I CONGRESSMAN kLEVtiS Wt-ll-K "us, n 1 1 1 1 l I. fcl.lnlor Has 0riii AaastaacvtJ m i,-ire iu BNMI ' rnor. YViilirr Keeves, in present t lie rep resentative In coogreM ol the Kleventb ongressional district of Illinois, was bom in western Pennsylvania in ltw He mine to Illinois in I8S6. After leav ing icbool be laugbt school for several years in La Salle. Livingston and Mar shall count let. He saved his money and was enabled to study law. Be was ad mitted to practice in Streator, III., in 1875, where b bad resided for M .years. For man years he lias been active in politicsatid Id 1S94 when the Elev- WALTER REEVES. (Illlnotl 'onu;rMrian Who Wauls to Bi ijovirnor of the State.) eotb dislrloi was divided, the two leatlit candidates, Thomas J. Hender son iihcl Henry Mayo, withdrew, und the party united on Walter Reeves, Hi defeated ihe democratic nominee for congress, Capt. tiililioiii-. by 4,982 votes, nit kiwit ! at that lime the district was believed to have n democratic major ity of 2 IKIO, In 1896 he was reelected by n majority f 6.251, and in 1808 be ran gains) i Attorney (leneral Mafonej ninl !t rented bins. Mr. Iteevei Im served in congress With distinction. He was a member of the committees on rivers und harbors and patents, lie was one of the mem bera chosen by Speaker Reed to confer with the senate committee regard log the fiver ami harbor bill. Mr. iteeves' efforts on that joint committee secured an Investigation of the w hole Nicaragua canal project, lie bus beeu greatly complimented for securing this action, which enabled congress to move in telligently in the matter. Mr. Ileeves litis announced hiscuuli- toy for governor, and has been mak- j :.. .. I,- fr .,,,.. month. , - i . declaring mat ne represents he represents no fac lion. In 1S76 Mr. lieeves married Marietta H, Coggswell. WASHINGTON'S RAZOR. Tlie lllade Once I ! hy tbe Immortal George Now the Properly of il llourl I. nils. I The centenary of the death of r:. Wtifcliiiirrtnti has called forth the fact that a Missourian, Mrs. Julia i K. of Mans, of Llnneus, la the possessor a razor that was the property of the Father of His Countrv dtiritiL' th revolution, and which he used last on Hie morning following the battle of Brandywine, says the St. Louis Be public. A well-known colonial character and especial friend of Washington's, Maj, Vivian Brookin, who was taking leave of his superior officer, said to the com mander: "Gen, Washington, I want you to give me sonic trivial thing as a token of our friendship, and which I may retain as a keepsake." The general. I hen jnst finishing shaving, turned from the mirror, WASHINGTON'S RAZOR 10 Possession of Mrs. Julia K I.ltir,, U( Mo l INow banded Brookin Ihe razor and replied- "Here, take this, and I assure you that j with pleasure il If given." When Maj. Brookin died, several years later, iii Petersburg, Va.. tbe rasor was left 10 bis grandson and namesake. Col. Vivian Brookin llolm-'s, who has relatives in LinOeUS and On- ralii Mo. The blade, after Ihe death Holmes, passed Into the ownership Mrs. Mans, who still retains the in- :if lerestlng relic. L'pon the blade of the razor, which is of a peculiar shape, the words: 'Warranted OratUS," are found near its heel. The handle, on account of its great age, has almost decayed, only about half of the original remaining. In the Center is a small ornament a i irving. Konth African Wnr Newa. The news from South Africa starts at Cape Town, is sent to Delngoa bay. thence to Mozambique, to Zanzibar, to Aden. There it is repeated to Suez, n distance of over 1,400 miles. From Suez it is repeated 143 miles to Alexandria, here it is repeated again, this time un- der the Mediterranean, 925 miles, to j Malta. From Malta It goes to Olbral-1 tar, and thence to Lisbon, tbe great cable center, 383 miles. At tbis point lit plnnges nnder tbe Atlantic, 890 miles, i to Pensanee, and