TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS. A Collection Made Jrom all the Bury ing Grounds in tinider County for the Middleburqh "Post." Wallace, Francis W., Co. G., 147 Over -Work Weakens r. V. l., d Mar is, l BB8, aged 49 y 2 m 4 d. Your Kidneys. CENTRE TOWNSHIP. Kerstetter, Auna G., dan of David, b Jan 19, 1804; d Julv 30, 1865, aged 1 y (I m 11 d. iKHoe, George A., s of John L., d May 12, 1887, aged 2y 4m 7d. Kline, Man- J., dau ut John L., U Sept 4. 1890, ajreil in lo d. Wallace, Lvdia M., w of F. W., d Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. k a i oat. o ...,-! in ., 7 m your kidneys once every three minutes. The kidneys are your blood purifiers, they fil ter out the waste or Impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do their work. Pains, aches and rheu matism come from ex cess of uric acid in the blood, due to neglected 17 d Wallace, Martin L., s ot F. W., b Oct 22, l,S4;d Mar 30, 1S88, aged 3 y 5 in 8 d. Wallace. James L., s of F. Y, b Sept 8, 1859; d Jan 8, 1861, aged i y 4 d. Weiser, Jonathan, b Nov 1.1, 1818, j d Mar 0, 1880, aged 01 y 3 m kidney trouble 21 d. Kidney trouble causes aulck or uuhmiIi . kr, Kb nnJ m i ii, - I . i 1 r T ill e i I " inuca one ieei as mourn V eiser, Jennie Ida, dan of .Jona, I they had heart trouble, because the heart is Oct 11, 1803; d Feb 15, 1879, ' over-working In pumping thick, kidney- age! 1") y 4 m 1 d. poisoned blood throueh veins and arterlM it used to be considered that only urinary It- IV tft II 41 I ' . . I .-.,UI 4 l . . J . - . " . . ' Kline. 'lnndio It. a ot L,.i. ,1 1'aviU K. r., UO. E., 1ST .racea to tne kidneys. , , - , i ri. I.' ii tt l' j,; (j I a. v av. mm v o. rv, no r. . Aug 11, 1881, aginl 5 m K line, Mary, w ot Leonard, b Nov 7, 1834; d Apr 11, 1869, aged 34 y 5 m 4 d. Kline, Elisabeth, dan of Leonard, b May 3, 1859 d Feb 3, 1866, aged 0 y 9 m. jeist t, Ciflvin, s of (i. W., 1 Dec 11, 1866; d Sept 11, 1S72, agiil 5 v it ID, sister, Susan, dan ofG. W., dMar 23, 1890, aged 1 ra 3 d. Newman, Man', dau of John, l Jan 26, is 47; l Feb 1, 1869, aged 22 y lid. Newman, Albert, of Geo. , b 8epi 29, 1887; d July 8,1889, aged 1 v 11 in (I d. Mar 10, 1884, aged 13 y 5 m 11 d. b Aug 24, 1779; d Oct 18, 1866, aged 87 y 1 m 24 d. Herrold, Ennica, dau of David, d Nov 24, 1800, aged 5 y 17 d. Herrold, Simon F, b Sejit 7, 1802; d Dee 18, 1886, aged 84 y3m lid. Herrold, Sarah, w of Simon F., b Aug 7, 1803; d Mar 3, 1865, aged 61 y 0 in 26 d. Herrold, Friseilla, dau ot Simon P., b Aug 2, 1810; d Apr 11, 18o0,aged 3 y 7 m 20 d. Herrold, Irwin, s of David, l Mar 25, 1871; d Sept 1, I872,sged f m 0 d. Herrold, Catharine, w of Welling ton, bNov 27, 1854; d Nov 28, 1875, aged 21 y 1 d. Herrold, Adam S., d Apr 1 1, 1SSS, aged 71 y 2 m 7 rf. but now modern science Droves that nearlv all constitutional disas hau thai k.i I .1 r Ol , oii'J 1 r. 7 ,T -) ... ' I' you are sick you can make no mistake w. ' ... . .... .. . by first doctoring your kidneys. Ths