dry. As the kind of oil that is used, le petroleum, costs only four dol- Iper barrel, it is estimated that a of road 25 feet in width can be -Wed for less than $300. Compared macadamizing or any other well- Iwn method heretofore in vogue, cost is a mere bagatelle, and if oil makes and keeps the road as I as is claimed, and lasts as long as said to do, this will certainly prove most inexpensive way to improve as. ut this is not all. Kveryone knows t a good, dry, dustless road of earth p.r the best in every respect to drive It is pleasant for the driver, better Itlie vehicle and infinitely better for Iteam. As the oil treatment has not extensively tried, it is not defi- y known whether it will do well kinds of dirt roads, but it costs tttle to test the matter that the I supervisors in every county ought nake an experiment on different pa of earths to find out the facts. I is true that is claimed, this is the ktest discovery ever made in road- ling, and makes good roads possi- fcrerywhere. The application of the i merely a vigorous sprinkling, and I therefore easy to make a trial. lelund Cycling Gazette. COOPERATION PAYS Mean Farmer Explalaa How On pad la Hla State Waa Perma nently Improved. of the disadvantages under our farmers are laboring is poor This being a sandy country, ib scarcely a time during any lot the year that our roads are Something like five years ago, 25 farmers came together and bl to haul marl one day free' if "wnship would allow them to take pari from its bed. The township "tiling, and about 20 men volun- f to shovel and level the marl, and e first half mile was laid. That proved such a success that the lyear another half mile was put This marl packed down so hard pade such excellent bed for gravel she farmers donated $225 and la- K about one-quarter mile of grav ing being put on in what was al ls wet place it was spread about I inches thick. Next year $250 was ted and about one-half mile was own, spreading this only about Inches. This year only $100 was pert, but a quarter-mile strip was ""n, finishing the mile started para before. Besides this about I mile of marl was put down ready fsvel next fall. method of making a road is a for if the marl is once packed I and if gravel is then added the Bns roadbed is as hard as atn. Next Tear thn townshin to raise $600 for gravel if the ' wttl nledce their labor toward ' It down, and now about a Tear l't i needed three-fourths of the V promised. This shows what can do if their town is too 1 make good roada. This is the! operation that pays. Michi . ia Orange J ndd Farmer. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. Lmon la the Inti-rnatlnnal Serlea for March MBa l!it( Quarterly Ittflew Mud;, Prepared by II C. I.enington.J GCVLDKN TKXT The Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister. Mark 10:41 NOTES AND COMMENTS. The Historical Events. Following is a brief chronology for the perioil up to and Including lust Sunday's lesson: B. C. 5, March Annunciation to Mary at I Narareth.-l.uke 1 :?6-:& B. C. S. June John the Raptlat born la Judea Luke l:57-RO. R. C. 5, December Jesus born In Iletrile- hem Matt. 1:1S-2B: Luke 2:1-7.... Shepherds hear the son of the anftels -I.uUe ::S-M. 4. January Visit of the wise men to the child Jesus. Halt 4. February Flight of Mary and B. C. n. c. Joseph Into Egypt with the child Jesus Matt 2:13-23. B. C. 2-A. D. 26-Jesus' childhood arc youth at Nazareth. Matt. 2:23: Luke 2:39-10. A. D. 8, April Jesus' first pas?over at Jerusalem, whcit 12 years old Luke 2 41-80. A. D. IS, Summer John the Baptist begins hla ministry (six months before and three months parallel with Jesus' ministry.) Matt. til-Li; Mark 1 :1-S; Luke, 3:1-18. a D. 27. January Jesus baptised in niver Jordan -Matt. 3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke. 3:21-23. A. D. 27. January ar.d February Jcfus tempted in the wilderness of Judca. -Matt. 4:1-11; Mark, 1:12, 13; Lukt 4:1-13. A. D. ITT. February Jesus gains Bis first disciples, at Btthabsrs. John 1:1,1:51 Jesus performs His tlrst miracle turning water Into wine at Cana. Galilee. John 2:1-12. 