The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 22, 1900, Image 1

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Editor and Proprietor.
A Week's News Dished up in
Small Quantities Visitors in
Town During the Past
Week-Other News
of Interest.
J. 0. Schocli is kept busy doctor
ing horses.
The shoe factory now has all the
orders they can till.
License court will be held in Mid
dleburg, Friday, April 27th.
Miss Beaver is visiting her
brother, James, in Mittlinburg.
Thirteen inches of snow fell last
Thursday and Thursday night.
The Ladies' Mite Society will
render a cantata in the near future.
The County Commissioners have
put down a new floor in the Pro
thonotary's office.
Mrs. W. P. Feese last week visit
ed friends and relatives at Beaver
town. Dr. Shiller, the white glove and
stove pipe hat physician, was in town
last week.
James Beaver, one of Mifllinburg's
active business men, was in Middle
burg last week.
Hiram Siegfried and wife of Se
linsgrove recently visited K. C.
Wulter and wife.
Miss Maud V. Mensch of Union
County is visiting Hon. (J. Alfred
Schocli ami wife.
John R. kreeger, Assistant Cash
ier of the hank, has Ihmmi housed up
with sickness for the past few days.
J. A. Lombard of Selinsgrove
paid his reseets to the Post and
found the editor out. Come again,
Misses Krma Magee of K reamer
and Dora Mensch of Mifllinhurg
Monday visited Dr. J. W. Orwig
and wife.
Rev. S. Aurand, the new Evan
gelical pastor at Centreville, was in
town Saturday and made a pleasant
call at this office.
Look out for Rev. C. M. Sheld
on's "Robert Hardy's Seven Days."
The Post will soon begin to publish
this popular story.
Foil SALE. A new butcher wa
gon, one of the latest styles, wdl be
sold cheap. Impure of A. W. Bow
ersox, Middlcburg, Pa. tl.
C. Morris Showers of Pennscrcek
was at this office Monday to order
sale bills for the personal property
of the late Valentine Walter.
A teachers' normal school will
open in Middleburg Monday, April
2:3rd. For particulars, address A.
A. Killian, Middleburgh, Pa. tf.
Wanted. Good veal calves will
Ikj bought at highest market prices.
J. L. Wiseman,
3t. North 3rd St., Ijcwisburg, Pa.
William Hummel, the convicted
murderer, has confsssed to killing
his wife and her three children. The
confession was made to Sheriff Gam
ble. Senator Edwin Hummel, Drug
gist J. Howard Ulsh, Editor J. G.
Leeher and Ticket Agent A. W.
Smith were at the county seat Sun
day by sleigh.
Haymond Katz of Canton, Pa.,
who has rented the corner store of
Mrs. Schoch, will be here with a full
line of Clothing and Gents' Furnish
ing about April 1st.
Increases of pension have been
granted as follows: Alvin M. Car
penter, Beavertown, from $8 tot 10;
Adam Sholly, Pallas, from $16 to
$17; Charles O. Lenig, Kreamer,
Spanish-American War, original
pension of $8.
Subscribers of the Post, who will
change their address this spring,
should notify us at once. In writ
ing be sure to give the old as well
as the new address.
E. I). H. Walter, one of the
promising young men of Franklin
Township, oalfod at thin oltice MflH-H
day morning to have the executor's
notice of the George Shambaoh estate 1
in the Post.
The Spring Telephone Company
put a phone in the Washington
House last week and substituted a
very convenient desk phone in the
prothonotary's office for the one
formerly in use.
A new postoffioe has been granted
for Doodlctown, two miles west of
this place. The name of the office
is Kissimee add the postmaster is S.
G. Mover, and it will be kept in A.
II. Mover's store.
Mrs. Savilla Wales of Cando,
Tower county, North Dakota, has
been spending the past two months
with her father, Henry Shaffer, near
Kissimee. She will leave lor her
western home this week.
Money WANTED.- There is
wanted by April First $2000 to $2,-
'500 as a loan to be secured with
some of the best real estate in Sny
der County. Address "Loan" care
of Post, Middleburg, Pa. 3-22-2t.
Harry E. Bolender Saturday even
ing shot a large wild goose. It meas
ured five feet two inches across the
wings and weighed 9 pounds. It
is unusual lor wild geese to lie
around at this season of the year.
John H. Miller, ofStrode's Mills,
Mifflin county, one of the administra
tors of the estate of ( 'apt. Lewis
Miller, was in town Saturday. The
administrators' notice appears in the
Post. The personal property will
be sold Friday, Mar. 30th,
We desire to secure the services
of a reliable salesman in your vicini
ty to handle our lubricating oils
and greases. Liberable proposition
and favorable prices. Address with
references, Til K AMERICAN PETRO
LEUM Product Co., Findlay,Ohio.
Josiah Biugaman and his son-in-law,
Geo. S. Kline of Middleswarth,
Judge Riegel of Adamsburg and C.
A. Manbeok of Franklin twp. were
callers at this office Saturday. Mr.
Kline will move to Liutown near
Lewisburg. The Post will follow
You can find bargains at Mrs. E.
C. Aurand's Millinery Store. Spriug
Hats, Lace aud Embroideries, Shirt
Waists, Skirts, Gents' Shirts, Col
lars, Ties. etc. All customers pur
chasing $1.00 worth or more will
have the choice of a prize. This
offer isgoudobly tor three weeks. !t.
The town council Monday even
ing decided to lay down a flag stone
walk across the Flats irotn Lesher's
"Dry Run Bridge" to Bowes' lot.
There must be a good solid stone
foundation and Hummelstown Flag
Stone. Bills will be received Sat
urday. Wm. Rcigel, ex-county Treasurer,
and family are moving to Adams
burg this week, where he will open
a confectionery store and ice cream
parlor. During the three years' stay
here Mr. and Mrs. Riegel made
many warm friends who regret to
see them leave the town. We wish
them abundant success in their new
venture. '
We wish to call the attention of
money lenders to the advertisement
"Money Wanted" in this issue of
the Post. The party has good un
encumbered real estate in Snyder
county to put up as security. Ap
plication tor the loan can be made
through this office and will be
promptly fowarded to the interested
parties. The security offered is all '
right Ed. Post.
I! you want your hair cut with
out steps or a nice easy shave and a
refreshing shampoo, go to A. E.
.i .i i 'I.. .I.
nnics, in tne nanx uuiKtiniroiie door i
ist d the Post Office, in room with
the drug store, A clean towel to
each eiistomei
satisfaction guar-
An Arkansas editor in a lit of des
pi ration dashed oil the following
The wind bio wet h, the water Howettl, Vttturn Grunted,
the fanner soweth, the subscriber Letters of administration in the
oweth and the Lord knoweth thai estate of John Sliawvor, late of Ad
weare in need of our tines; come a , ams township, deceased, were grant
runnin'ere we go a-gunnin', thist.d March llj to Benneville Walter.
thing of minimi gives us the blues.
The Town Council has elected
Jas. (i. ( 'rouse as their attorney for
the coining year. Instead of diet
ing a treasurer this year, to whom
a commission would be paid, the
council has made the cashier of the
First National Bank the treasurer to
handle the account as they would an
individual's, viz. without commission,
Mrs. Lvdia A. Romig ami Aspen
Glase of Kantz and Prof. Win.
Mover id Freeburg were in the
court house Saturday to probate the
wil! of the late Isaac B. Romig.
While here Mrs. Romig left an order
for us to publish the executrix
Mil i'i U' III1 I VII lu tullliil in 'UJ
i i mii . i . . i i
......... ...
The Post last week gave its
readers an idea of what Rev. '. M.
Sheldon's edition of theTopeka Cap
ital was like. As yet only one copy
of the paper has reached this office.
This week we publish a picture of
Rev. Sheldon's home. We will
soon begin the publication of Rev.
Sheldon's story "Robert Ilardv's
Seven Days." This story has not
yet been published and was
purchased by us at an immense fig-
lire, because tin
itory should be read
It will betriu early
by everybody
in April.
After all, tlie farmer's lot isa rea
sonably happy one. lie may have
occasion to complain ol tramps in
Summer; of cheeky and inconsiderate
sportsmen, who go over his fields
aud tread down his grain and grass;
of the weather that is too dry or too
wet, thus injuring his crops, and of
losses by sickness among his cattle,
but every man that is in business
meets with misfortunes. He has
pure water and healthy air, both of
which are denied to people in the
oities, and if he has not good fruit
and vegetable, excellent poultry and
meets, and agreeable visitors, it is
his own fault. There isnotan edit
or anywhere who does not wish he ',
was a farmer
Lumber Wanted.
We are in the market for all kinds
of lumber including nine, hemlock,
ash, etc. We can ffrf lot of paper
wood and we will mj the highest
cash prices. Write prices and
specifications. M. H KviP A Co.,
4-22-3t, Sfcwnokin.Pa.
