The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 01, 1900, Image 8

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Miss Jennie Charles spent Sunday
i Chapman,
. . . i i
K. M
Shaffer, who had beenaicn,
i :. W. tCnhrhts made
- - o
trii to Snnbiiry.
Natural ww is very plenty
"Toddy ' i i lt t. l.
A. 15. Davis was visiting his many
tri. I - i" (WF ilnce.
J. . at:d H. F. Charles are re
Buijdntg their stiible.
Miss Carrie Keleheuhrjoh visited
friends in the.eountry.
iudire and Whitey want teknow
if we are all inspectors.
Put ks Shii'mbaugli is spending a
(few .lays ui Middleburg.
Quite h numlier "t mir people are
attending cunt this week.
Norman Fisher of thelsle of Que,
was visiting his Hon-in-law.
I! p. Arnold, win is working at
Mi I Ion, spent Sunday at home.
Clarence Clock made n flying
-rin in Sliamokin I .mi on unl
Miss Linnie Aueker, our noted
noli progressing very rapidly.
Ti' Maine" which i- used
vhich i- used ti
ler , wu
ink on Saturday night
li irvev lMsrar
liosrar "1 C. r. , w
IL. i In i HiiMtidititf a week at
NV. O. Noll, .1. IS. Neitz am
Piilt ure workini! lor
R. li.
MiNellie Hertzog of Sliamokin
fespeiidingn week at P. A. Binga
miaiiV. Kev. Brillhart I -t t on Wednesduy
for ( inference which will lc held
t vVillianisport.
Skittino was the most interesting
dinu - 'llicnt of tin
(oiks the
lore i .ut of tin
K -v. Fenstermncher returned
Bime from conference owing to the
illness oi his children.
Miss Dollie Hoover, who was
irorking at the Packer House, Sun
IjnrVi has returned home.
Gaily," who was working at
R. k Glen, has received his clothes,
a. i' .ii bag and his discharge.
m' Monday the river was unorosa
ablc owing to the ice. The mail was
fcrooght by way of Scliusgrove.
Cohl weather has again set in to
jhow us that it is still winter, and
the people arc feeling the effects of
it hy la gripc.
' On the 20th inst. while election
was being held at the Ferry Hotel
one of our voting ladies and Mr. J.
were there tailing. Shortly after
they came then-, Miss J. excused Mr.
J. and admitted Mr. T, who was
airing for the returns. You are
ill right, Jen., but Mr. J. will not
eat another false goose with you.
It is stated that a telegrapher on
the West Branch sent a false mes-
BBSe-on rniiay, via; - ft"M ,
PriiUv. vie: "llie
bove Jersey Shore broke at twelve
aclock to-day, and several million
feet of logs were coming." Of course
our leading algereners, .jicny -nu ,
ipoy. Keil.iv an.. fuy, g- .... ;
ii i i . . t
nattit ready and waneu w me ,
fcg,, at eleven ochk k na u.8..
I .....I tin. i.lllV
1 lie logs never i .iun un.
thing they caught was a cold.
Ucv. and Mrs. Gensyler returned
from their trip to Philadelphia.
Frank Eckleman of Eurrisburg
s vi-iting friends in tins place.
Miss Bessie Gearhart oi Sunbury
i a weld mie visitor at Grandma
Mrs. Susan Fisher died suddenly
Inst Thursday and was buried Mon
day afternoon.
The streams in this section were
l .-t .... ant the ice
pas-eil oil Hit llie iiiii'i .....
. .i i .i. . i.: i . . . .
The Glee and Mandolin Clubs re-
iornisl home Saturday evening from
a tiip beyond Lewiatown where they
wave elegant satisfaction.
Mrs. ( '. (). Mover returned from
her trip to New York where she
spent several weeks with her hus
hund who is employed there.
Dr. Heisler spoke before a teach
mg institute at Ilughesville, iy
He also
taming Co., on Saturday.
I. ...I I. tm II.. Hurl, on Si l in l:l V
Tm i liiiaVi Washington's i The grammar school ot this place j present employed at Northumlier
Krthd iv in the Opera House under I will have no school during the week j land, spent Saturday and Sunday at
m auspices of the 1'ostand Women's
' a. M l
Ki licf ( 'or)s were well atlenilnl ana
rxecllent in character.
