Teat as n rrmrriv and olMiasnpn "entivo for this dreaded diMiH i hi ' eiy relli b I p. irrr.t for I ina i. Dot a nirrf ,Mrl" ,Vv, r- theory, for it bu krn r.r many yeura thoroughly deni astrsted. There are various methods of applying it. but the higher the tem pwaUuw thp better, says L. P. Haskell, ia Uiusilulr (Mich.) Beacon. If access rauld be hnil to the Turkish bath, that! would be preferable, ns its high temperature of dry heat in far more poU-tit us n remedial apent than moist. The next best method is the use of tha ordinary bath cabinet. Next In rder is the old-fashioned "corn aweat.,t Take a half bushel of rorn in the ear, bring to a boll, ami cover lh patient with sheet, pile the corn all oer from feet to the neck, then ixtvijr with blankets and quilts. Have .t (food lire in the room. After a half Buur or more, wipe off with tepid wa ter, dry and place in bed. Renew this toily. now noted physician In CM ago, npon hia graduation from the wdieal college about -i) years ago, mat into the office of n country pin rioian, and during the Drst winter scar fever was very prevalent, He had Balder hia Immediate care 20 or more earh i fever patients, whom be treat ftl. in- ibis method', his attention hav ing' been called to i: by an old phy sician a year previous. Their reoovery vas rapid II nd without any of the mi Eortun te sequels of tin?, disease nf .'ccti;,:' the eyes, ears. etc. This phy rfciaa related the fucts soon after. Some at lent ion was recently directed n an American medical journal to the professional fees paid to physicians in the states, and the curious fact was pplnted out that a fee of $500 was quite exceptional!) netted. In the land rherc millionaires abound, as well as men of large wealth, this certainly seems a surprising thing. A surgeon mt long ; vo operated mm ssfully for appendicitis In San Francisco and his aoillloniiire patient voluntarily hunded lira a draft for $30,000. This fee must CClipse any record WC have in this country, says an English paper. It' anything, however, there ore signs everywhere that "operation stock" is a (ailing market. That is to say, the fees for operations are not what they used to lie. .Many causes, no doubt, are sontributing to this doleful state of affairs, bill perhaps the most active 01 r.ll is the Increasing number of those . whose hands the public find that vhi ir surgical needs can be placed. A foreign exchange says I hat Prof. Sollicker, of the Naples aqtinrium, re rently went down into the Mediter ranean in nn iron cage lit up by elec tricity. With the aid of a powerful re ceiver and a specially constructed pho tograph he registered the expressions j ., "ise with which the fish wel- some 'itis appearance, lie notesthat the sound made by one Bah differs greatly from that of another, ami has summed up the results of his experi ment in the convict ion that the sounds ivy fishes w ill yet be recognized as a lan guage. Persons who are accused of talking like fish may yet find that the ujnilf is not so far fetched after all. A current report says that the ti ns 'res of nn Indiana church have barred the doors of the church building against the minister who has been Holding revival services with remark able accompaniments. It is said that, c the midst of his exhortations, the Sinister would leap over the pulpit ( '.lie floor, and then with a hop, skip Ml jump, go down the aisle like a eUrlwind and back again, jumping v(t benches, chairs and even mem jits ' f the congregation- When he reached the pulpit he would take up his discourse where be had left off. A New York expert says that a coun try girl is better than her city-bred lister as a saleswoman. He gives as bi reasons for this that the country girl i not SO likely to have her head full of social amusements; that she is, as a rale, more attentive to her business Mid that she studies the wants of her customers more than I he city maiden. Many business men are of the same i - ! apimon. Scientists till us that worry injures beyond repair certain cells of the brain, and the brain being the nutritive t en ter of the body the other organs In come gradually injured, and when some disease ,,( these organs, or a com bination ( them arises, death finally ensues. Then let the "Don't Worry" ?luls multiply in the land! A Pbiiadelpblan notes that o layer of snow over the count ry saves thousands of dollars to the people by the saving in gas. Snow is so powerful a reflector that one can see to read at least a half-hour longer on account of it, and thus about 15 cents' worth of gas is saved each evening. To move an immense building, con taining the executive pfllees of the UnitedStates government in Cleveland. )., and weighing over 60,000,000 pound: . without so much as cracking the pias ter, is the gigantic task which con fronts the Cleveland government au thorities. We buy each year 1,000,000 senti mental valentines, at an average cost f ten cents each, and 20,000,000 comic valentines, costing one cent each. This at tarn means an outlay of $300,000. RULES FOR MARRIED HER A loung Woman Hnu (u Katie? h Diirn'l Somebody Ulva Tlirn a Km Hints. I do wish some one would w rite a few rules for men, said a young married woman recently to the Baltimore News writer. I'm awfully tired of reading in magazines and newspapers that I must meet my husband w hen he comes home from his ollice "pleasantly and cheer fully." That the house must be like a sew piu. 1 must be prettily gowned, the dinner must be daintily cooked and served and that he mustn't be worried with a recital of the t roubles of the day, no matter if delirium supervenes for me. These precepts are all right theoret ically unci under ordinary circum stances are practical. Every woman follow s them Instinctively who wishes to retain her husband's admiration, but why aren't there a few laws of this sort laid down for men to follow? Why isn't there some one to tell them to look cheerful when they come in. and to forbear to grumble if dinner is a trifle late for any good reason, to be a little sympathetl 'and affectionate, and remember Hint thcii arc not the only troubles in the house. .According to the ordinary writer, a woman' whole married life should be spent in practicing expedients to keep her husnand's love from frrowing cold, while he apparently may pursue any course he pleases, civil or uncivil, tyran nical or gentlemanly, and be sure of re taining hers. "I'll is may not be the masculine idea of the case at all: t he sterner sex may not really expect to gel the whole glob" and give nothing in return, but it is not the w riter's fault if they don't. I sedulously keep all such articles away from John, for he':, a very good hus band, and I'm afraid such literature would pal ideas into his head and spoil him. Vow. poor, unenlightened soul lie has an idea thai my Bide of the partnership has Its own worries, and be tries to help me straighten them out. but who knows how he would change if lie ever discovered that he is really made of china and has to be handled with care to keep from being broken'.' FOR COLD-DAY SH01L BUYERS. A Tin on the Effect of Zero wVeathee en People's I'eilfll tretnltles, A burly man, with a red mustache, was staled in a shoe store in the shop ping district, anil was having a good deal of trouble apparently in finding something in footgear that exactly suited him. says the New Orleans iimes-Democrat. "This feels first rate," he Bald nt length, "except that if pinches a trifle across the instep." "In thai case I would take a wider last." suggested the clerk, "especially ion such a day as this." "Why. what flu- dickens has the day to do witli my shoes?" asked the customer in sur prise. "- great deal," replied the clerk, promptly. "It is cold to-day unusually cold for New Orleans and ill such weather anybody's feet shrink from a quarter to half a size. Conse quently, they " "(Hi! come now!" Interrupted the burly man, "fou're having fun with me!" "Not at all," said the clerk, earnest-1 ly. "I assure you it is exactly as 1 say. and for that reason we have to be very cai i ful on days when the temperature is low or we would have a lot of pur chases returned. Vou have been wear ing a rather thin shoe and your feet are at this moment more than a quarter size lii low the normal. U you buy anything with a tight instep now it will be intolerable to-morrow ." The man Willi the red mustache looked thoughtful and took u wider last. WHAT ONE WOMAN THINKS The Feminine Philosopher Mnkt-s u Pew Snit. mill Bavncj Ite- ntarks. Now - lav s a ffni