ml OBO. W. WAQBWBBLLBB, A-r MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO., PA., THURSDAY, FEB. 8. 1900. VOL, 37. NO. 6. Editor ana rrunown vo a i an led hi mi N lat. nnl mi i in N INTERESTING ITEMS. Thpfountv commissioners had a meeting Saturday. Staler made a business trip to New Berlin Monday. The Main Shoe Company has in Teased the wages of their employes. T.wlo rMhui nf Sclinsirrore Spent n few days in town during the past week. lioir Will. II. Rover has moved into the new U. V. parsonage in Franklin. Protracted meeting is in progress at the United Brethren church in this place. r. v. vt'i.t'zd of McClure htm be- xj Una the ticket agent and orator at this place. Mrs. Border of Hartletou isstay- ..i i i Mis ROg witn ner Isaac btuneling. The members of the Lutheran hurch celebrated the Lord's Sup per Sunday morning. Theodore How, one of Middle plc tnwnshin's reliable farmers, kvas in town last week. , t nr .....1 (1 II Ktiinincrer Iti. ID., uiu o Umirht a 'tract of timberland from S. G. Moyer for $300. Mmm Mnllip Uolender has return- ltlOO Ulrroma six weeks' visit to lnr .sisters in Akron, Ohio. lMTincuMi IJose and Blanche Spaid Lf Selinsgrovo visited Mrs. Catha rine Spaidover bunday. t J. J Steely, Esq., and Joe Wag- aw . i a. I 1-M X I I worn Hi U ' n ll .ucr in seat Saturday on business nnrv P. Beaver and Alfred tlelan. "who had been working at . ... I O . . I Rcedsville, came nome oaiuruai w V. Kmhlneckcr. nronrietor ol - . roo I t r.n-linnts' Hotel. Adamsburg, and wife were visiting relatives in town Sunday of Salem, one of iiw, utivi voumr men of 1 enntown- vmv v-iww j m ship, was a taller at this office Hair mrdav morning IWvi-r. wife, son, Emily Il,.rlu,r and Bemamin BAWDOIJUlf- n:.. i. ...... .....r Sum :iv visitors ai I r . Gabriel Beaveri V R. Rower ami son of liewisburg have been visiting for dnvs at Mrs. ' aiuiinm Bower's in Franklin. Shindel and Willis VUVIMM-' and Commissioners Clerk BruaiUM were at Adainslurg.lon(iay aner noon iK'tween trains. f T R. MeWilliams, who had been visiting her parents here for seve ral months, has returned to her home in McVeytown. Murrav Wittenmycr, one of the .Lab. lnifWi store. Mitflinbure, last Sunday, was the guest of Miss Amanda Wittenmyer. t..i. Woltop nf Fmnklin town UUIIU " j,;., lpmnl iii to sec us Saturday morning to get bills for his sale which will take place manw John Klose of Mifflinburg and Charles McLain oi vrawoiiiowu Mifflinburer Sun- unjvc W v. v- - - o day to spend the day with the re latives. T a:milinT this week will move out of the shool house, where i , t i i i i, famnnnin v aomiciieti. tie lino uwi j to the nouse oi xan. ouwu back of town a n. n nut in Orcf nil. ' A UUW ' Vlil writing to the publishers of Horse J Book, advertised in this issue, says : I 'l nave reaa duuuk u the horse; some of them were large and of high price, but Biggie Horse I HOOK 1MU ure jv-h iolfree by mail; address the publishers, luAi itUMv Pi Philadelnhia. t, pom 1 In another column will he found an interesting article by "Zip," en titled "WhenthcShoe Factory Whis tle Blows." Arlington, son of Sharif. Row, came home from WiUiatnauort taat week. He received a severcgash in I one of lus hands from a vicious horses. A Ivin ! I. Mover, the proprietor ot the new store at Doodletown, dropped In to see us last Thuraday, An application has been made lnr a pt office at that place. Allen A. Foreman ofHartleton, who has been tanning flu- (i. Milton Moatz of this place, was in town last week. Mr. Foreman will move to Swetlgel in the spring. An exchange says: Should the RapublioatU next year nominate for Vloe President Koot of New York, and the Democrats select Mr. Ib'gg as a running mate for Mr. Bryan, the voters of the country will have to choose between Hoot, Hogg or die. If you want vour hair out with out steps or a Dice easy shave and a refreshing shampoo, go to A. E. Soles, in the hank building one door east of the Post Office, ill room w ith the druir store. A clean towel to each customer and satisfaction guar anteed. the "I'ennsvlvania licrman is a new publication edited ami publish ed by P. C.Croll, A. M.. Lebanon, Pa. It is devoted to the history, biotrnphy, genealogy, poetry, folk lore and general interests of the Pennsylvania (rermans and their de scendants. It is issued quarterly at one dollar jht year. The January issue contains a photograph of Con rad Water, the famous Indian in terpreter, who roamed through this section about a century ago. If you want a good, clean, honest, straightforward paja'r that already is welcomed in thousands of rural homes throughout the country, then let us send vou Farm Journal. Its editor knows what to print, but better yet, knows what to leave out. We will send the Farm Journal the remainder of 1900 and all of 1901, 1902, 1906 and 1904 to every one wiio will pay up promptly his sul- scription to the Post; both papers at the price of ours only. COUNTY CULLINGS. Rev. (i. L. Lowell coutcmplales going to the state of Oregon lnAprlt. Frank Thomas, the landlord at Kreamer, will move to Freeburg in the spring and Samuel Bumbaugh will take charge of the Kreamer hotel again. The Penn Telephone now has con nection with the following towns in Juniata and Perry counties: Port Royal, Mexico. Thompsontown, Mc Alisterville, Rictield, Newport, Mil lerstown and New Bloomfield. In the coal regionsit also connects with Ashland, Shamokin, Mt C&rmel, &0, Charles H. Miller, who has Ik-cii attending Bucknell University, from which institute he will graduate in June, was home the latter part of last week. He has accepted a three month position as assistant principal of the public schools at Marienville, Forest County, at a salary of $60 a month, and left tor that place on Sunday. Courier. To the Deaf. A rich lady, cured of her Deafness and Noises in the Head by Dr. Nicholson's Artificial Ear Drums, gave $10,000 to his Institute, bo that deaf people unable to procure the Ear Drums may have them free. Address No. 10327 The Nicholson Institute, 780, Eighth Avenue, New York. 1-25-ly. HENRY MOYER IS DEAD. One of Penn Township's Most Estimable Citizens Pass es Away. Henry Mover of Penn township, this coiiutv, was Ixirn October 28, 1 827 and died on the farm where he lived and was Ixirn on Monday after- not f this week at 1:30 o'clock, aged 72 years, I! months and "days. Mr. Mover is well and favorably known by all the people of the coun ty. He has always enjoyed the es teem of his fellow men and in Penn township where he was hest known was most highly respected. He has at various times held different posi tions in the township in which he never faltered in his trust. He was superintendent of the Salem Sunday school, at various times and tor many years was a member and officer of the old Row's church, and he was also a member of the building com mittee for the newly erected church at Salem. March 17, 18G0 he was married to Mary (J. Degel, who was born at Lahn, Bavaria, April 11, 1638, a daughter of John (ieOTge and Barbara (Schubert) Degel. She Oame to the United States in 1S53, reaching New York alter a voyage of eight weeks. 1 The children of Henry and Mary Moyer are I 1. John F., bora Augusts, 18(X), now a farmer ot Juniata county. 2. David , born March 10, 1802, now resides at Salem. 3. Charles A., born March 23, 1 84 , a merchant of Spring Mills, Centre county. 4. Mary A., horn April 17, 18C '., married first Dr. Geo. P. Miller, second Rev. H. G, Suable. S. Anna M., liorn April 2U, lS(i7, married to I'rot. John I. Woodruff of Susquehanna Univer sity, Selinsgrove. !. Sarah J., born Sept. 28, 18iS, wife of Dr. J. V. Seip of Erie, Pa. 7. Clara E., Irn Dec. 13, 1870, and died Nov. 24, 1889. 8. Con V., born Dec. and is the wilt- of ('has 21, 1873 Gable of Selinsgrove. 9. Infant daughter boru January 7, 1870, and died April 21, 1873. 10. Delia A., born Sept. 23, 1879. 1 1. Verna E., bom Aug, 2, 18S1. John Mover, the grand father of the deceased, was born in Berks county, May 27, 1771, the son of a native German, who was the found er of the family in America. John Moyer came to this section and set tied on the very farm where Henry died Monday. He married Anna Margaret Miller, who was born Apr. 17, 1771. William, one of the sons of John, was the father of the de ceased, and was married March 21, 1825 to Margaret Fisher, who was horn at Fisher's Ferry Pec. 24, 1803, a daughter of Christian and Hannah Fisher. William was a gunsmith anl lot lowed tiie trade until lie as sumed the management of the old homestead farm. He died Jan. 24, 1807 and his wife died Dec. 26,1888. The funeral will take place Thurs day morning at 10 o'clock. Ser vices at Row's church. The Directors of the Beavcrtown Mutual Fire Insurance Company met on Saturday and organized by electing Hon. S. A. Wetzel, Presi dent; Dr. A. M. Smith, Vice Presi dent; and A.H. Bnwersox, Secretary and Treasurer. The new directors elected on the 26th ult are John 8. Smith, W. Hi Dreese and Isaac Middleswarth. W. D. Gift was elected auditor. ( has. C. Verger and his brother, Samuel, of near New Berlin, were at the county seat Thursday. The former is selling his farm stock, a notice of which appears in our sale register When the Shoe Factory Whis tle Blows. When the shoe factory whistle blows young men and women in em ployment often havea stock complaint to make, that is, their employers seem to regard them as so much machinery. They bewail and lament the absence of cordiality on the pan ot their principal, and envy the re gard that seems to fall to a PAVOB- HD few. They can't In their estimation one person y as good as another. Do they ever balance theJfKattec in this way? lObnia as Lite in the morning as possible, and my main anxiety is to got away as quickly as 1 can at Mftotjf or jght when the whistle blows. doTust w hat I am obliged to do and no mor T"fM The toil " ""'"Ttheact: employer gets all he can out 1 will cet all I can out ot mv cm-. plover. 1 1 i nut my concern il matters 'go wrong. 1 am not here to look alter anybody's interests but mv own. From 7 to ' is an eter nity, and the dinner hour should be 1 20 minutes long. At night when the whistle blows, the quicker 1 can get away from work the better. Myself first, my employer last. Pleasure before business. As many holidays as possible. Ten hours pay for seven hours work. Againstthis is the sentiment of one of the FA VORED PEW. I give my employer the very hest in me. It is my capital to do my best, f be does not appreciete me, some one else will. Good work is my indorsement. My employer's interests foremost. 1 use every incident for his advantage, get a suggestion from a tritle and do not consider time. I am anxious of re sults first of all. When 1 am fully interested in what 1 am doing, the whistle at night is the most unwel come of sounds. As early as possi ble in the morning and as late as necessary at night. I do all I can and watch for an opportunity to do more. BALANCE THE two. Is it any wonder that one is a worn out machine and the the other a respected assistant'.' It docs not take long for th' employer to esti mate thi' attitude of those under him. Sons and daughters and all whom it may .concern, tight your own bat tles, hoe your own row. Ask no favors of any one and then you arc not in debt and are not expected to return any favors and you will suc ceed a thousand times better than one who is always beseeching sonic one else's influence and patronage. No one will ever help you as yon help yourself, because no one will be so heartily interested in your a Hairs. Men and women who have made fortunes arc not those who have had 6,000 given them to start with, but the boys and girls who have started lair with a well earned dol lar or two. Frankness, enthusiasm, willing ness and energy sieak in unmistak able accent, and are the only true way to success. Wait for opportunity, but better still, make your opportunity, .wait for nothing, especially do not wait idly for the whistle to blow. As eyer, Zip. The "Little Blue Book." A neat, compact pocket volume containing the time-tables of all the railroads in Pennsylvania, should be in possession of every traveling man, hotel, business man and business firm in the state. It is published month ly, with all corrections up to date, at one dollar per vear. Single copies ten cents. Mailed on receipt of Eice. Address "Little Blue Book," ilton, Pa. TWELFTH UENSUS Of the Tentn District ot Penn sylvania. Supervisor H. A. Reed of Sunbury Kept Busy Six Connties Comprise Tenth District -Applications Received Daily Enumeratori to Commence June I. II. A. Heed ol Sunbury, super visor ot the Tenth District of Penn sylvania, for taking the twelfth cen sus, has been kept very busy arrang ing and laying out the work for en umerators in his district. The ili trict is composed of si counties Montour, Northumberland, Snvder, 1 foion, 'IcarfielJ and 'nitre. Applications are being received daiiv from the diflerenl districts for positions a; enumerators. o wiim are extract An act to provide for taking the twelfth and subsequent census, set?, 1. That the enumerator on the 1 2 th day oi June 1900, and on the first day ol June ol the year in which each succeeding enumeration shall be made, and betaken as ot that date. And it shall be the duty of each en umerator t mplete the enumera tion of his district and to prepare the returns herein before required to be made, and forward the same to the supervisor of the census ot his dis trict, on or before the firsl day of duly in such years: Provided, That iii any city having eight thousand inhabitants or more under the pre ceding census the enumeration oi the mm. ulation shall be taken and com pleted within two weeks from the first day of -i line. Sec. 12 That each enumerator shall lie charged with the collection in his subdivision, of facts and sta HStics required by the population schedule, and such other schedules is the director of the census may de termine shall lc used by him in con nection with the census, a.s provided in section 7 ot this act. It shall be the duty of each en umerator to visit personally each dwelling house in his subdivision, and each family therein, and each individual living out ofa family in any place of abode, and by inquiry made of the head of each family, or oi the member thereof deemed most credible and worthy of trust, or of such individual living out of a fam ily, to obtain each and every item ol information and all particulars re quired by this act as of date .luiic first of the year in w hich the en umeration shall be made. Ami in case no person shall be found at the usual place of abode of such family, oompeceni m answer me matures uuue in compliance I'uirements of this act. witn the re then it shall be lawful for the enumerator to oh- tain the rciuirel inlormation, as . i . nearly as may be practicable, from the family or families, person or persons living nearest to such place of abode. The compensation ofthe enumera tors shall be ascertained and fixed by the director of the census. In sub divisions where he shall deem such allowance sufficient, an allowance of not Icsj- than two nor more than three cents tor each living inhabitant and for each death reKirt; not less than fifteen nor more than twenty cents for each farm; and not less than twenty nor more than thirty cents for each establishment ot productive industry enumerated and returned may be given in full compensation for all services. For all other subdivisions per diem iates shall be fixed by the di rector of the census according to the difficulty of enumeration, having re ference to the nature of the region to be canvassed and the density or 8parsene88 of settlement, or other considerations pertinent thereto; but the compensation allowed to any en umerator in any such district shall not lie less than three dollars per day of ten hours' actual field work each. The subdivisions to which the several rates ot compensation Bhall apply shall be designated by the di retjtor oi the census at least two welks in advance of the enumera tion. No claim for mileage or traveling expensesslmll be allowed any enumerator in either . las- ol subdivisions, except in Rxtremecases, and then only w hen authority has been previously granted by the di rector ot the census, and the decision ol the director as to the in mt due any enumerator s(iall be final. Mr. Ueed i- bring Hooded with applications for the position of en umerators under him, but as vet there huvi made. been no appointment COURT HOUSE CHIPS HwiiH Entered lor Record, Samuel H. Bilger and wife to wnj. H. Bilger, 85 acres in .lack son township, for $900. Lawrence H. Smith, i. n. by their attorney in fact, Geo. J. Schoch and wife to Dr. John Oliver VVag l'r nouse and lot i Adamsbunr, for $830. Isaac Smith and wife to Dr John Oliver Wagner, house and lot in Adam, burg, fiir $170. win Probate. The last will and testament of Lewis Bitter, late ol Centre two., was probated Monday. V. II. Wag ner " is the Execute me tast wifl and tostament oi Hannah Dinius, late of Jackson twp., was probated Friday of last week. ("has. Fry is named as the sole heir and the Executor. Mitrrlnirr UeCMMO. fS. V. McKinney, jaias I Sarah A. Adams, Schrciner' I Elmer A. Newman, Lewisburg' I Agnes Snyder, Mahantongo Teachers' Joint Institute. The teachers' joint institute com prising the townships of Franklin :md Centre will beheld at Middle burg, Feb. 9 and 10, 1900, being Friday .veiling ilM( Saturday, when the following programme will ! rendered, FRIDAY KVKMm;. AddressofWelcome, Edwin Charles. Response, K. W. Gift. The Essentials ofa iood School, Jerome Erdley. Address, prof. A. A. Killian. I he 'I eachcr's ( bnduct, L. C. Bachman. Recitations (Interspersed), sATI HDA V MOKNINO. The Teacher's Surplus, C. C. I eimbacb. Attention, K. Derr. Cause and Eflecl in Geography and History, y. Howell. Incentives, R, F.Smith. Should the Provisional ( crtilicate be Continued? Prof. F. '. Bowersox. How Can We Better Our Condi tions? A. A. Bi II'riimMII Sessions, Friday evening, 7 to 9 Saturday morning, 9 to 12 ' afternoon, 1:30 to I G. W. Cheoery of Milton, Pa., has written to immrmmh nf iU i - w in. x inn of this borough asking for a cirl wiui u uouy. as toe overseers here i i nave uo sucn person, we submit the matter to the rmlprs -" v.. nil x VJD1. Mr. Oheuery wants a girl or widow . - - am i wiui a young emm or baby to live witli them. He has had 8 girls al ready with babies, some of them re maining 5 and 6 years. He says he wants little ones in the home and will treat them asone of the family. Those interested can write to Mr. Chenery as we have no information except that here given.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers