The Middleburgh Post. Published everv Thursday. Geo W. Wagenseller, tditor and Proprietor Subscription $1.50 per year. which inuai iw paid lu advance when sent out-sldi- tin- county.) HATES Of ADVERTISING. au transient adverilcmonta not otherwise ontraeted lor will 1m- charged at lif rate of 16 i cuts per line (tumparlel measure) for first Inser- uon and 10 oenu per line tor every subsequent insertion. tfltraih lieMWt JuNUkttfrmi obituary pom rifrulM o rr&ret. tc. thrtr emit a lint Eepublican Standine Cdbmittee- K.laiu- W. H. Herman, J. ' Mlddleaweeto 1. t ta ast . . Ittk -i.l I ii in Beaver W., Chse a Wagner, John D. Howell Oantee. Onepmen, Franklin, Jackson, afteMleburg, Middlecreek Monro, PeOn, Perry, l'erry W SflllnagTove, Spring, Onion, Weehtnicton 11. It. Wagner. II rt. I"""1" s. Trout mini, 1. A. Troup M. I Walter, H. B. Bolender .1. 8. Yearlek, H. n. wniin Al. ClelBii. Jmr hrdley . I . I.' - r ys . lolll'l A. It. Young, n. I Kinar , Frank Miller. Howard Bow Dr. M, Bottiroclk, Irwin Boyer lu i BTraWSer, Ji.lin Noll t A B. Keck, li. .1 Duck (it'o. S. l.e.l'V, O M Sniilli O. (i. Rice, II ' Stroll Dr. R, W. Toole. .1. II- Arbogsal Thursday, Fob. 8, VM). FORESTRY. WORK BY THE U. S. The offer to give advice and fur nish working plans to persona desir ous to plant forest trees, made lat August by tin- Division of Forestry, has received immediate response from farmers in every part oi the country. Altlvilgh but a few months have elapsed Bince the offer became generally known, one hun dred ami eighteen applications have been received, and plans for thirty cifriit of these will be completed Ih fore the time for sjiiin' planting to liegin. And still larger number have asked for written advice, which does not require field inspection by the forest officials, The treeless States have been quickest to avail themselves of assistance, the number of applications being as follows: Kansas, oH; Oklahoma, 19, Nebras ka, 12; North Dakota. 9; Iowa, (i; Indiana, 5j Texas, 5j Minnesota, 4; Colorado, H: Washington, :; Siuth Dakota, 2; California, 2; llinois, 2; New York, 2; Ohio, 1 ; Missouri, 1; Delaware, 1. The majority of plans are for tracts ot five or ten acres, intended by prairie farmers to afford wind breaks and fuel supplies. A tew p!ai. Lings of and 2,' -res are lieing made as experiment in raising forest crops tor market in re gions where such material is scarce. After considering these applications in order, the Division of Forestry has sent experts to study the condi tion ot as many as possible of local ities which offered the best oppor tunities for object lessons to the public Flans will be sent without delay to each owner, instructing him in detail how to plant, and re commending the species best adapted j to his tract. THE KENTUCKY BAnLE. Pblladelelpbls Timn. There are styme vital facts whicl are undisputed in the Kentucky t rouble, and some very serious com plications which ctnbarrasaji peace able adjustment of the conflict There must, however, le a solidioi ot the problem at an early day, am the only question is whether it shal be reached peaceably or whether i shall le arimsoned with the blood o a number of the lelligerents. The most vital of the facts, which are practically undisputed, is the very Vital fact that Senator Goebel tirst jwsseil a violently partisan eiee tion law by which the verdict of tin people could be overthrown by par tisan tribunals, and after winninj. the nomination ibr Governor bv fraud and employed his party ma ehinery to the utmost to defraud his opponent in thecontest, his own par tisan tribunal was compelled to de clare Taylor, the Republican can didate, elected uovernor ny som J,atM) majority. In other words, Goebel's own partisan tribunal, created by himself, after exhausting its jxiwer in the various counties ot the State, w::s compelled to give the certificate of election to his Republi can competitor. Governor Taylor was thus in augurated Governor on the regular ly appointed day and in the regular manlier in strict conformity with the law, ami Senator Goebel immediately proceeded to contest that election, and be prooseded in conformity with the law that he had made for himself. No matter how had the law may !c, it is none the less the law of the State, and when the final tribunal charged with the trial of contested Gubernatorial elections declared in favor of Goebel his title as Gov ernor came to him clothed with ev ery ceremony of law. The fact is hardly disputed thut Goebel was not elected Governor; bat that lie was deteittd by many thousands iiM)ii a lair vote and honest return, but the law of the State makes him the Governor because the tribunal designated by the law to de termine such a contest has given judgment in his favor. Taylor and his triends resist because they know lli,. i- li-ivr Ihm'II defrauded, and Goebel's triends insist upon tak i ing possession f the State offices be i cause the law has declared that they are entitled to them. The only question is whether there shall Im' submission to the judgment i Iw t Hit t is renamed as unjust I , I I . , , j hp niitirtowth il traiid, in " , , .. be revolution. wlicUicr mere siian , , .1.l11,1.(nts . 1 l,V I'l IIIH 1 ' ,1111 m- .....-- are in the attitude of revolutionists, and their battle will henceforth be fought as such. They may precipi tato anarchy and bloodshed, and it i- tl. in n win bv ivvoiii Die tor .... ....... ., irreat tionarv action to oveitluow ,i grt Kit .,1, ; ninul ii die wrong, but the issne musi im .... .... i.i.. ,.r Snlpntlv bv iouiriii out uwnui; ' - , . , ,' i ,i ..,,11.. ,,f Ivoii. the tribunals and the people oi lvt ii . , tuckv themselves. . i ne national go nrnptom In decide a disputed ! - tiou for Governor in any State, and when the laws of a State have been .i i j ..... i . i. .tt fiorfin :'N;:m ;!1 ... ri-'le nation- iu iouiui4i; t lf il eoveninieiit cann it go licliino inai ,ii guvcmuK-ui s I la .1.1. . t 111 I' I-'- : ,udgmem in ' h . , i hum ut at he noun oi me Thn itniv nower that the President can lie called noon to exercise is to i interpose for the Buppn ssi(n of an . ..!... n,.,l nan x ( die olllv i .i ii,, niiii - j when it is confessed that the author J ities of the State are powerless to I maintain the peace and protect the government in discharge ot its pro- per official duties. Considering the fearfully inflamed public sentiment of Kentucky, ami espec tally the inflamed convictions of the mountain Republicans, who beljevein fighting for justice, regard leas of law, the problem present the very gravest possible aspect. The dentil of tiocliel cannot in any de gree change existing conditions. It was originally Uoebel's battle, but it is now the Ivottle of his organiza tion and his friends, and with jj democratic Lieutenant (iovernor b take his place, the struggle cannot lc affected by the assassin acconi lishing the death of Qoebel. It Is altogether the most serious of the several conflicts we have hud in the past for the control of State govern ments, and while it is possible to reach a peaceful solution, it is pro able that the disputants are just in the beginning ot a violent and mur derous conflict. Your hesrt bests over one hun dred thoussnd times escn asy. One hundred thoussnd supplies of good or bsd blood to your Drain. Which is it? If bsd, impure blood, then your brain aches. lou are rrouoica with drowsiness yet csnnot sleep. You are ss tired in the morning a ar nieht. You have no nerve )OWer. I Our lOOO uucs ywu inn ittle good. Stimulants, tonics, hesdsche powders, csnnot cure you ; but will. It makes the liver, kidneys, skin snd bowels perform their proper work. It removes H im purities from the blood. And it mskes the blood rich in its life giving properties. To Hmmtem RBOOvmrym You will be more rspldly cured if you will take a laxative dose of Aver's oills each night. They arouse the sluggish liver ana thus cure biliousness. SV-se ta as We have the exclusive serrleas of some of the most emlasnt ehyslelaai In the United Stat... Writs freely sJi the aarueulars in yoorease. Adams, DR. J. C. ATJOV LowsU, U GOOd Mood! a m i m4i -I K Brief Fum Hawsa Barrick. Krom iti" Bellefonte Oautu 1 ,i EV BR K BUNK I. M. itnKi:. Mer l I f l nen en maur porra tm ikutick, ud i a t oi iiioer in u (' . I 'er oitti "orsn Moliler, w.mi far drisich vohr iii. n i j . i i , tie kmnerom Harrick gatfawtcd nut, ' seg hired won se Un eld wora, se . " , . . ' bugrawva won se g sntarva sm un si batsawliog g'nurama in sohnits un ,. . , ,. -liniicr-safe, is tsu oldt worra far de Vungn leit un se hen ene nows ga- ' draid ins sower-rumble fold I we en 8adriha oldtergowl.nn hen en yung- er mon elect, tier in porra wrera . r lirilla, en shtita lioot un kul hen- shune. Are is leddich un oil de I Icit gleicha cue arbordioh demaid. Ue ueusurul nut era BWK ill cine, im se natiawbt COW ware era chance wile se shunt so long gawardt hut, un arbordioh wile eu porra public I property is un eon a week gevva wara tsu wem os are kaerd wile se ene anyhow enara tuissa. Yader ebber hut ene un mowl un utl da liend, un won are arigets onna Doomed don doona se ene ins Infdit bed un Bohlochta de ftnlshta howna. Far 'a niorga gabatle greeked are de grose Beevil fum dish ous der "grossa shttMip" woo iiemoud ni dariff eugons yohr bis der jxirra Doomed, tm olles, in fact, drawga st; enie by oswon are en kanich ware. Se treat a ene now we en engel bis se ous finna os are aw usht en nu-nsh is un demo han dla se cue we en sow. Awver des is net oil si druvvel.uDer arsht mon os arr aw-gadnifla hut, noach dent os are elect wort; hut erne g'sawd are mist orrick ocht gevva we are hreddicht un mist yoli nix sawga wa ga tloiisa wile shier yader ebber om Barripk doused. Anonerer, hut enie g'sawd are mist voh nix sawga waega korda shpcela wile oil de yunga leit 'progressive yooker" shpcela, un der drit is eoonia un hut enie g'sawd are darf't nix sawga i- :i i i -ii w.en.i i;u n.ivwii w tie ne iiuucr- rianti r,.e,,-wt,i v..r v.-..n. Am Irainnnli l.iv... .... ........ ....... in .i.i I . un data s net ariawva. "Well, inv liever freind, hut ar trsawd, "wietra was sull Ich bred-! diciia r "(iel)'s tzn da Mormons ken freind om Barrick." ,. i S lien Em ledsnta Soondawg lint are don rosrM ilii f iirriinim nnknanninlrnn tin I.... Ai .. D. ,!.. bfs'i "i rv m i t litli UVI . Vfiiivrsaiiii ii iiiiimii; i ill in- i uiuuiuii s-ieaH, I )UR Ol UUff0f sMtNOM f t III' 1 ma far si subject. Are hut em awnna jf iry ot ZZTtlZT" gffi' 1 Roberts trm1 booBierawlish in tle!Kt1bruarTTeru, t'om'I','"clnB,'eb-a,19,u , ,. , , ... . Name. Occupailou. Residence, i niMin g buiiuusi, awci iu nut un git- wist os are cm Mike Hetel aw a nw a n aft 111 ! fllti Ulllfl ir I ni ,.1, ..... ...... ... ,"," tint. r Jt , jj ,i..U...;',r",. . maimim 1er lUlKe wen aOUUHUHWl tar ... , . , , , . der legislature un Imt far de tin i i i. o I it- ledslita Soondawi; en dawler ins ... . . . . glnifrle-secklv gadoo. Awer are limit net oil si geld dart ni. Es is bakont 0111 liarrick os are aw tswte Wiver enaretl. I e ll lied is si fraw l l u r it ic un de onner is delicckie licnelfinger. t D i i i 'it De DeOklfl IS bOUt en SilS man Id, but rbode liorc. awga we en dawb un en broosht we en fasont. Era finger sin so full ringos'ra oldtakoo. era harner, un wile se dneli shunt a! i t i , , , I pawr Iioof-Clsa fiirlora llllt IS liucll l liii SO sliprv OS ell lHjdderreeslv UII 80 . lavendicli os en u-mense. Se wterd en seal-skin coat un is sida fun der howd rouse. Yader ebber glawlted 1 os olles gakawfed is fum Mike sime geld, un olla Soondawg bucked se &ich on so en blotz os 6e der Mike rreht lecblicb in de awgagooka con, un des iseii g'schmoonsel un en ga bliusel Ann awfongfnn der breddicli bis ons end. De oldt Betsy Hetzel sitcd Daiva om Mike, mil cram oldta oke-boiinet, un shiffericlia sbawl, der kup dninna un era awga utl era awnna oldta runslicha bend woo in cram beva ken ring g'saena lieu un nix g'wist os bardt shofla tar em Mike si geld tzomtua boldta. Der jiorra but gabreddiclied wiega da leit woo net ocbt gevva ufl a; fraw, woo base un shttivvericb nn mean sin dabame un ben oil era blesseer far onner leit; woo shelda won era fraw pawr cent will far sich lien sbing kawfa won era oldte de finger houa hen, un woo 130 karrielm rote siu won se im evver-shtoll si sctta. 1 Vr Mike hut sich in sime sitz room g'shrowbed os won are bren-asel in da hussa hot, un de Itcckv Lcfld- ; finger hutene net aw gagooked tar es arsht mold in dri yohr. We tier porra fardieh wore hut are es oldt bakont leed ous gevva, "'Oh for a face tliat will not shrink," un tier Mike htttiwfonga Shiga OS Won are usht uffcawwketl ware tun ma tonga ! shlofe; awer we de karrich oils wore! is are net miff far hands shaka nilt em porra awer is nows un utl em haine-wake, we si fraw ene g'frogt ; hut wos are fun tier hreddich ga denked het, hut are g'sawd i "H boovoly is tsu shmart. Ich denk are hut nooh nix gahesa film Solomon un em David. Bidder hut are ken goot wardt maa ! far tier nei porra, un se nuena are i duid farleieht sich gons ob-risa fun der karrich. Awer won are doot don is nix furlora. En moo os so l. J !l 1 set net in en blot buuub ureiueti . . rsetzed si woo onnerii im doonkel ivvcr ene folia. Liiss mich dere siwgn, Kernel, der Roberts is net der ansicht Mor mon im Congress odder in der kar- rich, un won der dive! rodfishafai ' . . . B monsleit don doot are ma weibs inensch si shtroomp-bendel usa tin Imit. Un es shlimsht is art oon oltfort sell bait greegs oony lonf grawva. una weibsmensch os tar Peered waerdt furnished era ageny holfter-ket. "Ware sich in de g'fore gebt ooomed drin um," iseu shprich- wordt so WOK OSes oldtis, un ware's net glawbt con's usht amohl bro veera, un arc tint ous we g'schwint os are en oorsochl tint far der awrein olt Dive) blama far ene in der lets wake feeru. Kssin usht tswsewtega derrecht under let.. Du konsnt net tener dravela oony di bucket ut der onner draya, un de weldt hut bpqs wennich blots far leit woo era hussa ous wara nff da knee olla Kiihns and John C. Grilbb; Over winter far hiwel fun garechtiehkeit ; seer, Valentine Walter; Supervisor, nutl groddla un der sit, om rooch- j Jesse Hiickenburg; Auditor, Iaiah board nunner fora ufl de onnera side im free yohr. Un de divel I doused olsfort woila-shtengel os dorrich der schnie null woxa tar's leh noch graser risa Ols widder, GOTTMEB V)6NASTIKI rti j im a- tint ofOrand Jurors drawn for the Qnorl Ol Oyer and Terminer and oenernl JsU deliver anatxiun or (mirier Sessions of the Peace ol Snyder county beM as Keb. Term, commencing Hominy, February 2tv loo. OKANOJUHOIO. - Franiiiiu 'sprtSff Bear wt .. RfiH i I'errv West 1 Beaver West I Waajnugton 1 I'enn Name. UivupsMnn. Rolendnr. Charles A . Farmer, Krouse, William (4., Farmer, Ewlnir, Frank, Fanner, bressler, .lobrt, Fanner, Fisher, John I., Laborer, (iaugler. Jacob ., Farmer, Haas. Daniel. Fanner. Mains, llcirari utuorer IMSjaa. Joseph M.. Firmer, I HSOdnCIS, IMIlip Firmer, ' -larren, newion, r inner ! Noncher, John A Purtuer, j NelU, John C , Laborer, uotiirwk, JamnsB., Plasterer, .l.irri'll STdwtAti cliapmiin Union Franklin j Adams Selliihgro,! t itainer, sunn, rarmer, .',oli,),!,:k - .! c. oentiemai., i BaBmia. w i Seebold. Wllllaui. Fiirmer. Jaokaon I j seaman. Frauk. Teacher Shlrey, Isaac. Flintier, V Inch. Jerome. Farmer, Woodllmr Frank. Farmer, vy alter, vajentine, UeatlemaD, Middlecreek itcaver jWssi i union (enliel leaver j I ..aviiri. n iiuiini, nawyer, I nmt,itM, Fanner, 1'KTIT .H'lioits J5! 13?!". ?rorf 4wb lor me t:onrt or , . Algler, Jerome, Farmer, Beavei I n Ion Penns Hellnagnive ; Aui'Ker, .1011:1. Farmer, 1 HlnTamiin I . i B I Burns. Hiram. I. a, hit Brunner, l-aac. Furrner uuer, jouu Laborer, Heaver Wet-l Beaver, Matthias, IMturw. Monro,, l. coieman, David h . Laborer Cooper. John I.., Oeiiileman' cums. joim m., Laborer ! STas mm, if rnaii.u . 1 Merer. If 00 roe Reaver Hell nag rovu sellnsgrove Adams spring Spring Middlecreek Centre Penns I'nlon Sellns'irove Centre spring W ashlnglon Perry Franklin Spring Cbanman Centre -Middlecreek Fetterolf, Charles, Farmer, rci.i i, .lu no, rarmer Felker, William H Ijiborer. OutellDS, N. C, J. P., Hackenburg. Joseph', Herman r i, -i , n , . i i.... llerroid, Thomas o.. Teacher, Haines. William, Coaclimaher, Herman, wniiam c, Farmer, KaufTman. Abrahmn. Farmer Kissinger, Charles Farmer KerS. K,;'i7mherIJ1d'.ord Verjonnarmerr"r' iach, james' i, Farmer, Jarbuiger, Alired. (ieiilleman, Melser. Charles, Buker. Musser, Klement Farmer Melser, Rent en Landlord' oSkSfJS' iSMgsSMfJ Teseher, ' i haiuuaii seUbsgroTe Middieimrg ( tiapman ivnns Jackson Beaver West sPrtng Monroe Seltusgrove Penns Perry West rrnnklln Chapman Perry Monroe Centre Beaver West Perry West muni . iB v if a. FHnnnr siaUUer. Daniel. Ueu'lleman HUM. William s f..J EST"' Shelly, William H . Fnrtne'r UI.oIIa,, .'Oi, S . " sneney, wmiam P., Primer sufTel, William. Boatman. ' Troup, (!alvln. Farmer. Teats. Philips!., Oentleman,. Walter, John A , Farmer Weader, Samuel. Farmer Willow, Samuel, Laborer! CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of (SmtfSStZ RPETS. Yea can have a better car pet, a prettier carpet and a jjaaapt carpet taaa year awigfcaarby wrHJag ieraaa ol our 16 catered lithe graphed caUtogues, which Shows Carpets. Ross. Art Squares, Portieres, Lace Curtains, and Bed Sets ta their real colors, sa that Cw''''''''-17 ptates you can tell exactly VSnXSmT " y"" yc prepay freight, snv car- J,4e fffji ntirf tji-m'tt CllIfffl ....-tL.t rh lining wiinvni i uurg c . f Oar Oenersl Cata letae telle about every thlag to eat, wear and aee, end will save you money on every thing; you use at every sea son at the year. Oar Made to- Order Clot nine Cstalocue. ihaed,J!.w.",,u,h,; This Iron Bed $2.65: latest styles of suite snd overcoats, prices rang ing from Sg.OS to Sea. We prepay expreaeage. If you have not dealt with us before, now is the time to begin. All catalogues are free. Which do you want? Address this way : JULIUS HINES & SON, BALTIMORE, HP. Dept. OOU. NOMINATONS For Township OtBces ' .ml i inn l Irani Inot tt eek. I ADAMS TUT., I). Justice ot the Peace, Simon Ben fer; Tax collet tor, Geo. M. (ietz; Supervisor, Chas. W. Bingaman; School director, Philip J. Ockerj Overseer, I. M. Smith, Judge ol election, J, O. Loss; Inspector, J.Y. H. Mover; Auditor, II. ( '. Krebs. BEAVER TWP., I. Tax collector, John Iletrick; Su pervisor, ('. W. Bingaman; Inspec tor, ( 'has. Kelker. CENTRE TWP., D. .lodge of election, S. S. Kowersox; Inspector-, Wallace Markel and Amnion W. Walter; Tax collector, Joseph Kerr;Schooldirectors,8imon Oberlin. WEST PKBBY TWP., U. Judge of election, John Whitely; Inspector, Theodore Mitterling; Tax collector, J. Z. Strawser; Supervisor, Abel Shirk and Daniel ManeVal; Overseer (full term), A. Mitterling; 1 year, Cabel Graybill; School direc tors, C. W. Wagner and Wm. Bres sler; Auditor, Chas. M. Arbogast. HEMNHGROVK, It. Burgess, Alfred Marburger; Coun cilmcn, J. 1. Woodruff and E. P. Rohbach; 1 year, S. M. Smyser; School di rectors, Jolin 1 1 . Khainstiiie and Henry L Philips; Tax collector, Geo- Pisher; Overseer, David J. Keller; Auditor, II. E. Iudenslag- ' ' 7 er j Judge ot election, Joseph A. Ludwig) Inspector, Samuel Sterner. CENTRE TWP., P. Judge of election, S. G. Binga- mau; Inspector, C. A. Bingaman; a ii.... n.,...,. bi,..,.i i7ll.- USVI , 1 I'll 1 1 1 I 1 1 III II , kllliMil director. Joshua P. Bingaman; All ditor, ('. A. Hassinffer. ' - CEifTBE TWP,, 1ST). U. supervisors, rerry v. iwwersox and Allen Snook Supervisor, Joseph I-song; School directors, NV. L. Strawser, E. Ii. Herman and James P. Hcekard; Auditor, U. S. Sholly; Tax collec tor, Peter Shaffer; Overseer, John Sciler; Judge of election, T. II. Nichols; Inscpector, M. A. Shaffer. MIDDLBOBEEK TWP., INI). R. Tax collector, M. E. Erdley. KEUN80ROVE, I. Chief Purgess, Jonas S. Miller; Town council, John C. Thompson, M. Im Kreeger and Henry J. Deol)- ler; School directors, Dr. A. R. Pot- teiger and Dr. A. C. Spang'.er; Tax oolleotor. Andrew J. Gross; Over- uiiir I .invix Amur: Anditnr. I hna L , , , ' . , (). dangler; J tidge ot election, El- mer V. Snvder; Inspector, Simon J. Wcnnch; Justici; of the Peace, Hiram P. Jarrett. SPRING TWP., I). Justice of the Peace, J.B. Spang ler; Tax collector, Wilson Dreese; Supervisor, John David Grossf School director, James A. Felker; Overseer, Albright Dreese; Judge ot election, James W.Klingler; Inspec tor, S. E. Klinepeter; Auditor, C O. Greenhoe. WASHINC.TON TWP., D. Judge ot election, S. Oscar Gil bert; Inspector, J. J. Pawling; Jus tice of the Peace, Frank S. Glass; School directors, H. A. Kliugler and Thomas C. Iandis; f3iii)ervisors Miles Kant, and Solomon Lauver; Overseer, J. P. Springman; Auditor, J. D. Glass; Township clerk, T. E. Hoff. Washington township will vote on the question of buyinga poor farm. ' A ' niHATE)' CARD. 1 lie republican primary election will lie hrlil In (lie various dixt. icU of Snyder Count v Sat urday. Feb. M. ISSN between the hours of one anil seven P. M., for the purpose of nominating me person for Coiiicrem nan. ene person for State Senator, one person for Asaemblviusn, one pen-on for I'rothonotary, etc . one person for lieu-liter anil Reorder, one person for Ills trict Attorney anal one person for Jury C'oin mlwilnner ami the election of one lo-rson for BtawewlaaaSe ami one peisno for National lel. ecate. The followini; prrwins have annllliseil llieniwlves as candidates fur the several uoai. tioiiaas imllcateil liclow : I'-rir Conureas. Att!ieearii.:t aolMtatioa of a large number ot ihe HttMllltsttis of Miy.ier 'aunty, I here with preeeiil my name o a eandidaee for Ctaa gr.H u.he i..c,,l r, at the primary elc-tlnn. .-utiinlay. Keb .'l. i0i With mawy thanks tor tbeirenerniM supMH I have reaalrsd at tin hamlaor tin- I . iblioan of Snyder Countv and res) NVt fulls .,, luino a continuance o'f your esteem .inn support, I atu vours truly, nun. u. maiion. Ml -enutor !, '"' ,ll;io'iartmiii.v toaniioume my V.,1"';'."".'.""1""" '"r "leonice of .-tuteSc-uator, snblacitn lleimiiii,.,,, rui,., ,,,,,1 llm(tM on, 1. neeount) 1 uavs Imsii ,, Uopubliea,, from "" "'el a- niv fellow EtopsjbllaSM Wall Know, I ham in 1 , ... 1 i ..... .1 S?"".".? '" '! eatise of the nl.l ""'"ean a ty During tils war i.f the He .r .L'" ; 1T,V" 8 if1 fr.nn near the out i , ' ar iitill Um oltna ,,f bostflltlas. rlr,ly eimvlll ,.. isl my el liniS f.irtlie nnml- r.:'-V"".,i ' ,, ''f easonaWj lust, 1 mot r S.,.Uf,1lly , i.,,.,ll11M,r, f , ,,,,,(. can voters nf the comity, Reap'r ronrii 11 F. WAOBMSBXLBR. 'or Aastftnlily, I'n th, Mnubllcan rotors ot Snjrder County 1 Al Ihaonmlng primary sleeUon to be beld on reo. W I will be a oandldata for the republican iiominaiinn of AH-einHlynian of Snviler c ount v I trimt (he two term rule will lie applied in niv eaae nn it has been before, in which case I will use my lict endeavors torepresent mveonalitu ... . . V M.'SMITU. Bearer Springs, Pa,, Jan, IS, won. Kor Prothonotary, Ktc. To the republican voter of Snyder Countv At the rapuhllcan primary eleetinn to be lipid Cell U. 19(11. I will lie 11 candidate fur the llr- PUnlleail In ,11.1 null, .11 r. l..l . . , , . . , ".(iiitiii.r. ami clerk of Iheooilrts. ami I ask for the votes of all tin- Republicans or toe county . MidilleburK. Fa.. Jan. IS. 1U00. Kor HfijlNter and Recorder, To the repuhliiwi voters of Snyder County: vpii.iiiean primary eleetinn to be held i ll ,','"n'"'lt' n-e nom' ination of Register Reeonter, and 1 ,,-k for the votes of all the republicans of the countv Mi.Mle.inrgh.ra., ,...., Distric t Attorney. I hereby aniiounce myself as a candidate for the office nf Dintnet Attorney at the cominc primary election. Saturday, Feb. 24th, aiil.ieH to Republican rules and Uiages. If nominated and elected, I promise to discharge thedutiex of the office to the best of my ability. Respectfully yours, M. I. POTTER. Kor Jury Commissioner, To the republican voters of Snvder connty At the republican primary election, I will be a candidate for the nomination of Jury Com mlnsloner and I ask for the votes of all the re publicans In Ihe county. ,. . in- ss. s . 'aWIN ORAYB1LL. I'axtonville, Pa., Jan. 15, 11W0. To the Republican voters of Snyder Countv I hereby announce my name as a candidate for Jury t commissioner subject to the rules of the Republican party. ADAM B. 8I1KMOKKY Penn Township. Jan. 28, WOO. To the Republican voters of Snyder County: , in opportunity to announce my self as a candidate for Jury Commissioner sub ject to the Republican rules and usages. Born In the countv. I have been nKn ,,. time, and nearly all of my fellow Rcpubli- V.T. 7i . I aerveo my country faithfully for six years in army and navy anil wm thi. Aral ,a V.....1 . . . -...... ....... ...... ,-, .oiiiiiv xo taki up arms against bpaln, and to-day I have thi honor to he the hero of three wars. There Fori, I will uiilr .... r..i i . , ., i."! "c""w nepunuoans to Btaiid byme as I have stood hy my conntrv. .... .1.,, i hi 10 no justice to .... .. - T, II. BUlilTK. Selinsgrove, Pa. National Delegate. To the republican voters of Snvder emmtv At the republican primnrv eleetinn I., ho I, ..I, I Saturday. Feb. 24, loon, I will be a candidate for isauonai neiegaieand I ask lor the votes of all ne repuoiicans in tne county. OEO. W. VVAOENSF.LLER. Mlddleburg. Pa , Jan. 1. lwm. Stette Delegate, Kit PlWT - !., U ,,.,,, u. . .. . . III. 111,1111 RU, 1,, r.,1- l.., ..!.t.. .. ,1... .-. , , , I..' . v .invriiiioii. suoiew so mo regiiiationa or the Republican I u V ii a Hin'iory. t kiuui) n. mo ,1 i in i repuoiiean voters. iM-np y yours, A. . MI'SSKR. Iteavertown. Pa. 'I'd the Hon II I ill,' an vnlir. At Knv.l.p t IumLi ur.rvuy iiiiii'niiii r niv naiiie as a candidate Kir I'cicir tic m in,, -iiaie t fin.-cntii,, ,,. i, i. in liarrlsburg. ISAAC SPOTTS. Ferry Township, Jan. 23. 1UUH. r.n. rim ! r lease announce niv name cauuiaaie lor ,-iaie Delegate, subject to the ruien go, e riling lie ar.y. JAMES ERDLSY. Court iHraciamation. TITHEREAS the Hon. Harold M. McClnrJ rresiueni juuae o: tne JUil c a niairiei coinpoteii ot tne counties ol Snyder, amll , ii,iu wuu rcicrr.mcgie ana i. T. tiem berllng. Emit., Aasuciate JuiUei In and InrSn. der county, have issued their pteeept. bearlma date the 1Mb dsyol Jan. A. I)., lorn i J dlrecUd for the holding olan Orphans' Court. 1'- ,..,. ,-, ..,,...,,., ii..., wiua ui vyer ann ier miner auu v.enersi i aiuri oi quarter Efessloni o ihe Peace, at Mlddleburgh. lor the county n Snyder, on the 4th Monday, (being the SStll uav ui reo, rjonj, ana to continue one week; Notice Is therefore hereby given to the Coron er, Justlren of the Peace and (Jonatablea In and lor the connty ol Snyder, to appear In thellltfye pinour iiermu wun meir roin, records, Inqulsllelaltn tlonii pttrnlnni Innii ami nth.. .... J ' lalltl , -..,. iu.iuui .ui;cf,. to do those thlnge which of their offices and ijKSntU their behsl I pertain to be done and witDesselmen 1 and persons prosecuting In behalf of the ConiK. .-i monwealth aiialnst any personor persons are rel quired to be then and tliere attending and delPreme parting without leave at their peril. Justin larbltn are requested to be punctual In their aitendsncJ,t.i at the apiolnted time agreeably to notice. I'Deir i Olven under my band sn.i Healst the Sheriff Sine office In Mlddleturgh, the IM h day ol JaJaaruUR a. D., one thousand nine hundred. ? O. W. ROW. Sheriff. UefKIl - 'brougl 1) KOISTF.K'S NOTICES NOTK ES.-Notice in hereby glvlZ... following named persons havf" en that the filed tnelr Administrators', uuradlan. and ccutors' accounts In the Register's Office of Sn, aer county, anu tne ame win ta? presented I continual um auu aimmauce at. t ne Court HOI in itiiuaieDurgD, Monauy, Keb. iotb. low. second and pari isl account of Rebecca Men ser, lnvld Melser and R. s. Melser, executors ( me esiie oi .nisi-pii meiser. late ol Chap twp.. snyacr CO., nb, aeceased. The first and final account for and on bebnf of or. P. A, Boyer, late guardian ot Hlanoiie f snowaiter, minor eniM of ueonre showalb deceased, this being filed bv 8. e, Ocbssenfordlad tJe exeeuwr of said Dr. p. A. Royer, who died OctX,... , tier a:irrt inuu "Iiiace 1 j. ir wn i w ri.i. mt uTMi. Pame Register's Office, Mlddleburg, Pa., Jan. ST, lft Dr. Fenper's Golden Relief. EE, A trui spacirio in au, INFLAMMATIONS OM Sorss, Woands, Swrastlsss, aTeanlalaJ (.mas. - A SUSS CURB OrlpJ BJ P.. SS t t c a f e c tl tl si n R oi M C w w ol tl si ft tb of at gt th Ti to hi: rei me; of It I fayi Is t the m the be i the ed s tion bttI sett two Witt sert Ti fere Johi lelrj Kdel mas Fc ent erno Brec son. A lette in u ham, Kent nel ( fers justli the I tee, t the r In Fran ernoi part qouiy ii ytfall a I hara asrr.r- runer. Eta-er, one mannutton kklaa rhe bv niter i Ituatk aturdi -wj r ra Jrderec Is the!