Ic roll is just as apt to contain a sausage as a sonata, says the Philadelphia Times. With I he rudder of I ruth gone and the compass of faith lost, love soon comes to shipwreck. soaie women's idea of their rights is. all that thej now have together with those enjoyed By men. man realizes flic value of his wife when she goes away on a visit leaving him to mind the children. It is a wise woman who knows her own business, and it is a wiser one who thoroughly attends to it. To refuse a man in order to have the fun of hearing him propose again is dangerous; hi may propose again to tome other girl, Jt is not always wise to ask a child for his opinions in public; they are generally uncompromisingly and some times uncomfortably frank. The young woman w ho w as prevented from going to a dance because she dropped a hot curling iron down her back probably tit the time of the ac cident danced enough for one evening. An Ocean of Liquid Air. Sir John Murray, in a recent address, drew a vivid picture of the time, in the remote future, when temperatures us low as those which I'rof. Dewar pro duces in his experiments nt the Royal institution will prevuil all over the earth. The atmosphere and theoceans will then have disappeared within the rocky crust of the globe, their ele ments having entered into new combi nations. In other words, to use Sir .John Murray's expression, "the wafers of the ocean will have become solid reck." IJut over their surface will roll i he waves of a new and most wonderful sea, "an ocean of liquid air about 40 feet in depth." At that time, of course, life as we know it will have vanished from the earth. CommonSense Talk With Women If a person is ill and needs a medi cine is it not wise to get one that haa stood the test of time and hst hun dreds of thousands of cures to its credit? A great many women who are ill try everything they hear of in the way of medicine, and thia experimenting with unknown drugs is a constant menace to their already impaired health. This seems to us very unwise, for there are remedies which are no ex periments and have been known years and years to be doing only good. Take for instance Lydia K. rink ham's Vegetable Compound; for thirty years its record has been one un broken chain of success. No medi cine for female ills the world has ever known has such a record for cures. It seems so strange that some people will take medicines about which they really know nothing, some of which might he, aud are, really harmful; w hile on the other hand-it is easily proved that over one million Women have been restored to health by Bydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. We have published in the news papers of the United States more genuine testimonial letters than have ever been published iu the interest of any other medicine. All this should, and docs, produce a spirit of confidence in the hearts of women which is difficult to dislodge, and when they are asked to take some thing else they say, "No. we want Bydia K. I'inkham's Vegetable Com pound, which has been tried, and never found wanting, whose reliability is established far beyond the experi mental stage." We have thousands of letterslike the following addressed to Mrs. l'iukham, showing that Monthly Suffering is Always Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, also Back ache and Bearing-down Pains. " I suffered untold agony every month and could get no relief until I tried your medicine; your letter of ad vice and a few bottles of Lydia K. l'iukham' Vegetable Compound have mado mo the happiest woman alive. I shall bless you as long as I live." Miss Joik Saul, Dover, Mich. " Four years ago I had almost given up hope of ever being well again. I ! w as afflicted with those dreadful head I ache spells which would sometimes last three or four days. Also had backache, learing-down pains, leucor I rlura, dizziness, and terrible pains at monthly periods, confining mo to my bed. After reading so many testi I nn minis for your medicine, I concluded I to try it. I began to pick up after I taking the first bottle, and have con i tinued to gain rapidly, and now feel like a different woman. lean recom mend Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in highest terms to all sick women." Miss Kosa Hki.kkn, 126 W. Cleveland Ave., Canton, O. Two Letters Which Prove That Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Will Remove Tumor and Cure Other Weakness. "Two years ago I was a great sufferer from womb trouble and pro fuse flowing each month, and tumors would form in the womb. 1 had four tumors in two years. 