The knitting factory has started
operation. I have not learned how
many are eniiioyed, but learn that
as fast as tarties can he taugnt
operate machines, more will
Rev. W. K. Britlh irdt u at Wil
liamsport attending oonterenoe this
.L -
Thra are many
families iu oui
little town that will change houses
this spring.
Jem G. Martin attetided the Ev
awrelioal Ass'n Conference at Head
ing last week.
I William lieigle has gone to Se
I linsgrpveand will work lor Geo.
Schocll the coming summer.
Merchant R. L. Sihatfer and
Oliver Aueker were seeing tilt
sights in Sliamokin over Sunday.
W iii.lmi .Ur A. K. Aueker of
Verdilla is kept very busy repairing
watches and clocks. (Jive him a
The entertainment at Reiser's on
Friday night was a grand success,
good music, good speeches, good
plays, good all through.
Louis Seholl, head roller lor the
linn oi Taylor, Tube and Pipe Co.
at Washington, Pa., spent a tew days
..I lat week among friends here.
The Winner's Sunday School
elected the following officers tor the
ningyenr: 8upt, A. T.Strawser;
Asst. Slipt., A. E. Winner; Sec'v,
A. S. Seohrisl; Asst. Sec'y, I. W.
Longacre; Treas., i. Wise; Organ
ist, Miss ( !ora Sechrist.
We are sorry to note the tact that
by our short communication some
time ago concerning ineieniaw ww
i! i ..... i i i .i;......i,... at ill,. ti. !
publican primary, we hurt the poli
tical business oi some unsuccessful
siirn uainters. Although we now
Irnmv that women are elimble to tlie
office of school director, this does not
say that 16 votes elect one, but it
-imply shows how far our influence
goes, and if we have secret friends at
Sunbury or Nanticoke, that does
not help in a?, they have votes. But
they say that it takes all sorts of
people to make the world and it is
awfully hard putting up with them.
A n I).. Fluent, editor of lb
Journ-i), Dovlestowu, Ohio, suffered
for a number of years from rheuma
tism in his right shouldir and side.
He says : "My right aiui at times
was entirely useless. I tried Cuam
berlain's Pain Balm, and was sur
prised to receive relief almost imme
diately. The Pain Balm has been
a constant companion of mine ever
hince and it never fails." For sale
by ah Druggists.
Mrs. Charles Neitz and her chil
dren are visiting her parents, T. T.
Reicheo bach's this week.
The funeral of George Shaflcr's
child of Meiserville was held at
Crubb's church on Monday.
H. A. Ebright of Aline purchas
ed a tract of tinilieiland from John
Shatterly. Consideration $1(K).
Quite a number oi our farmers
are comolainiug that the grain fields)
wni be damagci! winter on ac-
,.,.. nf ,i ,. I,,..IVV rains and cold
count of the heavv rains
j weather that prevails.
Quite a number of people from
.ttendlDir court for the
q lu.ari tllt
trial ot Mrs.
..,.. . . . nnt ,,,.
- -
" ' i
K. D. Mover and Harvey Mover
of Freeburg will both move to Liver
pool, Perry Co., next month. I
hope they will meet with success in
in their business in that county.
Mrnln-O !
name when
Itt'ineinher that
dallalnn.DDetlztnit, nourish-
intr food ilrink to tuke the plitce of
coffee. .Sold by nil frooers and liked
hv nil who have used it. drain O is
1 made of pure grains, it aids dilution
1 and HtreoKthens the nerves. It is uot
' a stituulunt hut a health builder aud
the ahlldrsn us well as the adults can
,tr,.,k it with L'reat, benefit. Costs
nhniit one. fourth as lunch as coffee
15a. and Km. per package.
Ak vour
Kroner ...r ........ ...
Jos. I.
her of SeUnavrrove was in
town Saturday
Kpj, a. M. Aurand
is visiting
friends in AltiMina.
Miss Mary Kempfer has returned
home from Sunbury.
Miss Lizzie An man of Altoona is
. ... tr .;ll
visiting Mrs. iv in. mwn
I Itomig has taken the (n-
...... .
tract to erect veral buildings in
' Sunbury.
owing to the fact that Prof. Smith
it. l mmmm m 1 . . M
nas neen cnoeen ai a jurui
Miss Estella M. ltimig's school
Bickel's will hold an entertainment
on Friday evening, March 2nd. A
varied programme consisting of re
in citations, coon songs, etc., win oe
All are cordially invited
to attend.
Heard i!
of n? i
You mav have heard 9
J and nave a vague notion a
that it is cod-liver oil with f
f its bad taste and smell and f
W . i-i w
i ail its omer repulsive iea-
1 tures. It is cod-liver oil, the ( 1
purest and the best in the
i world, but made so palata- i
ble that almost everybody ( 1
can take it. Nearly all J
children like it and ask for ( i
more. 1 1
looks like cream ; it nour- 1
ishes the wasted body of J
the baby, child or adult i
better than cream or any f
other food in existence. It
bears about the same rela
tion to other emulsions that
cream does to milk. If you
have had any experience
f with other so-called "just as
J good preparations, you
S will find that this is a fact.
W Tk ktmnnkntnhiff. that Aft?.
irv 'Vr r r .
combined with the cod-liver oil
give additional value to it because
fl . . .I .
0 mey lone up mv: nervmu jysitm
2 and impart strength to the whole
toe. nd $i.oo. all dmglMt.
t SCOTT & IlOWNt, Clwmistt. Nrw 1 ork.
Quite a iiiiiiiIht of candidates
were in town last week.
Quite a number of our citizens
attended court this week.
Cornelius, the photographer, is in
town at present taking penny pic
tures. Mrs. A. W. Smith of Scliusgrove
mingled among friends in tywu ou
Jacob Hummel's youngest child
was seriously ill, but is slowly con
valescing. Howard Ulsh of Selinsgrove.trans-
acted business in town between trains
Friday afternoon.
J. F. Walter and family attended
the funeral ot Mrs. Walter's mother,
Mrs. ."Miami risiier ai OBiiuiyruvt: i
on Monday. !
Kev. Simon Aurand delivered a
m . 4 t .1:
very interesting and instructive ser
mou in the school house Thursday
evening, lie nan ior in meiue,
"The Fullness of Christ."
William Bickel, who iiad been
sick with typhoid fever and was
confined to the house nearly all win- j
ter, was noticed on our streets the
other day. We arc glad to sec you
enjoying your usual good health
liorn to Win. Cornelius and wife,
a son.
Miss Ixittie Howell of Iteaver
town visited in town Thursday.
Mrs. Dillman and son of Sunbury
visited Mrs. Sallie BowerSOX last
week .
Mrs. Samuel Weidenniyer of Mc
CluK visited her grandmother, Mrs.
Mary Howell a few davs last week.
Simon Decker and daughter, Mrs.
m. (ilossner of Glen Union, Clin -
ton Co., arc visiting friends in town;
at present
Vrnnk Baker, who bail liecn
suending the summer and part of
the winter in Ohio, returned home
ou oamruuy.
Miss Kate Derrleft for New Ber
lin last U-eek where she intends to
j spend a tew weeks with her sister,
I m T T &r
i Mrs. J. D. Winters.
Miss Kate Bickhart, who is at
home with her parents.
.... m gSM SI
The children of Rolandus Hass-
inger, who met with the accident
that was mentioned in last week's
items, are sloVry improviug.
T Car USriMl la Twa Dr
Take LixaTrra Baoao vumra TaaLna. All
aora'i lg-nacnre on erery 6ox. ma, 14
Miwi Am;a Slcar of Winfkhl vis- !
iteJ his I Wither, Martin Sltar and
family, over Sunday.
Mrs. Maud YoUUg of Northum-iK-rlund
visited her parents, J. C.
Bakelest anl wiie over Sunday.
Dr. A. M. Smith of Adanisburg
Wat in town on Thursday looking
up his political interests.'
Get). Gaugler and son, Daniel,
matle a Itusiuess trip to Miildlebmg '
D. 1. Hitter was in Mitltllebiirg
on business on Monday.
(i.W. lloardman visited his sister, j
Mrs. Bickhatt, mar Freeburg over
Misa'Edifh Dutry visited rela
tives in Sunbury the latter part of ,
last week.
M.S. Wendt, wife and daughter,
Lillian, visited relatives anil friend
near New Berlin over Sunday.
There is a sudden change in the
weather at present. W'e suppose it
is so that some oi our candidates
will not sweat on their journey up
salt creek;
airs. Cyrus snipe is visiting
parents, Josiah Banner and (ami
Whal lo the rhiltlr.'M Drink ?
