WKST BKA.VKK. PORT TREVER TON. Ditlvougeta picture last week .1. .. ... 1. 1. ..I .! Mmiltno nuintn- iiihi onuunu J - , ... ... l ,,. .' It nor; report and oae will jingle- ' wvc' lt you free ol charge ...The ana his "ole, Henrv Hoover d rlernuon im-ih a lew ihyb 1 K V f T .l..lm I .. . I I ..Itl-t- ativea in town '.' irawder, who has been sick mr eral weeks, is convalescing rowded 1 The earth is clothed in a mantle ai white but the slei-'h U-lls fail to I Mi lt m nance u ii"i, rc xm mm mh- j--b . ,, ,r i lie sent 1,1,1 urmithpr prevented 'Suuirt . . , . from being hoisted proeny on the 12th, it being hi forty-fifth year in the United Slate-. . . . L. A.. Jenkins got the contract fur cutting dowu VV. Wagner's timber which is to lie sawed into railroad ties. . . .Levi B. Treasterhad the misfortune of run ning a rusty meat hook in his hand Jasi week which causes him a great deal of pain lacob Erb i still nut iilile tu iln mneli from theclleets of his late siek SI) ill. 1 to works a that purpose, or to asses --- , little nt ciirir iniikini we had last Saturday make- now to replace in all about lour inches for this win That cough Hangs On You have used all Tl... Bloroa Mini hotels are with loiters waiting lor the eandi dates to come around. -lost keep' on waiting we'll have election again before long The Cheney ot'Sun- bury came home to attend election, .0 Unoi flmt la what he savs. but we are not sure whether he came Phesnow "dummy to mite aiong w , . . broken one at DrotJiuo ; BKAVEHTOWJN. Jacob A. Freed hauled his grain to market last week . . . .On Wash-! ington's birthdav, Feb. 22, the P. (). 8. of A. camp, No. 98 will hohl 1 their annual baiKjiict at which tin tnster Mipner will In- Served 1. F. Coleman was toLewistown Tues- day . . . .J. P. Kerns was to Juniata I 111 1 t .1 I , countv last weeK Airs. 0. t. I sorts or couen reme- ,,i -i... .,,. , i,,,,,,.. ,, I HlM hilt it does not ! ...Valentine day passed, some I I yield; it is too deep! j seated. It may wear j lor 1 itself out in time, but ! I mm m a ' ter no t ItlllLT ll, ne .,. i. ,.a.ti ( 'lure . . . . ' H. Willis oi end n vi-il tin ir man Mi ttcr die :ii week. At iu iwlv improving 1111- late Mrs. Mary K. Treaster and grandson, Eddie, was a guest ol your scribe last Sunday. . . Mrs. Allen Peter has been on the siek I i -t lor the l s ,, )r. Mitchell ol M M. Shindel and John Middleburg paid this last week looking up frien i- . . Daniel ker in Mifflin county at the home ill Lttwis Kcrstetter Feb. 12th and was buried on the I lih at St. John's church (Black Oak Itidge.) I fe !" one sister and ti host ol 1 ueplicws to mourn ni uiire Steely a HIS SI II Wl . 1 , Ilie seuo IT tit 1 III tit all 1 . visor with lilled tin eliurch and ..li.ilnmi limit i ! ween house SUIKT- iborers tlir the Bros Rev. linllhart, paswr 01 the United Evangelical church, and Rev. Fenstermaoher, pastor of the Evangelical church, preached their farewell sermons Sunday evening. ...'.Saturday evening, the l"th inst. Miss Carre Reichenbach gave n novel social, the fee ol the season. Twelve of her in o 8 1 intimate friends were present and enjoyed the refreshments very much, which isistcd of all the delicacies oi the Benson. They all spent a very en- i joynblc time with the exception ol Mr. 1 . wh 1 while gormandizing some taffy aim nsl swallowed his teeth. At a late hour they all re- il inn ol 1 roi. mi I partook oi . . Miss Mavme produce la grippe, s I pneumonia or a seri-1 1 ous throat affection, j j You need something j f that will give youj strength and build f jup the body. SCOTT'S EMULSION smiling, others not so pleasant S. H. Winey was toMiddleburgover Sunday Ner. A. Feese bad pub-1 lie sale of farming implements Sat urday. . . .C. E. Robb, Jacob Car penter, and Elmer Troxell Intended to go west next week, lint the latter was run over by a froijrt train Fri- Iday evening which caused his death a few minutes after the accident. ' 1 bis should be a waroingagaiust un necessary exposure of life to all I young men and buys v ho have made la practice' of this bad habit. ..Can Ididate Wolfe for JuryCommiasion I er was looking up bis friends here . . People who always want to move chicken houses, should not build them stationary, hut build them on rollers Editor Wngenseller will npake a creditable National Delegate 1 d will faithfully rcpreseul the in tereists ol the Republican party. I 9OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 8 lTfi That he never did know just how to bay furniture until he found himself in onr store. And you will regret the bar gains lost if you have not in spected our- liue of furniture, which is the most complete in the city. We name you few of our bargains : Reed Rockers, - $1.25 and up. Couches, - - . $4.50 and up. Bed Room Suits, $16.50 and up. ' Win. A. SHIPHAN, 439 MARKET ST. SUNBURY, PA- Frank S. Rlegle, t. . . ..--.. r Willi I ic exec who Btayei bnmkfasl line oi iiig low ii young ladies, left Tuesilav morning. Some parties here arc asking wnnl kind of i In iking man is thi ( I. U . Wagenseller They say they hear lie is a nice man, hut thev ncversaw .Ic stcemcd ,.h rilCSS VOII must Lr'l ij them know you re iiiman lieing. e re- reasons exolaiued else- issue, we Will he una to rrant the reauesl ol oui :iiii lail hlii I'nrrc-iioinlcut, llllicll U we would like to do so. It would lie a pleasure and a satisfaction to meet personally and talk to every voter, but under the circumstance.' we hope every voter will accept Hssiininee that we will in evcrv lOSSlblc endeavor to merit evcrv lum. ( icorgi around to let e olile a grel thai lor where in thi t iirncd I . Ill VII an carl Hover,' nlished grovi Anck penra thinks this i another n it ... . Parks is porter I louse an I Tom at j will do this when everything t i else fails. There is no doubt I .i u I . l m I about it. ll nourisnes, i i nceom ir Selins- . .K. .'i A. r inaue ms senn-wecnn vc iti our townSiturdav ni toVS arc out f date, 'I'll!. mi Ketib ind thai is ul the ferry Ihe .National. Tint's right, Mary, don't you weep. r nc There is no better raedieine foi Hie babies than Chauiberlnin'e Couch Itc.ccilv. fts pleasant tasti mid prompt and fcfteotual cures make il ft fttvorite with mothers and small T, , t, p-,,,.!,,,,.,, Qr- hildren. It qutcklv cures their coughs and colds, preventing pneu- chestra Saturday night was well monia and othr serious eonse attended considering the inclement es. It also cures croup ami ,i a i.,,. nreiwrei mplaiiM'. I he program was varied by vocal solos and ipiartettes . . ..Mrs. I is An Editor's Uf Sninl li.v hliinlx r IiiIii'm 4 -x I it l . During the early p"-! f October l'.iii, 1 contraoted a bad cold which settled on mv Inn s ;nnl was neiilect- strcnfilhens. builds up and I ed until I lemed jbat consumption I ii iw j 7 hail apiicaicil i , :m liiciini'iit slate. j makes the body strong and r WM constantly couuhing and try- s heallhv, not only to throws ing to expel some thing which I could I off tkic hrd roiirth but tr I I became alarmed ami after oll this hard cougn, put to Kivisl)9icai doctor a trial boughl fortifv the system against bottle of Chamberlain's Couah I further attacks. If you are I lteinyd ami the i-cmiII w,,s immedi- s , I j : ate improvement, nnil alter I hml i run down or emaciated you j Ultedthre bottles my lungs were I should certainly take this' restored to their healthy state.- B. if u:- f a .i::r.,. 7 S. Edwakds, l'ulihslier of The Re- j nourishing food medicine, j vi(iW u Vll;it in Por by A irvc. aiul f i all drunRisls. I Dnitr'Tists - SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemist, Ntw York. T : I ii hi hi mi Hi l til Tft Ittr J mm : pft. r i. . t i i ne li vision oi roresirv lit IKEBURM. cnlei I mer tin i,ucuic. .... . wav luis been useil in tens 01 cnouaanaa , .. .it i-..,c-, U'l t.houtn inale failure so wen pOSMlDie UIIUeilNOi 10 .L-..t - - l,afn1i II I iv - , , , i IBl BB WD UCO MwJ mw. w ' ... 1. 1 vote casl tor your numoie set vaui. uot onlv oureseroup.but when given Editor I st. I as soon us the cronpy cough appears, - will nrnvent the attack. In cares of SALEM. whooping cough it liquefies the 'Wharf j tounh mucus, making it easier to ex-, j ,,yer . ....... . oevtorate.ann lessens, i se ,-iy. , ,. , - On Tuesilav mgbt of last week thus depriving tbat tlisease oi a ;"".1v: , " " ?... 7Z acrand nooturn was given to Ira dangerous oensequeaces. For sale Philade.ph.a (). Miller ofS.in (;, u,bcrli,,.andwifeatlhel.omeof by all drugg. its, ; bury spend..,, a short time with Ills inoill'T. . . . mm. ia-vi oy was PAXTOHVILLE sirv lias ue to investigate early nexl sum- ex! remo eastern distribution of the Kooky Mountain trees. The information w ill he tor the benefit of tree pla. iters on t he western plains, lor the success of planting in thoc regions must largely depend upon introducing the trees which are na turally adapted to them. Hereto- ii m i t if lire :i ii'tm it n in r n i ) rtio timok: In lip leatsot iiuiiimci s " ' - i- .i iihiutml iniiiii tlii i .l-i i ik li-i -. i I. nan Denatmr ine ween wito ' i DEALSB IN PIANOS, SEWING MACHINES, ; -''. .1 Middleburg, v remiereil several select ions, BolicjttnB Myron MoyeJ the groom. The party was served with a treat, consisting of apples and sweet cider. Lon may you live is the wish of your many friends. Ira. Happy may you be. . Mrs. Meiser was the lucky woman to keep her husband Irom the parts last week Ezra, you QUght to enlarge your stable, if you want to .store hay and shelter horses from the uold winter nights... J. M. Aurand and Colcinaii brought some hay from Mr.Seiver for Dr...Kev. Schna ble is making rapid progress at his house carpet-rag party was witnessed at Jac. Ku-tcr's on Wed nesday nijlit The spelling B. wa largely attended at Fair Oak on We lui silay evening Jacob, if enough to be or as we hope eastern species, the effort of planters MVIDg lieeii gradually to force the eastern Species westward. There is I reason to believe that a number of Rocky Mountain trees, accustomed called to Beading to visit her father, to an ai id 'vininnient, will be apt 1 Dr. Brown, who has lately been at- u r"' 11U,K' ",ort! wene Hon. J. P. Wetoel of Heavertown ,i,.te(I wi(, apoplexy Hawy 1 1',1"1" rvKum than the eastern species, passed through town Tuesday.... .'isK.r has heeii on thi: sick list for ' Tj"H w lrtinl;irly true of trees, Mrs. John Martin died Wednesday (K. p, fe, . . ,Quifc nOtHbet wnJon & "lyon lower ele- j and was buried at the Hassinger Lf ,. ,,,,,,,1. iir,. Buffering tromyatlons and whiolj follow the streams church Saturday forenoon. The de- sort. tlimit .... Arthur ( '. Brown, j some distance into the plains, ceased was about 73 years of age. who has been employed for some The work will be done largely by Samuel Weidenniyer, Sr. of Met 'lore t,me jn tl, Asylum, Danville, spent oollnbortors of the Division who are transacted business m town Thurs- Monday night with bis parents.. . . familiar with the region. To each day.... Harry Howell of Lewis- Brian Teate of Hummef's Whaif, a will be assigned a certain area, in town spent Sunday with his family member of the Freeburg Orchestra, which, following the trees eastward, at this place. .. .Protracted meeting snent Saturdav and Sundav in this he will studv their habits id" growth place A niimncr oi relatives yiiij5 usiumons. were pleasantly entertained by S. G. : Hilbish and family Saturday. A iereiciaieiFi fattedturkev and dainties such as " . '"jurea oy tne ate orooffee. i.i i . .i. .... e nseo i norsoav eveuiuii touiuui converting one soul. This is some thing that has not occurred at thi. place for a number of years. .L von are lortunate elected for Btinervi you arc, remember the water-courses .The Mover estate held an ap praisement last week and arc going to have -ale in March Henry Pontius ha- already taken some of htrmiug implements to Mifllin, where he expects to move in the spring . .John Fisher was hauling stone Inst week to civet another new house in Salem Vbsalom Arbo- is sMnding his Sundays at Row's, the Idler . . Kving to the funeral of Mrs. Steininger, there were no services at Salem oil Sunday. Iv KEAMEit. Mrs. Wm. Bickel took Ashlaud last week, where IimiuI is runnins a hotel E. Derr made a business trip to Ecavertown and Adamsburg Satur day Miss Bessie Erb, alter spending several weeks at Potts-: grove, returned home Thursday. . . Teachers' Institute was held in the Paxtouville Grammar school Friday evening. It was one ol the most interesting meetings held this year yet. ...While Kolandus Hassinger and his family were attending Mrs. Martin's funeral on Saturday, they met with a very serious accident. Through some cause not known to me, threeol his children were thrown out of the spring wagon, and I am informed today that two ol them had their collar bones broken. . . . Don't forget to cost your votes, for Irwin Gray bill and Geo. W. Wag- i triii In onaallar SmI imhiv tor .Illl'V i fill Mils- "08 i u..- .: - I v...;.'..,.l n,,le.'rr,te TI ii i v , SUI ucciat el wherev er I I v. I III!--- I ' I M I illlU .miwiini t,v . " I . .Geo. arc civlitaliV mn for tin position 1 1 , . , . , t I . - 1. '.. i -.1 l t- ... j i i r- ii i ly iin-ic iiiirt iiffii in -i re i m winter s crystals alone can supply the Krocnrv KtorHM .1 new preparation were served. After dinner thev were palled (i KAIN ), made of pure grains pleasantly entertained by music bv uJS?-i! ,M u Tb.? ' ... . . ; ' i ' most delicate stomutMi reeeivea it Mrs. . ( . UllblSn, Ada . MOV- , without distress, and but few can tell er. of the Musical Collece and oth-1 if fro"i ooffee. It does not com over .-I ii i ... .1.- i i vuo-iuun ii hi ii man. in tin-. i imiv ers. iney amen incmrm ""PPy ; nrink It with Kreat beneflf Wo. and and telling Uncle Sam they would iKe. per package Try it. Ak for soon come again. (JRAIN-O. New Store ! New Goods! Low Prices ! Inquire for . . Prices and Terms. Public Sales NMleea of anis will b liiantod tree underUiln lii'iidliiK "lii'ii llii-lilils an; priined at Oils onice. wnentuaMlnarenotpiiiitnd at Mils onice wi i'i-iit win in- i-iianfi-ii. ivrsoiiH ixiiti-tlntf to liavc sale shoulil selt-t-l aduto anU liavii ll insert: ad In ilils column. THURSDAY, Pad, ft iwo. tlin-e mllea .outli-wi-nt of Oanliavtlla. Bllaj lliirtman willrell 5 Saraai, ll cows, t hcail yoiinic rattle ami farmiiiK liiipU-iiientH. 8A1i',li'..AY.- Feb 2I- ,s0- " 8"Kr Street, tn ImtobhrfL A. I.. Sianfrler will sell acom plete lot ofhouseliold fuaniture. WKUNKHDAY. Feb. 28. near Kichfleld. Mrii. Mary O ray IS 1 1 will tall 1 home, 10 head of eattli-and farming Implement. TlirilS DAY. March 1, two and one-fourth mllea iiorth-weat of chapman 1'ont Ofllje, Mm. O. W. Slahl will sell one horse ami farming linplcuientH, THURSDAY, Mareh 1, lOoo, two and ono-fourth miles DOrtb-waal of Chapman. Alice A. stahl will sc'l II horses, 1 cow. farming im plements and h.um-hold goods. THURSDAY. March I, IKoo, three miles south of New Berlin, Chus.c Verger will sell I mules, '2 horses. cows and farming implements. FKIDAY, March 2, John Walter will sell live stock and farming Implements 2'i miles west of Mldalaburg. WEDNESDAY, March 7, 19oo. two miles north of kreanier, Mns Sarah Dimkplhewr will sell ft horses. II heail of cattle and farming implements. WSDIfRSDAY, March 7 at liisfarmJ miles went of Mlildlehiirg. ILK. Unas will sell I ho 'si-s. 2 mules, is head of cattle. IS shouts, I hrood sows and funning implement.. FRIDAY, March lit, MQO, one and one-half miles ninth of Oriental ami 2 miles west of Nat serelllo, .lohn llilliert will sell 2 mules, 6 head of cattle ami funning implements. HONDA Y, March 12. I9oO, near Kantz, K- K. I'auhcrt will sell live stock, farming imple ments and household goods.. THURSDAY, March II, I'.HVI. Iewis Fisher wilt sell horse , cows and farming iinpleinents, near HoKaaa Hal! Fatta. BATURDAY March 17. IVBO, three miles nortli eastof Ntddlabuqt, Edward Hummel' will sell 4 horses. I cows. head young cattle ami farming Implement, SA'l l lUlAY, March 17. I'.Wik nt Hotel Indepcnd-en.-e. Chapmaii V O , Snvilcr county, will sell horses, haggles mid household' furni ture. MONDAY, March lOih, wm. Rtttw will sell 3 horses, 12 head of entile ami farming Imple ments 1 mile c. ist of Kiatcrviilc. Ti KSUAl .March 30, near Pallas, John BbaSw will sell stock ami farrring ImpUtDeata. X ii niiii .i4ii .1 1 1 1 sN ! '1 1 II Special Announcement Glassware. I have just received-a fine assortment ot glassware, con sisting ot Cake Dishes, Fruit Stands, Celery Trays, Butter Dishes, Pitchers, Spoon Hold- I ers, Ac., &c. at prices ranging from f)lo 16 cents. Peerless linking Powder, one pound cans, 8c. Axle (irease, 15c. cans at 10c, 200. buckets at 15c. Fine Cloves and heavy Men's Mitts. X S. B. SIMONTON. HinMi I' l"l II1IIHM 8KLIXSGH0VE. .Mrs. Ira S'hoch and two sons were at Philadelphia last week ut tendins the funeral ol an aunt of N H::' ' 2fv' J "A"h,:, "aving opened a store i.. Doodle- an. son.,l.lers(.ySliores,eut.....,iay tow I wish to invite the attention with . h. Alliert and family. ,,, the )lit. , a f th., I he College (.lee and MukJoIio ,t jowert ( "lults took a I'oneerting tour last ' kand were well retvived and 1 JaB" BE SURE . . . That your even ami yoni Children's oyes are it) uood condition. ih"v were . . Bishop Talbot oi this Diocese ot the GordoD,whoia working at Pbila- Thev are staunch RepublicaDH and Episcopal Cbufoh was in town on , Jelnhia is at home at present should tl.erelore rc-ceive a large ; Saturday inspecting All Saints Frank Thomas was at Mohanoy ( itv number ot votes. . . . K. C. Walter , P. S AlU-rt and wife, : American Knglc Ilrand Loose 1 toast ed Coffee, has a delicious flavor and 1l. umlaut strength. For the purpose of introducing tliis new brand lam offering it at only 11 cents a pound or S pound for SO cents, (live us o trial order and you will huy again. but week, trapping a pigeon mau l, and wife and Mrs. Joseph Walter wnoraeni a wcck a . ' shu J i t . a is ttr i, I O VV 1 I ll'llilvln il't llli Ml I r it 1 P.'t lllili.il llnttlf At tint fnnla. M Newton Mshcraml moth- visits r . r . "alter unci xvue onn- T'T a itv .""Z 1. nome oD many oi mm wees , . - ' - ..... I nOtind DACKAirnsI 10 rent., iiaeli .1 P ' i m ... J I A aValtsfj Lurvicn rn holil 111 tin- tUi)- i . a . ''"fi "-" " " imcungcB, or iv pou ims lor BU cents. it a I 1 . a. I lege cliurcn on ounciay evening iasi - Xhese are Special Bargains Irienda Deaf New Berlin last week Ask your grocer today to show you ; ; .vev ,,e osier a.iu w. weta to John V. Stetler of Middleburg a package of OKAIN-O, the new food uafmi rtTr as last ...Mrs. er Mrs. Scars, of Selinsgrove visited day a week. James Zitgler's last Wednesday... Mrs. Millard Bollinger was visiting , Try untin-o ! Try umin.o. widows' Apra .imkmcxth. Notice Is herein- given Unit the following : wi lowa appralaemenis under tap lion law h? been llled vv it ii tlMOWrk ul the Orphans Court Ol Snyder (' unity and will M presented tor con- ; Drtnattoti on Mooday, Pabraaraj, law. Appraisement nf Plora K. Hoyar, widow of Ilr. C. A. Buyer, late of Hc'liisji'ive, SnjdsrCn. I' i.,deoeo:uted, elected to U; taken under tl.e fjnti BxetnpUon law. ApprulHR.nc.it ol Ainutidu .icinherllug, widow of Win. 11. Oeinheiliiig. laic of "llnsgro 'e, !.. ( i deceased, eleeled t ) be lakt-n under the Ciuo cxempilon law. AppriilHeineii' ol Alice S. Marti, widow of ' I.ullier A. Merl., late Ol Centre I'owtiHhlp, Sn). tier Co.. IM.. deeeaseil.eliH-led U) be tuken under i the $n BnaStlon law. i appralasmeni of s iphin B P -ter, widow nt I Henry J I'e'er, lata of Wen Bearer Township, i Snyder Co , I'.i., dei-eased, electtd tube taken I under the (Jou exempt on law, AppralHement of Matilda K. l-'aremnn, widow' of Kllss Kuretnaii, hue or Adams Township, Snyder Co., I"a., dereuaed. elec'Ud to be taken ' under the Mou ex.npt.on law. ADpralscmenS of Alice A s-nhl, widow of o. W. Stabl, late of Chapman Township, Snyder 1 I Co., Ia., deceased, elected to be tuken under I the Hoo exemption law. O. M SHINI1EL, Clerk O.C. Mlddleburs. Pa...Ian.if7 l9uo. , lui in town on business Mondav of drink that taken the place of coffee. , wedding of Mr. arid Mrs. Hunsick, u ,.....L- MiamErma lfasns I The children may drink it without ; grandparents ot Mrs. Ir hlmer . . ,. Aiii 1 1 i: . t a.. . visited friends It Middleburg last w.ek ...Mrs. S. A. App and Miss try ,k iU ,$l?m h:"", -a i- . rich seal brown of Mocha All who Crumbine and family left for their has that i ncw home at Wotnebxlorf .... Mrs. nr .lavn It t r l imttl Minnie Conner of S-linsL'rove visit- .T . Z. lj' na W ,e .w " """T I J I tltlt It IS lUatie Irlllll urv umiun, ami eti the former's parent several ""P tj,e lll08t dellcata stomach receive It last week... Mrs. Henry (iroover of ; wit,00t diatres. One-fourth of the liwwishuru visitetl relatives in town j ,,rce of coffee. 15c. and 25c. perpack tbc latter part of last week. age. Sold byall grocers. port to the Hospital for treatment A song service was held in Trinity Luth. church on Sunday evening. Come in and try them. We will have other Offers. Watch our "ad. MlDDLEBURQH MARKET. A. H. MOYER. PARKER'S . HAIR BAL8AM Paniav sad btaounsi taa hi Cans soslp Aasi kir UlUai. 8PINAL MrKtt Butter 20 Eggs 14 Onions Lard 6 Tallow...:. .. 4 Chickens 6 Turkeys Shoulder H".m Wheat 68 Rye 50 Corn 35 Oats (old) 00 Oats (new).... 25 Potatoes Bran per 100. 80 Middlings " 90 ClaOp aaa 1) riM i i t l .lev m.iv not 'Minium. ;inJ. vou 'f l. !... 1..." i- l..a i : .m .i i v ii iii i nn' u I've nii iiinni . ... 4T l....: . a a. . i ici-iiiisr 1 1 1 1 iiiiixin.iiii inaiu'r. ti'-t flu' tmvt vritli ! I itci .1 ittft iuiiiitwit' XT I 1 1 i .1 a ' V ti, Ill Will III 'I'll 'I 111 111 M II II- fa . 1 H m i. A. !ll A II 4. II l a. J IS J Ill' ll IH ,1 l.i PII'IIL r. I IllSI-fll O O 1 I i t in Dioeu wiin exueiience ana utm 1 mistakes a thing of the jmst. drugs used. B. F. SHEIBLEY, Jeweler and Refrnctintr Onticinn. i i m i ii iiiiji -vr i r wrr t rwi-rt rrr Graduate Philadelphia Optical College. WANTED ! lvcliabie man tor Manager Hrancfl Ofhce I wish to onen in t vicinity, (rood openinir for an A? 1 If 11 i'I 'tlii: Miirpr msn. rvinniv mpm this paper when writing. A. T. MORRIS Cincinnati, Til s.a.a a i lusiraieti earnioiriip 4 eta nnftta