27. April 11-17 Beginning of Jews' A. D. Judeart ministry. Jesus drives out the mom-y-chai.gerx from the tem ple at Jerusalem John 8:1318..,. Conversation of Jesus and Nico demus. John 3:1-11. A. D. 27. Summer and Autumn Jesus preaches In Judca. John 3:22-36. A. D. 27, December Jssus departs for Gall lee. John 4:1-3 Jesus gains con verts In Samaria at Jacob's well near Sychar John 4:4-12 Heals a nobleman's son at t'apernaum. John 4:43-54. A. D. 28, March 30 to April 5 Jesus attend the passovor at Jerusalem John 6:1... .Heals an Impotent man at the pool of Ucthesda. John 5:2-47 ....John tho napttet Imprisoned at Macherus Matt. 14:3-5; Mark 6-17. 18; Luke 3:19. 20....Cloae of Jeaua' Judean mlm'stry. A. D. St, April Jesus ret urns toGalllee. Be ginning of great Galilean ministry. Malt. 4:12; Mark 1:14. 15; Luke 4:14 15 Jesus rejected at Nazareth -Luke 4:11-30.... Takes up Hla abode at Capernaum. Matt 4:13-17: Luke 4:31. ...Calls four disciples to be fishers of men. Matt. 4:18-43; Mark 1:16-30: Luke 5:1-11.... Jeaua busy Sabbath In Capernaum, preaching and healing. -Matt. 8:14-17; Mark 1:21-34; Luke 4:11-41. A. D. 28, May Jesua makes His first cir cuit of Galilee. Matt. 4:23, 24. Mark 1:15-39; Luke 4:42-44. ...Heals a leper In Galilee. -Ma' l 8:1-4; Mark 1:40-45; Luke 5:13-11 A. D. 28, May and June Jeaua heals a paralytic at Capernaum. Matt. 9:2-8: Mark 2:1-12; Luke 6:17-26.... Calls Matthew the publican to be a disciple, at Capernaum-. Matt. 8:9; Mark 2:13. 14; Luke 5:27, 28.... Lays down the law of the Sabbath. Matt. 12:1-8; Mark 2:23-28: Luke 8:1-5 Heals the man with a withered hand on the Sabbath, at Capernaum. Matt 12:9-14; Mark 8:1-6; Luke 6:6-11. D. 18, Midsummer Calls the twelve to be apostles, on the Horns of Hattln. The Teachings of Jesus. The more important teachings of Jesus niny be recalled in the order of the lessons of the past quarter: Lesson I. The birth of Christ Luke 2:4- 14. The divine origin of Jeeus is necessary to His aftorwork and teaching, und so a necessary Introduction to a study of His life. Recall the angel aong of peace and good will. Lesson II. The, child Jesus Luke 2:41- 48. Thla Is meant to Include the period of preparation. Jes-us at His mother's feet, Jesus learning of wise men In the temple at Jerusalem, Jesus at work In His father's corpenter shop, and at the same time drink ing In the history and traditions of the Jews, as well as tho teachings of the old- time prophets these are the Inspiring pic tures brought to the mind's eye. Lesson III. Preaching of John the Bap tist Luko 3:7-17. The life of John la an Important sidelight on the life of Jeaua. The contrasts are worthy of study: John the voice, calling to repentance, pointing to the Christ; Jesus the Word, preaching salvation, Hlmaelf the Light, the Life of men. Ljaaon IV. Baptism and Temptation of JeMt Matt. 4:1-11. Jesus hallows the or dinance of baptism. In symbol foretelling bis death, burial and resurrection. Jesua la "In all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin." Hebrews 4:16. Lesson V. The first disciples of Jesus- John 1:35-42. Two simple clauses may be taken to