Inii't irive tlieni tfii orccfTVe. Hav-
you i rled the new food ilrink oalled
URAIN'O? It is delioloui ami noui
I i-liiug and takes the place of ooffee.
I Tti more (J-rain U yon give theobil
ilren tlie more health you distribute
ih rough their systems, Grain O it
made of pure grains, ami when prop ;
erly prepareit tantt'H like the choicect
irniilHH of cofTee, but eonis itboiit i hc
much. All ifrooers sell it. 15c. and 25c.
A number of our citizens have
been attending court this week.
A number of citizens employed in
oilier counties returned home tovote.
Miss Florence Mover has been
spending the past week in Northum
berland, Miss da Mcrtz of Williatnsport
port is visiting the family of Dr. E.
V. Tool.
A. H. Hendricks and wife of
Kiel) lit: Id visited J. S. Hendricks
and family.
Our young friend Allen Brown
has been quite sick with pneumonia
but is slowly recovering.
Arthur Brown, employed at Dan
ville, returned on Saturday to re
main home ftir the summer.
P. B. Hilbi-h will hold his 19fth
sale of Western horses at his sale
ifntl exchange stable, Friday, Mar. 2.
Mrs. White and her sister, Miss
Minnie Gemberllng, were callers at
Dr. E. W. Toole's residence Satur
day. tar i .ii i
Washington s nirtntiay was ceie-
. .
Drgted by appropriate exercises in'
the public schools throughout our j
Prof. Geo. W. Wallwrn Wlllooen
I spring term 0f ti,e Freeburg
Academy on April 16, for the bene
fit of teachers.
Many of our ladies arc vicing
with one another for the greatest
number of quitting! and also for the
finest work put on them.
Miss Sue Erlenmeyer, aii-oinpa-nied
by her brother, Victor, leaves
for Philadelphia this week where
she expects to spend some time.
February has been received and
entertained with the warmest etithii- j
siasm but owing to its unavoidable
reverses it has turned the "cold
boulder" upon its throng of ad
mirers. It is veiy bard to stand idly by
and see our dear ones sutler while
awaiting the arrival of the doctor.
An Albany (N. Y.) dairyman called
at a drug store there for a doctor to
come and see his child, then very
sick with croup. Noi. finding the
U .l a tm " i i J
in, ne iett word lor nun to
at once on his return. He also
bought a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy, which he hoped
would trive some relief until the doc
tor should arrive. In a few tours be
returned, saying the doctor need
better. The druggist, Mr. Otto
Scholz, says tbe family has since re
commended Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy to their neighbors and
friends until be has a constant de
mand for it from that part of the
country. For sale by all Druggists.
Butter 20
Eggs 12
Lard 6
Tallow.. 4
Chickens. 6
Wheat 68
Rye..., 50
Corn 35
Oats (old) 00
Oats (new).... 25
Bran per 100. 80
Middlings" 90
Chop 90
Reed Rockers, - $1.25 and up.
Couches, - - . $4.50 and up.
Bed Room Suits, $16.50 and up.
Fraiili S, Riegls,
Inquire for . .
Prices and Terms.
Public Sales.
Notices ot Baled will be Inserted free under thl
t-etidlUK wlieo i lie hi Us are printed ai I Lin office.
Whan tlie bills are not printed at this office SO
cents will be ehived. Persons expecting to
have sale should select a date and have It insert;
ed In this column.
THURSDAY. March 1, two and one-fourth mile
notth-weat of Chapman Post Office, Mm O.
W. Slahl will sell one horse and farming
THURSDAY, March 1, loo, two and one-fourth
mile, north-weal of Chapman. Alice A.
Stahl will sell I hones, 1 cow, farming im
plements and household goods,
THPKHDAY, March 1, lteo, three miles south of
New Berlin, Chas. C Yerger will sell 2 mule,
3 horses. 2 cows and farming implements.
FRIpAY, March 2, John Walter will sell live
stock and fartninir Implements 1 miles
west of Middleburg.
WEDNESDAY, March 7. 19oo, two miles north
of Kreainer. Mrs .Sarah Dunkcllier.'er will
sell horses. II bead of cattle and farming
WEDNESDAY, March 7 at his farm i miles went
ofMiddlebiirg. 0 K. linns will sell I ho ses. 2
mules, is head of cattle, I ' utioats, I brood
sows and farming implements.