so on to London, and Of rt of Ueworbi. , , WW j PEOPLE OF TITLE. The czarina has taken up the type ariter. and owns u macbiDe with gilded lype bars, the Irame beiDg set with pearls. The maharajah of Benares, w bile re cently entertaining Lord Curzon, pre sented him for Lady Curzon with a su perb oronet of pearls worth a fabulous sum. None of the three British soldiers who have won peerages on the battle field lias a son. Lord Koberts has just lost bis heir. Lord Kitchener is un- masricd and Lord Wolseley's only child Is a daughter. Lord Kelvin, who Is 76 years old. after dining out in London recently, j traveled to QlasgOW through the dark f niirht to nreside at an entertain- ' ment given to workmen who muke the compusseB and sounding machines he , invented. It is not very generally known that tbe queen, the prince of Wales and Other members of the royal family have their own private solicitor. Sir Henry Arthur White has acted in that capac- , ty lo the royal family for u good many years now. The earl of Tankerville, who recently died al the age of 'JO years, was the old est English peer. Mis successor mar ried an American girl. Mis Vanmar- , I ter, of Tacoma. He is an evangelist, and goes about thecountry on preach- ; i i, tr lours, singing Saukey hymns to his j jwn accompaniment on the barmo- t ' nium. lb' owns ihe Cbillingham herd of wild white cattle, described In "Vr- i dan I Green." While the German empress Is often I extolled as a model housewife, slie lis In reality little to do with the do mesticity of the royal household, as it is the emperor who actually receives ; each morning those who supervise the ' housekeeping arrangements. FASHION NOTES. A novel pen wiper of chamois has a wishbone of silver gilt fastened there in. A large imitation amethyst is set il the intersection of the prongs. A novelty in a scarf pin of gold repre sents a serpent in green enamel coiled iround a large pink pearl. Diamonds i erve as eyes for tbe serpent. A handsome brooch of gold represents i a bee. The back is set with a large sap phire. Diamonds anil emeralds are freely used in tbe wings, while two rubies represent the eyes. Large precious stones are lately more frequently used in ornamenting ladies' l cloak clasps, und lavallieres are era- ployed instead or loops o. Two which arc Becoming pupuwi ...uui t j ..a ...:,i. t.irU tntiavaa mwl nme- gUlUi set "Jin b- J- , thysts. The invisible joint belt buckle is j growing steadily iu favor. Among the many designs is one of gold represent H&g a . of finely wrought scrolls. (The buckle is elabu.ait in finish and ' massive in construction. Jewelers' I Weekly. TRADE AND INDUSTRY. l'aris has the biggest quill toothpick mil1 Hungary leads in glass jewel produc- ! lion. In Saxony toy-makers earn one cent I an hour. A needle fuctory in Bedditch, Eng land, makes 70,00u00O needles every week. Pens to the number of 3,500,000 are used throughout the world every day in the week. American cotton is preferred by the 1 Japanese manufacturers, because it ; has a longer staple than that of any Other country. Troths from cotton mills at Oldham, Rochdale and Ashton, England, for 1890 amounted to $1,050,000. The spindles represented were 6,000,000 and the cap ital employed $23,750,000, Benzine motors are being tried for driving canal barges in France. The j motors are of about 12-horse power and 1 i drive twin propellers. The speed is , I said to be considerably greater than where horses are used on the towpath. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. It is best to go slow when belting on fast horses. Action and reaction are uot equal in ' the stock market. I A man may mean well, but you are j never quite certain of it. j Some people pass their good resolu tions on the lirst reading. ' The lay of the hen is more valuable than the song of the lark. Happy is the bride the sun shines on if she isn't afraid of freckles. Many a man would have a better w ife if he wasn't such a poor husband. The man who takes the cake thinks it is no more than his just dessert. Some one will be sure to take your ad vice if you have it engraved on the handle of a ten-dollar umbrella. You can learn more about a man in ten minutes after it is too late than you tould In ten years before. There is nothing like poverty to give one a practical knowledge of the scarcity of the milk of human kindness. Chicago Daily News. NOTES FROM ASIA was not ame to iook aiier my nouse A state lunch in China contains 148; WQrk After taking one bottle I began ;lioc ,. iiiioPMrn nml nm nmv Knftop in ATPfV dishes Java furnishes two-thirds of the OTii nine used. Only one-third of the population ol California are females. The irovernment of India has ordered 6 . .. ... that soldiers are not to be auowea to use a small bore rifle of long range for sporting purposes. It seems in credible, says a Calcutta paper, thai s sportsman, in order to bit or miss a tiger or an antelope 100 yards off. should bo allowed to send a bullet fly ing a mile and more across the conn try. Questions for Women If you were offered sure aid in time of trouble would you put it aside and accept Something of doubtful efficiency ? If yon saw before you a strong- and safe bridge lending to your goal, would you ignore it to try some insecure aud tottering structure 'I The answer to these questions is plain. You would, of course, choose without hesitation what all evidence showed to be the safe thing, und you would risk nothing in useless experi ments. Why then do some women risk one of their most precious possessions their health in trying medicines of unknown value, w hich may even pove hurtful to them jydia u. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound has stuciil the test of years. It has the largest Bale of any remedy for female ills in the world, and nothing Could have given it this sale except its own merit. Do not try any experiments, but buy what is known to be reliable. Mrs. Pinkham'a Compound can do nil that is claimed for it. and all statements in regard to it can be easily verified. Write to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn. Mass., for a little book she has jus! published containing letters from the mayor of Lyi a. t lie postmaster and the Women's Christian Temperance Union. Mrs. Pinkham'a advice is offered free of charge to all women who write to her for aid. This invitation is con stantly renewed. A million women have been cured of serious female Ills by Mrs, I'inkhain's advice and n cdicine. Three LeUers from One Woman, Showing How Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegc table Compound Cured Falling of the Uterus: ' Dear Mas. Pixkham I see yonr advertisement in the papers In regard to treating woman's diseases, and would be grateful to you for yohr ad vice in my case. 1 am suffering from falling of womb, have pains in my i sides and legs, in fact I SChfl all over. 1 am getting so weak 1 cannot stand on my feet much. I have Ihe head ache sometimes, and a choking, tight feeling in my breast and throat. Have , u baby seven months old. 1 hope to j hear from you soon, ns I um in so much distress. "Mm. J. B. Comptoh, Eggbornaville, Va,, May 10, 18S8. J "DBAS MRS, Pinkham I followed your advice and 1 am now on the Seo j i)nl bottle of your Vegetable C0111 ! pound and I think it is going to cure j me. If it does I will ever praise it, I for I am, aud have been, a great suf ferer ; but now I live nope ' getting well." -Mrs. J. B. COMPTOX, EggbornsTilie, Va., July 13, 1808. " DAB Mns. Pinkham - Again I write to you. When I lirst wrote to ; you for advice in regard to my troubles I thought I could never get well again. After receiving your letter I followed ' your advice exactly, ami thanks to you. 1 am cured of that dreadful disease. 1 cannot find words to ex press the good your medicine w ill do. It is really more than was recom mended to' me."--Mns. J. B. COMPTON, Eggbornaville, Va., April 12, 1800. Two Women Cured of Irregularity, Falling of the Uterus and Ovarian Trouble. " 1kau Mas. Pinkham I have female weakness. Menstruation ir regular, and 1 suffer bearing-down pains in left side and hip. My doctor said I had womb trouble and enlarge ment of the OVarieS, I have doctored two months, but see no improvement." Miss Mat.v E. Keeii, Swan Creek, 111. " DEAR Mits. Pinkham Your good advice has been worth more than all 1 ever received from a doctor. Words cannot express my gratitude to you for Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. After twelve years' suffering I am stout and healthy. Miss Mary E. BEKO, Swan Creek, 111., April 88, Is'J'.i. " DEAR MRS. Pinkham I suffer female troubles. My doctor wishes nay ovaries taken out, but I shall never consent. Menstruation is irreg ular and my head has a tired feeling-. Hospital treatment does me no good. 1 have live children and 11111 forty-four years old. Please uilvise what medi cine to take."- Mlts. E. H. BoHDEBB, 4 J7 X. 4iltli St.. Philadelphia, Pa., Septem ber 27, 1S'J8. " DEAR MRS, Pinkham I followed the advice you gave DM and your medi cine has cured inc. I felt better w hen I had taken the Vegetable Compound but a week." Mus. K. H. Sonkkrs, Philadelphia, Pa., February 0, ls'J'J. Another Case of Nervous Prostration and Inflamma tion of the Bladder Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. " Dkak Miir. Pinkham I have used ,-r.iif. Vcr.t.nlilo ( 'omnnnnfl for female weakness and it has done wonders for I also had nervous prostration- tabl l I 1 I ' I V V HUM "I" v i t,, 1 u v, ji way and feel like a different person." Mrs. Urli.a Kkiser, Marion ville, Pa., February 82, 1899. "Dear Mrs. Pixkham I cannot ' Prftlse cnoutr virar Vpcetatila (Vim not nd ' - o enough for the good it has done me. I suffered from innainmation Ol me bladder. I tried doctors, but obtained no relief. At last I decided to write to you, and now, thanks to your reme dies, I am entirely cured." Mas. K. 8. Oradt, 131 Union St., High Bridge, New York City, April 11, 1899. ROT TO UK DEATHS. I . I First Young Thing (with pride) Ah! my mamma lias a carriage: Second Young Thing (with mere pride) That's nothing! My mother can take out her teeth aud put thi n back again! Ally Sloper. ROT WHOLLY DNBIPECTBD. Lord Potsoftin Do you know what happened at your dance last night? No? Well, I'll tell you. I'm going to take away your sister. Does that sur prise you'.' Tommy No fear! Why, mother said it was C to 4 on about your popping; Sis said it was sixes; dad laid " to 1 against and I had a bet on at evens! Ally Sloper, War an Bdoeator, Bacon Tbe late war was 0 great ed u cntor. Egbert How so? "Why, Corporal Cartridge couldn't write his name before he enlisted, and now he's writing magazine articles." V'onkers Statesman. TIIK ni si OV A IX. Por over Bftjryaari Vr. Wissmiw'i PooTH iso 8YBOP hs been used bv mother f their children While teething- Are you liturVj-.l t night and btoken of your rct i- a sick eMM offering end erf log - i 1 1 1 pain of tutting teeth? If Miend at once and iiei bottle of "Mrs. Win ! ilow'a Soothing Syrup" fur Children Teething I t vnlneltinor4ealablo. It will relieve the poor I litiir suftiTfr Immediately. i,-irmi upon it i mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dlarrboe, regulates the bHomseh nl Bowels, cure Wind Colic, nofteiei the Qums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to lbs rrholaaystent, "Mrs, Wlaslow's soothing sy rup" for children teething in piSSaanl tc the taste and Is the prescription of one of the old est iimi best female physicians and nurses In the United States and i for ssla h- all driigghrtU throughout the world. Price, twenty-live cents a bottle. He sure and get "JIBS, WlSSLOW'l BooTHnraSvaor. vs-iy PENNSYLVANIA KAILR0A0. Sunbury & Lewistowti Division. In effect Nov. 19, l8-.ui. nrgsTWABD. I ITATIOKB. i SASTWABO' P M 1 I OB i '1 1:1 2 19 ., .,4 , 2 31 2. 