The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 01, 1900, Image 7

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A llltarlor Object.
k youth I lattly met upon tbe street,
1 A youth to mo well known I love him
Not overmuch, at lcsst; yet I, full vwett
And courtly, smiled on blm. He said bt'd
CO l
A story something new. which he'd re-late-
"A gleeaonie Jest. I' faith I A merry tape!"
80 aald he, tmlrklng Id lot-like (I lime
Hla sappy, wltleaa leer.) Ere I could
Ha told his tale a very senseless yarn.
A sorry, antiquated anecdote
That e'en In childhood waa not worth a
From aense and wit and worth sllke re
But I, with hollow laughter, roared umntn
And held my straining sides and Stools
my thigh
And wiped my eyes and whooped bjhi
laughed again.
Chuckled and sniggered, tittering Joy
ously, Protesting, cachinnating, 'twas n gem.
The beat one I have heard for many
A pure lalapaloosa and a stem
Winder, b'Bosh, and other things. Eft-
I left him. Would you ask the reason wl.y
I counterfeited this excessive glee?
His father VlSWI me with a baleful eye.
His sister, she Is nil the world to nie.
Chicago Dally Record.
I iinl.lim llnckivanl.
It seems nt most n day or two rro
Since older mothers, spectacled and wise.
Watched all my busy hurrying io nnd fro
With naif-Indulgent, huir-rebukinK eyes;
Ard chlded me. In klndly-wor led phrase.
For breaking Into every hour's employ,
And Clipping Into fragment! nil the days
To ho!d sweet converse with my little
And, though I answered with respectful
I fear I have not nny wiser Krown;
I so roKret the gentle hindering care,
Now that I sit within my house alone.
And I nm glad that through those precious
I gave my time, ungrudging, to my son:
Joyd in his pleasures, soothed his April
Till, day by day. we grew so nearly one
That now, when meeting him In crowded
Or In his home that peace and love en
shrine, 1 read within his dark eyes' steadfast
Through all the changes, still my boy la
Margaret Holmes Hates. In Housewife.
My first Swrellieart.
1 must have been six when I met her.
And she was a sweet miss of live:
I stumbled across where they'd set her,
To wait for the nurse to arrive.
With modesty I thought unpleasant.
The lady could nut be Induced
To deign to take note I was present,
Until Iliad been Introduced.
Hut, one minute after, between us
Acquaintance was ripened so fast
Thnt couid yon who read this hnv? seen us,
You'd said we'd been friends for years
And not alone friends, nay, but lovers;
My heart went at onee"fo Ro-Peep;
And half an hour after our "muvers"
Discovered us, arms clasped, asleepl
Then age came, and with It new faces;
As grown-ups, we drifted apart:
I found In new sweethearts new graces;
Rita pavi annlhor her heart
The Bu-Peep ot childhood Is wedded.
Her children may now read this rhyme;
But firm on my mind Is Imbedded
Her picture first sweetheart of mine.
Philadelphia North American.
Ilorrowlnar Trimble.
Sunny or ralnln',
Alius complalnln'
Countln' up trouble an' loss:
"Have you got any sorrow
A feller kin borrow?
Have you go! any bridges to erosst
"Oot any sighs
Any tears fer the eyes?
Ain't there no clouds In the blucT"
Liookln' fi r trouble
Single or double.
An' alius a-lir.dln' It. tool
Huntln' up sorrow
No brighter to-morrow
Rldln' It roun' like a huss
Over the ridges
An' rirkety bridges.
An' "O, fer more bridges to cross!"
F L. Sianton, In Atlanta Constitution.
Tn-I)n)'i Possibilities.
I may not, when the sun goes down.
Have added to my siore
Of worldly goods or gained renown
Through gallantry or loic.
1 may not. while 1 strive to-day.
Move onward to the goaf
The gleaming goal so farswar-
On which I've set tny aJ
Hpt I can show a kindness to
Some one who stands without.
And I can praise some toiler who
Is tolling on In doubt.
And when the sun goes down I still'
May be a better man
No matter what the lates may will
Than when the day began.
S. E. Klser. In Chicago Times-Herald
Supply nnd Demand.
When you feel a bit like laughing,
Where's tbe good of being glum?
When your friends ure moved to chaffing
You should try to stand It, nom
Sorrow's cloud has Joy behind It
Yet we somehow pass It by.
But you're always sure to find It
If you want a chance to cry.
Tears are wasted. They nre started
Undeslred on every hand.
The supply of the sHd-hearted
Far exceeds the world's demand
Sal; and water are redundant;
Smile your best, good friend of mine.
Sunshine Isn't so abundant.
Rut the ocean's full of brine.
Washington Star.
Taking Time 1,7 the Forelock.
The tailor, while midwinter winds
Blow cold across the (en,
Gets In the checks and things ihey weave
To make spring suits for men:
The hatter, when the snow Ilea deep
Upon the dreary flats.
Goes forth to buy next summer's crop
Of gentlemen's straw bats.
The dry goods man, when wild winds sweep
Across ths cheerless dune,
Gets In tbs airy, gausy things
That women wear In June;
Ths br1, wbsn pipes ars froian, sings
Of flowers and verdant scenes
And shady woodland stretches for
Ths summer magazines.
-B. E. Klser. In Chicago Times-Herald.
Lore Leads Cm Oa.
Over ths srlntry war
Past ths cold skies and array
To tn red deeps of Hay
. Lota leads us on.
Out ot ths darkest nlfU .
Onto ths morning bright -
Witt Ood'a eternal ligb V
Lot leads os oal j
-Atlanta Coast! rotlsa.
Sherbets and sorbets are served in
glasses after the game
Potatoes should be thinly pared, as
the best part lies next the skin.
A delicate odor of sandalwood is one
of the perfumes one notices now occa
sionally when one meets handsomely
dressed women. More sandalwood
boxes are used now than for a good
ninny years.
Antelope gloves are worn by the best
dressed women, and the undressed
thicker skins are also very popular.
White lace gloves are as much worn
its ever for afternoon and evenings at
the theater.
After giving the hands a good bath
.... , j ... 1..;.,... j: I
uo s ...a.. . u4,-
w .1 I ill .1 lunci tun ui I 1 in 111 .n v..i -
fulljf as you would your finest cut
glass. Hands grow red nnd coarse in
winter aitnply through carelessness.
A portion of the dinner-roll dough
may have stoned dates worked into it;
this is called date bread and is deli
cious for luncheon. Put the dutcs in
dote together and let it raise the same
as any broad dough. To be eaten cold.
Hardly anything is too line in the
way of linen and laecs for the table
nowadays. Centerpieces and Individ
pal doilies are made of lite linct linen
lawn and trimmed with beautiful
Brussels point, point de Venlse and
point de Bruges.
Before going out upon a very cold
or windy day rub into the face jusl
a little cold cream thoroughly, after
ward a dust of riee flour, It is nl-
most impossible under this treatment
' o acquire n chapped face. Wear a
veil in extreme weather.
It Is hardly to be believed, but the
)1d-fnshloned jersey waist is In again.
' tt looks very familiar, and the styles
. have changed, so that it comes ii in
much the same shape that it went out.
It is made In a short, pointed basque,
braided, with a standing collar, and,
I of course, the same old plain-topped
sleeves which it showed when last un
Garnishment of a city for money in
its bands due to a nonresident eon
tractor is upheld in Portsmouth tins
company versus Snnford (Va.),48 I.. It.
A. 848, where the city itself made no
False representation by a man that he
lis unmarried, on the faith of which he
I procures money or property is held, in
; Leffier versus state (Ind.), 4.'i 1,. R. A.
I 424, to constitute nn indictable false
i pretense.
An ordinance making it misdemeanor
to drive faster than an ordinary gait
many street ot me cny is neiotin nan
sas City versus McDonald (Kansas) 45
L. It. A. 420, to be unreasonable and
void, when applied to the fire depart
ment in driving to u fire.
Threats to arrest a man for ember
I zlement unless his wife will execute 11
mortguge are held, in Muck versus
Prang (Wis.), 45 L. It. A. 407, sufficient
to constitute a duress which will avoid
a mortgage made by her, if the threats
were sufficient to control her will, and
the ense also holds that the defense of
duress in case of negotiable paper is cut
olT by transfer to a bona fide holder.
Mere temporary use of a machine for
thrashing grain for a few l ; s on the
premises where insured property is lo
cated is held in Adair versus Southern
Mutual Insurance company (ia.), 45
I,. I!. A. 204, to be Insufficient, per se, to
cause a forfeiture or suspension of the
policy, under a provision that il shall
be forfeited by any change which in
creases the degree of the risk, as the
court construes this to apply to
changes of a permanent nature.
A very hot iron should never be
used for flannels or woolens.
Clotheslines are made much more
durable by boiling for ten minutes !
forc they are usid.
1 Table linen should be ironed when
I quite damp nnd ironed with a hot nnd
J very heavy iron.
1 Embroideries should be ironed on o
I thin, smooth surface over thick flannel
j end only on the wrong side.
Irons should not be allowed to be
come red-hot, as they will never retain
the heat, properly afterwards.
Linen may be made beautifully
White by the use of a little refined
r?. in the water instead of iisin
bo- I
r a
washing fluid.
Wash fabrics that arc inclined 10
fade should be soaked and rinsed in
very salt water to set the color be
fore) washing in the suds.
Silken fabrics, especially white silk
handkerchiefs, should not be damp-
! tned. but ironed with a moderately
I warm iron when taken from the line.
! Journal of Health.
j Emigrants leaving Germany have
' fallen off in the last few years and the
number is steadily decreasing. In 1K'J8
there were only 1!0.0 who left the fa
therland, which Is the least since the
existence of the empire.
Last year the 20.000 nnd more who j
left Germany divided when it came to
J settling in new lands. The United
! ct..i. 1-... ,.f 1, . ....1 ,
Clilica '- tin. dccaci a
new fortunes; other parts of America,
1,094; Drazil, 785; Canada, 208; Afri
ca, 1,002; Asia, 223; Australia, 103.
Ihere were 38 emigrants for every
thousand persons in Germany last
year, against 3 In 1S97 and 232 in 1891.
Bremen and Hamburg furnished most
of these.
It Is interesting to see just how rap
idly tbe emigration of Germans has
fallen off. In 1831 there were 220,900
emigrants from Germany; In 1887
there were 104,780; in 1891, 120,090; in
1898, 37,490; In 1896, 33,820; In 189?,
t4,89,ftaml 1898, 20,960.
Over -Work Weakens
Your Kidneys.
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood.
All the blood in your body passes through
your kidneys once every three minutes.
1 ne Kidneys are your
blood purifiers, they fil
ter out the wajte or
impurities in the blood.
If they are sick or out
of order, they fail to do
their work.
Pains, aches and rheu
matism come from ex
cess of uric acid In the
blood, due to neelected
kidney trouble.
Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady
heart beats, and makes one feel as thoueh
(hey had hear( trouble the hear(-s
over-working in pumping thick, kidney
poisoned blood through veins and arteries.
It used to be considered that only urinary
troubles were to be traced to the kidneys,
but now modern science proves that nearly
all constitutional diseases have their begin
ning In kidney trouble.
If you are sick you can make no mistake
by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild
and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is
soon realised. It stands the hii'hest for its
wonderf ul cures of the most distressing cases
and is sol J on its merits
by :.H dr.:.: :i .: ; ;si tilty-gf'.'lt&ITv"
cent and one-dollar si.-- p(ZK ' . . V-'''"7?jj
es. You may have aSBafepBtB
sample bottle by mail noma er Bwanp-Root,
free, also pamphlet telling you how to find
out if you have kidney or bladder trouble.
Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer
& Co., Btnghamton, N. Y.
Dell net I tf llrnHiitilim.
"I lieliev
married to
secret Iv
I" cried
the Irtltl
tat her.
"How ridiculous!' replied
"Well." said her Sire), "he used to,
come here at eight o'clock and stay
till 11:30, and now he doesn't gel here
until nine o'clock and leaves at 10:15."
- Philadelphia I'ress.
l-'n I 11011 ...
"Harold," murmured the
maiden, sh Iv. "nm I t he
Mill CX el' lull! you lot cd ?"
hea lit i 1 111
only girl
"I will tell yoll the Until, dearest.
answered the manly youth, leaning
loudly over her. "You are nut."
"I think ou might have lied a lit
tle. Haloid for inc." she said, turn
Ing tearfully aw iy. Ch Icugo Tribune
Wlae Provisions ot Nsfnr.
"See how hea ut i lol Iv Nature pro
vides lor emergencies," remarked Mr.
Frisbie. "Just hi fore n big war there
arc always many more births of boys'
than of girls."
"And see what large families
there are i'l the feud districts of Ken
tucky." added Mr. Dinsniorc N. Y.
ot n Women I V listed.
Husband Please 10 hurry, or we
shall be late again! I cornier how
many years of your life you hnvc wasted
in asking whether your hut was on
Wife Hush! I have never wasted n
moment. Is my hut on straight now?
Town Topics.
Teacher What animal contents
self with the least amount of food?
Pupil The mot h.
Teacher Wrong. On the contrary
the moth is a very greedy animal.
Pupil But it eats nothing but holes
N. Y. World.
Ilia Point of lew.
"Don't you think the stuge is becom
ing sad! immoral?"
"Not. necessarily." answered Mr.
Btormington Barnes. "Hut it does
strike me that the taste of audiences is
becoming more depraved every season."
Washington Star.
"I don't blame you for discharging
your maid." said the friend. "She
wasn't worth her salt."
"All that I objected to," said Miss
Cayenne, "was her fiery temper. .She
was worth her salt, but she wasn't
worth her pepper." Washington Star.
"Did you buy those cigars of mine at
a cigar store?" he asked.
"Certainly," she replied. "Where did
you think 1 bought them?"
"I wasn't certain that you didn't get
them at your green grocer's." Philo-
oe,pniB .Minn American.
The chimneys that loom up so high
Are like the men we know;
OfttlmtS there'B lots of smoke above,
And little Are below.
Chicago TImes-lIerald.
Walker Dyes (telling of his success)
During the second act tbe atdience
arose ih a body.
Friend Geel Didn't any of 'em
oome back for the next act, old man K
Chicago Inter Ocean.
A .H.L..I.
"How did vou ceme out with vcur
llttln flver In thm stock- market?"
juue oyer in xne stock maraew
That wasn't a fiver." answered the
morose Mend. "That wms a sinker."
Waathlnjfton Star.
It Is supposed that tbe average depth
of sand in the deserts of Africa is from
30 to 40 feet.
Humus is the name applied to the
partially decomposed organic (animal
and egetnlile) matter of the soil. It is
the principal source of nitrogen in tbe
Oyster cutlets will soon be on the
menu of the Pacific slates. Fifty bar
rels of the famous Yero oysters of
.Japan, which grow to the length of a
foot, will be planted In the tidewater
of Washington and Oregon.
Two French physicians, Sappeller
nnd Thebault, think they bine found a
specific scrum against alcoholism. Tbe
serum is derived from a horse, which
has leen "primarily rendered alcoholic
by artificial means," and gives to the
dipsomaniac a lasting distaste for alco
holic drink.
People struck by n new car fender
cannot roll under the wheels, the fender
being held In a vertical position in
front of the car, and pivoted in such
n milliner that a blow 011 its face
causes it to fall backward and assume a
horizontal position, with the front edge
raised to hold the person.
Birds can be colored, according to
Dr. Sauermaun, an Austrian, by sup
plying thrill with food dyed with ani
line, lie obtaini d pigeofts of a beaut iful
red with mcthyltrabromofluorescine,
ami others of a fine blue with methyl vi
olet, which is a mixture of the hydro
chlorides of pcntnmcthylpurnrosani
llne ami hexuineihylparurosiinilinc.
Canaries can be clad in rainbow colors,
A pair of elephant tusks, the largest
on record, was found recently in Ihe
Kllimandjnro district in Africa and
bought for an American museum fur
$3,500, The larger tusk measures 10
feet 1 inches along the outer curve nnd
weighs L'.'..'i pounds; the other i1- a t rifle
shorter, and weighs ten pounds less.
The record tuak before ihese was !' feet
r inches long and is now in ICnglaud.
"Hid Mm
coming to
burn?" said
tirn Suspicion,
Hl 1 In man who la lbs of
this place has money 10
the i'itien who bad been
SUOUl the way things are
"Yes, sir; that's I be phrase I used;
'money to burn.1 "
"Well, we don't want blm. I can see
through him. He's .me ol these op
pressors, lie wants to burn all Ihe
money he can git his hands 0.1, so's In
make it scarce." Washington Star.
Wll tell lens luilr.-il
"A matchless night:" exclaimed the maid
QUOth he In tone "f ib'i p p git ' :
"Pve Just discovered that I've not
E'en one to light my cigarette."
Boston Courier.
$100 REWARD $100.
The readers of thin paper will bfl
I plaaaed to loam thai Inert isst least
j one dreaded iiiscHHe that science laa
! been til lo to cure in till its Magon,
I and that is catarrh. Hall' Catarrh
i Cure ih the only positive! oure known
to ihe medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease, re
(uircH a constitutional treatment.
Ball's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon the IUU
1 cons surfaces of the system, thereby
destroying the founds! ion ot t lie dis
ease, and Riving the patient strength
by building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work.
The proprietors have bo much faith
in its curative powtra, that thev oi
ler One Hundred Dollars for any
case that it fails to cure. Send for
leitatnonial. Address,
K.J.CHKNKY & (JO., Toledo, ().
Sold by druggists, 7"ic.
Hull's Family l'dls are the heat.
consult or communicate wltn tbo Bailor
if t tits paper, who will give an seeded Infor
mation. .1
IttinOfiKBUH', 1'A.
All uwdm
will receive
ptitrustPj to ins cure
l.ruiillit lit t ell t loll .
-:k- -.?
Ii ill. r III 11 111 ll.
Si nn li tiiiiiille
iOld Stones Cleaned and Repaired
n 1 .1 1 . V
jl rrices as low as trie lowcsi.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
J. A. JENKINS, Agt.,
wcsscTove, fa
jyLQg BUYS A $3.50 SHIT
S.IHMIim.H'lkU"l!W.H.AItlll I 1M" HIS
' . . .X 1. 11 u.,1 u- 1 Mil.
vmi mat rills miis it si. 88.
fVLBLVL ,1 it rur r a tic r i-T ' v turAs)
nt n.t to lis. kltHl ' wkf and hjv RMMf
MM or : itiu.l li-rai- ann wu m trim j
fim by tMiltW. '. Q I, mnjrriiu ex-
exjtrtftriiH(.-iiml U round ptrfMW rott-
fat'tory lindeiiual to h-M In ?otir town r.r
M'iO.'pny votirf xpresn apiftit nr MNwl
i: a.Hdt Itll Mil I aNKhti,
Ulral 1' (Mi kt)h Ulnafritrd, m tnm
MM hwy f'-llhl. wrdr rWWllfi all-wt
Hlaaln(3hlMr, iH-ur. hund-ine pattt-rn.
fln Italian UaW, ftMMIM Br?.- WH"at ".
axi pelf..rrin -. -I.k nr.'! Une.i Irr. Ma lUUmr MSj
1 ?JtVSto.S.r:1,.rkif
. . - ---- - ii K ...u4
i 1STS4B8, rl hr trapi Bt SSI, eenuinn fashion
, iii"imesMiridfuiiiiutctlomiiuiuonir.
, ' - ' " "m'
nln. .ant ttrmm Aft it mil lea 1 1 n 11 AlMffltN.
SEAM, R0EL.UCK CO. (Inc.), Chleass, Ilk
Snn BMkwk a I, m tkmsklf nUtmHUMm.)
No Torture Equal to the
itching and Burning ot
This Fearful Disease.
tion of a humor in the blood of terrible
Kciema which is more than skin-deep, and can not be reached by local appli
cations of ointments, salTes, etc., applied to the surface. The disease itself,
the real cause of the trouble, is in the blxd, although all suffering is produced
through the skin ; the only way to reach the disease, therefore, is through
the blood.
Mr. Phil T. Jones, of Mixorgville, Ind., writes:
"1 had Eczema thirty ycarH, and after a great deal
ol treatment my leg was so raw and sore that it gaye me
Constant piin. It finally broke into a running sore, and
began to spread and grow worse. Fur the pant Ave or
jix yearn I have suffered untold SRonj and had given up
.ill nope of ever being free from the disease, as I have
been treated by mtiir of the- best physicians and hove
taken many blood medicines, all in vain. With little,
faith left I Legal) to take s. S. B., and it apparently
made the Eczema worse, but I knew that this hh the
way the remedy got rid of the poison. Continuing
8. S. S., t ho sure healed up entirely, ilie skin became
clear mid smooth, nnd 1 was cured perfectly."
Eczema is nn obstinate disease and
only a tonic. Swift's. Specific
is superior to other blood remedies because it en res diseases which they can
not reach. It '" to the bottom to the cause of the disease and t ill euro
the worst cane of Eczema, no matter what other treatment has failed. It is
the only blood remedy guaranteed to l' free from potash, mercury or any
other mineral, and never fails to cure Eczema, Scrofula, Cotituigiuus Blood
Poison, Cancer, Tetter, Rheumatism, Open Sores, Ulcers, Boils, etc. Insist
upon S. 8. 8. ; nothing can tnkn us place.
Books on these diseases will be mailed free to any address by Swift Spe
c.iic Company, Atlanta, Georgia
Snyder's old, Aini reliable Gen'i
nsuran ce A 1 1 cy ,
Elmor XTST. Snyder, -Ae, xat.
Successor lo the late William H. Snyder.
The rai'-ExceUetoe of Reliable Insurance in rr presenter j the follow
ui,' list of Standard Companies, from w bieh to make n lei tiou. Nine
Better tin- World over.
N 'Attic, MxvriO.v A HURTS,
FIRE- Royal, Liverpool, Evg. (including foreign assets 848,00(1,000.00
Hartford, of Hartford, Conn., (olilest Ameriean 'o.) 8,646,786,09
Phosnix, Hartford, Conn. :,,r,HH,(m.t)i
OontinentaJ, New York, 3,764.908 72
(jcriimii AiiifncaiJ New York, M(i,0!lH M
LIFE Mutual IMt Ins, oo. New fork? FZD4,6mBtM,tf0
ACCIDENT Kmployera' Liability AHHurance Cot poratiun,
Accident Ins. Co. Subscribed Capital of !j'.i,7,riuwUMi
Fire, Life and Accident riwkH accepted at tbe lowest pnssi !) rate, jn
lified by ii strict regard to mutual safety. All just claims promptly and
satisfactorily adjusted. Information in relation to all classes ol lnsur
nnee promptly furnished ELMER W. SNYDER, Agt.,
Telephone No. IH'.!. Olliee on Corner Water I'itie Sts. Sediiisirrove. Pa
Read This! Read This!
Is larger than ever before : my PRICES LOWER than OTH
ERS for 1 1 SAME GOODS. My prices nn '- mils of carpel I
wish to close out will suit tbo pocket book of many nnd save
others money, J)( not think of buying your fall carpets until
you give my stock of carpets your attention nnd get the prices
of siiiiio of my baagains 1 am offering.
Prices jus! right
One Word About Pictures.
I am offering my present stock of pictures at cost, LESS
THAN COST ami some lor the price of tbe glass in the frames.
Don't miss this sale.
have some pretty things to offer in Furniture, ali new.
La'er will surprise vou in Styles nnd Prices.
In tliis branch of my business I am prepared t'. give tbe
public tbe West serbioe that can be secured bv money, tunc nnd
personal attention. My equippase in this branch of business is
one of the finest in the state. HEARSES, CARRIAGES and
One wnrd nhoiil i report thai my attention has be called to Intflv in r - ini to
mypnees I tiUABANTRB lofnrnMi the Fame souds ul I.KSM MONKY llian a:.,
boose in i ii- count . I UUARANTKK in nlvejou esslei ivw MEN r than all others.
First-Class Livery Connected with Undertaking Department.
Telephone Connection. LEWJSTt V. I' A.
Liberal Adjustments
Only the Oldest, Stron pest Cash Companies,
Fire, Life, Accident and Tornado.
No Assessments No Preminm Notes.
The Aetna Founded A. D., 1819 Assets 1 11,055,513.88
Home " M 1853 M 9,853,628.54
American " " " 1810 " 2,409,584.53
The Standard Accident Insurance Co.
The New York fcife Insurance Co.
The Fidelity Mutual Life Association.
Your Patronage Solicited.
Not mueh attention is often paid to the
first symptoms of Kciema, but it is not long
before the little redness begins to itch ana
burn. This is but the beglnnine;, and will
lead to Buffering and torture almost unen
durable. It is a common mistake to regard
a roughness and redness of the skin as
merely a local irritation ; it is but an indica
can not be cured by a re
d) which is
on th
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