1 went through treatment with doctors, but they did me no good, and 1 thought 1 would have to resort to morphine. " The doctor said that all that could help me was to have an operation und have the womb removed, but 1 had heard of Mrs. I'inkham's medicine anil decided to try it, and wrote for her advice, and after tailing her Vegetable Compound tho tumors were expelled and 1 began to get stronger right along, and am as well as ever before. Can truly say that I would never had gotten well had it not been for f.ydia E, Pinkham'a Compound." Mabv A. M'a in , Watsontown, l'a. "After following the directiona given in your kind letter for the treat ment of leuoorrhosa, I can say that I have been entirely cured by the use of Lydia 13. i'inkham's remedies, and will gladly recommend them to my friends."' A. B. Davids, liinghamton, n. y. Another Case of Womb, Kidney and Bladder Trouble Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. " Dear Friend Two years ago I had child-bed fever and womb trouble in its worst form. For eight months after birth of babe I was not able to sit up. Doctors treated me, but with no help. I had bearing-down pains, burning in stomach, kidney and bladder trouble and my back was so stiff and sore, the right ovary was badly affected and everything I ate distressed me, and there was a bad discharge. "I was confined to my bed when I wrote to you for advice and followed your directions faithfully, taking Lydia K. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound, Liver Pills and nslng the Wash, and am now able to do the moat of my housework. I believe I should have died if it had not been for your Com pound. I hope thia letter may be tha result of benefiting some other Buffer ing woman. 1 recommend your Com pound to everv one." Maa. Mast I Vavohjt, Trimble, Pulaski Co., Ky. Ha Petrnt ! Tlew. 1 "Darling," exclaimed the bappy hus band, after the minister bad pro nounced them one, "I am not worthy of your love." "Of course you're not," she replied, "but st my sge a girl can't afford to let even an opportunity like this go by." Chicago Journal. DoniMtlc Economy. Husband My desr, I thought we were going to practice economy for i time. Wife So we are, dear. I went down and countermanded the order you gave your tailor for a suit, and bought a bonnet that cost only half the amount. Tlt-Biti. Alack! Alaal A. they skated they looked at the stars There wert a million or more; Their hels flew up and they observed A few they'd not seen before. Chicago Dally Nwa. TUB SYMPTOMS ARB SIMILAR. "Aren't you going to have a game with us, Nip?" "1 feel too bad to play with you, Kl sie. I don't know whether it's love or that last hunk of puddin'l" Ally Sloper. The Safety of ladolence. I wlM be Idle all the day. E'en thoUKli to work my yearning wakes, For then I truthfully may say That I am making no mistakes. Washington Etar. Probably. "It must have taken a lot of nerve for him to laugh and joke while the doc tors were tuking his lep off at the knee. Didn't he seem excited?" "Well, I thought he talked in a rather disjointed manner." Chicago Tribune. LOW Te in ie rain re. Teacher What happens when a man's temperature goes down as far Cs it can go? Smart Scholar He has cold feet, ma'am. -Boston Christian Register. Tilt'. HI VI O! AIX. Forever llfty yearn Ma-. WnrSLOW's RooTII iNi; Bvaur ii- been used by in other, foi their ohlldten while tsethlna Are 'on disturbed st eight and btoken of your rent by n stek child suffering and orvlng with palaof eattlngtsetli? If eossnd nt ones anil get ft bottle of "Mm. Wile stows Soothlna syrup" for Children Tasini tig, Its value is inoslaulable, it will relieve the poor little -offerer Immediately. Depend upon it mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dlarrhosSi regulates the stomach and bowels, cures Wind C'olie, softens the tiiiius, reduces nftammatton, ami gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Sy rup" for children teething is pieusnnt to the taste and is the prescription of one of the old est anil best female physicians and nurses in the flitted states and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Prjos, twenty-live cents a bottle. He sure and get "Mas. Wissuivv's Boornnra Btbot, vs-iy PENNSYLVANIA KAILR0AD. Suubury & Lowiritown Division. Iu effect Nov. 19, l&M. WUTWAIIII. i STATIONS. KASTWABD' m'iiT' A M CM am 'O.w Bonbnry 'J0 5. to III 1007 BeUnagrove Junction 9 09 5 2ti 2 19 10 It Sellnsgrove i 901 5 15 21 10 SI Pawling NM 55 2 31 10. VI K reamer , 1 49 5 01 uai in 27 Metier i 4 46 4 hi 2 40 10:CI .Middleburg Hill 4 52 2 4(1 I0IIS llellfcr K3I 4 II 2 5-5 10 40 Beavettoww H25 487 300 10 it I Adamsbure sso 4 32 3 07 Iust! Banbs Mills IU 4 25 313 u in fcteOlur hot 419 8 22 '1113 Wanner 7 57 4 09 S5 11 16' Slnndlc 7 54 4 06 8 30 1121 Palntsrvtlla 7 49 4 00 ll.ifl 1127 MaMland 7 V5 3IV4 8 45 1IA5 LeWIStown 7 3a 3 45 3 47 1 1 37 Iewlstow n ( M al n Street ) 7 . 8 48 3 50 11 40 Lewistown Junction. 7 to U40 Train leaves Suiibury 5 klT r in, ar rives at SehtiKgrove 5 45 p m Trains leave LewieiOWO Junction : I M a at, 1" IB a m. 1 10 p mJM p m S fJ p at, 7 117 II MptD, for attoons, nttSDtim and the We.t. for Baltimore sad Waihiugfoa atsaai in ilia 43:1 h in p iii For Philadelphia ami Men York :W 9 MS m. 1 Of 1 33 4 33 aud 1116 pin Foi Uiirrlsbura s 10 p ui Philadelphia & Erie R R Division. AND NORTH KPN I'XNTKAL RAILWAY Trains leav e Snnbury dully except Sunday : 1 21 a 10 lor Brie and I'anandalatui 1 10 a m tor Hidlelonte Krle and t'annnilalaua 9 12 a in for Iiok Haven. Tyrone and t lie West. 1 10 pin for Mellefunte Kane Tyrone and t'anaa datw ua I4Bp in lor lAcnnvnanil Kluiira 9 23 p m lor Wllllamsrmrt Sunday 5 lu a U lor Brie anil I'aniinitalgua I46am fur Lock Haven and 9 25 p in for VII UatSfpott it Mam, R 88 S m f 00 Sad 5 48 pm lor Wllkes harre and Hazclton 7 CO a m. lo 20 a m, 2 05 p m, 5 45 p m lor Sbamo kln and Mount Carmcl Sunday 9 55 a m lot Wllkesbarre Train? leave aaUBSaTOVt Junction 10 00 a in, week dtys arriving at Philadelphia Mi" pin Now York 6 53 p Haltlmoro 3 11 p m Washington 4 In p in 534 p in dally arriving at Philadelphia .0 20 p m Now York 3 53 a m, Kalilmore 9 45 p m Washington 10 56 p m. S42pm, week days arriving at Philadelphia t 80s m, New York 713 a m, Ilaltimore 2 30 am Washington 4 05 a m Tra'ns also leave Sunbury : 2 27 a m dally arriving at Philadeldhla 6 32 a m Baltimore 6 33 a m Washington , v am nen Vnrli a 3.1 a m Weokdsva. 10 3S a m Sundays. 7 50 am week days arriving at Philadelphia 11 M am, New York 2 13 p m, Baltlmcte 115. a m, Washington 1 00 p m, ........ Bub , w a .nl.lnir . Phlla.lalt.hl 1 U.I ; III. n. UBa ... u.iauv.,.u. 23 11 m . New Yore 9 SO p m, Baltimore 6 00 p m Washington 7 15 u m Tralni also leave Sunbury at 9 50 a m and S 29 ind6 3lpm, lor Harnsourg, rnuauoipnia ami Baltimore 1. K. WOOD, Oen'l Pane Agent 1. B. HUTCH IN sum it eni manager. -I,ORAI0 INFORMATION HI RE At furnishes reliable Information on any sub ject pertaining to Colorado's Mines, Fruit Oar den and Uraiiog Land. Live Stock. Poultry Beea. Irrigation. Railroads. Scenery. Health Heeorta, Sanitariums. Country Homes for Inva lids, etc.. etfa. Mrgl-90. Special reports on mining projerttea,at reasonable rates. Send 26 cento and get three finely illustrated books on Colorado resource. Address : 1 ea. M. atlakely , Dearer, Cot. for Infants and Ohlldren. Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor OIL, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teeth ing; Troubles and cures Constipation. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the X aeasM In Use For Over 30 Years. TMI C I NT' iiiiiiiiS 'A DOLLAE SAVED IS DEXTER SOLE LEATHER ThiH Ladies' Donpola Kid Boot, Lace or Button, sole leather rounter, inner, outer sole and beel, fanoy top stay, Patent Leather Tip, Opera Toe, 'J to H, D, K, or EE, sent postpaid on receipt of tl. Equant nit y ,s'j boot acid. Oiw nmkx. Money refunded if unsatis factory. We guarantee fit, style, wear PBBBv-OoreaUlogiMwitaiUutirattoaaolirn bargaloi lasboeai also a Bubaertb rr's Ticket wbloh neoavi a Liberal c.isii n laua oa your year's trading, mTorpTTlrrAWT A T O Equals anyW.OO aoo i irifBtrent barefoot rattier than X liiO X AlrlUJH UU40 buy anytutng-bai tb8DEXTEB$i.ooBhoe. bSXTU Shoe : I. c, ir rilrn Tin' shoos are proving satisfactory. Tills pulr I hut I now have DMa live different styles 01 shoes tbatlbave boush of you ami iliev arc all good. I showed our merchant a pair of $1 OO sboi a tbal I boa USl received lrmn vim is i id he look Ills knlle :ind rut into tbe heel and exnmtnea them Lhtfoiighly and pronounced them cheap at $:)oo. Vuu will iimi an order with I nis letter for i wo mure pair of shoes. Respectfully yours, Mits j.m wii.i.iams, WUletZ, McdHclno Co.. cat. p, s, Use mytname it you like. Dsxtbe Shoe Oo.: Oeuts Hease Una enclosed, herewith, express money order. Please send rae snoea out without delay I atn needing them, aty wltelaalaioai barefooted and t doo't wish to by, v s at any other house because I have used the Iexler and Iluil Ineiu the bust lor tbe money. Yours Uruty, I'lin.ir at. BCKALH, Ncvvoka, III. DEXTER SHOE CO., siSSSsSk Boston Mass. Established 1880, Capital 9600,000. Incorporated. H! PA-N-S ies Doctors find A Good Prescription Tor mankind Tte for fire cent,, at Drueritt, Croctr,, Rstauranl, nalooui, News-Stands, Grnaral Sleres and Barbers Shops. They banish pain, induce sleep, and prolong life One (ins relief No mailer what's the matter, one will do y.Mj good. Ten samples and one thousand testi monials sent br snail to any address on rrceipt of price, by Ue.Kipans Chemical Co., 10 Spruce St., New York Citj. UAH fR UP bABINET sllitl'ICn S:Wil ! ifACHit ''J i.:sn.i..u.i,..u.ijfMin-..ii. ,.. r ... 1 1 1 ..I l.l.rt'ir, . i , .1. . ' n - t ' ' l...-il. uI to mar M SWO.IW. ami III- ' II. '-! HtKI.O.V lot fcUKiij AKn.ii. pa, Special Oflcr Price $15.50 . our fifivlit aurent tiur S. and fn'inht cnatves. Mii-h".e wotgiis voj i ntiitdan'thefreltrlit will averuKo 75 0MM for Ach 6ou miles. GIVE IT THREE MONTHS' THAI in your uwd h'ltne. and we will return nr any ayou arc not aatl-O.l W stll dlsTereat aiakes lati fcratiee of ewltas; Maflilnes al 9IO.IMI, 11. OO. 1 12.00 and u;, all fuLy dMOfffbtd In nur i-r.f HrwUf Ksrh.se tatslwfse, bUlttU.iU for this DBOT DKMt USItVT lit KUUk U tberrestrat vine ever onvrvu oy anv aituitr. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS StSsSSS tl. -U'.l'IltS.ulferlllK S-Vd.WS murnlr.. UPiJer various lUUIieil. With nnuii.,11 a.rrar.. W rlt w s MmS la kir.a.Bd I.srs N sr. nrllsbl. sail who aro sirt. Tlir DllOnifV "7 aonrit iii-koiiisvt. I Mii DUnWlVlV aiiKr boiiii poitok s.nir un.it .Kadi ba. him badk. with tiix ayaraaTS or wm b..t asakero la Amrnrs. prrooi the rss bur. AmAmAY , SOLID I H SAsaM cIomO i head 3 I larTai 1 .rank, the 5 SBSBSCr or" aStOMal scwinir. s D "Si mi fwmwwmrrn I I n wsu ivv those jour store see per eello at HS.00 te tea., aad tboa If eotrrtooed that roo aro savloe S00 to Sat 00. par Jr freUrht aent tbe ilS-eO. wTto arrrai TOCS SIS. SO If at anv tiaaowltbin three months you so. ,.i aro not satisfied. OESwat TO OA I namBMLMT. (Soars. He i Back Ooar taoroueai. reiisp.0 - mu Him 9EAMj ROEBUCK It CO. (Inc.) Chicago, Ilk. Signature of . WtWTOSS CITY. A DOLLAR EARNED." $1 For 11 Shoe To introduce to every family in the UlVITlEr STATES. 4 (Million. Insole. OiiIsoI. n mill IIpfIh. h In. . 01 n.r. ..i Mado br t.e. oeat aaotcriol aso QUARTER SAWED OAK fmmKLgTlSSlt dropping- from sUlit) to lio oMd sh a sosssr tails, stsoo other open with full lenirth tsl.le snd head In plaeo for 1Ma1i?1!-J rRW-yfl taUta 1 ' S tvaV mm umvsjkAfzmssi r--1 i bossed and decorated eshitiet nnish. finest nickel drawer pulls, rosso oa four n.rr dr.-.rt. i.ieat ihoo .k.leuo rru... carreo. psneiau. em colters. ooruaioDio ireaaie. B-enuine sm y in iron sioaa. run, isro. w boos, pooltlTO four motion feed, self threading TlbrsUng thuttle. automatic bobbin winder, adjustable bearlnirs, patent Unslon litierator Improved loose wheel, adjustable pressure foot. Improved shuttle carrier, paten t needle bar. patent dress guard. k..S I. baaOiaawlr OMseaSsd sad assauoesled sad aeaaUfallr essaslMlaaaso. CUARANTCED .kellawtestraaatao. asset skMfcMa aadosorsat ..(...lluuii. Bvrr ka.. ul.il.Ml U r.nl.keS aod our Vroe In- a if action Book tolls Just bow anyone ran run It aad do either plain or aaj kind of fancy work. A 10-Years' Madias Oearooteo to sen I with owory SaaealDO. IT C0ST8 YOU NOTHING ?a2il5 1 e, Jj 4