s. 1 OBO. W. WAOBW8BLLEH, Editor and Proprietor. MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER (X)., PA., THURSDAY, MALI. 15, 1900. VOL. 37. NO. 11. LOCAL NEWS. A Week's News Dished up in Small Quantities Visitors in Town During the Past Week Other News of Interest. Hurry Bowersox and Miriam Bachman are listed with the sick. Miss Ltllu Sinitli spent Sunday visiting her relatives at Miffltnburg Misses Lottie and Bertha Crouse spent Sunday at Mr. Denius', New Berlin. A Special session of court was held in the court house Friday ol last week. Miss Carrie Wittenmyer lias re turned from her visit to Lykeus bringing with her Miss Catherine Bngelbert, Monday morning Bruce Croust left ior Vmtondale, Cambria county, to work in a lumber camp. Miss Paul of Shamokin is spend ing a few days with her friend, Miss Carrie Haas at Mrs. J. Y Runkle's. Prof. Kclwiu Charles, teaclier of the intermediate school) was sick and unable to teach his school Friday of last week. Editor Joseph A. Lumhard, bis daughter Mrs. Murray Smith and child spent the day in Middleburgh last Friday. The public sale of I). K. Haas, two miles west of towu last Wednes day, wm one of the largest in this section of the state. Miss Susie Rine of McKees Half Falls, a student at Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, visited Miss Maine Beaver Saturday. For Sale. A new butcher wa gon, one of the latest styles, will be sold cheap. Inquire of A. W. Bow crsox, Middleburg, Pa. t!. Attorney Joseph Woods of Lew istown was in town between trains last Thursday morning on legal bus iness at the court house. A. B. Sheary of Penns Creek was was in town Monday morning. Mr. Siieary is one of the true blue re publicans of Centre township. Hon. Peter F. Riegcl of Reaver Springs was in town Monday to at tend a meeting of the Underwriters of Snyder county and this district. A teachers' normal school will open in Middleburg Monday, April 523rd. For particulars, address A. A.Killiun, Middleburgh, Pa. tl A. G. Bashoar and A. H. Fish spent Sunday at Selinsgrove to visit the latter's daughter, Mrs. A. E. Cooper, w ho is ill with scarlet fever. The borough council organized last week by electing J. W. Sw art, president and Calvin Stetler clerk. H. R. Tobias was elected borough supervisor. Senator Hummel and Editor Joe Leaner, tWO Stalwarts of Selinsgrove, were in town on Friday afternoon between trains. They failed to call at this office. Isaac Shambaeh of Avilla, Noble Co., Ind., who is now 7f years old, came in to attend the funeral of his brother, George, which takes place to-day (Thursday). The Christian Endeavor Society of the Lutheran church have decided to take out an insurance policy of 3,000 on the church edifico. The Kreamer church fire taught a very useful lesson. During his service on the bench, Judge Savidge, of Sunbury, has tried seventeen murder cases in Northumberland and Schuylkill counties. In only one sentence was the defendant hanged, two were mmmntwl to life inmrisonment, and the others were either acquitted or jriven lesser terms of imprisonment. Weldon Fisher ( f Bloomsburg lias been employed by A. E. Soles in the harlier shop to take the place ot Gordon Klingler of Georgetown, who went home las week. Last week Mrs. A. E.Williams was appointed postmistress of Chap man, this county, and Charles . BrosiuSofMt Pleasant Mills. These are commendable appointments. Saturday of this week it will be six years since we became the editor ofthe Post. We wish to thank one and all for the liberal patronage ex tended to us during that time. Clarence Graybill sold his livery outfit last week in order to txo into the mercantile business. The most ot the outfit was bought by C. W. Graybill, the proprietor of the Eagle Hotel. Kent houses in Middleburg are n very scarce article at this season of year. Those who have the vacant lots and the money should erect houses so that the population ran increase. There will be a church reopening in connection with 1st quarterly con ference Saturday and Sunday, Mar. 24 ane 25, 1900, United Evange lical church. Rev. W. E. Bbillhaht. Mrs. A. E. Williams of Chapman, M. P. Arnold of Port Trcvcrton and Mr. Witmer ol Sunbury were in town Friday afternoon ot last week to probate the will of the late Gen. C. E. Williams. From all appearances there will be a lively scramble tor the position of County Chairman. Editor Jos. A. I .milliard of Selinsgrove and Geo. M. Witmer of Salem will contest with each other for the place. Mrs. E. S. Craterand her daugh ter, Savilla, of Spring Mills, Centre OOnnty, spent a week with her broth er, W . H. Kipka. I hey were call ers at this office Monday afternoon, accompanied by Mr. Kipka and wife. C. Morris Showers and S. F. Shearv of Pennscrcck were at Mid dleburg Wednesday of last week to probate the will of Valentine al ter. Mr. Showers is th" executorof the estate, and Mr. Sheary penned the instrument. J. Wilson Swart, ex-commis sioners' clerk, and his son-in-law, Clarence Graybill, last week bought the store of David Wetzel in Frank lin. Mr. Wetzel accepted Mr. Swart's house and hit in the bor ough as part pay. If you want voiir hair cut with out steps or a nice easy shave and a refreshing shampoo, go to A. 10. Soles, in the bank building one door cast of the Post Olliee, in room with the drug store. A clean towel to eaoh customer and satisfaction guar anteed. Chas.O. Gaugler of Selinsgrove was in towu last week canvassing and taking orders for tfcf' niarbh firm of (iaugler Ar McFall, succes sors to M. L. Miller. They have a larger stock of marble on hand than ever More. Mr. McFall worked at the trade for Hi years under Mr. Miller's supervision and hence the work they turn out is guaranteed to be of the very best. The new mercantile tax law is go ing to add to the revenues of the State, as shown by the returns re ceived at the Auditor General's De partment. Under the old law there were about 61,000 dealers who paid the tax, but under recent law about 150,000 dealers who help to swell the Treasury receipts. Former ly the income from this source was about $600,000 a year. The new law will bring in about $1,200, 000. One dealer who last year paid $70 mercantile tax will this year pay $750. Another paid $1,000 last year; this year he will pay $20,-000. COURT HOUSE CHIPS IIn I ii !!-- lor Hrrnril. Isaac Annua! and wile to Michael Haines, 3 acres and 36 perches in Beaver twp. for $85.00. 1. Bolender, Sheriff, to 8. B. Ar nold and J. H. Suffel, overseers of the poor of Chapman twp., six acres in ( lhapman twp. for 1 1 .00. The above deed has been assigned to Catherine V. Hile for the su::i of $45.01 . Assignment from Susannah Hile and husband to Anna Hile for live acres in Chapman tow nship for$1 50. Susan Herman and Henry M. her husband to Jacob B. Herman. 2 tracts of land in Franklin township containing 35 acres and 17 acres re spectively lor $550. (i. E. Smith, ex'r ol Margarets. Hane, to G. li. lianc, house aud lot iu Selinsgrove for $310. Jacob B. Herman and wife to Jesse Bilger, 17 acres in Franklin twp. for $120. nit Pro bated. The lat wifl and testa menl ol Valentine Walter was probated Mar. 7th. C. M. Showers is the execu tor. Will off ietl. E. '. Williams was probated Friday. The widow is tin sole heir and executrix. i.i'i i Gran tad. Letters ol administration in the estate of Henry K. Sanders weri granted to J. H. Long and J, 1. Hart man. Miirrlnsrc UMMMi f Murray S. Lepiey, Jackton twp., Cora S. Fetter, f John A. Walter. Penns Creek, (Mollic F. Feeder, f William O. Wagner, W. Perry T. Mary Portzline, " " I Banks F. Wieand, Beavertown, Ida Kanawcll, Adamsburg. ( Lank Ha.-kenburg, Centre Twp., Agnes S. Walter, " " Gen. E. O. Williams' Will. The last will and testament d Gen. E. C. Williams was probated Friday of last week. The instru ment is short and unique. 1' reads as follows : I, Edward C. Williams of Chap man, Snyder county, Pa., do make, publish and declare my last will and testament as follows: I give, devise and bequeath to my wile, Anna, and toher assigns forever, all my prop erty and estate whether real, per sonal or mixed and 1 constitute and appoint my said wife sole executrix oi (his will. In testimony whereof I hereunto sign my name this 16th day of May, 1888. Witness s E. I '. Williams. C. L. Witmer. M. P. Arnold. The instrument is written in Gel), Williams' ow n hand w riting and is one of the shortest if not the shortest on record. It contains only 85 words - - - An Interesting Experiment. Sunday an experiment of much imnortance. and which is said to be the first successful experiment ot the kind ever made. Superintendent Hutchinson of the Sunbury & Iew- istown Railroad, with a numlier ol his subordinates, made the necessary arrangements on Saturday, and which consisted ot connecting Ao. -', road wire Ix'tween Ijewistown and this place, with 'phone and telegraph instrument. The experiment con- sistcd of sending a telephone com munication and telegraphic message over the same wire at one and at the same time. The operator was able to send the message and at the same time a telephone communication was transmitted to another person on the same wire. The experiment was a perfect success. jrioune. FIVE ARE GONE. Franklin Townspip this week Mourns at the Graves of Two of Her Oldest and Respect ed Citizens. Other Re cent Deaths in the County. i ne nana ot iteatn ever reminus us ol the uncertainty of life whether the captured are old or young. We are compelled to chronicle this week 1 i in i i i , . i . the demise of two old and