bring out the essential teachings ef thla lesson, (1) "They followed ieaus, Illustrating the beauty and value of dla- clpleship. (2) "Come and see. Jesus own way of emphasizing one of the laws of Increase In the Kingdom of God. Lesson VI. Jesus and Nlcodermis John 1:1-12. Jesus teaches the necessity of the new birth ("born of the Spirit"), and points out the way to life In John 8:16. Lesson VII. Jesus at Jacob'a well John 4:5-14. Jesus revests Himself as the source of the water of life, teaches the secret of true worship "in spirit and In truth." and announces Hlmaelf as the Messiah. Lesson VIII. Jesus rejected at Nasa reth Luke 4:16-24. Jesus teaches that In Himself Old Testament prophesy Is ful filled. He has been sent to preach the Gospel to the pdor, to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to captive, recovering of alght to the blind, and to set at liberty them that are bruised. Lesson IX Jesus' healing In Capernaum -Mark 1:21, 22, 29-34. Being the record of a busy Sabbath, which shows Hit mission to earth is one of love and mercy. Lesson X. The paralytic healed Mark 2:3-12. Jesus alone at prayer Is one of the significant scenes of the New Testament record of Jesus' life. Jesus shows thst He has the authority and the power to forgive sins. Lesson XI. Jesus at Matthew's house. Mark 2:18-22. Probably the most Impor tant teaching In thla passage Is the saying of Jesua: "They that are whole have no need or tne physician, nut tney mat are sick; I came not to csll the righteous, but sinners to repentance." Gold Dust. God is content to wait because Be reigneth; man must be content to wait because he believeth. Alfred Ed ersheim. Come, take that task of yours which you have been hesitating before and shirking, and walking around, and on this very day lift it up and do it. Phillips Brooks. The burden of suffering seems a tombstone hung about our necks, while in reality it is only the weight which is necessary to keep down the direr while he ia hunting for pearls. EURDENED WOMEN. Wc look in amazement at the burdens some women carry upon their heads. Yet how light they are compared with the burdens some women carry upon their hearts. There are childless womn whose hearts ache ceaselessly because of the childless home. That burden of chile llcs-.ness has been lifted from the heart of many a woman by the use of Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription. Many of the obstacles to maternity arc remov able. Such obstacles are entirely re move 1 by "Favorite Prescription." It contains no alcohol nor narcotic. Harried Six Years and Childless. "1 have never writtrn you how grateful I am to you fur yout help in securing good health ami one of the sweetest, dearest, thirteen pound Sirl that ever came into a home wi ite airs. M. vastine, of 64) South I.ihertv Street, Caleshurg, 111. "I took six lioltles of fir. Pierce's Favorite ITescription, fool of the 'Oolden MetHcal Dis cover ' snd lour vials of l)r Pierce's Pleasant Pellet Iirlore I hnil taken four bottles of the Favorite Prescription' 1 was a new woman, I canuol nuke tx-n drcrilK- my heartlelt xrati tude, so will close bv Hiving if "anv one disputes the- value of lr Pierce's medicines I will be pleased t.i confirm the truth of all I say it they will enclose stamped envelops lor reply." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Fellets are a ladies' laxative. No medicine equals them lor gentleness and thoroughness. Coming; to the Front, Jlsgle 1 knew that fellow Storms, the comedian, would come to the front. WlsWer And he has, has he? "Yes. You remember he used to play the part of the hind legs of the elephant In the pantomine?" "Yes." "Well, now he's playing the front legs." Tit-Hits. In No Danger. "Some lof those old blue laws are very funny," he said. "For instance, it has been discovered that kissing Is still against the law in Connecti cut." "But we are not in Connecticut," she suggested. Ills call that evening was some what longer than usual. Chicago rost. Deceptive Environment. It la not always safe to judge a man According to the company he keeps. And place him underneath the social ban, Classed with the hoi pollol or common sweeps. He ma not have a chance to pick his crowd. That happens very frequently, as when As warden he consorts with the low-browsst And many-striped Inmates of the pen. Chicago Record. HHKHK UPIMONS DIFFER. "I want to tell you something, dearl Your former governess, Fraulein Uretc, is going to be married soon!" "Well, I'm thankful, pa, that that stupid thing is going to leave ihe house. But what numbskull is going to marry her?" "I am, my dearl" Der FJoh. Her Conp da Grace. I vowed she was divinely fair, I swore undying love; The glint of gold was In her hair, Her eyes like stars above. And aa upon my bended knees. By sweet love's ardor fired, I prayed for mercy and heart's ease. She said: "You make me tired!" N. T. Herald. SENP-US OWE DOLLAR lsrsovro riSLoa a.n oaats UKB OBUAI. Si frtlrtt C. 0. Mkjtrt HOB. MfH,IMIIllIw, w. u flail It ciaetlr aa rrre.ratd. to pii imi far allar lhaa ana aararUari ay ataafa at mm Vu en eminnirur aeareat ftfJgSt DrT.a. wrmw. wj on, - , , , nun price 25.s0. ' w , - 5;,nT..n. TBI PARLOU CIS,""""""1' SB snSSTSST TOKUD laOraajaaU et'r Baaa. Kroni MS Ulurallli aho n. lilch l enirravwl dlreet tr im a photuKraph yon can farm amaaideaof It, beailtlfal appeareMae; rraaBaaltaarter aa ed oak ar walnut aa dr.lred. aarfbraiad key all, fall ...! Wr, aad araaaBU, naRlaf u laa .am Mian, ni.uK. u '' - - tiKM Is d feet tltth.it Inehea lon.,J Ineliu. "Ideaod welahj BO bnlrl.na. S.loala, Maala, Cra-uaa, BCoaakr, TrfhlaUjH". ... v ,- ,.j v. iinH... . a n, ... Caaalara. 1 Taaa SaaU. I Oraad (lraaa S..U, 4 SaU at !WkilrU 1 Kajaajlarj Haa aalUj a4,, I Sat af 17 Fr Swaat Salaala M i 1 Sat at SI Cbaralatli SntllaatUlaato Saada, I Hetaflt ale SaSaw SajaaU) .. a aaa Ol ataS aflatliaal Loans irlMllsal mJiu THE PARLOR OEM act Ian n";"' '(" r.l.brat.o K.a.ll R,.rt., whleli are only ued In the hlirh ataradelntnimenu;nttedwlth U.aaiaad Caa atari aad T.i Haaiaaa, alao beat Polite felti, laathere, eta., bellows of the beat rubber elolh, S ply bellnwn "t wk and tlneai leatherln valaei. THE PARLOR OEM sfundshed with a lOillbereled plate i rencE mirror, nlekel plaw.l pedal framaa, and every modern Iraprorement. Wa rarakk rraa a kaadaaan Sana atoal aad (aa aa.1 arfia laatraa. V - 7 . iiwaaai aitk ,Hn FiDIDk - ur.H vnvan r , .T . , . ,, Uaua a wntten oinaio j wituBr.ii,r.( mw , termiaad eondlttons ot which If any part irlvaa out wa repair rt fraa at akarl. Try It one month and wa will MK7na vnr mnnaa If von a not nerfoetly natlktled. UI0 of these ontaniwfil lie w.ld at S39.SO. UKDEK AT ONCE. DON'T DELAY. OUR RELIABILITY 18 fcalABLIantU dealt with niaak yournl(hborabiiut us, write tha publisher of thla paper or Hetrnolltan National Hank, or t orn Nat. Hank, of Cbleatfn: or Oerman gxchanire Bank, New Vort; ; or any Mllwaa nff aznraaa eomnanr la Chlratro. Wa aara aaaaltalaf aaar S700.ouO.oo, oeeupr entire aaaa a aapiuH vi wmw vi,. ., w . one of the largaat baalnns ktorka la I bleaga. ana OTD "iigggij aMAinT AT SVSS aad rUMMk11t.ee n"alo everythln. In mteieaJ Inatniaentn at lowert wholajaj. prtcea. Writ forfree mrelal orcan, piano and muilcal Instrument oataluirue. aoaraaa, inaara, i uaw, ail laauaiBij pvajavva, Naavr, MAM, HOatlUOK OO. (hnU sltsa, Oeesiaiacs aad ivSrssst Sts., OHIOAOO, ILL. . The Rraaoa Why. , Freddie, aged live, developed suddenly I s preference fur saying hfs prayers to i his father. Hi.- mother commissioned her husband to try to find out the rea I son. At bedtime, alone in the nursery I with the youngster, his father said to him I ''Freddie, why is it that you wont to say your prayers to me every ; night?" I "Oh, that's easy," said Freddie. "It's I 'cause me und vuu aud Uod are men." ! N. V. World. A IJomratlc Krvelnlloa. "Johnny," said a teacher to a south Bide grocery man's sigyear-old, "a lie can be acted us well ns told. Now, i your father would put sand in his sugar and sell it he would be acting a lie und doing very wrong." "That's what mother told him." said Johnny, impetuously, "and he said be didn't CarS.n Columbus Journal. Midnight Philosophy. Mrs. Squills-Quick I Quick! YVske up.' I believe there arc burglar down nairs. Qo down and see. Mr. Squills (sleepily) Nonstnsel Nothirag but a cat. Mrs. 8. Bark I There I I know there are burglars downstairs. Mr. S. (nenously ) Well er if von know hej are there it's no use going down to find out. N. Y. Weekly. The Idea. Mrs. Bcrnmpy Does your daughter play by ear, Mrs. F.? Mrs. Frumpy Lor, no, my dear. She plsys w ith her lingers. In eo'rsc Ally Sloper. Baffled , .::.! Lii.iinonciG are no bettei iJr ii.l jjrpot3S than the ' V are the wilo StntntS In the United $t ttea for thess marvellous saini-precloai ruuuM, which are the nearest approach to I . mine jUnj ttOfaV ever discovered lor the prrndie of Introducing them quietly to the pulniC we will forward either RING, PIN, STUD.EAIRir3G3 (Screws or Drops), a) Thuae stones re BttarantAsd to n tain their lustre forever; tin- mount Inrs tire heavy rolled plate, and are warranted for Ave yean. EACH Earrfcias Are $2 Per Pair. SPECIAL CAUTION ! Do not confound ney,iiitie Barrios 'Ma Blonds with so-called tthlnestonss, Whits T"i7.. (mother Initiation stones, ngardlflssof what the name may be. Genuine Barrlo.l Diamonds have no eruOolal lucking, are equal to real diamonds a" to looks and wear, .and will cut glass, Till., offer will last only a Short time limner, and Is subject to with drawol wUihoul nollco. MAIL ORDERS. A Beautiful, Brilliant, (Jenulne Itarrlna Diamond. r,ounted in a heavy rlnit. pin or Htnd, will he sent to any address on recolpt or one Dollar. In ordering, ttlvo full dlrtsc tlatis and state whether small, uhmIIuiu or large stone it desired. CAMIIil.K NKl'VAttD, tlm I'rms Donna Of the Walter DanVOSOn Opera Co., writei- "Barrios Diamonds are lustrous and full o' fire. They are magnificent sulistltiiteH fur reuulne diamonds for stage purposes. ' ' C'AMIM.K RCYOA-nn r.oae-y pomfstly refunded If bmmI are not aa rpi eseaited. CP Beware of Imitators., Address Mail Orders to The Pomona M'f 'g Co., 131 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Mention Middleburg I'okt. M !- Seaet, aa ir par f ." i mmmm. B.Vt llkawlfl a HI H - LIB lJ.mffaWTkiiSJmfm ssssVmtmT SsBmVmffaS-faVmVSMfnn fiiB SsimaHH woat ---wata,aaa" I ti brew S'llu No. 3- BIOOLQ SWIM-: BOOK "st ' it. ray oi ti CAB f 1 ' I ts. AlU Is vonr paper, m nldj ' " ' ' tl"' Id the bit oiamcnw- 11 Any ONE of the I CGGLE g YBAR9 (reifsin lei f to any sddreas I 1 I .11. 1 KR 1 .1 Sample ol .