The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 01, 1900, Image 7

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Dadcr! of Vlu Sarin Called
From the Earl of Chealerfleld'a
Letter to III Son.
To Keep It Clean anil Free front Bad
Odor Shonld Be the ProprU
rtor'a Klrt Duty.
Next to doing the things that de
rvc to be written, there is nothing
mat gets a man more credit, and gives
m more pleasure, than to write the
Ungs that deserve to be read.
Great talents are above the general-
y of the world, who neither possess
em themselves nor jmlgV of them
ghtly in others; but all people urn
dges of the lesser talents, such us
Htilitv. affability and an agreeable ad-
ess and manner.
The desire of pleasing is at least
Uf the art of doing it.
When you have found out the pre-
iling passion of any man, reinem
r not to trust him where that pus
n is concerned.
A man is tit for neither business nor
f'nsure vtfio eitner cannot or (iocs
t command and direct his attention
the present object, and banish for
at lime all other objects from hi-t
Women as Well as Men
Are Made Miserable by
Kidney Trouble.
Li really
Inl. more
tW. It
know nothing more crim-
mean, more ridiculous than
is the production 01 eiinqr
lice, cciwiiriiico or vanity.
What I mean by low company,
lell should bj all means be avoid'
is the company of those who, ali-
trntelv Insignificant in themselves,
,thcy are honored by being in
bur company, who nutter evorj vice
Ld every folly you have In order to
ngey0U to converse with them,
if a man hoi a mind to be thought
er and a woman handsomer than
lev really are. tneir error is a com
table one to themselves, and an In
cest one with regard to other peo
; Rnd I would rather make them
f friends by indulging them fn it,
m my enemies by endeavoring (an.l
at 10 no purpose) In undeceive, mem.
l believe there is more judgment re
tired for proper conduct of our vir
es than for avoiding their opposite
A eommo' topic of flse wit and
ld raillery is matrimony. 1 pre
DO that men and wives neither love
ir hate each other more, upon nc
unt of the form of matrimony that
s been said over them.
The characteristic of a well-bred
n is to converse with his inferiors
thout insolence, and with his su
dors with respect and ease.
Wrongs are often forgiven, but con-
mpt never is; our pride remembers
forever; It implies a discovery of
aliiiess which we are more careful
conceal than crimes.
I spruoeness of dress is very becom
r nt your age; as the negligence of
implies an indifTerency about pleas-
g, wiiicii noes not, uecome a young
liive me but virtuous actions, and I
11 not. (liiibble and chicane about the
1 Jhoever is in a hurry shows that
e thing lie is ooout to do is too Dig
Ir him. Haste and hurry are very
fferent things.
Style is the dress of thoughts . . .
is not very understanding that can
dge of matter, but every car can and
es judge more or less of style.
1 hive known many a man undone
i acquiring a ridiculous nickname.
If you will please, people, you must
ease them in their own way; and,
i you cannot make them what they
uuild be, you must tuke them ns
ey arc.
Moot sty is the only sure bait when
in angle for praise.
Use palliatives when you contradict.
I Brways treat fools and coxcombs
ith peat ceremony ; true good breed
g not being a sufficient barrier
rainst them.
A vise man will live at least as
ueh within his wit as his income.
orldlv Wisdom.
Keeping the cow stable clean and
sweet is one of the necessary requi
sites of good dairying, it is impos
sible to draw milk in a stable that is
nauseating in its atmosphere and have
! the milk pure. The atmosphere fur-
nlshes the cause of bad odors that
become worse when developed in the
milk. It is not infrequent that a man
1 takes great pains to have his hands
washed and clean clothes on when he
milks, and yet allows the odors of the
manure to so pcrmeute the whole
j stable that it' is impossible to get good j
results as to a clean product. Every '
few months the stable should be given !
it thorough cleaning, using not only
lye washes but disinfectants as well.
Then the daily task should be to keep
I it clean. Of course it. is not possible
to do as a great New Jersey dairyman
docs keep a man to do nothing but
to remote the droppings as fast OS
. they arc made, but the barn should be
Cleaned OUt often enough to prevent
the odors from permeating every
thing. Whitewashing is valuable be
cause it not only covers up germs that
; may have escaped the disinfectant 1
washes, but acts as a reminder to the I
dairyman that hftj stable is to be kept
! an. Dirt cannot accumulate on
whitewash without being "recognised,
' and thus the cleanings are likely to be
nearer together. Some have adopted
the practice nf painting the boards ;
near the cows with coal tar. This
would ;i pear to be a good thing, as it
! prevents the boards taking In lilth
: and holding it. They should also be
easier ejeaned fur this painting.
Farmers' Review,
Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dls-
ana cheerfulness soon
disappear when the kid
neys are out of order
or diseased.
Kidney trouble has
become so prevalent
that It Is not uncommon
for a child to be born
P afflicted with weak kid
neys. If the child urin
ates too often, if the
urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child
reaches an age when it should be able to
control the passage. It is yet afflicted with
bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of
the difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first
step should be towards the treatment of
these important organs. This unpleasant
trouble Is due to a diseased condition of the
kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as
most people suppose.
Women as well as men are made mis
erable with kidney and bladder trouble,
and both need the same great remedy.
The mild and the immediate effect of
Beyond Control,
Gadsby My wife will raise Cain with
me if she discovers that I've been drink
ing. Jagsby All you've got to do is to
hold your breath when you go near her.
"That's ull right; but I'm ufraid it's
too strong to be held." Brooklyn
Where II Yn Needed.
McSwitters No, I don't want
Agent Do you know anyone around
hert who might?
McSwitters The man next door
He's one of t hose fellows who kno
it all. Syracuse Herald.
strut Truth.
She She says she can trace her an
ccstry on her mother's side back to
the conquest of England,
Kay That's correct. Her maternal
grandmother was married in leap year
to a man named England, Catholic
Standard anil Times.
Swamp-Root Is soon realized.
by druggists. In fifty
cent and one dollar
Yn.i tnav hiv g Kllw-'-H.'OM-!':''
sample bottle by mail
free. al. o pamphlet tell- nomi- at lasiini 1Un
ing all about it, including many cf the
thousands of testimonial letters received
from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer
ft Co., Binphamton, N. Y., be sure and
mention this paper.
It is scld
Jtll u Hid.
"What is the longest day you ever
knew'.'" he asked, when conversation
"This one," she replied, without
even making an effort to conceal her
i yawn. x. norm.
Boils and Pimples
Give Warning.
'I'll n I lnliu-1. Number.
"I sat down In dinner with 13 yes
"Don't you consider that unlucky?"
"It was In this case. 1 bad to p:iv
for the whole business." Philadelphia
When Nature is overtaxed, she has
her own way of giving notice that assist-
ance is needed. She does not ask for
NATURE K APPFAI INft help until it is miptissible to get along w ithout
I1MIUI1L Id HITLHLIliU it. boils and pimples are an indication that
the system is accumulating impurities which
COD UCI D must 1 gotten rid of ; they are an urgent appeal for assistance
I Utl nLLIi a warning that can not safely Ihi ignored.
lo neglect to purity the blood nt this
time means more than the annoyanoe of painful boils and
unsightly pimples. if these impurities are allowed to
remain, the svstein succumbs to any ordinary illness, and is
unable to withstand the many ailments which aro so
prevalent during spring and summer.
Mrs. L Gentile, i!00l Second Avenue, Seattle, Wash ,
says : " I wns afflicted for a Ions time with pimples, which
i were very annoying, as they distik'iired my face fearfullv.
Alter using many cither remedies m vain. S S. S. promptly
,,.! 1 1, I, K. ..I I LI 1 1 :. av
un i' . v nmwnj m uiuuu, huu uun i re loiun 11
, .i I. .;.... ,..i.:..i. i :. i 'j l-j ii J el.
.1,"" "M"' ..mill i lie VCI nail UBlurO! YUM it t
Cant. w. a Dunlap, of the A. O. 8. ''a .!,- w
H. It. Chattanooga. Teim., writes:
" Several boils and carbuncles broke out tiH)n mo. causing
great ai:i and annoyance. My blood seemed to l in
a riotous Condition, and nothing I took seemed to do
any good. Six bottles of 8 S. H. cured nie completely
, i and my blood has been perfectly pure over since.''
tta il Give-A twt v.
Mrs. Qadd Did von ever notice hovt
to his wife
Mrs. lladd Yes. Looks mighty sus
picious. A. V. Weekly.
tome of the Principal Points Whleh
Distinguish the Hllk i nn from
(he Beef Animal.
An outline is herewith given taken
from an illustration of a noted Quern-1
scy cow that shows almost the i 1 1 ' : 1 1
shape for a dairy cow. In breeding
to raise the her I ye ar by year to a
higher average of merit, it will be
Well to keep such an outline as this1
constantly in one's mind. It is true
that not every cow with a perfect
llufu rlnn l Ircr n t r Irl t le n.
Tin1 Rami wpltrhl Piirniculs :ir worn
by the Uttgarlans all the tear round. "ml n"entlve Mr. UayfeUow
There are no sudden changes In the cli
mate, consequently there is little sick
ness, and pulmonary affections are un
heard of. All names of persons end
with "koff," which lias the same sig
nificance as the word son in the Eng
lish language, Entire families lite to
gether. Grandfathers, sons, daughters,
with their wives and husbands and chil
dren, all live under the same roof.
There are no carpels, rockers, or even
chairs in the houses, while pianos and
organs are things undreamed of. The
people neither smoke, drink nor chew,
and, us a w hole, they arc virtuous. The
most striking thing in the country is
the inferior position given women.
They are not allowed to attend schools
or even permitted to learn toread'and
write. A wife would not dare to walk
on the street with her husband, lint
must, walk behind at a respectful dis
tance. Women ure not allowed to bit
in the main audience-room of churches,
but must take their scats In a gallery
set apart for them exclusively. -Cincinnati
here Are Seven l.nncn .gen and
DlaleVtft Spoken, t'onntlna thv
Channel IhIuhiIii.
Seven languages are still alive in the
itish isles; in England, ICnglish with
. three chief and many subordinate
ilects; in Scotland, Gaelic; in Ire
ne!, Erse; in Wales, Welsh; in the Isle
Man, Manx; in the channel islands.
form of old Norman, I'rench and mod-
n Krench.
The Gaelic, Krse, Welsh and Manx do
It differ very much in essentials,
icy ure all forms of one original lan-
lage, of which another form, the Cor-
b, was still spoken less than 12(1 years
The Norse language survived in parts
the Shetland isles as late as the end
Inst century, and many words of it
e still in use in that part of the king-
In some baronies of Wexford a very
lieient form of English, dating prob
acy from the time of the earliest Eng-
h settlers in Ireland, existed till quite
In the north of Ireland, Lowland
otch, more antiquated than any now
poken In Scotland itself, is still used
laocg the descendants of the Scotch
ttlers of the sixteenth and seven
enth centuries.
The ordinary "brogue" of Ireland is
many cases merely the sixteenth cen-
iry English pronunciation. And many
pshisms, commonly supposed to be
istokes, are expressions formerly in
fttryday use in England, but now ob-
'lete there, though they have survived
Ireland in the form in which they
re originally Introduced. Stray BtO
dairy form shows herself to lie of ex
ceptional dairy merit, but the best
dairy cows so uniformly correspond to
such external characteristics that one
will make no mistake in making the
dairy form his ideal in breeding. Not
all cows with "dairy form" show ex
cellence at the pail and churn; but
few, on the other hand, show such ex
cellence that, do not show these ex
ternal characteristics. It is the only
wise course, then, to breed for them,
and to regard the exceptions that oc
cur ns "proving the rule."
The distinguishing external marks
that characterize a good dairy COW
which are so excellently shown in this
outline -are wedge-shape for the
body, large in the "barrel" and rear
quarters, and light and thin in the
fore-quarters; a large udder with
large, well-placed teats, looseness and
yellowness of skin; severe, leanness of
body as opposed to the rounded and
plump form of the purely beef an
imal, thinness of neck, fineness and
WaxInCSS of horns, a "dishing" face,
and full, mild eye. Experience Iris
shown that the great body of the best
dairy cows possess such points as have
been mentioned. It is safe, then, for
the breeder to photograph such an
outline as is here given firmly upon
hit mind. Webb Donnell, in Orange
Judd Farmer.
Cniur anil BSTeet,
Qeddley The Swiss peasants
wear wooden shoes.
Trotterly That accounts for their
lumbering gait. NT. Y. World.
w iiiiiiiii u Parr,
Jasper Dighead is a stupid fellow,
isn't he?
Jumpuppe Stupid) Why, he isn't
original enough to get off a chestnut.
Tow n Topics.
The Latest,
Waiter This is the latest on boiled
beef. Patron What is it?
Waiter Horseless horse-radish.
w laa Crusoe.
Silly Hilly Why did Robinson Cru
soe call him Friday?
Pious Perclval To save him from
the cannibals. You can't eat meat on
Friday, you knew. N. Y. Journal.
- . ;'
is the best blood remedy, because it is purely vegetable
me that is absolutely free from potash and mercurv It.
The Motlenty of Nature.
Kathryn 1 wonder what makes the
leaves of tho trees turn red in the
Zaneta Probably blushing nt their
bare limbs. Ilarlco Life
Sllirhilr Kuaheti.
Clancy Marciful hivens, Mike, phwut
are ycz driukin' so fast for? Shnake
Casey Nope! Little 1'at's gone to
tell th' ould WOBUMI, an' she'll be down
here In foive minutes, N. Y. Journal.
and is the onlv
......I.- I .1... i.i I .... I . .1.1.. I m. . .1 . , ., ,
j-i i in i 1 1 uuiiiicB. buo uiuuu .inn uiuruuKiuy cleanses tic system, ouilufl up
the general health and strength. It euros Scrofula, Eczema, Cancer, Rheuma
tism, Tetter, Boils, Sores, etc, by going direct to tho cause of the Iroublo ami
forcing OUt all impure blond.
Books free to any address by the Swift Specifia Co., Atluut.i, Ga.
..cme . j in- ..flfai-irfcv . ifiaPiiwruTP':
Insurance, bf
; e n ' 1
Snyder's old, and reliable
1 1 1 s 1 1 n 1 1 ; ce A ge i ,
IiJlxxaoi VS7". texxyr cUoi', jL&c i-s t ,
Successor lo the i-Mr William H. Snydor,
The Par-Excellence of Reltablo Ii Durance i r pi . tiled it I ' follow
iir Hut ol Standard Companiea, from which to maku a Mlectiuu, None
Betltir llio World over.
FIRE Royal, Liverpool. Evg, (including foreiirn asscisi S48,WW,0fJO.OO
TT 14 1 - J TT J - .1 , , . . ,i . , ,
inn tu'iu, oi nartiora, t omi., toiuesi iwm tican uo. i o,u(i,voo.oa
ford, i unii.
764 ! in 7'
v (iiiiiiH iitai, wew oi k,
German American, New York,
LI FK Mutual Life Iuh. Co. New York,
ACivliihlN J c,tnployera UabtlityA m Dorporatiun,
Aeetaeat xua. Co. Suhsenoeu I'upitni oi s:i,,i)()(i.(i(i
Fife, Life niul Accident riwlts accepted at the lowost possible rate, jus
tiflea by a strict regard to mutual safety. All just claims promptly and
latiafaetorily adjusted. Information in relation t" all cIhhsoh of uisnr
iince promptly furn lhd ELMER W. SNYDEH, Act.,
Telephone No. 1K2. O.lice on Corner Water cv Piue fits, Selinscrove, Pa
The Am-.
"What," Inquired the pedantic man,
"do you consider the greatest inven
tion of the age?"
And without hesitation Miss Cayenne
answers: "Women's met hods of eon
oeallng it." Washington star.
Letting "t the Cet,
Willie Sliuison .Mother says she nl
ways likes to go shopping with you.
Mrs. Diropleton Why, Willie?
"It saves carfare "Detroit Fres
Nibsey (resdlng) "His footsteps
were dogged day and night;" wot's
tlat mean, Tommy?
Tommy "Why, dere wns bloodhounds i
on his track, uv course! Puok.
Ii about as near perfection as 50 years
of Lamp-Making can attain to. It
burns kerosene, and gives a powerful,
clear.white light, and will neither blow
nor jar out. When out driving with
It the darkness easily keeps about two
hundred feet ahead of your smartest
horse. When you want the very best
Driving Lamp to be had. ar.k your
dealer for the ' Diet."
We Issue a special Catalogue of this
Lamp. snd. K you ever prowl around
alter night-fall, it will Interest you.
Tls mailed free.
60 Laight St., New York.
1 Sstabll
Sstabllahed in 1840.
-e- r- r t
A Bud Break.
Nell Mad at him? Why, he wrote a
jfvely poem to her.
Belle Yes, but she never read it
bffhen she saw the title of it she tore
In whole thing up in a lit of anger.
Ion see, he called it "Lines on Mabel's
" Cathollo Standard and Times.
The cow loteth a generous feeder.
Better let that calf be a little fat than
a little starved.
No man can have u clean conscience
and u dirty cow-stable.
De sure you aro feeding the good 0OW
enough! lie more stir,, you ure not feed
in,? a poor one too much.
The pood cow will make milk either
from her food or from her system
feed is cheaper I ban cow.
Let the cow's bed be warm and clean
and comfortable these nights .lack
Frost is an Insatiable consumer of milk.
Not the least valuable merit of pood
rich silagS is Its palatability ; to make
the cow's "mouth water" is a wise part
of feeding.
Cows don't always know enough
when turned out in the cold to skip
around to keep warm and make them
selves "healthy." They arc more like
ly to find the most protected spot and
stand still while they ruminate upon
the proposition that their owner is a
fool. W. V. McSpnrran, in National
The Consumption of Itntter.
The statement that the consumption
of butter per capita is increasing is
true and is likely to have an important
bearing on the dairy interests of the
whole country. Butter has become a
necessary article of food for the great
mass of people, and is being more gen
erally used every year, especially when
wage earners are well employed. Peo
ple need not be very old to remember
when butter was a luxury to the work
ing man and during the winter was
seldom on the table. Now it is a staple
article of food all the year round and
must be sweet and good at that. Bural
"h 1 k & 'fc k Ar 'A' i& vk
t YKii I Mil mm
"Star" tia tf.t'a (sliowincr r.mnil stars printed cn Binder tido
of tag), "IIorsoSI:oo," "J.T.," " flood Luck," "Cross Bow,"
and " Drmnmond " Natural Leaf Tiu Tai? ore of equal valtte in
securing jncscuta luctuioneu ooiow, ami iany be assorted
1 Read This ! Read This ! I
6 ?
9 Is larger tban ever before; my I'KIC'S L0WEH than 0TH- 8
X EK8 for tie SAME GOODS. My prices ou 45 rolls of carpet 1 K
Q wisli to close out w ill suit (bo pocket book d many and save b
Q others hk i.ev. I)i not think of buyingyour fall carpets until K
q you give my BtooK 01 carpets your alien won ana gei ine prices q
"? nl some 01 my baagains 1 am oneringf
iuOjUUlUUU I ULl: i
Prices just right on these goods,
One Word About Pictures.
t cost, LESS
in (lie frames.
lure, all new.
y a Everyman, woman and chill n:i u'utl Bouacthi:'.g oa tho liut
$l I that they would 1'ko to have, .tad can have
2?' ZPl 233 3 2
1 Vxtr.h r.ot
8 Xnifa, on hlsdo, s odsu
;i hn(,rs, inclii)
4 Child' Hie, Knlf, ti rk snd st 1
& Halt and Psppaf Bt,onaob,eiuhl.
rupl" plat on whits iiioti'l
f Franco nrlsr ivmiu ritu'
; -. I TA18.
. . Clock, Msf.Calaadsri Therrooin-
I star. BsfussVsf acj
, 1 ?t Hun .:", p,ther, no lio'ter 'n.nto. iuti
n 1'tolvtr, -utniuAtlc, tloiibit, action,
ttaraesHasr. 6uu
f ii -5 Toti Stt, nut Dtsrihlniis, hat renl
tnulH U.VJ
: Riti r. !i"ll iw inimiid. line Kn-jlKh ! 37 'J'ullii' Ht.i iltci -.U.-a iicrcilji:.
hiei ui vary hsattsosss imi
I Bailor 1'i-ifp, trlpb pht, l)-st 1 ri Iti'imnstoti Ulflo No.4, SiorNrsl. UO
ijlinlnv f,il I i tCB. Marllag Dllv .r.lnll .n Wl I I lo U
I vu jri'W nil:-li'.llc'l , l!iili'l)
9 BOfmr MipII tnidn nl'o, "s, qtial
III S-.B'i.n 1! r. MnrllnK
'l Kqlfa, "Kens iinttorT tarn Mail ... "
IS BntobM Knife, "Keen Kslter," s-l.i
ni iii.uh ,1,
. I IS-HhasrOi "Keen Knttef, S-lnch 74
..ui amti uiw i.ur na u I rwi, i-j,t,
pluod fa
15 ha Hall, "Aa-i. Iption," l.-nt Qtul.lOU
ID Abrni Clock, nl' kel. UO
11 HU Gent'ln Kilmers' 'I'oabpoot,-, lust
Plated t-.-niii tso
1H Wstofli nl.-kel. Man wlinl mil si t.. tluO
19 Carvi-w. ci.oa nioel, iJUi'klioru
nanaii- 2W
0 Six Oe'jtimf it.erj, Tsblo Hihioiis,
liot plataH (el, 250
81 Six ear.Y Knl j un j Furka, Om i
liom hnn.llm ... 3411
88 Glx saehjOan lias IturrerM- Univen
and Ji'urlM. tits', plstaa vaods 400
ami dtiraul . 1W0
::i Bitwlns Kaohln, lirst ulsss, with
nllsttsobuantt l&uo
12 lloviitvar, Cult 'a, SMallba. . blood
I lflllll
n llilti), Colt's, 16-Nhut, 33-i-altir. ..1W0
-I Guitar ( Washburr.l, rofiewoi.d, in
laid 3000
nr Mandolin, ve.-r handsome iJ'JO
36 Winchester liepeattug Shot Oun,
12(uKe 2000
27 UemltiKion, doulilc-barrel, bain
mor Shot (Inn. In or 12 Kaugo 2000
38 Bicycle, standard make, ladles or
Kent 2400
89 Bitot Onn. ltemtngton, dou'!e bar
rel, bammerlees 30V0
HI Retina Uuato Box, 14 Inch OUU..40U0
Qnnniol Sir. Mr-a I Tlaln " Htar " Tin Taps (that Is, Sur tin tai.' with no small
vpuvicii iiuliuu , etars p
: but w
.r liefiire .March 1st. 1900.
stars prlnto.l on under side of tag), are not good for pn.rnts.
nut win dw paia inr in i ahu oa us uw 01 twcuiyceuuper
bundrud, if r-'ceivcd by ns
6VBEAR IN .Ml Ml that n dime' worth af
will last longer and afford more pleasure tana a dime' worth of any
other brand. MAKE THE TEST I
SsBd tags to COWT1WEWTAL TOBACCO CO., 8t Louts, Ms.
I am offering my present Btock of pictures
O THAN CObT and Home lor the price of the glasi
j i)on t miss i bis sale.
a I have some prettv thingH to offer in Furn
0 Later will surprise you in Styles and Prices.
ii In tlii branch of nay business I am prepared t- give tbe
" public the best serbice that can lie Becured bv inouoy, time mid
personal attention. My equippaee in this branch of business in
, onn of the finest in Hie Hint.'. HEARSES, CARRIAGES Hnd
one word aboul i report tint my sttentloa bus be called to intel.v m r-.Mnt to
m.v prices
I i I'MtANTKI'. In liirnlsli the smiiii-L'i""l-ill MoM.v Minn :,r
in i Ik- ,- mil t . I UUAHANTKK to give you easier fiVMl'M ilmu nil ,.i in ts.
First-Class Livery Connected with Undertaking Dejiartment.
Telephone ( 'onnection.
Liberal Adjustments
Prompt Payments.
Only tbe Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies,
Eire, Life, Accident and Tornado.
No Assessments No Premium Notes.
The Aetna Founded A. D., 1819 Assets f 1 1,055,513.88
" Home 44 " 1853 " 9,853,628.54
44 American 44 44 44 1810 44 2,409,584.53
The Standard Accident Insurance Co.
The New York Life Insurance Co.
The Fidelity Mutual Life Association.
Your Patronage Solicited.