The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 08, 1900, Image 1

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Editor find Proprietor.
A Week's News Dished up in
Small Quantities.
Thomas Hosterraan is the proud
father oi a little gir!.
Mrs. liiley Shipe (ueeMame Cle
lan ) went to Sunbury on Tuesday.
Wanted. A bright boyto learn
the printing trade. Apply at onoe
at this office,
Chas. E. Waguer of Salem was a
Middleburg visitor last week and
took dinner with Sheritl Row.
Irwin Aneker and wife oi 8ha
niokin will move hack to Union
township this spring and will begin
Capt. Lewis Miller, we regret to
ham, has been laid up with rheuma
tism for several days at his home
east of town. 1
Prothonotary Shindel and wife
went over to Pallas to visit rela
tives, Sunday, and aa George says, to
get a good meal.
Mrs. M. E. Brower of Creston,
Iowa, was visiting C. A. Manbeok's
in Franklin township. She is now
visiting in AdaoBBburg.
Not fifty miles trom this town, a
Miss Cold married a Mr. Slangh.
They have a little youngster and
named him Cold Slaugh.
John Wagner, one of the com
positors of the MifHinburg limtt,
and his mother spent Sunday with
Henry It. Tobias and family.
Mrs. George Erhart and daughter
of Lewistown are spending a few
days with Calvin Stetler's family
and other friends in 'his place.
Thirty days more and then lots of
of people in this, community will
think (I ley are playing checkers at
least it will be their turn to move.
Miss Anna Mover, who had been
working at (i. Alfred Schoeh's, was
called home Monday evening ow ing
to the serious illness of her mother.
S. G. Fagely, the manager of the
Globe Flouring Mills at MciserSta
tion, was in town Saturday. He is
one of the active business men of the
Samuel Bilgcr of Globe Mills
Was at the county seat Monday at
tending to business in the estate of
Sarah Martin, late of Fwklintwp.,
Court last week continued only till
Thursday evening. Only two cases
were tried before the petit jury.
There were 11 other eases on the
civil list, none of which were under
taken. W. ( '. Mover, who is farming for
G. Alfred Sohoch on the other side
of New Berlin, is reported as being
sick with cold in his sides. Mr.
Mover formerly farmed for dpt.
Iyewi Miller.
L. F. Pawling of Selinsgrovc
called at this office Thursday of last
week and paid his subscription up to
Jan. 1, 1002, which makes him the
banner subscriber having paid farth
er in advance than any other sub
scriber on the list.
If you want your hair cut with
out steps or a nice easy shave and a
refreshing shampoo, go to A. E.
Soles, in the bank building one door
east of the Post Office, in room with
the drug store. A clean towel to
each customer and satisfaction guar
anteed. A young printer io a Bellefonte
newspaper office fell in love with a
clergyman's daughter who did not
seem to reciprocate his affections.
'The next time he went to church he
was rather taken aback when the
minister announced his text: "My
daughter is greviously tormented
with the devil." Howard HutU-tr.
The proceedings of last week's
court appear in this issue.
Adam J. Fisher of Penn township
was at tin? county seat Wednesday
of hist week.
An experienced type-setter is
wanted at this office to begin work
about April 1st.
Mrs. Lester Wetel spent Sunday
with her husband, the ticket ngenl
and operator, at the Eagle Hotel.
Miss Miriam, daughter of Henry
Bachmuu, has been seriously ill for
the p:ist week, but has since im
proved. Miss Gertrude Diinklebergcr has
returned from Shauiokiu and brought
with her, her little niece, Miriam
The revival meetings in the I'. B.
church have closed. A number of
members were taken into the church
Sunday evening.
It is reported that the small towns
of Pennsylvania arc Hooded with
counterfeit New York bank notes.
Look out lor them.
John L. Bowersox, traveling sales
man tor St raver's hardware store
of Harrisburg, sp;-tit Sunday in
town with Ins parents.
Mrs. E.C. Aurand has brought her
mother home. The latter was sick
in Union county, but was well
enough to lie brought home.