KM I)aY, March 10, 1901). one and one-half miles
north of Oriental and 2 miles west of Mei
serville, John llilliert will sell '2 mules, t
head nf entile ami fnrroing implements
I ?ZJ'.3n.-&,,?-
mentM and tioutvhuld good.
THUBDAY, March IB, lOOO. Lewi Kisber will
sell horse .cnwsnml farming implements,
near McKees Half Kalis.
SATURDAY. March 17, IffI, three miles north
aastof Mlddleburg, Edward Hummel' will
sell 4 horn..., 2 cows, .1 bead young cattle
I Saturday, Manh
and farming implements.
I'JOn. nt lintel lnd.'iend-
en.-e. t'liapmnn r o , .sir'der county, will
sell horNCM,
liuggie and linuaeliold furnl-
MONDAY, March 19ih. Wm. Hitter will sell 3
horses, VI liend of cnttle and fnrmiiig imple
ments 1 mile east of Kratzerville.
TCBJSDAV, March Is, near Pallas, John Shaffer
will sell stock nn.l (arn-iiiK implements.
TIU'IISDAY, March 13, Bl Stroiiptown, In West
I'erry towiiMhip, K. s Stroup will sell horse,
cows, farmingimplctiicntM. etc.
New Store !
New Goods!
Low Prices !
Having opened a store in Doodle
town I wish to invite the attention
of the public to :t nice line ot the
. a .
I B r?"lfi ut " lowest prices
COi'l-'B nr.
American Knle Brand Loom ltojt4t
t'fl CiifTt-i , liana tleliHoiifi flavor and
abundant ntreiitfth. For the ptirpoae
of Introducing this new brand I am
offering it at only llctfntaa pound
or (5 pounds for BO cents. Uiveuaa
trial order and you will buy again.
Battle Ax Oat Meal-an flue a qual
ity an man ever tanted and cheap 3
pound package, 10 cent, each, alz
packagea, or 19 pounds for SO cent..
These are Special Bargains. Come
in and try them.
We will have other Offer.. Watch oar "ad."
Df. Fowl's Golden Relief. S
a Tuia spacino ta all
Old ftorM, Wound. Kbaiullna Mearalgla
Fir iiiJ PA1I ItdiU jkid '
I Saiiaa. WeiearawU.rierteaavaT
That he never did know
just how to buy furniture until
he found himself in our store.
Ad jntpvuJH regret the bar
gains hist if you have not in
spected on r Hue of furniture,
which is the most complete in
the city. We name you few
of our bargains:
m minimum mint
J. m a A
Announcement t
T . I have just received a fine T
; ; assortment of glassware, con- j
sisting oi Cake Dishes, Fruit
Stands, Celery Trays, Butter .
'. '. Dishes, Pitchers, Spoon Hold- ', 'i
X ers, &c., &c. at prices ranging T
I from 5 to 15 cents.
T Peerless Making Powder, one T
T pound cans, 8c.
Axle Grease, 15c. cans at 10c., X
25c. buckets at 1 5c.
Fine Gloves and heavy Men's
. ............ .. . ...,tM.MT..'...M.-TMT.
i . . . t . . . . . 1 i t . . . . , ,
BE SURE . . .
That yon r eyes and yoni
Children's eves are in
good condition.
They may not complain, and, yoi
ninv not Know likil iihmi eves u
.a. i A.m a ii -
y - -
ii.ui r 1 1 t it i w mmi ill lAimlmt mo n
nervous disorders us u result of ne
lectins tins lmiMirtiint mutter, v
test the eye with absolute aeeurac;
No glasses recommendul unless thr
a la 1. 1
ill r rr it'VJ . xi in iut w 1 1 ii
l 1 1. in uit ii l vtiii nil tuu nvi m
nno auii ! mnm n iiaira tlin Id
A -I .
mi iiu k in HuriiT r'iiiitr. I iiisrvi
af a t a a aJ rni
bined with expeiience and skill
flu nm olsticn iMHrrnttwiit.M. maki
mistakes a thing of the past,
drugs used.
(leweieranu iveiraeinig ipucia
7 7 if uanvar .vr amiaTn
Oraduale Philadelphia Optical Collage
Reliable man for Manager
T I rfV T 1 .
urancn umoe 1 wisn mi open id
vicinity. Good opening ior an
oMoni. vihAP mm ainniT mwi
this paper when writing.
ar :
a rrt tirvnnra :
Illustrated catalogue 4 eta