well known gentlemen of our neighboring pre cinct. They are Capt. Lewis Mil ler, a gentleman with a brilliant war record, and George Shambaeh,)) highly respected gen tlemau, descend ed Irom a family, that for longevity has no equal in i hese parts. CAPT. LEWIS MILLER. Capt. Miller was born in Wash ington township, I Fnion ( now Snyder) county, Jan. 1836 at tl Id home stead, the mill pronerty ol hi lather. Hi died in Franklin township, two miles easl of Middleburg Thursday, March 8, 1000, at the age of (J I years. He was the son of John and the grand son of Frederick Miller wdio settled iii Penn township at an early date. This well known pio neer was married three times, and by his first wife had the following children i John, Betsy, I'olly and Kate. lolltl Miller, the lather ol the deceased, was born and reared at the old homestead in Penn tow nship, and when not engaged in agricul tural work, In tune was spent In I .1 Ml I 1 t I learning me miners traae. ne was married in I'enn township to ( 'hristy Ann Snyder, a nativeofPhil adelphia and a daughter of Adam ami Catherine (Beish) Snyder. After his marriage John Miller engaged in the milling business on Middle creek in I'enn township, in partner ship with George A. Snyder. Later he took charge of the milling nronertv in Washington township w here the deceased was born. John Miller lived to be 77 ' years old and his wife 75 years. They iiad six children i 1. Edward, born March 30, 1829, died Sept. 30, I 807. I le bad only one daughter, Aligeliue, married to A. D. Kreamer, of Kreamer, Fa, "J. George F., born Sept. 3,1832, married Feb. 18, 1857 to Isabella Dreese, and to them were born six children: Christina, who died at the age of three years, I taniel ., who died at the age ol I J years ; Adda I., w ho married Will. Itoush and died in Washington township; Mellie, wife of Ii, F. I I II ley ol'Free- burg; John II., a clerk in Harlcy's store', Freeburg, and Charles II., a teacher in the western part of the state. Mr. Miller is an ex-county Treasurer and at present one of the county commissioners and during the Civil war served in Co. I, 172nd P. V. . Lewis, the deceased. 4. Daniel S., born Feb. 7, 18)7, enlisted in Co. H., .",1st P. V. I., and saw some hard lighting in the Civil War. In May l7, he mar ried Susanna Kister w ho died as did also two children who were Inirn to them. Nov. I, 1886 be married Sarah Meyer and now resides at Kantz. 5. Samuel, another son lived and died in Washington township at the age of 37 years. 0. Frederick, now resides in Penn township, is a successful farmer and a gentleman of affairs, highly re spected. "Captain Miller was married Dec. 1859 to Sarah Stahlneukcr, a daugh ter of Klias and Catherine (Hassing er) Stahlneckcr, a sister of John, Aaron and .David of this place. The children of the union are : 1. John II., married Alice Hare and resides at Strode's Mills, Mifflin county, where he is successfully en- gaged in Agriculture. He has a family of four children, Henry, Dan- iel, Sarah and George. 2. Catherine A., married tot 'has. A. Manbeck of May 2i, 18S7. ter, Hattie S. Franklin township They haveadaugh- Jennie, married W. '. Mover, who resides near New Berliu on the farm of Hon. H. Alfred Behoch. They have had three children : Beatrice aud Bruce arc living and an infant son is dead. ( 'apt. Miller was an unassuming man, a gentleman w ho accumulated some money iu his time and unfortu nately losi quite heavily in the de preciation oi Lehigh Valley Kail road stock sonic time ago. He has still quite a fortune h it lorhisheirs. He was a miller by trade and lived for many years at the mill iu Wash ington tow nship w here he was born. Several years he lived in Selicsgrove, several vears he lived near Sclioch's mills above Selinsgrove and lor about 'JO vears at the home w here he dud last week. During the Civil war he served with fidelity as Cap tain of o. F, I 31sl Penna. Rejri- i merit, wlfieh hud n ie-onioii in this place Sept. 19th of lasl year. While living in Franklin tow nship, he was engaged in farming. The funeral took place on Monday morning Irom his late home and the services and burial took place at Meiser, The funeral was largely attended by Ids numerous relatives ami friends. QEORGI- ShAMUACil. In recording the events of the past week, we must record the death of GeorgeShambach at the advanced age of more than four score years. He was born Nov. 10. 1819 in the house in this borough w here N. S. Bachman now resides, and died Sun day, March 1 I, 1900. For three vears he has been suffering Irom a severe cancer of the mouth and throat which has been getting worse from time to time, liis month was all eaten away and during the lasl week his jaws fell to his breast. The sore gave otd a very offensive odor making it next to impossible for any oiietoeudurc the sight ofthe unfortunate victim. Sunday morn ing he had a hemorrhage which caused his death at 8:50 which occur red at the home of ids daughter .Mrs. Wm. A. Smith in Swinetord, w here he had his home since last Jlllv. Mr. Shambaeh v tw ice I married: Fir-tin 1840 to Cather ine, daughter of George and Eliza beth Moyer of Centre township, sec ond to Sarah, daughter of Conrad and Louise Hassinger. He was the father of 8 children, lour with each wife, as follows : 1 . Mary A., born 1837, married 1 867 to Wm. A Smith oi Swineford. They have lour children, Lillian. Lester, I lerbertand John. 2. Robert R., born 1 8 H", married 1S7'J to Harriet Sw ineford, and now resides in this borough. They have two children, Herbert and Laura, both single. o. Anion, and 4, Sarah, both died in infancy. f. I .'has. C, born Sept. Hi, lHff, married Clara Hower and have one child. 6. Margaret, died i:: infancy. 7. Galen, born Nov. 18!I, mar ried Mollie Benter. Thy have two children, Buhl and Harry. 8. Harvey, liorn May 1863, mar ried Martha Bowersox and reside in Paxtonville. They have seven chil dren; Anna Ixniisa, Hattie P., Geo. Guy, John Blaiu, Jane, Amanda and Claire. Mr. Shamlmch descends from a family that for a record ot long liv ing tliere are few it any in this day sad generation. So prominent a characteristic is the longevity oi this family that it is but proper for us to give some details ofthe family from the time the founder of the Shambaeh family in this country set fool upon the American soil. i ! The name ot the pioneer or found er was ( ieorge Shambaeh; a nativeof Germany who landed in Philadelphia Sept. 9, 17 49. Ol his bneaire there were at least three sons, Ueorge, Jr., Philip and Daniel. The hitter two moved to Shenandoah, Virginia. George, Jr. settled in Montgomery county, where he married Mi-s Bern ard. To them were born six chil dren, three sons and three daughters. George, Jr. moved to Middleburg and a few miles north ol this place hough; a tract ot land containing 300 acres, Irom William Pcim's agents or heirs. The land then pur chased i covered partly now by deeds held by .lames (i. ('rouse, Mrs. Moses Fry, Stahlneekers and other parties. ( H the children of (ieorge, dr., 'hristiau was thi young est son and lather ol the deceased. Christian Shambaeh was born iu Montgomery County, but was mar ried in what is now Snyder County to his fii-st wile. Mar. Waller, the daughter ot David and Susan (Eber hart) Walter, the father having been il soldier in the Revolutionary war, anil his bones now rest in the Salem church cemetery,the onlyones in thai burying ground that were used in defense of the Independence of Amer ica. Mr. Shambaeh was a fanner and a wagon maker. He was a. ro bust man aud ol untiring vitality and in his dav was noted ior his physical wrdpranee. In is:7 his lirst wife dfeu and he married Mrs Elizabeth (Betehel) Bilger, wido ol Isaac Bilger, Elisabeth w as born June 26, 1809 and died Dec. 17. 1844. Christian died at the age ol 88 years and 3 months. His chil dren are as follows : Firs! Marriage. 1. Daniel, now Hi vears, married Sarah Yciser, now reside at Leo, Allen County, Ind, Undertaker and carpenter. '1. David, now about S-J vears ol age, married Catherine Stab lnecker, resides at Paxton ville. 3. (ieorge, the deceased, aged 80. I . Mary (Polly) w idow oi lieu ben Snyder, aged 7'.' years, now re sides at Avilla, Noble Co., Ind. Mr. Snyder was w broom-maker and farmer. 5, Jesse, born Aug. :'.(, ngcu over , years married Fry, tin Sept. only 11, 1842 b daughter ol phia John am Wil iilmina (Walter) Fry. Tiiev now reside in ( 'entre township and are well known and highly respected. They have 1 1 children. 6. Isaac, aged 73 years, married to Julia Hassinger, and now resides at Avilla, Noble Co., hid. Isaac is a carpentei . 7. Jacob, aged 73 years, married Maria Hassinger, a sister of Isaac's wife, and now residi at Perrvsville, Ashland Co., Ohio and is a black smith. 8. Elizabeth, aged about 70, mar rick Benjamin Loose, who is now dead, but the willow resides iu the town of Centreville, this county. Mr. Loose was a Cooper. 9. John, now dead, lived to le about 68, married Catherine Keller and resided at Adamsburg. 10. William, aged 08, married Amelia Walter, daughter of Adam Walter. Resides in Franklin twp. 11. Lydia, aged 66, married first Frederick Erb but is now the widow of Reuben Fisher. Resides at Port Treverton, this county. J2. Henry, born April 7, 1836, died Feb. 2, 1863. He was a mem ber ot Co. C, 120th Ohio Regt. He died in the hospital in St Louis, Mo. and was buried in Middleburg, March 9, 1863. Continued on Fourth Pac. i i i H H I X. I H 1 II 1 I I Sib
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers