The Middleburgh Post.! Published Every Thws-aday. 060. W. WAAENSBLLBR, Editor and Proprietor. Subscription $1.50 per year wiii'-ii muM ds paiu in anvance wnen 'nI Me tin county.) R ATE S OF AOViNTISINO. li m.iiMenl ...HerUr-monts not otherwise, jonuecujd tot win be charged i.? mti per lint-(ii.ii.iMrl.-l measure) for first Inser- l lion ami 10 MAI - H-r line tor every subseuuent IMMttMl a-D-.iiA wuct, vMuifd Jrtr ; oMruary poerty, I waSlM oA T&rc. tc. thrtr ctnU a tint. Republican Standina Committee- A damn C r. Itlniriiman. .1. U. lpe Beaver--A. W. ueer, Oolvtn Draw. Beaver W Prod 8 Uundrum. Tbo BiihMr.' Alien Hover, L. A Slim-. Imi ....... r. a. Troup, c. ii. Updagrova. Kay alio M. I . Walter. II. B. Bolandar. JaakiMH.-J. Harvey Mover. i. A. Itrouae. I .twin Charles, Frank Iteltz Middleereek l.ilinS. Meiser, l-. C Slu. lt Monro.- W.I. Voung, l'c-lcr oung. Pann A. R. Bmlth, Gee M. witmer. Perry Irwin Boyer, W . O. Smith Perrv W. -T. K. '. 8. Bpriggla Baltnagrova J a. l.umbard.Qeo.A. Livingston. Spring If. M. Smith. .1. .tin N. Keigel. Union -Jacob Stall I. ('. I. Bonnr WMblnjCtOII John M Mover, w. P Bouan. Thursday, March 1, 1!00. The Democratic Detroit Free Prem remarks that the Demorcatsol the country would display greal tuc tical ability and saving . common senseil they would accept the fact ol the entombkiienf .) tree silver i the battle of IU00 on live issues. The estimable Free Press evidently forgets that Bryan unci silverareone and inseparable, and that the con ceded candidate, even if he would, docs ii it dare to desert the 10-to-l issue, dead and worthless as he re lizes it to be. The Union you fought for is to dav Btronirer, mitrhtier, freer than it ever was betOM Pl.o,t hua l.e..n . ii, ".. within the liast two year i reuniou of nil the i.eoule.a reunion sanctified by a common sacrifice. Followers oi Grant and Lee have fought with equal valor and have fought in the sune cause. President MoKinley to his com- panlons ol the Military Order of the I liovul liivK.n, nusmiigtoii, . February -2d. The official announcement that the I'.ritisli losses in South Africa in the lew months since the war began have amounted to 1 1 ,000 men shows . V . a ll UlliieK.. 1 1 j 1 1 1 mt: u'.iiiii..o..nv.n TT.v.i reference to die losses of life in our recent war. The spectacle of men i il L 1 seeaiBg to emoarrasa tnose who nave the administration of their govern .1111 VIM OIVll t,, . i nient in a time ol national war and thus national peril, for the purpose of making political capital out of i Buch iii.just charges, ought to render their expressions and advice of little I consequence in the future. Last year's cotton crop in the South was the first ever moved with Southern capital. Thedevelopment of cotton, iron and steel, and other manufacturing industries throughout the Southern Suites, due principally to the protectivetarift, sound finance, and the opening of new markets, has led to a corresponding increase in bulking facilities, so that Southern batiks have been able to supply all the money needed to handle the crop. And now, how will the South regis ter her vote? Once more for a tree silver, free-trade, and anti-expansion eandidatc pledged to overturn, if possible, the industrial and financial system under which the South has reached its present unprecedented ! prosperity? The delight oi the Democratic editors and orators over the new found issue relative to ex-Consul Macrom, and his statement that anj alliance exists between the United States and Great Britain, was oi very short duration. President McKin ley and Secretary Hay demolished it by sending B letter to Congress, in answer to a resolution ol impnrv i. I Innanl Vf iftnim'aithiHHa -tatlllgtliat I oIlslllMJinim s( ll.irges of interference with his mail DV the 1 ..... .. 'ill linstisll Were ap)arclltly untolinded, 1 .i , . I .1 , .: .. !... i and that ccrtainl the assertion that there is any sec,,', alliance or agree- j uu-nt between the United States and Great Britainia absolutely untrue. ,,,, , I. .. . " .. ft . I lie letter calis attention to tue tact that the '.institution exnrcsslv oro- bibtts such alliances or agreements. i i T-,. ,,,.., qovitI tnnnv iloctor llills We ha e saved many not tor ouis Since WP l)Cgan Using Ciiamberlain H (JoiiL'h Jtemedy in our home. We keep a bottle open all the time and whenever a ly of my family or my self begin to catch cold we begin to use the Coueh Remedy, and as a re sult we never have to send away for doctor and incur a large doctor n -i i., .-I. w, bill, for Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy never fails to cure It is cer tainly a medicine of great merit and worth. D.S. Miarkle, Qeneral Mer chant and Farmer, Mattie, Bedford county, Pa. Foa sale by all Druggists. 1 SCHWZmiLBRENNER LETTSR. From Maucli I'uunk Democrat Sohufpeltown, Feb, 23t Mi8TBbDrooker Desmohl will ieh der ebkis ui 'n awrt os we 'u I i n. .11 1! I. Mune 1 variety iuu unci iui p.......r.. B. . uii now (loh Baits : Es is 'n grosser difference tawisha' diiektera un tzeitung tlrooka Wann derd iter (luckier i i ii iiusiaKe maiK iii, uon i i . .1. .. i i nvv.rt nr niv ili-rf nil. 1111 si iob Wtfitfl . i 1. 1..L I prgrawva sex icos aeei im Kwrnuu lofe de w( il tie goota leit singn 'Now lussa nicer den leili tzu rliu, un decka ecu rait arda tzu." Awer we is 'n wan der drucker 'n mistake! . . .. n- ii i l. .. ... I. maucnt? fj, oira ieit uu u s im.. , mi ahnnttfl derwcaira US ar un si ! i - raw un kiuner sich shemma raissa uin hella dawg de shtrosenul lawfa. Predicha is 'n gooty bisness ri- viding 's batzuwlt goot Awer wann 's net goot batzawlt don is 's 'n sure sirn os es preddiohaawdernoch is net feel g'sheits. We mainer kiuner es hut in der j family we liesser us se garaisedwer- iii -i i i : . ra. Ail kiiick inn ieei yuua is iw ....out ! 1' . ii on., i in mnv mil iiii i iii.ii ..I., iiiii ... t, . i... .... ...... ..... . . yushtainsoder tzwte. Wann 'samohl so welt coiitn d os WL,;i) uf jury hucka don woi 0U8 t,r plenty yunga bubbelin im L()ll.t house (jw,nit now Jwova( 's 8 tzeit tor jD8 n0t mommy jr'sawt;. de yunga hinkalin sin shun long in era bedder. "Yaw, un deolt kluekaw," hut der Sammy g'sawt. Denk amohl, der Sam Shmitz hut mich 'n lingner un 'n deeb g'haifja. Well, fer wassdushteen 'snetpronfa maueha? Ei sell is uvva yushtwass mich bodderta arwaw vusht about IHlTWei UUAIULI UI 1 " Wanu du amohl de notion nenisht for dt hols ob shneida, don maucb di messer recht short. Uftmohls is so 'n job ferunglick'd well 'n messer ' , t'n KhtiMinitt war. . J . . , . . . iionn, it-ii wiusu b wan inwiiwuar ble weiver tzu Bhwapps, so we iner geil shwapt. Waurum? Ei don date ieh amohl ebber gons .miner un ai- wicli orriek batreega. Mcr sin cvva aw in favor for de Fillapecncr un Sandwich slender ; tzu nnnexa on unser lond, 80 os de gamixta breeds miner unser hocha uu krichtliclia weaga larna kenna so g'shefta os we pockets picka, banks rawa, treasuries ous laira uu de grosse embtBslers in de offissa electa un de klaitia deeb in de jail shtecka, Der mon os sich onna g'hueked hut uf 'n hornaisle neshtisawgrawd widder uf g'shtonna. Well Joe. wo wohnsht? Ei uf der onncr side 'in revcr naigsht om shool house ufder linka side ui sel lam klae bishly tzu net welt fum Henner Kitselmoyer si blackshmidt shop, about 'n holb mile fum brick ly . 1 t ' L P ivver S runiv un aw net wen iun tier meel on der Klopboardshtedtler j shtrose un grawd mvver fuw plotz wode olt Baucherly wohnt, seller os de shoe-butzer mauefat fun welsh Isisht un ferkawft se for 'n holwer dawler 'a shtick, un sell is aw wul- fcl om holwa geld. Pit Schw e v bn n b r. LAST l-LORIDA TOUR, Vin Hennaylvnula Railroad. The Inxt Fennnylvniiis Itailmnil tour of the ' aeaaon to Jacksonville, allowing three! , Kori,B . wm leave New York and Philadelphia March. Esruralon ti.keta, inclu.ling railway trans- Hirtation. Pal I man accommodations (one lR-rtlil, and meals en route while on Hie special ,r8illi win be toklat the following rates: New TuVtZl. I antu atayh, uoo. Fortieketa, Itinerarieii, and other informa- Ittoaanolr to ticket aifJii'n. T.mrini AMeni at ! ?. $2XXJlL22 J-2S- W i.r....Kiw tn-j iiiuwi . , . . . ... y ( nurlaemler. Jr , Paneiiifer Auent lUltinmre District, llaltimore, V.I . Colin stndda. Passeng er Airent Southeastern District, WaihiiiKton, i ' C.rThos E Watt, PoaMiiger AReiit IA estern ,)rlc, .llt,burgi F.; r t. Oeo. w. Hoyd. AlUnt (i. neral Pwienger Agent, Hroo.1 Street station, Philadelphia. Card of Thanks. Rkpuhlk an Voters: T h e i liberal support which you have given ii . :. . . me is gratifying and highly appre ciated. Accept my sincere thanks. Truly yours, A . W. Musser, Beavertown, Pa. ... WEST BEAVER. I j. A. Ji-ukins nude a business trip to litwistovvn last Friday. Wm. S. Peter tame home from Mifflin county on Saturday to vote. Misrepresentations caused some of our lest men to le defeated at our ; primary election last Saturday. Mrs. Aaron Mover has returned home from lA'wistown where she I had been spending a few weeks vis iting friends. 11. M. bJlsh of Lewietowu was seed on our streets last Saturday, on ! his way to Middleereek to visit his father who is lying sii-k. What prevented us from having an old tashiuned blizzard ou Sunday was there was a very little snow, We had the rest of the material, 1. .... .. l.',.rl, ..'in. I I uum i-nlil i ohvii a .v . all day. L. C. Wagner with his army of Boers came out victorious at the de- hate on r ruiav eveninai ine luouu i . i .. . ..ii na taindale school house. Crawford i . l l . i 1 11 unaerstanas now m uanuivau amn, no mutter how small. IcCLUKE. Chas. Klingler spent Sunday with his family. Miss Dora Bratton is visiting at Uerndon at present. Supt. Bnwersox visited the Mo C'lure schools on Thursday. .1.1). Ulsh was to Middleburg to visit his brother, Andrew. Some of our people attendet sale at Middleereek Saturday. Un By all Bppearauoes February show .March how to rctrulatc tlx- weather. - Chas. Klingler moved into the house vacated by Win. Hoffman on Monday. J, . Baker is makiug prepara tions to move his stavcmill to Jacks mountain. A missionary entertainment will beheld in the St. Luke's church next Sunday evening. . . Chas. Decker and W. H. Herb ster made a business trip to New Lancaster on Saturday. ' Mrs. L. E. Wetzel and daughter, are visiting friends and ixsrenta at the lower cod of the. county for th' past week. MARRIED. Jan. 13, by J. F. Yeisley, Esq., Calvin F. Crossgrove of Limestone Twp., this county, and Miss Mary F. Shover oi Adams Twp., Snyder County. Fib. 22, by Rev. H. IL Spahn, Abraham J. Wagner to Minnie S. Knepp, both of West Jk-aver. a MOP toughing Every cough makes your throat more raw and irritable. Every cough congests the lining membrane of your lungs. Cease tearing your throat and lungs in this way. Put the parts at rest and give them a chance to heal. You will need some help to do this, and you will find it in Agere Cherry pectoral From the first dose the 3uiet and rest begin: the ckling In. the throat ceases; the spasm weak ens; the cough disap pears. Do not wait for pneumonia and con sumption but cut short your cold without delay. Dr. Avert Cherry Pec toral Plaster shoald be over the Ir.nrs of every per son troubled with a cough. Write to the Doctor. Paasaal aayarlaalM and loag ex pen. omlo.Bily amaliry o. for rtvlag ra ma4laal aavtae. Writ (roily at 1 the aartleulart la year eaaa. Tan as whaiar eiyarlaDeo baa bora wttk oar taarry Kactorat Vou wtU raeafVa a presspl reply, without AddroM, DS. I, auaasa. CARPETS. Yoa can have a better car pet, a prettier carpet and a nboraVwHtiiVw i our la-calored I the graphed catalogue, which anew Carpets. . Art Squares, Portieres, Lace Curtain, ana neo ama in their real color, o that Caraata Mela II 17 y looking the colore carpets, net gi.i? r fei voJ ult azactly how a carpet will lock on year floor or a drap ery at your window. We prepay freight, snv car pets free and furnish wadded lining without charge. . r 2&S!1 SSt B 3 A a one .en. ' J thing to oat. wear and use, and will av y u money on every thing you use at every ea son oi in year. Our MedV to - Order Ctothtnr Catalogue. ffi'.r.Ti-'.'h'; This Iron Bed $2.65. latest styles of suits and overcoats, prices rang- Inr from S.95 to Saa. We prepay exoressage jqu fi-ve not dtut wRfi u- now-ls the time to Degin. ah catalogues arc tree. Wblcb do you want ? Address tins way : 'JULIUS HINES & SON, BALTIMORE, III). Dept. 009. USES FOR LEMONS. A teuspoonful of the juice in a cup of black coffee will almost certainly I relieve a bilious headache. Lemon juice (outward application) will allay the irritation caused by the 1 biles of gnats or flies. A of lemon juice in plain water is an excellent tooth wash. It not only removes turtnr, but sweetens the I breath. Lemon peel (and also orange) should I all be saved and dried. They are a cap Ital BUbstitUtt for kindling wood. A handful will revive a dying (ire. The juice of a li-nron in hot water, on wakening in the morning, is an ex cellent liver corrective, nut for stout 'women Is better than any nntifut medi cine ever invented. Glycerin nnd lemon juice, half and half, on a bit of absorbent cotton, is the best thing in the world wherewith lo moisten the lips and tongue of a fever-parched patient. The finest of manicure acid is made by putting n teaspoonful of lemon juice in a cupful of warm water. This re moves most stains from the fingers and nails and loosens the cuticle more sat isfactorily than can be done by the use of a sharp instrument. Lemon juice nnd salt will remove rust stains from linen withrjut injury to the fabric. Wet the stain with the mix ture and put the article in the .sun. Two or three applications may be nec essary if the stain is of long standing. but the remedy never falls. PERSONAL MENTION. Speaker Henderson often employ the first person in making a ruling, an act which has been characterized as a "pronounced solecism." Robert J. Ilurdette, Jr., is said to In herit much of his father's ability. He is at present a student at llaverford college and has recently contributed several bits of humorous vt rsr to New- York paper. Some of the wise men of Boston have been asked to say who iu their opinion is ill., greatest man the nineteenth cen tury has produced. Must of them vote for Abraham Lincoln. Oilier whose claims are recognized are Darwin, Spencer, Bismarck. Oladalone and Ed ison. Dr. William B, Kendrick. who re cently died In Indianapolis, was sup posed to have died 24 years before in Washington, and was really robed for the grave when he recovered conscious ness in his coffin. He insisted that he had really died, and by two angels was conveyed to Heaven, the glances of which, he said, were Inconceivable to mortal eye. Just ns he was becoming u-eustomed to celestial bliss the angels sped with bis spirit back to earth und lodged it again in his body. HUlie Kniphntlc. Employer What did Ulinkssay w hen you presented the bill? Collector Er would you mind ask ing the lady typewrit eg to leave the room while 1 tell you? Tit-Bits. Even the Landlady Smiled. "What is a sausage?" inquired the sweet singer. "A snusnge," grinned the comedian i a - .. . U ' I ..... . uuarucr, is a jiuuiiu uu. wui.uu Daily News. HI Amendment. She Do you agree with the sentiment that a woman Is as old as she looks? The Crusty Bachelor 1 should insert "at least" before "as old." I'uck. CASTOR I A lor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of I Tbi strip Is manufactured under a U. S. patent and is the neatest, strongest and most durable window shade holder on the market, and we ?;uarantee it to be as represented or money re unded. The price, Express paid, to all points in Pa., Md.. Del ., N.J. and N. Y., One Dollar per dor., other states $125. Your order solicited. JOHN A. PARSONS CO. CltinltM. Pa. irlven thut letters testamentary upon the es tate of Sarah Martin, lateof Franklin twp., Snyder county Pa., deceased have I een imued In due form of law to the undersigned, to whom all Indebted to sold estate should make Imme diate payment and those having claim, against It eliould present them duly autheiittcated'for settlement. SAMUEL BILOK'.t, Kxecutor, Jaooh Gilbert, Atty.S AaalgahUlob htm, Pa. NIGHTKEYS FOR CHRISTMAS Why a Drooklya Man and Will He ' reived Them froaa Their Heat Door Neighbors. a nHrn m.n nml i t f haea had two peculiar experience which hate caused them to De talked aDoul in tneir cuierea iu iuc gcuvra. u "". neighborhood. A few month ago they an extent that bees of the liallun race went out for the evening and forgot to are produced much yellower than those take a nigbtkey. The aervant wa out found in Italy. But the tide seem Bow the same night. When the man and hi turning, and the demand ia rather for wife returned and failed to get a re- bee that give a large surplus than for sponse to their ring, the husband handsome bee. E. K. Root, editor of smashed one of the windowa and Gleanings, say: crawled in. In this way he opened the "I hope the race for color has bad ila door and admitted his wife, says the day; and while there have been several New York Sun. j apecimena of bees that have been good One experience of this character is worker, aa well a beautiful, the ma sufficient to make un impression, but it jority of those we have tested have had left no wnrninir on the mind of this , I man. Not long after the incident he and j his wife again went out nnd forgot a ; night key. Falling to get in on their return the man sent Iiis wife toa nelgh- bdr'l w hile he went over to u hotel nenr ! by to borrow n jimmy as he had decid I td to get In with that and save the ex ! pente of a window glass. Armed with the Implement he returned, and after considerable effort he forced the door. walked upstairs and found his neigh bor and his wife en joying themselves, lie bad forced the doors of his neigh bors' house, adjoining his own and architecturally a counterpart of it. Then his wife made the discovery that she had the key of her house. Among the t'hristtnns offerings re ceived by the man and wife wa a bunch of night keys. ODD CALENDARS There la One l aed In Koaala That I Twelve Dai Ahead of Ev erything ICIae. The most out-of-date almanac is that possessed by Rutsia, while the palm for the "largest circulation" goes to that issued from Peking. Incredible though it may sound, it is nevertheless a fact that the land of the C.reat White Tsnr still cherishes a calendar which is 12 days ahead of everybody else, say the Cincinnati Enquirer. It is true that our own calendar was 11 days out until 1751. Then our Eng lish for. fathers put it straight by drop pit:;: ilue .pare days out of the reck onii.g. much to the dismay of the tin educated. The public state of mind at that time may best be realized from the fact that it held riotous mas meet ings, to protest against the "robbery," with bands nnd banner, from the lat ter of which blazed forth it grievance: "Give u onr 11 days!" Indeed, it waa not until several head had been broken by the sworda of the military thu those which still remained Intact cooled sufficiently to appreciate the fact that the change waa Inevitable, and not merely the outcome of a government oodge to fleece the worklngman out of 11 day' pay. The Seat and navarlaaa. In a paper on "Recent Ethnograph ical Work in Scotlond," read before the British association, Mr. Gray described his observation on the color of the hair and eye of the schoolchildren of East Aberdeenshire. The pigmenta tion of the Scotch children wa shown in a table and comparer! with the con tinental districts, whence, according to tradition and history, the lowland Scots derived a large element of their population viz.: Schleswig-Holstein. Lueneberg, nnd Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Hie reputed original sent of the Armies and Saxons. The tables showed that the three north German districts were more blonde than East Aberdeenshire. Germany got more brunette nnd less blonde from north to sou t U and we must go as far as upper Bavaria to get a district approximating in pigmenta tion to East Aberdeenshire. A Dargala. May now on earth did yon oome to accept him? FayOh, he looked so cheap when he proposed I couldn't help taking tiro! Philadelphia Presa. walking to work Is the only way in which the business woman, employed in store or office, can get ojien air ex- crcise. Is it any wonder that she often grows pale and thin and develops a tend ency to " weak lungs." When- j ever there ' 1 t 1S pain in Dream ing, soreness of the chest, olisti natc cough, bleeding from the lungs or any other symptoms of disease of the respiratory or gans, legin the use of Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery and con tinue the use until cured. Ninety-eight in every hundred who have used " Golden Med ical Discovery" for "lung trou ble," have been perfectly and permanently cured. -I ws very sick Indeed," writes Mrs. Mollie Jacobs, I ol eeiion, item v.o.. Oelaware. "and our family doctor said I had con sumption. I thought I must die soon lor I felt ao awful hull Hurl a bad cough, spit blood, and waa very short of breath. I hail pains in my chest and right lung, also had dyspepsia. Before I took your 1 Golden Medical Discovery ' nd ' Pleasant Pellets' I wa so weak I could not sweep a room, now I can do small washing. I leal like a new person." Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure heart-burn. COLOR VERSUS QUALITY. Why th Iter Mere lieaatr Shoald B a Secondary Coaslder allon to Brr-Keepere, There bat been auile a race for it-llow bee, and breeder in this country have ome uau trait, enner in temper, warming propensity or a lack of hardi ness for w intering. Let the matter of color be only a secondary consideration. Put first, ability to get money; second, wintering qualities; third, disinclina tion to swurm; temper nest, and color last of all. But other things being equal, I should very much prefer gentle bees if at the same time they can have the other three desirable qualities. Col or really amounts to nothing. "Of color or markings it may be said that, of whatever blood the queen may be, she must be pure, whether Carni olan, black or Italian. A hybrid queen with an ancestry of hybrids back ten Years mli?ht be able to reproduce her lind. without sporting toward either the blacks or Italians. Dr. Miller baa such a queen. Her bees outstripped everything else in the apiary last sea son. ind he is going to use her for a breeder. "Hybrids are apt to be more or leas cross. It bus been observed, I believe, that the cross or "snappy" kind are the ones that produce results in honey. Did you ever notice that it is often the "snappy"kind of people who can get out a big day's work, even though they are not, perhaps, the most popular among their fellows?" EGGS FOR HATCHING. How to Keep Them So That the Corns la Not Killed and (he Egg Tha Mad l aele.a. A to keeping egg for hatching, the incubator people remind us that the yolk is specifically lighter than the al bumen, and i buoyed up by it, and the germ, which always lies at the top, only kept from pressing against the shell by the weight of the denser al bumen forming the chalaza, this hav ing a tendency to drag the yolk down and steady it. If the eggs are kept at too high a temperature, the albumen will get somewhat fluid and the yolks will be pressed upward against the shell, and, if allowed to remain go, will become fixed to it. Any length of time and temperature that would x- awit Th tHiopViittl ' and thus rendered the egg useless. The more handling the egg has the quicker this derangement will be effected. Place eggs for hatching in a basket or box with regard to position, cover with a cloth to prevent undue evapora tion by direct exposure to the air, and leave them undisturbed until wanted. They will be better than if handled and turned. Any cloth will give suf ficient ventilation to keep the air around the eggs sweet if the apart ment is pure Plowboy nnd Country Farmer. ARE BEAUTIFUL BIRDS Duff Tnrkeya Are Not a Popular In. the tVeotern State na They Ueaerve to Dr. Buff turkeys probably resulted from selected crosses of the bronze and white breeds. In size and general qualities they resemble the White Holland, but PURE-BRED BUFF TURKEY. with pure buff plumage. The full color ia hard to get and every hatch includes birds with black or white in the plumage. This difficulty is perhaps the chief cause of lack of popularity. Buff turkeys are seldom kept on farms, al though they ore considered equal to the other small breeds for general pur poses. Orange Judd Farmer. NOTES FOR BEEKEEPERS. Keep bees to make your honey, but begin with only a few hives. Strong colonies protect themselves from robbers and bee motha. Young queens, like young stock of any kind, are superior to old ones. Bees are profitable because they gath er up and store whnt would otherwise be lost. To avoid in and out breeding it ia well to introduce new blood from time .to time. The point in favor of the Italian bee ia that it la the most prolific and is gen tle and energetic. Dry and warm Is the rule in keeping honey if you want to retain ita flavor, richness and color. In rendering beeswax a tin, brass or copper vessel should be used. An iron vessel will darken it. Comb honey will last for yeara if al ways kept dry and uniformly at about 80 degrees. Under these conditions Ii wtU improve. St. Louis Republic,