The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 01, 1900, Image 3

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    W '"" "mrmn ' ' ,ea
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Flr.t Memorial to Grorse Waahlasj
Iod, I. oral.-. I at Ilooasboro, kd..
In Kulaa Aicaln.
For tlie m-w.ii time since its erec
tion in 1827 the first monument ever
raised to the memory of Ueorjre Wash
ington is iii ruins. It was originally
built by the united efforts of the peo
ple of lioonsboro. Aid., on the top of
South mountain, a lofty cliff, com
manding a wide view of the surround
ing country. On July 4. 1827, almost
all the adult population of the vil
lage, headed by a band, marched up
the sleep path to the top of the moun-
I. canon In the International Series for
Uareh 4. MMMk-Jesaa HeaJ
liiit In Capernaum.
(First Memorial Ever Raised In Honor of
lain and there went to work. There'
were stonemasons and builders among
them, and every man did his best to
help. The foundation had been laid
pre viously, but on that one day the eu-
tiru superstructure of the monumnt
was built. It was 54 feet in circum
ference at the base and 15 feet high,
composed of a wall made up of large
stones, the interior being filled with
the same material. In the center a
stairway led up to the top of the pile.
Twelve feet from the base, on the side
fronting ISoonsboro, a white marble
tablet was Inserted bearing a fitting1
inscription. .Many soldiers who fought
in the revolutionary war took part in
the erection of the monument, and
the oration was delivered by a clergy
man who had served as chaplain in the
continental armies.
In 1872 nothing was left of the orig
inal monument but the foundation and
u few crumbling fragments. At that
me a movement was started to re-
the monument, and in 1883 It
dedicated, having been raised
ight of 50 feet and surrounded
iron framework and balcony.
te of the monument Is so ex
however, that even the restored
ure has fallen a prey to the de
ls, so thai now it is again fa a
H t
1 f
rendition of ruin. Historical investl-
xl on has anown tnat tnfs was the
at monument ever raised in honor
the Father of His Country, and a
ovement is again on foot to restore
to its original condition.
n (liana Man Invents an Arrangement
Designed to Make It Easy and
Patents relating to improvements in
wstal facilities are one of the nio.-t
rrolific classes. These, reiate to im-
rovements in the mail boxes and mail
ouches, proposed methods of picking
p and delivering mail from flying
ilroad trains, etc. Andrew L. Henry,
Ladoga, I ml., has hit upon a start-
ngly novel arrangement in this al-
Heady overworked field, but, like many
; plarat
its on Id
auto ifj
Ml or J
r II"
4 a. at
vies to Make the Collection of Mall
Matter Easy.)
Pitch inventions, it is probably im-
Icticol. It is a xvstem of receiving
delivering for use in towns in con-
Ition with horse and wagon collee
8, and is designed to enable the
man to make his rotfnds, nccom-
ed by attaching the mail boxes
heir supports with a yielding fus
ng of some kind, such as a chain
weight. The box is shown in the
atratior, attached to a post by
ana of i nains, and la provided with
unter weight, and a handle for
ster convenience. The postman, it
apposed, drives up, reaches out his
d, grasps the handle and lifts the
1 box into the wagon, where its
tents are removed. It is then
ked and gently lowered into Its
final position on tJie post.
Poisoning from Overcoats.
Poisoning from overcoats is an un-
eeted danger, but no fewer than 60
have been reported. On being
the olotb, in the dyeing of which
1de of zinc had been used, gave off
onona vanors. producing painful
tlllnr of hands and arms.
(Prepared by Hector C. Lenlngton )
(Murk 1:21. 22. 29-S4.)
21 And ihey worn Into Capernaum: and
MruiKhtway on the Bubbath day Ho en
tered Into the synagogue, and luuifht.
22. Ar.d they vert astonished in Ills doc
trine: for Hu taUgni them as one thai had
authority, and not an the scribes.
23. And forthwith, when they were coma
out of the synagogue, they entered Into
the house of Sin. on and Andrew, with
James and John.
SO Uut Simon's wife's mother lay lck
of a fever, and anon they tell Hltn of her.
.11 And He came and took her by the
hand, and llfnd her up; and Immediately
the fever left her. and she ministered untc
22 And ut even, when the son did set,
they brought untn Hltn all that wire dis
eased, and them that were possessed with
devl s
33. And all the city was gathi red together
at the door.
34. Ard Ha healed many that were sick
of divers diseases, and cmil out many dev
ils; and suffered not the devils to speak,
because thty knew lllm
GOLDEN TEXT -And He healed many
that were sick. -Mark 1:14.
The people of Nazareth not only re
jected the teaching of Jesus, but His
person. They "rose up, and thrust
Him out of the city, and led Him unto
the brew of the hill whence their city
was built, that they might cast Him
dewn headlong." But Jesus escaped.
How, ve do nut know; we are simply
told that passing through their midst
He went His way, From this time for
ward (Matt. 4:13-17; Lake 4:al) JesUI
made His home in Capernaum, "Jesus
I i. id not lose by this enforced change
1 of situation, as Capernaum was an ex
i ccllent center for lli.s ministry,
! Tliri);li litis town rnn several leading
highways of travel ami commence;
I and. too, the Luke of Galilee gave Him
at ss to a large territory,
tailing of Four Disciples (Matt.
4:18-22; Mark 1:10-20; Luke 5; Ml).
The four disciples called ut this time
(April and May, A. I), 88) were Peter,
Andrew, .lames and John. JeSUS was
walking by the lake and saw the boats
of these men who were fishermen,
Stepping Into Peter's boat He request
ed him Ui push out a little from the
Shore, and there be preached to the
people who gathered. After this He
told Peter to go out to the deeper wu
ter and there cast his net. These men
had been fishing all night without suc
cess, but did us bidden. The miracu
lous draught of fishes so impressed
Peter that he fell down at Jesus' feet.
Jesus said: "Kear not. from hence
forth thou shnlt catch men. Peter,
Andrew, James and John had been
called before to be disciples, but from
this time on they were almost contin
ually with Jesus.
Teaching and Healing (Mark 1:21
34). This passage is the record of a
I, busy Sabbath. He began the day in
the synagogue teaching, and we are.
told one thing about this teaching.
"He taught as one that had authority,
and not as the scribes." How else
could one tench upon whom was the
Spirit of the Lord? The addresses of
the rabbis were full of quotations from
the traditions and writings of the
elders. Jesus spoke the simple truth In
Work on the 1'aris exposition has
Unearthed millions Of rats, and the la
borers tire sometimes obliged to stop
and tlo buttle with the pests.
An international congress of mining
and metallurgy will lie held in Paris
the middle of next June and a large
sttendance is expected.
Ilusts of Benjamin Franklin, Horace
Qreeley, Qeorge W. Chllds, Charles A.
Puna and Joseph Medil! will adorn the
Publishers' building of the United
Stotes at the Paris exposition.
The new Paris exposition stamp
bears a representation of the republic
in the form of a woman holding in
her hand a tablet on whioii is written:
"The Rights of Man." It will be used
for stamps of 10, 15, 20 and 23 centimes.
An Americap corn kitchen will bn
maintained nt the Paris exposition at
a cost to the United States of $10,000.
The money will be well invested, for
outside of America the merits of muie still but little understood. Last
year this country exported $144,000,0(1;)
worth of flour and only $3,000,000
worth of corn meal.
One of the most interesting exhib-
simple way, and the authority was! its which will be sent from the United
furnished by the consciences of the States to Paris will be a huge
hearers and the works of mercy He performed.
new iorn city, wnicn is now m proc
ess of construction under the chief
One of these works of mercy which topographical engineer of the board
teach- oi public Improvements, It. measure",
18x24 feet and is on a scale of fioo feet
to the inch, and Includes all the bor
oughs of the great city and consider
able of the adjoining territory.
buttressed the truth of Jesus
ing was the healing of a man with an
unclean spirit. This occurred before
the synagogue service was over, or at
loast before the people had departed
to their homes. This being possessed
ly a demon, according to Peloubet, it nil. Careful
was usually connected with disease, I "Hobby, you mustn't play with that
especially with indulgence in sensual little Dicky Jones; he isn't a good
lusts." An attack came on while in boy."
the synagogue, but at the word of j "All right, mu! I Can't play with
Jesus the demon left the man, though him, anyway; that's what his mother
not without a struggle. ! told him about me." Puck.
After the synagogue service Jesus'
goes to the house of Peter where Tliey still Happen.
reter's mother-in-law lies ill with a: "I'a.o any miracles ever happen any
fever. Luke savs it was a "great more
fever." of a malignant tvpe. We may I "V"' One happened to me last night,
notice in passing that Peter had a wife 1 told 0,lr ,na "ty 1 wn lnte et,inK
and household. Jesus raised this ,lonie and she Mlmd me. -Chicago
rr.othrr-in-law from her bed, the sec
ond miracle He performed that day.
At evening there were brought to
Him ethers to be cured. It is inter
esting to note that while there were.
none so strict ns to object that Jesus
healed on the Sabbath, yet the people cago Times-Herald
waited till after sunset. 'Ihe Jewish
Sabbath was from sunset to sunset.
So it was not upon the sacred day that
Jesus performed these further mira
cles. The charocter of these miracles fol
lowed that of the two performed dur
ing the day. healing diseases and cast
ing out devils.
A Mistake.
Gladys I thought you said he was
Mildred Oh, not I merely said he
had more money than brains. Chi-
What Did She Mean
Slowboy I am going to kisa you
to-night when 1 go.
Miss Willing Don't you think It
timo you were going? Chicago Daily
A lirst-clsss army band earns 2011
B week.
The Lirltish navy has control of ti2
docks lor its ships.
The engines of a lirst-clnss man o'
war cost I40.000.
A highland orlicer's uniform costs
from $iio to $2oo. Including full dresv,
undress and mesa uniforms.
.Many officers In South Africa took
their bicycles with them, the wur of
fice using all care to facilitate safe
It is said that Sir Red vers Puller
the wealthiest general (among com
moners) iu the service and sir Alexan
der Puller the wealthiest admiral.
According to the Engineer, the
horses of the Scots Grays, now at the
seal of war, have been dyed khaki
color in order to render them invisible
to the enemy.
A gn at difficulty to the British cav
alry on Ihe veldt are the holes of the
mi bears, hidden by coarse grass,
vllieji only a trained colonial iony in
stinctively avoids.
A lloer field cornet is usually the
magistrate of the neighboring coun
try wherein he resides, and is invested
with the power to commandeer all
able-bodied men on such an occasion
as the present war.
Gen. Roberts, commander In chief In
South Africa, has the following name
with appendages: Baron Roberts of
Kandahar and Waterford, P. ('., EC, P.,
c. c. p., p. c s. l. ti. c. i. !:., v. c,
1). ('. L., LI.. P.
Lieut. ' Meiklejohn, of the Gordon
Highlanders, is the most battle-scarred
of South African heroes. At Elands
laagte four bullets passed through his
right arm, one through his left thigh,
two through his helmet and one
grazed his neck. One of his Angers
was blown away and his scabbard shot
to pieces.
for a::d a "out women.
a: ron in Texas has
.ii, Antonio,
en who pay taxes
S submit ted to tax-
The first olii
been appointed
In Montana
vote on all que
pa crs.
Miss Elijctietli Comes, teacher ol
physical culture in I be public schools
of Detroit, has in un a crusade against
garments worn by women which Injure
the health,
A series of mensuremi nts made at
Wellcsley by a Yule scientist shows that
western young women hove larger
bead and greater lung capacity than
their eastern sisters.
The sewing women of Berlin get only
III) cents a dozen for making fine shirts.
At n recent reception in New Vork
Mrs. Henry lluvemeyer had for decora
tions for one room 200 ilozi ti roses
which were bought at $.10 U dozen.
Ohson Sukural, director of the Meigl
girls' seminary, at Tokio, who is in
Attn riCO studying our women's schools,
Stl. s it is only u question of time when
the Japanese women will he ns progri s
slve as those in this country.
Mi'-s Clara Bett Martin's recent suc
cess in winning two Important case-.,
opposed by the ablest lawyers in ( nn
adn, is a rebuke for the lawyers who
held out against her admission to tin
bar until the women, beaded by Lady
Aberdeen, forced them to yield.
That the only Independent woman
In the world is the one not afraid of
her cook.
That whenever a hat looks as
though it had been struck by a cy
clone the milliner calls it picturesque.
That the saying that habits grow on
us seems verified by the appearance of
the up-to-date equestrienne's costume.
That a woman can forgive a man al
most anything if he asks for the see
end piece of the first pie she ever
That a new mode In woman's gar
ments suggests a recently popular
work of fiction entitled "Looking Back
v ard."
That a woman doesn't want to be
called new, and she absolutely waxes
Indignant at being called old; In fHet,
she is hard to please anyway. Boston
'rynlcnl Aualrnllnn Tribe.
Prof. Uadden read a paper on the
customs uml characteristics of a fairly
tjpieal tribe of Australia, the Vnri
kanna, of Cape York, North Queens
land, Among the peculiar customs
ndted was that children must take the
"land" or "country" of their mother,
that a wife must be taken from another
country, and that ull who belong to the
same pluce are regarded ns brothers
and sisters. Six Yarikanna men were
measured, with average height live feef
our inchi A Ud was initiated' oy tin
men of the elan Into which he must
subsequently marry. He was anointed
with "bush medicine" In the groin,
chest and temples to make him grow.
llrylnic l.lnrn In Da 1 1 noma.
A Paris laundry has started a DOVelty
In the drying and purifying of linen,
end has succeeded In convincing most
of its customers that the notion is a
good one. The air nlwmt 100 feet above
the house tops is particularly good for
linen, suj the proprietors, and they
accordingly send for shirts and collars
for a unlloon trip. liamDOO frames are
attached to u captive balloon, and the
linen, "rough dry," is fixed to ihe
frames and snils away in the air. The
balloon makes six ascents daily, and an
extra charge is made for each article
that undergoes the treatment.
l.nrsieal Arm.r Kvrr Used,
The total force sent out to South Af
rica is the largest number of British
troops ever put into the field at one
time. At Waterloo Wellington was In
command of 07,000 soldiers, while in
the Crimean war only 28,000 were en
caged In anv slnirle battle.
Illdn't I.anoh SvltO the Rrat.
Jones What were tho boys all
laughing so heartily over?
Drown Smith got oft one of his
Jones Why didn't you laugh with
the rest?
Brown It was on me. Ohio State
"You ought to take time by the fore
lock," urged his friend.
"I try to do it," replied the man who
was down on his luck, "but I generally
find that somebody else has got hold
of it." Brooklyn Life.
8EN.PlU8.QNE dollar
I ji 5E Id. out ami Mail lw a, with Sl.tHI, lad t, will mj jihi Ikb MOI
ISI'itUIKD IMHLOK . KH nuns, a; rrriahl Bj . D., ujrft lanaaJiii
n Van ana r Kaaalaa It at tup aaapaat frt-ia-ht drDat. anil If
It lr. a significant fact brought out raaSaO It antlrna wprmaUS, Sat jraiw mmimmmmm
... S " - w " tmA ttr b,n,r th,n amM adifrllwd bj otp,r at morvnnnr;, pa; thr fr-lrhl
in the thirty-fourth verse that the
devils were not suffered to speak, "be
cause they knew Him." Whether the
demons were supernatural or mere
physical distempers, it remains that
the wrong that is in us and possesses
us knows the voice of God and resists
Him. though in the end it has to obey.
Truth opposed to error always
means a struggle.
The miracles of Jesus reveal the
character of God, loving, helpful and
Figs snd Thistles.
A trust is no honor until the trustee
honors It.
Forgiveness of sin is the first step;
full freedom from it, the final one.
God will not build the temple of a
lovely character on the foundation of
unforgiven sinS.
The man who ennnot put the stesm
on the brakes as well as on the drivers
will have trouble.
Frequently the people who are moot
..,.,! OUR PRICE $35.50. I' IS' !. rlrall. or III..." mil
S akltkMa! THE PARLOR CEM nana r lat t III khi.
AMI S'Aa'KTIiHT lUXal) lattrwaMrala 'f aua. from the lUOrAfSUun
alw ti, w hich la eniiravad direct frum a litiotuitraiih jruuean form
Borne Meant In beautiful appearance. Made from Build aiuarlee
eaueil ouL or wain a I aadralred. aerhralrd k,j illp. full p,nl budj,
iH-aulinil ai,riNlr aealfB paaelB aaa nt: vlh'r htadrM d'-fn'all in,
and II all, aaaklaflt tea MtKI UTKSTSI tl.t. UIKI'AKMIK
I.I'M u 6 feet htirh, if Inches lonft-, 83 Inchea widaautl wi-lnhn :iw
In .nil-, t'nnlaliiaaoctavea, llftop.x, aafullowii: DUpaaoa, rriaelial,
Ihilrlana, Mrlodla, Olaato, Crrawea. Saaal'aaplar, Trrhle lunplT.
UliPBMie f url' aad Tat Haaiaaai 1 Oftate Cauplera, 1 Taaa Swell,
I i i -.nil Oraaa Swell, 4 Sale af (Ireliealral Twaee Keaeaaler) ripe
qialll; Keeda, I Setaf SI rare Soaet leladla Ueeda, 1 Set eft!
tharaUal7 llriMtaat leleate Seed,, 1 Sel eftl Kirk OaSaa Hrnnata
llla;iaun l('--fl. I Bet ar riaa,lat nan eieewea rnacipn
Xteda. THE PARLOR CEM action ronnl.taor the
t'elebraled vrll Head,, whlcli are only uaedlll the IllRli
est (Trade Instrumental fitted with Haamoail Ceeplera aad
Vut Haaiaai, alnn beat holire felta, leather, etc., bellow,
nf the best rubber cloth, 3 pi v betlows p.tnck and fluent
lenlher in valeea. THE PARLOR OEM lafurnl-hed
w Ith a lull beveled plate Krencn mirror, nickel plat
nadaJ frninee. and ever modern Improvement. 1
hiralaa free a haadaoaM eefaa ateol aad the baal erxaa lesti-ur
Una hunk uaklbtbrd.
r.tlARANTEED 25 YEARS. ?T "?"
inhiie t. written
kM OR6AM w
lUndlouT U vear nfuai am f . Iy tlie
terms nd condition of which If any part irivei out we
Try It ont month uml we will
you arc not perfectly aatliiflcd. &00
9 sold at S3".. 50.
rt'ltftlr it frt f af nam,
refund tour money tf to
of thee organ will be nl at $3550.
dealt with uMak your nuitrhbor about us, write
me puDiisner ox iiui paper or aii'u-oi-uiitaii
National Bank, or Corn Nat. Hank, of Chicago:
or German Eichanire Bank, Mew York ; or any
railroad or eipress company In Chicago, We
aat a capital ef aver 700.00o.ow, occupy entire
one of itistM bupttieia blocku In ( hlcaao.
and employ nearly 9 000 perlo In our own
building. WK MIX ORAIES AT fli.00 aai apt
. have awt
Vkm Rlclteal Gold Mine.
U ettSxnated that mater auantl
Of mM mA allnp Viava Ken a-inlr - . . ... . . PlalOt, lia.Of.aM aai also tTerythlnjf In mu- IMnrtrameM at lowm wtioliMtaie prices. Write for fnaipeetal
CartlUl OI ine nit On ineir JJlDietOarS ontwi,pino and mualoal instrument catalutrue. Addresa, (Man, ii i atja. anmsrsaakly nlkikai aHar.)
;tbo sea than aro sow In circulation
I Li .
n k -1 A '
Any ONE o! tUe i
S VBAR ii- no .
to .uy Eiitrlrt d i i i kit.
bamolct i (.-... ui .'., . k i :n i ;i
CUAS. I J l..v Iv. :. .
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' htr,si c Haiiu-
. uil) Illustrated,
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i lilui-ti-niiotu. 1 1 ice, j Ccati
IMj book
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t . .n ui.. . tr do IkiiiiIUuI null'
1 v'i'i, : : Ice, ;o Cents,
- . 'nil' i i-.oi i-.-Mii.l.ii-cfi.l von nrvr-r
tfilnai ti i u.cln.iil,ioactulDlv" Thty
i tou i : i.i I .i I Wi-I, Ninth nnd
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Any t t....;i!.:; BOOKS, The
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' "' 'I. lilt llle .;.il-liu-lllf lltlicl,
I arin uml 1 1, uattiold psprt In
i- r i'- the Dnttcrl S' u
in.iiiiuuuutl a-hulfrcgulsrrcadcra,
, ;w ! fhe FARM JOURNAL
.' ' :- 1 ! i jl ill be Kent by nail
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1 liiLADl.L I'lIIA
ami s
wnoiesaie mm
to M
Our General Catalogue quot
them. Sond -c 1 1 partly ;
postage or exprcssage and m
scntl j i it one. 1 1 ha . i too pi
1 7, coo illustrations :'.rn! quo)
prices on neatly 70,000 tliiii
t you cat ami uui
constantly carry
if. les emoted.
ami we
in -stuciv
Tho Tallest Mercantile Building In the WorlJ, tilOr'I'GOMERY WARD &. CO.
vnq .no occuiuto t.ciinivelr By US. aUehlaaa Av.ak Mail,., St.. Ckli aoo.
j This Dictionary
50,000 Words
A work of eititionlinary tutt-rcM to ull t r,i ..r tirtiurt"slvr
iMSoplc. Ioquallt) It Ih iiiicxci lit-il.i'vcii t) (lirurrat ntaiHUnl workl
or to tlay. In iuamny ll . niiiatus iicaii rvery wn in ( niiiiiinn
iiHHifi', ami full) aiiriwrrs ihf imtiniHi' nf at leMl ttlfM out it t-i v
four people, worrwwr iirtimiai dm IMJMI words Cfniurf nlJNm 1
aixl Sianilanl .! i i -i ti .-m ? to ;mi ;. ),. Out . ?
AO.OOOuoiiIn tna imw tie hal niou term berotOfoi niihi-anl nf.
A now device inowt tin iiiinui fortu nt ill the nouno
Another K.ln out rIhiuI 5000 eapecktli) Htiiruit worooi wil
ibe Kteateetof all iclilevemeuu In modern dU 'tluuor) innkltiii li the
in i 'Mi i"ii nf 35,900 vohIs to this illrlloimi imaiih of a ilUtfTe j a,
ralUd (tie "t (iltiiiihlnii Wonl-lliilldci
i tht-
sifo ifi tncbea.
Mrtlonary tt Rlao eoiitslnfi twelve
.i 1 1 ii ruth. a follows . A tlx t
lloiia; 1!. I'rotioitiM iiiK I Mi t limit t : I l'rnt'r NAallftt
GaielifyBr f tin- nrld ; ' lit let ; 6. I'ltrliaiiM-uliai y
K ; 7. r. 1 in-- Inotriiotori Nch l I KI4intt4j '
Lettor Writer lo, I'm of i apttalot JJ J'tnu-timtimi ; lit,
iNmtHi Onldao
it contalni iy- pagej, bandsomely tioumi in imitation leatber tn rata
PIUCM AUVAV To Introdnfv. Paitnand If omo, our aatlon-
UlfCll Hflfll. :,i . i i utlilv luhu-ti alrcaih till a clfOltatV
tlon of 3fio,ooo , Into Ihounaiidii of homea where II i- nol ikiw
taken, we make the followlna Remarkable offr: TbereBdlar
tfU f r'ann ami llmiif Is N nut - a rear bill we v 111 -i-ml it lo
thoae mentioning thin paper, nix timntliN on trial for only ." eeavni
on illver or Mantra), ami wlthnul furthei cbarae and 1 Che
Coniprahanftlvfl Wenater lUi'llonary. M above dearrlned, Uy
iiiaII, i - : a-, i All aeeeptlna tnta nlrer will receive our nitiKiiif
lntly Ulntitrnti'd 40-ihu firrinliitii lUt, eotitalntnu "v''
naeful artlelen and tome or tne tnniii remarkable offen ew maae.
If VOQ? lUlWCrlntton l "tit Itiunrfltatrlv We Will also in cluili' a Portoet
Atlas of the World, containing mara In colore, which would
leant 1 If purrhaHeil Beparatetv. AffrntH wkiiIimI wvwrytj Jw.r-.
I.H'eral roinuiKiloii fur good work. Adtlrr all unlrrN Ut
papm awn uoaar rv n cnrmofinN mi -.o- Mr rki.,A iw
w'' iM9iaaaoo i r,
"Star" tin tags (showing mnnll ntnrn printed on anilor sido
of tag), "Horse Shoe," "J. T.," "Good Luck," "Cross Bow,"
and " Druramond " Natural Leaf Tin Tags aru of ettuul value in
securing presents mentioned below, and may lie assorted.
Every man, woman and child can find soinutliiug on tho list
that they would like to have, and can hare
1 Match rtm 2
9 Ktlifi. otM Ma.ln. food tH S'i
8 Bciawri. 4M Inchea ft
ClilM'-. Shi. Knife. Fork ami Sponn
6 Halt and I't-jijir Set, nn-i-m-ll. quail-
niil jiIiiib hu whn Hiatal M
t FNocn Briar Wood Pip. Si
7 Ran.r, hollow ground, tlnn EagUlh
atea-l ;,o
8 Biitti-r Knife, iriplo iilaic, boil
quality mi
Hunar Khi-ll. tripli. pla'c l-c. qual . ii
iu Htauii Dos, ita-rlln. allvcr :u
II Knife. '-Kciiii Kuttir," two bltda, n
ii llutcher Knife, "Keen Kutter," iu
Mail 7f,
IS Nhrara. "Kwn Kiittpr "8-1111-11..'! . II
14 Nut Set. OlOeksr ami ii HSSS. silver
piaien Mu
lf Baae liall.'-Aaaoclatlon," best qual.liHi
IS Alarm Clwk. nickel. llal
17 fill Genuine It. -Hern' Teaapooux, lwt
j lateil food, ltd
18 Watch, nickel, atem wlinl un.t et Uii.i
19 CarTera, bikkI atei'l. Docktaorn
handle. -jai
SO Mil Ban HUM Knuern' Talile Spixilis,
la-st liliile.l u I. ... . 'ii
tl Bli each. Knlveaaml Kork. buck
lioril liatellea 9Ait
S3 Six ea,-h. Oeimlno lloeeri' Kiiivea
ana jrurka, beat platisl gooda iOfl
33 flock. ilay. Palen.lar. Thermom
eter. Ilaroine'cr too
21 liun raae, lent!nr. no bi-tter Miaile. fiiw
j.i lteioiver. aatoBvttle, dooblt setlon,
as or It calllier 6M
tt Tool Set, nol pln. tliini!-. bill real
toola 6&U
27 Toilet He! ileco-ati-il DOfDI lain,
very haiiiUotuH aim
a Remlnafton R1S No.tUorMni,. S8S
i.1! W.trh, I'erliiiK silvMr.full ieweel Imu
j DnMsHofi I'ae, lastaar, laandaonae
ami il'iratile luou
al Bsalns Msahtaa nisi claaa, wllb
all attactriient, .
a BerolVaV, Catta, ;i-calltM- . blu.l
I. iruo
St Rifle. Ci.ll'i. l-t-xho-, cali f . ..tin,
M Oultar iWaabburn), riajvwuod. ta-
tstd ... jwaj
3a aTanaWlat, vc.-y liainlaoixie .2000
36 Sflnr ban tar Btjaalln Hho: Oua,
12 (SOS.. 2U00
:t l(eimii,".,n, iloiibti. barrel. btaV
mar Boot Ota, lo or 12 fpunt. . ...S'joo
K Bicycle, rtmrtiUrd innLe, 'allies or
(jenta 34 'J
tj Shot tillM. lielulll::tou, dnOtaS '''ir-
rel, l.aiuiuerhi-. .:n
, i itc :i;i i M .i-i.- il. i 1 H..-1, DtaJ. MW
Special Notice
Plain " Star " Tin Tnirs chat la. 8tr tin ta"wlthno amcll
stars prlnte.1 on nn-l-r shle of tai'i, are nor ,hk Tor frracnta.
out w.ii rw paiii inr in i ami ou fciic ixi'-t t-I . wi.!iii ccat3ii.-r
1 by u on or lef,.re Ma-ch lat. Itnti.
biaiJred, if r
WBEAK I.N lUNII Hint n .lime's n orth ol"
Will lat longer and ullord irmrc plrajinro Chan a dlnjc'u wcrtb OaT a.iy
Chrrbtand. MAKE THE TEST!
Stnd tags to COHfTlWEcTAL TOBACCO CO., St. Louis, Mo.
least about the gold within theme- BARS, ROEBUCK at CO. One.). Fsitsn. Diplsir,t and WsynsaSto.. CHICAGO, ILL.
8 V.
Ram's Hera.