'II I 2 10 I 2 Ifi 2 v. .100 ; 307 I w 13 22 3 tS 830 3 M 13 4!) A M I S7 10 "7 ill II 10 21 I01I 1H27 10:ti 10 :ih 10 18 111 61 10SI II 03 11 13 11 HI II 21 II 27 II . m - am en lunbury 020 sso Bellnsgrova Junction 90S 5 20 bellnagrove 1 904 IS Pawling sm sos Kreamer H4, 5 01 Meim-r 146 4 58 Mlddleburg Bw 4 52 Henfer H3I 4 Ifi Beavi irtosvn BH 4 37 A.liimshiSV -20 4 32 Kaillm Mills S U 4 2S BfeUlnre H07 4 19 Wagner 7 S7 4 09 Bhlndle 7.M 4tfi PalntervllU 7 19 4 on Maltlaud 7 V I M I.ewilown i 1811 S45 Lswtstown (Main strt ) 7 3.) 8 43 Lewletowa Jnnetlon. 7 lii H to lives Hunburj B 25 n iu, ar- 3 47 3 SO U 10 Vains leave Lewhrtown Junction i t M ii m, io 11 ii at, l io ii m,lSQ p m ' SI p 7 07 11 Hpoi, lor Altooua, I'ittfinir sod the West. Kor Baltimore and Wstbington SsSani l u2. ISSIM.SIApm Far Philadelphia and New York I13H9 3.)ll 111. 1 I'i 1 1 JJiinu ill" I'm Uurrlnliur S lOp ai Philadelphia & Eric R R Division. AM) NORTHERN I'BNTkAL II 4.1 L WAY Tnii leave Buobenr daily steep) Buuday i l 2i a in lof Brie and OsnsBualirsa 6 111 in for lii'llrloiitx Kilmii.O t'linimdalirua st ij ii in ior Ums Haven, Tyrone and toe Went, l io i in lor Hellefunte Kane Tyrone and OsasB dateai 54.rip in lor keSnvoSSd Klmlrii DSI i oi tor WlUlaraspoit Snadsrfj in " m tor Brie and t'snandslgua inilii in for Lock Haves an. I I IS put lor VII Usrasport 8 M a m, 9 V5 n in 2 00 and 5 4S p m lor Wllkoi"- barre and Baasltou 7 1 0 a ui. JO M) u in, 2 B) p m, I U p in lor Siiaino kin ami Mount OsrToel Baadaj I IS ' m let Wlllisrsfre rrln leave BsUSSSTOVS JuoetipD 1000 S ra, weeK dL.va arriving at f lill .delpliln JIKipm New York I H p m BslttBMN 3 11 p ui Wii-hluKton 410 pin 5;i4 p hi daily err! vine ai PhiladeJplils ,0 20 D in New York 3 53 a in. Haliluiore 9 45 p m Washtagloli io 56 p m. 8 42 pin, week day arriving- al I'lilladelphln I We in. New Y ork 713 a m. lialtimore ISO a in WaxliinKton 4 (15 a m Tra'iis alw) leave Sunbury : 2 V7 a in daily arrlvinK at I'liiladeldlila 8 U a in HaltlinoretS) a m WHslilnuton 7 4." am New orKViwam n CBBiliJ., Ill a w ..uiiiiajp, 7 50 p tn week daya arnvtnif at Plilladclpl U 1148 am, New York 2 13 p m, Hal turn, ic 1151 a 111, Washington 1 00 p m. . .. ... tr rta.u ur.il'iniA 111 P ll 1 1 ;l ll H I 1 1 11 I 6 23 ii m. New York 1)0 p in, Haiti more I 0j p m Warhlngton 7 15 p m Trul ii - also leave Suabury at 9 50 a m anil 5 25 and k 31 p ui. tor HarrUburtc. Pblladelpbla aud Baltimore I. R. WOOL), Oen'l Paas Agent i. B. HUTUHIMBUn en- luauaaer. COLORADO INrOKXATION BCBEAU furniahea reliable information on any enb- iect iertalnlnir o .oiorao-o m miiien. rrm. .r n l I ...H. T .!. Hlnrk. Pnultrv Bees, Irrigation. Railroada, Scenery, Health Keaorta, Sanitoriums. Country Homes tor Inva lids, etc., etc- Fee 114)0. Special reports on mining properties at reason able rates. Send 28 cents and e three finely Illustrated books on Colorado resources. Address I floss J. Blakely, Dearer, Ola. for Infants Castorta Is a harmless substitute for Castor On, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing: Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teeth ing: Troubles and cures Constipation. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving; healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought a jhs a . A9 Bears the r r aaaaaaaaw In Use For Over 30 Years. "A DOLLAR SA KI) IS DEXTER SOLE LEATHER This Ladies' Donprola Kid Boot, Lace or Button, eole leather rr.UDter, inner, outer cole nud bee), fancy top kIhv, Patent Leuilier Tip, Opfeis Toe, 'l t( s, I), E, or KE, Bent postpaid on receipt ol II. Equals auv $2 bcot Nold. Out mHkx, Money refunded if unsatis- lac toi v. We (.'iminiitee tit, style, wear PRBK. ouroatalogue wiib illustrations ol MO bargalni m shoes j also a Bubsorlu , Ticket wblcb. u cures a Liberal osh Bouua on your yetfi trading. m-ncvniTiurwrT TO Equals any H.008boi ; wife went baretooi rather taan TESTIMOIMIALS duj anyffilBgbai toe DBXTBBtt.oo Stioe. 1 "wear 8?nS-Tue shoes sre proving satisfactory. This pair mat I now dst t make tlve clim-iviil r,l ler- nt si tliui I have l.'oiltfli' of oil and lliey are all (rood. I sliowi cl our , , a pair ol n 00 hbo thai 1 baa Jus) lecelved Irom you and in- Wok htokuUe and PiTt into the hMl and eaamlneolhe ignly ami pronounced laeoi cheap at SJ00. VoutrUloodan orderwith this letter for two morewjlr or ;hoes. Respect rally yours, M BS J. gLm Co.. Oal p, b, use mytnsmeif you like, taXoS,iffea8e:find enclosed, herewt-h, exPr.-ss money order. Picsesend the shoes ,.,,,,, i:,v i inn iinaihem. Mv wrtte Is almost barefooted and i doa't wish to hiiv ahoea at any other house beoauseil have used tae pester ana bbq unui unumM n.i nmn Yours truly. "' money. PHILIP M. BOKaLH, Newnka, III. DEXTER SHOE CO., Boston Mass. . , i ..:,.. I tftfin nnn. Inr-nriuirMted fiSiaiiiiaiieu ioou. -i HTPANS iabobs Doctors find A Good . Prescription For mankind Tea for five centt, at Druegiiti, Crocera, Ritaurntt, fialoom, Newj-Slands, General Store and Uarben Shop,. They banish pain, induce sleep, and prolong life. One kimj relief No matter what'a Ihe matter, one will do jioa good. Ten samples and one thousand testi monials sent br mail to any address on receipt of price by llu.Ripans Chemical Co., 10 Spruce St., New York City. OB"salV ftlTX IIAUBV 'zkmu rav f!'7' hSaiK JiUf C.tlM'T kJStlis t:Wf!(5 MACeniL J r.elbl,C.O.U..nl0ett-iiviuu,t ' HIM), 1 U IIllIII, II Nl j I'll 11'. ..I Vat, illl).H, UV,aL ,rileo .stl.fsrli rj.xsrtl;. us r i.r stTtte',. ,nhl n marsismoiu-nt .i as si ... sun. as, .i , iM.: .i.h..tLi ssksjais nm. iTKSKiusaot, Special Oiler Pries J15.S0 , i:'lrlii'.;; I l.-'-u. u,' . . ..... R'ltl frtwhl sriUUVMe A.I". ! int' M-,ik,'t:i rfl I '.uiltit Mltl thp frfclfll'. will Averarneni m i BWml t. CiVE IT mil ni&HTNS' TAtAL in joowii hniin!.s.inl will rt-iuin y-mrdli. U uny anyyju utv nut fail RlffWs "' i:art, i raskt? snu cram t n: wwiaj narhtara il H. in, M t')A -k rll-UJ. tl-thi mil Mpa ail' f'il'.y (le-crilieil in our rt s- i...- i' XseMs-tstaior,u-, i,u it ' j. it for thii OTvliP llfcK l- iUI.rlT ULKUIl'K la tin' m-m wtlii SVCf d1 r- -t if hy unr bnua U BBMABE Qlr" 'MiTATiows.r.'r,y.!r i -i - :i .",! en ii ' uatvuonn mscitlnv s llliurr Al ! ; ri-in.--, with vcrlous In- ta. Writ sent? frltm! In nir ago Mil Irara wh arr ri YHEBUslDICK Jios e'ry (UKItil IBrROV .:i y T, r WKV Wm) P1M.T0P K M:Y BlaslI UK4IIK XAtlllXK BADE, WITH TIIK DttMli- UF 0.K. -from the Di'i ms i innwMi mn Mil t-iiii b.,r. i wmH en n rlorveti hMd ji mm . tsW r sm, S 9m ff U MHf11" wwmc, D saaSBBBBBS -v mm mm sc n BBBISBBSBBBBB la4aniMsVViMljliiMriaf flnwih Hraif nlik rlraaarnu 1 IYfi sutan. rvoaiLiva luur DO 0 DID wiirusr, ilil a. aaWI haaIt ' " ' ESSlxVmttZS aMrsta, SEARS; ROEBUCK t CO. (Inc.) Chicago, and Children. signature oi unaav Trr. mYoaa citt. A DOLLAR EARNED." Ii For l To introduce to every family in the XJIm?3EX" STATES. ( niiiiii'ii, IiiHolea. OlllMOlfN lllKl IIOlN - i ,."t WITH00OtR,o..tMi. ail. out nml 'in to uk and we will rend rou BUR HI0H I .1U ,1 ,,'wau . ivji-j'sai'iifj cu:-:'-?vif,- labU and mko ar nm. Mori hj til. Mil matftplsal aionrv - ra in Atiit-rlca. niiiRTFR c&wpn nutf drd?deucii nnm drannlntr friitn alirl.t i to lt iiw. ai a tBirr i me oiner on witn luiiienmn uf.ie ana neaa i" 4 fsaey drars. la Us 1 sk-ltitia trim. crved. t'"" uitiLiun ir-tru. sr i inrvaiuntf vinr iLinir iuuiik - - taujuavsvuin oesannn, paitui m naiun iniwuiyi.imi'' - til 1 1ut hnat an aaaa aa a mn I snrf tin SlfrUr PI ' irrn-a our turiipr sens -i, V- ,JC