mild (Herrold, Mabel C, 8 ot John II., m cimt, mime, nail Ol I I. I ., u iu mc cxuaoruinary enect 01 Ur. K mcr ; w amp-Koot , the great kidney remedy Is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases ana is sold on its merits U.. -It J i f.l... b Sept 28, 1867; d Oct 18, ndcK Weier, Cochran A., i of D. R. P., b Sept 28, 18(17; d 1870, aged 3 y 21 d Y,..t,l f ,,,, w .1..,. ( t l.,. I, 5amPlc ooiiic oy man Bmm f Swiap-aoot v., auMU) tree, also pamphlet telling you how to 1867, aged 29 d. Wi'vert, Mary M., d Jan lf, 1893, aged 29 y 7 m L5 d, Wiekershatn, infant dau l L. M., b Feb 7, 1880, aged ' d. Wrckersbam, infant a of L. M., 1 Jan 16, 1878, aged 1 d. dSept 14, 1885, aged 2 v :' in Id d. Herrold, Wm.G., d Jan 31, 1820; .1 Feb 10, 1880, aged 60 y 9d. Herrold, Samuel (i., I Nov 1820; d Mar 16, 1881, aged 54 I in 12 d. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer Herrold, Elisabeth, W of Samuel i.. es. You may have a sample bottle by mail find Julv 80j 1867; d AUK 28, out if you have kidney or bladder trouble . 1 1 . . . : . L : ...i j.. . r fic Co., Binghamton, N. Y. II, 1892, L ... -I , r c i . i. i Wooh ley, John Fsol Fred. bNov Newman, Jacoh M., s of Jaeoo, l, ' ' ' Jan 5, 1804; d Sept 2.",, 1898, 7 I861;d Feb 12, 1862, aged iged 29 y 8 in 20 d 'fahler, Owen U., h of D. It., d Feb 28, 1865, aged 1 m 14 d. line, Da v il B., e of Henry S., I in ii. Yohn, Nancy Jane, dau of Geo., I July 17, 1865; d Sept 30, 1864, aged m 17 d. ( 'ill Ki n ( Jkmktebv. Anderson, Kliiah, d ( )cf aged 72 v ! m 16 d. Abderson, ' 'atharine, wol Klijuh, d Dee 13, 1893, aged 70 y 7 d. Arnold. Anna Maria, w of Casper, 7, 17. .'J; d Apr July 17, 1864; d Apr o, 1865 ared S in lit d. I A i I I Kiue, jviary A., w ot Jonn at., t Feb 18, 1865, aged 48 jr 10 m 15 d. ne, Elizabeth, w of John M., d Nov 13, 1881, aged 60 v 1 1 m 17 d. ioe, Mary Ann, dau of John M.,d Nov 3d, 1860, aged 21 y 15d. ne, Helena, w of John S., d Oct 21, 1890, aged 41 y 1 m 19 d. ne, infant s of John S. in hart, Margaret w ot H. W., d Nov 8, 1889, aged 50y0m 13d.4 inhart, W. H., s of H. W., b Aug 26, 1876;d Aprl2, 1897, aged 20 y 7 m 17 d. " hrer, Levi, b Sept 25, 1825; d June 20, 1855, aged 29 y 8 m 25 d. hyder, (ieorge, d Aug 5, 1S90, aged 80 y 3 d. irawder, Mary, dau of Tilman, b Sept 1, 1850; d Mar 10, 18(54, aged 7 y G in 9 d. jiaffer, Mary A., w of B.C.,b Aug Ffl i.l io'it. .1 I.I. on tuvi agel 35 y 11 m 10 d. laffer, Jacob F., s of Edward G., b July 3, I868;d June 1, KSIi'.l, aginl 10 m 28 d. mfter, Idella M., dau of Edward G., b Apr 2, 1887; d Aug 15, 1887, aged 4 ni 13 d. vartz, Daniel, b May 5, 1807; d Oct 30; 1876, aged 69 v 5 in 25 d. vartz, Henry B., s of Daniel, d Oct 0, 1872, aged 20v 5m Od. Kartz, Jennie F., dau of John 15., b Oct 19, I867;d Feb6, 1870, aged 2 y 3 m 7 d. boat, Lloyd, b Sept 22, 1851; d! Nov 19, 1870, aged 28 y I in j Trinity United Brkthrkn i Cemetery. 27 Inscriptions. 1 Bickel. John, b Julv 1.1826: d May 7, 1896, aged 69 y 10 in 6 d. Bickel, Elisabeth, w of Johd,b Mar 3, 1835; d Mar 30,1872, aged 37 y. Bickle, l.ovina, dau of John, h .Mai ls, 1S03, aged 3 0l2 d. Bickle, Leah, dau of John, Ii Mar 10, 1862, aged 3 in 28 d. 20 d. Wisher, Maijraret, w of Win. 1'., b 1H d. i .1 ,1 27 d. oiliies, Lloyd, s of Lloyd, b Aug 23, 1878; d May 21, 179, aged 8 h 28 d. . lecht, Edward B., s of H. H., d Oct i, 18S1; d Jan 10, lHSjl, I,,.., I 1 v R ,, tii.l Bickle, Lewis, s of John, b Aug 5, ,, ' , ,, ., ., IAA8 .i ii .1 Brown, Edward U.; sol Rev. s. P., jBickle, George, s of John, b May 15, 1864, agtid 1 in 3 d. Bickle, Emma M., dau t John, b Jan 17, 1809, aged 0 m 5 d. Bickle, Emma G., dau ot Henry, b Nov 10, 1 804; d Dec 17, 1807, aged 3 y 1 ni 7 d. Emeriok, Wm. Grant, sol Emanuel, b Nov 12, 18(15; d Aug 14, 1809, aged 3 y 9 m 2 d.' Glaee, S1 in, b Sept IS, 1802; d Oet 28, 1869, aged 07 v 1 in 10 d. Glace, Emanuel, s of Fred, t Marerru(-j 1868; d Feb 8, 1805, aged 1 y 10 in IS d. Glaee, John F, sof Fred, b Oet 30, 1801; d Sept 28, 1S09, aged I y 10 m 28 d. Hoffman, Priscilla, dau of David, l Mar 2, i860; d July 12, 1870, aged 10 y I in 10 d. Hummel, infant s, of A. J., I Mar 1, 1886; dJnne 29, 1880, aged 3 m 25 d. Hilbish, Barbara E., w of Philip, b Feb 1815; d Sept 14, 1861, aed 30 y 7 in. 'Hilbish, Dr. Thomas, s of Philip, l July 0, 1849; d May 20, 1881, Iged 31 y 10 in 1 1 d. 1. I). 1820, need 68 Bender, Sol on, d Dee 27, 1864, aged 31' y m 27 d. Bickle, Lloyd W., s ol Norman, d Sepf 3, 1896, aged 1 in lOd. Bickle, John F.,d Jan 30, is;i2, aged 38 y 7 m 1 o d. Bickle, Pauline, dau ol John F., d Mar 3, 1 ss;, aged l y 2 in 22 d. IJrown, Karl Harold, sot Itev. S. I'., d An"' 1 I issi ncred 1 v doctors pronounced it a local dis i ease, and prescribed local remedies ' ' mid by constantly fading to cure Brown, Mar i us, s of Rev. 8. P., b with looal treatment, pronounced it ine.uriioie. ncienco lias proven cu turrli to bo a constitutienal disease, and therefore requires constitutional rent luetic. Hall's ('atari h Cure man- 1 t t o ,i m ... i o i una ia . uiMtarea qj r. . uneney iv jo., d Mar 12, 189(.,agU.y 3 m T()ifi,lo. ()bi i. tll 0nl flonatltiil i tioual cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from ten . In n I... MMI ,1 I I ,.nla M Mi iaat. t f o . o I "i " " -wm .. it aj X, lou H Alar ., loot, . roctlv on the blood and inucous sur- aginl 25 y 10 m 2 d. faces of the system. They offer one L'l-u ri i . w ii i hundred dollars foi any ease it fails I' iaher, Elonora, da., of m. P., b . to curo- yoiu, tm cin.ularii tnd tuH. Mar 8. 1824; d May 1883, aged ."'. y 2 m9 d. Herrold, George Xupoleoii, b ol Samuel i., 1 Dee 30, 1856; d Sepl 2, 1862, aged 5 y 8m 2d. Herrold, Wesley, s of Samuel G., July s, 1863; d Mar23, 1873, aged 9 y o m 1 5 d. Herrold, Saa!i E., W ol II. J. G., I. July 18, I837j d Nov I I, 1856, aged 19 y 3 m 2 1 d. Herrold, Mary ('., dau of H. .1. i., d Sept 22, 183 I, aged 2 m 22(1. lle.-rold. Brastus, sol . j. ;., d Sepl 26, 1m'2, aged 2 y II in ii .1. There is more catarrh in this see lion of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the lbt few years was supposed to be in ourable. For a great many vein s I si .7 i:... a .1.1..,..,.. . i " i , biiuuiiiiiin. ouilivraf P. J. CHUNKY & CO., Tolede, O. ooia oy uniKKists, loo. Hull s Family 1 ills are the best. t. . , . - - i ,,, uev i, iooo;u ceo aged 1 y 3 m 2 d. GftUgler, Aaron t., s of James, b Apr is, 1874; d Jan 30, 1875, aged 0 in 12 !. Gaugler, John W., s of Geo. K., d Sept L., 187, aged 1 y S m rortjrala Days' Tnr via PcatMylvunla MEXICO AND CALII-ORNIA. age. Abel 82 v. d Feb 26, 1SH7, 'I'll. I'rmiNylviiiiiii Uuiln.ail iHTHoni,llv-ron duolod louv to Maxtoo i.ii'l UaltforntA winch leave. New York itud I'liiliwielpliU on Kelirunry I'J I itlHl.iirir 1'iliriiiirv hv -pt'i ial I'lillnnin iriiin, covers a luriri' iiul Intcnaaly Intaraathut Herrold. Majrtialene, w o Abel ! ,M,r;,;:n ,"r N,ortl1 An,,n;'1- 'vi';1,i',rr. ' ' mill ( olutmlo arc a nullity tnn in fill that up- M-al to ami fasrinjiD tin toiiritt. h I .-, will he inu-lrat Han Antnnin, Titmnitwi QtlttltAjUAto- tiiiailitlajiirii. fiu-ri'taro. City f MflXlGO Ii vi! - la -1 , ' iit-rnHvat ii, ua 1 1 i-1 - Lm AihtoIm. mj i in ii HIvorttdQ Pttrndeiu. Santii l-ai Sun A ( Mt. II don , ln-1 Monte, San r ranoltoo i Ave deyii), Bull I jike city, Colorado Springs, Denver. Chloaco, other potnte of tnteriet. Fourteen iny- will be pent in Kexioo, mid nineteen in CnHrornlo The "Medeo end CellfornUi Bpe ihI ." an ei cluilvely 1 u 1 1 inuti tram nf I'm lor-Smukiiik;, DlDlne;, Drew I ng room Bleeping, nd Obeerve lion curst, will In- iimi'cI ovtT tin' ut i n mute. Round trip rnttt, Iui'IihIiiik nil nt'iriirv fx prn-ii'H during t'litirr trip, ?lail from lil I point oi Hi'- I -v i mi t Kaliroad Svtciu cusl ol 'ittptloiru; from I ittflnrtr . Kor itiucnirv and full inrornuitioii apply to ticket uKant- louri-l Agfit, iv. Itroadwav. New or;l I Hilbish, J ames Herbert, s ofPbilip, .1 May 28, 1862, -irod 5 v 2 m 20 d. Hilbish, Charles Kdwin, s of Philip, d Sept 7, 1855, ajrwl (i d. K'b '.), 187, aged l! y 11 m 'Houseworlb, Catharine, W of John, May 24. 1816: d Aor 1872, agey 55 y 10 m 1 :! d. Herrold, John S., Bol Abel, b Feb 13, 1 853; d Oet in, 1875, aged 22 v 7 m 25 d. Herrold, Levi, s of AIh-I, b Dee (i, ls;!S; d Feb 2, 1856, aged 17 y 1 in lid. Herrold, Amelia, dau of Abel. ! May 4, L859; d Jtilr25,1871, i 12 v 2 in 21 d. M. , ... , , ,. Court Blreat, Brooklyn! 78W Broad Straai, Maw- errold, tnilip, soldier, llellt. MeX. lark, N.J.;B. Oourlaendar, Jr., Faarenger Baltl- I I r , r 1 I'l-irMI, i.dmmi i- ,,111.; ' null -mihim-, I ';,'r fent Snnlliciiterii ii-trirt. Wa-h- inift I ,0 ,; Tbot K- Watt, PaannMr Apnl frli'rn DiHtrirt, I'ilt.lMirir, I'll.; ur ii'Mrf.M uao. iii i l a ii i in 'i i I W. Boyd, Aaslaaanl GanaraJ Agent, limnd Herrold, Susan ( ., W of I'lllllp, l I street Station, Philadelphia, ii'.t. War, b Aug 8, 1792: d Mar Hi, 1855, aged i2 y 7 ra 8 d, 23 older, Naney, wof Amos, h Aug 10, 1841; (I July 30, 1881. aged 39 y 11 in 20 d. (ohler, Vernie K., dau of Amos, d June 2, 189, aged 4y 2m 2 Id. bhler, Ada Verdilla, dau of Amos, bDec7, 1860; d Sept 11, j 1807; aged 0 m 4 d. Wiler, Mary Ida, dau of Amos, b tt Aug22, 1801; d Apr 18, 1860, 2 aged 1 y 7 m 26 d. uhler, HeoryE., s ofAmos,bSept 5. 6, 1868; d Sept 26, 1 874, aged 321d. s ineford, J. Horace, s of John, b Deo 6, 1845; d Oct 15, 1880, aged 34 y 10 m 9 d. wers, Jacob O., sof John, b Mar 28, 1883; d Mar 25, 1884, aged 11 m 27 d. aman, Andrew, b Feb 14, 1802; d JNov 12, 1884, aged 82 y 8 m 28 d. bman, Sarah, wof Andrew, d Nov 16, 1870, aged 04 y 8 ai 9 d. a. Mar 14, !797;dSept 29,1879, agwl 82 y 0 m 1.) d. Herrold, Philip K., s of Philip, d Aug 29, 1857, oged 19 y 2 m 20(1. Herrold, Jacob K., s of Philip, b Mar '., 1830; d Mar 10, 1 864, aged 28 y 7 d. Herrold, Frederic, d Sept 18, 1841, aged 75 y 0 in. b Deo 8, 1S05; d Apr 14, 1866, aged 00 y 4 m 0 d. Houscworth, Jienjamin, s of Henry, bMay 30,1858; d Apr 20; 1804, aged 4 y 10 m 20 d. Kramer, Beoeville, b Aug 7, 1820; d Oet 2, 1871, aged 51 v 1 m 25d. Kramer, Klizabcth, w of Beneville, b Aug 7, 1823; d Aug7, 1895, aged 72 y. Nerhood, Itachel, w of Oeorgd, b July 15, 1817; d Mar 22, 187.1, aged 53 y 8 m 7 d. Rine, Peter, b Jan 3, 1815; d Oct 15, 1867, aged 62 y8 m 12 d. Steffen, Margaret, w of George, b May 14, 1817; d Feb 21, 1885, aged 67 y 9 m 7 d. Wilt, Geo. Wash., b July 7, 1831; d Apr 4, 1889, aged 57 y 8 m 21 d. Wilt, John Lewis, s of Geo. W., b May 1, 1868; dMay 7, 1870, 2 y 6 d. St. John's United Brkthbfk j kiddlmpru dbco co . MhMibar It, biiH been demon h( rated reiieat- ; edly in every Htate in the Union and in man.y foreign countries that (Jnam berlain's Oottgh Bemedjr in a certain preventativM and cure for croup. It IniH become the universal remedy for that dinenfle. M. V. Fmlier of Lib erty, W. Va., only repeatH what lias been aaid around the ylobe when lie writeH : "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my family for sev eral voars and always with perfect Huccess. We telieve that it is not Herrold, CathcrineS., wof Frederic, OU& th best cough remedy, but that it is a sure cure for croun. It has saved the lives of our children a number of times." This remedy is tor sale by all Drugfiists. NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality. Lest Vlior tad Manhood Care Impotoncy, Night Emhnlons, Loss of Hem- 1 or, au waituic tuaeaaea, all effects of oolf -abuse or oleosa and indiscretion. nerve tonlo nd .blood bonder. Brinai the pink alow to pale cheeks and restores tl re of efflKwi and restores the Kith. Br mall x. 0 boxes for 60 PILLS 50 CT8. ea. BO, with ear bankable rauranUe to onre ur rsnma hh money Pn and copr of our bankable t llanitf a Tohlao extra strenoth 1101 Ilia IQUI0I0 (TILLOW LABBL) PoaltiTelr ma ran teed core for Loss of Power, Varicocele, Undereloped or Shrunken Organs, Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Nerrons Prostra- nrstena. rita, insanitr, raraijsis ana toe Its of KzceatiTS Use of Tobacco, Opium or or. Bjr xnaja in plain package. J0O a ror h uh win onr oaaaaoia gumr bond to oar In SO deje or rafand ' psda. Address NERVITA MEDICAL CO. MIFFLINBURG MARBLE WORKS. ------ R. H. LANCE, Denier In Marble and neeXeh Uranlte . . . MONUMENTS. HEAD STONES eY CEMETERY LOT ENCLOSURES. i Old Stones Cleaned and Repaired. I t n i . 