-Aat.M Jot KNAUr. WII.Ml H ATKIV CUAI . I KNKI The Tallest Mercantile Building in the World, Owned snd occupied Exclusively oy Os. .. hilSiSlfl Elnnllj:?!:' wjsjSuw " HjHlaM(HWIt.ld.t! mm tvt I This Dictionary' a work of peoiilt. In oftnu. In mate, umi ruii) four people, DEPARTMENTS. PIUCU SUUSV To Intrmliiro untn n tin Slie Sis inriiea. LlheTSl eommlailon for good work, Addrewi ail oruen w ( FARM AND Homt, BOX u, I SAVE afSSiBtap . BTft VM vfc t YOUR "Htar"tin tftRB (siiowinp of tag), "Horse Shoe," "J. and "Drnmmond" Natnrnl Leaf Tin las uro of equal value ia securing presents mentioned below, hiiu uuy be assorted. Every man, wouian and child orm find somothing on tbe li3t that they would like to have, am! cuu havo JE 1 Match H 11 t Knife, nn blsds, Rood ttH t rii'lm.ni, tlu'h)n 4 Omu'a Hm. KnlfM. Kork k aii'i h b Halt and pppiier , ' :, . i;, qmul mpln plate 1.11 white metal 6 Frui Ii Hriar wood Pips 2& 7 ltJ.- r. hollow ;t mi I film Bagltill eteel 60 8 Butter Knife, trifle plate, lu st quality 80 9 BngSf Khali, triple pln'e, Iwm qoaL, 10 Hiamp Hox, Hterlliiir allver 11 Knife, "Keen Kiltter." Iwi. hlaiiea.. 16 13 Hoi. I. it Knife, "Keen Kutter," n iu blade 76 18 Shear", "Keen Kutter," B-lncti 76 14 Nut Set. 1'ia. ker and 0 Mots, "llrer plated ... SO 16 Baae Hall. "Amortatiun," best qual.lu.: 16 Alarm Clock, nickel. 16U 17 Blx Oenulne ivOgars1 TeanpoonM, beet plated kiwhIi 1511 15 Watch, nickel, "tern wind ami et . Sou 19 Carvera, guod eteel, buckhorn handlea 900 80 Hil OenuiBe I.. r.' Tuhle S; i, beet pin' e. I N 360 31 Six each. Knlvee and Forks, buck horn bandlee 360 23 Blx eacli. Genuine Bouer"' Knives and Forks, hest plated Kooda 600 THE ABOVE OFFER EXPIRES NOVEMBER Mm. "W0. O aia: I Plam " Star " opctildl tlUllvU . Htari. printeit hut will 1 paid hundred, if recilrecl hv us r rt. tVBKAK IN ,1HNI that u dlmr'n worth ol' STAR PLUG TOBACCO will Imi l.n.cr at. I ulTar.1 t.t ,t i.lruttr. tlt.n it dlat-'u xuitb at ni .ibtrlttud. MAKE THE TEST 1 Sand n 1. 1 'L't 1 1 A''S. TOBACCO CO SL Louis, So. A A'A - - A Parm Lll -.1.7 of unequalled value Practical. I'j-iv- nclse and C impretaeaslTe Hand Miiuciy ! : tatifd aim BeAUllittll Illustrated. By Jacob hkigle No. 1 I'AKil.lI IIORSU Bt)OK Allab ut iiu, cs a Cominon-Benai rrestlse, witli na 74 illustrations ; a standard work. Price jo Cents No. -liiOvIl H BERRY BOOK Altolioul iwine Bmull Fruits read snd Kara bow i COnl till I l.tcoloted Ine liU, i, piixluetionsol nllle. ,ni,; vsrtctlcsoud looothei Illustrations Price suCent:. No. 3 BlfMLB POULTRY Hook AU about Poultry i the best Poultry liis.k in exltetit tcllsi biuu . villus rxlored life-like reproductions til ill the prim.!, at breeds; with loj other illustiaiioua. 1 1 je, 90 Cents. No. 4- BIOGLB COW BOOK til :il., iul '. s aim the Doll y Ilusiness ; having a Rtrnr no ; contains 8 colored hie like reproductions oi .,, ii i otiicr illustrations, l'rior. uCenta a I .it. h.i II Ureedinor. Peedlnv. Bntrh. try, 1 iiu; ., . u- Cetltnius over .s, tieautitul liuil tut auitU ottcr ngruvtni . Price, 50 Cents. ThsDIQQLQ t! f,S nre iiulqi e,oi ."inul. useful- yon never siwr 1 'I ting likcthtru i4j v:rncticai,iioaensiDle. They 1 re ha ,'iui! it . niirm .11- 1 ale- Km t West, North 1 ml b "til. vonr who keeos n Home, Cow, Hoi; or It. TOWS t I .ill I Tint',. oiilIiI to send rirlit r.l.ll.l. hlitls.:,. 1 I e b JOURNAL .! lor yon and not a misfit. It is nvrnr t bollnUlown, hlt-thc-usllon-tbe-henri, ve-Buid-it, latin and Household pa pel in t fiapcrol Ita i.e in the United Slates v,n rv.riiniiliiotiati.l.-i h..!( regular rcadcis. BOOKS, aa:'. he FARM JOURNAL ,111 .. r.i 3I n ol be sent by mail ' , irrulnrdcscro n HK'tll.tj ItOOKS fn .J! H SAI 1 IlILAl.LLril :....! Wholesale Prk i , to Users, Our General Catalogue quotes them. Send 15c to partly pat postage or expressage and we'll Bend ytui one. It has 1100 pages, 17,000 illustrations ami quotes prices on nearly 70,000 things 'iat yon eat and use and wear. Ve constantly carry in stock all ii les quoted, r.C: TCOMERY WARD Sl CO., lit utgaa At. a- sladlaaa St., rklaaate. fr-j'.; FREE. CONTAINING 50,000 Words 12 DEPARTMENTS IN ONE VOLUME. entrii tlitimry lnttml l" W OIUNI f DMstrc quality It In Utieietlldeveil h tin1 cri'iii ataiiUnt vt quMitit it 'ii 1 ! 1 iMHiiy every id In riiiiinn wiwere we puriHiw 1 at li-ant thrrr tint of worceiief iM-tMii:ir it- . h . i . ami .staiiHani J"".' M i n n -i i mhu pi" w pw ew n. s 'r.- "im 50000 orde '"ay now bebAd upon lermi heretofore imheArt-dC. A new rtettce ibowi Uie ilnrui forniH ol til tlie iiomin. Another poll) fl out Rluiut ;.(mmi eepechtll) iiliitcuii wiirafit Hut Ibe itteatett of tJl tclileveiiieiitii In modern dtcttoiiv) makuiK In th--aiirittioti of SftilOO worrtii to ttii itlctlonar) bj nteftni of a itugje pigv called tbe MC'olambtn Word-Builder." Benldeti tin- Dlctlonftrt it lino ronteinii tu'eive leirtinentr, u followe: 1. Aitin-.ii- Uonn 2 Prononncing ifirtionarri riwer mimr.; QRMtt4Mr of tlit World: l.arK i Itlrn ; . rnrlliiM iiinr i:uh-K r.usMM ss i nhtt iii tdi ; o hoclal i i ii i- I Latter Writer; 10. Im "t Cstpltftll ; 11. rum ti...t inn : 1 I'ontHl tiii(l. it ton tit ni In pstgej, haiidstiiiiciy bound in Imltetlon lestsei ooren Furm nnil lli.mr, oor nstlim- l nl aeml-aiontblT ihlch alr. ,nl Iiu a rlrrtuii- Hnn of 3nO,n00i. Inf. Iliimaaima ot hnaira lirrfit i n.i iy takcii, malts th followlni Remarkable Often Tbe rfwusir i.rii f Kami ami Home Is M cants a Tear, bat we will ajnu it as Ihoss menttomnit this paper, hIi mnntha nn trial fi.rnnly in mm (In "llycr ur ianiisi, ami wHboul tiiilliir .liars.' hi.i l"'1 C'nninrelienalto Welialer Klrtlonary," a atn.v.. ilea, r li..i. mail, raarnsla, All areepllns; tbh orrer wfn reeelre pur matrnu- l.,n.lvlll.lri,t,..1 Sfl.naia.at nr.., it It. fit IUI. ri.Tilalliitik' '''t ' ma f ill artirli' ami inmf .r the nmst remarkable "(Trm ersf jnaj It vmr mtwaBrjutton la rul , . ... . 1 1 .1 . ' , wp wjH al" Inrlml.- a rrkr. Atlas of the World, eontslnlns msns In colors, wiiiip mtmu at least SI if Durehsaed aepsrstelr, B.-nt wanted everywi.T'- spnngTieia, maaSi.oi vini.ou, . . samBj a a a) a a v a a a 1 mwt mm ,, . . .13. Bmni i Rfars proaieu 0:1 .mirr hub T.," " Good Ltiok," "Cross Bow," X5 7S AO. 33 clock, 'iy. Calendar, Them otn eter. Barntns'Sf 34 i inn rsss, leather, no bsttsf 'iwle. jtv 36 Bevolver, eatotoatie, .... able soil in, sSorSScallhsr. oao X Tool Set, II- t plnythllik".. On' r-al toola CaV 37 T.dlot S deoo"tel porcelain, very bandsoina SS8 Bemlnftton mtle No , KorSSrsl. -wi Watctj, s'ei'ltii.t Hilv.w-.rilll jewel I Iikmj N brass sun Haas, leather, handsome ami durable LaM lit Bewtna Machine, lr cuisk. with all sttaeliments ... IBSB 13 RuTolTSr, Colt's, vS-i'Siibs.', blued steel IMS n lllfle. Oolt'e. 16-t.hot, laHiallhsr. ..1600 M Dollar (Washburn), . .-, . .1. in laid SOU.) 36 slandolin, vsry handsome ...:ooo :i8 aflnokealer hwMStias shot dun, 13 iiauife. Sum 37 Kini;iiC"ii, iloill.le lnrr.1. hatn tuer Sii-.i tetut, I I Ol UtraugS ...SUU0 88 Bicycle. atatl4SfU ttutka, lnules or tfenta 36V) 81 Shot Qua, Ramlngton, doubts bar- n.l, haiiiiuerJeH- wt to K. , 'in i Hustfl 11.. s. i . inch Uuu. aaAi 86 9. ' mTi to Tin Tan (that 1, Star ta-r" with no mall f i;xW for nrrtrntit. in iiuder elite of tavi, are for In CASH nn tllOUaSU ut i went y cents per p. M . h lt. ' -in im iw Hf tr- t 'lb Hi I ii l ! iii i I V - I 1ST k
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers