; r I 1 ' OEO. W. WAQKNSELLEE, Editor and Proprietor. INTERESTING ITEMS. Several heeds of cabbage will be bought at this office if offered for .sulc soon. Thursday, Fob. 22nd b.-ing a legal holiday, the Middleburg Bank will bo closed. J, M. Maurer,thesaddler of Krea- mc wasa Middleburg visitor ed- nesday of last week. The Marks Whisky lias no equal. Sold bv the gallon and quart. 1 guarantee a lull quart. 2-15-2t. J.L. Mauks. Elmer W. 8nyder,one of the pop ular insurance ugouts ol Selinsgrove, transacted busiuess in this place Fri day of last week. There were i! li : 5 7 marriage licen ses granted in Snyder County since Oct. 1, 1885) when the marriage license law went into effect, Jacob Bnsoui of Uichfield last week was the guest of his sou- in-law Com missioners' Clerk Johu N. Brosius and while in town made a pleasant call at this office. A little baby hoy, weighing only 24 ounces, was born on Sunday to the wife of Jacob Robinson, near Heading, The attending physician says the little one will live. The Republican Standing Com mittee met in the Court House at this place Saturday and completed heir arrangements to hold the re publican primary election, Saturday, February 24th. David A. Steininger of Lochia!, Union County, administrator of the Estate of Jacob Steininger, late of Franklin twp., deceased, was in Middleburg last Friday, settling up (he affairs of the estate. Dr. Hoisler, President of Susque hanna University, will preach in the Lutheran church Sunday morn ing. Dr. Hcisler is an educator in the truest sense of the word and he is always listened to with keenest interest. Andrew .1. McKinnev ot Hern Ion was in town Monday and M on lay night. He exhibited a new .a nor lamp which he is sellintr. IVIr. McKinnev is a well known irber of Herndon and he is selling good lamp. Tin- Halifax Gazette, savs : Our Idioe factories are working full time, Monty of orders ahead to keep them 1 lining until next summer. They are wilding up a fine trade and their oods are known and have the ro- utation all over the United States. If you want your hair cut with ut steps or a nice easy shave and a fro hour r hsmma am to A. E. Holes, in the bank building one door ist of the Post Office, in room with io drug store. A clean towel to aoli customer and satisfaction guar- ateed. We are pleased U) learn that our inner station agent of this place, lauks Wetel, has held the res- insible position of station agent at Vallingford, Pa., tor nearly twenty oars and also the iniMirtaiu position f postmaster of the same place for ianv years. Allen W Kreamer, of Kroamor, ie treasurer of the Republican landing Committee, was a caller at us office Saturday. Mr. Kreamer I said to hare one of the best fami ne; outfits in Middlecrcek township. He drives good horses and is well xed financially. On Thursday of this week the Cagle hotel in Franklin will change anils. Daniel K. Haas will leave otfr Shamokin to spend all his time lisP the mercantilebusinessand Curtis IV. Graybill will take charge of the nf ell known hostelry. We wish both W.r. Haas and Mr. Graybill abund- OJat success in their respective call- MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO., Charles A. Saner of Globe Mills was among our callers Tuesday af ternoon and became a cash-in-ad-vance subscriber to the Post. M. L. Wagenseller of Selinsgrove was in this pluoe Friday of Inst week. He reports that there is no truth in the report that some one hail donat ed $150, 000 to Susquehanna Uni versitv. Susiiiii'liauna I uiversUv will ercci :. handsome ladies .iron- tors , thi! plans for which wore made by our townsman and architect, Johu P. Stetler. D.i W.'Crouse of Norwood, a Suburb oi Philadelphia, spent Fri day and Saturday in thi- place the guestof friends. Mr. ( 'rouse is well known in this county. He is con ducting a green llOIIHe