George W. Hassinger has rented a
portion of Mrs. Emanuel Schoch's
house on Market Street and will
take possession of it April 1st.
A teachers' normal school will
open in Middleburg Monday, April
23rd. For particulars, address A.
A. Killian, Middleburgh, Fa. tf
Wimer Ocker of Shamokin came
over Saturday to Middleburg to
spend Sunday with his parents and
other dear ones at the county seat.
Lincoln Zieber, of Middlecreek,
dropped in Saturday to see us and
as usual to pay his paper in advance.
Lincoln never like- to get in arrears.
Mr. Mat, of ('anion, Ohio, has
rented the Suhncll store room ami
will shortly open a clothing store
providing he can rent a house for his
K. I). II. Walter went to Sun
bury Friday evening to attend Sat
urday's market for . II. Beaver
owing to the illness of Arthur S.
Heaver who Usually makes the trip.
I', li. K. telegraph linemen are
stretching a telephone line from
Harrisburg to Altoona, cud 'phones
will be placed inall promi()entoffices
along the line for of
Mrs. 1). T. Rhnads' Sunday School
class enjoyed a pleasant evening lit
the home of one of its members, Mrs.
I toward Foiilk. The class has been
entertained by its different members
nearly every week for some time.
FOB SALE: A genera! store in
a small country town three miles to
the railroad in Miillin county, doing
a good business. Stock will invoice
about two thousand dollars! For
particulars, address, K. in care of
the Post, Middleburg, Pa. 2-22-6L
Win. Snyder and wife of Mt.
Carniel spent Sunday with his par
ents, John Stahlneckef and other
friends. Mr. Snyder formerly was
the efficient assistant postmaster of
this place. Wednesday he left for
Cleveland, Ohio, where he has ac
cepted a new position.
Biggie Swine Book is justas valu
able for a man with one hog in a
little sty as tor a man with a hun
dred hogs feeding on the sheltered
side of a barbed wire fence. Its
chapter on "Cholera" is alone worth
ten times what the book costs. You
ought to have it, the Post says so.
The price is 50 cents, free by mail ;
address the publishers, Wilnier At
kinson Co., Philadelphia.
Geo, Stroub, who had been living
on Gabriel Heaver's farm, died Sun
day morning.
Mrs. Rose llanchof Williamsport
and Mrs. Harry Leitzel and son of
Mifliinbtirg arc spending some time
with their parents, James Ayersand
wife at this place.
Fast week's Lewisbttrg Chronicle
says: "Mr. Samuel Wittenmyer, Jr.,
of Middleburg, was in town this
week. Sun has embarked in the
lumber business and is working up
quite a trade."
( '. W. Smith, Foreman of the
New Berlin Reporter, spent Sunday
with W. F. Feese and wife in this
place Mr. Smith was foreman of
the Millerstown Journal while Mr.
Feese was the editor.
The members of the ( letitre ! lill
Presbyterian congregation will take
a lively interest in the gale of the
furniture, etc., March I", so as to
secure articlesas mementos of that
old and once Hourishiu church, now
supplanted by the Centre!
- lion. Henry Hottck, Deputy State
Super! ntdent ol instruction, hasbecn
disabled from active duty in conse
quence of ail accident, which, though
not serious, has laid him up for a
short time. He hud a tumbledown
stairs at his residence and injured
himself internally.
Private Henry S. El well, of the
second regiment, National Guard,
Philadelphia, is the oldest member
in point of service in the guard, and
as such, he will be presented with the
ltiley medah Etwell is servinir his
forty-fifth year in the guard. When
General William Riley died he left
1500, the interest of which was to be
applied to the purchase of a medal
for the guardsman longest in service.
The medal to be presented to Flwcll
is now being designed by Adjutant
General Stewart, and will lie given
on the first ceremonial occasion.
The counties of Tioga, Luzerne
and Lackawanna are said to he in
danger of losing their school appro
priations for next year unless they
take prompt action to avert it. As
yet they have not made returns to
the School I department of the s hool
district statistics required by law on
w hich to make calculations for dis
tributing the State appropriations,
ami as the time limit has ahout ex
pired there is danger of the three
counties losing their . -hare. In some
districts the State appropriations al
most cover the entire expenses of the
schools and the tax levied is very
We acknowledge with thanks t wo
copies ol Lynn's "Annals of Buffalo
Valley," one for our private library
and another copy for the library of
the Snyder ('runty Historical So
ciety from 11. F. Brown, Esq., of
Lew isburg. The book is a valuable
one. It contains not only interest
ing data concerning Union county,
hut also a great deal concerning the
early history of SnyderCounty. 'I he
Indian history, the record of many
pioneers and the conflicts between
the savages and our forefathers are
copiously detailed in this volume.
The book should be in every library
in the county.
The Farm Journal is unlike any
other paper; for one thing it prints
no quack medical advertisements; for
another it takes five-year subscrip
tions and gets the paper to its sub
scrilicrs the full time it they are any
where on this planet, even it they
move two or three film's; if they die
their heirs get it. Now we are go
ingto combine with the Farm Journ
al and the Post one year and the
Farm Journal nearly .r years (re
mainder of lOOOand all of 1901,
1902, 1903 and 1904) to ev
ery advance-paying subscriber, new
and old, to the Poht. This groat
offer had better be accepted before it
is withdrawn.
PA, THURSDAY, MAR. 8. 1900.
Court Proceedings.
Court convened Monday, Feb. 26.
A. I). 1900, at 1 1 ..'dock A. M.,
with Hon. II. M. Met lure, Presi
dent Judge, and Hon. Z. T. Gem
herlingand lion. P. F. Biegle, As
sociate Judges, presiding.
Llias P. btohbach was appointed
foreman of the grand jury.
.1. I!. Ewings, ('. ('. Epaugler,
Amnion Womerand Philip II. Will
wen- appointed tipstaves.
court op quahtkr sessions.
The resignation of Henry Howell,
constable of Perry Tow nship, was
accepted, and I'. A. Brosius wus up
pointed in his stead to serve until
the next constable's election.
Inquisition proceedings on bodv
of Elmer Troxcll were approved
and county ordered to pay the cost.
Iteport ol viewers of public road
in Franklin Township was confirm
ed conditionally.
IteiMirl of inspectors of bridge in
est Perry Township was approved.
In the cas ! ol' ihc commonwealth
vs. Reynolds Derk who was indicted
tor toruioatioii and bastardy, the
grand jury returned-:ol a true bill.
The case of the common wealth vs.
John Leuigwus settled.
! 1 1 I
I lllllp IS. .Mover was appointed
overseer of the poor of Washington
P. C. Hartmau was appointed
overseer ot the poor ol Centre Twp.
In the case of the commonwealth
v. Mapdalcna Shirk, G. W. Row,
Sheriff, presented a petition to have
deft, placed in a hospital for the in
sane; whereupon Jay G. Weiser, Esq.,
A. J. Herman, M. I., and Calvin
Stetlcr were appointed commission
ers, etc.
licport of commissioners found the
defendant to he an insane person and
an order was mode to place her in
the asylum at I anvillc, Pa.
F. I). II. Walter, W. II. MeCarty
and John I. Fisher were appointed
to v'k w public road or ullev in
Spring Township.
Win. Mover, W. S. Smith and
Jonathan Musser were appointed to
view public road iu Penu Township
ami Selinsgrovc Borough.
Rule mi the I'cnua. Una I !o, to
-how cause why viewers should not
be appointed was made absolute and
W. W. Wittenmyer, LeVia F. Pawl
ing and I lot). S. A. Wetzel were ap
pointed viewers to act in conjunction
with the viewers appointed by tiie
Courts of Quarter Sessions of North
umberland and Union counties.
In the case of the commonwealth
vs. Jacob B. Ilerrold, sentence and
conviction were reversed.
(dl RT U' COMMON I'l.KAs.
In the case of James Ettinger vs.
Hannah Bingaman, style of same
and amendment pfstatemcntallowed.
In the case of Joel Amnion Kling
ler vs. Bessie Elizabeth Klingler,
the appointment of .1. M. Baker,
Esq., was enlarged, he to report to
next term.
In the case of John K. llackcn-
berg vs. Elizabeth rlaokenburg, the
verdict is in favor of the plaintiff for
Ihesum of Beven hundred andtweuty
one dollars and eighty cents.
The Davis Sewing Machine Co.
vs. S. S. Faust and J. J. Wentzel
with notice to G. M. Wentzel, ex
ecutor, etc., the verdict is in favor of
the defendant.
E. (. Shaffer was appointed
guardian of Chester, Victor Walter,
Charles A., Lloyd A. and Henry C.
Goodling, minor children of Henry
Good ling, deceased.
James Mengle was appointed
guardian of Mary P., Milton A. and
Jennie M. Noecker, minor children
of Louisa Noecker, deceased.
Leave was granted to W. A.
Napp, guardian of Mabel V. Bolig,
a minor child of Howard J. Bolig,
dee'd, to invest money at 5 per. cent.
W. F. Howell, Esq., was appoint
ed guardian of Hope W. Bubb, a
minor child of Samuel IS. Bubb,
Franklin Felmy was appointed
guardian ot' Vcrnie Catharine and
Sarah Ellen Felmy, legatees under
the last will and testament ol Sarah
Marl in, deceased.
William O. Mauivr was appoint
ed guardian of Murry Lcplev, a
minor child ot .lain' Anna Leplcy,
dee'd., and leave was given guardian
to loan money at 5 per. cent.
rders of sale were granted in the
estatcsol Dauiel Weaver, deceased,
Henry Breon, deceased, and Henry
J. App, deceased..
Returns to orders of sale wen n-
fir I in the estates of ( 'harles
Itomig, dee'd., Jacob II. Steininger,
dee'd.. unci Josiah I felfrich, dee'd.
A writ of partition was awarded
in the estate ol Sarah DillitlS, dee'd.
'fhe appointment ol ( 'harles I.
I'lrieh, Esq., as auditor in the estate
ol Benjamin Kramer, dee'd., was en
larged, he to reporf to next term.
Theuppointinenl ol ( 'harles 1 low- J
cr, Esq., ib auditor in the estate ol !
Sarah Ripka, dee'd., was enlarged,
he to report to next term.
The accounts of executors, ad
ministrators and guardians and the
widows' appraisements were all con
firmed as advertised.
Attachment on Fanny spongier,
executrix of the last w ill an! te .i
nient of L-ah Weiriek, is renewed
and made returnable to the next ar
gument court.
Thursday, March 1, 1900, court
adjourned to Friday, March 9, at
1 1 o'clock A. M.
Next regular argument and li-
censi url will be held Friday,
April ''7, next.
.1 s. ( i. IBOUBE, Reporter.
e -
Express Office.
For 27 years the Adams Express
office at this place was in charge ol
G. C. Gutelius. Last week it was
moved to the railroad deiHlt, We
understand that this move wus made
ow ing to some differences ol opinion
in regard to remuneration, We do
not know anything about this mat
ter, but we do know that 90 per cent,
of the business done ill 1 1 j i office
has been done by the people ol Mid
dleburg and the moving ol the office
a distance of half u mile from them
is a gross injustice to the patrons ol
the Express Company. The Ex
press packages addressed to the peo
ple of tow n w ere delivered and now
to move the office hall a mile away
thus compelling people to walk that
distance for their express packages
is uncalled for and unless the mat
ter is promptly changed, a decided
tailing oil in patronage will result.
Mrs. Jarrett Dead.
Mrs. Mariah Jarrett, wife ot
Harry Jarrett, died Tuesday morn
ing, aged 76 years and 2 months,
She is a sister of Mrs. (J. W. Row of
this place. Her children are: I.
Xewtoii of l'enntwp.; Rev. l'ercival
w ho resides along the North Branch;
Mrs. Alice Hcpner of Freehurg and
Mrs. Ed. Helser of Monroe twp.
The funeral will take place Fri
day morning in the Reformed church
at Selinsgrovc.
Advertising Expressions.
A dry gmids house says : "Thev
won't last long at this price." A
restaurant man says: "Dine here,
and you will never dine elsewhere.''
And a grocer advertises: "Siierior
butter. Nobody can touch it."
- - -
M.L. Wagenseller of Selinsgrovc
was in town Monday on business.
VOL. 37. NO. Iff
Frank Childs Caught In the
Raging Waters of Mid
dlecreek. Frank E. Childs, ol the wholesale
grocery firm of Childs, (ircen A:
'hi Ids, had an experience in the high
waters of Middlecreek in Snyder
county on Thursday, that he would
uot want to have repeated during the
rest of his life. Whil a business
tour w ith horse and buggy he cross
ed the bridge at Middlecreek, w here
the waters were bo high that they
extended out over the road al the
end o the bridge. u driving
through them he either got oil the
road or the force ;l the stream swept
him oil, ami horse, buggy and all
were curried down with the angrv
torrent into waters In-yond their
depth, and tin' buggy was overturn
ed, 'fhe horse swam ami plunged
until finally it reached shallow wat
er and gof out with Frank clinging
to it and they were saved. Cotisid
ering the height ol the Hood and the
facf that Mr. ( 'hilds was bundled up
lor traveling, with a rubber protec
tor from the rain enclosing the front
of the buggy, it is remarkable that
he escaped w ith his life. He lost
his two satchels, the buggy folio,
his eve glasses ami other articles.
A gentleman residing in the vicinity
provided him with a dry outfit of
clothing and he returned home to
tell ot the event, and Ins many friends
rejoice with him that the resu wa-
lll' . loU. lAli tmOli n .-.Mil-
O.'i-.Ih RatWM lor Kri-rl.
Michael S. Weiaud and wife to
Emanuel Wagner, '.',r acres, 84
perches in West Weaver townshio,
for $800. Deed dated 1881.
William A. Fisher and wife to
Joseph M. Walborn, 7 acres and 80
perches in Washington twp., for
( 'ha-. A. I lartman and wife to
N. F. Hartman, 6435 square feet
in Shamokin Dam, for $150.
II. D.Schnurc and wife ti Itoei I
lu Hoffman, house and loton Water
St., Selinsgrovc, for $500
M. L. Shannon nnd wife to LVustees
ol I'. I'.. I'arsonuge, lot in Franklin
ha- $80.
Jefferson Dauberman to Harriet
Kohle, 42 acres and perches in
Monroe twp., lor '().
Mary F. and I avid I offer to
John S. Itine, land in ( liapuian twp.
lor $091.
Will ProbiMMl.
'fin last will and testainenl ot
Sus'ii Fisher, late ot Selinsgrovc,
was probated Feb. 28. Letters tes
tamentary were granted to Anna
Fisher. Six children are the lega
tees, share and share alike.
I Palmer Dreese, Miillin Co.,
I Lizzie S. Miller, Middlecreek.
i Wm. II. Pheasant, McClure,
i Maggie F. Brininger, "
f Joseph E. Fidler, Shamokin,
I Priscilla Bickel, Mi Fees 1 Falls.
Union County Primary.
The republicans of Union county
held their primary election last Sat
urday, 'fhe thick of the fight cen
tered on the legislative nomination.
Dr.G. C. Mobn of Laurel ton re
ceived 1370 votes over Albert W.
Johnson's 1299 votes or a majority
of 71 votes. Thad. M. Malum was
the only candidate for Congress and
received 2207 votes; Benjamin K.
Foeht, the only candidate for State
Senator, received 2004 votes. W.
W. Brown was nominated for Sher
iff; W. H. Blind fiir Associate Judge;
D. A. Diffendcrfer lor Jury Com
missioner; A. Scott Sheller was
elected National Delegate and J. F.
Hagenbugh, State Delegate.