aas ssaaai1- - ' "s(B""i?!Blw9?Se The Middleburgh Post. I'ubliMlH'il everv Thursday. Jeo W. Wagenselier, tditor and Proprietor SubHoription per year. U- U imal i' pnl ID advance when sent out SMe tin en.lhty.) BaTSa Of ADVC RTI5INQ. i in,!. 1,1 uKerli: "iii.nts uol otherwise 5Ste l . iii noun .i id measure! tor nrst tojer ...I!. ,'..! luVniH per line for ewy sutaasquenl insert i H sta notices ptMikdfrl (.Miuarypoert,.. riMn i raayecl J e tint etntt a hnf Republican Standina Committee. A f. Herman, J. O. Mlddleswsrth I vi Musser, I'n.i.l oleman ( inn agner, John D, Howell II If. Wanner, II A. Howersn ' (, v i iman, P. A. rroup i M L. w niter. II R. Bolendei , ' J, s. Yearlck, II. " Smith Ai. it? an, lames Krdley i ii K reamer H. I Voiler I U. VaiuiiK. U. I. Ble' Prank Mill r, Howard lt.. Dr. M Kothroi k, Irwin Itoyei . (Jvu struwaer, John tail A H Keck, U. .1 Duck Geo S. I epley, 0 M Smith ;. Rice. II .1. Wroh tdams, It.'llVtT, Beaver Vt . Centre. 'hi. mini. Krni. Hi". Jackson, MiildleburK, Mi. Ml iek, Monro, Pel ii. Perry, Perry W., Silin,-ro e, Spring, Union, Washington. lr. I".. W. Toole, J. aruogns. : Thursday, fob. 15, 1900 THc SENATORIAL QUZSTIOM. Quite a surprise win sprung Sal imky at tin' niw tii. u "I llif Sliiiuiin; ( ktnituittcf, when I r. I. V . W euseHer withdrew fro n the race n a cancliduU) for State Senator. V one expected sucli n mvu at in time us he could have had tin un ty noniinatioii without n contest, bu iie discovered that the district noni iiiation was practically letled i Union ( !ouuty ly 'I"' altcrnatiin one term rule. He decidet! that ii wasusolesa fr him to spend tin money necessary to pay his assess merits when he knew ii wyiiltl e use less to attempt to L'd the nomination and finally would have to yield and then to be falsely accused ui having gold out to Union County. In consequence oi Dr. Wageusel ler's withdrawal, Hon. Benjamin K. Fooht, who is the only candidate in Union Comity, registered his name with the committee and will be voted for i" this county direct. Mr. Focht is not au eutire strang er in tiiua county. In fact he is well known as the Republican lead er who redeemed this judicial dis trict tor the bonds nf Democracy Id 1891 by the election of lion. H. M. TjClore as LVwident .Indue of this district and the defeat of lion. J. C. Buoher. Just as we : to press we are in receipt ofa card of announcement to the effect that Ho". Charles Miller proposes to le j- candidate for State Senator. The card will be found in the column of political announce ments. Mr. Miller is well known to Suyder county voters and the fact that there are now two candidates for one important position will ! welcome news to republican voters. WlMl tioUK' rblWren Drlnkt Don't give them tea or coffee. Have von tried th w food drink called iiRAIN-OJ It is delicious ana nour Istiing and takes tbe place of eoflee. The more Orato O you (five tno enll dr. n the more health you distribute through their ayateuw. Grain O la made f pure grains, and when prop erly prepared taut.- like the choicest grades of ooffde, butooaia about tae much. All grocers sell it. 1 5o. and Mo. KKEAMEit. H. A. Waller was in Middleburg In t ween trains on Thursday . . Geo. a nnA r,.miv drove to Uieli- lield Sunday lonathan Musser,; wife andtwo children were visiting friends in the upper end ol the coun ty over Sunday Vnnnon Gear hart and wife spent Sunday with the former's parents at Freeburg Mrs. ('. I. Bolig of Middleburg spent several days with her sister, Mrs. Thomas Dietrich, last week. . Superintendent P. C. Bowersox vis ited the town trchool Friday of last week. . . .Mrs. Prank Hummel and two grandchildren were to Selins grove last Friday. . . .rnilin tuiusn transacted business in Middleburg Friday .The pump committee re eeivctl a pump last week. They tested it and it apparently gives satis faction to all concerned There was a party at the hotel Tuesday evening. It was well attended. Quite R number of people from Fremont were present. A free supper W8J served later in the evening. Urnin-O! tiritln-O! KemtMDber that imine when you wttnt; leUcinas.a)teti.in, iiourinh in IT footl tlrink to take the place of cofTe. Soltl by all arootfi antl liked by nil who have used it. Grain-O i uiade of pure RrainH. it aids duration antt HtrenKtheoHthe nerves. It is uot a HtitutiUnt hut a health builder and the children an well as the adults can drink it with great benefit. Costs about one-fourth as much at coffee 15c. and Wc. per package. Aik your grooer for Grain-O. SGBWXFFBLBBSNNIB LETTER Prom hlaueh Chunk DtpioctaL SCHLIFPELTOWN, Feb. 9t M ster I if iok BR. Der Johnny EJonaberger un der Sam Schnitaler in geshter cooma fera niol mit mer sch wet za fun weaga der polities bts ness, un hen proposed os icn rous cooma set ols ?n condidawt tor in tie Semly. Ie Bevvy war yusht derlKii we se sell propose! hen, un se lint nwgrawd era nioul ui g'henhed un remarked : "Yaw, der Pit con rous cooma, liesurecouar, awer wnnn ir (hit insure ich os ur aw liou bleibt." 1 m coiisht denkn fun sella wordta os de Bevvy gor net Bgreea date tzu der proposition, uuich bin aw grawd tzu tier ctsimaos ich'snet aeeepta eon. 1 er Jollllliy un del Sam waura awer in arnsht derweaga un hen bahuwbl os wann ich rous coom bin ieh sure for de solid Penn sylvania Deitsch vote, unos sell date mich in de office ni runca by 'n Ixiomerawlish grossc majority. Don is mer 'n ijoiis neie gatlonka in der kupcooma, un ell is os ich rous cooin ols der frei un Independent Pennsylvania lleform (Jondidawt net for de Semly, awer for de liaif:lit un besht office in der pins United Shtates in onnera wordta, for Bres ident, un nix sunsht. Un sell tr'lt de drei milliona Penn sylvania Deitsha amohl 'n fairy chance for bisness, un oily arfawrung proott os we der grose Shtats Penn sylvania gait, SO gait de majority fun onnera Shtawta. Un won ich run for Bresident, do insul t' ich's aw os de Bevvy der tzu agreed, tor sell date se aw pro mote ols the head lady fura grosea woisa house in Washington. Be sure don mus se aw 'n gooty un shinarty mawd dinga, awtfder office lohn is aw genunk s ich soil net meinda date. Und now'consider ich's g'settled os ich rOUSe COOni ols der Independ ent Pennsylvania Deitsch Brogressi fer Beplea Ketorm Condidawt for Bresideni of der United Shtates. My platform geb ich der 'n onners mold. Pit St'H w bf pelbr i : n s i : n . II Hangs If it was only health, we might let it cling. But it is a sough. One cela no sooner passes off before another comes. But it's the same old cough all the time. And it's the same; old story, too. There is first the cold, then the cough, then pneu monia or consumption with the long sickness, and life tremb ling in the balance. loosens the grasp of yourcough. The congestion of the throat and lungs is removed; all in flammation is subdued: the parts are put perfectly at rest and tbe cough drops away. It has ne diseased tissues on which to hang. j Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Plaster draws out inflammatioa af A lungs. Adwhsm rMsf. Rernsrabr we Ravi a atarlleat Trrt mrnt. If joa bSTS mnj complaint what ever and dMlra ths brt medical adrlca tou can ponlr obtain, wrlta the floctor freely. Tou will racalra a aroruut r.pl y. without cost, romp. Y-'y VfL J c ATER Lowell, Haas. Ajjer's Cherry pectoral CARPETS. You can have better car pet , a prettier carpet and a cheaper carpet than yoar nelghborbywrltlngfor eae of our 16-cotored litho graphed catalogues, which shewe Carpets Rug, Art .squares, Portlerea, Lace Curtains, and Bed Seta la their real colon, to that Carnats 35c la tl 17 by looking at these colored cirpatt. 3ze to 11.17 iyjj voj cn e ,xactly how a carpet will lock on your floor or a drap ery at your window. Wc prepay freight, sew car pets free mid furnish wadded lining without charge. , Our General Cata- o i - ..ii. .iw...t n o - at thing to eat, wear and use, and will save you ' money on every thing ' you use at every sea son of the year. Our Made - to - Order mm Clot h I ng Catalogue, WXt:& This Iron Bed $2.65. latest styles of suits andovercoats, prices rang ing from $.9S to $23. W prepay exprssaage. I If you Dave not dealt with us tiftine now La the time to b('Kln. All catalogues are free. Which do you want ? Address this way : I 'JULIUS HINES & SON, HAITI MOKE, Ml). Dept. SOt. MA I i i -1 K.' I. - Kel. 9, by XI. . Potter, J. P. Richard A. iildwcll of Shamtikii to Bertlilla S. Umlnuf of Mt. 'at inel. Keb. 7th, in I lewisbnrjj . at i Ii home nt' the bride, by I'' - 1. II MoGann, A. Ira (jeinberliiu;, tdSt liirsgrove, and Miss (Jlura Ii. Kit isher ol Lewisbiirg, 1 m i: i l Jan. SsOih, in .New rSerliu, l Ion I uuh 1 )intu aged 7 I ears, 1 1 months ami 23 days. ' Jan. 23rd, in Jackson t..mliiii Snyder County, Norman lietioShnl fer, son of John and Kllen Shaffer a'ed :! years, 1 1 uiouUisaiid 24 days. KljMCKBES RALF FALLS.' W. B. liine w as the guest of Mr. Ueitr. over Sunday Wilson Her man started to work at the black smith trade ami expects to gel plenh of work .Jerome Kerstetter is on the sick list .... Katie Herrold W8 home over Sunday George B. Eli tie is tlw oinv person in MuKl that rides in a horseless carriage; : drives a mule, . . Henry Santle had inteuded to learn the oarpent trade, but gave it up and is goiogto burn lime. . . .Miss Effie Minium of Fremont sjM-nt last week at Lewif Fisher's Miss Emma Wilt re turned home on Sunday to spent her vacation, Jury List. Llnl iitiiriiinl lumrs ilre.n tor tbe Cniirr , Oyer and Terminer and oeneral lall Deliver sDdOoun "i (Jiiarter Koaainnaoi the Peaw i Snyder count iieldaa v . Term, oonunendnii Mini. lay. February m, llKin. OKANO JUKOUb. Name, occupation. Bolender, ChnrlesA., Parmer, H rouse, wiin un o Farmer, Rwinif, i r ink, Partner, Dressier, .lobn, Parmer, Plsher, .iiiiin p., L iborer, UaUKler, Jacob s , Panni r, Haas, Daniel, Farmer, Halo, Horace, Laborer, rtalnst Joaepb M., Parmer. Hendricks, Pblltp, Parmer, I arret t, Newton, Parmer, Koacber, John A Parmer, Ni itz, jobn 0 . Laborer, Kotiirock, Jamoa it., Plaaterer, Karoer, John, Parmer, Kobbsck, RHai P., Oentleman, seeboid, William, Parmer, seaman. Prank. Teacher, shirty1, laaao, Parmer, lllncb. Jerome, Parmer, Woodllnir, Prank, Parmer, Wiiitt-r, Valentine, oentleman, t aimer, William, Sawyer, ZHi.er, jaoob, Parmer. PETIT JURORS. Raa'aesei Prankll .1 ic!;s i Rprlm Monro itaver Wr I! Until Perry We Beaver we Sprln Wn.slni;t,i Pen t'hntim:i Ailam Mellnwrot Jackaoi Mlddlecreel Bearer War. Penn 1 nti Dentti Beavoi sprlm I.lst of Petti .liirnrs ilmwn nr the fnurt r Ciiiiilniin Pleas, emirt (if Uiinrtij' Scsl(.n ..in. Peace Oonn of out and einilncr and oencre .inn nniuvry oi Burner oountv. Pa held Si 2ti. 1900. Bastdenoe, H"avei I'nlnn Penut Pebroary Term, oommenclng Feb. Name. Ooottpatlon. AlRler, Jerome, Pnrmer, Aiieker, .Inlin. rarmer, Btosaman, Daniel p., Itui us, llli urn. I.nhnrcr. Bronner, isanc. farmer, Itaiilncaiilner, Jobn D , I.alM.rer, Iteiiver, Matthias, I.alsirer, Coleman, David 8, Laborer, onoper.Jobn L., Oentleman, funis John M Laborer, Petterolf, Cbarlea, Parmer, Pelker, Jacob, Farmer. Prlker, wiUlam n.. Laborer, Outellns, N, c, J. P., Hickenbnrtr. ,ioseih. Laborer, nerman, Ulcnael, Farmer, Herrolil. Thomas ( i ., Teacber, H. ill.es. William, OOBChmakCT, sellnsgrove Priiekllii Dearer west Monroe Beaver Rellasgrotro Sellnsgrove Adams Hprlnir Sprlnir Mlildlecreek centre Pesos Knlon m .llns-rrovi t'entre Spring Washington Perry Pmaklhi Spring Chapman 'en Ire Middleerpek cliupmnn nerman, niinam e.. rnrmer, KiintTman. Alirahatn. Pnrmer, Kissinger, Obiiiee, Parmer, Knoiise, CbrtstlaB Farmer, Kerstetter. Hariri. t.eptlemnn, Klllifiler. .lames. Teacher, Kerstetter, William H., Landlord Kooiik, William. Ijibnrir, tjiiiver, John, Farmer, l'ftch, James U Farmer, Marbiirper, Alfred. Oentleman, Melser, Charles. iMker. Musser, Klemenl Farmer, Melser, Kent en. Landlord, Jt ntitrle. John p.. Parmer, Ott, Henry A., Farmer, Hippie, Adnm. Fanner. RennUIST. David, Farmer, sellnsgrove Mlddlelm Adams Chapman Ierry Peoaa Jackson Heaver West Spring Monroe sellnsgrove l"enns Perry West ernnklln Chapmsn l'ern' Monroe Centre Beaver West Perry West i Hmlth. t'hnrles Teacher, Slenr. David, Parmer, siauiter. Daniel, Oentleman, Stand William S . Lahorer, Shellv, William H.. Farmer. Shelley. William P., Printer, I sulTel, William. Boatman. Troup. t'alvln. Farmer, Tents. PhillpM., Oentleman, Walter, John A , Fnrmer, Wesder. Samuel, Farmer, Willow, Samuel, Laborer, CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of TICKET FOR THE REPUBLICAN PRIMARY ELECTION OF 5NYDER COUNTY, TO BE HELD FEBRUARY 24, 1900. Congress. Tliad. M. Malum. State Senator. Ik-njamin K. Fooht Assembly. Albert M. Smith. Prothonotary, Etc. Qeorgfl M. Shindel. Register and Recorder. John II. Willis. District Atiorney. Miles L Potter. Delegate (J National Convention. George W. Wagenseller. Peroival Herman. Jury Commissioner. Adam Shemorry. Irwin ( Iraybill. Elmer E. Shambaoli. W. A. T. LTIsh. VV. H. Wolfe Delegate to the StaU' convention. James Erdley. Amnion . Musser. Isaac Spotts. The nbove tioket is hereby ip proveti as tne otnciat uauot. A. B. Keck, H. A. Bowersox, I arrv E. Bolender, W. II. Herman, J. Howard Arbogast, Printing ( 'onimittee FLORIDA. Two Weeka' Ton r tvtll I', ii ii sj I o i. Ill Inllroa''. The second Pennsylvania Railroad lour of he season to Jacksonville, Allowing two weeks n Florida, will I'-avr New York and Phlladel Inn February '20. Kzeurnlon ticket-.. Including railway trnn xirtatfon, Pull in n n accommodations lone crtlil,nnd meala en rou'e in directions while ravellngon the special train, will lie sold it' he following rates: New York, tSU.OOj I'hiln Iclpltln, Harris). urir, Haltiinore and Washing (in, ItH.tXI; I'ittsburg. S-W (Hi, and at proportion ,te rates from other points. Kor further tnforinitti"n apply toticket agents; rourlst Agent- 11'""' Broadway. New Y'ork; 4 'oiirt Street, Hronklyn: ;M broad Street, New .rk. N. .1 : B. Courlaeneer, -ir ,raaasnaet Agent lu'timore District, Italliimore. Mil,- I olin in ,U. 1'aaiw.iiger Agent Moiithenteru District. . Ashington, D Thos K. Ws?t eassener gent. Western District, rittshnrg. Pa.: or ad Ir. ss Oeo W. Boyd. Assistant Oencral l'ltsseug r Agent, l'hilndelphia. VALUE OF ORATORY. Claqoent l llnhis Arc IVot of n Much V'ae llcforc Juries aa I'laln I'locncy. In nn address before the lri.-h Lit erary society on "John Pbiipot Cur ran. Lord Buasell of Killowen, the chief justice, declared the value of orn tory to a lawyer Is overruled. lie as serted that it is an important vehicle for argument and for the enunciation ucd enforcement of gnat principles. "Hut," he said, "there is n tendency to run to seed in this regard, and to look upon fluency of speech ns if it were oratory." (iifls of speech could never attain to their reaj momentum and pow er until founded upon a substratum of enrefully acquired knowledge and upon solid argument. The opinion of ihe lord chief justice is that of most men who hare considered the subject. The art of oratorical flights is less prac ticed, not so much because men are leB able to make such speeches, but because they have lost their value. They are of slight use before juries and of no use with judges. There is a pop ular disposition to distrust the man who makes too great a display of his gifts of apeeeh when he makes nn ad dress. The public, beinjr more en lightened, has come to weigh argu ments mora carefully. When the ora tor is able ts) appeal ta tbe passion of the momeor k ta aaeetimes influential, but there ale fapaw esfle. Thia ia why the leaden tf tte tiff xtey are r.ot treat oraaseu, Mlj9SS witfe the carefully aa,ai. I&rrUdjo which i hey art sftss to gnartt legleally to the judge Brf 1 bey weaaid convince. Tomlt of the Csnrs. It Is not generally known that the remains of nil the czars of Kussia since Peter the Great lie In a memorial chapel built on one of the islands of the Ntv.-f. All the cenotaphs are exactly alike, eacli1 being a block of white marble, witbont any decorution whatever. BEiiISTEK'8 NOTN'KN. Notice Is herein; giv en that the following named persons twvc died their Administrators, (Jiirndl.in. and K eculors' accounts lathe I"gl.stei's Office of Sny der County, and the same will be presented for confirmation and allowance at the court House In Mjddleburgh. Monday, Feb. SOUL m o. Second and partial account of R-becea Meh ser, D ivld Meiser and K. S. Melser, executors cf the estate of Joseph Melser. late ol Chapman, twp., Snyder Co., Pa., deceased. The flrst and final account lor and on hermit of Dr. P. A, Boyer, late guardian of It'ancUe M Showaller, minor child cf George Sliowalter. deceased, this being died hv S. V. Oclissenford. executor nt said Dr. P. A. Uoyer, who died Octo ber :rd, W. J. H. WILMS, Keglster of Wills, agister's omce. Middleburg. Pa., Jan. 21. lOno Dr. Fenncr's Golden Relief. a thus apscino in am. INFLAMMATIONS Old Sons, Wound... Rh.umall.m. Nsunilvis Colds." A SURE CURE -r.p For an PAIN inside or out UT osatars. aTsudacbj nail sOcFreHmia by maU ancFrrVmut M Y. EIGHTY YEARS OLD. Miss Susan E Anthony Has Reached the Four-Score Mark. SnfTraorlata Will Obaerve Pebraarj 1&. 1IHMI, aa a 1Ih on Which to Par Tribute to Tlirlr lllatlnit uUbrd Leader's Work. The N'ntionnl Aniericnn Woman Suf frage aaaociation will calabrate the eightieth birthday of their grent leaol ei, Susan It. Anthony, in a manner iieiitting. her gnnd work for human ity. A committee appointed for this purpose is making preparations for n public meeting- in honor of the event which will take place on February 15. in Lafayette opera honne, Washington, V. c. Iii the evening of the same day there Will be a card reception for Miss An thony, at which she will receive with members of the birthday committee. Tbe occasion will be one of Interest in many wnya. Those having the ar rangements in charge are: Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, chair man; Bacbel Foster Avery, secretary: Harriet Taylor Upton, Ohio; May Wright Sewall, Indiana; Mary B. Clay, Kentucky; Emily M. (iross, Illinois; Mrs. Senator BllITOWS, Michigan; Mrs. Senator Warren. Wyoming; Lucy F.. Ai.lliony, Pennsylvania, and Harriet Stanton Blatch, of England. Prominent women representing all phases of woman's work and experi ence will present to Miss Anthony tluir greetings, and express thei; sense of recognition of what her la bora have meant to their respective efforts. There is not a woman to-day, o matter what her iHisition, who haa touched any of the really vital issues Of life, who has not been helped to Some degree by the efforts of Miss An thony and her compeers. This celebration Will follow the close of the National Woman Suffrage con vention, which will he in session in Washington from February 8-15. When Miss Anthony Ix-gnn her work woman was a chattel iii the eye of the law; shut out from all advantages of SUSAN B. ANTHONT. (Tor Fifty Years Leader of tha Womn'i Suffrage Movement.) higher education ntid opportunities is the Industrial world; nn utter de ptndenl OU man; occupying a subordi nate Kisitaon in the church; restrained to the narrowest, limits nlong social lines; nn absolute nonenity in politics. To-day American women are envied oy those of other nation, and stund aomporatively free individuals, with the exception of political disabilities. During the 50 years which have wrought this revolution, Miss Anthony Is the one woman in all the world who has given every day of her time, every dollar of her money, every power of her being, to secure these results. She wn Impelled to this work from no per sonal grievance, but solely through a deep sense of the injustice which, on every sU!e, she saw periietrated against her sex, and which she determined to combat. Never for one short liour has the cans of woman been forgotten or put aside for any other object. Never a single tie has been formed, either of affection or business, which would interfere with this supreme pur pose. Never a speech has been given, a trip taken, a visit made, s letter written in all this half century of her efforts that has not been done direct ly in the inferest of this one object. There has been do thought of persoml eomfort, advancement or glory? the astlf-abnegntlon, the self-sacrifice have absolute' they have been unpar- &tR3 cceaarations will wonder S3B sas-aaaWat ef people those were rT: attfyf peralsted this woman to Tr'Vff awmaaairty fer M years almost "... sttati. Vnr3 alee casaapefled her to beg ae ti asesieT wits which to earrv cat her sasjs, Ts aftea theee fnets arc forgotten or ignored by those who have been most benefited by her la bors. They see glory in the fact that money is entirely their own now to do with as they please, but do not know, or will not admit, that the statutes which guarantee this independence were passed by the efforts of Miss An thony and her compeers. That tliev mil extiress in some amall degree their appreciation of Miss An thony's life of self-sacrificing labor, in their behalf, the women have arrange.1 this celebration to take place upon her eightieth birthday. Women Making t'nlforms. Over 1.600 women are at present mak ing uniforms for Knglish soldiers. Khaki Is a dyed cotton, but what it is dyed with the government officials themselves do not know. The firm that discovered it keeps the secret very much to itself. To guard against mis fits the English army clothing stores make the uniforms in no less than 36 different sizes. Hot Water for Headaches. Ordinary headaches almost always yield to the simultaneous application oJ hot water to the feet and back of the 1 ! DIDATEA t'AKIlH. The republican primary election will be held In the various di-i ictn of Snyder County, Sat urday, Peb. tt I'-"" between the hour- of one and seven P. M-, for the purpose of uouiiunllnic one person for I oiiKres-.uaii, one aajsaoa for State Senator, one pcr-..n for Amtrinolt muii, one uernon for I rothouolaiy, etc , one person, for fle j mer nod Ke. order, one parses for IHs trict Attorney a,ii one person for Jury Com missioner nod the election of one prraoa for State dckgittc nnd one peison for .Nu'i i.ai lel eKate. Ihe following persons have announced themselves aa candidates lor the several posi tions an indicated Ih'Iow : Kor CiiiiKreHs. At tliccnriict o.i. nation of a arte number of ihe Kepiibliiitn. of Miv.ler ;,m. I here with present my Lame an it candldute for Cou- freaa, to ba void for at the primary election raturday, Pab it, IMi v. uh many steaks fer llMifsni roii. support 1 have recciv,U at tbe bands of tha h r publicans of bnyder ouaty mid respectfully soisttlaa continuance ,.'f your astesm itno .upt.ori I (tin roUrS trulv. Til AD. ill.' HAIION. JStetif Ssysustor Ihe uiiiiioiitl union of ihe ltepubluan Maud. Ins . onnniit,. oltfiyder i onnty ,, ,...,., and rexUsriuii ,, su ratndldatefortbaofnca pfbiat. senator loth asulualou of home mn '",lu ni; "tiyjler County usual- i. f., ban ,. iicdKiilna politician, ii ndns "!. ".". V! warssifd'tB.ra stronirnu -c,.t i, .. , ,:." " r . "; uzz '":'"? W"- sbip.'tiieie certainly Mi I remain In ih. o?.t!i! !he.V."i,r .r '"V '"i"lv'' wtm aboqldentar un district vonfen nee and partlcipata (, o,d- Villi, hi . i, Iha Hma i .. .. . , tatco up,.., icllabl. i , " T.ffl'".1.? Ie It lloii.e , anil,, ,,((.. .1... . - ' will hie ( liarlaa Mill r (i Parson Ol II I ll- dh i nariea stiller of Pe wnahln Mr M,i. ler wc an i,u ,r, las , '' '"I1; enter the canvass an . . L "r"',l lie wli.rio.i,. . I . ,., hi. i me liinltcr resolution ..,i,.i..., , . .'.""...In il In a Committee of aiivdn countJ at -212 on i lie i. in iiiai I i, ....... ,,i' ."'k "Chi the com In prinii 1 , ,. '" at the nomliJatfo, IV , .'i" ' S ? ' '"r fully solicit M,. vol., "ft tenartj """ Lewl.hur.. P.T? K' FO' ,IT- Kor Assembly, ''AVVbe;:':::!::"":"?"'' county: Feb U I .."ilii '"". ciecuon b he held nil i in. -I I will l(, a candidal,, for the re.,l. i . ! uominatir.il of Acnn Ivninn f H..I i l"",lu,ln I trust the i,... ",.. V, V rM"dei county. ,.tM, "wpreosm my const! to. Beaver Springs. !.., j. ,Bl ltfc M- SJ IT1I. Kor Prothonotary, K.c. To tile rc.iobli,.,,,, ....... -. " pcV YyZ U he itepubMrr tssp ,he vo"i Mi,idiei,urB. rV Jan. I 8S?' M-"i:h- Kor Register nnd Hecorder, "A,t".,i',Ie"1",l.i,;,,,n vo"'r" ' Snyder Count, , Inailon of ResMar v Z.i f':r the vote. oOTK ipZMVti?: Mlddlehura-h.ra.. Jan., 5 fflff" Hint rlt-t Attorney. I l..,.k. . .. fo PM '""?" tb. subject -- V i I"!' r""" mi" usauea. ir uoiniiiaieil I promise to discharge tl i dm SLs of the office to the best of my ability. i .....I. ours, M. t. POTTElt. Kor Jury Commisst.ner, To the republican voters of Snvder county: At the re, .uh loan primary election, I will bi ll candidate for the nomination of Jury Com missioner and I ak for the votes of all the re- i"1 t'l- ui nn uouovTi p. . ii , IHWIW QRATBILL. Paxtonville, Pa,, Jan. 15, 1 too, Veths Republican voters of Bnyder County: . ror ounce my nuuiens caliifidatc for.llirt ,,m,i, i-.i. ...... ... .(. .. , r, -"'"jr" to ins rnie. oi rsnn i ownsblp, Jan. S3. 190. l c tt. Republican voters of Hnyder 'onrit.v 11 m brace tins opportunity lo announce "mv- el f as a ciiiidiil.it,. f,,r .1,,..-1 '.- 1 , ject to the Republican rules and iiaaae. Horn in the county. I have been u Republican hit life time, and nearly nil of my fellow Rrpubli- . .7 ?. J ' scrven my eoeatnr faithful v f.. v , , 1 .. u " - "'. av nno was the first man from Hnyder County to bike ..-,.ti,..,-i . pain, nun in iinv I Have thi- holuir to In- th,. .. ... .1...... . 'I I fore 1 will nsk my fellow Republicans t.v stand by me a 1 have stood iv my t ,,irr anil if elected I i II endeavor to do ' j ustice to" all us fur as I can. VV. 1. u (H.Kk BelinagTOVe, Pa. lb I'osT I base announce tnv name ns a candidate for Jury onn lastonsr, subject to ibe rules governing tbe Republican parte. Centre Twp. KLMEK K. suamhacii- Nitticjiwil Dt?lfn,u,.. To the republican voters of Snyder county 1 te reiiiioncan primarv election to be held Saturday, f'eb 21. UK si, 1 w til be 11 candidate for N":it It'll il .-I ,-':i ti- :l tit I f nuLr fames atlas, ..,. I - --... . .. ,vri in. v..i t ,,i nn the repulilitaiiM in tin ctuintv. .a a. ,(iEO w. Waoenskllku. .1 . ... 1, .xirc. 1 11 . .'an. ID, r.m'l. State Daleeate, sto. Post. Pisses sb nouses my name as a candidate for IVIeitatc to tbe State Convention, subject to the reKulations of the Kepiihlicnu patty KOvcrniiiK the Bomlna primary. I kindly ask the support of nil republican voters. Resp'y yours, A. W. Mt'SSKIf. Hcavcrlown, Pa. To the Republican voters of Snyder County : I hereby announce mv name as a candidate for Heist ta to the Stale Convention to be held in Hurrisburir. ISA AC SPOTTS. Perry Township, Jan. U, IMS. Ko. Post t Please aaaeaaea my name as a candidate for Mate I el. tiitc, subject to the rules governing the , .an v. JAM KM EKDI.KY. Liourt .Proclamation, w rliKRKAS the Hon. Harold M. Mct'lure ' President .ludire nf the ln.li,- i i ....... 1 coinpoiied nf the counties ul Snyder, ami I'nlon and Peter K. Rlegle and Z. T. (iera- Doruag, rj.i... a swan ate jeegss in and lorSny der county, have timed their piecept, bearing u.(. t.i iut.i u.jiii uan. a. 1.., ivuu, tome directed for the holding- olan Onteas' Court, a court ol Common Pirns, court ol Cyer and Ter miner and f leneral Court at Quarter Serslons ol 1 1... Peace, st Middlehure;h. (of the county ot Snyder, nn the 4th Monday. (belnK ths 6th day ol Feb, IIUO). and to continue one week. Notice 1- therclcre asreby jtlven to the Coron er, Justices ol thePencc and Couttables lo and forth county ol Snyder, to appear in their proper person with their rolls, records, lnqulsl tlonr, examinations and other remembrances to do those thing which of tiielr office- and in their behall parts In to bo done and wltnerces and persons prosecuting In behnll of the Com nmnwealth aitalnstsnt person or persons art re quired to he then and there unending and de parting without leave at their peril. Justices are requested to be punrtual In 1 Imi r attendance, at the appointed time ngrce.ibly to notice. Olveu uuder my hsn.l s.i seal at the Sherlfl'a oftlco in Mlddlelurgh, the 1.11 h day ol Jan. A. 11.. one Iho.isand nine hundred. . W. ROW. Sheriff.