M 4 9BO. W. WAOBWSBLLEE, Editor and Proprietor. ' INTERESTING ITEMS. Mrs. Anna Spangler Bpent Satur day at S'linsgrove. J. C. Scliocii is troubled with a healing in the head. Mrs. John Siiuer of New Berlin last week visited Sherifl llow at the jail. Tii, iH advertising and the Au ditors report will be louud In tlda issue. Hon. Peter F. Relgel of Boring rownsmp whb i " " . i t , . , tm'T h 1 1 1 . ' Monday. t 1 " Rnwurtiox of Cen- tn.tounshio was III town Tuesday morning. I II M Pi vlolivillo Aaron i i. luiibbci was a Middleburg visitor Woiiday afternoon. Miss Brioker of Lewistown is vis iting her sister Mrs. S. P. Warner in Franklin. alhnrt Hontz ot Hwineford lias had his pension raised troni a to ner nionui. Robert Reariek is preparing to i . ,. itrlmNI KB llllS BS novp ui ouuuui l , ....v...- ured employment. Wm. H. Riegle, who had been at .ewistown. is at nonie Bpvuuiug j. !i.L l:. :,.;k. IW Oil."S l'lil ni' f- FJtt..r T. L. Herman of New Ber- in spent Sunday in town with his . I A I nrni'l Mrs. James Ayres has Iteen sick inveml weeks. We Hope av nave i nuowi .w . , . I . 1 . . muilKllPr Onmmissioners' Clerk John N. uesuay morning m-iwcv-u i.c..... The Shamokin Dam Cornet Band .11 L.U - !....;. ...I of Slli-i imkir. ill iiuim a iv-m"' - ... o 1-.. UV.U QeaH ill r m run liriiuv. t;u. on. - nvited. Miss Nora Deitriok, who had tocn . . . i a i i I 1 I isiting at Mifflin ami iticnneui, nas . J .... l.... 1. i I I .ici mr- r s cnureii. I I 1 Mrs. Catherine Bower had leen Lt l tf.i 1 f I ?.,... ISlUllg UCI run, ljiiunii.. ad is now visiting her son Frederic Lewisburg. Miss Joanna, a daughter of C. P. 1 . 1 fli 1! ... ntn . .,,.tT . i ! i... :,,;) ir.nivt t t no leritt's family. E. C. Graybill lias purchase! the l IT T I" tlaai If ia r nniiM in i . i. ai aun i id that C. W. Graybill will eon ict the hostelry in the future. The neighltors and friends of ttron 11. iuusser sjavu uiciii . oi It 41...... .. ........ easant party last Friday evening their home near Hassinger'sehurch. Mrs. M. I. Potter gave a party to e young friends of her son, Joe, honor ol Ins eighth birthday oudav evening. Excellent re- It ivti.ntu irnPii itl'V'I'll Saturday's Ijewistown Democrat it sv.ni'n.' Bvu Siivder county's Hots for its spring election will ever one hundred dollars. A. Milton Kratzer last Saturday 1 A i ir. u ,,l l,i U W.., ... tmrth kt rnwn fur II, OH I HI I'm-' UVIIM V has decided not to have public e. . ister.Iolm H. Willis went to - , insgrove Monday morning to l Idlers Ul amiiiuiniiauwii w id J. Keller in the estate of his Jacob, who was killed at a in Connecticut tnan'a home naner is worth to him than any other, because ves him home tacts ana home besides aiwavs worainir ror ine . a .1 welfare of the homecommumty. and pay it you increase the KU111LV W wui m ura uc of your own community. MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER CO., The Philippine Car was at Mid dleburg Monday. Those who saw it say it very closely resembled the Florida Car that was through here about four years ago. I! you want your hair cut with out steps or a nice easy shave and a refreshing shampoo, go to A. K. Soles, in the bank building one door cast of the Post Office, in room with the drug store, A clean towel to each customer and satisfaction guar antecd. S. P. Warner, ticket agent and operator at this place, has been as signed to the station at Reedsville, mid Geo. . M. Arnold will be moved from Reedsville to Burnham. We regret to lose Mr. Warner as he has proven himself to be tin oblig ing official. Rev, Frederick Bower preached a very interesting sermon in the Re formed church Sundayeveuing. The parson is growing quite feeble and speaking is no longer an easy matter for him, but the good thoughts he cherishes and expresses are always