4 j. r nwes oa low as me i-owesi. Satisfaction Guaranteed. uroBkatroTt, fe. I inn in mi 1 1 inn i mii ONLY ONE CURE FOR SCROFULA. S. S. S. Is the Only Remedy Equal to this Obstinate Disease. There aredoxens of remedies recommended for Scrofula, some of them no doubt being; able to afford temporarr relief, but 8. S. 8. is absolutely mo oniy remeay wnicn oomplBtul y cures it. scrofula lHoneof the most obstinate, di the most obstinate. deeD-snated blood disease, and is bevond the reach of the many so-called purifiers and tonics because some- thinir more than it nmrn SasiIji le mmhIm HUM is equal to any blood trouble, and never fails to cure Scrofula, because it Roes down to the seat of the disease, thus permanently eliminating every 1 v. vi. j tain,. The serious consequences to which Snmfnla mr.i. i..,,,i should impress upon those afiliotetl with it the vital im portance of wasting no time upon treatment which can not possibly effect a cure. In many cases where the wrong treatment has been relied upon, complicated glandular swellings have resulted, for which the dortors insist that a tl linger, ms surgical operation is necessary. Mr. U.K. Thompson, of Milledgoville, Uu.. writes: "A. bail ense of Scrofula broke out on the glands of my neck, which had to be lanced and caused me much suffering. I wns treated for u long while, but the physicians were un able to cure me, ami my condition was at bail as when 1 began their treatment. Many blood remedies Were used, but without effect. Someone recommended S. 8. S., ana began to improve as soon as I had taken a few bottles. Continuing the remedy, I was soon cured permanently. aim nuve never iiuil a sign ol the disease t" return." Swift's Specific S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD is the only remedy which can promptly reach and cure obstinate. ileep-snted Mood diseases. By reiving upon it, nrul not experimenting with the various SO-oalled tonics, etc., all sufferers from blood troubles can be promptly cured, instead of enduring years of suffering which gradually but surely undermines the constitution. 8. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable, and never fails to cure Scrofula, Eczema, Cancer, Rheumatism, Contagious Blood Poison, Boils, I et ter, I'minles, Sores. I' leers, etc. Insist upon S S S. ; nothing can lake its place. Hooks on bloi d and skin diseases will be mailed free to any address by the Swift Speeilic Company, Atlanta, Georgia. FIREH1FE ! ANDiACCIPEMTJ Insurance. Snyder's old, and reliable Gen' Insurance Agency, SELINSGItOVE, SNYDER COUNTY, PA Elmer 47V. Snydor, Agent, Successor to !ho late William H. Snyder. The Par-Exoellenoe of Reliable Insurance is represented i'i the follow ng list of Siiiinliiiil Companies, from wbicb to make a selection. None Better the World over. SJAMK, LOCATION. ASSRTS, FIRE Royal, Liverpool, Eng. (including foreign asseU) 848,000,000.00 Hartford, of Hartford, Conn., (oldeat American Cot) 8,646,786.62 Phoenix, Hartford!, Conn. 6,688,068.07 ('ontiiietital, Now York, 8,764,80873 'i,J4(l,0!IK.K:i 2 4.63H, 983.61' (ioruiuu American. New York. LIFE- II utual Life Inn. Co. Now York. if" VKT .u. ' l :.i.:i:i. i ' . jw7"i " us' VMpdnnudi, Accident Inn. Co. Subscribed Capital of ?3,7.r)O,000.OO Fire, Life and Accident risks accepted at the lowest possible rate, jun tihod by u strict regard to mutual safety. All just claims promptly and satisfactorily adjusted. Information in relal ion lo all classes of Insur ance promptly furn sh -d ELMER W. SNYDER, Agt Telephone No. 1H2. O lice on Corner Water ,fc Fine Sts. Helinscrove. Pa r CC20COOOOCXiQQX)XX)OOGC CX)OOC)OOOOOOCWOCXXXXXXXX5 Read This! Read This! MY PRESENT STOCK OF CARPETS Is larger than ever before : my PRICES LOWER than OTH ERS for 1 1 e SAME GOODS. My prices on 45 rolls of oarpet I wish to close out will suit, tlio pocket book of many and Have ol hers money. Do not think of buying your fall carpets until you give my stock of carpets your attention ami get the prices of some of my baagaina I am offering, Prices just right, on these goods. One Word About Pictures. I am offering my present stock of pictures at cost, LESS THAN COST and some for the price of the glass in the frames. Don't miss this sale. I have some pretty things to offer in Furniture, all new. Later will surprise you in Styles and Prices. UNDERTAKING ! UN DERT AKING ! In this blanch of my business I am prepared to give the public the best sei hiee that can be secured bv money, time and personal attention. Mv euuippage in this branch of business is one of the finest in the htate. HE.Vlt.sES, CARKIAOES and UNDERTAKING PARLORS are up to date. One w ni sboui i report tost my attention ims ) called " lately in regard to BUT prices. I of AllANTKK In lurnlsh t hi- Mime l'imiiI- I.K8H MONEY iIimii nn Iiohm' In I lie conn I . I or AllANTKK lo Hive you easier PAYMENT Hun sit Others. First-Class Livers- Connected iili Undertaking Department. W. H. FELIX, Telephone ( Sonnectioo. 00 OOOOOOOOOOOClXX' " 0 LEWISTOWN, PA. Liberal Adjustments Prompt Payments. ftEMEW.BEH H. HARVEY SCHDCH, GENERAL INS(dRANGE AGENCY SEklNSGRO YE, PA, Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies, Eire, Life, Accident and Tornado. No Assessments No Premium Notes. The Aetna Founded A. D., 1819 Assets 1 11,055,513.88 " Home 44 - " 1853 " 9,853,628.54 American 44 44 1810 44 2,409,584.53 The Standard Accident Insurance Co. The New York Life Insurance Co. The Fidelity Mutual Lile Association. Tour Patronage Solicited.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers