The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 15, 1900, Image 7

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Chicago is no better and no worse
than an other large city. In fact, if
one were to take
size into considera
tion, Chi ca(n
would not be found
to be much worse
than the major
ity of the village!
throughout the en
tire country. The
wickedness of any
great city is grout
by o o in p a r i so n
with fhe Filial ! r
town s, beoaui e
only the vice, and
not the ilifTen nee
Ths G ' (--h ' on Lvery
in population, is
But people throughout the entire
country Ken) to think that they have
placet! both their lives and their repu
tations in jeopardy if they get with
in hailing distance of the western me
tropolis, while the truth is that nine
times out of ten they could Qnd as much
wickedness to the square foot in their
own village! as they could And In
1 have friends residing ill the east,
who Started on a trip to the west some
time ;igo, and when I heard of where
they had gone 1 eluded them for not
having called upon me while In Chi
cago on their way west, supposing, of
course, they had passed through the
city, as it luy within their most direct
"But we did not pass through Chi
cago on our way west,'" said the letter
which I received in reply. "We trav
eled west by way of Springfield und
Quincy, so as not to expose Harry to
the wickedness of Chicago."
Harry is a H-year-old son whose life
has been spent in a village in New York
state. He missed seeing the sights of
a great city because his parents were
afraid of exposing him to the contam
inating influence of the t-rty's wicked
ness. The sights he would have seen
on every corner; the wickedness he
would have had to search for. But the
incident illustrates the character of
Chicago's reputation, Is de
served or not.
About a Good Vonnar Maa.
That crime exists in Chicago in large
quantities is true; that it entraps many
a brilliant and
promising young
yuan in its nets and
carries him down
toulifeof debauch
ery and ruin is
equally true. But
so it does every
where, either in
village or city. The
number that are
caught in Chicago
is greater because
there are more to
The w a y s in
which these young
Was on Examplery
Young Man.
men are caught, in which the Chicago
sport is born, are numerous. This shall
be the true story of but one incident
that will illustrate but one way.
At the time our story opens, as th
fiction writers would say, our hero, il
such lie may be called, was but 11
years of age. In fact, our story deals
with but five years of his life, from
17 to 22, but in that five years lie lived
a lifetime.
This young man was the son of mod
erately well-to-do parents. The father
was working on a salary for a large con
cern in Chicago, but they had never
known the pinch of poverty. At 17
the son had secured the best schooling
the public schools of Chicago could
give him. Be had learned something of
the .hree K's and had dabbled in the
fads, and when graduation day in the
high school came he felt that he was
equipped for bis life struggle.
So much for bis education. Morally
he was an exemplary young man. Not
of the extremely good kind, but good
enough so that no one need have been
ashamed to associate with him. Be
took an interest in church work in the
suburban town in which he lived,
though he was not a church member.
And then at 17 he stepped out of school
into the counting room of a big grain
commission- company and begun bis
life work.
Road That Led to Rain.
The employer of this young man
lived in the same suburban town, and
41 i . . ,
iney roue 10 uu
fS Z city on the same
train. The em
ployer rode in the
jTJ smoking car, that
JQ he might enjoy an
a f t e r-breakfast
cigar and play a
sociable game, of
cards for small
stakes with con-
J genial friends. The '
1 j i.. I
) young man rode iu
the same car, that
he might, when oc-
Th First 8 tap Down- c a s i o n offered,
ward. show an interest
in his employer.
Before the first month had passed be
had lost his interest in his employer,
but continued to ride in the smoker,
that be might enjoy the fumes from
an after-breakfast cigarette and watch
the card game. When the employer no
ticed tbe cigarette, he advised the
young man to throw it away and ac
cept a cigar which he offered. Tbe
young man accepted tbe advice and
the cigar. The employer also called his
attention to a few good hand which be
held, and the young man showed the
U 1 -fm
: "'"riHi V 1
if . j
b .
desired interest. The subject of cards
permitted a friendly familiarity on the
part of the young man with his em
ployer at the oflice, and he talked glib
ly of "full houses, three of a kind,
tluslits, jack pots," and other terms
iignlflctnt of poker, and his fellow em
ployes envied his opportunities.
Mien there cajue a day when busi
ness called the employer to Buropi to
be gone for several weeks. 'I lie nest
morning his three old business friends
tilt disconsolately in, the smoking cai
w ishing for a fourth hand at curds, The
third morning after the departure ol
the employer the young man occupied
the vacant seat and played, as herald,
for his employer. That morning he
won. and at noon he spent his winnings
Tor u better luncheon than he had been
accustomed to,
Thai was not the first step In a down
ward course, but the second. The first
had been the smoking car to which be
had not been accustomed, and the en
couragement of his emploj cr.
Well lcnrnci) hessott,
fly the time the employer returned
from Europe the card game with the
young man as a
participant hud b
c o m e a regular
thing' each morn
ing, Hut the young I
mau was not sure the employer
Would approve of
his course In hav-
Ing played for him,
and did not men
tion it.
When t h e em
ployer took his ac
customed place iu
t h c game the
morning after his
return the young
Full Fledged 3port at
mau held buck until one of the friends
asked if he was not "coining in," and
offered Sn explanation. The employ
er told Ii i tn to "conic in" if he liked,
and the young man "came."
That morning the employer won,
ami it took half of the young man's
salary for the week to pay his losses.
That day he ate no lunch at all, but
his pride would not permit him to tell
the other men what his employer ill
read;, knew, though he thought noth
ing nor cared nothing of the circum
tance, and the young man continued
to play, and to often go without his
luncheon and other necessities and
luxuries which his salary should have
brought him.
The employer was not tt sport. Be
was a respected business mini to
whom a game of cards was a pastime,
and who cared nothing for the small
amounts he won or lost, but he had
unconsciously taught the young mnn
to love a game of chance. His church
' impunions were forgotten, and in
their place he made friends with the
class who knew all too well the paths
of crime, and these he followed. His
Saturday afternoons were spent at
the race tracks, at the gambling
houses and the pool rooms, his even
ings at the theaters devoted to the
prize ring.
Starting from a game of cards in i
smoking car he had, in two years'
time, become a sport' in all that the
name implies in Chicago.
Changed Ohfrki for Itrlpe.
By the end of three years the well
trained boy of 17 had become the sport
of 20, but in that
i. Ntime lie had risen
-s .. . j
-Si trust in me House
I worked, and con
siderable sums of
money were en
trusted to h i m.
The card games on
the train were con
tinued, but the em
ployer knew of
none of the other
vices to which the
Wearing a Convict's
young man had be
Qarb in Joint.
come addicted.
While the em
ployer traded on the board of trade it
was always for customers, never for
himself, nor did be know that, the
young man whom he had raised from
not but much more than an oflice boy
to a position of trust was interested
1 in the rise and fall of grain.
I "liny wheat for a rise to-day," was
the instructions the young man heard
1 lie employer give to one of the firm's
buyers. Be knew not what was be
hind those instructions, but be had
confidence in the judgment of his em
ployer. Be also needed ready cash.
His accounts were $5,000 short; $5,000
of hi employer's money was the price
he had paid for becoming entrapped
in the nets of crime. Another thou
sand would not be missed for a few
days more, and with it he bought
margins on wheat for a rise.
Thp Insrf ructions hi pmnlnvpr hml
given bis buyer were those trans
mitted by him from a customer and
did not express bis own views of the
market. Be did not expect wheat tj
rise that day, and it did not. When
the board closed and the time of set
tlement came the whole terrible tale
was brought to view.
That day it lacked but six weeks of
being five years from the day when he
had first ridden to the city in the
smoking car with his employer and
witnessed a game of cards for money.
At the end of that six weeks the
young man's name had been ex
changed for a number, and he was
wearing a convict's garb at Joliet.
I , HIM: .1 11
That in addressing Mrs. Pinkham
you are communicating with e woman
i. woman whose experience i;i treat
ing woman's ilia is greater than that
of any living person mule or female.
A woman can t; ilk freely to I wo
man when it is revolting to relate her
private troubles to a man.
Many women MitTVr in silence and
drift along' from bad to worse. Know
ing full well that they should have
Immediate assistance, but u natural
modesty impels them to shrink from
exposing themselves to the questions
and probable examination of even
their family physician. It is unneces
sary. Without money or price yon can
consult a woman, whose know ledge
from actual experience is unequaled.
Women suffering from any form of
1 female weakness are invited to freely
communicate with Mrst Pinkham at
Lynn, M ass.
All letter. are received, opened,
read and answered by women only.
This is a positive fact -not u mere
statement. It is certified to by the
mayor und postmaster of Lynn and the
Women's Christ i aii Temperance Union,
whose letters, all in a little book, Mrs.
Pinkham bus just published. Thus
has been established the etcrual con
fidence between Mrs. Pinkham and the
women of America which 1ms never
been broken and has induced more
than sufferers to write her for
advice during' the lust few months,
tint of the vast volume of experience
Which she has to draw from, it is
more than possible that she lias gained
the very knowledge that will help
your case. Sue asks nothing iu re
turn except your good-will, und her
advice has relieved thousands, llorc
is one of the euses we refer to:
Miss Collier Writes for
Mrs. Pinkham's Advice,
Receives it, and is Made
Well. Read Her Three
" Deaii Mns. Pinkham I have read
in a paper of a young lady who was
cured by the use of Lydia K. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound, and would
like your advice in regard to my case.
I have taken medicine, but do not set
that it has helped mo much. I huve
such dreadful cramps and pains at
time of menstruation that it seems
sometimes as though I could hardly
stand it. I would be so thankful if I
could find a cure for my trouble.
Please tell me what to do." Miss
I. ii i.ik ,M. Collier, Pigeon Uun, Ohio,
April 9, 1890.
"I received your letter in reply to
mine and I followed your kind advice;
have taken four bottles of your Veg
etable Compound. I think it has
helped me a good deal. How iiiuny
bottles will effect a cure?" Miss
Lit. I. ik M. CoLUKB, Pigeon Uun, Ohio,
July 11, 1B98.
" I again did as you advised me and
now I feel it my duty to tell you w hat
I.ydiu 13. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
Found has done for me. For five years
suffered untold agonies at time of
menstruation. 1 have now taken
twelve bottles of Compound and used
three boxes of Liver Pills and nm en
tirely cured of the drendful pain I
used to suffer. I advise all those who
suffer with female Weakness to write
to Mrs. Pinkham. at Lynn. Muss."
Miss Lit. i.ik M. Collikk, l'iguou Ban,
Ohio, May 10, 1899
Two More Women Who
Acknowledge the Help
They Have Received from
Mrs. Pinkham.
"Dear Mrs. Pinkham The doctor
says 1 have congestion of the womb,
and cannot help me. There is acliing
in the right side of abdomen, hip. leg,
and back. If you can dome any good,
please write." Mrs. Nina Chase,
Fulton, N. Y., December 20, 1897.
" Bear Mrs. Pinkham I followed
your instructions, and now 1 want
every woman suffering from female
trouble to know how good your advice
and medicine is. The doctor advised
an operation. I could not bear to
think of that, so followed your advice.
I gat better right off. I took six bottles
of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound and used three packages of
Sanative Wash ; also took your Liver
Pills, and am cured." Mrs. Nina
Cuask, Fulton, N. Y., December 12,
"Dkar Mrs. Pinkham Bave been
suffering for over a year and had three
doctors. At time of menstruation I
suffer terrible pains in back and
ovaries. I have headache nearly every
day, and feel tired all the time. The
doctor said my womb was out of place.
Would be so glad if you could help me."
Mns. Carl Voss, Sac City, Iowa,
August 1. 1898.
" Please accept my sincere thanks for
the good your advice and Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has
done me. I did everything you told
me to do, and used only three bottles,
and feel better in every respect."
Mrs. Carl Voss, Sac City, Iowa, March
23, 1899.
Mrs. Pinkham has Fifty
Thousand Such Letters as
Above on File at Her Office-She
Makes No State
ments She Cannot Prove.
kelios In the Inirrnnilainal Series fee
Kebroarr IN, nnio Jeans at
Jacob's Well.
Prepared by Hector C. I.enlngion
(John 4:5-14.)
5 Then cometh he to a city of Snmiirla,
which Is culled Sychnr. near to the parcel
f ground thai Jacob gave to his son Jo
trph. 6. Now Jacob's Wtll was there. Jcpii.
therefore, belnn Wtarltd With HI Journey,
Sut thus on the Well! and tl was about the
sixth hour.
7. There comet h a woman of Samaria to
ilraw wster; Jesus salth unto her: Give
me to drink.
8 (For His disciples were gone away unto
the city to buy meat.)
9. Then salth the woman of Bamsrls unto
Him: How Is It thut Thou, bilriK n Jew,
sskest drink of ire. which am a woman of
Samaria? for Ihe Jews have r.o dealjngl
with the Samariums.
to. Jesus answered and said unto hen If
ihou kaswsst the Rift of Qod, and w ho it i
that snitii to the i Give me to drink; tfcou
wouldest have ssktd of Him, and lis would
have irlvsn thee llvlns water.
11 '.;.c- woman salth BBto lllm: Sir. Ihou
hn.t nothing to draw with, and the well
l deep; from whence then hast thou thut
living waUr?
12. Art Thou greater thur our father Ja
cob, which cave us the wll, aie! drank
thereof himself, and his children, and his
13. Jesus answered and said unto her:
Whosoever drlnketli of this water shall
thirst sfalai
14. Hut whosoever drlnketli of Hie water
that 1 chilli give htm shall never thirst:
but tli water that 1 shall give him shall
tie In him u well of water springing up into
everlasting life,
OOLDBN TEXT, God Is a Spirit; and
they thai worship lllm must worship lllm
Ui spirit und in truth, John 1:24.
This lussou takes us to khe close of
Jesus' lirst year of public ministry, De
cember, A. D. 37. This marks the close
of that period known as the Jltdean
ministry. For convenience we "ill fol
low in the sttuly of the text and context
the following outline:
Introductory John titt-86, 4:1-3
Jesus and the Samaritan Woman ... vs 4-9
The Water of Lift vu. 10-U
Jesus Heads the Woman's Itiart .vs. 16-18
True Worship vs. 1V-2I
Jesus ihe. Messiah vs. ?.-;;
Jesus and His Disciples vs. i.7, ;il-M
Preaching to the Samaritans vs. i!8-3u
Introductory. All through the early
ministry of Jesus thus fur John the
itajitist had been preaching and baptiz
ing in Judea. Jesus' preaching attract
ed large crowds. John observed this,
and said: "He must increase, but I must
decrease." It wus a noble self-renuncl-ution
on the part of John that lie could
see that it was his measure of success
that he could have helped attract the
people to Jesus, while his own follow
ing wus fuiluig oh. Hut it opened up a
situation of which the pharisces (ni
ways bitter) were not slow in tuking
advantage. They tried to awaken jeal
ousy and conflict between thedlsciplei
of John and those of Jesus. John's
work, however, was not yet done, so
Jesus, with a practical w isdom disciples
of our later day would do well to study
nnd imitate depart! from Judea and
turns toward Galilee,
Jesus and the Samaritan Woman.
Travellr g through Samaria Jesus came
to Jacob's well just without the city of
Sychnr. Here He stopped to rest, send
ing nis disciples on into the city to huy
food. While they were gone there came
a woman to draw water from the well.
The request of Jesus for a drink sur
prised the woman. A strict Jew would
not have asked any favor of n Samnrl
'.cn. Much less would a strict Jew have
mude such a request the way for open
ing a conversation. Undoubtedly Jesus
was tired und thirsty, yet we may Im
agine that He used just this opportun
ity in just this way for winning the
woman's heart. "How is it," she said,
"that thou, being a Jew, askest drink
of me, which am a woman of Samaria?"
The Water of Life. The question not
only showed the woman's surprise, but
indicated a willingness to talk with the
stranger. So Jesus followed up His ad
vantage, and said: "if thou knewest
the gift of God, nnd w ho it is that salth
to thee, (Jive me to drink; thou WOUld
est have asked of Him, and He would
have given thee living water." That ex
pression, "(lift of God," is very signili
cr.nt, meaning theMessiah orC'nrist and
His salvation. Hut the Samaritan wom
an did not realize this hidden signifi
cance any more than she did the double
meat. ing Jesus put into those words
"living water." She only thought of
the water that is necessary to sustain
physical life.
"Sir," she exclaimed, "thou hast noth
ing to draw with, and the well is deep."
Jtsus had to open to her mind His real
and hidden meaning. "The water that
I shall give him," lie said in reply,
"shall be in bim a well of water spring
ing up into everlasting life."
Jesus Reads the Woman's Heart.
Jesus would not have completed His
mission to this woman had He stopped
with this truth. He must convince her
of her sinfulness; show her the need of
a change of heart. This He did by the
very gentle reminder of her past life,
M s, and even of her present living in
True Worship. Naturally now came
the idea of worship; but where? In
the holy mount of the Samaritan, or at
Jerusalem? Jesus showed her that the
infinite God is not confined by place or
circumstance. "God is a Spirit; and
they that worship Him must worship
Him in spirit and, in truth."
Jesus the Messiah. This Samaritan
woman had heard of the Messiah, and
after what Jesus hod said, it took only
His "I am He" to send her back to tbe
city to there proclaim the man "who
told me all things that ever I did."
The food of the body will not fed
the life of the soul.
Jesus offers tbe water of life to the
sin-stained, thirsty soul.
A chance meeting by the well yet
only God knows how much of chance it
was. In tbe providence of God the next
one we meet will be one from whom we
may learn or one whom we may help.
Prejudice should never stand In the
way either of giving or receiving help.
Holy mounts count not so-much with
Bod aa holy momenta.
mm r;.('it:'
lust . It.
fry, Dux
th. IV
I vol-..-,..,..
Old, II IS ! Jirtl't
lae wo'I I U' I'lpe
ofAi:: rici -i.i...
Any ONE of. tbe BIGG! ' )
B YDARS (retne'nd' t ff
to jiiv address i i A DO I LAK lill t
Bamalcoi F.kM JOt U.'i i..c ...
wti.Mi a ATKtNSo.l ACdi
f has. I- ji. n;;i.n;
4 t I I .III
40 ThcBICei.
This Dictionary
tl iin : .' I'ni
Onsntteer i 1 1
l il..; 7. Itiih
Lettar Writer ;
i . 1 liuiile.
it coatauii iu- psges, li-udio
Rite lis Indies.
' i,;,i,'j : --;
The Tsllest Mercantile Building in the World.
Owned and Occupied Exclusively ey Us.
1 I
? 3
"Star" in tags (showinrf small f tarn printoJ rn Jinder Ride
of tag). "Horse Shoe," "J.T.," "OootlLnek," ".Cross Bow,"
and " Drummond " Natural Loaf Tin Tag i art i 1 1 qnal value in
securinp presents mentioned below, nud uiay be asaorted.
Every man, woman attd ohild cn.i find aotacihii-c on the list
that they would liko to have, cud e:v:i liavo
r1 wi :es s
TAOa, j
1 Match Box 16
3 Kii'f, ona h!alr, fuod t'evl - i
I Bctwori, 4H tfichai 16
4 Chilli'- Ht, K.iife. York ami Hpouo
b SBit and Papptr Bel .onaoaohi quad-
nijii plata nn whtta matal Mi
a mncn Briar Wood llpa s&
? i.t i . t. n . around) Aqj tngUwIi
MtMl 60 I
I Utittpr Knife, trtria plate, bmt
quality 0
ft Kuar Rball tnt't" pia o, bee qnat. M
iu Stamp Boi, iterllnn stiver 71
11 Kiiiie, "F.ifn Rutter two bladne..
is Batcher Knife, "Keen Hotter," h-in
blade 75
is HhMif, "Keen Rutter' s-inrn.. 76
14 Nut Hpt, darker and ti licks, r-ilv.T
plated . . o
16 han I wt i: . "A , :. , ' qual.ldt.
16 Alarm Owek. nlr-kf 160
17 Hlx ()'nuliif Itoern' Teanpuon, bwt
j'lmfed RMdfl Mi
If Watch, nickel, tten wind and wt.. Ml
19 Carvnra, good tHi, bnckhurn
handles . ... SOU
90 Klx (tannine ttoMra1 Table Hiotia,
beat plated MOOI 260
tl Hir. each, Knlvenand Furkt. buck-
hurn liandlei S3U
tt 81i each, (iennlne K'uer' Knives
audfurka, best platfd g'lodjt 600
C...I.I Sin, Inn I M " S ' it r
Jtroviai nuiiuc i ,t prints
tmt will tw i ..'ii i
iliuiurai, ii rtypiviMi ..v 'h on "r opiit inr.,n i .i . r......
(WBEAR I.N MIND that a dlmf worth of
will lest leaser kml afford esore plrasare tbea . llmr' worth of any
othrrbr.od. MAKE THE TEST !
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A Parm Library rf nnetnutled valnc Practical.
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Altai, tut liaises Ci man a Sense Trent few. with over
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Alt ntnut rrowrac Reinll Fruits teadsnd testa ow
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all about l ... v,- ; Uiebrst Poultry Dock In cxlstrn.-.-.
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1 : i,r, s;e Centa.
Alt oh ml Cow I .1 the li.tiiy Basil ess t rmvinp n rtrrf
t.t'.": M.utnhti : i olomi Hictikc re productions ofeacli
litcvt, v :iii ijj uUicr UUistrstii as. Price, so OnU
n vi'ts.- !MW
Ml khoui Hogs Breedtaf, Peedlnc, Batch
s, .i Contains "vr 3o beautuul liuli-
tin i engravings. Price, jo Cents,
0?S nre iinii:e,orl(rlnol,uscfu1- younevei
lit! tlu i:i so practical, SO settsinU. Th ,
.ii enormous sale En 1. West, Not th nm
"i who keeps ii Horse, Cow, lloa nr
i'l 1 t ults, cm. 1:1 I., tend iiitln
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uvj unit fix,
fnryousnd note misfit. iti?jvcnn
' ; '! ..nil, liil-tlle i. ail nii-the lle'ilcl,-.
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l pspindiissise in the United Stales
rn.irntiiilllonanda - hatfregularrcaders.
.c, uuj i:.z FARM JOURNAL
I; id i j) will be sent by mail
culardt icribins BHifiLt: liOOXi' fr
I Mil. .Mil LI 111.,
50,000 Words
A rk of Bttrmorillnsiry litit to ail rlimt f pronrtfilTfi
people. In uaiu ii H nut xn Ii4-ii, i v rn b) tin' k.Tt-at lUsiidtiil work!
ol today. In quan lit it iuiiuiIiii nrail) every wrd in rnimmiii
uun wid fully wiiwen the purpuie of at trait three out of rven
four People. Worcester Diet Ion lias iwo wordtOntur) W5.0W
Riid Standard MMsOM. Tbem rtfroni lti t po each. Ourn nii
60000 worda may now be had uihmi tertni heretofore unheard-of.
a new device nhowi tlx- iiiiti forme of all the notine
Another polu 'N out aix ut mmio " shtiu-ult wordai ini
ihr iireatcFi of i ll acblevenieuti in modem dictionary makluii t the
Biiititimi . :":m. - urdx to this dirt lunar) i maaui uf a ittiglo pafef
called tlx ' oluitihlajt Word-Bulldar.' '
Ki!t a the Dlctlohary it alao Pontaltix twelve
lptarineiitHi ai follow: i. Abb re via
lib tiuiuirv i 3 Proper Nameaj 1
l 111 Vmrg0 CltlMI fsii Imni.-iiliii
m inatrnptofi B. siH-ini Ktlqitftli
I'm of ftiitulr; II. 1'iiiietiiiitloii ; IS
oly in. mill iu iniitatimi leather covers.
Th 1'ilrnilnes Fnrm nnd Home, our nsllpn-
il: ,ni -'ilv (wlilrli sneiiny n.-u rin uii'-
tlmi if HftO.OOOi, in.. Hum nnrt.if heniM wlM-ri' ll I" iiiii
taken, mass thr rnllnuini Kemarkebla Offen tds rmnusr
nrlrs ul Farm mill Home mi i enU a yesr. bat ws will emi it t iiiriiiliuiliii: tills nsper. m months on trial tor only jli MOtS
tin silver or Mamnsl. sml wlthonl further ehares no in
Oomprehenslva Webstar Irtctlonsvry," ft" shove oesrrliiea.wi
nisii. ji..Mi.iii Mi screpttDu Ihlsolisr will receive cnrinnaTUii
lerntlr lilnstrsted 40-iir. preininm list, eontalnlnt J o
useful srtlelss and soi stlia remsrksble o fieri ever mans
if your uhswtDt Inn i eni Immedlstsly we will ai. Ineluassroosei
A tl.. ,if tli.. Wnrl.l rnnt.iiiln innliM III rulers, whli" .'i.llltl e"l SI
Irani fl If inirrlisspil oepsrs'i'lv. Agent" ".nlel- everywlier,.
Mlirral riiinniliiKleTi fur work. Adrtrr.. till .tiUtb to
Springfield, Mass., or Chicago, Ills.
VWIH UU, 1119
VV vV4 eV
Wholesale Prices
to Users,
Our General Catalogue quotes
then, Send 15c to partly pay
postage or cxpressage and we'll
send you one. Ithas 1100 pages,
17,000 illustrations and quotes
prices 1 11 nearly 70,000 things
that yu cat ai"l use and wear.
We constantly tarry in stock all
articles quoted.
Hlshlajaa A v. A adtsea St., vlsaae.
il Clock, -dy, Calendar, Therroorn-
etr. Baroineteff ... 6ti
"4 Qnn caae, leather, do better made, -'-'jo
Revolver, nutomatte, doable actio a,
811 or :H ralllier ...600
16 Tool Set, noi playthtoge, bat real
toda 660
27 T"llel K-t leco-at'tl iKircelaln,
very handsome HtK)
Efl It-iiiiiitfton Rifle Mo.4, SJor ttcal. wi
39 Ua-h, sterllnu silver. full jewel.! IWKI
.so I)nMs Suit Ciu-ve, lutJier, haudsmuo
Bad durable 1000
"l Bcwlna Mu-liine, flral clue, with
all attach nents .. 1600
I SS Revolver, Oolt'e, M-cftllber, blued
iteel, i6oo
IS Rifle Colt 'a, 10-abot, tttweuber. ..1600
'.A Otiltar ( Wa.-hburn), fOMWOOdf in
laid ...sooo
36 Mandolin, very huniiuno .sooo
36 Winchester HeiKalng Shot (Inn,
II kUo 8000
37 ReaalOgton, doable barrel, ham
mer Shut GttD, in ur 12 wanje 9000
Tj Btoycle, standard umke. ladles or
lenta 26ou
Z9 Shut Chin. ReBiBgt09si kuble bar
rel, ham.nerle-iH HM
4U Heglna Mumc BoS, UJi iucb iJb..
Tin Tsks (thst In. Hisr tin tan with no nmsll
n un.lfr sidff of tau ir" not unl for iirrwnt.
f .r In CASH on till) 1S13 of i wouircontsMir