appreciated by by all who hear him. "The Farm Journal is all snii- shine," writes J. II. Hale, the great Connecticut fruit man, and the Post thinks so too. Get it for the re mainder ot l'.IIH) and all of 1901, 1902, 1903 and 1904 by paying Up your subscription to this paper; both papers at the price of oursonly. On Tuesday evening of last week a numler ot the members ot the U. B. church surprised their pastor. W. H Boyer, by presenttngdrim and his family with a good sized porker, all leady cleaned, and a lot of provisions amounting to Slz.hb. He desires to return his thanks to all who have contributed toward it and especially Mrs. H. R. Keigle and Mrs. Cora Mertz wholalored so faithfully to raise the alxiye amount. The Adamshiirg Herald last week says: While the finances of the county are in excellent condition, the tax-pavers should not infer from the statements recently published that there are no obligations of any kind to meet. We learn that the county commissioners must borrow atxmt j4(K)() to meet certain obliga tions now due, chief among which are the building of the Mahantongo bridge and the joint bridge at Rich field. Since the new board went into oflice, bills amoimtingover 700 have been paid, making it necessary to effect the loan above referred to. The farmers of the United States have long needed a good work on Swine, a practical, concise and common-sense hook without any padding or humbug about it. They have it in the form of No. 6 of The Biggie Books called Biggie Swine Book. It is profusely, illustrated with photographs direct from life ot the different breeds of hogs, etc., etc. Much attention is given to western and eastern practices, ill the diseases ot hogs, aapeceaJfy to cholera, to feeding, breeding, butchering audi he carving ot meats for home use and market. There are 144 jwges print ed on the best pap'T and bound handsomely in cloth. Some breeders heve thought it was not xssible to make a good photograph of a hog, but the score or more of handsome engravings made directly from photo grahs will go far to dispel this illusion. All the leading breeds are shown and briefly discussed in the text The price is 50 cents, free by mail; address the publishers, Wilmer Atkinson Co., Philadelphia. To the Deaf. A rich lady, cured other Deafness and Noises in the Head by Dr. Nicholson's Artificial Ear Drums, gave $10,000 to his Institute, so that deaf people unable to procure the Ear Drums, may have them free. Address No. 10327 THe Nicholson Institute, 780, Eighth Avenue, New York. 1-26-ly. Water Work3 for Middleburg A. K. Gift Explains How We Can Sa cure Water Work; Cheap. Lincoln, neb.. Jan. 24, 1900. Mr. I. A. Kkrx, M IDDI.KBUn.GH, Pa. Dkab 1'i;ii:m: li i sodS) time now since I beard from yotK I will write hoping to receive an answer. Mrs. Gift and! are botfk well and have enjoyed good health, ever since we came west, Nebraska seems to have a healthy climate. The air is clear and pure. 'Phis U caused by the high altitude. Ne braska is much higher than Pennai We have but very little levers here of any kind and not many cases of rheumatism. Lincoln, the capital of the state, is a fine little city, containing now' about (10,(1(1(1 people. The water is very good and pure. It is all well water, pumped by steam pow er into .-land pipe- or standing reservoiraj There are three or four such in the city of large capacity. The pres sure is plenty heavy enough for all purposes in ease of fire. There are here wry good and eliieient live com panies. One really feels more se cure hereon account of lire than the citiens do in Middleburgh, Pa. I hold that a small town requires lire protection of some kind as well as a larger city only on a smaller and cheaper scale. Since I am west I often think about the unprotected state Middleburgh and Franklin are in. There is no occasion for this at all in towns like Middleburgh and Franklin, for there is plenty of water in an underflow under ground which can be retched by putting down wells, besides both towns are partly surrounded by running streams of water which could lc Utilized and using a stand pipe, by pumping, but it seems to me the most economical way to procure a system of water works to supply said towns, as a lire protection and for domestic use would be to utilize the large spring south of the towns near the green mountain distillery if a right of way can be procured, by using underground pipcsofsutlicicnt site to Franklin and Middleburgh. The first step would lie to test the How of said spring as to how much per minute. If the supply seems to be sufficient, the next step should be to run a line of levels from the spring to Franklintlieiiee to Mid dleburgh and further to a point north or north-west from Middle burgh, to a point where the ground is high enough where a reservoir should lie built to procure force enough that a stream thrown wouh reach over the town, in case the spring would lie used, it would re (piire a storage reservoir cither at the spring or at a high place north or north-west of Middleburg as al ready noted. If the storage reservoir was at the spring, it would require breast walls of stone masonry perhaps on three sides of sufficient height and strength to hold the water. This would in itself create a heavy pres sure which could le measured by a competent civil or hydraulic en gineer. It said storage reservoir was at a point near Middleburgh, it would merely lie scooped out of the ground and may only require one stone breast wall on the lower side, ibis reservoir would be continually ex posed to the sun and become un clean and unhealthy during the summer season. The reservoir at the spring would be preferable as it would furnish cleaner, purer and healthier water. A water plant, something like this, would be more economical than the other plant noted above by pumping process. It would require no engine, no engineer to work it, no fuel, no pumping machinery, no complication, and nothing to get out PA., THURSDAY, FEB. of order, to amount to a great deal. Gravity would bring the water to the door of ever) citizen of Middle burgh and Frankliu with but very little cost to each one and all prop erty would have a lire protection. Fire insurance rate- would be lower at least by one-third, The citizens could retire and go i -hep on a stormy night and feel quite secure on account of fire. The dreaded Idea that perhaps bv to-morrow morning their homes are destroyed i will no more disturb their lui ,'ters, loi there i- available water at hand, j It will destroy the element called; lire, and (he brave boys called the lire ! oompany are back of it, and know! how to handle it, who will not alone protect the citizens' property, but lllso the lives of the people. The. latter loss i- always the most dread ed, for money w ill restore property, but life never. I remember this old saying, Fooli.-h people make money, bill only the wise keep it. Foolish people build cities and houses and the wise know how lo preserve and protect them. Yours very respectfully, A. K. Cu r. ' COURT HOUSE CHIPS llrpiln i:iif-rra lor K-'rl. Amandus Bhambaugh to Ada Shamhaugh, house and lot in Mid dleburgh, fbr $1,100. Lew is Magee and wife to James K Magee, house and lot in Smlih ietovc. farjyUJp'C. Amos Renter and wife to II. H. Laub. Jr., 74 acres in Spring twp., tor $400. Mary K. Sholly and J. K. of Tyrone, house and lot in Port Tre vertoii, for $;")(). IiFttn-M Urnntrcl. Letters of administration in the estate of Amos Hamburger, late of Adams township, deceased, to Henry M. Hartnan and in the estate ot Jacob Keller to David J, Keller. J. K. Vanhorn and wife to Benj amin S. Bine, store property in Bea vertown, for S'J'2."0. MnrrlnK l.lrenopN. f Harry E. Walter, Franklin twp. 8allie M. Hummel, " f C. M. Whatmore Lewisburg, Anna Beck, " f Wm. H. Peter, McClure, (Sarah M. Baumgardner, Lowell. - mi m Trial List, Feb. Term. John K. Hackenburg vs. Eliza beth and C, A. Fessler, admiuistra tors of Win. II. Fessler. Eichenberger and Wolf vs. A nek- er and Knights. John D. Mark.-- vs. Henry F. Blessing. Davis Sewing Machine Co. vs. S. Faust and J. J. Wetzel. J. (i. ("rouse vs. C. II. Walter and Calvin Stctlcr, administrators of Frederick Walter, deceased. J. (. Crouse vs. ("has. II. and Nora Walter. W. R. P. Weimer&Co. vs. Noah Livingston. James A. Young vs. Estate of William Hctrick. II. J. Hcim, use of Joseph Ileim, vs. D. Irwin and David Sholly. Win. H. H. Shaffer vs. Mary A. Partisan Albert E.Huntcr vs. Elijah Roush. Runkle & Walter vs. A. W. Bow- ertox and wife. James Ettinger vs. Hannah and Chas. Bingamau. A Rare Chance. M. 8. Graybill of Evendale, Pa., will locate in Lancaster county this coming spring, and therefore offers his substantial brick dwelling and store house for sale or rent. This is a number one stand for mercantile business. No competition. Call at once. l-4-5t. NOMINATIONS For Township and Borough Officers. AD VMs TOWNHIIII', It. Justice of the Peace, J, K. Fetter- oil; Tax Collector, Fwing; Su- pervisors, Klon Snook and Win, 1 Lose; Sol I 1 h rectors, ( '. F. Fet-! vt roll and C, i. seer, Moses Krb; saae '. Swart.; Berge and S. A. A. II. Swart. Ilingamau; t fver Judgc ol Flection, I nsiicctors, .1 . ( . Auraiid; Auditor, I1KAVKII ToWNslll i; Justice of the Peace, .!. A Tax ( ol lector, Isaac lioiish visors, Frank Ikavcr and Shrewder; School Directors, Hassinger and Isaac I heesi Aigler; Daniel ; Ovcr- sec-, Keitben Zccliinan; Judge of Election, Irwin Kinney; Inspectors, Albert I freese and Irwin J. Freed: Treasurer, W. O, Su tler; Auditor, Jerome 1 leaver. BEAVKti W I..-T TOWiSHHU', II, Judge of Flection, John It. linker; Inspectors, Jos. II. Snook and Mil ton Knepp; Supervisors, John Fisher and John I. Erb; School Directors, Amos Howell and Jacob H. Heetcr; Overseer, Michael Weiand; Tnx 'ol- lector, Jacob H. Hitter; Auditors, H. Calvin Ulsh and Win. Uerbster. CHAPMAN TOWNSHIP, l. Judge of Election, Geo. I. Deiig- 1t Inspectors, Henry Sanders and James H. bwait.; Suiter visors. S Y.'Pengler andJohn F. Kerstet School Directors, Geo. B. Shafh Levi Shall r and Henrv Swart; Ov erseer, Solomon Ebrigllt, Tax Col lector, Wm. H. Swartz; Auditor, ThomSJ Paige. FRANKLIN TOWN HIP, K. Judge of Election, Ceo.F. Stetler, F.IS; Inspectors James Bottiger, 17'. and Wm. F. Howell, 172; Tax Col lector, Kolandus A. Hassinger, 82, M. '. Courtney, 106; School Direc tors, John Shambauh, 119, Amnion Bashoar, 99, J. 15. Ilotlnock, it:; and Adam Kenningcr, 54; Overseer of the Poor, lieu ben Weirick, 101, Ab ncr Walter, 92; Supervisors, Win. Wray, 17-, Anion Waltei 131, Win. A. Walter, 48, John Mover, 31; Auditor, Wm.Houtz, 138, Geo. Maueval, I29t and Wm.Musser, S". Franklin township, i. Judge of Election, Geo. F.Stetler; Inspector, Walter F, Graybill; Tax Collector, Austin Gift; School Direc tor, Austin Oldt; Overseer of the Poor, Reuben Weirick; Supervisor, Jacob 15. Herman; Auditors, Ceo. I). Maneval and Wm. H. Houtz. JACK80N TOWNSHIP, I. Judge of Flection, S. W. Kline; Inspector, II. J. Sassaman; Justice of the Peace, A. li. Dauberuiaii; Su pervisors, Samuel Hollenbaoh and Jesse 'orneiius; Tax Collector, Seno Oldt; S ohool Directors, J. P. Kling ler and Benjamin Kline; Auditor, Lewis Miller. JACKSON TOWNSHIP, B, Judge of Election, J. II. Mover; Inspector, Win. L. Brouse; Tax Col lector, B. F. Brouse; Supervisor, Wm. Seebold; School Directors, C. J. Beaver and Percival Herman; Au ditor, J. S. Yearick. KIDDLKBUBG BOBO., li. OUd Burgess, John F. Stctlcr, 76; Town Council, C. H. Walter, lit; S. G. Moycr, 21, S. S. Schoch, 42, J. W. Swartz, 44; Judge of Elec tion, J. C. Schoch, bS; Inspectors, A. W. Annual, (10, James Erdley, 70; Tax Collector, Wm. Romig, 61, D. Bolcnder, 20; School Directors, G. M. SteininRer, 78. G. E. Has singer, 45, K. C. Walter, 33; Over seer of the Poor, Josephat Walter, 29, B. W. Yoder, 50; Auditor, A. 8. Beaver, 79. MIPDLEBURU Bono., r. Chief Burgess, John W. Runkle; Town Council A. Ijank Hare; Judge of Election, Boyd Stetler; Tax Col VOL. 37. NO. 5. lector, W. I. Garman; School Direc tor, Jacob Gilbert; Overseer, Joseph Bowersox; Auditor Amos Ranch. MIDDI.KCRKKK TOM Ssllir, R, fudge ol Election, Jacob Pol- lingcr; In-peei,,!-, A. A. Ilrich; I Hrectors, Allen S. ow I 'has. Ilerltst; SiiKrvisors, Jonathan Mus ser and Levi Art ley; Overseer, Har vey F, A u rand; Tax 'ol lector, J. M. Maurcr; Auditor (2 years) F, W. Mitchell, (3 year-) t buries Lenig; Township lerk, Beiiben I lununel. MIDHLKCRKKK TIIM'NSHIP, P. Judge of Elccti T. 1 1. Landis; Inspector, ( '. A. 1 li i man: School I Mrector , '. M. Stnuib and S. . 1 ririch; Supervisors, J. P. Ieitzel and Franklin Hummel; Overseer, W. A. I lununel; Tax ollcctnr, J. li. I Icintzeln ; A uditor i full term i A. C. Smith, i-hort term) Amnion I tenfer, MOMtoi-; tow n -1 1 1 1 It. Judge of Election, Harry H. Trexler; Inspectors, 1. . Young and G. W. Iloardiiian; Justice of the Peace. E, 10. Howe-; Tax olleetor, Geo. A. KauffmunjSchool Directors, B. F. Iliiuiiucl and John Walter; Overseer, Henry ( '. Helm; Super visors, X. E. Hartmau and Benjamin Hummel; Auditor, I. E. Boust. I'ENN TOWNSHIP, I!. Judge i K - II. A. Ottj III spectors, ( Ihsts, K. . r and Myron K. Laud' nslager; Supervisor.--, 1 1 oob L. Soydcr and U..ii. '.' nas. E. Wagner; School -, Sclin Herner ami (). C. oerling; Tax Collector, Harvey ; I; Auditor, H. D. Kuster; i reasurer, J. G. Row. PENN TOWNSHIP, J. Supervisor, Calvin Forrv: Over seer, Geo. ( '. Kuster; School Direc tors, ( 'has. Miller, Jr.; Tax ( 'ol lector. James J. Hendricks; Auditor, L.J. brdley; 1 reasurer, Leonard Hover; Judge of Election, M. L. Kratzer; Inspector, Robert Bower. PEBRY TOWNSHIP, 1 1, Justice of the Peace, J.A.Shadcl; Judge of Flection, F. R. Heintzel man; Inspector, John Landis; Audi tor, T. (i. Arbogast; Tax Collector, Nelson Mengle; Overseer, J. A. Brosius; Supervisors, John Pefler and Philip Mendel; School Direc tors, Albert Scbneeand David W. mer. pebHv township, r. Justice ol the Peace, I!. F. Arbo gast; Supervisors, Jonathan Knousc and Win. H. Botteiger; Overseer, Jonathan Troup; School Directors, John (i. Shaffer and Geo. liehrer; Tax Collector, A. M. Garman; Au ditor, Henry Harding; Judge, Win. Kali writer; Inspector, T. T. Beich enbach. EST PERRY TOWNSHIP, D. Judge of Flection, II. II. Mengle; Inspector, Philip Hoot; Tax Col lector, D.F. Uplinger; Overseers, E. A. Shaffer and ( !. S. Dunn; Su pervisors, II. W. Kerstetter and (i. W. Amey; School Directors, J. (;. Hornberger and J. W. Garman; Auditor, S. (J. Stroub. SPRING TOWNSHIP, I!. Justioe of the Peace, J. F. Keller; Tax Collector, John II. Knepp; Su pervisors, Henry Maurer and Elias Price; School Directors, Harrison Sohrader, W. A. T. Ulsh and H. H. Letlbj Overseer, Win. J. Price; Judge of Election, Ira A. Kline; Inspectors, J. F. Snook and Willard Bingaman; Auditor, Lincoln Zieber. union township, n. Judge ot Election, Henry Stepp; Inspector, C. W. Stroh; Supervisors, john.H. Wise and W. J. Witmer; Overseer, J. B. He.rold; School Di rectors, J. N. Houserand H. H. Se ehrist;Tax Collector, 8. B. Bru Inker; Auditors, J. E. Bogar and J. E. Francis; Treasures, Sylvester Flanders.