PA., THURSDAY, MA R. 22, 1900.
Of'fMis F.nii ri-. tor Raeortl.
Isabella, and I'm njainin Broxius to
11 '' Martin, 1 acre and 56 perches
1 Petty township for $225.
Mary L Schrawder Bnd Henry
II., her husband, to E. F. Schraw
der, 3 lots in Port Treverton for
In idv iMrffa .( Letvis Miller, Into
of Franklin township, deceased,
March 17th to John II Miller, of
Strode's Mills, and Sarah Miller ..f
Franklin township.
Will- Prolmml.
The last will and testament 'of
Isaac B. Romig, hue of Penn twp.,
was probated Saturday. William
Mover ol Freeburg and Aspen Glace
were the witnesses and Lvdia A.
Romig, the widow, is the executrix
and the sole heir of all the property
during her natural lite.
The last will and testament of
George Shambach, late of Franklin
township, was probated Monday. E.
"" auer was nanieii as iih ex
l If It' I . I .i
ecutor. The property is to be di
vided into four equal shares, to It
given to his four children, Mary A.
Smith, Robert A. Shambach, Chas
('. Shambach and Harvey E. Sham
bach. Nnrrijixi' I.m i'iisim,.
( Benj. 1''. Hoiisewerth, Evendale,
Jane Seirer, Richfield,
f Jas. W. ( Yossgrovc, Limestone T.,
(Cora A. Bailey,
Centre twp.
K reamer,
( entre twp.,
it ti
I Anion J. Benfer,
I M. Verdilla Row,
I .lames Bickhart,
Eva Laura Shaffer;
I Albert II. Kuhiis,
Clara S. Buyer,
I John I. Hotnmel,
(Ida E. Fike,
ttenryM. Herman Dead.
Henry M. Herman, one of the
oldest citizens of Franklin township,
died Sunday at his home north of
this place. He had been sick for
five months with a complication of
ailiiients. He leaves a widow and
several children to mourn his de
parture. He was buried Wednesday
morning at the Salem church in
Centre township. Aged about 70
To the Deaf.
A rich lady, cured of her Deafness
and Noises in the Head by Dr.
Nicholson's Artificial Ear Drums,
gave $ 10,000 to his Institute, so
that deaf people unable to procure
the Ear Drums may have them free.
Address No. 10327 The Nicholson
Institute, 780, Eighth Avenue, New
York. 1-25-ly.
Mrs. Dr. H. H. Bordner Dead.
Shamokin Dam, March 20.
Sh ainokin Dam mourns over one
who was loved bv many, The an
gel ol death ever reminds us of tin
uncertainty ol life. We are com
pelled to chronicle this week the
demise ol a well-known lady ot our
little villa ge. The deceased
is Susannah Olivia, the only daugh
ter ol Join d Mary ( iross, who
was born at Shamokin Dam, Snyder
County, Pa. May 10, 1854. She
was married to Dr. H. H. Bordner
Jan. H, 177. This family was
blessed with seven daughters and
one son, as follows :
1. Lovetta Scdalia, born 1 HJS.
2. Sherman Goudell, horn 1800.
3. Mary Alvesta, hem 1881.
I. Infant, died 1881.
"). Sarah Lillian, liora 1884.
(. Minnie Minerva, horn 1387.
7. Ella Dolena Gross, born 1895.
8. Olevia E valine, horn 18DS.
Mrs. Bordner became a member
of the M. E. Church while unite
young having Urn led thereto by
the loving .hand of a true Christian
mother. She departed this life on
W ednesday morning, at 9:30 March
I I, 1900. Two .l her daughters
preceded her to the other world
fifteen years ago. She is survived
by a husband, " daughters and 1 son.
The members of the family extend
their thanks to the choir md friends
tor assistance rendered during their
mournful days.
She was buried in the cemetery at
the Dam on Sunday afternoon at 'J
ociock. Kcv. li. if. r ortner offici
ated at the obseouies.
'vi:i s Sinn:.
The Sheldon Stories.
We have inanv good reports from
our readers in behalf of b'ev. Shel
don's "In His Steps" the religious
story that the Post published from
August to January. W e also have
been receiving reotiests to publish
more of Sheldon's stories. We are
alwas strivinir to please and we
never turn down a popular request.
In view ot these things, we have
purchased at a very large price the
two popular stoiies from Kcv. Shel
don's pen, "Robt. Hardy's Seven
Days" and "The Crucifixion ol
Philip Strong." In April we will
begin the publication of "Robt.
Hardy's Seven Days" and "The
Crucifixion ot Philip Strong" will
follow as soon as c can complete
the former. These stories are copy
righted and the Pobt has purchased
the exchttiive mm oj tin fojtyriffht of
these tdorie in SnydtT ( bunty.
Rev. Sheldon's "In Hlfl Steps"
made him a reputation that i- world
wide. Last week we published a
synopsis of the I Christian daily news
paper Kcv. Sheldon published be
ginning March 13th and ending
Monday of this week.
Get your friends to join the
throng of POST subscribers and get
the best religious stories written in
the English langiiageto-day.
Primary School Department.
The undersigned wdl open a
primary school in the primary de
partment on Monday, Apr. 30th.
Pupils from the intermediate and
primary departments arc invited to
come. The minimum tuition of
seventy five cents for six weeks will
admit any and all pupils from the
primary and intermediate grades.
:-22-4t. William Romig.
March 10, near Hotter, this coun
ty, Philip Kerstetter, a brother of
David Kerstetter of this place.
March 18, near Hotter, a child of
Jonathan LefHer and wife, a grand
child of Philip Kerstetetter who
died Monday.
VOL 31. NO. 12.
S. D. Kauffman ami family mov
ed to McAlisterville.
S. (j. Hilbisll has been on the sick
list lor the pa-t few days.
Commissioner George F. Miller
spent Monday at the county scat.
Mrs. Geo. K. Mover has gone to
ouubury to remain i j i time with
her daughter, Mrs. I. F. Apple.
A uiiiubcr of our citizens were
disppointed by the sudden disappear
ance of the sleighing on Mmidav.
Miss Pauline Sciiuee of Fremont,
who has been visiting among friends
lor a few days, returned home Sun
day. Lewis Gemberling and Grant
Kilter ol Salem visited during Sun
day the hitter's mother, Mrs. Alice
.1. Cliflor.l M oyer, accompanied
by one of his gentleman friends of
Northumberland, spi nl Sun lav with
his parents.
Mrs. Margaret Mover i- spending
some lime in Reading, having Keen
called there by the illness ofher son
1 avid '. Lover.
Quillings still average I wo a W eek.
The ladies ot the Reformed church
are preparing a while ipiilt as an
Faster gilt to the rpliaiis' Home nl
Wound's I orl. No lime or labor
has been spared by them to make it
as beautiful as any (hey have vet
b'ev. S. E. Davis i getting ready
to rebuild his house.
The Shetterly boys sold their
land to II. A. Ehright.
i. W. kemrcr of Sti ptown was
the guest ot .1. 15. Underkoffler.
II.. I. W. Boyer of Oriental was
the guest of H. K. Hornberger.
Ben Brousis moved to Gratis 'as!
'I hiiisday. They hail a snowy drive.
The dd time w inter came around
again on Thursday last w it!; lots ol
S. (i. Martin ol Aline has gone to
Milroy where he has secured em
ployment, Christ K House and wife were the
guests ot 1 1. A. Foltai Kiioiisetown
last Sunday.
John Hilbert's sale was well at
tended on Friday last and things
brought lair prices.
The meeting at the St. Thomas
church closed one evening last week
with a lew conversion-.
Tuesday of this week we all heard
H. K. Hornhcrgci
our law
tioueer. He had a sale at S. Thomas'
one mile north-easl ol town.
A. '. Smith was in Scliusgrove
Henry Bickel was to Middleburg
Miss Amelia Thomas i.- visiting
friends in town at present.
Miss Erma Magee was in Mid
dleburg Monday between trains.
Miss Edna Smith ol Selinsgrove
visited relatives in town Thursday.
Thomas Deitrich and family vis
ited friends at Shamokin Dam Sun
day. ('has. Landis aud wife visited the
tatter's parents near Freeburg Sun
day. Frank Thomas moved toSiinbury
Monday and Samuel Rumbach into
the hotel.
Cbaa. Bickel and wife of Rush
town visited his parents near Free
burg over Sunday.
John Kinney and wife and Miss
Carrie Gemberling and brother, Les
ter, of Salem visited the family of
J. F. Walter Sunday.
Cbas. Ienig, a Spanish-American
war veteran, was granted eight dol
lars a month pension with back
pension. Good luck for you, Charles.