The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 08, 1900, Image 8

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are made with Royal Baking
Powder, and are the most appe
tizing, healthful and nutritious
of foods.
Hot biscuit made with im
pure and adulterated baking
powder are neither appetizing
nor wholesome.
It all depends upon the bak
ing powder.
Take every care to have
your biscuit made with Royal,
which is a pure cream of tartar
baking powder, if you would
avoid indigestion.
Mrs. Sarah Kloseis very ill wit It
Miss Anna Felkcr is
week at Lewi-town.
Mrs. Jus M. Maker
friends at A I fa rata.
Miss Jennie Keller if
sndiug the
Miffliuburg at present.
Ilcv. Zimmerman spent Monday
ami Tuesday in Selinsgrovc'.
Dr. Derr of Lewistown was a
visitor in tow n over Sunday .
11. ('. Manbeek is slowly recov
ering Irom an attack oi grippe.
The mnsicale on Friday evening
una ..! i - nmlrid !i ill I u i'l I ill 1 1 'in led.
II. I. Romiirandon,Earle, made
. .... . I
a business trip to Freeburg Luesday.
Miss Bessie Bitter of McClurc is
spending several months at Howard
Wm. B. K earns of Beavertown
was entertained by his brother, John,
Friday and Saturday.
Hiram Siegfried and wife of Se
linsgrove were the guests of the hit
ter's parents over Sunday.
( lias. Arbogast and wife of Mid
dlecreek were entertained by Jona
than Spangler's last Wednesday.
Mrs. Chas. Faulkner of Connec
ticut is being entertained by her
parents, Wilson Mattern and wife.
The High School of this place is
making preparations to give an en
Washington's Birth-
The people an
busv haulins tics
to the railroad.
Must of our people filled their ice
bouses last week.
By all appearances this will lie a
cold, rough month.
Prank Dreese and w ile dined w ith
Mr. Folly Utah on Sunday.
Lewis Kahley, James and Wilson
Kline spent Sunday at home.
Geo. Wagner is running his stave
mill day and night this week.
C. A. Wagner sold his mule to
Rev. Jno. Gel I of Stooylonesome.
V. F. 1 decker of Adamsbusg trans
acted business in our town on Satur
day. A. D. Shirey was to Harrisbnrg
last week and took another course
in embalming.
Wm. Hoffman will sell his house
hold goods at the public sale on Sat
urday, Feb. 10.
The next Wjest Beaver district
teachers' institute will be held in
the McClurc primary school house
on Friday evening, Feb. 0.
The Hepublieans of West Beaver
think that Editor Wagenseller should
e Snyder County's delegate to the
National Bepublican Convention.
W. A. Hummel
f Lewistown
was home over Sunday.
Milton Dauber man drovi
to Sc-
linsgrove one day last week.
Thompson Hilbish and family
were in tow n one day last week.
.las. V. Magee and wife visited
friends in Union county last week.
A. ( '. Smith was t
Middleburg j
between trains on Tuesday ! last j
week. j
Win. Bickei, who is landlord of j
a hotel at Ashland, was home over)
J. F W alter and wife were the '
iriintu . .1 VV... I I. ,...i; ..t tj.,
f"1 ' ' !
T .... !
I ommy Landis f I n.on county
visited his parents and friends at I
this place Sunday.
... , ... ,. . . . i
Miss tzora alter, who had been
visiting friends in Selinsgrove for
bcvcb. w. eK.s, rcu.rueu.iume.
a I I... .... 1 I
t has. .Meek Icy s smoke house ,
burned to the ground Monday morn-
ing. The meat was rescued.
Lawyer Frederic Mower and .son, I
Harris, of MiddleburB transactet
business in town Tuesday of last
Thomas Saner purchased a
from Chas. Keck on Monday. Tom
my contemplates building a nice
home thereon.
James Snvder is agent for an au
tomatic spniyer. Its power is com
pressed air. tin one of the latest
inventions and is guaranteed to give
entire satisfaction. It docs awav
with the hard work of pumping.
Any body in need of the article will
do well by giving James a chance.