at Norwood in the winter and conducts a truck farm at Wallingfordduringthesum- mer. Mr.Cfousc called and Bull- scribed for the Post in tlic villnre. while he was Was Dismissed. , . Itev. L). II. Shieh a inomiKT oil the Centra I Pennsylvania ( onferenci of the Methodist church, recently a chaplain in the regular army, but who was dismissed from the service for drunkenness, was picked up upon a San Francisco wharf Tuesday in a dying condition and was conveyed to the city hospital, where he now lies in a precarious condition. It is evident that want, starvation and excess have reduced the former army chaplain to the physical wreek he now is. Without friends or money enough with which to secure a meal, exMsed to the cold rains and winds and but thinly clad, the wretched man had dragged himself about the streets of San Francisco tor the last three days, and finally collapsed through sheer exhaustion. His pulse was very weak w hen taken to the hospital, and the physicians gave it as their opinion that he might not survive. Io May Be Murder. At the Heading iron works at Danville, Saturday evening, a slight fire started near the roof of the mill and Owen McCafrey, the night watchman, went up to extinguish it. While he was thus engaged Albert Yost, another employe, commenced to "guy" and greatly incensed the watchman. When the latter came down he told Yost that he was lia able to arre-t for his action, w here upon Yost picked up a pair of large iron tongs and dealt Mot 'af rev a heavy blow on the forehead. The latter fell, unconscious and is -till in a serious nonditiou. May Bo Tried at Sunbury. An effort was made Monday to have the trial of the Hummel mur der case continued to June. It was stated that counsel for the defence will endeavor to obtain a change of venue, alleging that public opinion is so inflamed against Hummel that 'i fair impartial trial cannot be had atWilliamsport. Sunbury is favor ably spoken of if a change Is granted. Jail Physician Stokes, who exam ined Hummel, states that the pris oner's insanity is poorly shammed. Jnnior Class Banquet. The Junior Class of Susquehanna University held a banquet at the Washington House in this place lost Friday evening. Those who par ticipated are as follows: Murray B. Herman, J. H. Neuhauser, G. D. Strail, Chas. Lambert, E. R. Wing ard, L. G. Stauger, B. H. Crouse, Anna Barb, Lucy C. Houtz, Ettie C. Breimeior, Millard Focht, Sarah P. Gortner. The party was chap eroned by Prof. Geo. E. Fisher and Mrs. Lottie Benson. THE HUMAN BODY. Many Odd Facts Which are not Generally Known. Human beings arc of all sizes, hut the tall man is less common than the short ; only one man in 'JOS ex ceed the height ol six toot. For every font ol stature a man should weigh from twenty -six to- twenty- L'lglit pouinls, a proportion that is 111,1 "io '! ol all in thoso hurrying, currying days. , An a vcrarc -sized man weighs 140 Hot tile lot oi pounds; a woman 125 pounds. Cur iously enough, the mean weight and height ol lunatics are below those of sane people. Another unexpected thing in thiiv-poci is that a negro's skeleton weigh- more than that of an Kiiiglishmun, The vitaliiiigpowcris the bluou", :l drop d which lakes but twenty two seconds to go the round of the body. There pa.es through the heart once in every three minutes an amount ot this precious lluid c . nn I I to all that is contained in the body. I WL i i.i i ! I - fc. i la' iuiica.'oi ineiuooii circula tion reveals sonic astonishing and undreamed ol truth-. It is estHiiate- cil that, assuming the average speed ol the hear: to be sixtv-nine licats.a minute, the blond travels 207 yards in sixtv seconds; in other words, seven miles an hour, 10)5 a day, or 9,320 a year. " If a man of eighty-lour could have one single blood corpuscle floating in his blood all his life, 'it would have traversed in that perl' lio less than o,lo0,808 mweS. The average weight of the of an adult male is three pounds eight ounces, of a female, two pounds four ounces. The woman's brain begins to decline in weight after the Bgeof thirty, the man's not until ten years later. According to high authorities, with their branches and minute ramifications connecting with -the brain, exceed 1(1,000,0(10 ill number. 'flic palm of the hands anil the soles of the feci arc composed of cushions ol tat, in order that sudden jolts and violent blows may be suc cessfully resisted, and no injury done to the muscles and bones underneath. The muscles of which the tongue monopolizes eleven, and the bonesof the human structure in combination are capable of more than L200 motions. The teaching of experience indi cates that accidents are more likely to occur to the right leg and arm than to the left. Further evidence of this fact is supplied by the mak ers of artificial limbs; they dispose ol many more appendages to the right side of the body than to the other. Statistics show that in fifty-tour eases out ota hundred the left leg is is stronger than the right. If'a man could move his legs pro portionally as fast as an ant, he would travel not far short of eight hundred miles an hour. To the Deaf. A rich lady, cured other Deatness and Noises in the Head by Dr. Nicholson's Artificial Far Drums, gave $10 000 to his Institute, so that deaf people unable to procure the Ear Drums may have them free. Address No. 10327 The Nieholson Institute, 70, Eighth Avenue, New York. 1-25-lv. Singing School. Prof. Paul Billhardt will open a music school in the basement of the Middleburg Reformed church, Fri day evening, Feb. 16, 1900. Twenty lessons will be given weekly tor One Dollar. This is something that is very much needed in this place and should be faithfully and generously patronized. PA., THURSDAY, FEB. Letter from Nebraska. Piloer, Stanton Co., Neb. Dear Friend: I will take the pleasure to write a few lines to niv old friends in Snyder 'ountv. I have boon in the west now "J years until the first of March and 1 ' like the west very much, I have been working lor the We mid Schneider Co., Fremont, Neb., the big grain cum i . much i.s building elevators all ivor Neb'tiskn, Kansas, Iowa and Minnesota, I have been in many dif ferent place-. I was working in i. j wa ever since last October. It be Mine so cold (hat we had to quit, (was 17 degrees liolmv zero. I amc back to Nebraska to I'ilger, Stanton Co. Next spring the Nvc and Schneider Co. is going to scud me up to Minnesota to help to build el 'vuiors, I have oeeu busy every lay sine I left the east. There is io better place than the west; if a nan wants to make anything, ho iron Id better come west. This is a rood country lor plenty of work and pond pay. This i- a good part ol country to strike. I have done well since I came out here. Yours t puly, lioiiERT LaUIEN8LA(1ER. WOMiDltl I I. sui t i:iks I Itl i:. Itciiiiirkiihii' Uirtato Everybody i iiif iriNit PhllMlelpbln,ltfiMliiji Pram." Announcement is made by the publishers that every reader of the great "Philadelphia Sunday Press" will receive next Sunday, February 18, absolutely free two souvenirs of a character and value far beyond anything heretofore offered by a newspaper. One will be a beautiful picture in ten colors, by Paul de Longprc, the famous flower painter, entitled "A Yard of Roses." It is twice as large as any picture ever given away by a newspaper.and that it is worth (raining is evident from the fact that copies cannot be bought at retail for less than a dollar. But in addition to this, every reader of next "Sunday'- Press" will receive an attractively illustrated booklet ol convenient size, containing the great est detective story ever written by Kmile Gabon iau. If you want these splendid gifls you had better order next "Sunday s Press at once, and warning is given that the supply will be limited, 1 1 there is no news agent in your vicinity get sum 'bright boy to write for the agency Mon3tar Telephone Line. An elloii is Del lit: niailc to com bine all the local telephone lines ill the Eastern States. The fnter-state Telephone and Telegraph Company has been organized with a capital of $2,000,000 to accomplish ibis pur pose. The shamokin Valley Tele phone Company has gone into the combination. The Penn Telephone Company has not yet joined the combination, but as they have a proposition on several different plans to join the Interstate Company, it is probable that at their mooting this (Wednesday) evening they will make sonic definite ar rangements. We are assured that the combina tion will in no wise curtail the priv ileges of present subscribers. In addition long distance service is to be given at about one-half the rates ot the Bell Company. If the com bination is effected, the long distance service will be quite a convenience to Snyder county subscribers. Musical College. The Musical College, Freoburg, Snyder couuty, Pa., is recognized as one of the foremost schools of music $33 will pay for six weeks, instruc tions and board. Spring term will begin May 7. For catalogue address, Henry B. Moyer, 2-15-3t. Director. VMM. COURT HOUSE CHIPS ItoMlN Kntoren lor Kcrord. John J. II iel to 'atherino Hummel, fiacres in Franklin town ship, (or "iii. Samuel I!. Philips and wife to Emanuel Wagner, 10 acres and lis perches in West Ik-aver low nship, lor $100 Elizabeth Priei to .1 icoh Ileisor, !K) perches in Monroe township, lor $500. 1 Annie K. and '. F. I ,utz to lias. ( '. Walter, house and lot mi Water St., through ol Selinsgrove, for $450. Sarah A. Klose to Will, H. and I Io rard .1. Mitchell, lot No. I I in the town ol Adanisbiirg, for $125. Win. H. Mitchell and wife and II. J. Mil. hell and wife to John 1. Haines, Io No I I in Adanisbiirg, lor $912. l.cdj'rs (irontptl. Filler- o administration in the estate of Henry Mover, late of Penn township, were granted I'Yiduy to Mary 1. and ( has. A. Mover. Iliirrtiiui' l.ir.'Hsi's. I Iharlos W. Kuhu, Shamokin 1. I Sal He ' '. Itcichciibuch, I hiudon . I Richard A. Caldwell, Shamokin, I Berdilla S. Umlaut, Mi. ( formel. on, mission, i s- OfllcP. The following orders were grant ed bv the county commissioners since New Year : Jacob Gilbert, auditing acct. $ 15.00 Jus. F. Keller, scalp cert if... 1.50 Geo. M. Shtndelj toes 1('2.:!7 Goo. F. Brosius, road review and scalp certificate 1.00 Steininger Bros., coal lor jail 06.93 A. Good, road damages 15.00 John II. Willis, Ices 4 1.45 Isaac Spotts, 0 days 8.50 Pharos Herman, fidays 8.50 Win. Dreese, (i days 8.50 A. W. Bowersox, labor 2.80 has. L. VVetzel,scalpcertif 1 ,50 Win. H. Wise, -.alp eertif. 75 Irwin ( ! ray hill, jury com missioner's clerk 10.00 J. I!. Hendricks, jury coin.. HiJo II. (i. Hornlierger, jury com hi. 'Jo K.Gardner's Sons, grate, jail heater 10.00 N. A. Bowes, labor LOO . I. ( rarmail, lumber 3.78 Samuel Bollinger, road re view 2.00 Spring Telephone !o., rent for phone 3.00 (i. F. Miller, salary on acct. 21.00 ( '. VV, Knights, sal. on acct. 25.00 V.B.Viney,coal court house 54.95 A. G. Kauffinnn, scalp cert 75 II. A. K lingh r, auditor 18.54 Calvin Stetler, auditor's el'k 25.00 J. '. Bowersox, auditor 18.30 Ben. Smith, scalp certificate 3.50 W.H.Spanglcr, lead pencils 50 J. N. Brosius, salary on acct 15.00 Jos. M. Wagner, road and special tax 43.83 Ben. Smith, scalp eertif 2.50 Win. F. Murphy's Sons Co. marriage license docket... 19.50 ( i. C. ( lutelius, expressage... 3.20 J.N. Brosius, office furniture 4.96 The Commissioners have received word from the Grotou Bridge Co. that the iron for the Meiservillc bridge will be on hand in ten or fif teen days. Guard Division Eucampment. It is expected that there w ill be a division encampment of the National Guard this year, all hough the mili tary authorities have not definitely settled the question. The uumlier of men in camp will be larger than ever before in the history of the Guard, owing to the fact that not all of the emergency commands organ ized for the second National (iiiard have been mustered out. It will take another year to reduce the mi litia ot the State to the strength con templated by tlif military authorities. VOL. 37. NO. 7. SHAMOKIN DAM. ( lias, Duck ami wife ol Ix-wis- burg were visitors at I I leobler's Sunday. . . .Miss Jennie Shipe is visiting relatives and friends in Lower Agusta township, North'd o .... Mi-s Mugg'e Slear, who had been visiting her parent-, Martin Slear and taiuily, returned home Saturday Luhl Sterner, who had In eu visiting hi r sister. Mrs. s. II. Murphy, returned home . . . .Shcritl i. W. How was seen in our town Sai nrday I hill, and Win. Itotish ,,i V 'ci iniri were vis day.. Mrs. itors in our place ou Hudie I!, nn returned home Ironi a visit to Williamsport S iturdtiv t 'vrus Shipe is taking music lessons from Mis, Martha iVumii ol Selins grove. .Geo. Hart man and Harry (iaugler have purchased the coal digger owned by K. Aiirand. They expert todo a rushing business next summer. Hoic the young men will have success Miss lOmnia Deo- blcr returned home Pridav front it i--it to relatives at liewisburg and Montandoii Frank Slapletotl went to Lewisbtirg to relatives mi Saturday . . . .John Luelsild and Miss Verda Auiniilor of'Mt.t 'ar I arc visiting relatives and Iriends at this plae The M. F. Sunday School ol this place will hold a free concert and a chicken and waffle supper in A m aud's bull Saturday, Feb. 17. . .t has. Kuhu and Mi. Sallie lieichenbaeh ol this place were married at ScliusgroiJ Ia.si Saturday evening. After returning an eletrant suoner was furnished to iliem and some relatives. Hope they will have success through the path ot I ife .... Peter 1 Icrncr went to Lewisbtirg on Wednesday to work ...Foster Slear wears a broad Blllih on his face, because it is a baby girl ....Frank Klliot feels proud siuci he i- the lather of a baby girl. ADAMSBUUO. w i v II. I. Ltomig made a business trip to Sunbury recently M iss Kstu Youugman -pent Sunday in Selins grove. .The Glee 'lub oi the Sus quehanna University will give an entertainment in the I . O. O. F. Hall Monday evening, Feb. 1 9. Ad mission lor adults, .', eeuts; chil dren, 10 (tents Mr. Smith ol Lew isburg is visiting his numerous Iriends in this place Mr. Bitlga- man of Centre couuty was the guest ol Miss Ague- Hoik recently.... Finn r Shannon left on Monday lor Lewi-town where he has secured employment Miss Grace Weid- ensaul spent several days in Dan ville last wi ck Ulan Polta ol Belleville spent last week as the truest of Isaac Auraiid.. . Miss Alma McClellan of Port Ann was entertained by Mrs, 8. V.. ltomig over Sunday . . ( 'ha-. . ( ireeulloe, who had a severe attack of neuralgia of the heart, improving. . . .Mrs. Adam Smith and daughter, Miriam, of Berwick are visiting friends in town ('has. Mover and wife of Middleburg BpentSunday with Win. Haines .. Prof . F. ( '. Bowersox of Middleburgh visited our schools this week... Thos. Keller is at pres ent cmplovod in Middleburgh help ing Editor Bitter, .('has. W. Smith, wife and child visited in Troxcl- villo over Sunday Mrs. Sarah Klose died on Tuesday morning of oooumptioD and dropsy. Parti culars next week. Pensions for Soldiers. Every old soldier who has reached the age of 62 years is entitled to the minimum pension of six dollars whether he is disabled or not, and every soldier who has reached the age of 75 is entitled to the maximum pension under the law, which is twelve dollars a mouth. j ij i i I. I HI I It 1 'St I