Kphriam Howell is on the sick
Mrs. Rev. Dice was to McClurc
last week.
F. S. Bobband wife spent Sunday
at Adamsbnrg.
A few of our young Iwys were to
Adamsbnrg Friday evening.
a It UHm UTAJl-U.
. '. UK, Ul ilUUUK IIUI V
visittsl friends at this place Saturdav
II. H. Faust, proprietor of the
Central Hotel, was to Sunbiiry Mon
day. C. K. Shirk and O. E. Freed were
to Centreville for the installation of
Centreville Camp officers.
Jacob I. Carjientcr and Charles
liobb contemplate going west in the
near future. Happiness and success
in their adventure is our wish.
The following named are elected
officers ot the Evangelical Sunday
school at Beavertown : Supt., N. E.
Freed; Asst., Geo. Spaid; Treasurer,
Robert Feese; Sec., Miriam Dice;
Organist, Clara B. Specht; Asst.,
Miriam Dice; Lib., Ada Taylor.
Bin. Austin Gift went to Sunbun
.Monday evening.
Mrs. Mary Howell
Beavertown Monday.
Prof, Bowersox visited some
our schools Monday.
Prof. Francis C. Bowersox passed
through town Friday.
Mrs. H. A. Howell was to Bea
vertown last Thursday.
W. D. Gift made a business trip
to Beavertown Saturday.
G. C Heinibach of Beavertown
visited friends in town Friday.
Dr. Herman of Middleburg is
attending some ot the sick people in
town at present.
Mrs. ArtliurSiiecht, wife and son
William of Beavertown visited C'al-
vin Den 's Sunday.
Prof. C. A. Derr of C. P. C,
New Berlin, siicnt Saturday and
Sunday with his parents in town.
Home oi our teachers attended in
stitute at Swineford Friday evening
and report having had a very inter
esting meeting.
Editor Geo, W. Wagenseller will
make a creditable delegate to the
National Convention. lie should
get a big vote all over the county .
Mrs. Calvin Derr, who has been
spending a few weeks with lier
daughter, Mrs. J. D. Winters at
New Beriin, returned home Saturday.
Win. Mitchell, Irwin Gray bill
and O, P. McAfee, who are engaged
in working in the wines at Adatns
lnirg, spent Sunday with their lam
ilies. Farmers' Institute will be held
at Paxtonville in the Grammar
school room on Saturday, Feb, 10,
beginning at 1 o'clock 1'. M. It is
'the duty of every farmer who can
avail himself of the opportunity to
attend to hear and participate in
the discussion of the different sub
Sue ltine was home
John Ilerrold and fainilv
away visiting over Sunday.
Albert Rine's liest hunting dog
was poisoned last Wednesday.
Joe licit, and fainilv siient Still-
day at the home of W. B. Mine.
J. S. lline Unit family attended
the funeral of Mrs. R.'s mother on
Misses Mabel Fisher and Carrie
Wilt spent last week at Freeburg.
They reiiort a good time.
II... BU-1 I til . !'
"BJ? ne
7 7 , .ErTffTT y g
to bring their fr.ends home.
Wilson Herman, our new black-1
smith, will open his shop in a few
i ... . 1
days. e wish him success.
We are sorry to learn tbat Misses!
Ti l a r
ivaie uarnian una Alice Reiser in-,
tend going west in the course ot a
few weeks,
W. A. Sclmecand J. A. Mcnirel.
ivhn urn mnlnvflri at I tu ...r..P
a . . o i ' ' , , .
DUHUMr7 n,,,,u I
An infant son of James Gordon
and wife died last Thursday and
was interred in the St. John's ceme
tery last Saturday, Mred '' months
and 20 days
hcv. Oh t orcllot- '
Quite a number of our people
look advantage of the cold snap last
week to store away their ice crop.
i I'cter vtoinerol l ortage fa rune
is visiting friends at this place at
H. J. Heim ami Mrs. Geo. F.
Broslui are 00 the s;cU list at this
liamiioru u. A. Dover, OJtne IWn-
11 1 I It . f w
pire House Frcehurg, was in town
one day last week.
1 here is more catarrh in this sec-
Hnnn Uu mlrv than all ntkas
w.wm v. u u v...,.
diseases put together, and until the
lMt few years was supposed to be in-
Cdoc?obres orSount TJT
muI tfMusluyl Iu.bI
I cnne. nuu uiuduijuvu a.iii leaieuiDB
1 . 1 .
ana oj conntuiuj iniuog to cure
with local treatment, pronounced it
incurable, science Las proven ca
tarrh to be a constitutional disease,
and therefore requires constitutional
treatmene. Hall's Catarrh Cure man
ufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.,
Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitu
tional cure on the market. It is
taken internally in doses from ten
drops to a teaspoonfuL - It acts di
rectly on the blood and mucous sur
faces of the system. They offer one
hundred dollars for any case it fails
to cure. Sond for circulars and tes
timonials. Address,
F. J. CHENEY k CO., Tolede, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 76c
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
The institute at the Aline school j
house lat Friday evening was wel I :
Osear Kaltriter intends to work
for William Buyer at Silem this!
J. F. Keichenhnch,
on the sick list, is at
writing con valc.cing.
Lewis Fisher, the
from M.Kees Half Falls to Mkldle
burc, will move to Freiburg in the
By all apca ranees there will be I
but little snow this winter. Si the!
people cannot enjoy themselves with
sleigh riding.
Last Friday was ground hog day,
' andtlit- animal could see his shadow.
According to ancient prophecy, we
will have cold weather -ix weeks
more. 1
Milton DiUman, who works for
Mr. Fisher, the bakei of Selinsgrovc,
was home to visit his mother near
Meiserville last Saturday. In the
evening he was going to drive some
where and on the road he stopped
to water his horse. The horse
ofl and over Mr. Pillman, but did
not hurt him fatally. The horse
ran against Fred Hackenburg's
house near Shadle and tore loose
from the buggy by breaking the
shafts and ran to Frecburg wlicic he
was captured by Geo. Buyer, the
Fnianucl Peter is reported on the
sick list.
( )ur ice houses arc about all filled
Irom last week's freezing.
Rev, Hilbish and family spent
last Saturday with Mrs. Aaron
Harvey Treaster of Huntingdon
county has been visiting friends in
Snyder County.
Philip Will is having lumber saw
ed by James Peter, for a new barn
which he expects to put up shortly.
The rain Sundiy and the freezing
Monday was hard on the wheat, as
some lieids were partly covered with
Morris Baker this spring expects
to pill up a new House and Darn on
the farm he purchased loom Jay
John (ialvin and wife ot If eager
towu were guests of W. Y. Mc
(iatighlin last week. Call again;
the latch spring is always out.
'Spare Steel v was called to Mid-
dlebunr last Saturday on imnortant
M The Win la building
. j
... ... , ...
i John 1. hrb savs he never liehev-
j , . . Iinlii ...
toot with two of them one nfoht Imi
ww,k t,)lnill,r home from Mik
coming iiomc irom .Mike
rolks. They had taken up one of
the sheds at the St. John's church.
John says he was too badly seared
to investigate.
There is uo better raedieine for
Jthe babies than Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. Its pleasant taste
' nil. t lir.iMilit mi J nOT.ntl ii 11 1 im..i !..
h pv uuvj cucLium tuirn uinn o
it a favorite with mothers and small
children. It quickly cures their
OOnghl and colds, preventing pueu
moniu and othT serious cunse
nuences. It also cures croup and
has been UMd in tens of thousands
of eases without, a single failure so
I far as we have been able to learn. It
1 not. milt onrou irnun Imf n-K..., mttm.w
as soon as the cronpv couch appears,
will prevent the attack. In cares of
wbooping cough it liquefies the
tough mucus, making it easier to ex
peotorate, and lessens the seventy,:
tLus depriving that disease of all
dangerous eensequeaces. For sale
bf all druggists.
Ian. 20th, in JaokfOU township,
,l ! i . l vsr ,, a, ,
. .
Arthur, infant son of Willim.. ,!
j Annie M. Sceljold, aged 7 months
! and 20 days.
Jan. 20th, in MifHiiibunr. Levi
It,..,,!,... n.i KK .. i ,L j
I TTr' "w w Jmtm, a HMHIIU aim
! (,ays-
. . i
j Jan. 23rd, in Jackson township
I T 8" 0" Jh" a"d E1
Nlflfter. n trts I viirv 1 1 nw.nt I,. ... I
l a . i.iv.niiin uuu
fJ .
i tiavs.
Jan. 2C)th, in Jackson township,
Hannah Dinius, aged 74 years, 10
months and 23 days.
Jan. 28, by Rev. 0. D. Zweier,
Wm. H. Peter of McCIure and Sal
lie Matilda Baumgardnerot I well,
To Cure t old In One Day
Take I.axAtivi Budo Quimxe Tablet. AU
drtynrtau refund the money U It falls to cure
E.W.Oov's signature on every box. Be. 10-&-6
w,h" " stiM! ! ! WsS
the, J,
mail carrier ill Vij-fA
x mmwu uniii rm iriTnirrn it
a wm mini uu im iwvi v
V I I I WW I I II Wk I I I WW m W) I
x Jtjank. mi it iiii i nil nil i
Lm - 1
8 UV&9
Reed Rockers, - $ 1.25 and up.
Couches, - - . $4.50 and up.
Bed Room Suits, $16.50 and up.
Frank S. Riegle,
Mlddleburg, Pa.
Inquire for . .
Prices and Terms.
Public. Sales
Notices of hbIoh will bo li.s. rieil fri-c under till1
DMdlnjr wiicn iiii'biiiHiira printed t tins omtv.
When i lu bills arc not printed at Oils office 8U
cem will be diiirired. Persons expecting to
have stile should select a date and have li insert:
ed In this column.
SATURDAY, Feb. Ill, one mile enst of Cenlre
ville, Mrs Susan ('. lloyer will sell live
stock mid fnrniiiiK implements.
THURSDAY, Feb. M, MOB, three miles nouth-
west of Centinville. Kilns Hnrtman will nell
tl horses, it cows, 4 bead young- cattle und
farming lmilements.
TIlt'RSDAY. March 1, two and one-fourth miles
north-west of Chapman Cost Office, Mrs. U.
W. Stahl will sell one horse anil fiirminK
THURSDAY, Maeeh 1, iffoo, two ami sne-fonrth
miles Dorth-wesl of clmpnuiu. Alice A.
Stahl will sell II horses, lew, fariiilng im
plements and household Roods,
THURSDAY March I, Uoo, three miles south of
New Berlin, ObM.0 Verger will sell 2 mules,
2 horsos, 2 cows mid farniinic impleineiits.
KHIUAV, March 2, John Walter will sell live
stock and farmiiiK implements i miles
west of MiddlehurK.
SATURDAY, Mar. II, one-fourth mile north ol
MiildleburK, .Milton Kratzer will sell U
horses, .1 cows. farmiiiK implements and
boiischould furniture.
WKDNKSPA V, March 7, lfloo, two miles north
of K reamer, Mrs. Sarah lluukelberer will
sell 5 horses, I I head of cattle and farmiiiK
WRDNKSDAY, March 7. at the Kairlo Hotel In
Miililleblirir, I). K Hius will sell bo scs.
mules. H heed of cattle. It ihnete, 4 brood
sowsnnd farmiiiK implements.
Kill PAY, March lit, 19IKI. one and one-half miles
north of Oriental and 2 miles west of Mel
errilla, John nllbert will sell 2 mules, 6
bend of cattle and farming implements,
MONDAY, March 12, 19oo, near Kant., R' K.
Caultert will sell live sMek. farminx Inptn
incuts ami lioiischolil goods.
SATURDAY March 17, ISO", three miles nortb
east of M fin lrl,ni - . Kdwtitil llnniiiiel' will
sell 1 horsett, 2 cows, $ head young eattlo
and farming implements.
MONDAY, March 1Mb, Win. Hitter will sell a
horses, 12 lieail of cattle and farming imple
ments' 1 mile east of Kratzcrvillc.
TI KSPAY. March 2t. near Fellas, John Shaffer
will sell stock etld fnrrcing implements.
i no ws' a PPBA UU i:t.n.
IfoUeS Is lierehv given Unit f tt- tollowtng
wniows' upprnlseiui'tits under I lie t tOO law have
been tiled witn Uie Clerk ot the Orpbnnii court
ot Snyder Ciuiity und will tie preftHlit"d tor eon
nrtnutlot. on Motiduy, Kclirunr.y ml, IWM,
Apprtilsemenl of Flora K. Hoer, widow ol
lir. P A. lloyer, lute of sellnfoove. snydfi' ft ..
Pe.,deoeeesetl. elected to be taken under the $3oo
exemption law.
Appraisement ol Amanda (lemberllng, widow
of win. ii. Uemberttngi tote M HellnigNfli, i'a..
di'i eiuMfrt. elected to be taken under the tsou
exemption law.
Apprtiiseincn' ol Alice s. Merit, widow of
LnUer A. Merlz, lute of Ueutre TowDshlp, Sny
der Co.. Pa,, deoeeeed, elected U) be talwu under
the turu exemption law.
Apprelsemetu, of s jpbla K. l't'ter, widow of
Henry J. Peter, late of West Heaver Township,
Snyder Co , 1M., deceased, ;lected to be taken
under the $3oo exempt on law,
Appraisement of Matilda K. Kureman, widow
of kiibs Kureman, late of Adams Towuahlp,
Snyder Co.. Pa., deceased, elecud to be taken
under the iloo exmpt.on law.
ADpralsemena of Alice A.S'nhl, widow of o.
W. stabl, late ol Chapman TowrjeliYp, Snyder
Co., Pa., deceased, elected to be taken under
the fcluo exemption law.
(i. M-sniNPBL, Clerk O.C.
Middleburg, Pa., Jan. 87, 19oo.
Butter 20
Eggs .14
Lard 6
Tallow 4
Chickens. 6
Wheat 68
Rye 50
Corn 35
Oats (old) 00
Oats (new).... 25
Bran per 100. 80
Middlings " 90
Chop 90
That ho never did know
just how to bay furniture until
he found himself in our store.
And you will regret the bar
gains lost if you have not in
spected our Hue of furniture,
which is the most complete in
the city. We name you few
of our bargains:
i Special
I Announcement
1 have just received a flue T
assortment ot glassware, con- .
sisting ot Cake Dishes, Fruit
Stands, Celery Trays, Butter'"
Dishes, Pitchers, Spoon Hold- 1 1
crs, (Sc., ise. at prices ranging t
from ; to 15 cents.
Peerless linking Powder, one ?
iKiund cans. He. X
Axle Urease, loc.cansat 10c.,' X
Joe. buckets at loc.
Fine Gloves and heavy Men's 3
C D CiifmiT-nkj
BE SURE . . .
That your eyes and yom
Children's eyes are in
got id condition.
They muy uotconiplaiu, and, you
may not know that their .eyes art
weak, hut time will develop mam
nervous disorders as a result of neg
lecting this important matter. We
test the eye with absolute accuracy.
No glasses recommended unless thev
are needed. It you netd medical
treatment we will tell you so. No
one can do more. We have the lat
est appliances, the newest ideas and
methods in sight testing. Thisoom
bined with experience and skill in
the use otsuch instruments. Making
:.! iL' r ., T
niiMUHUJu uiing oi we imat. siv
drugs used.
Jeweler and Refracting Oodcian.
21 W. Market St.. Lewistown
Graduate Philadelphia OpMcel
Reliable man for M
Branch Office I wish to ooen
vicinity. Good opening lor;,
ergetic sober man. Kindly,;
tms paper when writing.
. ,. tlltil
Illustrated catalogue 4 otai
lis a
ut I
if K
his o
I san
pig oi
Pe di
r. I
' '3jmM I !